g7 Mt2 s2 Exams 2024

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2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. Any rough work must be done in this paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question
5. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
6. It’s highly recommended to draw illustrations when explaining a
7. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
8. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
9. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
10. Learners must answer the questions in English.

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(2 Marks)
1. State two functions of the cut-off drains.

i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

(4 Marks)
2. State four types of soil erosion





(2 Marks)
3. Name the types of seedbeds shown below

(2 Marks)
4. Identify two causes of soil pollution in the agricultural environment.
a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
(3 Marks)
5. State three ways of conserving surface runoff water.

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________

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(3 Marks)
6. In one of the Agriculture lessons, the teacher asked learners to search for
the meaning of Agroforestry and share their findings with their peers. If the
teacher was happy that their definitions were correct.

a. State clearly what the learners might have said.



b. Give two reasons why agroforestry should be practiced in Kenya.



(3 Marks)
7. A facilitator came to Heiman School during an Agriculture lesson and asked
grade 7 learners on the importance of water retention. What answers did
they give?



(3 Marks)
8. State three farming practices that enhance conservation of water in the soil?




(1 Marks)
9. Identify one minimum tillage practice.
(2 Marks)
10. Which among the following animals can be sheared?

11. What do you understand by the term surface run – off. (2 Marks)

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12. Grade 7 pupils from Gedi Junior School visited a nearby farm. They noted the farm had a
shallow depression filled with water. The water conservation method is known
as___________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(3 Marks)
13. State three ways through which plants protect land against soil erosion?




(6 Marks)
14. Grade 7 learners were instructed by their Agriculture teacher to carry out
minimum tillage operations on the farm.

a. What is minimum tillage?

b. Name two operations the learners likely carried out
c. Why did the teacher ask them to carry out these operations?

(2 Marks)
15. List two ways of practicing safe soil pollution control measures.
a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(3 Marks)
16. Name three animals that can be prevented by the use of a safe trap?

a) ____________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________

c) _____________________________________________

17. State two factors to consider when sorting and preparing seeds as planting materials.
(2 Marks)
a. _______________________________________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________________________________

(3 Marks)
18. Grade 7 learners visited a plantation and observed some structures used for
conserving surface runoff. Name the three structures they observed.

a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________

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c. ______________________________________________________________________________

(1 Marks)
19. The gardening practice from the diagram below is known as

20. Explain the term agroforestry?(2 Marks)





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2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. Any rough work must be done in this paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question
5. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
6. It’ s highly recommended to draw illustrations when explaining a
7. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
8. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
9. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
10. Learners must answer the questions in English.

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+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
(2 Marks)
1. The method of landing in the game of netball shown below is known as;

(2 Marks)
2. Below is an equipment used in
sports activities. The experiment
drawn below is most likely to be a

(1 Marks)
3. The skill in the game of netball shown below is known as ________

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(2 Marks)
4. The illustration below shows a
javelin spear. The part marked
R is called the

(2 Marks)
5. The illustration below shows down-
sweep method. The skill shown
below is likely to be applied in

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(2 Marks)
6. Drawn below is a softball
player. The player drawn
below is practicing.

(1 Marks)
7. Write true or false

When making chest pass, the player makes a Y-grip on the ball

8. The types of runners in relay races are (2

____________________________ and Marks)

9. During a netball match, which opponent are usually in your home goal

a. ____________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________

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c. _____________________________________________________ (3

10. There are two legal landing techniques in netball, name (2

them. Marks)

11. What is shooting in the game of handball?


12. Grade 7 learners were playing netball game. Name two player positions
that are allowed to (2 Marks) shoot for a goal.

(5 Marks)
13. Edwin explained the meaning of the words below. Write the correct
explanations he gave.

a. Dodging ________________________________________________

b. Marking ________________________________________________

c. Off balance ______________________________________________

d. Intercepting _____________________________________________

e. Shuffling ________________________________________________

(3 Marks)
14. Outline three styles of finishing a race.


(3 Marks)
15. Complete the personal management skills with its descriptions.

a. Forming teams and working together. ….......................................................

b. Being punctual in training. …...........................................................

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c. Believing in your abilities. …...........................................................
(Time management, Teamwork, Self-confidence)

16. Mention two ways a player may use to dodge in netball. (2 Marks)

(3 Marks)
17. Name any three races where athletes are needed to use a starting block?

a. ….................................................................................................
b. ….................................................................................................
c. …..................................................................................................

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(4 Marks)
18. Outline four body movements that a player should make when
marking an opponent in the game of netball.

i. __________________________________________________________________

ii. __________________________________________________________________

iii. ___________________________________________________________________

iv. __________________________________________________________________

(3 Marks)
19. Give three techniques used in long jump.

a. ________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________

(2 Marks)
20. Name two types of dribbling in the game of handball.



21. Identify any two body movements a player may use when marking an
opponent in a game of (2 Marks) netball.

(5 Marks)
22. List five qualities of a good player in handball.






