Architectural History 2 With Answer
Architectural History 2 With Answer
Architectural History 2 With Answer
A. Sports competition
B. Gladiatorial Contests
C. Marathon race
D. Public meetings
Q.1) Triangular
Q.3) The pieceinofa wall
dining hall above the
monastery, entablature.
a convent, or a college.
A. Refectory
A. Pediment
B. Pendentive
B. Cortel
C. Apse
C. Architrave
D. Frieze
D. Dipteral
Q.4) Strictly, a pedestal at the corners or peak of a roof to support an ornament, more
usually, the ornament itself.
A. Acroterion
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Apotheca
Q.5) "cubicula" or bedroom is from what architecture.
A. Roman
B. Greek
C. Egyptian
D. Byzantine
Q.6) An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof, concealing the foot of a row of
convex tiles that cover the joints of the flat tiles.
A. Acroterion
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Apotheca
Q.7) Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders used by the Greeks.
A. Corinthian
B. Doric
C. Composite
D. Ionic
Q.8) The architecture of the curved line is known as ___.
A. Romanesque
B. Renaissance
C. Baroque
D. Medieval
Q.9) An ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded shelter used in public places.
A. Stoa
B. Pteroma
C. Antefix
D. Anthemion
Q.10) Forming the imposing entrance to the acropolis and erected by the architect
Mnesicles is the.
A. Parthenon
B. Propylaea
C. Pteroma
D. Stoa
Q.11) The building in the acropolis generally considered as being the most nearly
perfect building ever erected is the.
A. Parthenon
B. Anthemion
C. Acroterion
D. Prytaneion
Q.12) . From the 5th century to the present, the character of Byzantine architecture is
the practice of using.
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
Q.14) Plan shape of a Japanese pagoda.
A. Square
B. Rectangle
C. Round
D. Triangular
Q.15) The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the founder of the 19th
A. Rameses I
B. Rameses II
C. Rameses III
D. Rameses IV
Q.16) Romanesque architecture in Italy is distinguished from that of the rest of Europe
by the use of what material for facing walls.
A. Bricks
B. Cement
C. Lime
D. Marble
Q.17) How many stained glass are there in the Chartres Cathedral?
A. 167
B. 176
C. 186
D. 168
Q.18) The space between the colonnade and the naos wall in Greek temple.
A. Stoa
B. Pteroma
C. Antefix
D. Anthemion
A. Pantheon
B. Parthenon
C. Apotheca
D. Acropolis
Q.20) most famous and perfect preservation of all ancient buildings in Rome.
A. Pantheon
B. Parthenon
C. Acropolis
D. Apotheca
A. Acroterion
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Apotheca
Q.22) Parts of an entablature, in order of top to bottom.
i. Cornice ii. Frieze iii.Architrave
A. i, ii, iii
B. ii, i, iii
C. iii, i, ii
D. i, iii, ii
Q.23) Also called a 'Honeysuckle' ornament.
A. Acroterion
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Apotheca
Q.24) In ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but especially for storing
A. Acroterion
B. Anthemion
C. Antefix
D. Apotheca
Q.25) Greek architecture was essentially.
Q.27) The mineral of greatest importance to Greek architecture of which Greece and
her domains had ample supply of was.
A. Cement
B. Marble
C. Lime
D. Silica
Q.28) The open court in an Italian palazzo.
A. Tumuli
B. Dipteral
C. Prytaneion
D. Cortel
Q.29) Plan shape of a Chinese pagoda.
A. Octagonal
B. Hexagonal
C. Rectangular
D. Square
Q.30) The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic window.
A. Cavetto
B. Crenel
C. Tracery
D. Embrasures