z C.)
U.S. Navy Surface Ship Fleet: Propulsion Energy Evaluation, 5b. GRANT NUMBER
and identification of Cost Effective Energy Enhancement
13. SUPPLEMNTARY NOTES Reissue of Report CRDKNSWC/iHD--1274-01 (November 1996).
mentioned in the text that are not in the public domain have been omitted.
14. ABSTRACT This report identifies U.S. Navy surface ships that would benefit most from the
retrofit of hydrodynamic energy enhancement devices. These devices reduce the required
power, and consequently, the fuel needed for propulsion. A large number of potential energy
suitability and cost effectiveness for
enhancement devices are assessed with regard to their
retrofit to U.S. Navy surface ships.
was prepared. This information
A powering evaluation of the U.S. Navy surface ship fleet
to identify eleven U.S. Navy surface ship classes as candidates for consideration
was used
with regard to retrofit of energy enhancement devices. These classes possess worthwhile
potential with the installaLion of such devices. Potential yearly energy
energy savings
term potential fuel savings, were then estimated
device fuel cost savings, and long and short
for these identified candidate ship classes.
for reducing
A large number of energy enhancing concepts and devices with potential
power requirements or improving ship energy efficiency, are identified and
described. (continued on next page)
15. SUBJECT TERMS U.S. Navy Surface Ship Fleet; Fleet improvement; Propulsion
Evaluation; Energy Enhancement Devices to reduce energy (fuel) consumption.
(continued) A chart of compatibility between all identified energy savings
Over a dozen propulsion energy enhancement devices are identified as
devices was prepared.
to U.S. Navy candidate surface ship classes.
having potential for retrofit
devices are to be
Recommendations are prepared with regard to which energy enhancement
to each of the eleven identified candidate U.S.
considered as cost: beneficial for retrofit
Navy surface ship classes.
....................... . v
N O T A T ION ........................................................................................................
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................
ADM INISTRATIVE INFORM ATION ........................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................
PRIM ARY M EANS OF ENERGY REDUCTION ......................................................................
U.S. NAVY SURFACE FLEET EVALUATION ........................................................................
SELECTION OF ENERGY SAVINGS DEVICES .....................................................................
ENERGY DEVICE APPLICATIONS TO U.S. NAVY HULLFORMS ......................................
GENERAL LISTING OF SUBJECT REFERENCES .................................................................
CONCLUSIONS .........................................................................................................................
RECOMM ENDATIONS .............................................................................................................
ACKNOW LEDGM ENTS ............................................................................................................
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................
A. - U.S. NAVY SURFACE FLEET EVALUATION ..........................................................
B. - ENERGY SAVINGS DEVICES AND CONCEPTS ....................................................
C. - GENERAL LISTING OF SUBJECT REFERENCES ............................................... C1
1. Resistance reductions due to stern flaps ..................................................................................
2. Bare hull residuary resistance for selected U.S. Navy hullforms .............................................
3. Propeller efficiency for selected U.S. Navy huillforms ...........................................................
I. Eleven selected candidate U.S. Navy surface ship classes .......................................................
.......................... 5
2. General characteristics of the eleven selected U.S. Navy surface ship classes
....................... 6
3. Selected retrofit energy savings devices for identified U.S. Navy ship classes
The notation contained herein conforms with International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
Symbols and Terminology List - 1993, except where noted.
Conventional Compatible
USymbol LCC Symbol Title
,1 ETA Efficiency (in general)
X LAMDA Model linear scale ratio
NOTATION (continued-)
This document is a reissue of Report CRDKNSWC/HD-1274-01 (November 1996).
References mentioned in the text that are not in the public domain have been omitted.
This report identifies U.S. Navy surface ships that would benefit most from the retrofit of
hydrodynamic energy enhancement devices. These devices reduce the required power, and
consequently, the fuel needed for propulsion. A large number of potential energy enhancement
devices are assessed with regard to their suitability and cost effectiveness for retrofit to U.S. Navy
surface ships.
A powering evaluation of the U.S. Navy surface ship fleet was prepared. This information
was used to identify eleven U.S. Navy surface ship classes as candidates for consideration with
regard to retrofit of energy enhancement devices. These classes possess worthwhile energy
savings potential with the installation of such devices. Potential yearly energy device fuel cost
savings. and long and short term potential fuel savings, were then estimated for these identified
candidate ship classes.
A large number of energy enhancing concepts and devices with potential for reducing
delivered power requirements or improving ship energy efficiency, are identified and described.
A chart of compatibility between all identified energy savings devices was prepared. Over a
dozen propulsion energy enhancement devices are identified as having potential for retrofit to U.S.
Navy candidate surface ship classes.
Recommendations are prepared with regard to which energy enhancement devices are to be
considered as cost beneficial for retrofit to each of the eleven identified candidate U.S. Navy
surface ship classes.
The work described in this report was performed at the David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock Division
Headquarters, Naval Surface Warfare Center (CARDEROCKDIV, NSWC), herein referred to as DTMB, by
the Hydromechanics Directorate, Resistance and Powering Department, Code 5200. The work was
sponsored by the Shipboard Energy R&D Office, Code 859, Annapolis Detachment, CARDEROCKDIV,
NSWC, Sponsor R823, Task Area R0829, Element No. 0603724N, job order number 1-8590-537.
The Shipboard Energy R&D Office has requested the Resistance and Powering Department to identify
hydrodynamic energy enhancement devices that could be used by the U.S. Navy surface ship fleet. These
energy enhancement devices would reduce the power required for ship propulsion for the purpose of
reducing fuel consumption.
The data reported herein is divided into three topic areas. The first is a compilation of the propulsion
energy usage evaluation of the present U.S. Navy surface ship fleet. The second topic area is descriptive
information on a large number of energy enhancing concepts and devices, and an assessment with regard to
their suitability for retrofit to U.S. Navy surface ships. Third. recommendations are prepared with regard to
to U.S. Navy surface
which energy enhancement devices are to be considered as cost beneficial for retrofit
ship classes.
A, is to identify those
The reason for the U.S. Navy surface ship fleet evaluation, presented in Appendix
an economic point
ships or ship classes that will use the most fuel during their remaining service life. From
life, will tend to
of view, the ship classes that use the most fuel, and will do so over a long remaining service
percentage gains in
be the primary candidates for the retrofit of energy enhancement devices. Small
Furthermore, for ship
propulsion efficiency can result in very large total fuel cost savings on these classes.
costs, can be spread
classes with a large number of identical ships, the design, model testing, and ship trials
the retrofit of
out over many ships, so that the actual cost per ship can be reduced dramatically. In addition,
any energy enhancement device may become significantly less expensive through subsequent
curve" effect
on identical ships. This reduction in installation cost is due to the traditional "learning
fleet evaluation,
associated with ship integration and construction. Thus, within the U.S. Navy surface ship
of identical
it was important to identify those ships that used a large amount of fuel, had a large number
surface ship
ships in their class, and had a significant amount of service life remaining. Eleven U.S. Navy
classes are identified as potential candidates for the retrofit of an energy saving device.
Appendix B is a compilation of many energy saving ideas, concepts. and devices, that have
of the devices
developed or considered by the U.S. Navy, or by the commercial ship industry. Many
presented in
depicted could be considered the hypothetical energy saving device of the economic analysis
Appendix A. Depictions of these devices, as well as some cursory explanations as to the
devices has
physical principles of operation are presented. A chart of compatibility among energy savings
to a U.S.
been prepared. An assessment is made with regard to the practicality of retrofitting each device
Navy surface ship hullform. Based upon hydrodynamic performance, approximately 14 energy
of references
enhancement devices are identified as potential candidates for retrofit. An extensive listing
is also
documenting the development and performance of the energy savings ideas, concepts, and devices,
provided as Appendix C.
The third part of this report is a recommendation in regard to which of the fourteen selected energy
enhancement devices are to be considered as cost beneficial for retrofit to each of the eleven
as cost
candidate U.S. Navy surface ship classes. Many practical considerations beyond suitability, such
(R&D, ship integration, manufacturing, and installation), availability of devices with greater potential,
technical risks, etc., were taken into account in making these recommendations.
For any ship design, the primary means, by which to save shipboard energy, is the correct sizing and
design of the vessel and its propulsor, Schneekluth (1)'. During the initial design, basic ship
the hullform
must be considered in the areas of hullform dimensions such as length, beam, and draft, and
it is important that the
shape parameters such as block coefficient and prismatic coefficient. In addition,
propeller(s) be sized and designed to operate efficiently with the hull and with the main propulsion
1. Even within
The critical nature of this sizing and design process is emphasized and explained in Ref.
Appendix B
identical size and shape parameters, there exists the opportunity to design superior hullforms.
identifies some features and design procedures for reduced energy hullforms. Some hull shaping
can only be implemented during new construction while other features such as bulbs, flaps, and wedges,
suitable for
suitable as either new design or retrofit. The emphasis of this report will be on retrofit devices
existing U.S. Navy surface ships.
According to the above table, the most savings are associated with the destroyer and cruiser classes, and
187 class.
the next largest savings are associated with the TAO
Table 2 shows some general characteristics of these selected U.S. Navy ship classes. The type of prime
mover will have an influence on the amount of fuel saved for a given reduction in delivered power achieved
through the retrofit of a hydrodynamic energy saving device. In general, for diesel and for steam
plants, there is an almost I to I correspondence between decreased delivered power and decreased fuel
consumption. However, the general experience based on fuel calculations for gas turbine ships, has been
that a 1% decrease in delivered power results in only a 0.7 % decrease in fuel usage. Thus with all other
factors being equal, a given hydrodynamic device will be more effective in terms of % fuel saved on a diesel
or steam driven ship than on a gas turbine driven ship.
Table 2. General characteristics of the eleven selected U.S. Navy surface ship classes
power (or fuel)
considerations, full scale applications or model scale experiences, possible delivered
reduction potential, and mention of prominent references, where available.
(A) HULL, (B)
The specific identified devices were grouped into three main categories:
devices, or devices that
APPENDAGE(s), and (C) PROPULSOR(s). Groupings were made so that similar
in a total of thirty-
performed under similar principles of operation, were organized together. This resulted
five (35) organizational groups of energy savings devices.
to U.S. Navy surface
From the 35 energy device groups, fourteen (14) were selected for potential retrofit
listed in Table 3:
ships. The selected retrofit energy savings devices for identified U.S. Navy classes are
Table 3. Selected retrofit energy savings devices for identified U.S. Navy ship classes
The selection criteria for the energy savings devices was as follows:
* (1) The device had to be practical as a retrofit.
• (2) The device had to be reliable and durable enough for use on U.S. Navy ships.
* (3) The device had to have a history of demonstrated energy enhancement potential (model
full scale) on some ship similar to a possible U.S. Navy present or future application.
* (4) The energy savings devices had to be applicable to at least one of the U.S. Navy ship classes
identified in the first part of the study, or had to be applicable to foreseeable future Navy
Devices suitable to only high block coefficient., relatively slow speed, commercial or merchant
hulls, with single-screw heavily loaded propellers, were not selected.
The energy savings devices, listed in Table 3, initially satisfied all of the aforementioned criteria.
(0 1.1 -*-s' FFG-7
LL Combatants
z DDG-51
=3 Fit1
1.05 Cruiser
M V 0 Variant
Ri. 0 CG-47
E 1 --- 0 CG Heavy
U V DD-963
bA __-AC][ Concept
.2-0.95 Ef fM
MC 9 U @mm
6 -V
a- 0.90.1
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
Ship Froude Number (Fn)
ca 1.1
L. Amphibious! Sealift 0 LPD-17
•a ]0 MT SSL (A)
E 1 0 O0
0 E
0 f0000 0
.2 0.95 0 3 ri U "Er
W 0.
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Ship Froude Number (Fn)
In addition, many cases of model tests show that the powering reduction due to a stern flap can be
more than the resistance reduction, possibly 1 to 2 % more. Full scale trial data tend to indicate that the
full scale performance improvement due to a stern flap is better than the model scale performance
improvement, especially at low speeds, Cusanelli and Cave (3) and Cusanelli (4).
Bare hull resistance information on 9 of the 11 selected hullforms is shown in Figure 2. Three
spots are shown for each ship, a near maximum speed, a representative mid-speed, and the lowest
speed that was judged to be of interest in terms of energy consumption. The Residuary resistance, CR,
represents the sum of wave resistance, eddy-making, viscous-wave resistance interaction, and
The total
hullform effect. In most cases, the wave resistance is by far the largest component.