23. Outline the four phases of putting a standing shot.

a. ____________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________

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c. ____________________________________________

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d. ____________________________________________ (4

(2 Marks)
24. Other than the chest pass give two other examples used in the game of

a. _______________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________

25. A ________________________ has 3 beats. (1


26. i) A three-part song is sung in ___________ different voices.

ii) Such a song is said to be in ____________.

iii) A good example of such a combination of voices is


27 (2
. What is a staff? Marks)
28 What is the difference between a quaver and a (2
. semiquaver? Marks)
29. Write the meaning of the following terms as used in performing Arts.

i) Pitch ______________________________________________

ii) Clef _______________________________________________

iii) Staff _______________________________________________

iv)Ledger lines _________________________________________

(2 Marks)
30. Write the value of:

Minim ….......................................................

(2 Marks)

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31. Write the value of:

Crotchet …...................................................

32. Why do we group notes? (1


33. What is the French rhythm name for:

i) Gochet __________________________________________________

ii) Minim ____________________________________________________

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iii) Semibreve (3
________________________________________________ Marks)

34. How is proper use of body and space important in the (2

delivery of verse? Marks)

35. Give two examples of three parts of a song that can make up a three
part song.

a. ________________________________________

b. ________________________________________

(3 Marks)
36. Fill in the blank spaces in questions a, b and c below

a. Proper pronunciation of words during a performance is known as


b. What do we show on our faces to indicate our feeling?


c. The movement of some body parts to emphasize an idea during a

performance is called?

(3 Marks)
37. Define the following terms in relation to music performance.

i) Tempo ______________________________

ii) Pitch ________________________________

iii) Dynamics _____________________________

(2 Marks)
38. What is performing arts?


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(3 Marks)
39. Outline three importances of Performing Arts.

a. _________________________________

b. _________________________________

c. __________________________________

40. Performing Arts with grade 7 learners. List FIVE importance of

performing Arts they discussed.

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__________________________________________ (5

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Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________

ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question
4. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
5. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
6. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
7. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
8. Learners must answer the questions in English.

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+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
1. What is CRE? (2 mks)


2. Identify three reasons why studying CRE is important (3 mks)

a. ____________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________________

3. Explain How CRE helps us to relate well with others. (4 mks)

a. ________________________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. State five Moral and religious values acquired from studying of CRE. (5 mks)
a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________________

5. Outline the two Biblical accounts of creation. (2 mks)

a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
6. State the order of creation from the first to the last.(7 mks)
Day God’s creation

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+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke

7. State five Similarities in the two biblical accounts of creation. (5 mks)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________________________

e. ______________________________________________________________________

8. State four differences in the two biblical accounts of creation. (8 mks)

First account Second account

9. State four importance of protecting animals, fish and birds.(4 mks)

a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________

10.State three responsibilities given to human beings by God.(3 mks)

a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________

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+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
11.Outline three reasons why Christians take care of plants and animals.(3 mks)
a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

12.State three contribution of Plants to economic growth.(3 mks)

a. ___________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________

13.Name three Natural resources in Kenya.(3 mks)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

14.State three importance of learning about creation. (3 mks)

a. _______________________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________________________

15.Outline three points on Africans view on creation. (3 mks)

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

16. State four ways in which Christians protect and care of animals, fish and birds.(4 mks)
a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 |
+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
17.State five Attributes/nature of God from the Genesis stories of creation. (5 mks)
a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________________________

e. ______________________________________________________________________

18.Mention three reasons why Christians take care of animals, fish and birds.(3 mks)
a. _____________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________________

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 |
+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________

ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


A) Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
B) Answer all the questions in this paper.
C) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
D) Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
E) Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
F) Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
G) Use blue or black pens when writing answers.
H) Learners must answer the questions in English.
COMPOSITION. (20 marks)
I could hardly sleep that night simply because ______________________________________________

























































Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Human Rights
One area that the constitution of Kenya of Review Commission will have to seriously discuss and
upgrade is that of human rights.
Human rights is a very fundamental component of any political process .When you talk of a
democratic constitution , you are simply talking about human rights .When you talk of good
governance you are; in essence , urging people to respect human rights .
Human rights form the foundation of the human family. The very existence of the human race
depends on the fact that we recognize everyone’s right to live and to enjoy freedom and security
.If we did not guarantee each person these rights, the human family would stare extinction in face.
There is, therefore, need to rewrite the Kenya Constitution from a human rights ‘perspective .In
any case, the clamor for constitutional review was precipitated by extensive abuse of human
rights and liberties of the citizens .Days are not forgotten yet when police brutality was the order of
the day. The officers charged with the responsibility of protecting the citizens would mercilessly
club and kick one senseless in the name of maintaining law and order.
The issue of human rights should therefore be central in the constitution .It should supersede all
other issues like the presidency, parliament, the judiciary and other organs of government.
Kenyans have the rights of association and individuals are free to express themselves even if the
views are not in line with the thinking of the powers that be .In this particular respect, we should
never again allow these basic human rights to be denied to us .No longer must we allow detention
without trial to be used as a weapon to silence those who dare raise their voices against gross
injustices in society.
Subsumed in the concept of human rights are children’s rights .For a long time, society has
tended to ignore this area. Stories are reported in the newspapers of children being tortured,
forced to work, denied the opportunity to go to school, married off when they are of school age
and circumcised against their own will .Even more horrifying are cases in which defenseless
children, sometimes just a couple of months old, are brutally defiled .Yet others are wrapped in
plastic bags and thrown in dumping sites to be devoured by scavenging dogs.
Without legislation to protect children’s rights, these atrocities are bound to increase .However,
legal measures have been instituted and most of these heinous deeds have now been

