PAG Kenya Constitution - 1998

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This is a revised constitution of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God-

Kenya, as approved by the Special conference of 1998.


The name of this constitution shall be PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES



2.1 Any reference in this document to Constitution shall mean the

Pentecostal Assemblies of God-Kenya Constitution (1998).

2.2 Unless the context otherwise admits, any reference in this document
to PAG-Kenya shall mean the Pentecostal Assemblies of God –Kenya.

2.3 Any reference in this document to the Executive Committee shall

mean the Executive Committee of the Pentecostal assemblies of God-

2.4 Any reference in this document to the Council shall mean the Church
Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God-Kenya.

2.5 Any reference in this document to Special Conference shall mean the
Business Conference which has been specifically convened after due
notice to consider matters set out in ARTICLE 14.2(b).

2.6 Any reference in this document to DARC shall mean Disciplinary,

Arbitration, Restoration and Counseling Committee.

ARTICLE 3: AIMS: The aims of the Pentecostal assemblies of God-

Kenya shall be as follows:-

3.1 To preach the gospel, with signs following, to everybody.

3.2 To establish self-supporting, self-governing, self-propagating

Assemblies and Districts which believe obey and propagate the full
gospel message.

3.3 To provide sound Christian teaching for all members and adherents.

3.4 To operate on its own or in collaboration with other individuals, bodies,

organizations, or institutions such departments, institutions, bodies, funds,
charities or organizations as shall further the accomplishment of the
objectives herein or improve the welfare of members and the society at large.

3.5 To acquire, own, develop and/or use such properties either freehold
or leasehold within and without Kenya in such manner as shall promote
and further the accomplishment of the aims and objectives of PAG-


Members of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God-Kenya shall subscribe to the

following fundamental beliefs;

4.1 The Bible is inspired by God and is the only infallible and authoritative
word of God, the only rule for Christian faith and conduct.

4.2 There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

4.3 The deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, his
sinless life, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the
Father, and his personal future return to the earth in power and glory to the
rule over the nations.

4.4 The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall,
rendering man powerless and subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.

4.5 The only means of salvation is by grace, a turning to God in

repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that this results in
regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

4.6 The redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross
provides healing in the human body in answer to prayer of faith.

4.7 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of
speaking in tongues according to Acts 2 is given to believers who meet
God’s condition for receiving.

4.8 The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the
Christian is enabled to live a holy life.

4.9 The resurrection of the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting
life and the other to everlasting damnation


All PAG-Kenya members shall recognize the following ordinances and


5.1 Baptism in water-All who believes in Christ as Savior and Lord and
repent of their sins, are baptized in water by immersion, declaring to the
world that they have died with Christ and that they have been raised with
Him to walk in the newness of life.(Matthew 28:19,Rom.6:1).

5.2 Holy Communion- This is the Lord’s supper consisting of bread and
the fruit of the vine, symbolic of the believer’s sharing the divine nature
of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Peter 1:4), a memorial of his suffering and
death (1Cor.11:26), and the promise of His second coming and is
enjoined on believers until He comes.

5.3 Dedication of children

5.4 Christian marriage

5.5 Christian burial of the dead

5.6 Prayer for the baptism in the Holy Spirit

5.7 Prayer for the sick.


The Church consists of the following:

6.1 Adherents: Adherents include all who wish to fellowship and

receive spiritual nourishment through the local assembly.

6.2 Junior Membership: Persons between the ages of 12 and 16 who

fulfill the requirements for full membership shall be eligible for junior
membership. Such members do not qualify for voting privileges at
assembly meeting.

6.3 Associate Members: Associate membership is open to persons;

a) over 16 years of age who are born again.
b) who are members of other churches but wish to fellowship
with the local assembly
c) whose admission into full membership is under process and

6.4 Full Members: Full membership is open to persons who are over
16 years of age, provided the following qualifications are met:
a) the persons have given a credible confession and profession
of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
b) has been baptized in water by immersion.

c) lives a life that portrays holy living as evidenced by

refraining from acts of sinful nature as; sexual immorality,
impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, fits or
rage, selfish ambition, dissention, factions, envy, drunkenness,
orgies, and the like (Gal.5:19-21). Sexual immorality shall be
interpreted to mean common-law relationships, premarital and
extramarital sexual relationships (1Cor.6:15-18, 7:1-2, 1Thes. 4:3-
8, Heb. 13:4) and all forms of homosexual and lesbian activity,
along with all other practices deemed inexcusable for Christian
conduct which place a person under God’s judgement (Rom.1:26-
d) subscribes to the PAG-Kenya Constitution and Standard of
Faith and Practices.
e) if married, the marriage must be recognized as a valid
monogamous one.
f) strives to live in harmony with the believers in the assembly.
g) be willing to be a regular financial supporter of the assembly
in tithes, offerings and gifts.

6.5 Transfer of Membership: Members of an assembly moving to

another locality may be given a letter of transfer by the membership
committee of the Assembly from which he/she is transferring to the new

6.6 Resignation: Any member desiring to resign from the assembly

shall submit his/her resignation in writing to the assembly Secretary and
it shall take effect from the date of receipt by the Secretary of such
Suspension/termination of membership in an assembly shall
include the following:
a) any proven immoral act or unchristian conduct after full
investigation of evidence.
b) the propagation of doctrines and practices contrary to those set out
in the Standard of Faith which cause serious discord, disunity and
dissention with malicious intent (Romans16:17,18).


7.1 An Assembly is a group of members who have agreed to come

together in a local church which meets in a building owned, leased or
rented in the PAG-Kenya to worship God, fellowship, observe church
ordinances, and be instructed in the Bible and church doctrine.

7.2 The District Committee shall verify that a prospective assembly

has attained the minimum required condition necessary and petition the
Boundaries Review Commission for the granting of assembly status.

7.3 Self Government: The assembly shall have the right to govern
itself according to the New Testament Scriptures (Ephesians 4:3, 13) and
according to this constitution.

7.4 Real Estate: A self-governing assembly shall have the right to

purchase, acquire by gift, lease or rent real estate under the title of the
PAG-Kenya as may be necessary for the furtherance of the assembly’s

7.5 Authority: A self-governing assembly shall be free to deal with the

land in whatever manner it deems necessary for the furtherance of the
interests of the PAG-Kenya, provided it gets authority from the District
Committee which in turn notify the General Executive.

7.6 Minimum size: An assembly must have not less than fifty (50)
adult attenders on a regular basis.

7.7 Financial Requirements: A self-governing assembly must

demonstrate its ability to care for the pastor’s salary and all other

7.8 Autonomy: When an assembly reaches the level of 500 and above
adult attenders on a regular basis that Assembly shall be eligible for full
autonomy status which may be granted upon petition to the Boundaries

Review Commission.

7.9 Officers: An assembly shall have the following officers who shall
form the Assembly Committee:
a) a credentialed pastor
b) A secretary
c) a treasurer
d) deacons and deaconesses
e) and such other as may be determined by the assembly from
time to time.
7.10 General Meetings: There shall be two classes of assembly
meetings- Annual Assembly Meeting and Special Assembly meetings.