CF, and the
resistance coefficient, CT, represents the sum of CR, the calculated frictional resistance
to be
correlation allowance, CA, determined from full scale trials and model test data. CA is assumed
mostly a frictional resistance. Thus the ratio CR/CT shown in Figure 2, represents the percentage
ship resistance that is mostly wavemaking in nature, and could be affected by bulbs, flaps,
wedges. The LHD bare hull data was not available. The LHD would exhibit resistance close to that
LHA, except that it would be lower for the two highest speeds shown, and higher at the lowest speed
point, because the LHD has a bulb.
CR /CT vs. Fn (Bare Hull Condition)
-•?A0. 0.6
V 0.4 ---E3 -
Figure 2. Bare hull residuary resistance for selected U.S. Navy hullforms
indicate a 2 percent delivered power reduction, Cusanelli (6). It is expected that with continued
approach that of
refinement, the delivered power reduction of this device on the CG 47 or DD 963, would
DD 963 / CG 47
the DDG 51. The DDG 51 is currently under consideration for a near surface bow bulb.
efforts should wait until the DDG 51 program is complete.
Class. Previous
* TAO 187 Class: A bulbous bow is highly recommended for retrofit on the TAO 187
reduction at
1980's model experiments on the TAO with a traditional bulb showed adequate powering
bulb design.
design displacement but a powering penalty in the ballast condition. A newer traditional type
as developed in the AE 36 Energy Enhancement program, and also in the Sealift Technology
bulb, such as developed for DDG 5 1.
program, should be tried. In addition, a near surface type retrofit bow
of Figure 2,
should be tested. All bulb designs have to take into account ballast operations. The CR/CT plot,
shows that there is potential for improvement, and that the operating F, is high enough.. A previous 1980
would be
U.S. Navy study concluded that the anticipated fuel cost savings due to retrofitting bulbous bows
are near
sufficient to justify bulb fabrication and installation costs on some similar ship classes that today
the end of their service life, Slager and Fung (7).
* FFG 7 Class: The energy saving, with either the traditional or near surface bulb, would be similar
slightly greater than the 4% shown by the current DDG 51 bulb retrofit model tests. Both the small,
placed on
surface bow bulb, and traditional bow bulb, should be explored. Particular emphasis should be
avoiding bubble sweepdown on the keel mounted sonar.
• LHA Class: From a hydrodynamic point of view, the LHA class is an ideal candidate for bulb retrofit.
The LHD has the same hullform, except that it has a traditional bulb. A small. less expensive near surface
bulb, should be considered for the LHA, in lieu of the traditional bulb already on the LHD.
• Other Hull Forms: The hullforms of the other classes such as LPD 17. LHD 1. LSD 4 1, AO 177
The experience with stern end bulbs (SEBs) is mostly that which is reported from overseas model tests
and ship retrofits on just a few merchant ships. There is no U.S. Navy full scale experience with stern end
bulbs, or verification of the performance associated with these overseas designs. However, U.S. Navy
model experiments were conducted with a similar concept on an Escort Research ship, which had a large
single centerline underwater pod aft. The combined effect of the aft pod (i.e. stern end bulb), and of a large
forward protruding bow bulb, was to reduce power significantly at high speeds and to increase power at low
speeds. Also, initial preliminary design stern end bulbs were model tested on the AOE 6 and the Mid-Term
Sealift. Model scale experiments indicated performance ranging from increased power to approximately 2%
reduction, depending on ship configuration. These were first design iteration SEBs, and continued design
refinement could result in better performance.
A stern end bulb is more expensive to retrofit than a stern flap. However, the stern end bulb could
possibly be designed to be effective in both ballast and in the design displacement conditions, whereas the
flap could be out of the water in the ballast condition. On the amphibious ships, the stern end bulb may be
incompatible with welldeck operations. The recommendation would be to consider stern end bulb
hydrodynamic analysis and exploratory R&D on the fuller body ships (TAO 187, AO 177, AOE 6); or
on the combined effects of a stern flap with a stern end bulb on the destroyers and cruisers.
Stern Flap, Stern Wedge:
Emphasis should be placed on stern flap design, as they have been shown to perform better than wedges
in recent comparative model testing. The U.S. Navy has retrofitted stern flaps on two FFG 7 Class frigates.
and verified full scale performance improvements, Cusanelli and Cave (3). Stern flap performance
improvements, demonstrated on Patrol Coastal PC 13, has lead to the Navy's plan to retrofit flaps on the
entire PC I class, Cusanelli (4). An investigation is underway to quantify the energy savings with stern
flaps on the DD 963 ,CG 47 and DDG 51 Flight I and Flight 2 class ships, and to install a flap on a DD 963
class in FY97. Stern flaps will be featured on the new LPD 17 and DDG 51 Flight 2A ships. Several model
tests have shown powering benefits with stern flaps on larger, sealift type ships operating near their design
speeds. The ease of ship integration, low costs of R&D and ship installation, and proven performance
improvements, make this device ideal for retrofit.
• DD 963, CG 47, DDG 5 1, FFG 7. LPD 17 Classes: The recommendation is to complete the stern flap
work currently funded.
* LHA. LHD. LSD 41/49 Classes: Using the F, > 0.2 criteria for effectiveness of a stern flap at low
speed, a stern flap will be effective for speeds of 16.2 to 22.8 knots for LSD. and for 18.7 to 24.4 knots for
the LHA / LHD. The upper speeds represent the maximum trials speeds. Stern flap design needs to
for these ships is
consider amphibious operations and stern gate deployment. Stern flap design
recommended. The low deadrise transom shape is suitable for stern flaps.
•TAO .!7AQ.i7 and AOE 6: Again using the aforementioned F, > 0.2 criteria and the maximum
enhancement considerations for the retrofit. In addition, for these high speed (approximate 30 knot) ships,
loads, and
and for the 30 knot AOE, there is an elevated risk level with regard to cavitation, hydrodynamic
of U.S. Navy
design development costs. These additional risk factors are difficult to quantify. Due to lack
retrofit for slower
full scale experience with retrofit for this concept, it would be more prudent to consider
ships. The
ships. However, the payback potential as shown in Figure A8, is much less for these slower
most promising candidates would be the LHA / LHD and the TAO Classes.
Propeller Efficiency vs. Thrust Loading
U DDG51 0 LSD 41/49
0 LHA/LHD - - -ETA
>, 0.85
oa .
0.7 M
0.6 f I - --
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
Propeller Thrust Loading Coefficient (CTh)
LSD 41/49 Propeller: In the amphibious and auxiliary ships group, the LSD 41/49 propeller efficiency
is about 6% worse than the Navy's recent LPD 17 propeller design. The LSD propeller is controllable
versus fixed pitch for the LPD, with a blade area ratio about 12 % greater on the LSD propeller.
differences may explain a small part of the 6% performance difference. New propeller retrofit is attractive
from a hydrodynamic point of view on these classes, in that a 5 % energy saving is almost certain.
new propeller blades would be needed for retrofit into the existing hubs. In this way, the retrofit cost could
be maintained between the low and medium cost categories, and there would be a possibility for payback in
approximately 5 years, (See Figure A6).
* AOE 6 Propeller: in comparison to DDG 51, DD 963, or FFG 7, the AOE 6 has lower propeller
efficiency. This may be partly explained by the worse inflow conditions to the AOE propeller, and
ballast condition design constraints applied to the AOE propeller design. In addition, the AOE model
propeller cavitation evaluation did not have the benefit of testing at the Large Cavitation Channel (LCC), as
did the DDG 5 1. Recent propeller viewing trials on the AOE showed that the propeller had very good
cavitation characteristics, in terms of minimal extent of cavitation over the blade. In the design of such a
propeller, good cavitation performance is sometimes obtained through blade shaping and circulation
advanced blade
distribution, which can sacrifice some powering performance. It is possible that with
Comparison to the
sections, and the latest evaluation methods, the efficiency could be improved somewhat.
TAO is not recommended because of the lower maximum speed of the TAO.
diameter, as a
* Low RPM / Large Diameter Propeller: The concept of using lower RPM, and larger
is only suitable for
means of achieving a more efficient propeller, is proven technology. However, this
ship classes have
retrofit if there is sufficient propeller tip clearance for a larger propeller. No selected
Also, in the
adequate clearance if current US Navy practices for minimum tip clearances are maintained.
to receive a new
cases where the ship propulsion machinery has an excess torque capability, or if the ship is
meet this
engine design, the large diameter propeller is possible. None of the selected candidate ships
condition. This is not a recommended retrofit option.
* Energy Efficient Tip Propeller: Energy efficient tip propellers present a viable means of getting
in a way
efficiency out of a propeller. The efficiency enhancement is due to the an increased tip loading
that avoids harmful cavitation or pressure pulses. The U.S. Navy recent approach to this kind of propeller
was to incorporate a smooth twist into the tip, as shown on Figure B29a, for the recently designed
propeller. This design showed good powering and noise characteristics on recent ship trials.
approach, with a more prominent bend in the tip, is shown in Figure B29b. Both of these approaches
represent refinements to existing design procedures. These approaches could be used on the LSD
propellers as discussed previously.
tip loaded
A more radical approach, to increasing tip loading, is the use of end plates. The concentrated
than 120
(CLT) type propellers with large end plates, (Figures B29c and B29d), have been fitted to more
name by
commercial ships, in both fixed pitch and controllable pitch versions. CLT is a proprietary trade
12 percent.
one manufacturer. These propellers are claimed to reduce fuel consumption by 8 to
Independent verification of these claims is very difficult. However, the claims are believable if subjected
certain considerations, such as, if the original propeller was: too small, very highly loaded, a poor
in terms of efficiency, or a poor match to the engine in terms of RPM. The end plates clearly
must be
additional viscous losses. For these propellers to have improved efficiency, these viscous losses
load at the
overcome by a more efficient lift distribution on the blade, or by the ability to carry additional
highly or
blade tips. The hydrodynamic mechanism for improving efficiency with these end plates favors
very highly loaded propellers. Most U.S. Navy ships tend to have propeller loading in the low to
range, with the possible exception of some tugs or ships that have a large towing requirement.
because of
suitability of propeller designs with end plates to the high speed combatant hullforms is uncertain
this type propeller on a high speed
propeller cavitation issues. There is. however, one commercial retrofit of
hydrofoil ferry.
by Andersen (10), and by DeJong
Design theories for propellers with end plates have been developed
of these design approaches are
( I1). Some model tests have shown a 3% increase in efficiency. The details
at the blade / end plate
not fully revealed, however, all approaches present difficulties with cavitation
fully simulate the performance gains
juncture. Some investigators also claim that low R, model tests do not
plate blade tip design for a Naval
achievable at full scale. Confirmation of a 3% efficiency gain for the end
the future fuel usage of Navy ships.
auxiliary could have a major impact on future propeller design and on
Therefore, the following research program is recommended:
such as LSD 41 or one of the
"* In order to minimize the cavitation problem, select a medium speed ship
Development Program.
designs that were fully developed & model tested in the Sealift Technology
best equivalent propeller design
"* Develop a propeller design with end plate blade tips, and one for the
without end plate blade tip design.
"• Conduct high speed, high Reynolds number open water tests on the designs
"* Conduct cavitation evaluation and tip flow mapping
"* Conduct model powering experiments to determine hull-propulsor interaction.
as a design for which
-End Plates for LSD 41 Propeller: The LSD 41 propellers have been identified
propeller design methods.
performance could be improved by as much as 6%, using the latest conventional
propeller blade refit is long,
Because of the high cost of new propeller blades, the payback period for a new
fairings on surface ship
about 5 years. The U.S. Navy has experience with the retrofit of numerically cut tip
the order of 2/3 the cost of
propellers. The propeller modification cost, of fitting end plates, may be on
making new blades. This, of course, would reduce the cost of retrofit. However, without actually
improvement due to
performing some design and model test work, it is difficult to estimate the performance
end plates.
immediately aft of the hub. It is believed that this rapid curvature contributes to excessive base drag.
Carefully conducted self propulsion model tests of various fairwater designs for the DD-963 destroyer
"button" shaped
showed a 1.0 % reduction in delivered power for a truncated cone design relative to the
design, Lin and Borda (12). The TAO 187 fairwater is a stepped down design with no
Even with only a
fairing, and it is believed that an improvement is very likely with a new faired design.
and expected
modest I% energy improvement, these concepts are attractive due to ease of ship integration
is recommended
low installation and R&D costs. However, because of the small energy improvement, it
in order
that the fairwater concept be considered as a "piggy back" to other energy enhancement concepts,
to share the costs of model tests, dry docking, retrofits, and ship trials.
e Hub Fins: The purpose of putting blades on the propeller hub/fairwater is to enhance propeller
B33 for a
performance by making use of the fluid energy near the propeller blade root area. See Figure
will be
photograph of a comparative commercial device. The extent of the energy enhancement
significantly affected by the adequacy or limitations of the original propeller design, especially with
to the hydrodynamics in the root area. State of the art commercial propeller design practice is to attempt
take into account hub effects, however, lack of good knowledge about local flow into the root-hub
intersection hinders these efforts. The more traditional commercial practice is to slightly modify an existing
Troost series propeller. For current U.S. Navy combatant ship propellers, root cavitation considerations
play an important role in the hydrodynamic design of the root area. The goal is to avoid cavitation on both
sides of the propeller blade near the root, which can result in some inherent kinetic energy loss. The
latest design methods, which are still in the research stage, attempt to account more completely
hydrodynamic propeller blade root and hub interactions. In addition, the design of the propeller blade
is often significantly affected by propeller strength considerations. This leads to increased root thickness
filleting, and on controllable pitch propellers, the root chord is limited by the rotating blade palm diameter.
