“History has been written in the last week. I am pleased to advise that at long last the
constitutional draft is now available after years of intense processes. I have no doubt in my mind
that it is a critical document that is founded on solid, modern jurisprudential principles,” said
Tendai Biti.(17/07/12)
Trace and explain the history of Zimbabwe’s constitution…levels and characteristics during the
pre-colonial, colonial and after independence. Participants to collaborate.
What is a constitution?
It is the fundamental law that defines how a human society must be governed. It is a framework
upon which the laws, norms, rules and values governing a society are based.
A government without a constitution has no legal power and mandate. (Thomas Payne, 1795).
What is constitutionalism?
Forms of constitutions.
4.1 Unwritten constitutions are also known as uncodified constitutions eg that of the pre-colonial
Kingdom of Oyo, the UK and other liberal democracies. Unwritten constitutions are based on
established checks and balances. The UK constitution influenced by the Magna Carta of 1215 can
best be described as partly written and wholly uncodified. An unwritten constitution is flexible. It
written constitutions are also known as codified constitutions. They are written documents.
Their main advantage is that they are conveniently available for all stakeholders. It is therefore
a contract between the government and the governed. Its weakness is that it ca not be
wholesomely changed willy- Zimbabwe.
Types of constitutions.
Citizens should have sovereign power i.e the right to choose or dismiss a government.
Human rights should be respected and promoted. In addition to civil, political, social and
economic rights, group rights should also be protected. Consider the weaknesses of the
UDHR/ Bill of Rights eg limitations.
Separation of powers of the three branches of government, namely the Executive, the
Legislature (93 Senators and 210 Members of Parliament) and the Judiciary.
Qn Discuss the merits and demerits of the Zimbabwean Copac constitutional draft.