7.11 Agenda For Annual Assembly Meeting: The agenda for an Annual
Assembly Meeting shall consist of the following:
a) confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual
Assembly Meeting or Special Assembly.
b) consideration of the audited statement of accounts
c) election of the assembly committee
d) appointment of a three member audit committee, whose
members must not be committee members, for the coming year.
e) such other matters as the assembly committee may decide on
as to which notice shall have been given in writing by a member or
members to the Secretary at least two weeks before the date of the

7.12 Qualifications of the Pastor: The pastor of an assembly must fulfill

the requirements of 1Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Acts14:23, have
successfully completed Bible College training and possess an
appropriate credential given by the PAG-Kenya Credentials Committee.

7.13 Appointment of a Pastor: When an Assembly has no pastor, the

District Committee may post a pastor to that Assembly after
consultations with the assembly Committee.

a) Initial posting shall be for a period of up to six months,

within which time the assembly will assess the suitability of the
pastor and make its recommendation for the pastor’s continued
b) Within that period of six (6) months, the pastor will be at
liberty to request a different posting.
c) No Assembly shall be without a pastor for more than one (1)
d) After the initial posting and period of probation, appointment
to an Assembly shall run for a four (4) year term which may be
renewed for a similar period only once.
e) This agreement shall be nullified should disciplinary action
be nullified should disciplinary action be taken against the same

7.14 Resignation of the pastor: If a pastor wishes to resign from the

Assembly, he/she must give three (3) months written notice to the
Assembly Committee with a copy to the District Overseer.

7.15 Duties of the Pastor: The Pastor shall;

a) be considered the spiritual overseer of the Assembly and
shall direct all its activities.
b) act as chairman of all business meetings.
c) be an ex-official member of all committees in the Assembly
and shall be notified of all meetings of such committees.
d) be chairman of the Assembly Committee.
e) if ordained, be qualified to administer water baptism, Holy
communion, and upon recommendation by the District Overseer,
to the Executive committee, may be appointed to serve as a
marriage registrar in the issue of marriage licences from the Kenya

7.16 Qualifications of Deacons/deaconesses: Deacons /Deaconesses

shall be full members, of good report and of sound judgement, faithful,
exemplary in matters of stewardship, church attendance, and spiritual

7.17 Number of Deacons/Deaconesses: An assembly must have a

minimum of four elected Deacons/Deaconesses.

7.18 Duties of Deacons/deaconesses: Deacons and Deaconesses shall”

a) serve the assembly and act with pastor in all matters pertaining to
the assembly its spiritual life as well as its financial and business
b) At their first meeting after the general annual meeting, appoint all
department heads needed in the assembly and elect from among the
elected deacons/deaconesses a Secretary and a Treasury.
c) ensure that a tithe (10%) of the Assembly’s general offerings and
tithes is forwarded to the District Treasurer monthly.
d) assist in the ministry of the ordinances.
e) Examine all applications for membership, approving or rejecting
them according to Article 6 of this constitution.
f) act in the administration of discipline in the assembly.
g) assist in the management, upkeep and maintenance of all church
h) Endeavor to see that the pastor is adequately remunerated.
i) Not be eligible for nomination as Deacon/Deaconess until he/she
has attended the Assembly from at least two (2) years.
j) Establish such departments or organs as may be necessary to
further the goals and objectives of the Assembly.

7.19 Branch Churches: with the approval of the Annual Assembly Meeting, the
Assembly Committee may:
a) establish branch churches that will come under the direct supervision
of the mother Assembly.
b) branch churches may become Assemblies when they attain
Assembly Standards, with the provision that should any Assembly fall
below an average of fifty (50) adult attenders it shall then revert to being a
branch church. (Ref. Article 7.6).

7.20 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

a) follow proper business practices in the keeping of assembly

finances which include using receipt books, payment vouchers,

and books of account.
b) keep accurate records of all tithes and offering received in all
Assembly meetings.
c) Be responsible for the prompt counting of all tithes, offerings
and gifts which must be counted by at least two trusted and
responsible members appointed by the Assembly Committee.
d) send all designation money for the District Committee,
Executive Committee, Pentecostal Bible), Nyang’ori Industrial
Training Centre, PAG-Kenya Medical Clinics, Pastor’s Provident
Fund contribution etc to the District Treasurer each month.
e) ensure that all expenditure of funds that deals with major
expenditures, capital investment and the buying and selling of
property must be authorized by an Annual Assembly Meeting or
Special Assembly Meeting.
f) ensure that all Assembly cheques are signed by two of the
following authorized signatories: The Pastor, The Treasurer, The
g) prepare the Assembly accounts for auditing and presentation
to the Annual Assembly Meeting.

7.21. Audit of Accounts: The appointed audit committee of three shall

do a thorough audit each calendar year and the audit committee’s report
must form part of the agenda for the Annual Assembly Meeting.

7.22. Secretary: The Assembly secretary shall be responsible to issue

notices of Annual and Special Business Meeting and keep an accurate,
up-to-date record of all proceeding of all Assembly Business Meeting
and Assembly Committee Meetings.

7.23. Association: Any church fellowship that is not a PAG-Kenya

Assembly wishing to become an Assembly of PAG-Kenya or affiliated
with PAG-Kenya shall apply to the Executive through the nearest
District Committee and if accepted, it shall comply with all
qualifications required of an Assembly and abide by the PAG

Constitution and Standard of faith and Practice.


8.1. District: A District is a group of Assembly in a given geographical

area presided over by a District Committee under the chairmanship of a
District Overseer and must not have less than thirty five (35) Assemblies
in a high density population area or twenty (20) Assemblies in a high
density population area or twenty (20) Assemblies in a low density
population area.

8.2. District Committee : The District Committee is comprised of the

a) District Overseer
b) District Secretary
c) District Treasurer
d) District Women’s Director
e) District Christian Education Director(CED)
f) One (1) lay person
g) Three (3) ordained pastors
8.3. Elections: All of the above positions shall be nominated by secret
nomination ballot from the floor of the District Conference from among
the eligible persons in the District. Elections shall be done by secret
8.4. District Clerk: The District Committee shall appoint a person
conversant with record maintenance and book keeping as a District
Clerk whose duties shall include:
a) Being the Administrator of the District.
b) Being the Recording secretary of the District Committee.
c) Examining the Assemblies’ books of account and generally
supervising the Assembly Treasures.
d) Reporting to the District Committee any Assembly that does
not observe proper accounting systems.

