Consolidation Q90
Consolidation Q90
Consolidation Q90
In recent years Hillusion has acquired a reputation for buying modestly performing businesses and
selling them at a substantial profit within a period of two to three years of their acquisition. On 1
July 2002 Hillusion acquired 80% of the ordinary share capital of Skeptik at a cost of $10,280,000.
On the same date it also acquired 50% of Skeptik’s 10% loan notes at par. The market price of
each Skeptik share at the date of acquisition was $6.00. The summarized draft financial
statements of both companies are:
Statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income: Year to 31 March 2003
Hillusion Skeptik
$000 $000
Sales revenue 60,000 24,000
Cost of sales (42,000) (20,000)
Gross profit 18,000 4,000
Operating expenses (6,000) (200)
Loan interest received (paid) 75 (200)
Operating profit 12,075 3,600
Taxation (3,000) (600)
Profit after tax for the year 9,075 3,000
Depreciation of plant is on a straight-line basis and charged to cost of sales. Skeptik has
not adjusted the value of its plant as a result of the fair value exercise.
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Basic Consolidation Question 90
(ii) In the post acquisition period Hillusion sold goods to Skeptik at a price of $12 million. These
goods had cost Hillusion $9 million. During the year Skeptik had sold $10 million (at cost to
Skeptik) of these goods for $15 million.
(iii) Hillusion bears almost all of the administration costs incurred on behalf of the group
(invoicing, credit control etc.). It does not charge Skeptik for this service as to do so would
not have a material effect on the group profit.
(iv) Revenues and profits should be deemed to accrue evenly throughout the year.
(v) The current accounts of the two companies were reconciled at the year-end with Skeptik
owing Hillusion $750,000.
(vi) Hillusion has a policy of valuing non-controlling interests at fair value at the date of
acquisition. For this purpose, the share price of Skeptik should be used.
(vii) An impairment test on 31 March 2003 showed that consolidated (full) goodwill should be
written down by $400,000.
(a) Prepare a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
and statement of financial position for Hillusion for the year to 31 March 2003
(20 marks)
(b) Explain why it is necessary to eliminate unrealized profits when preparing group
financial statements; and how reliance on the entity financial statements of Skeptik
may mislead a potential purchaser of the company. (5 marks)
(25 marks)
Note: your answer should refer to the circumstances described in the question.
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Basic Consolidation Question 90
Hillusion Group
Consolidated SFP as at 31 March 2003
Assets $000 $000
Non – current assets
Goodwill W3 930
Investments $11,280 – 11,280 J1 -
Tangible assets$19,320+8,000+3,200J2 – 600J3 29,920 30,850
Skeptic Subsidiary Acquisition date:1 Jul 2002 Group = 80% NCI 20%
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Basic Consolidation Question 90
InvestmentJ1 10,280
Less: 11,350 W2 x 80%W1 (9,080)
Fair value of NCI (2,000 x 20% x $6) 2,400
Less: 7,000 W2 x 20%W1 (2,270)
J7 (400)
Parent reserves 25,600
J4 (500)
1,250W4 x 80% W1 1,000
$ 000
Dr. Cr.
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Basic Consolidation Question 90
Payables 750
(v) 5
Receivables 750
Cancellation of intra group balances
Revenue 12,000
(ii) 6
COS 12,000
Cancellation of intra group sales and purchases
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