Thus, even well designed propellers can experience losses associated with the flow in the root area of the
propeller blade.
The open water propeller efficiency shown in Figure 3 is not a good indicator of which propeller would
of the
benefit from these hub fins. The open water propeller efficiency reflects the overall performance
by a
propeller blades only, i.e. without the hub. During the open water model test, the propeller is powered
downstream shaft, and. in addition, thrust and torque tare loads of the hub spinning alone (without
blades) are subtracted out.
The hub-fin units are commercially available, with over 200 such devices having been applied to variety
of commercial ships. Claimed savings in fuel consumption is 3 to 5 percent. These savings are believable,
direct U.S. Navy
especially if the original propeller was in some way deficient. However, there is no
expected low associated
verification of these claims. The concept is recommended for retrofit, due to its
on a selected auxiliary
costs of ship integration and installation. The recommendation is to explore retrofit
The combatant ship
ship prior to conducting R&D into suitability for eventual retrofit on a combatant.
and signature
retrofit involves much more extensive design and model test work because of the cavitation
related potential impacts of such a device.
the rudder
- Rudder Modifications: Examples of possible rudder modifications are the thrusting fin, and
upper (above the
bulb fin, as shown in Figure B2 I. In addition, there is a split rudder concept that aligns the
devices work when
propeller centerline) and lower portion of the rudder at slightly different angles. These
conditions, the
there is a strong vertical or horizontal flow component in way of the device. Under such
angularity is
devices can either produce thrust, or decrease rotational energy losses, or both. The flow
hull wake. The
usually the result (or combination) of the propeller slipstream, the bilge vortex, and the
thrusting fin, and rudder bulb fin, have been fitted mostly to single screw commercial ships.
for a
reductions up to 5% have been reported. U.S. Navy model tests have shown a 3% powering reduction
mostly been
thrusting fin. and a 1% powering reduction with a split rudder. In general, the devices have
applied to single screw ships, but: will work with twin screw if strong angular flow conditions are
The recommendation with regard to the alternative fairwater designs, hub fins, rudder bulbs, and twisted
rudder devices, is to perform brief flow visualization model tests and brief propeller hub flow calculations,
for all of the selected ship classes. CDNSWC has all of the nine hull models and design propeller models,
and. in addition, the propeller design geometry is readily available. The following work is envisioned:
of the
"* Underwater flow visualization to determine flow directions on the rudder to help with the selection
most suitable hull for thrusting fins, and for the split rudder.
"• Stroboscopic underwater flow visualization on the propeller hubs to help with the selection of the most
suitable candidate for alternative fairwaters, and hub fins.
"* Simple vorticity measurement downstream of the propeller to help with selection of ships for hub fins.
"• Simple calculations of flow over the propeller blade near the root area to identify the best candidate
hub fins.
The hull geometry and operational characteristics of the selected hulls tend to favor some of the above
retrofit concepts. The AO 177 is the only single screw merchant ship type hullform, and from a geometry
point of view, it is the only realistic candidate for a rudder bulb. The ships with controllable pitch propellers
are the only realistic candidates for alternative fairwaters. Thrusting fins will impose some additional
on the rudders of all the ships, and calculations will be needed to determine if the additional load is critical
or not. On ships with horn rudders such as the TAO 187 and LPD 17 there is a possibility for locating the
thrusting fins on the fixed part of the horn, and thus minimize any impact on the rudder. On the high speed
ships such as DDG 51, DD 963, CG 47, FFG 7, and AOE 6, the design complexity and possible retrofit
of any of these devices, is increased because of cavitation considerations.
• Propeller Pitch Scheduling: Propeller pitch scheduling is an at-sea practice, rather than a retrofittable
engine fuel
hydrodynamic device, of setting and maintaining the optimal propeller pitch for minimal
consumption. It is highly recommended for study and eventual adoption on all ships which
controllable-pitch propellers for their main propulsion. These ships are: DDG 51, CG 47 / DD 963/993,
FFG 7, LSD 41 &49, TAO 187, and possibly the new LPD 17 Class.
The traditional view of propeller pitch scheduling involves a set of instructions to the ship's force
963) to
setting propeller pitch. The U.S. Navy conducted full scale trials on the USS Spruance (DD
(1 3). Analysis
evaluate the effects of pitch scheduling during trailed shaft operations, Hansen and Santelli
of the trials data revealed that a fuel savings of I to 2 percent could be achieved in the portion of the
range between 15 to 20 knots. Implementation of propeller pitch scheduling was envisioned to be a
process, performed by the ship's crew, according to specific instructions.
One of the difficulties with this traditional approach is that the propeller pitch indicator (on board
a servo
ship) is often in significant error. Propeller pitch is set by hydraulic pressure exerting force on
mechanism. Many factors may affect the accuracy of the set propeller pitch, such as: hydraulic
on the
temperature, thermal expansion of long pitch control rods, propulsion shaft compression, wear
system, and the accuracy of the pitch indicator itself. For ship trials the pitch indicator can be calibrated
drydock, pierside by divers, underway at speed, or by a combination of techniques, Klitsch et. al. (14). The
only pitch point known for sure, is an over-pitched position that is up against mechanical stops. This pitch
problem has been known for some time, and for DDG 51, an in-hub pitch sensor was developed,. However,
this system failed, and was removed from the ship. The development of reliable and accurate pitch
indicators is strongly recommended.
Another approach to pitch scheduling, is to purchase or develop a real time feedback system. This
system would automatically optimize the combination of propeller pitch and engine RPM, for minimum fuel
consumption. A survey should be conducted to determine what commercial systems are available today,
and to see if they are adequate for U.S. Navy use. Actual sensing of the propeller pitch may not be critical
to the system. The principal of optimization would be to minimize fuel flow at an operator specified ship
speed, by varying propeller pitch and thus engine RPM. Both software algorithms, and accurate hardware
such as thrust and torque meters, fuel flow meters, wind indicators, and ship motion sensors, might
needed for such a system. Such a system could be readily adapted to other desirable modes of operation,
including optimization for minimum propeller noise, maximum ship speed, and maximum acceleration. The
propeller fouling, and
real-time nature of the system would automatically account for the effects of hull and
the normal wear related degradation of engine performance.
ship. For the LSD
The sensitivity of delivered power to propeller pitch variations will vary from ship to
speed of 22 knots, Bell
41, the sensitivity of delivered power and propeller RPM was calculated for a ship
(15). The results for LSD 41, relative to the nominal design pitch condition, were:
6% reduction in pitch caused a 3.5% RPM increase and a 2.2% delivered power increase
6% increase in pitch caused a 3.5% RPM reduction and a 0.7% delivered power reduction
ship, the
The change in fuel consumption was not computed, nevertheless, since this is a diesel powered
The magnitude of the
fuel consumption change is expected to be on the same order as the powering change.
small gain per ship.
fuel usage improvement, due to ensuring operations at optimal pitch, represents only a
on a large
However, the overall U.S. Navy fleet savings could be expected to be significant, due to the gains
potential number of ships. The total savings could be calculated for assumed pitch variations.
The expected low implementation costs and widespread potential application for pitch scheduling,
fuel savings is
the traditional and the automatic real time methods, make this a highly desirable option. The
in selecting
difficult to quantify. The baseline performance depends on the current skill of the ship's crew
pitch and engine RPM for a given speed, and this skill could vary from ship to ship.
Information was compiled on U.S. Navy surface ship classes. This data was utilized to select eleven
(11) candidate classes for the possible retrofit of energy savings devices. The criteria for this selection was
those ship classes that had the highest potential life-cycle fuel savings with the installation of an energy
savings device. The annual potential fuel cost savings and potential life cycle fuel savings, attributed to the
installation of a hypothetical 5% energy savings device, was then determined for each of the identified
candidate ship classes.
Descriptions are provided of many energy enhancing concepts and devices, including depiction of the
geometry, principles of operation, practical considerations, full scale or model scale experiences, and energy
reduction potential. Fourteen (14) devices were selected for potential retrofit to U.S. Navy surface ships.
suitability for retrofit,
The criteria for this selection included applicability to U.S. Navy type hullforms,
reliability, and history of demonstrated energy enhancement potential.
An evaluation was then made in regard to which of the fourteen selected energy enhancement
identified candidate
are to be recommended for consideration as cost beneficial for retrofit on the eleven
as cost (R&D, ship
U.S. Navy surface ship classes. Many practical considerations beyond suitability, such
technical risks,
integration, manufacturing, and installation), availability of devices with greater potential,
etc., were taken into account for each hullform.
for the DDG 51.
(i) Continue the retrofit bulbous bow research and development work already planed
ship classes. A
Continue the ongoing stern flap work for the DDG 51 Class and for the DD 963 / CG 47
DD 963 /
stern flap for the FFG 7 class has already been developed. The fuel consumption of the
major research
CG 47 ship classes and the FFG 7 class can benefit from retrofit bulbous bows, however,
and development efforts for these ships should be performed after the results from the DDG 5i bulbous
bow program are analyzed.
for the
(2) Hydrodynamic research and development work to design retrofit energy enhancement devices
TAO 187 Class is recommended. The following retrofit items, listed in order of priority, should
"*Bow bulb (traditional type and the new small near surface type)
"*New fairwaters and/or fairwater fins
"•Thrusting fins on the rudders
"•Stern end bulb and/or stern flap
be conducted
(3) Brief model flow visualization experiments and propeller hub flow computations should
on the models that represent the I I ship classes identified in this report. These experiments
determine which of these ships possess favorable hydrodynamic characteristics for the retrofit
fairwater fins, new fairwaters, thrusting fins on the rudder, and modified rudders. These retrofit devices
are all very attractive because of their low cost and ease of retrofit.
(4) A system that automatically selects an optimum propeller pitch and engine RPM combination
minimized fuel usage could be applied to seven major ship classes with controllable pitch
should be
(consisting of 175 ships in total). The potential fuel saving benefits of such a system
estimated using current ship usage patterns, engine characteristics, and powering characteristics.
availability, applicability, and accuracy of off-the shelf commercial systems should be determined.
there are no satisfactory commercial systems, then the U.S. Navy should embark on the development
modes of
such a system. In addition to energy enhancement, such a system could have alternative
operation for minimizing propulsor noise or for maximizing propeller thrust.
bulbs should be
(5) An investigation into the potential benefits and design methodologies for stern end
transoms, the
started. For destroyer / cruiser type ships, with conventional low deadrise submerged
performance of a stern bulb alone, and in combination with a stern flap, should be investigated.
/ retrieval
addition, the possibility of using a stern end bulb as a housing for the underwater deployment
of various towed array sonar arrays should be investigated, for both retrofit and new design
end bulb
For the auxiliary type ships such as AOE 6, TAO 187, and AO 177 classes, the stern
performance should be investigated for both the design and ballast displacement.
is recommended.
(6) The development of a bulbous bow design oriented towards retrofit on the LHA class
a retrofit an
New developments in bulbous bow design, which could be adapted to the LHA, may make
attractive option.
On the
(7) The development of a stern flap on the LSD class and the LHA / LHD class is recommended.
LSD the flap should be effective for speeds of roughly 16 knots and above. On the LHD the flap should
become effective at speeds of roughly 18 knots and above. The flap design has to be optimized for the
mission operational speed profile of the ship. Stern flap design needs to consider amphibious operations
and stern gate deployment. The low deadrise transom shape on these ships is suitable for stern flaps.
(8) Research on energy efficient tip propellers should be pursued. The general performance claims for
If a
propellers with end plates should be verified through design and high Reynolds number model tests.
theoretical 3% efficiency improvement claim is valid for U.S. Naval ships, there could be a great
on the fuel consumption of new ships if fitted with this type of propeller. The LSD 41 propellers have
been identified as a design less efficient than possible with today's state of the art propellers. From
retrofit cost point of view, hydrodynamic design efforts and feasibility analysis of retrofitting end plates
to the current LSD propellers is recommended.