8.5. District By-laws: Any District shall or make proposals as to by-

laws to meet its own local circumstance, save that such proposals shall
not become by-laws until they have been approved by the Executive
committee after the general Administrator has issued a certificate that
such proposals are not inconsistent with any part of this Constitution or
by-law in force.
8.6. Duties : The District Committee shall:
a) Encourage and give direct to the Assemblies in its district.
b) Verify that branch churches applying to the Boundaries
Review Commission for Assembly status actually do meet the
required conditions.
c) Assist in the obtaining of church plots.
d) Receive and forward designated funds.
e) Ensure that a tithe (10%) of all the Assemblies’ general
offerings and tithes that have been sent to the District is forwarded
to the General Treasurer monthly.
f) Ensure that all finances are cared for, using correct
accounting methods.
g) Receive copies of annual audited financial report from the
h) Handle matters of discipline that come to its attention from
the Assemblies.
i) Operate within the framework of the Constitution of PAG-
Kenya and under the guidance of the Executive Committee.
j) Be responsible for appointing and suspending evangelists,
caring for their salaries and place of work.
k) Be responsible for arranging adequate Bible Courses in
conjunction with PAG-Kenya Regional Bible Training (RBT) for
lay people and other such courses or seminars for pastors as shall
be deemed necessary from time to time.
l) Make recommendations for transfers of pastors from its
District to the Posting Committee.
m) Receive names from the Posting Committee to consider for

8.7. Duties Of The District Overseer: The District Overseer shall:

a) Work together with the Executive Committee for the
furtherance of the gospel within the District.
b) Present quarterly reports to the Executive committee.
c) In consultations with the assembly Committee, organize
District Conventions, Rallies, Evangelistic and District wide prayer
conferences, arrange for training seminars for pastors and lay
d) Supervise the work of Assembly pastors and evangelists.
e) Promote, in the district, the work of all departments such as
Pentecostal Bible College, Nyang’ori Industrial Training Centre,
PAG-Kenya Medical Clinics, Women’s Ministries, PAG-Kenya
Missions, Regional Bible Training and the Christian Education
f) Post pastors in consultation with the respective Assembly

8.8. Qualification of the District Overseer:

a) The District Overseer must be a pastor ordained for a period
of not less than six (6) years and holder of a Certificate in Bible
as a minimum.
b) No person having served on the Boundaries Review
Commission shall be qualified for nominations as District

8.9. Duties of the District Secretary: The District Secretary shall be

responsible to:
a) ensure that accurate records of the minutes of District Annual
Meetings and District Committee Meeting are kept.
b) Maintain an up-to-date record of all Assemblies, pastors and
committee members.
c) Be a signing officer of the District Committee bank accounts,
cheques, and official notices.

8.10. Duties of the District treasurer: The District Treasurer shall:

a) Keep proper financial records of all money received and
b) Receive from the Assemblies in the District, tithes and
designated funds.
c) Forward all designated funds, intact, promptly to the General
d) Send a tithe (10%) of all the assemblies’ tithes sent to the
District Committee to the General Executive for its operating
e) Ensure that all Assemblies’ books of account are audited
once a year.
f) Be directly accountable to the District Overseer and the
District Committee.

8.11. Duties of other Committee Members: Without prejudice to the

foregoing, the District Committee may assign duties to other members or
employees as it may deem fit.

8.12. District Conference:

a) Delegates – The District Conference voting delegates shall
consist of the following:
(i) All pastors
(ii) Assembly |Committee Members
b) Timing of District Conference: Without prejudice to the
provisions of the transitional provisions stated in the By-laws, the
outgoing District Officials shall call the District Conference, in
consultation with the Executive Committee, as soon as practicable
after the Business Conference, but in any case, not later than the
end of February following the Business Conference.
c) The District Conference shall be presided over by an
appointee of the Executive Committee and shall elect the District
Overseer and the District Committee.


9.1 Duties: The Boundaries Review Commission shall be a standing

committee whose duties will include:
a) The review of District boundaries once every three years.
b) Upgrading branch churches to Assembly status.
c) Conferring upon Assemblies the status of full autonomy.
d) Listening to interested parties, before reaching a decision.
e) Maintaining accurate records of Assemblies and Districts.

9.2. Composition: The Boundaries Review commission will be comprised

of representatives from:
a) Kisii
b) Coast/Nairobi
c) Central
d) Western (two Representatives)
e) Rift Valley
f) Lake/ Siaya

9.3. Qualifications: Members of the Commission must be people that :

a) Have mature pastoral experience and ability.
b) Have previously served as a member of the council
c) Been ordained for a period of not less than 15 years.

9.4. Appointment: The Boundaries Review Commission members shall

be appointed by the Executive Committee and will serve for a period of
seven years.
9.5. Operating Rules: Subject to the provisions of this article, the
Boundaries Review Commission shall make its own rules for regulating
its business and shall not be subject to the direction of any person or


10.1. Management Committee: The Executive Committee shall be the

supreme management committee of the church and the implementing

authority of PAG-Kenya policies.

10.2. Finance Committee: The Executive Committee shall be a standing

Finance Committee which shall be charged with the responsibility or
reviewing the budget prepared by the General Treasurer and forwarding
it to the council.

10.3. Quorum: The quorum of the meeting of the Executive Committee

shall be five (5) members.

10.4. Duties of The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee

a) Supervise and provide general guidance to all departments
and Districts and is authorized to act for the church in all matters
that affect its interest.
b) Until election is held, fill temporarily all elective positions
falling vacant due to death, resignation, disciplinary action, or
disability within the District Committees.
c) Ensure that elections to fill all vacancies within District
Committee due to death, resignation, disciplinary action or
disability are held within ninety (90) days and in which case, those
elected to office in these circumstances shall hold office until the
next regularly scheduled elections.
d) Diligently manage inventory and professionally manage and
invest church funds in furtherance of the aims and goal of the
e) Ensure that proper books of account are maintained and
audited annually.
f) Cause all properties belonging to the church to bought, taken
held, sold, transferred, mortgaged, leased, assigned or conveyed in
the name of PAG-Kenya as necessity may dictate.
g) Shall recommend to the council the establishment of such
departments, institutions, charities, and funds as will enhance the
health, education and well-being of members of the church, the

disadvantaged and general society.

h) Fulfill any other duties assigned to it by the Council/or the
Business Conference.

10.5 Special Provisions:

a) Any decision that may be taken by a member of the General
Executive Committee, sitting as a committee provided there is a
b) The Executive Committee, sitting as a committee, may take
any action or make any decision that ought to have been taken or
made by a member of the Executive but which he has, for
whatever reason, been unable to carry out.
c) Nothing done by the Executive Committee shall be deemed
to be contrary to this constitution or unlawful unless it contravenes
some specific article of this constitution or by-laws made there


The composition of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
a) General Superintendent
b) The general Secretary
c) The General Treasurer
d) Principal - Pentecostal Bible College
e) The person for the time being serving as District Overseer of the
District within which the Headquarters of the Pentecostal Assemblies
of God-Kenya is situated.
f) The National Women’s Ministries Director
g) The National Missions’ Director
h) One (1) lay person: one respected and suitable lay person who
shall be co-opted by the Executive Committee, at its first meeting after
the Business Conference, who shall henceforth serve as a member of
the Executive Committee until the next Business Conference.
i) General administrator, who shall be an ex-official member
without voting privileges,
j) Co-opted experts, provided that on the recommendation of the
General Administrator, the Executive Committee may admit into its

meetings any such number of experts that it may require to consult

before resolving any issue at hand.