Answer the following questions

1. What is the work of the constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC)? (2mks)


2. What constitutes good governance? (2mks)


3. How would the denial of the right to life and security lead to extinction of the human family?


4. Explain what a constitution is according to the passage. (2mks)



5. Identify four human rights mentioned in the passage.(4mks)





6. What can Kenyans do to ensure that no basic human right is denied from anyone? (4mks)




7. Rewrite the following sentence in singular:

Even more horrifying are cases in which defenseless children, sometimes just a couple of months
old are brutally defiled. (1mk)




8. Explain the meanings of the following words

(a) Precipitated

(b) Supersede


(c) Atrocities


Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful girl known as Karia in a distant village. One day,
Karia and her mother went to dig in the garden by the edge of the forest that was home ogres
that could talk and sing. When it was time to leave, the mother out called her daughter who was
bathing in the stream near the garden. “Karia” we had better rush home; darkness will soon
descend upon us and there are many ogres along the way.
Karia hurriedly picked up the luggage her mother her mother had packed and they went home.
Once reaching home, Karia realized that she had left her beautiful neckless by the stream where
she had taken a bath. Her grandmother had given to her saying, “take good care of this neckless
and pass it on to your eldest daughter.” Karia was very depressed at the fact that she had left it
beside the stream.
‘Mother, I have to go back for the neckless. I forgot it by the stream,’ Karia said.
“No my daughter, it is already dark outside and besides the ogres are roaming the forest.”
She could not bear the thought of her only daughter setting out in the pitch darkness.
The girl started crying, saying that if she waited for daylight, she would find the neckless missing.
Her mother withdrew to the kitchen to check whether the food was ready. She came out only to
find Karia missing.
“Karia, Karia! Karia! Where are you? Come!” she called out. It dawned on her that Karia must have
gone back to the stream for the neckless. She immediately run to her brother-in-law’s home in
search of her husband panting; “father of Karia, gather other men, Karia has gone back to the
stream for her neckless! Oh, my only daughter ………those ogres……. What will I do?”
“What is wrong with my daughter? I could have bought her another necklace”, said karia’s father.
It took about an hour for men to prepare and set out to for the search. Their hearts beat with
apprehension as they pressed through the dark.
Karia had been running swiftly and by this time was by the edge of the forest. She slowed down for
the remaining part of the journey in order to catch her breath. The early morning chilled her skin.
The thought, “if I fail to get the neckless, what will I tell my granny?” quickened her pace to where
she had undressed and found that her neckless was intact. Joy flooded her heart. She quickly
picked up the neckless and started on her way home with a springy leap, laughing at her mother’s
fear of ogres.
She had hardly taken a few steps, when she met an ogre squarely planted in the middle of the
path. In order to be allowed to pass she sang:
You ogre
Do not bother me
I am njanwa’s daughter
Take this bead
And let me pass
The ogre accepted the bead and let her pass only to run through the bush past her and stop in
the middle of the road. She reached the point where it stood blocking the way and she repeated
her song. By the time she was half way back home, she had run out of beads. Having no
alternative, she tearfully said, “take this arm let me pass.”
Through her sorrow and pain, she thought of the necklace and the ogre that still demanded
something in exchange for passage.
After a while, she had only one leg and so the ogre decided to eat her up. Her father and the
village elders came upon the satisfied ogre. They spared it and slit open its belly. To their delight,
Karia emerged, holding the beautiful necklace.
There ends the story.
a) What type of narrative is this? (2mks)


b) State the functions of the formula used in the story. (4mks)



c) State and illustrate any three oral features of narratives evident in the story. (6mks)


d) Identify two socio-economic activities of the community in this community. (2mks)



e) Identify and illustrate two character traits of Karia. (2mks)



f) Explain one lesson learnt from the story. (2mks)



1. Replace the underlined phrases in the sentences below using a suitable collective noun. (4mks)
a) The Kenya Defense force operate large number of ships.


b) The father, mother and children attended the wedding ceremony.



c) A fisherman normally nets a large number of fish at Lake Victoria.



d) The tourists were excited on seeing large groups of elephants.