The authors wish to thank the CARDEROCKDIV, NSWC Ship Resistance and Powering Department
(Code 5200) employees: W. Beaver and K. Forgach, for their contributions towards this report with regard
to the compilation and arrangements of portions of the subject material, and for supplying U.S. Navy test
data on many of the energy savings devices.
In addition. Code 5200 employee D. Drazin was largely responsible for the work required to prepare the
original document for this reissue.
I. Schneekluth, H., Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, (1987).
Twenty Fourth
2. Cusanelli, D.S., and Forgach, K.M., "Stem Flaps for Enhanced Powering Performance",
(Nov. 1995).
American Towing Tank Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas,
of the FFG-7
3. Cusanelli, D.S., and W. Cave, III, "Effect of Stern Flaps on Powering Performance
Class", Marine Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 39-50, (Jan. 1993).
4. This reference is not in the public domain.
Combines a
5. Cusanelli, D.S., "Development of a Bow for a Naval Surface Combatant which
Hydrodynamic Bulb and a Sonar Dome", Transactions of ASNE Technology Innovation
'94, Pittsburgh Sect., (Sept. 1994).
6. This reference is not in the public domain.
7. This reference is not in the public domain.
8. Bailar, J.W., S.D. Jessup, and Y.T. Shen, "Improvement of Surface Ship Propeller Cavitation
Performance Using Advanced Blade Sections", Proceedings of the Twenty-Third ATTC, New
LA. (June 1992).
9. This reference is not in the public domain.
10. Andersen, P. and H. Schwaneke. "Design and Model Tests of Tip Fin Propellers", RINA
Meeting, (1952).
with Optional
11. DeJong, K, "On the Optimization, Including Viscosity Effects, of Ship Screw Propellers
End Plates", International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol 38, (1991).
12. This reference is not in the public domain.
13. Hansen, A.G., and N. Santelli, "Effect of Pitch Scheduling on Fuel Usage for Gas Turbine Ships:
Spruance (DD-963) Sea Trials", The Scientex Corp., Report No. TSC-35.5-1, (Nov. 1983).
14. Klitsch, M.L., R.J. Stenson, and E.L. Woo, "Experience with Controllable Pitch Propellers During
Scale Performance and Special Trials", Proceedings of Ninth Ship Control Systems Symposium.
15. This reference is not in the public domain.
This page intentionally left blank
Presented in Appendix A is the overview information collected on the existing US Navy fleet of
surface ships. Within this appendix, the US Navy surface ship fleet is separated into five main
force classifications. The five main ship force classifications of this appendix do not correspond
ship force
the official US Navy List of Ship Classifications, updated periodically '. These five
classifications are: (A) Surface Combatants, (B) Amphibious Warfare Ships, (C) Fleet Auxiliary
Force, (D) Mine Warfare, and (E) Active Strategic Sealift. Ships or ship classes in each of the main
ship functional force classifications are further subdivided into nineteen (19) categories separated by
ship type (ship function). The individual US Navy ship class overview information is presented
only those classes for which activity status data indicates that at least one ship remains active in the
fleet. Eliminated from the overview are those classes for which all ship's activity status is listed as
non-deployed (or non-deployable), out of service, inactive, inactive status in Military Sealift Command
(MSC), assigned to Naval Reserve Force (NRF), or sold to foreign navies, etc. In some instances,
two ship classes, listed separately in the US Navy ship register, were grouped together in the present
overview. These specific instances, indicated in the present overview, occur when the same
underwater hull design was utilized for the two classes. For the purpose of this energy study, the hull
design was the primary differentiating factor. The present US Navy class overview resulted in the
identification of nearly sixty (60) active ship classes.
The individual US Navy ship class overview information includes data such as number of ships,
activity status, number of ships planned or being presently built, and remaining service life, as well as
common data on ship type, size (displacement, length, beam, draft), speed, range, and propulsion
(number of shafts, installed power, prime mover). The data comprising the US Navy surface fleet
overview was extracted from the following sources: The first source being a variety of different types
of documents within the technical library at CARDEROCKDIV,NSWC, Carderock site. The second
source was the Polmar reference guide book of the U.S. Fleet (Ref. Al) . This book was the source
for much of the activity status of the older ship classes, as well as additional fleet information. A third
source was the broadly known book of world-wide fighting forces, published by Jane's (Ref. A2).
This was again a source of additional fleet information. This overview of US Navy ship classes,
compiled for this energy study, is presented in the following Table Al.
' The official US Navy List of Ship Classifications includes a much more extensive differentiation between ship force
functions, and consequently includes many additional ship classification branches.
2 US Navy surface ship fleet present activity status is presented when available, however, many of the older ship cklsses
reflect activity status as of FY94.
3 Reference for Appendix A are presented on the last page of the appendix.
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The data of this US Navy surface fleet overview was utilized to obtain information for
identification of candidate ship classes with the highest potential life-cycle fuel consumptions. These
ship classes would possess the greatest potential fuel savings benefits by way of installment of energy
enhancement devices. Because of the difficulties in obtaining the actual fuel usage data on all of the
nearly sixty (60) identified active ship classes, another approach was undertaken. The field of
potential high fuel usage ship classes was narrowed down by taking into consideration that class life-
cycle fuel consumption rating would be a result of the following three characteristics: number of ships
in class, remaining average service life, and installed power of the prime mover. A ship class
possessing relatively high values in these three characteristics would, therefore, have a high potential
life-cycle fuel consumption. The overview data pertaining to the number of ships in (or planned for)
the class, remaining service life, and installed power, is presented in graphical form in Figure Al. The
data was then used to determine figure of merit factors to quantify these three characteristics. The first
factor, Power*Number, is simply the multiplicative sum of the number of ships in class and the class
installed power. The second factor, Power*Number*Life, simply multiplies the Power*Number
factor by the average years of remaining service life for the class. These figure of merit factors are
presented in bar graph form in Figure A2. The candidate ship classes with the highest potential life-
cycle fuel consumptions were identified as those which exhibited a relatively high
Power*Number*Life merit factor, (as judged by an elevated bar graph level on Figure A2).
A decision was then made to place an additional criteria on the candidate ship classes. Only those
ships which burned fossil fuels would be considered for further analysis. Realistic cost savings, from
reduced fossil fuel consumption, could be determined for these candidate classes. Excluded from
further consideration in this energy study were those surface ships equipped with nuclear power.
Several of these ships did, however, exhibit high values in the figure of merit analysis. There is the
possibility, with enhanced hull and/or propulsor performance, of effecting overall life-cycle costs of
these ships by extending the service life of the reactor nuclear core. However, assessment of this
scenario would be difficult and is not considered at this time.
Eleven US Navy surface ship classes were identified as having high potential life-cycle fuel
consumptions. These eleven ship classes, are candidates for retrofit of energy savings devices, and are
recommended for further consideration in this energy study. The eleven US Navy surface ship classes
include four from classification (A) Surface Combatants, four from classification (B) Amphibious
Warfare Ships, and three from classification (C) Fleet Auxiliary Force. No candidate ship classes were
identified from either classification (D) Mine Warfare or classification (E) Active Strategic Sealift. The
candidate US Navy surface ship classes, identified for further consideration in this energy study, are
presented in the following Table A2. Note: the four new classes of sealift ships just being launched are
not contained in this overview.
Table A2. US Navy surface ship classes identified as candidates for retrofit
of energy enhancement devices
Classification (A) Surface Combatants
Ticonderoga, CG 47
Spruance / Kidd, DD 963 / DD 993
Arleigh Burke, DDG 51
Oliver Hazard Perry, FFG 7
The fossil fuel carrier class of Kitty Hawk and John F. Kennedy (CV 63 & CV 67) exhibited a
slightly elevated Power*Number*Life merit factor bar graph level on Figure A2. However it was
eliminated from contention because it was felt that installation of energy enhancement devices on this
class would not be economically justified. This decision was based on the low number of ships in the
class (4) and the short average remaining service life (< 10 years). The elevated merit factor was
solely based upon the relatively high installed power (280,000 hP).
Obtaining the actual fuel usage data for these identified candidate ship classes was the next step.
Information on ship annual fuel usage and fuel rates was obtained from Navy VAMOSC data supplied
by the Naval Center for Cost Analysis (NCA). Presented in Table A3, is the US Navy ship average
annual fuel consumptions, for the selected candidate classes. As indicated, no fuel usage data was
reported for three of the classes, therefore, it was necessary to estimate data for these. The Navy
VAMOSC fuel data is separated into both barrels of fuel consumed underway and not underway.
Utilized in this energy analysis is only the ship fuel consumption underway. Additionally, it was
assumed that only 70 percent of the reported underway fuel consumed was utilized predominantly for
ship propulsion. The remaining 30 percent is assumed for ship auxiliary generators, hotel loads, etc.
Henceforth, all of the analyses presented, reflect annual propulsion fuel usages equal to 70 percent of
the reported Navy VAMOSC underway fuel consumed. The data on individual ship and class
averaged annual barrels of fuel used for propulsion, is presented in bar graph form in Figure A3.
In order to determine if an energy saving device makes economic sense in terms of payback on
investment, it was assumed that a hypothetical device would save 5 percent on propulsion fuel. To
'Navy VAMOSC data supplied by Naval Center for Cost Analysis (NCA) from a report dated 11/21/95, reflecting
individual class fuel usages from FY85 through FY94.
make this 5% hypothetical device more realistic, it was also assumed that it could have three possible
ranges of cost, low, medium, and high, depicted as follows:
Device Cost Range Total R&D Cost Installation Cost / ship (Example Device)
Low Cost $ 500K $ lOOK stern flap
Mid Cost $ IM $ 500K bow bulb
High Cost $ 2M $ 1M propeller
The simple following constant dollar analyses were then performed to determine the possible fuel cost
savings associated with the 5% hypothetical device, on each identified US Navy class:
"* Annual potential fuel saved (barrels), and annual potential fuel cost savings ($K), Figure A4.
"* Estimated costs of R&D and full scale installation, Figure A5.
", Fuel cost savings potential for short-term (5 years), Figure A6.
"* Fuel cost savings potential for mid-term (10 years), Figure A7.
"* Total life cycle fuel cost savings potential (remaining class service life), Figure A8.
It is readily apparent that potentially the most significant fuel savings could be realized with the
cruisers and destroyers, (Figure A4). If the requirement is to show a net savings, i.e. payback, in a
five year short term, than only devices in the low cost and median cost ranges should be considered
(Figure A6). For payback in ten years, even the devices in the high cost range look attractive for
several of the identified ship classes, (Figure A7). It is interesting to note that over the remaining class
service life, the initial cost of tie device has only a moderate impact on the net savings, (Figure A8).
For the fuel cost savings, a per barrel fuel cost of $55 was utilized. This value has been recommended by
NAVSEA, and reflects the cost of procurement and delivery.
Al. Polmar, N., The Naval Institute Guide to the Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet, 15th Edition,
Naval Institute Press, 1993.
A2. Sharp, Capt. R., RN, editor, Jane's Fighting Ships 1995-96, 98th Edition, Jane's Information
Group Limited, 1995.
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A2 2
It is assumed that competent ship design and naval architecture have already been applied to the US
Navy hullforms contained in this study. That is, basic optimization of the hullform has been
considered in the areas of: hull main dimensions; hull ratios such as length/beam, beam/draft, etc.; and
basic hydrodynamic principles have been applied to the hull lines. Also assumed is that propeller
design and sizing, and main propulsion plant considerations, have all been taken into account. The
primary means, by which to save shipboard energy, is this correct sizing and design of the vessel and
its propulsor. Jumboizing (adding a ship parallel middle body), or the removal of a parallel middle
body, are not considered as energy enhancement options in this report.
The data contained in Appendix B is a broad survey of energy enhancing concepts and devices,
which have a potential for improving ship energy efficiency. A tremendous number of alternatives, in
terms of ship types and shapes, hull innovations, shipboard devices, designs, and concepts, are
available to the ship designer, and are reviewed later in this appendix. The individual identified
devices and concepts were grouped into three main categories: (A) HULL, (B) APPENDAGE(s), and
(C) PROPULSOR(s). The devices and concepts were grouped so that similar devices, or devices that
performed under similar principles of operation, were organized together. This resulted in
approximately thirty-five (35) organizational groups of devices and concepts. The categorization and
organization, of the identified potential energy savings devices and concepts, are presented in the
following Table B 1.
Henceforth, in this text, any design, device, concept, or organizational grouping of similar devices
and concepts, shall all be referred to under the common designation of "device".
