Algorithms Easy Medium Hard
Algorithms Easy Medium Hard
Algorithms Easy Medium Hard
Let us say that we have two integers a and b, with a's value equal to 5 and
b's value equal to 6, and we want to swap them without needing a third
variable. We will need to use Java programming constructs to solve this
problem. Mathematical procedures such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division can be used to swap numbers. However, it is
possible that it will cause an integer overflow problem.
a = a + b;
b = a - b; // this will act like (a+b) - b, and now b equals a.
a = a - b; // this will act like (a+b) - a, and now an equals b.
x = x ^ y;
y = x ^ y;
x = x ^ y;
To apply binary search on a list of elements, the prerequisite is that the list
of elements should be sorted. It is based on the Divide and Conquers
Algorithmic paradigm. In the Binary Search Algorithm, we divide the search
interval in half periodically to search the sorted list. We begin by creating an
interval that spans the entire list. If the search key's value is less than the
item in the interval's midpoint, the interval should be narrowed to the lower
half. Otherwise, we limit it to the upper half of the page. We check for the
value until it is discovered or the interval is empty. Given below is an
algorithm describing Binary Search: (Let us assume that the element to be
searched is x and the array of elements is sorted in ascending order)
• Step 1: Check if the linked list has no value (or is empty). If yes, then
set the new node as the head and return it.
• Step 2: Check if the value of the node to be inserted is smaller than
the value of the head node. If yes, place it at the beginning and make
it the head node.
• Step 3: Find the suitable node after which the input node should be
added in a loop. To discover the required node, begin at the head and
work your way forward until you reach a node whose value exceeds
the input node. The preceding node is the correct node.
• Step 4: After the correct node is found in step 3, insert the node.
in a binary tree.
An algorithm for counting the number of leaf nodes in a binary tree is given
With Recursion (no DP): The time complexity of the given code will be
/*Sample C++ code for finding nth fibonacci number without DP*/
int nFibonacci(int n){
if(n == 0 || n == 1) return n;
else return nFibonacci(n - 1) + nFibonacci(n - 2);
With DP: The time complexity of the given code will be linear because of
Dynamic Programming.
/*Sample C++ code for finding nth fibonacci number with DP*/
int nFibonacci(int n){
vector<int> fib(n + 1);
fib[0] = 0;
fib[1] = 1;
for(int i = 2;i <= n;i ++){
fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];
return fib[n];
A few problems which can be solved using the Dynamic Programming (DP)
Algorithmic Paradigm are as follows:
• Step 1: Start.
• Step 2: We take two variables l and r.
• Step 3: We set the values of l as 0 and r as (length of the string - 1).
• Step 4: We interchange the values of the characters at positions l and
r in the string.
• Step 5: We increment the value of l by one.
• Step 6: We decrement the value of r by one.
• Step 7: If the value of r is greater than the value of l, we go to step 4
• Step 8: Stop.
Search) algorithm.
• Step 1: Set status = 1 as the first step for all the nodes(ready state).
• Step 2: Set the status of the initial node A to 2, that is, waiting state.
• Step 3: Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the queue is not empty.
• Step 4: Dequeue and process node N from the queue, setting its
status to 3, that is, the processed state.
• Step 5: Put all of N's neighbours in the ready state (status = 1) in the
queue and set their status to 2 (waiting state)
• Step 6: Exit.
Search) algorithm.
• Step1: Create a recursive function that takes the node's index and a
visited array as input.
• Step 2: Make the current node a visited node and print it.
• Step 3: Call the recursive function with the index of the adjacent node
after traversing all nearby and unmarked nodes.
• 3-way
• Blowfish
• DES and Triple DES.
• Separate the unsorted list into n sublists, each with one element (a list
of one element is considered sorted).
• Merge sublists repeatedly to create new sorted sublists until only one
sublist remains. The sorted list will be displayed then.
The time complexity of the Merge Sort Algorithm is O(nlog(n)) where n is the
size of the list of the elements to be sorted while the space complexity of the
Merge Sort Algorithm is O(n), that is, linear space complexity.
4. Describe the quick sort algorithm.
• If there are less than two elements in the range, return immediately
because there is nothing else to do. A special-purpose sorting
algorithm may be used for other very small lengths, and the rest of
these stages may be avoided.
• Otherwise, choose a pivot value, which is a value that occurs in the
range (the precise manner of choice depends on the partition routine,
and can involve randomness).
