Frequent Closed Pattern Mining Algorithm Based On COFI-Tree
Frequent Closed Pattern Mining Algorithm Based On COFI-Tree
Frequent Closed Pattern Mining Algorithm Based On COFI-Tree
1 Introduction
Frequent pattern mining plays an important role in data mining. Now there are many
mining algorithms about frequent closed itemsets, such as, CLOSET[1]. Through our
study, we find this algorithm have some problems, it builds conditional FP-Tree
recursively so that it requires more memory and CPU resources. In this paper, an
effective frequent closed pattern mining algorithm is advanced, and it based on FP-
Tree and COFI-Tree.
2 Related Work
There are many algorithms to address the problem of mining association rules [2], [6].
One of the important algorithms is the Apriori algorithm [6]. It also is the foundation
of other most known algorithms. However, when mining extremely large datasets, the
Apriori algorithm still suffers from two main problems of repeated I/O scanning and
high computational cost. Another innovative approach of discovering frequent
patterns, FP-Growth, was presented by Han et al. in [2]. It creates a compact tree-
structure, FP-Tree, representing frequent patterns, that reduces the multi-scan times
and improves the candidate itemset generation. The authors of FP-Tree algorithm
have validated that their algorithm is faster than the Apriori. However, It needs to
H. Deng et al. (Eds.): AICI 2011, CCIS 237, pp. 175–182, 2011.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
176 J. Xiao, X. Cui, and J. Chen
3 Construction of FP-Tree
A FP-Tree[2] is constructed by scanning database twice. First, a scan of database
derives a list of frequent items, Second, the FP-Tree is constructed.