After identification, the second step in the process was to provide descriptions of the potential
energy savings devices. These descriptions were to include any/all of the following: depiction of the
geometry or general appearance of the device, mechanisms or principles of operation, practical
considerations, full scale applications or model scale experiences, and if possible, delivered power (or
fuel) reduction potential. Also, along with descriptions, photographs, drawings, and/or sketches, are
presented of the devices, when available. Within each description is mention of a prominent reference
or references for that device, again if available. A list of these references is presented on the last page
of Appendix B. The descriptions are presented for each of the thirty-five (35) device groups specified
above. Each description is applicable to all of the devices in a common group, except for a few
instances, where noted. These thirty-five descriptions of the potential energy savings devices are what
compose the main body of Appendix B. A concise listing of these possible energy savings devices,
identified as applicable to US Navy ships, is presented in Table B2. Table B2 contains summary
information on the energy devices as to their possibility for retrofit, suitability for combatants,
amphibious ships, and/or auxiliaries, and very brief comments.
Table B 1. Categorization of the identified potential energy savings devices
The device descriptions presented were extracted from a wide variety of different types of media
sources. The following are the three main types of media sources taken into consideration:
0 (1) US Navy research and development programs. The data was extracted from both open
publication reports, journals, and technical presentations, and from limited distribution unclassified
0 (2) Foreign and domestic R&D programs. The data was extracted from referenceable open
publication reports, journals, and similar technical documents.
(3) Foreign and domestic commercial shipbuilding industries. The data was extracted most
generally from advertising material of a technical nature for a particular device, from company
brochures and promotional literature, or from magazines and journals. Some of the information
was extracted from referenceable technical documents.
A chart of compatibility between all identified energy savings devices was prepared, and is
presented as Table B3. Again, the individual energy savings devices are represented in their respective
groupings. For the purpose of condensation of this table, the thirty-five groups are identified by only
the title of the first individual device in that group. The stated compatibility is equivalent for all devices
in any particular group. The practicality of equipping a single hullform with all identified compatible
devices is not within the scope of Table B3. It is simply a presentation of the material limitations on
compatibility between devices. Device compatibility, in Table B3, is labeled in four different
classifications. Device compatibility classification is as follows:
"* (C) COMPATIBLE: These two devices perform under different principles of operation, and/or
occupy different (non-overlapping) positions on the ship hullform.
"* (N) NOT COMPATIBLE: These two devices either perform under equivalent principles of
operation, and/or occupy similar (overlapping) positions on the ship hullform.
"* (PC) PARTIALLY COMPATIBLE: These two devices could be used together on a hullform,
however, either/or the following applies:
a) The use of both devices may inhibit the full performance potential of either.
b) Both devices perform under related principles of operation.
c) For practicality considerations, both devices would not likely be utilized together.
"* (D) DIFFERENT HULL DESIGNS: These two devices are designed to operate on dissimilar
hulls or hullform types.
The energy device groups were then subjected through a selected process for potential retrofit to
US Navy surface ships. The criteria for this selection process was:
* (1) The device had to be practical as a retrofit. Those devices that are exclusively new designs, or
for some identified reason classified as non-retrofittable, were eliminated from further
0 (2) The device had to be reliable and durable enough for use on US Navy ships.
• (3) The device had to have a history of demonstrated energy enhancement potential (model or full
scale) on some ship similar to a possible US Navy present or future application.
* (4) The energy savings devices had to be applicable to at least one of the US Navy ship classes
identified in the first part of the study, or had to be applicable to foreseeable future Navy
hullforms. Devices suitable to only high block coefficient, relatively slow speed, commercial or
merchant type hulls, with single-screw heavily loaded propellers, were not selected.
A summary is presented in Table B4 of the selection or elimination of the energy devices, and
criteria for the selection or elimination. Fourteen (14) energy savings devices were selected as
applicable for retrofit to a present US Navy hullform design. These devices satisfied all of
aforementioned criteria. The selected devices included three from Category (A) Hull, five from
Category (B) Appendage(s), and six from Category (C) Propulsor(s). A simple listing of the
candidate retrofit energy savings devices are presented in the following Table B5:
Lastly, a chart listing the fourteen (14) selected candidate energy savings devices, and
recommendations for retrofit on the eleven (11) identified US Navy Classes, is presented in Table B6.
This table represents, in basis, a summary of the entire identification, classification, and selection
process. Table B6 also indicates the following information on each selected candidate energy savings
0 (R) Device is Recommended for retrofit on this ship class
* (C) Device should be Considered for retrofit on this ship class
* (S) Device is Suitable for this ship class
* (M) Model tests have previously been conducted with this type of device on this ship class
0 (D) Design of ship hull presently includes this type of device
The descriptions of the potential energy savings devices (main body of Appendix B) are presented
after the final table (Table B6). Again, these descriptions are separated into three categories: (A) Hull,
(B) Appendage(s), and (C) Propulsor(s). and further sub-divided into thirty-five organizational device
Table B2. List of possible energy savings devices
CATEGORY (R)etrofit (AMP)hibious Brief Comments
(N)ew Design (AUX)illiaries
No. (A) HULL
1 Bulbous Bow, Traditional R, N C, AMP, AUX reduced hull resistance
2 Bow Bulb: Small, Near-Surface R, N C, AMP, AUX reduced hull resistance, designed to
be used on bows with sonar domes
.10 Propulsion Pods N C, AMP, AUX .._for electric drive, long-term R&D
N C, AMP, AUX reduced hull resistance
.11 Numerically Optimized Forebody
Table B2. List of possible energy savings devices (continued)
CATEGORY (R)etrofit (AMP)hibious Brief Comments
(N)ew Design (AUX)illiaries
26 New Propeller Design R, N C, AMP, AUX improved efficiency propeller
27 Low RPM / Large Dia Propellers R, N C, AMP, AUX improved efficiency, used with tunnel stern
28 Overlapping Propellers N C, AMP, AUX reduce loading, increase efficiency
29 Energy Efficient Tip Propellers R, N C, AMP, AUX all: increased loading at blade tips for
Kappel Propellers increased efficiency
Concentrated Tip Loaded (CLT)
30 Contra-Rotating Propellers N C, AMP, AUX improved effic, high cost and long-term R&D
31 Tandem Propellers N C, AMP, AUX improved efficiency, reduced acoustics
32 Propeller Fairwater Designs R C, AMP, AUX reduce hub drag and losses
33 Fins (Blades) on Propeller Hub R C, AMP, AUX all: reduce propeller hub vortex losses
Propeller Boss Cap Fin technology in commercial applications
Post Swirl Cap
34 Vane (Grim) Wheel R, N AUX regain rotational and axial losses
technology in commercial applications
35 Propeller Pitch Scheduling R C, AMP, AUX increase engine efficiency at specified speeds
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Fig B 1. Photographs of two variations in traditional bulbous bow designs, on AE-36 model
(2) Bow Bulb: Small, Near-Surface
The small, near-surface, bow bulb, Figure B2, is a new type of hydrodynamnic bulbous bow
developed and patented' for use with U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers, (Ref. B2.a). Unlike the
traditional bulbous bow (above), the new bulb is integrated into an existing combatant bow which
houses a sonar dome. Resistance reductions are achieved similarly to the traditional bulbous bow.
Design emphasis is towards a bulb size and shape which would maximize resistance reduction in the
speed range most frequented by destroyers, thus increasing the potential for energy reduction. Alter
several iterations on simple-shaped body of revolution bulbs, of varying sizes and volumes, an initial
hydrodynamic bulb design was developed for the DDG-51 Class. Model tests show that this initial
design bulb significantly reduces ship resistance, and results in an overall decrease in powering of 5.8
percent, and an increase in top speed of 0.5 knots, (Ref. B2.b). Fuel cost savings due to the bow bulb
installation has been estimated to be $116K per year per ship, on the DDG-51 Class. Improvements in
propeller cavitation characteristics 2, and reductions in signature levels were also exhibited. Model
tests with a preliminary bow bulb design, conducted on the CG-47 Class Cruisers, indicate a 2 percent
delivered power reduction, (Ref. B2.c). It is expected that with continued design refinement, the
delivered power reduction of this device on the CG-47 Class would be improved.
The bow bulb for the DDG-51 was originally conceived and developed as a backlit device.
Estimated cost of "first of series" backfit bow bulb is $500K, cost for additional backfits are estimated
at $350K per bow bulb, making this concept a low-to-medium cost, high energy savings candidate for
further consideration. This technology is applicable to the following US Navy ship classes identified
for energy improvement: DDG-51, CG-47, DD-963 and DD-993, FFG-7, LHA- 1, and TAO-187
Classes. All other ship classes in survey include a traditional bulbous bow in their hull design.
,4 7
Figure B2. Photographs of a small, near-surface, bow bulb, on a DDG-51 destroyer model
Cusanelli, D.S. and G. Karafiath, "Combined Bulbous Bow and Sonar Dome for a Vessel", US Patent Number
5.28(0,761, Jan. 1994.
2 Model and/or full scale test results are of higher classification.
(11) Numerically Optimized Forebody
Numerically optimized forebody, Figure B I1, is a concept where existing computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) computer codes are utilized in the design process to optimize a forebody shape for
minimum wave resistance. Power reductions of as much as 10 -20 percent are possible, however, the
magnitude of the power reductions has been extremely specific to the speed for which the forebody
was optimized. This concept was recently evaluated during the AE-36 Energy Enhancement Program
(Ref. B 11.a). The AE-36 Total Resistance Optimized Forebody (TROF) was designed by Science
Applications International (SAIC) using an optimizational scheme on a paneled hull with far-field
wavemaking resistance predicted using slender body theory (Ref. B I .b). The AE-36 TROF
exhibited a remarkable 20 percent reduction in delivered power at the 24 knot design speed, however,
it also exhibited an unprecedented increase in power of 42 percent at 14 knots. The results of this
application on AE-36 showed a time-averaged powering increase (factored for speed-time-loading
profile) of nearly 24 percent, resulting solely from the low speed resistance increases. Also, at the
light ballast load draft, a condition for which the bow was not optimized, the AE-36 TROF exhibited a
resistance of more than double the baseline bow. Implementation of this technology as an energy
reduction concept would require significant R&D work. Non-linear, near-field, free surface
phenomena need to be included in the forebody optimization. The optimization should be for a
complete ship speed range and displacement operational scenario. Free surface wave properties,
especially those properties that affect wave breaking, should also be included. The numerically
optimized forebody concept is not considered further in the present energy study, because it is
exclusively a new construction item.
(a) (b)
Fig B 11. AE-36 Total Resistance (numerically) Optimized Forebody. (a) Sketch of forebody plan,
and (b) close-up photograph of model showing design details in bow region
(a) . (b)
(c) (d)
Fig B 12. Photographs of flow ducts. (a) MIDP on TAO 168 model, (b) full scale ZAD on full body
closed stern, (c) full scale partial ZAD on tunnel stem, and (d), full scale asymmetric
ZAD on open shaft and strut propulsion suite
To date, approximately 170 MIDP's have been installed full scale. All ducts have been applied to
large block coefficient ships of 43000 to 450000 DWT. Reductions in propeller loading in the range
of 3 to as much as 15 percent are claimed, from a variety of sources. A MIDP concept was model
scale tested on the US Navy T-AO 168 Class, Figure B 12(a). On the T-AO 168 model, an increase in
delivered power was measured when the MIDP was installed (Ref. B12.d). In addition, the measured
forces on the model MIDP, during the powering experiments, showed that at no speed was it
producing a net positive thrust. More than 30 ships have been fitted with an HZ nozzle, (half new
constructions and half retrofits), all ships fitted have had block coefficients greater than 0.78. Power
savings of up to 12 percent are claimed, from unidentified sources. More than 150 ZAD's have been
designed and built for ships of the containership, multi-purpose, and tanker varieties. ZAD type ducts
appear to be the most versatile concept, having been applied to full body closed stems, Figure B 12(b),
closed tunnel stems, Figure B12(c), and open shaft and struts, Fig B12(c), alike. The Wake
Equalizing Duct (ZAD) concept has been model scale tested on a variety of US Navy ship classes. The
AE-36, from Ref. B7.c, (three ZAD designs on a bulbous stern and three ZAD designs on an
asymmetric stern) The T-AO 168, from Ref. BH12.d, (six ZAD designs). And the T-AGS 38, Ref.
B 12.e, (four ZAD designs). All of these ZAD designs were tested on each model in a variety of
orientations, varying longitudinal location, vertical location, and rotation of the duct in both the yaw
and pitch planes. For the AE-36 and the T-AO 168, a total of 12 different model tested ZAD designs,
none were found to decrease required delivered power over the baseline propeller without duct. Of the
four ZAD designs model tested on the T-AGS 38, only one reduced delivered power by a predicted
1.6 percent. From these US Navy model test experiences, it appears that these concepts are most
likely suited to single screw, high block coefficient hullforms, with heavily loaded propellers, not
typical of US Navy designs. Therefore, these concepts are not recommended for further consideration
under this energy study.