12.1. General Superintendent: The General Superintendent shall :

a) Be the head and the official spokesman of the church.
b) Preside as the chairman at all National Conference, and
Executive Committees meetings.
c) Be at liberty to attend and participate in meetings of other
committees of the church, save for the Assembly and District
d) Articulate, promote and co-ordinate all church ministries
throughout the fellowship.
e) Be signatory of the main bank account.
f) Be the convener of all National Conference and shall give
notice of not less than three months.
g) Perform all duties incidental to his office and have such other
power and duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by
the Business Conference.

12.2. General Secretary: The General Secretary shall:

a) Be secretary to all National Conference, the Executive Committee,
and the Credentials Committee.
b) Cause to be issued notices of all meetings of the Executive
c) Present all proposals to amend the constitution or by-laws to the
Business Conference.
d) Be a member of all committees, save for Assembly and District
e) Be signatory of the main bank account.
f) Ensure that all acts of correspondence or reports to or from the
PAG-Kenya are received or dispatched in the name of the General

g) Be responsible for the issuance of credentials to pastors as directed

by the Credentials Committee.
h) Keep a record of all credential holders and Assemblies.
i) Keep a true and accurate record of all proceedings of the Council
and Executive Committees and shall publish the same as approved.
j) Perform such other duties as are incidental to his office or that the
Business Conference, the Executive Committee or the Council may
assign him from time to time.

12.3. General Treasurer: The General Treasurer shall:

a) Have the care and custody of the funds and securities of the
fellowship and cause the same to be deposited or invested in the
name of the PAG-Kenya in such Bank or Banks or institutions as
the Council may direct.
b) Unless otherwise provided by a resolution of the Executive
Committee, he shall be the first signatory on all cheques, drafts
notes and orders for disbursement money in accordance with the
provision of this Constitution and By-laws.
c) Sign and counter-sign such instruments that require his
d) Prepare the budget for discussion by the Finance Committee
and thereafter present it with or without amendments to the
Council for approval.
e) Ensure that all the books of accounts of the District Treasurer
with regard to financial controls.
f) Issue written financial guidelines to the District Treasurer
with regard to financial controls.
g) Perform all duties incidental to his office or that may be
properly assigned to him by the Executive Committee, the Council
or the Business Conference.

12.4. Qualifications of the General Officers: The General Officers shall

be members of PAG-Kenya and shall be men of mature experience and
ability, who shall not be younger than 40 years of age at the time of first
nomination and not older than 60 years of age at the time of nomination,

ordained for period of not less than ten (10) years, whose life and
ministry are above question, holding a Diploma in Bible or above.

12.5. Term of Office: The General Superintendent, the General

Secretary and the General Treasurer shall serve for a term of five (5)
years, renewable only once upon re-election, without prejudice to the
transitional provisions herein.
12.6. Nomination and Elections:
a) Nominations: At the pastors’ Conference, nominations shall
be made from the floor by secret ballot for each of the offices of
General Superintendent, General Secretary and General Treasurer
which shall be submitted to the Electoral Committee.
b) Elections: The Electoral Committee will submit not less than
three names to the council for verification of qualifications and
return them to the Electoral Committee who presents them to the
Business Conference for election by secret ballot.


13.1. The Administrator shall:
a) Be charged of the day to day administration of church affairs
under the direction of the Executive Committee.
b) Co-ordinate the activities of all departments.
c) Be the recording secretary of all the Executive Committees
and the Conferences.
d) Be the chief advisor to the Executive Committee and Council
on all matters of a technical nature and where his advice is not
complied with or is varied, may demand that his advice as given be
recorded in the minutes.
e) Be the official custodian of the seal of the PAG-Kenya and
shall have custody and control over all movable property as well as
custody of all documents of title in respect of immovable property
owned by the PAG-Kenya.
f) With the approval of the Executive Committee, formulates a
suitable personnel policy and work out terms and conditions of
service for all employees, save for those who are directly under

g) Cause to be deposited in a bank account all monies received
in the course of his duties.
h) Be answerable to the General Treasurer in financial matters
and shall furnish him with such records. Vouchers, receipts and
other documents and will enable the general Treasurer to discharge
his constitutional responsibilities.
i) Provide the General Treasurer with the entire technical
backup as necessary for the General Treasurer to discharge his
j) Perform any other duties that may be delegated to him from
time to time by any one or several of the Executive Officers or
assigned to him by the Executive Committee.
k) In the day to day performance of his duties, the Administrator
shall report to the Executive Committee.

13.2. Appointment of the Administrator: The appointment of the

Administrator shall be accomplished as follows:
a) The position to be filled by the Administrator shall be
b) The Administrator shall be recruited by the Executive
c) The Administrator shall be a committed Christian with
administrative skill and have an understanding of sound financial
d) The Administrator’s term and conditions of service shall be
determined by the Council and such terms shall not be reviewed to the
detriment of the Administrator while his contract is in force.
e) The Administrator shall be appointed on a renewable contract of
seven (7) years, subject to the satisfactory completion of a six (6)
month probationary period at the commencement of the first contract
provided that he/she shall retire upon attainment of 60 years of age.
13.3. Removal:
a) The Administrator shall come under the discipline of the
Executive Committee should there be need for such.

b) The Executive Committee shall refer the matter to the

Council in committee whose majority decision shall be final.
c) Cause for disciplinary action may include: incompetence,
mishandling or misappropriation of funds, departure from the
Standard of faith and practice of the Church, insubordination,
misconduct, and dishonesty.


14.1. Purpose: The Council shall be the body for harmonious debate and
free exchange of ideas and different views on church affairs in the spirit
of Godly love and fellowship.
14.2. Duties: The Council shall:
a) Have the final power or interpretation of the constitution.
b) Be vested with the power to recommend to the Business
Conference desirable changes to the constitution, by-laws and
policies of the church.
c) Oversee the implementation of all policies laid down by the
Business conference.
d) Have the right to query and demand information on policy
implementation and day to day running of affairs of the church.
e) Allow any member of the Council to demand, on reasonable
notice which shall not be less than fourteen (14) days, that copies
of certain documents or information relevant to the issue at hand
be made available to the Council by the General Secretary,
provided that, if in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the
document or information demanded by the Council member is of a
confidential nature and /or its production to the Council may
prejudice the interest of the church, the General Secretary may
decline to produce the document or information demanded, in
which case, the Executive Committee may convene a special
meeting of the Council-in Committee for the purpose of explaining
the general nature of the document or the information without
injuring the interest of PAG-Kenya.
f) Consider all budget proposal presented to it by the Executive
Committee and either approve them as presented or reject them,

save that any budget proposals presented again at an appropriate

time with necessary amendments.
g) Approve and appropriate funds as are necessary to enable it
carry out its responsibilities, provided for that purpose in the
approved budget.
h) Once properly convened, remain in session on a day basis
until it has exhausted all its business for that session and should it
become necessary to adjourn for more than twenty-four (24) hours,
then it must be adjourned to the next scheduled meeting.
14.3. Composition of the Council: The following shall be members of
the council:
a) All members of the Executive Committee, who shall be Ex-
official members with no voting privileges.
b) District Overseer who have Diploma in Bible or higher.

