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Rough record and Fair record are needed to record the experiments conducted in the laboratory.
Rough records are needed to be certified immediately on completion of the experiment. Fair records
are due at the beginning of the next lab period. Fair records must be submitted as neat, legible, and


In the fair record, the index page should be filled properly by writing the corresponding experiment
number, experiment name , date on which it was done and the page number.

On the right side page of the record following has to be written:

1. Title: The title of the experiment should be written in the page in capital letters.
2. In the left top margin, experiment number and date should be written.
3. Aim: The purpose of the experiment should be written clearly.
4. Apparatus/Tools/Equipments/Components used: A list of the Apparatus/Tools/ Equipments
/Components used for doing the experiment should be entered.
5. Principle: Simple working of the circuit/experimental set up/algorithm should be written.
6. Procedure: steps for doing the experiment and recording the readings should be briefly
described(flow chart/programs in the case of computer/processor related experiments)
7. Results: The results of the experiment must be summarized in writing and should be
fulfilling the aim.
8. Inference: Inference from the results is to be mentioned.
On the Left side page of the record following has to be recorded:

1. Circuit/Program: Neatly drawn circuit diagrams/experimental set up.

2. Design: The design of the circuit/experimental set up for selecting the components

should be clearly shown if necessary.

3. Observations:

i) Data should be clearly recorded using Tabular Columns.

ii) Unit of the observed data should be clearly mentioned

iii) Relevant calculations should be shown. If repetitive calculations are needed, only show a
sample calculation and summarize the others in a table.

4. Graphs: Graphs can used to present data in a form that show the results obtained, as one or more
of the parameters are varied. A graph has the advantage of presenting large amounts of data in a
concise visual form. Graph should be in a square format.


1. Always wear tight shirt/lab coat, pants and shoes inside workshops.
2. REMOVE ALL METAL JEWELLERY since rings, wrist watches or bands, necklaces, etc. make
excellent electrodes in the event of accidental contact with electric power sources.
3. DO NOT MAKE CIRCUIT CHANGES without turning off the power.
4. Make sure that equipment working on electrical power are grounded properly.
5. Avoid standing on metal surfaces or wet concrete. Keep your shoes dry.
6. Never handle electrical equipment with wet skin.
7. Hot soldering irons should be rested in its holder. Never leave a hot iron unattended.
8. Avoid use of loose clothing and hair near machines and avoid running around inside lab.


DO: 1. SET MULTIRANGE METERS to highest range before connecting to an unknown source.

2. INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR about faulty equipment so that it can be sent for


DO NOT: 1. Do not MOVE EQUIPMENT around the room except under the supervision of

an instructor.
Program : Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Code : 5039B Course Title: Applied Electronics Laboratory

Semester : 5 Credits: 1.5

Course Category: Program Elective

Periods per week: 3 (L:0 T:0 P:3) Periods per semester: 45

CO-PO Mapping:

CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration Cognitive

Name of Experiment
Outcomes (Hours) Level

CO1 Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C

M1.01 Adder circuit 1.5 Applying

M1.02 Integrator 1.5 Applying

M1.03 Differentiator 1.5 Applying

M1.04 Comparator 1.5 Applying

M1.05 Zero Crossing Detector 1.5 Applying

M1.06 Schmitt trigger 1.5 Applying

Identify various power semiconductor devices and plot the V-I

characteristics of SCR
Identify various terminals and check
M2.01 the following power semiconductor Applying
(a)SCR (b) DIAC (c)TRIAC (d)UJT (c)IGBT (d)

Set up a UJT relaxation oscillator circuit and

M2.02 2 Applying
observe the waveform
M2.03 Plot the VI characteristics of SCR 3 Applying

Lab Exam 3

Build controlled rectifier circuits using SCR and set up a triac firing

Construct a single phase half wave controlled

M3.01 rectifier circuit using SCR for resistive load and 3 Applying
observe the waveforms across load and SCR.
Construct a single phase half controlled
M3.02 rectifier circuit using SCR with R load and 3 Applying
observe the waveforms across load and SCR.
Set up a TRIAC Firing circuit Using DIAC and
M3.03 3 Applying
observe the waveforms across TRIAC and load

Construct various industrial control circuits using power

semiconductor devices.