(13) Flow Fins on Hull, Fins to Reduce Bilge Vortex, Grothues (HDF) Spoilers,
Profiled Strut Arms, Wake Adapting Fins
Flow fins on hull, fins to reduce bilge vortex, Grothues Spoilers (hydrodynamic fin system or
HDF), profiled strut arms, and wake adapting fins, form a similar group of concepts which have
adapted some style of fin (or multiple fins) attached to the hull, Figure B 13. The purpose of these fins
are any of the following: flow re-direction, flow homogenization, reduction of flow separation or
induced hull vortices. Some fin designs claim to actually reduce hull resistance by either: reducing the
energy lost in the bilge vortices, or by generating on the fins a lift force with a forward component.
All tend to be fairly simple devices, which can easily be backfit, and frequently are. Many designs
have been model tested world-wide, with predicted power savings in the 0 to 6 percent range.
Approximately 30 or more HDF systems have been installed on containerships, bulk carriers, tankers,
etc., with claimed power savings of 5 to II percent (Ref. B 13.a). (However, the accuracy and/or
sources of these comparisons are unknown.) They are concepts which are again commercially
available, but best suited to single screw, full stern, high block coefficient hullforms, with heavily
loaded propellers. Extensive model testing and a full scale installation was conducted by the US Navy
on a flow alignment fin for the AO-177 Class (Ref. B13.b). The purpose of this fin, however, was
not for energy enhancement, and it consequently showed little to no effect on the full scale ship
powering. The flow alignment fin on the AO-177 was successful in the purpose for which it was
designed, namely, reducing inboard propeller-excited airborne noise, and propulsor cavitation erosion
tendencies. These flow fin concepts are not recommended for further consideration under this energy
(a) (b)
Fig B 13. Photographs of full scale applications of (a) flow fins on hull, and
(b) Grothues Spoilers (note vane wheel installed behind propeller)
(14) Stator Upstream of Propeller, Inflow Control Vanes, Double Guide Fins,
Stream Control Installation
These four concepts are all comprised of high aspect ratio fins placed forward of the propeller
plane, simply described as stator blades located forward of the propeller. The double guide fins (a pair
of fins) and the inflow control vanes, Figure B 14(a), (generally three or more fins spaced radialy
around the propeller disk), are both concepts designed for open shaft & strut propulsion. The stator
upstream of propeller, Figure B 14(b), and stream control installation, are designed for closed stern or
skeg type hullforms. All concepts work by inducing a pre-rotation of the flow, and/or causing a more
circumferentially uniform flow, to be delivered into the propeller. All concepts also attempt to augment
forward thrust, by generating on the blades a forward component of lift larger than the induced drag
(resistance). Inflow control vanes, referred to as stators, have been designed for US Navy
applications with the primary purpose of increased propulsion efficiency, as shown by Neely, et. al.
(Ref. B 14.a). Applications on models (such as Figure B14.a) have shown that increases in propulsive
efficiency of 6-7% could be achieved. The stators model tested to date, however, have shown minimal
energy enhancement over the ship's speed range, with the significant power reductions having been
realized only near the device's design speed. The data does support the possibility of designing stators
with emphasis oriented towards energy enhancement. Additional realizable benefits of the concepts
(non-energy issues) are reduced propeller cavitation, noise, and vibrations 2. The US Navy's interest
in inflow control vanes has also been in the reduction of blade erosion, as shown by Smith and
Remmers, (Ref. B14.b).
Inflow control vanes are recommended for further consideration. The most promising candidates
for study would be the LHD-1, LHA-1, and TAO-187. The concept is most appropriate on the
combatant classes, DDG-5 1, CG-47, DD-963/993, or FFG-7, however, signature considerations may
prevail. The stator upstream of propeller device is applicable to the AO- 177 Class.
(a) (b)
Fig B 14. (a) Photograph of inflow control vanes on a US Navy model. and (b) Photograph of full
scale stator upstream of propeller
(15) Ducted Inflow Control Vanes, Reaction(tive) Fins (FPHFS)
Both ducted inflow control vanes, Figure B 15(a), and reaction(tive) fins, Figure B 15(b), combine
the previous concepts of an upstream propeller duct and upstream stator blades. The duct/stator is
designed as an integrated unit, and located entirety upstream of the propeller plane. The duct/stator
operating principals combine the previous two concepts. Design criteria is that the unit induced drag is
not larger than the produced forward component of lift. Extensive research into the reaction fin,
referred to as Fore-Propeller Hydrodynarnical Fin Sector (FPHFS), has been conducted by Marine
Design & Research Institute of China (MARIC), (Ref. B I5.a). The FPHFS attempts to create a pre-
swirl into the propeller so strong as to prevent any rotational flow aft of the propeller. Model tests on
two ship designs exhibited up to an 8 percent powering reduction. Two full scale FPHFS applications
have been made, on the island pushers Changjiang62025 and Changjiang62027. Claims of full scale
power savings for FPHFS of 3 - 7 percent are made based upon sister ship comparison trials. The
designers state that FPHFS is most suitable for heavily-loaded propellers, at low speed. US Navy
experience is limited to the ducted inflow control vanes on open shafts and struts. Ducted pre-swirl
units, such as Figure B 15(a), can be designed to operate efficiently, as shown by Hughes and Kinnas
(Ref. B 15.b). The ducted inflow control vanes, on the US Navy model tests, showed higher
delivered power throughout the speed range. Measured forces on the duct/stator unit showing that at
no speed was this assembly producing a net positive thrust. Increased propulsor efficiency, however,
was measured over the operating speed range, so it may be possible that some performance
improvement could be obtained from a new design. Ducted inflow control vanes would be expected to
have beneficial energy savings for highly loaded propellers, such as tugs or tankers, for which they
have seen limited full scale applications to date. Significant R&D work would be necessary to adapt
this technology to US Navy ships. Therefore, while these concepts do profess future possibilities for
US Navy applications, most likely in non-energy related areas, they are not recommended here.
(a) (b)
Fig B 15 (a) Photograph of ducted inflow control vanes on US Navy model, and (b) Photograph of
FPHFS fins on twin screw Japanese model
(16) Ducted Propeller(s)
Ducted propeller(s), as depicted in Figure B 16, are a well recognized, and well accepted, design
technology. They are used for generating high amounts of thrust out of a propulsor that is extremely
highly loaded, or at/near a zero flow velocity condition, and also in instances where hull draft
limitations are severe. Ducted propellers are a common design feature on tugboats, which operate a
substantial amount of the time in a bollard pull condition. Ducted propellers have additionally been
applied as a means of reducing propeller cavitation and for propeller quieting. It is for these types of
non-energy related applications that ducted propellers have been utilized on US Navy surface ship
designs 2. One full scale US Navy surface ship application was that of a pump-jet propulsor2 on the
USS Glover, (AGDE- 1). Powering performance is of higher classification, however, excessive noise
experienced aboard ship, especially during turning maneuvers, was attributed to cavitation on the duct
(Ref. B 16.a). Ducted propeller systems, while in some applications of the types mentioned above can
provide powering reductions, are ordinarily not seen as a means of reducing delivered power for
typical US Navy hull designs under normal operational propulsion requirements. Ducted propellers
would be expected to have beneficial energy reduction for only ships with very highly loaded
propellers. Therefore, ducted propellers are not given further consideration in this energy study.
(a) (b)
Fig B 16 (a) Photograph of twin screw ducted propellers on a model, and (b) Photograph of a full
scale ducted propeller, in this case a tip vortex free (TVF) propeller
B 27
(17) Stator Behind Propeller (Post-Swirl)
The stator behind propeller (or post-swirl) concept, Figures B17, operates on the principal of
reducing both the rotational energy losses and axial kinetic energy losses in the propeller slipstream.
The efficiency of these devices varies greatly, but significant powering reductions are possible due to
increased propulsor efficiencies. Very little operational experience is available in literature for the
stator behind propeller used as a backfit device. The US Navy model test experience with stators
behind propellers have generally been of the two stage propulsor design. In these cases the
philosophy would be to design the propeller with high pitch to minimize viscous losses, but generating
some rotational losses, which would be recoverable by the stator as augmented thrust. These two
stage propulsors can have high efficiencies in the range of 0.85. A design method for post swirl
propulsors was addressed by the US Navy in the PG-100 program, as detailed by Chen (Ref. B17.a).
For this application, a post swirl propulsor was designed for a close-to-uniform flow on a tractor pod
(Figure B 17.a). Emphasis was placed on propulsor efficiency, as well as reduced blade loading and
reduced tip circulation, both to insure reduced propeller cavitation characteristics. Model tests
conducted by Cusanelli (from Ref. B 10.a), insured that the design had reduced the required delivered
power of the PG-100. Post-swirl stators may not be applicable to backfitting behind a standard
propeller. Recoverable swirl losses for a typical US Navy propeller, on a shaft & strut destroyer, have
been estimated to be on the order of only 3 percent. In addition, the backfitting of a stator behind an
existing propeller poses serious mechanical difficulties and vibration related concerns. Therefore, at
this time, the stator behind propeller concept is not foreseen as a backfittable device, and not
considered further in the present energy study. (A related device, stator fins mounted on the rudder or
rudder stock, are considered in this report under a separate device group.)
(a) (b)
Fig B 17 (a) Photograph of model scale post swirl stator behind propeller on a tractor pod, and
(b) Sketch of Stator Behind Propeller concept - Japan
(18) Bearing in Rudder Post
The principles of operation, of the propeller shaft bearing in rudder post concept, Figure B 18, is
the elimination of the propeller shaftline support struts, a reduction of propeller-hub faitrwater drag,
and augmentation of the recovery of propeller swirl losses. The elimination of support struts reduces
the associated shaftline appendage drag. An additional secondary effect of this concept is the
elimination of the support strut flow deficits, thus reducing the fluctuations in the wake entering into
the propeller plane. The concept has been tried (model scale) on US Navy frigate, destroyer, and
cruiser hullforms, (Ref. B 18.a). On a single screw frigate configuration model tested, the bearing in
rudder post reduced powering by as much as 10 percent. The general conclusion, based on a large
number of US Navy model tests, is that the bearing in rudder post is a viable concept with potential for
reducing delivered power by 3 percent. The powering reduction stemmed from not only the reduced
resistance, but also from increased propeller-hull interaction coefficients and propeller efficiencies,
attributed to the cleaner wake, and recovery of propeller losses. There are some technical risks with
the concept, primarily associated with structural issues, vibration, rudder cavitation and erosion
damage, and shaft support bearings. Because of the developmental nature of bearing designs for the
higher power levels necessary for US Navy ships, a long payback period had been estimated in the
past, and pursuit of this concept was not continued. It is likely, that with present day bearing design
technology, the problems of the point and side loads associated with this concept could be overcome.
The US Navy and Coast Guard have operational experience with bearing in rudder post configurations
on approximately 200 patrol crafts, (numerous references). These cases do not show any excessive
problems with vibration or rudder cavitation. Although the concept on patrol crafts has very limited
applicability towards large combatants, due to the significantly lower power levels, it does show proof
of the concept. A great many previous model tests indicate that the propeller shaft bearing in rudder
post concept is favorable for energy enhancement, and pursuit elsewhere is encouraged. However,
this concept is not considered further in the present energy study, because it is strictly a new
construction item.
S'i 'id t|17
(a) (b)
Figure B 18. Bearing in rudder post concept. (a) Photograph of rudder designs tested on DD-963
model, and (b) sketch of concept on single screw combatant hullform. (Note elimination
of struts on main propeller shaft barrel.)
(19) Alternative Main Strut Barrel Designs
Alternative main strut barrel designs are preliminary attempts to achieve a better hydrodynamic
shape for the main propeller shaft support strut barrel on open shaft and strut propulsion applications.
Some preliminary design sketches are shown in Figure B 19. The shape of the main strut barrel has a
significant hydrodynamic effect on inflow wake into the propeller, especially near the root area. The
barrel shape affects the wake deficit as well as the wake distribution into the propeller. Especially for
controllable-pitch propellers, where blade design near the hub has less freedom to adapt to the change
of wake due to the restriction that the blade is built to rotate in the hub. For this kind of propeller, the
alternative approach to improve propeller efficiency and cavitation performance near the hub area (low
propeller radius region) is to provide better inflow wake distribution. The shape of barrel plays ,an
important role to achieve better wake flow near the propeller blade roots. Limited test data that shows
that the "cone" shape can yield a preferable wake, (Ref. B 19.a). While reduced propeller blade root
cavitation and increase cavitation inception speed would be directly realizable by this concept, there are
possible benefits to propeller efficiency. As identified in the previous concept, (propeller shaft bearing
in rudder post), increased propeller-hull interaction coefficients can be attained due to the cleaner wake
provided to the propeller.