2. Fill in the blanks using the simple present forms of verb in the brackets. (4mks)
a) My luggage…………………………..very heavy (be)
b) Omindo and Khaemba………………………at sugar company (work)
c) Each athletic ………………………………their exercises early in the morning.(do)
d)He normally…………………………………….a bus to the city center.(take)
3. Rewrite these sentences in the past tense form. (3mks)
a) Milano prefers to swim early in the morning.


b) Whenever the president visits a school he plants a tree.



c) Are you planning to attend the trade fair this year?



4. Fill in the gaps in the following passage with the correct form of the word given in bracket (6mks)
Malaika liked watching her children as they played. Although she …………………(feel) that life was
…………………(good) when she was younger, she …………………….(know) that things will never be
same again. She remembered that as she was ………………….(grow) up, most of people were
……………………..(generous) than people today. Urbanization truly was a double edge sword. It
had …………………(lead) to the degeneration of values in the society.
5. Rewrite the following sentences in their superlative form. (3mks)
a. Mukani is a pretty girl.


b. The governor is a senior officer in a county.



c. Kaluki considers English as a good subject.



6. Replace the underlined phrases with a suitable adverb. (2mks)

i) The teacher walked into the classroom in a quick manner.


ii) Ali drove the pickup truck in a careless manner along the dusty road


8. Complete the following sentences using this correct word from this given in brackets.(2mks)
i) The material is rather …………………………… (coarse, course)
ii) I stopped seeing the dog…………………………………….. (all together, altogether)
9. Fill the gaps in the following sentences by using the correct form of the word in brackets. (2mks)
a) The ………………………… of the factory dealt a big blow to the workers. (close)
b) The family has enjoyed a deep sense of ………………………….for the last decade. (cohesive)
10. Rewrite the following sentences in the plural form. (3mks)
a) A night flight is more comfortable for me.


b) The Commander-in-chief is the most powerful person in the armed forces.



c) Her new table cloth has beautiful colours.



13. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with suitable pronouns. (2mks)
a) Can………………………….be good friends? You and I have known each other for long enough.
b) I cannot allow………………..to take over the restaurant before she is well trained.
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question
4. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
5. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
6. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
7. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
8. Learners must answer the questions in English.
1. State other five names of the Quran. (5 mks)

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 |
+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________
2. Mention three pillars of Islam (3 mks)
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
3. What was the need for revelation of the Quran? State five points. (5 mks)
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________________________
e) ___________________________________________________________

4. State three roles of Angel Jibril in the revelation of the Quran.(3 mks)
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
5. Describe the two stages in which the Quran was revealed. (4 mks)
a) ________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________
6. What three Lessons are learnt from the surah Al-Fatiha? (3 mks)
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________

7. Mention four Circumstances under which Suratul fill was revealed. (4

a. ____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 |
+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
d. _____________________________________________________________
8. List four etiquettes required in reading the Quran. (4 mks)
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________

9. Outline three differences between Hadith and Sunnah. (6 mks)


Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 |
+254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
10. Outline the origin of Hadith. (5 mks)
11. Outline three Contribution of Hadith to Islamic thought and
culture. (3 mks)
a. ____________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________
12. Mention three Articles of Iman. (3 mks)
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
13. What is the meaning of Tawheed? (2 mks)
14. Mention two Categories of Tawheed. (2 mks)
a. _______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
15. Write four significance of Tawheed. (4 mks)
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
16. Mention 4 common forms of shirk al-Akbar. (4 mks)
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________
17. Mention how the Quran condemns shirk. (5 mks)
a. ____________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website:
c. ____________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________

18. State how differently t h e shirk-Al-Akbar has been manifested. (5

a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________

19. Mention three differences between Angels Jinns and Human

beings. (6 mks)
N Angels Jinns Human being



20. State five duties of Angles in general. (5 mks)

a) __________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________
d) __________________________________________________
e) __________________________________________________

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website:
JINA: _______________________________________________________
SHULE: _____________________________________________________

NAMBA YA MTIHANI ____________________ TAREHE__________________


Alama Zote Alama 60

Alama Ya
Jibu maswali yote kwenye nafasi ulizoachiwa wazi Mwanafunzi
baada ya kila swali.
Asilimia %

Kwa Mtahini Pekee


80-100 Kuzidisha Matarajio

60-79 Kufikia Matarajio

40-59 Kukaribia Matarajio

Below 40 Belchini Ya Matarajio

Mwandikie mwalimu mkuu barua ukimweleza kilichokufanya kutofungua shule
mapema mwanzoni mwa muhula wa pili.















































Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuatia.
Sagamba aliikodolea macho saa ya ukutani. Saa kumi na moja kasoro dakika
tano. Hapo alianza kuyarudisha mapazia ya dirisha la ofisi. Alipanga ya kazi na
kuanza kutoka. Mara rununu ikatoa mlio. Kisha ikazima. Aliitazama majalada na
kuona aliyiempigia. Alitabasamu na kuirudisha rununu mfukoni.
Zilizala ilikuwa baa maarufu sana mjini. Sagamba na wenzake waliitwa
‘wanachama wa kudumu’ kwa uzoefu wao wa kwenda hapo. Mara simu lilia tena.
Sagamba aliichukua na kuitazama kwa muda. Alisonya kwa hasira kabla kuisogeza
sikioni. “Halo! Tafadhali rudi nyumbani mapema, mtoto hasikii vizuri,” sauti hiyo
ilisema. Alikuwa mkewe. Sagamba aliizima simu kabisa huku akisema, “Sitaki
kusumbuliwa. Yaani mtoto anakuwa mgonjwa mwisho wa mwezi ambapo nimepata
donge langu nono?” Sagamba alikuwa amepata mkopo wa laki mbili kutoka kwa
chama cha akiba na mikopo kwao kazini. Mifukoni alifutika vitita vya noti za elfu elfu.
Ndani ya baa alizingrwa mithili ya nyuki wanapozuru ua lenye mbelewele.
Huko nyumbani mkewe alijaribu kumpigia simu mumewe asimpate. Simu
ilikuwa imezimwa. Mtoto alizidiwa maradhi na kuwa hoi. Mama hakusubiri, kwani
uchungu wa mwana aujuaye mzazi. Alimfunga mbeleko mwanawe na kupiga
milundi hadi kwa jirani. Jirani alipomwona mtoto amekodoa macho na punmzi
kumpapa alijua maji yamezidi unga. Aliwasha gari lake mara moja na kufululiza hadi
hospitali ya mkoa mjini. Mwna alipokelewa upesi upesi na kuanza kupewa
matibabu. Ilikuwa mnamo saa saba usiku jirani alipoomba kurudi nyumbani.
Kule Zilizala mambo yalimwendea sanjae Sagamba. Alilewa akalewalewa.
Pombe ilimkolea na kusaha kuwa ‘utamu wa kidonda umemuua nzi.’ Alipoletewa
bili ya kulipa vinywaji, alitumbukiza mikono mfukoni kutoa pesa. Apate nini! Hela
zilikuwa zimefagiliwa zote! Alipiga ukwenzi kama mwehu. Macho yaliingia kiwi na
akabaki kuchanganyikiwa. Mara alimshika mashati bwana mmoja kifefe aliyeketi
karibu naye na kumwambia amrudishie pesa zake. Yule bwna hakuwa na nafasi ya
kukaribisha matusi yoyote. Vurumai ikaanza kupikika. Joto likakolea na kuiva hadi
vita vikazuka. Sagamba alipigwa akapigika na kutupwa nje ya baa. “Hajalipa hela
ya vinywaji!” Wahudumu walilalamika. Ulevi uliomjaa kichwani haukuruhusu miguu
yake kuchana mbuga. Alianguka katikati ya barabara ya lami, nusura gari dogo
limgonge. Alikuwa amechubuka usoni na magotini. Leo pombe imemweza
Sagamba. Kwa kweli, ‘maji huua mwogeleaji hodari’. Yule mwenye gari alipiga
breki ghafla. Mara gari la polisi waliokuwa zamu likafika.
“Nitajitolea kumbeba tumpelekek hospitali, alisema Yule mwenye gari ndogo,
bila kutambua kuwa ni jirani yake”. Polisi waliliaandama gari lhilo la msmaria mwema
hadi hospitalini.
Huko hospitali, mama mtoto alipoona mwanawe amepata lepe la usingizi,
naye alijinyoosha kwenye kitanda kilichokuwa hakina mgonjwa karibu na cha
mwanawe. Ghafla alishtuka alipoamshwa na mwuuguzi, “Tafadhali tunakuomba
utupishe, tunataka kumlaza mgonjwa mwingine hapa”. Mama alijizoazoa kitandani
kumpisha mgonjwa. Hakujishughulisha na mgonjwa huyo. Alisimama na kutafuta
mahali pengine pa kuzipanga mbavu zake.
Usiku ulipita haraka. Majogoo yalisikika kwa mbali. Sagamba alipata fahamu.
Alipofungua macho alijikuta yumo hospitalini. Bado akiwa na chelewa, alijipapasa
na kuipata rununu yake mfukoni mwa koti. Aliiwasha na kusoma arafa: BASI UJUE
Arafa hiyo ilitosha kumtia kiwewe. Alihisi maumivi mwilini, kupoteza pesa zake
na sasa, mwana hospitalini. Kwa kweli “hakuna msiba usio na mwenziwe”.
Sagamba alitembea dede kwa maumivu hadi wadi ya watoto.
Mama aliyekuwa bado hajaamka aligutushwa na sauti aliyoitambua kwa mbali
“Shazi mwanangu, kwani umelazwa hapa hospitalini?” Mama alikiendea hima
kitanda alicholazwa mwanawe. Alimkuta mumewe aliyekuwa amefungwa bendeji
kichwani na kitata mkonono. Mama, baba na mwana walitazamana. Mara jirani
aliyerauka kumletea Shazi staftahi alifika. Naye aliduwaa na kuduwazika. Baada ya
juma, bili ya hospitali ililetwa; ya mtoto elfu kumi na ya Sagamba elfu tano.
Sagamba alikumbuka mawaidha ya mkewe ya kumtaka aache ulevi. Kwa kweli,
“akuambiaye usikombe mboga ataka ushibe”.