Set up a DC motor speed control circuit using

M 4.01 3 Applying
SCR and verify the output

M 4.02 Set up an emergency lamp circuit using SCR 3 Applying

Setup a of battery charger circuit using

M 4.03 3 Applying

M 4.04 Assemble a fan regulator using thyristors 3 Applying

Construct an automatic street lamp circuit using

M 4.05 3 Applying

Lab Exam 3
Exp No: 1 Date:
Exp Order: Page

Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C

AIM: To design and setup a summing amplifier circuit with OP AMP 741C for a gain of 2
and verify the output.
Sl .No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 DC power source 1.5V 2
3 Function generator (0- 1MHz) 1
4 Oscilloscope 1
5 Bread board 1
6 IC 741C 1
7 Resistor 3
8 Probes and connecting wires As required.


Op-amp can be used to design a circuit whose output is the sum of several input
signals. Such a circuit is called a summing amplifier or an adder. Summing amplifier can be
classified as inverting & non-inverting summer depending on the input applied to inverting &
non-inverting terminals respectively. Circuit Diagram shows an inverting summing amplifier
with 2 inputs. Here the output will be amplified version of the sum of the two input voltages
with 1800 phase reversal.

PROCEDURE Vo = - ( Rf/ Ri )(V1+V2)

1. Check the components.

2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give V1 =V2 = +1.5V DC with polarity as shown in fig.1.
5. Make sure that the CRO selector is in the D.C. coupling position.
6. Observe input and output on two channels of the oscilloscope simultaneously.
7. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.
8. Verify that the output voltage is -6VDC
9. Repeat the procedure with V1 =1Vpp / 1 KHz sine wave and V2 = +1.5Vdc as
shown in fig2.
10. Verify the output .


(Note: The experiment may be repeated for different values of gain)


The output voltage of an inverting summing amplifier is given by Vo = -( Rf / Ri )(V1+V2)
Let Ri = 1.1KΩ
Then Rf = 2.2KΩ
Then Vo = -2(V1+V2)
V1= 1.5 DC
V2= 1.5 DC
Then Vo=?
V1= 1Vpp sine wave
V2= 1.5 DC
Then Vo=?

Exp No: 2 Date:
Exp Order: Page number:


Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C

AIM: To design and setup a difference amplifier circuit with OPAMP IC 741C for a gain of 2
and verify the output.
Sl. No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 DC power source 1.5V 1
3 Function generator (0-1MHz) 1
4 Oscilloscope 1
5 Bread board 1
6 IC 741C 1
7 Resistor 3
8 Probes and connecting wires As required.


A difference amplifier is a circuit that gives the amplified version of the difference of
the two inputs, Vo =A(V1-V2), Where V1 and V2 are the inputs and A is the voltage gain.
Here input voltage V1 is connected to non-inverting terminal and V2 to the inverting
terminal. This is also called as differential amplifier. Output of a differential amplifier can be
determined using super position theorem. When V1=0, the circuit becomes an inverting
amplifier with input V2 and the resulting output is V02= -Rf /Ri (V2). When V2=0, the circuit
become a non-inverting amplifier with input V1 and the resulting output is V01= Rf/Ri(V1).
Therefore the resulting output according to super position theorem is
Vo = V01+ V02 = Rf/Ri(V1-V2)
1. Check the components.
2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give V1 = +1.5V DC with polarity as shown.
5. Give V2= 1Vpp/ 1 KHz sine wave.
6. Make sure that the oscilloscope coupling selector is in the D.C. position.
7. Observe input and output on oscilloscope simultaneously.
8. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.

(Note: The experiment may be repeated for different values of gain)


V1= 1.5 DC
V2= 5Vpp sine wave
Then Vo = ?
Exp No: 3 Date:
Exp Order: Page
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C
AIM: To design and setup a zero crossing detector circuit with OP AMP 741C and plot the
Sl .No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 Function generator (0- 1MHz) 1
3 Oscilloscope 1
4 Bread board 1
5 IC 741C 1
6 Probes and connecting wires As required.


It is the open loop/ saturation mode operation of op-amp. Here the signal is given the
non-inverting terminal. So the output signal is in phase with the input signal. Such a circuit is
called non-inverting zero crossing detector. In open loop configuration, the gain of the
opamp is very high, so when the input voltage is above zero voltage, output of the circuit
goes to
+ Vsat which is approximately +13V. Similarly when the input voltage is below zero voltage,
the output goes to - Vsat which is approximately -13V

1. Check the components.

2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give Vin= 2 Vpp/ 1KHz sine wave.
5. Observe input and output on the oscilloscope simultaneously.
6. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.
7. Verify the output .