It is doubtful that the retrofit of a new strut barrel design would be cost beneficial. The main
emphasis of this concept is to provide better inflow wake into the propeller, for reduced blade root
cavitation and increased cavitation inception speeds. While the potential for small powering reductions
exists, it is felt that the potential for energy reduction would not offset the substantial cost of retrofit.
Empirical and CFD work on this concept is in its preliminary stage. Consideration should be given to
follow on model test work to verify computational predictions, and to determine energy reduction
possibilities. The concept is applicable to all identified US Navy ship classes with open shaft and strut
propulsion: CG-47, DD963/993, DDG-51, FFG-7, LPD- 17, LHD- 1, LHA- 1, LSD41 &49, TAO-187,
and AOE-6.
Traditional Cone
Nose protrudes Main strut
intoflowUpper surface of
barrel roughly
aligned with flow
(a) (b)
Fig B20. Photographs of full scale alternative rudders (a) split rudder, and (b) Costa Bulb rudder
Effect rudders, an alternative design for small craft, operate with a specific combination of
opposing/non-opposing rudder angles, and require a fairly complex steering system which would pose
problems for a retrofit. They are not suitable for the ships in this study, and are not included in the
recommendation of this device grouping.
(21) Thrusting Fins on Rudder(s), Additional Thrusting (AT) Fins, Profiling Fins
on Rudder, Rudder-Bulb-Fins
These devices, the additional thrusting (AT) fin, profiling fins on rudder, and the rudder-bulb-fin,
are all comprised of small thrusting fins placed on the rudder and/or rudder post. Figure B21. The
rudder-bulb-fin utilizes a rudder (Costa) bulb in combination with fins. All devices operate on the
principal of regaining lost rotational energy downstream of the propeller. Approximately 20 full scale
applications of these concepts have been produced, however, all applications have been on single
screw, full bodied ships of the tanker/bulk carrier type hullforms. A general review of this concept is
presented in Ref. B21.a. The efficiency of these devices varies greatly, and powering reductions of as
much as 5 percent are claimed. These claims for large energy recovery by these (rudder fin) concepts,
it is surmised, would be possible only in the wake of an extremely bad hull/propulsor/rudder design,
or in the wake of very heavily loaded propellers. Since neither of these two situations are typical of
US Navy ships, more modest powering reductions would only be possible. A powering savings of 3
percent was achieved with relatively small rudder mounted thrusting fins when evaluated on the Mid-
Term Sealift model (from Ref. B3.b).
The ease of ship integration and expected low installation costs, make these devices attractive for
the present energy study. The recommendation would be to conduct combined R&D for alternative
rudder designs with the thrusting fins on the rudder. All the combined alternative rudder design
concepts are directly applicable to the AO-177 Class. There is, again, the possibility that some of these
alternative rudder designs would be suitable to the open shafts & struts Navy hulls, with some
additional R&D study.
(a) (b)
Fig B21 (a) Sketch of additional thrusting (AT) fin, and (b) Photograph of full scale rudder-bulb-fin
(22) Steering Nozzle (Ring Rudder)
The steering nozzle (or ring rudder), Figure B22, is comprised of a shroud surrounding the
propeller blades, suspended and rotated on a rudder stock. It is used mainly when expected propeller
loading is high, where thrust loading coefficient will exceed 2.0. The concept is similar to the
traditional propeller duct (device group 16), however, the propeller tip - to - shroud clearances are
designed larger to allow for the steerable feature. The duct design can taper along forward - to - aft
diameters, incorporating a nozzle concept. The steering nozzle concept is also reportedly used to
increase the ship payload for equivalent length, for propeller protection, and in the case of draft limited
vessels. Principal effects are increased wake velocity through the propeller plane, and augmented
thrust, both due to specially designed duct section profiles. The steering force is provided by the
reaction of the turned propeller race and the shroud lift force. If additional side force is necessary,
flaps are sometimes attached to the trailing edge of the shroud. The steering nozzle has been used
widely in Europe, mainly on tugs and fishing vessels. Recently a ring rudder concept was tested by
the US Navy on the Mid-Term Sealift at model scale (from Ref. B3.b). The ring rudder concept did
not reduce powering when compared to the twin rudder parent hullform. However, the design was
successful in its intent, i.e., increased hull and propulsive efficiency was achieved. This was a first
iteration ring rudder design, on the Mid-Term Sealift model, and did not include specially designed
section profiles on the shroud. Therefore, the unit did not provide the thrust augmentation possible
with this device. There is really no conclusive data available to the effect that the steering nozzle
reduces powering requirements, and it is most suited to ship hullforms not typical of US Navy
designs. Therefore, the steering nozzle (ring rudder) device is not recommended for further
consideration under this energy study.
semi tunnel nozzle consists of a stem design with a very moderate tunnel shape, into which a partial
ring nozzle has been faired. A semi-duct is simply a partial ring nozzle, faired into a non-tunnel stern
hullform. Both designs most closely resemble a flow alignment fin concept. Both concepts are
suitable only on single screw, full bodied hullforms, and are most probably new construction items.
Most of the design technology would be covered under different concept headings, and most designs
would not be retrofittable, therefore, pursuit of these concepts as a separate category is not
recommended in this energy study.
Fig B25. Photographs of full scale stern flaps applications. (a) FFG-7 Class, and (b) PC-I Class
(26) New Propeller Design
The concept of a new, more efficient propeller design, is a universal way of reducing powering
requirements. A propeller design procedure has been developed by the US Navy, which incorporates
new advanced blade section shapes (Ref. B26.a). These new blade sections are applicable to US
Navy propeller designs, and are both less prone to cavitation and more efficient. Recent propeller
designs using the advanced blade section shapes are pictured in Figure B26. Both the DDG-51 (Ref.
B26.b) and the PC-1 (from Ref. B25.d) propeller performances have been verified full scale. The
recent advanced blade section propeller designs for the Mid-Term Sealift program achieved an open
water efficiency of 0.83 for the twin screw podded hullforrn, and 0.776 for the single screw extended
skeg hullform, Figure B26(c). A previous propeller design study, focusing on US Navy auxiliaries
and amphibious ships, concluded that there were several classes that could benefit from a new
propeller design (Ref. B26.c), however, most of the ships studied are now near the end of their
service life.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig B26. Recent US Navy propeller designs using advanced blade sections. Designed for (a) DDG-51
destroyer (CP) model, (b) LPD-17 amphibious transport dock (FP) model, (c) Mid-Term
Sealift (FP) model, and (d) PC-I patrol coastal (FP) full scale.
The concept of developing a new, more efficient. propeller design is proven technology.
Backfitting is possible, however, the design of a new propeller for a Navy vessel is often associated
with considerable R&D, construction, and installation costs. The concept is recommended for further
consideration, and is applicable to all of the identified candidate US Navy ship classes.
The concept of a lower RPM, larger diameter, and more efficient propeller design is proven
technology. Backfitting is possible, however, the increased diameter of the propeller may decrease
propeller tip clearances to marginal or unsatisfactory levels. As a retrofit, the large diameter propeller
my be severly limited by the torque and RPM characteristics of the existing ship machinery. As
mentioned, R&D, construction, and installation costs, must be taken into account. The concept is
recommended for further study, even though a relaxation in current Navy practices for minimum
propeller blade tip clearances is not in the foreseeable future. This concept is applicable to all of the
US Navy ship classes identified in the energy survey.
f '..f
~~~~ . - -..--,'-
S•--T- I• IT
Fig B28(a). Sketch of full scale overlapping propeller arrangement on TSSS Sindoro
The large diameter overlapping propellers concept was model tested on the DD-963 destroyer
(from Ref. B I 8.a), Figure B28(b) . The concept showed only a slight powering improvement of 2
percent at high speed, and increased powering at low speeds, versus a twin screw controllable-pitch
baseline. Improved propeller design and analysis techniques should allow for improved performance
over this early design, and should also reduce the vibration risks. The fact that this concept is
exclusively a new design, however, excludes this concept from further consideration in this energy
(29.) Energy Efficient Tip P.1ropellers, Kappel propellers, Concentrated Tip Loading
(CLT) propellers
Energy Efficient Tip propellers, Kappel propellers, Concentrated Tip Loading (CLT) propellers,
and the former generation of CLT called Tip Vortex Free (TVF) propellers, are all forms of propellers
which use transitional tip geometry or specialized tip treatments in their blade designs. These propeller
blade designs are depicted in Figure B29. The specialized tip geometries are in an attempt to achieve
propeller efficiency gains, by way of more heavily loaded blade tips, without suffering excessive
cavitation losses. The increases in efficiency may, however, he partially offset by the increased drag
of the blade tips. By far the most well known of these propeller concepts is the CLT propeller. More
than 120 CLT propellers (including its predecessor TV`F propellers) have been fitted, in both fixed
pitch and controllable pitch versions, to a vast variety of ship types. Advantages of these propellers as
determnined full scale are: reduction in fuel consumption of 8 to 12 percent, reduction of cavitation and
vibration, improved maneuvering, and increased speed, (Ref. B29.a). The Kappel propeller boasts
many of the same advantages, but claims that its curved rake at the blade tips is more easily
manufactured, so that the pay-back period is shortened, (Ref. B29.b). Recent US Navy experience,
with this type of propeller blade, is through the design of the PC-1I Class propellers, Figure B29(a),
The propeller designer stated that the transitional tip geometry permitted loading of the tip, and a slight
efficiency gain. The blade tips still retained acceptable cavitation performance, showing very little
cavitation on the blade tips at the propeller design point. Full scale trials on the PC- 13 confirmed the
propeller efficiency gains, but the propellers exhibited slightly greater cavitation patterns on the blade
tips than predicted in the model experiments.
The design of specialized propeller blade tip geometries presents a viable means of gettingmr
efficiency out of a propeller without sacrificing cavitation performnance. In the case of the CLT, it is a
proven mature technology for commercial applications. Backfitting is possible, and therefore, the
concept is recommended for further consideration. These propeller designs could be applicable to
of the US Navy ship classes identified in the energy survey. However, suitability to
be necessary
hullforms is uncertain, and due to this, there is the possibility that significant R&D would
to adapt this technology to US Navy ships.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig B29 Tip treatment propellers: (a) Computer rendering of energy efficient tip propeller,
(b) Photograph of model Kappel propeller, (c) Photograph of tip vortex free (TVF)
propeller, and (d) Photograph of concentrated tip loaded (CLT) propeller
forward propeller. Design philosophy would be for the forward propeller to be designed with high
pitch to minimize viscous losses, but generating some rotational losses, which would be recoverable
by aft propeller as pre-swirl into the disk. The efficiency of these complex mechanical systems vary.
but significant powering reductions are possible due to increased open water propulsor efficiencies
which may be as high as 0.85. Most predictions place the possible powering reductions for contra-
rotating propellers in the wide range of 5 to 20 percent. The contra-rotating propeller designs usually
have greatly reduced propeller RPMs compared to single rotation. Reduced cavitation, noise, and
vibrations can be a direct result of the reduced propeller RPM. Contra-Rotating propellers have seen
limited high power or naval applications due to the associated complexity of the mechanical drive
systems. However, as a result of five-years technical design studies, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
(MHI) now claims to have developed a large scale contra-rotating propulsion system with sufficient
reliability for commercial operations (Ref. B30.b). Four Japanese built large vessel applications of
contra-rotating propellers exist. Two of these systems present operational experience for contra-
rotating propellers used as a backfit device (Ref. B30.c). For the bulk carrier Juno, a delivered power
savings of 15 percent was recorded with contra-rotating propellers. Two of these ships, MHI's
258000 dwt (26700 hP) Cosmo Delphinus, and Idemitsu Tanker Co.'s (24500 hP) Okinoshima Maru,
are examples of purpose-built ships constructed with contra-rotating propellers, Figures B30(a) and
B30(b). For the Maru, a 14 percent power savings is claimed.
(a) (b)
Fig B30. Photographs of full scale applications of contra-rotating propellers on two Japanese VLCCs.
(a) MHI's Cosmo Delphinus, and (b) Idemitsu Tanker Co.'s Okinoshima Maru
The US Navy has model tested contra-rotating propellers on a variety of ship hullforms. The most
recent applications are on the DDG-51 (Ref B30.d), Figure B30(c), and the Mid-Term Sealift (from
Ref. B3.b). The contra-rotating propellers on the DDG-51 reduced the delivered power 10.5 percent
at the design speed, and 7.6 percent overall across the speed range. On the Mid-Tenn Sealift, single
shaftline contra-rotating propellers also resulted in a delivered power decrease of 10 percent. The
significant achievable delivered power reductions and improved warfighting capabilities of contra-
rotating propellers continue to make this an attractive technology for study in other arenas. When
considered in conjunction with podded hullforms and electric drive, contra-rotating propellers become
an important element of a long-term developmental effort to support future combatant propulsion
system design. For US Navy applications, this concept would be exclusively a new design, and
therefore, is not a candidate for further consideration in this study.