• Partition the range by reordering its elements while determining a point
of division so that all elements with values less than the pivot appear
before the division and all elements with values greater than the pivot
appear after it; elements with values equal to the pivot can appear in
either direction. Most partition procedures ensure that the value that
ends up at the point of division is equal to the pivot, and is now in its
ultimate location because at least one instance of the pivot is present
(but termination of quicksort does not depend on this, as long as sub-
ranges strictly smaller than the original are produced).
• Apply the quicksort recursively to the sub-range up to the point of
division and the sub-range after it, optionally removing the element
equal to the pivot at the point of division from both ranges. (If the
partition creates a potentially bigger sub-range near the boundary with
all elements known to be equal to the pivot, these can also be omitted.)
Bubble sort, also known as sinking sort, is a basic sorting algorithm that
iterates through a list, comparing neighbouring elements and swapping them
if they are out of order. The list is sent through again and again until it is
sorted. The comparison sort method is named from the manner that smaller
or larger components "bubble" to the top of the list. This simplistic method
performs badly in real-world situations and is mostly used as a teaching aid.
Let us take an example to understand how bubble sort works:
Let us assume that the array to be sorted is (50 10 40 20 80). The various
passes or rounds of bubble sort are given below:
• First Pass:
o (50 10 40 20 80) –> ( 10 50 40 20 80 ), Since 50 > 10, the
algorithm compares the first two elements and swaps them.
o ( 10 50 40 20 80 ) –> ( 10 40 50 20 80 ), Since 50 > 40, the
algorithm swaps the values at the second and third positions.
o (10 40 50 20 80) –> (10 40 20 50 80), Since 50 > 3, the
algorithm swaps the third and fourth elements.
o (10 40 20 50 80) -> ( 10 40 20 50 80 ), The method does not
swap the fourth and fifth elements because they are already in
order (80 > 50).
• Second Pass:
o ( 10 40 20 50 80 ) –> ( 10 40 20 50 80 ) , Elements at first and
second position are in order so now swapping.
o ( 10 40 20 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Since 40 > 20, the
algorithm swaps the values at the second and third positions.
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Elements at the third
and fourth position are in order so now swapping.
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Elements at fourth and
fifth position are in order so now swapping.
The array is now sorted, but our algorithm is unsure whether it is complete.
To know if the algorithm is sorted, it must complete one complete pass
without any swaps.
• Third Pass:
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Elements at the first
and second position are in order so now swapping.
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Elements at the second
and third position are in order so now swapping.
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 50 80 ), Elements at the third
and fourth position are in order so now swapping.
o ( 10 20 40 50 80 ) –> ( 10 20 40 5 80 ), Elements at the fourth
and fifth position are in order so now swapping.
given array. In other words, find the maximum sum that can
of integers.
Kadane's algorithm can be used to find the maximum subarray sum for a
given array. From left to right, Kadane's algorithm searches the provided
array. It then computes the subarray with the largest sum ending at position j
in the jth step, and this sum is stored in the variable "currentSum".
Furthermore, it computes the subarray with the biggest sum anywhere in the
subarray starting from the first position to the jth position, that is, in A[1...j],
and stores it in the variable "bestSum". This is done by taking the maximum
value of the variable "currentSum" till now and then storing it in the variable
"bestSum". In the end, the value of "bestSum" is returned as the final
answer to our problem.
Dijkstra's algorithm is a method for determining the shortest pathways
between nodes in a graph, which might be used to depict road networks.
Edsger W. Dijkstra, a computer scientist, conceived it in 1956 and published
it three years later. There are numerous variations of the algorithm. The
original Dijkstra algorithm discovered the shortest path between two nodes,
but a more frequent form fixes a single node as the "source" node and finds
the shortest pathways from the source to all other nodes in the network,
resulting in a shortest-path tree. Let us take a look at Dijkstra's Algorithm to
find the shortest path between a given node in a graph to any other node in
the graph:
Let us call the node where we are starting the process as the initial node.
Let the distance from the initial node to Y be the distance of node Y.
Dijkstra's algorithm will begin with unlimited distances and attempt to
• Step 1: Mark all nodes that have not been visited yet. The unvisited set
is a collection of all the nodes that have not been visited yet.
• Step 2: Assign a tentative distance value to each node: set it to zero for
our first node and infinity for all others. The length of the shortest path
discovered so far between the node v and the initial node is the
tentative distance of a node v. Because no other vertex other than the
source (which is a path of length zero) is known at the start, all other
tentative distances are set to infinity. Set the current node to the
beginning node.