Exp No: 4 Date:
Exp Order: Page
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C
AIM: To design and setup a Schmitt trigger, plot the input output waveforms and measure
VUT and VLT.
Sl .No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 Function generator(0- 1MHz) 1
3 Oscilloscope 1
4 Bread board 1
5 IC 741C 1
6 Resistor 3
7 Probes and connecting wires As required.


It is a regenerative comparator or it is a comparator with hysteresis. This circuit uses

positive feedback and the op-amp is operated in saturation. The output can take two values
+Vsat and –Vsat. When output = +Vsat, the voltage appearing at the non-inverting
terminal is VUT or UTP = +Vsat( R1/R1+R2) called the upper threshold point. Similarly
When output = - Vsat, the voltage appearing at the non-inverting terminal is VLT or
LTP = -Vsat( R1/R1+R2) called the lower threshold point. When Vin is greater than UTP, the
output will switch from +Vsat to –Vsat. Similarly When Vin is less than LTP; the output will
switch from -Vsat to +Vsat which is shown in the graph. The difference between UTP-LTP is
called hysteresis. Hysteresis avoids false triggering of the circuit by noise. Hysteresis curve is
the plot of Vo versus Vin . Schmitt trigger circuit is used to convert any irregular wave into
square wave.

1. Check the components.

2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give Vi= 10 Vpp / 1KHz sine wave.
5. Observe input and output on two channels of oscilloscope simultaneously.
6. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.


(Note: The experiment may be repeated for different values of UTP and LTP)

UTP = +Vsat( R1/R1+R2)
Let UTP = +3V and LTP = -3V,
UTP, +3 = +13( R1/R1+R2)
Let R1 = 1 KΩ
Then R2 = 3.3KΩ


UTP =?
LTP =?

Exp No: 5 Date:
Exp Order: Page
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C
AIM: To design and setup a Differentiator circuit using OP AMP 741C and plot their pulse
Sl. No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 Function generator (0- 1MHz) 1
3 Oscilloscope 1
4 Bread board 1
5 IC 741C 1
6 Resistor 1
7 Capacitor 1
8 Probes and connecting wires As required.


It is an opamp circuit which performs the mathematical operation of differentiation.

That is the output waveform is the derivative or differentia l of the input voltage. That is
Vo= - RfCd(Vin)/dt. The differentiator circuit is constructed from basic inverting amplifier by
replacing the input resistance Ri with capacitor C. This circuit also works as high pass filter.

1. Check the components.

2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Keep the oscilloscope in AC coupling mode.
5. Give Vi= 2Vpp, 1KHz square wave.
6. Observe input and output on two channels of the oscilloscope simultaneously.
7. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.


Given f = 1 KHz
So T = 1/f = 1ms
Design equation is T = 2πRfC
Let C = 0.01µF
Then Rf = 15KΩ
Let Ri = Rf/10 = 1.5KΩ

Exp No: 6 Date:
Exp Order: Page
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to Develop various op - amp circuits using IC 741C
AIM: To design and setup an integrator circuit using OP AMP 741C and plot its pulse
Sl. No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 Function generator (0-1MHz) 1
3 Oscilloscope 1
4 Bread board 1
5 IC 741C 1
6 Resistor 1
7 Capacitor 0.01µF 1
8 Probes and connecting wires As required.


It is a closed loop op-amp circuit which performs the mathematical operation of

integration. That is the output waveform is the integral of the input voltage and is given by
Vo = ( -1/RfC) ∫Vindt. The integrator circuit is constructed from basic inverting amplifier by
replacing the feedback resistance Rf with capacitor C. This circuit also works as low pass

1. Check the components.

2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give Vi= 2Vpp, 1KHz square wave.
5. Keep the oscilloscope in AC coupling mode.
6. Observe input and output on two channels of the oscilloscope simultaneously.
7. Draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.