1. Sagamba alikuwa mtu wa tabia gani? (alama 2)

2. Eleza masaibu yaliyompata Sagamba. (alama 2)

3. Ni mambo gani yanayoonyesha kuwa Sagamba hakuijali familia yake? (alama 3)
4. Eleza matumizi ya lugha yafuatayo: (alama 3)
(a) alisonya –________________________________________________________________

(b) kupiga milundi –__________________________________________________________

(c) Maji yamezidi unga –_____________________________________________________


(a) Andika sifa za kutambulisha sauti zifuatazo: (alama 2)
(b) Taja vigezo vyovyote vitatu vya kuainisha konsonanti za Kiswahili. (alama 3)
(c) Tofautisha kati ya Kiimbo na Shadda (alama 2)
(d) Eleza maana ya kiambishi. (alama 2)
(f) Ainisha maneno katika utungo huu (alama 3)
Kucheza kule kumenichokesha
(g) Tofautisha kati ya kivumishi na kiwakilishi. (alama 1)

(h) Ainisha (alama 3)
(i) Nomino hizi zimo katika ngeli gani? (alama 4)
(i) Uovu –___________________________________
(ii) Msemo –_________________________________
(iii) Njia –____________________________________
(iv) Uso –____________________________________

(j) Eleza matumizi ya mshazari (alama 3)

(k) Eleza maana mbili za neno “panga” (alama 2)

(m) Onyesha hali na wakati katika sentensi hii (alama 2)

Nimempata alipoketi
(n) Andika sentensi hii katika hali ya mazoea. (alama 2)
Wakulima wanalima mashamba yao.
(o) Eleza dhana ya kirai. (alama 1)
(p) Toa maana ya msemo huu. (alama 1)
Kufanya kimasomaso
(q) Andika sentensi kwka wingi. (alama 1)
Ulimi utakutia matatani
(a) Eleza maana ya fasihi. (alama 1)
(b) Taja sifa zozote tatu za mtambaji. (alama 3)




(c) Fafanua tofauti kati ya fasihi simulizi na fasihi andishi. (alama 6)

2ND TERM 2024
NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. Any rough work must be done in this paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
5. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
6. It’s highly recommended to draw illustrations when explaining a concept.

7. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
8. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
9. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
10. Learners must answer the questions in English.

1. Write the following numbers in words

(a) 89567985. (1mk)

(b) 3 597 865 336 (1mk)

2. Work out: (3mks)

1 1 13 5 1
+ 6 𝑜𝑓(18 − 9 )÷3

3. Find the L.C.M of the following numbers. ` (4mks)

(a) 20, 30 and 40

(b) 28, 63 and 100

4. Patrick spent 2/5 of his salary on food, 1/3 of the remainder on electricity and saved the rest.
(a) What fraction of his salary did he save? (2mks)

(b) If he spent sh.1200 on food, how much did he spent on electricity?

5. Work out: (4mks)
(a) 3(75+32) +5(35+60)-40


6. Test whether the following numbers are divisible by 3.

(a) 659 (1mk)

(b) 942381 (1mk)

(c) 24831 (1mk)

7. Three tanks are capable of holding 36, 84 and 90 litres of milk. Determine the capacity of the greatest vessel
which can be used to fill each one of them an exact number of times.
8. Use a number line to evaluate the following. (2mks)
(a) (-3)-(+5)

(b) (-7)+(+9)

9. The temperature of a patient admitted to a hospital with fever was 42oC.After treatment, his temperature settled at
36.8oC.Find the change in temperature.

10. Without using a calculator, evaluate: (3mks)


11. Convert the following fractions into a decimal. (2mks)

(a) 27


12. Arrange the following fractions in descending order. (4mks)

13 2 7 4
(a) 15,3,8 , 5

7,8 2,3 4,5 13,15

4 7 12

1,2 4,9 2,5 7,18

13. Solve the following: (4mks)

2 3 5
(a) 73+65+116

26 20

1 1 7

1 12

5 3
14. A car consumes 88 litres of fuel to cover 514 km. What average distance does it cover for every litre?

1/6 L (2mks)

15. Solve the following: (4mks)

2 3 5
(a) 73+65+116

1 1 7

16. Convert the following recurring decimals to fraction. (2mks)

(a) 0.73

(b) 0.15
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________

ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. Any rough work must be done in this paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
5. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
6. It’s highly recommended to draw illustrations when explaining a concept.
7. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
8. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
9. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
10. Learners must answer the questions in English.
1. Name three components of Pre-technical Studies. (3 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………….

b. ……………………………………………………….

c. ……………………………………………………….