14.4 First Council Convener: The General Superintendent shall

convene the first Council and preside over the election of its first
Chairman and Secretary and soon thereafter, hand over the chair to the
newly elected chairman.

14.5 Officers:
a) The council, without prejudice to the above provision, shall elect
its own Chairman and secretary who shall not be member of the
Executive Committee.
b) Should, for any reason, the chairman or the secretary not be able to
perform their duties, the members present shall appoint, from among
themselves, an acting Chairman or Secretary.
c) In the event that the elected Chairman is permanently unable

to fulfill his duties, the General Superintendent will conduct a new


14.6. Minutes of Council Meetings: The Secretary shall cause the

proceedings of the church to be clearly recorded, showing the

contribution of each member.

14.7. Convener: The council shall be convened on the instructions of the

Chairman of the Council once every six month upon the giving notice of
at least thirty (30) days to all members of the Council.

14.8. Quorum: The quorum of the council shall be fifty percent (50%) of
the members who hold voting rights.

14.9. Executive Privilege: Any member of the Executive Committee

who wishes to be heard on any point in debate by the Council shall be
allowed to address the Council before any decision is taken on the point.

14.10. Confidential matters: The Council, shall constitute itself into

a Council in Committee, when considering matters of a confidential
nature, including matters affecting:
a) Personal of the church.
b) Individual members of the church
c) Budget proposals
d) Relations between PAG-Kenya and other churches or the
state Government.
e) Nominations of candidates for various offices.
f) Term and conditions of employment, dismissals, or the filling
of vacancies within the Executive Committee.

14.11. Confidentiality: Meetings of the Council-in-Committee need not

be open to non-members and its minutes need not show the contribution
and voting patterns of the members.

14.12. Action Procedures: Decisions of the Council in Committee may

be effected immediately, provided that with regard to the filling of
vacancies in the Executive Committee, these must be ratified by the
Business Conference within a period of six (6) months if they have to
continue in force.

14.13. Rules: Subject to the provision of provisions of this article,

the council shall make its own rules for regulating its business.


There shall be four classes of conferences:

15.1.1. Pastors’ Conferences which will:

a) Review pastoral ministries
b) Review the task of evangelism and missions
c) Review tithes and offerings
d) Receive new credential holders
e) Nominate candidates for the Executive once a notice of elections
has been issued by the Executive Committee.

15.1.2. Composition of Pastors’ Conferences.

a) General Superintendent, who shall be Chairman
b) General Secretary, who shall be Secretary
c) Members of the Executive Committee
d) Administrator who shall record proceedings
e) All pastors.

15.1.3. Frequency of the Convening Pastors’ Conferences: Pastor’

Conferences shall meet after every two and one half (21/2) years or as
often as need arises.

15.2. Business Conference: The Business Conference shall be the

supreme policy making body of PAG-Kenya which shall:
a) Approve the General Superintendent’s report
b) Approve the General Secretary’s Report.
c) Consider and approve the General Treasurer’s report which
shall include the Auditor’s report.
d) Approve Departmental reports
e) Appoint a firm of auditors
f) Approve the creation of Districts

g) Conduct elections of the three General Officers

15.2.1 Composition of the Business Conference:

a) Executive Committee members
b) District Committee members
c) Departmental Directors
d) Bible College Faculty
e) All Pastors.

15.2.2 Convener of the Business Conference:

a) The Convener of the Business Conference shall be the
General Superintendent saves that on the instructions of two thirds
majority of the Council, the Administrator shall convene the
Business Conference within three months of the vote.
b) If after the resolution of the two thirds majority of the
council, the Administrator fails to convene the Business
Conference within three month or fails to convene it in accordance
with this constitution or any by-laws relating thereto, the council
may suspend the Administrator and appoint a suitable person who
shall convene the Business Conference within three months and in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and relevant by-
c) Where the Administrator is suspended from office in
accordance with this article, he shall continue to receive all the
fixed emoluments due to his office until the Business Conference
ratifies or annuals his suspension.
d) Where the decision of the Council with regard to the
suspension of the Administrator shall be deemed to have been
terminated with effect from the date of ratification.
15.3 Special Conference: The Special Conferences shall be convened
for the purpose f:
a) Approving all amendments to the Constitution and By-laws
b) Giving consideration of official Council decisions.
c) Giving consideration of policy matters.

15.3.1 Composition of Special Conference:

a) Executive Committee members
b) District Committee members
c) Departmental Directors
d) Bible College Faculty
e) All pastors.

15.4 General Conferences: which shall be convened for the purpose of:
a) Prayer
b) Fellowship
c) Encouragement

15.4.1 Composition of General Conferences:

a) Executive Committee members
b) District Committee members
c) Departmental Directors
d) Bible College Faculty
e) All Pastors
f) Assembly Committee members

15.4.2 Frequency of General Conferences: The General Conference

shall meet as often as possible but not less than once every five years.


a) A third of the members of any class of conference, Annual
Meeting or any committee without prejudice to any other provision
of this constitution shall form a quorum of the Conference, Annual
Meeting or Committee.
b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Constitution,
a record of all delegates invited to the conference shall be kept
open to all the members of the conference bar and only if there is
sufficient evidence that a notice and the agenda of the meeting
were served on all the members shall the quorum be one third of
all those invited, otherwise the quorum at Conference shall be one
half of all the members.


The council in committee for the purpose of shall appoint a Board of

Trustees answerable to the council and not less than three in number:
a) Holding all immovable property of the church
b) Serving as trustees of the Pension Fund subject to their
meeting the qualifications set out in any law in force in Kenya
c) Holding and investing all trust funds in accordance with the
law and advice by experts.


18.1 a) The Board of Trustees shall consist of the person who in

the meantime holds the position of the General Superintendent plus
two other members, who shall not be members of the Executive

b) Members of the Board of Trustees shall appoint from among

themselves a chairman who shall not be the General

18.2 Term of Office: Every Trustees shall hold office for a period of 10
years from the date of appointment, save that the General Superintendent
shall cease to be member on the expiry of his term of office.

18.3 Qualifications: Qualifications of the member of the Board of

Trustees shall be as follows:
a) a full Member of Pentecostal Assemblies of God – Kenya.
b) A man or women of mature experience and ability both in
spiritual and administrative matters whose life and ministry shall
be above question.
c) Is not an undercharged bankrupt or under any legal disability.

18.4 Removal From Office: A Trustee may be removed from the office
if :
a) A receiving order is made against him by a court of law
b) He suffers from infirmity of body or mind.
c) He resigns or is suspended or membership is terminated.

18.5 Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees due

to death, resignation, or removable from the office, the Council in
Conference will fill the vacancy in accordance with this Constitution.