Given f =1 KHz
So T = 1/f = 1ms
Design equation is T = 2πRiC
Let C = 0.01µF
Then Ri = 15KΩ
Take Rf = 10Ri = 150KΩ
Exp No: 7 Date:
Exp Order: Page

Course Outcome:
Students will be able to identify different power electronic
Identify various terminals and check the following power semiconductor devices (a)SCR (b) DIAC


SI no Component Quantity
1 Name
TYN616 1
2 1
3 BT 1
4 2N2646 1
TO 1
6 IRF540N 1


A silicon controlled rectifier or semiconductor controlled rectifier is a four-layer solid-state
current-controlling device. The name "silicon controlled rectifier" is General Electric's trade name for a
type of thyristor. The principle of four-layer p–n–p–n switching was developed by Moll, Tanenbaum,
Goldey, and Holonyak of Bell Laboratories in 1956.
The DIAC (diode for alternating current) is a diode that conducts electrical current only after its breakover
voltage, VBO, has been reached momentarily. Three, four, and five layer structures may be used.A DIAC
is a full-wave or bi-directional semiconductor switch that can be turned on in both forward and reverse
polaritiesThe name DIAC comes from the words DIode AC switch. The DIAC is an electronics component
that is widely used to assist even triggering of a TRIAC when used in AC switches and as a result they are
often found in light dimmers such as those used in domestic lighting.

A TRIAC (triode for alternating current; also bidirectional triode thyristor or bilateral triode thyristor) is a
three-terminal electronic component that conducts current in either direction when triggered.The
bidirectionality of TRIACs makes them convenient switches for alternating-current (AC). In addition,
applying a trigger at a controlled phase angle of the AC in the main circuit allows control of the average
current flowing into a load (phase control). This is commonly used for controlling the speed of a
A unijunction transistor (UJT) is a three-lead electronic semiconductor device with only one junction. It
acts exclusively as an electrically controlled switch. Unijunction Transistor.A unijunction transistor (UJT)
is a three-lead electronic semiconductor device with only one junction. It acts exclusively as an electrically
controlled switch. Unijunction Transistor.

IGBT stands for insulated-gate bipolar transistor. An insulated-gate bipolar transistor is a three-terminal
power semiconductor device primarily forming an electronic switch. It was developed to combine high
efficiency with fast switching. It consists of four alternating layers that are controlled by a metal–oxide–
semiconductor gate structure.Figure (a) shows the symbol of an IGBT. It is a power transistor that
combines an input MOS and an output bipolar transistor. Figure (b) shows an example of the IGBT
structure. A P region is formed on the drain side of the MOSFET.

Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors commonly known as MOSFETs are electronic devices used to
switch or amplify voltages in circuits. It is a voltage controlled device and is constructed by three
terminals.When voltage is applied to the gate, an electrical field is generated that changes the width of the
channel region, where the electrons flow. The wider the channel region, the better conductivity of a device
will be.

Exp No: 8 Date:
Exp Order: Page number:


Course Outcome:
Students will be able to understand working of

To set up UJT triggering circuit and Plot the wave forms.


Sl No Components & Equipments Specification Quantity

1 UJT 2N2646 1
2 Resistor 100Ω 2
3 Potentiometer 100KΩ 1
4 Capacitor 0.47µf 1
5 DC Power supply 0-30V 1


A uni junction transistor (UJT) is an electronic semiconductor device that has only
one junction. The UJT has three terminals: an emitter (E) and two bases (B1 and B2 ). The
base is formed by lightly doped n-type bar of silicon. Two ohmic contacts B1 and B2 are
attached at its ends. The emitter is of p-type and it is heavily doped. The resistance
between B1 and B2, when the emitter is open-circuit is called inter base resistance.
Initially the capacitor charges through R whose voltage is applied to the emitter of UJT.
When the capacitor voltage reaches peak point voltage of UJT. the UJT will switch to on
Now the capacitor discharges through the output resistance. Thus the pulse is generated in
the circuit.


1) Set up the circuit as shown in diagram.

2) Switch ON the power supply and observe the wave form at the terminals of UJT
3) Plot the wave forms Vc,VB1 and VB2 with respect to time
4) Vary the potentiometer and note the changes in the wave form


Constructed the UJT triggering circuit and plotted the wave forms
Exp No: 9 Date:
Exp Order: Page
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to understand Identify various power semiconductor
devices and plot the V-I characteristics of SCR
To plot the V-I Characteristic of silicon-controlled rectifier.