2. Name the following input device to its name. (3 mks)

3. State two importance of safety in a work environment. (2 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………
4. Name the following storage devices. (2 mks)

………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

5. Complete the following Stages of computer processing cycle


6. Name the following parts of a Model of a computer. (3 mks)

7. State four Advantages of using a computer. (4 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………………………………………….

8. Name four ICT Tools used in Communication.(4 mks)

a. …………….…………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………….
c. ………………………………………………….
d. …………………………………………………

9. Name the types of artistic drawing illustrated below. (4 mks)

10. Name three examples of technical drawings:

a. ……………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………….

11. Name the types of Lines used in drawing. (4 mks)

12. State the following basic abbreviations used in drawing in full.(5 mks)
a. DRG -……………………………………………………………………..
b. A/F – …………………………………….………………………………..
c. A/C – ………………………………..…………………………………….
d. I/D – ……………………………………………………………………….
e. O/D – ………………………………………………………………………

13. Give the name of the following safety wears. (4 mks)

14. State two causes of fire in a work environment. (2 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..

15. Name three injuries that can be caused by fire at work places. (3 mks)
b. ………………………………………………………………………..…..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………..
16. Outline three Prevention methods of fire outbreaks in a work environment. 3
a. ………………………………………
b. ……………………………………..
c. ……………………………………..
17. CPU has 3 components, list them. (3mks)
a. ……………………………………………..……………………
b. …………………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………………..

18. Write in full. (3mks)

a.) ALU …………………………….…………………….…………………………
b.) USB…………………………….………………………………………………..
c.) HDMI ……………………………………………………………………………
19. State two problems experienced when setting up computers. (2mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………………..

20. Give the names of the following cables used with computes. (3mks)

21. State three physical threats to computers. (3mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………………..

22. State three Function of a computer. (3 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………………………………
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


A) Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
B) Answer all the questions in this paper.
C) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
D) Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
E) Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
F) Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
G) Use blue or black pens when writing answers.
H) Learners must answer the questions in English.

1 | P a|g+254
Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 e
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
1. State three components of integrated science. (3 mks)
a. ……………………………………….
b. ………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………..
2. Mention three importance of learning integrated science. (3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………
c. ………………………………………………………………………….
3. Identify one accident caused by the following hazard. (4 mks)

Hazard Accident caused.

Acids and bases (chemicals)

Electrical hazards (heating
Glass apparatus

4. . Name four scientific skill one attains through learning integrated science.(4
a. ………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………..
d. …………………………………………………………...

5. State four Information that are found on a packaging label. (4 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………..
d. ……………………………………………………..

6. Differentiate between Basic quantities and derived quantities. (4 mks)


2 | P a|g+254
Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 e
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
7. State the SI unit and symbol for the following quantities.(10 mks)
Basic quantity SI unit Symbol
Electric current
8. What is the meaning of the following hazard symbol? (6 mks)

……………………………… …………………….…

…………………………… ………………….……..

9. Mention four components of a first aid kit. (4 mks)

a. …………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………
d. …………………………………………………
10. When working in the laboratory, you must observe the following safety rules:
Namely? (4 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………….

3 | P a|g+254
Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 e
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
c. ……………………………………………………………………….
d. ………………………………………………………………………..

11. State the Functions of the different parts of the Microscope.(4 mks)

1 Eyepiece lens
2 Body tube

3 Stage

4 Arm

12. Name the following heating instruments. (5 mks)

13. State the Functions of the parts of a Bunsen burner.( 7 mks)

Part Function
Air hole


4 | P a|g+254
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795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke

14. Name the lab apparatus below. (3 mks)

15. Name three careers that are related to the knowledge and skills gained in integrated
science.( 3 mks)
a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. Name the following parts of the light microscope.( 3 mks)

16. Name two common accidents in the laboratory.(2 mks)

5 | P a|g+254
Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 e
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
a. …………………………………………
b. …………………………………………

17.Name the apparatus below. (1mk)

18.Name the parts R, T and P. (3mks)


19.Give the parts of a light microscope used for. (3mks)

a.) Reflect light on the stage

b. Holds the slide that has specimen. ………………………………………………

c. Concentrates light on to the stage. ……………………………………………………
20. Outline two safe ways of handling of the Bunsen burner. (2 mks)
a) ………………………………………………………………………..
b) ………………………………………………………………………..

21. Outline two uses of bases. (2 mks)

a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
22. Indicate their colour in the given solutions. (3 mks)
Indicator Acidic solution Neutral solution Basic solution
Methyl Orange

23. State two uses of acids. (2 mks)

a) ……………………………………………………………………..
b) ……………………………………………………………………….

24. Identify three basic science skills one gains in science practical.(3 mks)
a. ………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………….
c. ………………………………………….
25. Name two apparatus used for measuring length.(2 mks)

6 | P a|g+254
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795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
a. ………………………………
b. ………………………………
26. Give two differences between luminous and non-luminous flame.( 2 mks)
Luminous flame Non-luminous flame

27. Grade 7 students had their practical lesson in the laboratory.name two common
accidents their Integrated Science teacher taught them. (2 mks)
a) ………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………….
28. Name three protective wear for safety in the laboratory.( 3 mks)
a. ……………………………………..
b. …………………………………….
c. ……………………………………...