19.1 Any immovable property acquired by PAG-Kenya shall vest in the

Board of Trustees together with such church premises and other
properties that may from time to time be acquired or inherited or handed
over from the Pentecostal of Canada, any other church organization, or
any individual.

19.2 a) For the purpose of this constitution, PAG-Kenya shall be

deemed and is hereby declared to be the sole heir and successor of
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada assets in Kenya.
b) Notwithstanding any provision herein, nothing in this
constitution shall be construed to compel the PAG-Kenya to inherit
any liabilities of The Pentecostal of Canada that had not accrued or
were unknown to PAG-Kenya as at 30th November, 1979.
19.3. PAG-Kenya may in its sole discretion which discretion shall be
exercise in the ordinary manner, in accordance with this Constitution
take cognizance of any liability of The Pentecostal Assemblies of
Canada, and deal with it as it deems fit.


20.1 This constitution supersedes any agreement, understanding or
protocol; whether written or verbal entered into between PAG-Kenya
and any other church, including The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada,

and any such agreement, understanding, or protocol shall remain valid

only to the extent to which it is consistent with this constitution.

20.2 Subject to the provisions of 20.1 above, the Executive Committee

shall be sole authority for granting credentials and accreditations to
foreign missionaries working with PAG-Kenya.



The Executive Committee shall have the power to establish contacts

with other churches, including The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Headquarters, organizations or institutions within or without Kenya in a
spirit of Christian love, based on the principal of partnership and
fellowship in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in so far as such
contacts and or relationships do not derogate from or conflict with
Pentecostal faith and practice.


22.1 No member, pastor or official of the church shall take any matter
or dispute involving a member, pastor, official, organ of the church or
the church to a court of law or any tribunal without first exhausting the
dispute resolution machinery hereinafter.
22.2 b) All members of the church are encouraged to follow the
scripture pattern found in Mathew 18:15, 16 before bringing their
complaint to one of the committees.
c) If the matter is not resolved, or is inappropriate, then the relevant
committee may be contacted, following Mathew 18:17, 18.

22.3 The provision in 22.2 shall not be enforced in the following cases
where the oriented is:
a) under age
b) mentally or physically infirm
c) is psychologically under the control of the offender

22.4 The committee will listen to such cases, faithfully causing a record
of statement made in the case to be kept, and take appropriate action.



23.1 There shall be Disciplinary, Arbitration, Restoration, and

Counseling committee (DARC) at the assembly, District and Executive
level whose main function shall be:
a) To correct, restore to fellowship and, where necessary,
discipline those who yield to all manner of temptations.
b) To reconcile or arbitrate in disputes and differences arising
between and among any of the following: members, pastors,
assemblies, district and officials of the Executive Committee.

23.2 Procedure:
a) No complaint of misconduct or improper act shall be
considered by the DARC unless made in writing and duly signed
by the complainant, save for the provision made in ARTICLE 22.
b) The member complained against shall be advised in writing
and invited to appear before the committee at which time he/she
will be asked to answer verbally to the complaint.
c) If there is an admission of guilt and if contrition, sorrow and
repentance are evident, the DARC shall decide what action to take,
which may include one more of the following:
i. Order restitution.
ii. Order reimbursement of thecomplainant’s costs.
iii. Demand an apology.
iv. Order removal of privileges
v. Order compensation
vi. Issue reprimand
vii. Other action of the committee
23.3 In the event that he/she does not admit to the complaint, a date
shall be set for a hearing before the committee in the presence of the

presence of the complainant when both the complainant and the person
complained against together with their witness will be heard and a
verdict given.

23.4 If wrongdoing is established, the DARC may take one or more of

the following actions:
a) Order restitution
b) Order reimbursement of the complainant’s costs.
c) Demand an apology.
d) Order removal of privileges
e) Order compensation
f) Issue reprimand
g) Order suspension from the fellowship.
h) Order excommunication from the fellowship, save that only
the Executive DARC shall have the power to order or confirm
excommunication from the fellowship.

23.5 Frivolous and Unwarranted Complaints

If a complainant is found to be frivolous and unwarranted from the
beginning or actuated by malice or spite, the DARC may take any of the
following actions against the complainant:
a) demand an apology.
b) Issue a reprimand
c) Order reimbursement of costs to the person complained
d) Order suspension or dismissal from membership, provided
that in all cases, where disciplinary action other than
excommunication is taken against a member, all efforts shall be
taken to counsel and restore the member to fellowship.


Assembly Disciplinary, Arbitration, Restoration and Counseling
Committees shall deal with disputes and differences arising between and
among its members touching on the family, unbecoming conduct,
hostility, contentions and related matters.

a)The Assembly Pastor who shall be the Convener and
Chairperson save that where the Pastor Himself/herself is a subject
of disciplinary proceeding or is for some reason unable to chair
the Assembly DARC, the Assembly committee shall appoint a
temporary Convener who shall chair the DARC.
b) The Assembly Women’s Ministries Director.
c) A Deacon appointed by the Assembly Committee
d) No member who is a subject of disciplinary proceedings shall sit
on the Assembly DARC unless and until the disciplinary
proceedings have been terminated and the member declared
innocent, until such time, the appointing authority shall
temporarily replace that member; if a verdict is pronounced against
him, he shall be substantively replaced until elections are held.

24.2 Term of Office: They shall remain in office for two (2) years.

24.3 Procedure for Consideration of Excommunication Cases: If after

hearing a complaint, the Committees is of the view that the offender is to
be excommunicated from the fellowship, it shall forward the complaint
and the record of proceeding to the District DARC for onward
transmission to the Executive DARC for sentence or review.


25.1 The District DARC Committee shall:

a) Deal with disputes and differences arising between and
i. Pastor in the District,
ii. Assemblies within the District,
iii. Pastors and their Assemblies
b) Hear appeals arising from Assembly DARC Committees
within its jurisdiction and no further appeals shall lie from its
decisions while sitting on appeal.

c) Receive for onward transmission to the Executive

Restoration Committee all Excommunication cases originating
from Assembly DARC Committees.

25.2 Composition:
a) District Overseer who will be the Convener and Chairman
b) Two (2) pastors appointed by the District Committee
c) District Women’s Ministries Director
d) District Secretary.

25.3 Term Of Office: The term of office shall be five (5) years.


26.1 The Executive DARC Committee Shall:

a) Deal with disputes and differences arising between and among:
i) Districts,
ii) District Overseers
iii) Members and District Overseers
iv)District Department and Heads of Departments,
v) Assemblies and their District touching on posting by the
Assemblies, financial management of District funds, and creation
of new Districts,
b) Deal with accusations of departure from doctrinal tenets of faith,
unscriptural and un becoming conduct, failure to co-operate in the
Ministry, incompetence and causing harm rather than edifying the
body of Christ, the propagation of doctrines, and practices contrary to
those set out in the Standard of Faith and Fundamental Beliefs which
cause serious discord, disunity, and dissension with malicious intent,
disputes on the posting of pastors.
c) Hear appeals arising from District DARC committees.
d) Shall have original jurisdiction to it by the Assembly and District
DARC Committees.