Main strut
hub Fairwater
ain BarreutI
Mainn BRarrel-
Alternative Fairwater Designs
Fig B32(a) Sketch depicting propeller fairwaters concept and example alternative fairwater designs
The US Navy investigated the effects on resistance and powering of variations in fairwater designs
on the DD-963 destroyer (Ref. B32.a), Figure B32(b). The DD-963 model, when fitted with either of
fairwaters "B" or "C" (in photograph), required roughly 1.0 percent less delivered power than with the
fleet design fairwater "A" in the photograph.
(33) Fins (Blades) on Propeller Hub, Propeller Boss Cap Fin (PBCF), Post Swirl
Cap (PSC)
Propeller boss cap fin (PBCF), and post swirl cap (PSC), are devices, consisting of a number of
small fins or blades, fitted to the propeller fairwater. The device, which rotates with equal RPM to that
of the propeller, attempts to recover the rotational energy shed by the propeller. Any increase in
propeller efficiency may be partially offset by the increased torque associated with the addition of the
blades on the propeller fairwater. Mitsui claims sales of over 200 propeller boss cap fin (PBCF)
devices, Figure B33(a). Mitsui promotional literature reports the following effects: A savings in fuel
consumption of 3 to 5 percent, a speed increase of 1 to 2 percent, reduction in propeller torque of I to
2 percent, and reductions in vibration due to the elimination of hub vortex cavitation. Full scale trials
were carried out by Mitsui on two sister ships, the Mercury Ace with a PBCF installed and the
Neptune Ace without PBCF (Ref. B33.a). Efficiency improvements from this pair of PBCF trials of
4 percent were claimed, with an associated speed increase of 0.2 knots. As stated previously, there is
always some degree of unreliability in sister ship comparisons. More importantly, however, it is
judged that the effectiveness of this type of device depends to a large extent on the details of the
propeller design, especially in the blade root area, and the amount of propeller rotational losses. A
assessment of the PBCF was prepared by Gearhart and McBride (Ref.B33.b), who concluded that the
performance gains were valid. A similar device, the post swirl cap (PSC), Figure B33(b), was model
tested by the US Navy during the AE-36 Energy Enhancement Program (from Ref. B3.a). The results
of this application showed an increase in the annual propulsion energy when the PSC was installed,
mainly due to delivered power increases in the lower half of the speed range. However, the device did
provide for savings at the high end of the speed range and a slight increase in maximum speed of 0. 1
The concept of putting blades on the propeller hub/fairwater is easily retrofittable, and could be
physically installed, on all US Navy ship classes identified in the energy study. It is unknown
whether the concepts of this group would fare well only in the wake of a heavily loaded propeller, or a
propeller design with an excessive amount of hub vortex losses. It is assumed that the greatest
improvement would be for ships with commercially designed propellers such as the TAO-I187. This
concept is recommended for further consideration in this energy study, due to its expected low
associated costs of ship integration and installation, and (commercially) proven cost benefits.
Recommendations would be to retrofit a suitable, commercially available, propeller boss cap fin on the
TAO-187 first, and if successful, retrofits on AO-177 and AOE-6. Consideration should be given for
retrofit to the amphibians LPD- 17, LHD- 1, LHA- 1, and LSD-41 &49, prior to conducting R&D into
suitability for eventual retrofit on a combatant.
(a) (b)
Fig B33 (a) Image of full scale Propeller Boss Cap Fin (PBCF) from Mitsui literature, and
(b) Photograph of Post Swirl Cap (PSC) on AE-36 model
optimal. Such a
wheel is most effective on ships where the propeller is not a hydrodynamically
propeller would have high RPM and/or small diameter, which allows the use of inexpensive direct
drive diesel propulsion machinery. Delivered power savings of 5 to 12 percent are claimed for single
screw vessels with relatively heavily loaded propellers. The delivered power claims appear be
realistic, as full scale data supports recorded savings in the range of 2 to 9 percent.
Fig B34. Photographs of two full scale installations of Vane (Grim) Wheels
It is difficult to assess at model scale the energy savings associated with vane wheels. Model scale
tests are thought to be subject to severe scale effects. The slow rotational speed, coupled with very
short blade chord lengths, consequently make the model scale Reynolds numbers on the vane wheel
blades approximately 10 times smaller than those on the propeller blades. To date, only one known
publication reports at model scale a measured reduction in power associated with the installation of a
vane wheel behind a model propeller, (Ref. B34.b). It appears from the literature, that vane wheels
are best suited to single screw hullforms, with heavily loaded propellers, and most likely high block
coefficient hulls. This is, of course, is not typical of US Navy designs. Durability and reliability of
vane wheels are somewhat questionable, as there are several incidences where blades have been
reported damaged or missing, and in worst cases, entire vane wheels have separated from the
shaftline. The vane wheel is not considered applicable to open shaft and strut type arrangements on
US Navy ships. The increased weight and shafting forces, due to the vane wheel, would likely
require increased shafting support strut strength, and therefore, require design modification of the
entire propulsion arrangement. The only foreseeable application for the vane wheel on a selected US
Navy hullform, would be on the AO-177. However, an earlier study concluded that the required
clearances for a vane wheel did not exist on the AO- 177. For the aforementioned reasons, vane
(Grim) wheels are not recommended for further consideration under this energy study.
B35.b Klitsch, M.L., R.J. Stenson, and E.L. Woo, "Experience with Controllable Pitch Propellers
During Full Scale Performance and Special Trials", Proceedings of Ninth Ship Control
Systems Symposium, (Sept. 1990).
Report Nums: Classification;: ship Type;: uhrs ae Reference Type:Kywrs
The Naval Institute Guide toathseShipsanrV Aircrit Ofuse US. Fleel
Report Hum: classification: ShipType: Atos)Nm'Reference Type:Kewrs
Thite:AtorsNmeKyw yu~epe~ccsColair 0.Asyrurmetnic Stern
ER: El Pardo
BOOK: Intrraaliorial Symposium onShipflydrodynstnics andEnergy Saving PUBLISH
V01.1 Date Pubisahed: Sept.1983
Page Nw,,:
PUBLISH4ER: Pergamoti Press
e Ettgng
BOOK: Ocean
Vol.. 10, No.4 Date Published: 1983
Page Hum:
BOOK: The Motor Ship 10thInternational Marner Propulsion Conference
Vol.: Date Published: March 1988
Page Numt
PRADS 1989
Vo., Doats Published: 1989
Page Hum:
Report HNum; Classification: Ship Type: Reference Typo: Technical Report
Authoria) Name: Keywords:
K~rachr.A. MI Bolboun Blows
Design of Bulbous Bows
BOOK: Significant Ships of 1993 PUBLISHER. The Royal Institute of Naval Architects
BOOK: Significant Slops of 1993 PUBLISHER: The Royal Institute of Naval Architects
Report Mum; classification: Ship Type; Atos)Nm:Reference Type. ewrs
AujihoR., N Name:i'S ad . onnRouigs:
Keyw PLC
fDeaip (r C011atlting P-Melk);in
APrX-firA1 ..-- NiliyaniO. ~Npt.S ~ua n .CnnRlhgPoel
BOOK: Sth International Maine Design Coniferenice
Vol,: Date Published: May 1994
Page Num:
BOOK; Propeller/lShafting 9lStmPOsiltin
Vol.: Oata Published: Sept.1991
Page Nuns:
BOOK: KansasSocietyof Naval ArclaiLects.
Vol.; No.218 Oata Published: Sept1992
Peg. Num.
Report Hum: clasuification; UNCL Ship Typo: Reference Typo: Technical Report
Author~s) Name: Keywords:
Title; Dueled Propeller(S)
Pi f Dutd Preileir- .. . . *. Ootrveld. M. W.C,. E. J. Stierman. and1.
- Auflm Keller
BOOK. Improving the Underwater Efficiency of Ships PUBLISHER: Institute of Maninut / Royal InsotituteofNaval
Reot u.ciseeoitioein: Ship Typo Refeetnce Type:
8 0O0K: Sistemar Rep-r. A Supplement of The Motorhiup PUBLISH4ER: Reed Business publishing Ltd,
Repot Nm
Ceestlcsiof Shp Tpo:Reference Type.
T ep otle m:la s f c ti n hi y e A u tho r ls ) Na me: Ke y words :
Tle: 'Rakne~otti*L- Dr, . and D. G Pel`*zý3.oflxx F1egyFkeiltIPTipePapllcrs
onShiip Hydrody~namicsad FergySaving PUBLISHER:~::N.
0 tOi
BOOK: 1nle M 5 5 1SYMPO~i-
:i i) Q< *4I
Paeg Num: .ol:Date Published: Sept1983
. 4
19th Septemberin Knnlaiasoand/Nneway
BOOK; Pre-eoaudonon0 PUBLISHER:N''
Detw Published: Sept R984 .z
pe"e mum: Vol.;
Classification: UNCI. ship Typo. Rolaronce ypoeTechnicallReporl
Report Nun,;
Authorls) Name: Keywords:
~9 tleE irU~.
Hyr~yel)iCE~cioiy ~iyship's ~,
NI~anuruD. &. if Engle, G P. Plal2er. Adil Bategy Saving De~vices
BOOK: Improving liheUndlerwater Efficiec=y OfShip$ oMarine Engineers /Royal 1rsfiiui of Naval
PUBLISHER: Institueofr
BOOK: Improvingithe Underwatet Efficienicy of Ships PUBLISHER: Instituteof MarineiEninfieersI Royal Institiute of Naval ... ..
PUBLISHER: The Socheiyof Naval Architects and Marine Eaigainvers Vai mu"10
BOOK; MarineTeclanology
PeDs Mum;: Vol., 27 No.6i Dote Published: Nov 1990 .'
Classification: Ship Type: Reference Type:
Repoli Hum;
Author(s) Name: Keywords:
Agqeoiiagell Lee. K~.1 S,W. Joa..M. Part, and Y, W, Ltt Flow Firs (Bilge Vortex)
An ExperuintalStuy nthe Ship Pt5Vaa14Impio~ll G$lus
HF poiler
Profiled Strut Armns
PUBLISHER: Waite Adapiting uts
page Hum: Vol.: Date Published: 1992
Report Hum: classification: Ship .Type: Atol)Nm:Reference Type:Kewrs
Witke:Eulzn u ~ vlopel
.. Schneckhithl H. Elitachi ZuAien
(HZ) Nozzle
.~aldgDxSaeo-eeomn Ducl (M1DP)
Walke Etpilvzig Duct {ZAD)
BOOK: 6th Lips Propeller Symposium PUBLISHER:
0 10
Classification: Ship Type: ? Reference Typo:
Repo" mum;:
AuthorfS) Name: Keywords:
Wyait, DC., and PAý Chang, 111 Nucoe ,ticmyOthiedFarebotly
Deve~awat and Asaseirtent of Tolt Reistance Op~Iwized flow tfx theAE-36
Pago Hum: Vol.: Dole Published:
Classification: Ship Type; Reference Type: TechnicalRepom
Report Num:
Author(s) Name: Keywords:
Title: Propeller Pitch S•el.duiiutg
xpprknee with Cojimila~fble•Pih Propeller$ During Full Scale Pe fonnance W Special Trials itich. M. L., R. J. Stensr•a. and E. L. Woo
Pitch Propellers
Report Numn Classification: Ship Type: Reference Type:
Classification: UNCL Ship Type: 7 -Patrol Craft Reference Type: Technical Report
Report Num:
Authorls) Name: Keywords:
Title: Stem RinFtp
xPC I Phixetm6oaialShip Tria*lsand Mdel Saperita~stm Cusinem D.S,
Stem l ap Powermgpe~dumane on
BOOK: Mare Techdology PUBLISHER: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Report HNum;Ref #31635 Classification; Stiff Type: Reference Type:
Authoris) Name: Keywords:
Twin SternShip for fnergy Saving S)timTo.L. Twin Sings
Report Hum; 181 a Classification: UNCL Ship Type: Reference Type: Technical Report
Author(s) Name: Keywords:
Study of hic ull15K Clalaf8Ostta am
wt~h Appidt TanilerY Bulk Cairie lt
Hana T-sSt, S0yinoo .X Hahimtot Mi. Twin Skegs
. . .Pdlkai, And Y.Thllada
BOOK: Second George Weutrbium Memorial Lecture, Journal of Ship PUBLISHER: SNAME
A Supplement of Be MotorShip
BOOK: Shtprepasr. PUBLISHER: ReedBusiness Publishing
Reporl Numn: Classification: UJNCL Ship Type: Reference Type:
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