Sl No Components & Equipments Specification Quantity

1 SCR 2P4M 1
2 Resistor 1M 1
3 Bulb 40W,230V 1
4 Multimeter 3
5 Power Supply 0-30V,0-300V 2


An elementary circuit diagram for obtaining static V-I characteristics of a thyristor is

shown in Fig. 4.2 (a). The anode and cathode are connected to main source through the
load. The
gate and cathode are fed from a source Es which provides positive gate current from gate to

cathode.Fig. 4.2 (b) shows static V-I characteristics of a thyristor. Here Va is the anode

voltage across thyristor terminals A, K and I a is the anode current. Typical SCR V-I
characteristic shown in Fig. 4.2 (b) reveals that a thyristor has three basic modes of
operation; namely, reverse blocking mode, forward blocking (off-state) mode and forward
conduction (on-state) mode. These three modes of operation are now discussed below:

Reverse Blocking Mode: When cathode is made positive with respect to anode with
switch S open, Fig. 4.2 (a), thyristor is reverse biased as shown in Fig. 4.3 (a). Junctions
J1 J3 are

seen to be reverse biased whereas junction J 2 is forward biased. The device behaves as if
two diodes are connected in series with reverse voltage applied across them. A small
leakage current of the order of a few milli amperes (or a few microamperes depending
upon the SCR rating) flows. This is reverse blocking mode, called the off-state, of the
thyristor. If the
reverse voltage is increased, then at a critical breakdown level, called reverse break-down
voltage VBR, an avalanche occurs at J1 and J3 and the reverse current increases rap-idly.
A large current associated with VBR gives rise to more losses in the SCR. This may lead
to thyristor damage as the junction temperature may exceed its permissible temperature
rise. It should, therefore, be ensured that maximum working reverse voltage across a
thyristor does not exceed VBR. When reverse voltage applied across a thyristor is less than
VBR, the device offers a high impedance in the reverse direction. The SCR in the reverse
blocking mode may therefore be treated as an open switch.Note that V-I characteristic
after avalanche breakdown during reverse blocking mode is applicable only when load
resistance is zero, Fig. 4.2 (b). In case load resistance is present, a large anode
current associated with
avalanche breakdown at VBR would cause substantial voltage drop across load and as a
result, V-I characteristic in third quadrant would bend to the right of vertical line drawn at
Forward Blocking Mode: When anode is positive with respect to the cathode, with gatecircuit
open, thyristor is said to be forward biased as shown in Fig. 4.3 (b). It is seen from this figure
that junctions J1, J3 are forward biased but junction J2 is reverse biased. In this mode, a small
current, called forward leakage current, flows as shown in Figs. 4.2 (b) and 4.3 (b). In case
the forward voltage is increased, then the reverse biased junction J 2 will have an avalanche
breakdown at a voltage called forward break over voltage VB0. When forward voltage is less
than VBO, SCR offers high impedance. Therefore, a thyristor can be treated as an open
switch even in the forward blocking mode. Forward Conduction Mode: In this mode,
thyristor conducts currents from anode tocathode with a very small voltage drop across it. A
thyristor is brought from forward blocking mode to forward conduction mode by turning it on
by exceeding the forward breakover voltage or by applying a gate pulse between gate and
cathode. In this mode, thy-ristor is in on-state and behaves like a closed switch. Voltage drop
across thyristor in the on state is of the order of 1 to 2 V depending on the rating of SCR. It
may be seen from Fig. 4.2 (b) that this voltage drop increases slightly with an increase in
anode current. In conduction mode, anode current is limited by load impedance alone as
voltage drop across SCR is quite small. This small voltage drop v T across the device is due to
ohmic drop in the four layers.



1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. The value of gate current IG, is set to convenient value by adjusting VGG.

3. By varying the anode cathode voltage VAA gradually in step by step, note down the cor-
responding values of VAK and IA . Note down VAK and IA at the instant of firing of SCR
and after firing (by reducing the voltmeter ranges and ammeter ranges) then increase the
supply voltage VAA . Note down corresponding values of VAK and IA.

4. The point at which SCR fires, gives the value of break over voltage VBO.

5. A graph of VAK V/S IA is to be plotted.

6. The on state resistance can be calculated from the graph by using a formula.
7. The gate supply voltage VGG is to be switched off.