7 | P a|g+254
Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 e
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
2ND TERM 2024

NAME: _______________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________
ASSESSMENT NUMBER ____________________ DATE___________________


1. Write your name, School, Assessment Number and the exam date in the
spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. Any rough work must be done in this paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question
5. Writing and giving relevant examples is highly recommended.
6. It’s highly recommended to draw illustrations when explaining a
7. Learners should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages
are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
8. Your answers must be clearly written (Legible) and well organized.
9. Use blue or black pens when writing answers and a pencil when drawing.
10. Learners must answer the questions in English.

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
1. Explain the importance of interpersonal skills in resolving conflicts among students.
Provide an example of how these skills can be applied. (2 Marks)

a) ________________________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________________________

2. The time in Nairobi 36 degrees east of the Greenwich meridian is 10am. What will be
the time in Cape Verde 17 degrees west? (Show your working) (3 Marks)

3. State two theories that explain the origin of the solar system (2 Marks)

a. _____________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
4. What is a demographic dividend? (1 Mark)

5. How do cultural beliefs influence population growth in some African societies? (2

6. Describe the social hierarchy within caravans that facilitated the Trans-Saharan
Slave Trade. (4 Marks)

7. Which European countries were involved in the Trans-Saharan trade by sourcing

African slaves? (1 Marks)


8. Examine the evolution of bipedalism and its advantages for early human survival
and (2 Marks)

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
9. Grade 7 social studies teacher asked learners in grade 7 to identify six career
opportunities related to social studies. Which one did they give?


___________________________________________________ (3 Marks)

10. What species is considered the only surviving early human and the one modern
humans (1 Mark)
belong to?

11. What impact does promoting interpersonal skills have on a student's school life? (1

(2 Marks)
12. Mention two theories explaining the origin of the earth.



13. Discuss the cultural consequences of the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade on North
African societies.

(3 Marks)

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
(3 Marks)

14. Name three effects of revolution of the earth on human activities.

a. …........................................................................................

b. …........................................................................................

c. ….........................................................................................

15. What is the term for the study of population statistics?

16. Discuss the involvement of African rulers in the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade and its

17. Define the term stereotypes.


Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
18. Scientists generally agree modern human cognition and behaviors fully developed
when based on evidence like control of fire and complex stone tools.

19. What main factor drove the demand for slaves in the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade?

20. How can students show respect for diversity?

21. Approximately how many years ago did the earliest humans beings evolve
according to (2 Marks)
scientific dating?
22. What is inclusion in the context of education, and why is it significant? (5 Marks)
(2 Marks)
23. Name two types of maps.



24. What is the name of the famous Australopithecus afarensis skeleton discovered in
Ethiopia? (1 Marks)

25. What script of the Indus civilization has still not been deciphered but showed early
linguistic and administrative abilities? (2 Marks)

26. What is the scientific name for the species of early humans that existed from around
500,000 to 100,000 years ago and may have co-existed with modern humans? (2 Marks)

27. Name one item, besides gold, that was traded from sub-Saharan Africa to North
Africa. (5 Marks)

28. How does healthcare improvement affect population growth? (2 Marks)

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
29. Explain the significance of the discovery of 'Lucy' in understanding human evolution.
(5 Marks)

30. How does migration affect population distribution in Africa? (2 Marks)

31. How does population growth affect water resources? (3 Marks)

32. What was a key destination for slaves traded across the Sahara? (5 Marks)

33. What impact does diversity have on the learning experience of students? (5 Marks)
34. Describe the shape of Africa. (3 Marks)

35. Analyze how the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade influenced the political landscape of
West Africa. (5 Marks)

36. According to the evolution theory, which creature discovered fire? (1 Marks)

37. After how long does Kenya hold general elections? (1 Marks)

38. Name one country in Africa with a rapidly growing population. (2 Marks)

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke
39. Name one item, apart from slaves, that was traded from Sub-Saharan Africa across
the Sahara. (5 Marks)

40. Name one interpersonal skill important for teamwork. (2 Marks)

41. Which migration out of Africa around 60,000 years ago is thought to be when
modern humans dispersed worldwide, replacing other hominin species?
(2 Marks)

42. Describe the ways in which a school can promote interpersonal skills among its
students, and (5 Marks) explain why these skills are important.

43. What is the name of the theory that suggests humans evolved from ape-like
ancestors? (1 Marks)

44. Name 3 methods of resolving conflicts in the society.

a. ….............................................................................

b. ….............................................................................

c. …..............................................................................
45. Identify 6 benefits of social studies for personal development and service to






Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel: +254724333200 | +254
795491185 mail: kenyaeducators@gmail.com Website: www.kenyaeducators.co.ke

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