26.2 Composition:

a) General Superintendent who shall be the Convener and

b) General Secretary
c) General Treasurer
d) Women’s Ministries Director
e) Lay member of the Executive Committee
26.3 Term of Office: The term of office shall be five (5) years.



27.1 Every DARC Committee: shall have jurisdiction with all disputes
and appeals arising out of election or appointment of a member or
members of a committee below it and take any of the following actions:
a) Discuss the complaint or appeal as the case may be.
b) Nullify the election or appointment and order fresh elections
or appointment within ninety (90) days.
c) Order reimbursement of expenses incurred by the innocent
party, provided that in election and/or appointment disputes, no
second appeal shall be made, and provide that in the course of
hearing an election or appointment dispute, the DARC is of the
view that any person who has committed an offence for which a
disciplinary action is warranted, it may, in addition to any action
prescribed herein, take disciplinary action it may deem necessary.
27.2 Disputes arising out of the election or appointment to the
Executive Committee shall be heard by the tribunal which shall, with
regard to elections and appointments, exercise similar power as the
DARC Committees.
27.3 Any Member being aggrieved by the results of an election or an
appointment to a committee may lay a written complaint to the
appropriate DARC Committee or Tribunal as the Case may be ,
provided that it is be accompanied by at least five (5) signatures of
witnesses who shall testify.


28.1 The appeals and Arbitration Tribunal shall:
a) Hear all disputes and differences arising between and among
members of
i. The Executive Committee
ii. The Executive Committee and the council
iii. Pastors and the Executive Committee
iv. Departments
v. Departmental Heads and the Executive Committee
b) Hear all appeals arising out of excommunication cases
c) Deal with matters touching on departure from the tenets of
faith, unscriptural and unbecoming conduct, failure to co-operate
in the ministry, incompetence, causing harm rather than edifying
the body of Christ, the propagation of doctrines and practices
contrary to those set out in the Standard of Faith which cause
serious disunity and dissention with malicious intent, and disputes
on the posting of pastors.
d) Hear all other appeals from the Executive DARC committee
in both its original and appellate jurisdiction.

28.2. Composition:
a) One senior minister from Nairobi Pentecostal Church
b) One Pentecostal Bible College Representative
c) A lawyer who must be a practicing Christian and in
agreement with the Church’s Standard of Faith who shall be
appointed by the Executive Committee.
d) One Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC)
e) Two retired pastors who must have served on the Council
who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
f) One lay person co-opted by the Tribunal at its first meeting.
g) One mature and respected PAG-Kenya women appointed by
the Women’s Ministry.
28.3 Term of Office: The term of office shall be 7 years.

28.4 Inaugural Meeting:

a) For its first meeting, the General Secretary shall within thirty
days of the Business Conference, write to all organizations entitled
to send their representative’s name to him within thirty days.
b) He shall be the convener of the inaugural meeting of the
Tribunal at which meeting; member of the Tribunal shall choose
their Chairman and Secretary as well as co-opt one lay person.
28.5 Decisions of Tribunal: The Tribunal’s decision on any matter in
dispute shall be final and conclusive.


1. All boundaries of District and Region existing prior to the coming

in force of this Constitution are hereby abolished and all the District and
Regional Superintendents shall cease to hold office forthwith provided
that the Executive Committee may resolve to let the outgoing District
and Regional Superintendents to continue receiving any money they
would have been entitled to for a period of not more than ninety (90)
2. During the transitional period of ninety (90) days, the Assemblies
shall deal directly with the Executive Committee.
3. The Boundaries Review Commission shall create new Districts
and, in consultation with the Executive Committee, organize and
supervise election for the new districts created within 90 days of the
1998 special Conference.
4. Commencement Date: The commencement date of this
constitution shall be on the Monday following the elections of 1998.
5. Term of Office for the Executive Officers: The General
Superintendent, the General Secretary and the General Treasurer elected
in 1998 shall take their position immediately and remain in office until
December 31, 2003 unless lawfully removed or the office falls vacant
due to death, resignation, or disability.
6. Administrator: The Executive Committee taking office after the
special Conference of 1998 shall appoint an Administrator within six
months of taking office.

7. Term of office of District Committees: The District Committees

elected immediately after the special Conference of 1998 shall remain in
office until February 29, 2004 unless lawfully removed or the office falls
vacant due to death, resignation, or disability.


BY-LAWS made under the authority of the Revised Constitution of the

Pentecostal Assemblies of God-Kenya.


In pursuit of attaining its objective, the PAG-Kenya shall be involved in
the establishment and/or operations of the following
i) Pentecostal Bible College (PBC)
ii) Nyang’ori Industrial Training Centre (NITC)
iii) Pan Africa Christian College (PACC) – Nairobi
iv) Creative – Goibei
v) Evangel Publishing House (EPH) – Nairobi

vi) Christian Education Department (CED)

vii) Women’s Ministries Department (WED)
viii) Pastor’s Provident Fund (PPF)
ix) Missions and Evangelism Department (MED)
x) Education Department (ED)
xi) Medical Department (MD)
xii) Regional Bible Training (RBT)

Each Department or institution shall be coordinated by a Department

Head appointed by the Executive Committee or by the Governing Board


2.1 Missions and Evangelism Committee:

The Missions and Evangelism Committee shall be comprised of
the National Missions Director, who by virtue of his office, is Secretary
of the Standing Missions and Evangelism Committee, the General
Secretary and the general Superintendent and three (3) other people,
nominated by the Executive Committee. It shall meet at the call of the
Chair who is the General Superintendent.
2.2 Christian Education:
The Christian Education Committee shall consist of the Christian
Education Directors from each of the District of PAG-Kenya. The
National Director of Christian Education and Youth shall be chairman
for the Committee. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair for
the planning of programmed and method of implementation on a
national scale, subject to the approval of the Council.

2.3 Women’s Ministries:

The Women’s Ministries Committee shall consist of the District
Women’s Director. The National Women’s Ministries Director shall be
the Chairwomen of the Committee. The Committee shall meet at the call
of the chair for the planning of program and methods of implementation
on a national scale, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

2.4 Pastors’ Provident Fund Committee:

The Pastors’ Provident Fund Committee shall consist of the General
Superintendent, the General Secretary, The General Treasurer who shall
be its chairman, and the Administrator. The Committee shall meet at the
call of the chair. This Committee, among other things, will deal with
retirement of pastors and advise Provident Fund Trustees of those who
have attained Retirement age of Sixty-five (65) years.

2.5 National Education Committee:

The National Education Committee shall consist of the General
Superintendent, the Principal of Pentecostal Bible College, National
Christian Education Department Director, CREATE Director, Missions
Director, Three (3) Headmasters/Headmistresses from PAG-Kenya
sponsored schools, Three (3) Members appointed by the Executive
Education Secretary. The Committee shall be chaired by the National
Education Directors.