8. Observe the ammeter reading by reducing the anode cathode supply voltage V AA .The
point at which ammeter reading suddenly goes to zero gives the value of holding current

9. Steps no.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are repeated for another value of gate current IG .


Ig= Ig= Ig=

Vs Vak Is Vs Vak Is Vs Vak Is

The V-I characteristics of silicon controlled rectifier is plotted on the graph which is true
according to theory.
Exp no. 10
Phase Control using TRIAC-DIAC
AIM: -. To study the AC voltage control by using TRIAC-DIAC combination

APPARATUS:- TRIAC BT136, DIAC DB3, bulb, supply voltage, resistors, high
voltage capacitor, potentiometer, breadboard

Ac voltage controllers converts the input ac voltage to a variable voltage at the same
frequency. As the output voltage increases negatively or positively the capacitor is
charged through the load , resistor R and potentiometer, When the capacitor voltage
exceeds the breakdown voltage the Diac is turned on. The Capcitor now discharges
through the DIAC and this appears as a positive pulse across the gate of the TRIAC
turning it ON. This allows the ac power to flow across the bulb, a similar operation
occurs in the negative half cycle too. The delay after which the TRIAC turn ON os
determined by the charging rate of the capacitor and hence by potentiometer

Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram (a)

By varying the variable resistance R1 in step by step, observe the variation of intensity of


T=RC, f=50Hz, T=1/f=20ms ,Let C=0.1 micro F, so R=200k
take 470k ohm pot. Select R1=10kohm, R2=2.2 kohm
Result:Study of phase control of TRIAC and DIAC has been
Experiment No:11
Automatic Street Light
Using TRIAC and DIAC
AIM: -. To set up a circuit for automatic control of street light using TRIAC ,DIAC and

APPARATUS:-TRIAC BT136, DIAC DB3, LDR, bulb,supply voltage, resistors, high

voltage capacitor, potentiometer, breadboard

Ac voltage controllers converts the input ac voltage to a variable voltage at the same
frequency.Here the circuit is designed in the day condition . The load resistance is
designed by using voltage divider rule ao that the drop acrtoss the LDR is fixed as 20V.
Now during day hours LDR have low resistance compared to night. So the current flows
through LDR during day hours and the DIAC is not triggered on so that the TRIAC is
also off during day hours.
During night hours the resistance of LDR increases. So current flows through DIAC and
TRIAC. The capacitor gets charged and once the capacitor voltage exceeds the
breakdown voltage the DIAC is turned on. The capacitor now discharges through the
DIAC and a positive pulse is obtained at the gate of the TRIAC , same operation repeats
during negative half cycle.

Set up the circuit on the bread board as shown in the figure. Apply the input 230v Ac. First
the LDR is kept exposed to the light and then cover the LDR and observe the bulb glowing.
Change the pot to vary the intensity of light.

The white resistance of LDR be 4 k ohms
VinX RLDR/(R1+R+RLDR) =20V

R1+R> 33kohms
Let R=42 Kohms and R1=470 K ohms


Study of automatic control streetlight using TRIAC DIAC and LDR has been conducted
Experiment No:12
Half wave controlled rectifier
AIM: -. To set up a half wave controlled rectifier
APPARATUS:-Transformer, SCR(2P4M),Diode(IN4007),Resistors(10k,1k),pot (100k)
As shown in Circuit diagram primary of transformer is connected to ac mains supply
with which SCR becomes forward bias in positive half cycle. T1 is triggered at an angle
α, T1 conducts and voltage is applied across R. During negative half cycle the SCR is
reverse biased and thus it wont conducts. The current will follow the shape of the voltage
waveform since the load is resistive.
Set up the circuit on the breadboard as shown in the circuit diagram. Apply 230 v ac
supply to the primary of the transformer. Observe the waveforms on DSO. Use the pot to
change the firing angle and thus observe the maximum and minimum firing angle
possible. Plot the waveforms on a graph

A half wave controlled rectifier circuit was set up and the waveforms were plotted for
varying firing angle.
Experiment No:13


Sl. Experiment

1 Set up a DC motor speed control circuit using SCR and verify the output

2 Set up an emergency lamp circuit using SCR

3 Setup a of battery charger circuit using thyristors.

4 Assemble a fan regulator using thyristors

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