2.6 Posting Committee:

The Posting Committee will include the General Superintendent, who
will be its Chairman, the General Secretary, the General Treasurer, the
Principal of Pentecostal Bible College, two (2) other qualified members
appointed by the council who will serve for a period of two (2) years but
may be re-appointed. This committee will be responsible to review the
recommendations from the Districts regarding transfer of pastors from
one District to another and to recommend to districts, pastors without
Assemblies. The committee shall meet at the call of the chair.

2.7 Credentials Committee:

The Credential Committee is comprised of the members of the Posting
Committee. The Credentials Committee will be responsible for
reviewing annually all credential holders and issuing credentials to all
PAG-Kenya workers. They will also be empowered to withdraw
credentials from any worker if deemed necessary after thorough
investigation by relevant committees.

2.8 Electoral Committee:

a) The Electoral Committee Chairman shall be informed by the
General Superintendent when the pastors’ Conference and related
Business Conference will be called for the purpose of conducting
b) The Electoral Committee is responsible for organizing and
conducting the elections in consultation with the Executive
c) Composition: The Members of the Electoral Committee are
as follows, provided that these members must not be the same as
those on the Appeals and Arbitration Tribunal:
i. One senior minister from Nairobi Pentecostal Church
who will be the Chairman.
ii. One representative from Pentecostal Bible College.
iii. A lawyer who must be a practicing Christian and in
agreement with the church’s Standard of Faith who shall be
appointed by the Executive Committee.
iv. One Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC)
v. Two retired pastors who must have served on the
Council who will be appointed by the Executive Committee
and who are not members of the Appeals and Arbitration
vi. One lay person co-opted at its first meeting.
vii. One mature respected PAG-Kenya women appointed
by the Women’s Ministries.

3 Election Procedure:
The nomination and election procedure shall be as follows:
a) The delegates at the Pastors’ Conference will nominate, by
secret nomination ballot, candidates for the position of General
b) The Electoral Committee shall cause these ballots to be
counted and forward not less than three names to the Council for

verification of qualifications.
c) These names will be returned to the Electoral Committee
who will present the three names with the highest number of
nominations to the Business Conference for election by secret
ballot. If there is no clear winner in the first election ballot, there
will be a second election ballot cast with the candidate who
received the lowest number of votes in the first round being
dropped from the list of candidates. A simple majority in the
second election ballot will be deemed sufficient to declare an
d) Once the General Superintendent is elected, the Pastors’
Conference will be re-convened to nominate, by secret ballot,
candidates for the position of General Secretary. The same
procedure followed in b) and c) above will be used to effect an
e) Finally, after the General Secretary has been elected, the
Pastors’ Conference will be too re-convened to nominate, by secret
ballot, candidates for the position of General Treasurer. The same
procedure followed in b) and c) above will be used to effect an
f) Nomination and election ballot will be kept in a secure place
for six months from the date of election after which time they may
be destroyed.

4. Autonomous Assemblies:
a) Application for such status shall be made by the relevant
Assembly to the Boundaries Review Commission.
b) Autonomous Assemblies shall deal directly with the PAG-
Headquarters in their contribution of tithes and designated funds.
c) Autonomous Assemblies shall have the right to call their own
pastor(s). Term and conditions of service for the pastor(s) will be
the responsibility of the Assembly Committee.
d) Autonomy shall in no way be used to flaunt or contradict the
PAG-Standard of Faith and practice nor violate the spirit of
fellowship within the movement.

5. Annual and special Assembly Meetings:

a) The Annual Assembly Meeting shall be held not later than
March 31 of each year. A notice of the Annual Assembly Meeting
shall be given on the three consecutive Sundays immediately
proceeding such meeting and copy of the notice and the agenda
shall be posted on Assembly bulleting board and the annual
statement of audited accounts shall be displayed in the Assembly
Office fourteen days prior to the Annual Assembly Meeting.
b) Special Assembly Meeting may be called for any purpose by
the assembly Committee. A notice of such Special Assembly
meeting shall be given on the three consecutive Sundays
immediately preceding such meeting and a copy of the notice and
the agenda shall be displayed on the Assembly bulleting board or
other conspicuous place.

6. Deacons/Deaconesses.
All Deacons, Deaconesses and all other Assembly Officers other than
the Pastor shall be elected by the full members of the Assembly by
secrete ballot and shall serve for a two year period and may stand for re-
election. Their term of office begins on the first day of the month
following the date of election. No member shall be eligible for
nomination as Deacon/Deaconess until he/she has attended the
Assembly for at least two years.

7. Business Practices:
a) The collection counting slip shall be filled in ink and signed
by the persons counting the collection of the tithes and offerings.
Under no circumstance whatsoever is one person to count the
offering alone.
b) Numbered Receipts Books: The treasurer shall receive the
collection along with the collection counting slip, write a receipt
which must agree with the counting slip, using a numbered receipt
book, and keep the original counting slip in a file for audit

c) Bank Accounts: Assemblies are strongly advised to have

bank accounts where the assembly funds are kept.
d) Numbered Payment Vouchers must be used for all payments
people receiving money from Assembly funds for whatever
purpose must sign the payment voucher or provide a properly filled
in receipt which must be signed by the treasurer or person
authorized to pay out money. These vouchers must be kept in a file
along with other financial documents.
e) Disbursement of Funds: The Assembly Committee shall give
instruction to the treasurer for the disbursement of Assembly funds
for the following purposes:
i. General expenses
ii. Upkeep of buildings and contents
iii. Pastor’s salary
iv. Evangelistic activities
v. Benevolence and other approved activities
vi. No Funds of the Assembly shall be distributed among
the members of the Assembly, save for benevolent situations.
vii. Accounting Practices: Proper accepted accounting
practices must be followed.
8. Record Keeping: The Assembly Secretary shall cause the
following record up to-date:-
a) Membership Roll
b) Register of Children’s Dedication
c) Baptisms
d) Deaths
e) Inventory of Assembly Property
f) Register of Important Documents kept in the PAG-Kenya
g) Attendance Records

9. Fees and Charges for DARC Committee: The following charges

will be paid to the respective DARC Committee:
1. Assembly DARC Committee: Shs. 50/=
2. appeals from Assembly to District: Kshs. 200/=

3. original cases in the District : Kshs. 300/=

4. Appeals from the District DARC to the Executive DARC:
Kshs. 1,000/=
5. Original cases in the Executive DARC: Kshs. 5,000/=
6. Appeals to the Appeals and Arbitration tribunal: Kshs.

10. Appeals:
1. All appeals must be filed within sixty days of the verdict.
2. Complaints must be filed within six months from the date the
act or omission complained of was committed, save that the DARC
may, in its discretion, extend the period to twelve months where it
can be shown that the delay in filing the matter was not occasioned
by negligence, spite or malice on the part of the complainant.

11. Reimbursement of Costs:

The Successful party will be entitled to a reimbursement of costs that
may be incurred. If these are not paid to him within a reasonable period

after the verdict, the DARC that awarded the costs may impose further
sentence in lieu of or in addition to the reimbursement.

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