• Step 3: Consider all of the current node's unvisited neighbours and
determine their approximate distances through the current node.
Compare the newly calculated tentative distance to the current
assigned value and choose the one that is less. If the present node A
has a distance of 5 and the edge linking it to a neighbour B has a
length of 3, the distance to B through A will be 5 +3 = 8. Change B to 8
if it was previously marked with a distance greater than 8. If this is not
the case, the current value will be retained.
• Step 4: Mark the current node as visited and remove it from the
unvisited set once we have considered all of the current node's
unvisited neighbours. A node that has been visited will never be
checked again.
• Stop if the destination node has been marked visited (when planning a
route between two specific nodes) or if the smallest tentative distance
between the nodes in the unvisited set is infinity (when planning a
complete traversal; occurs when there is no connection between the
initial node and the remaining unvisited nodes). The algorithm is now
• Step 5: Otherwise, return to step 3 and select the unvisited node
indicated with the shortest tentative distance as the new current node.
It is not required to wait until the target node is "visited" as described above
while constructing a route: the algorithm can end once the destination node
has the least tentative distance among all "unvisited" nodes (and thus could
be selected as the next "current"). For arbitrary directed graphs with
unbounded non-negative weights, Dijkstra's algorithm is asymptotically the
fastest known single-source shortest path algorithm with time complexity of
O(|E| + |V|log(|V|)), where |V| is the number of nodes and|E| is the number
of edges in the graph.
No, we cannot use the binary search algorithm for linked lists.
Explanation: Because random access is not allowed in linked lists, reaching
the middle element in constant or O(1) time is impossible. As a result, the
usage of a binary search algorithm on a linked list is not possible.
The three laws which must be followed by all recursive algorithms are as
An algorithm to insert a node in a Binary Search Tree is given below:
• Insertion sort: Insertion sort separates the list into sorted and
unsorted sub-lists. It inserts one element at a time into the proper spot
in the sorted sub-list. After insertion, the output is a sorted sub-list. It
iteratively works on all the elements of an unsorted sub-list and inserts
them into a sorted sub-list in order.
• Selection sort: Selection sort is an in-place sorting technique. It
separates the data collection into sorted and unsorted sub-lists. The
minimum element from the unsorted sub-list is then selected and
placed in the sorted list. This loops until all of the elements in the
unsorted sub-list have been consumed by the sorted sub-list.
Note: Both sorting strategies keep two sub-lists, sorted and unsorted, and
place one element at a time into the sorted sub-list. Insertion sort takes the
currently selected element and places it in the sorted array at the right point
while keeping the insertion sort attributes. Selection sort, on the other hand,
looks for the smallest element in an unsorted sub-list and replaces it with the
current element.
The process of visiting all the nodes of a tree is known as tree traversal.
• Pre-order Traversal.
• In order Traversal.
• Post order Traversal.
• Breadth First Search
• ZigZag Traversal.
13. Describe the heap sort algorithm.
The Heapsort algorithm starts by converting the list to a max heap. The
algorithm then swaps the first and last values in the list, reducing the range
of values considered in the heap operation by one, and filters the new first
value into its heap place. This process is repeated until the range of values
considered is only one value long.
• On the list, use the buildMaxHeap() function. This function, also known
as heapify(), creates a heap from a list in O(n) operations.
• Change the order of the list's first and last elements. Reduce the list's
considered range by one.
• To sift the new initial member to its appropriate index in the heap, use
the siftDown() function on the list.
• Unless the list's considered range is one element, proceed to step 2.
Note: The buildMaxHeap() operation runs only one time with a linear time
complexity or O(n) time complexity. The siftDown() function works in O(log
n) time complexity, and is called n times. Therefore, the overall time
complexity of the heap sort algorithm is O(n + n log (n)) = O(n log n).
Insertion sort is an in-place sorting method, which implies it does not require
any additional or minimal data storage. In insertion sort, only a single list
element must be stored outside of the starting data, resulting in a constant
space complexity or O(1) space complexity.
Selection sort is an in-place sorting method, which implies it does not require
any additional or minimal data storage. Therefore, the selection sort
algorithm has a constant space complexity or O(1) space complexity.
Medium algorithm interview questions and answers
consecutive order. Since the array is sorted, we can solve this in one pass by
looking ahead using arr[i] + 1 and comparing that to arr[i + 1]. If arr[i + 1] is not
return false;
}console.log(findMissingNum(arr)); // Returns 9, the missing number
For the sake of simplicity, 1 or 100 will be included in the array for sure. If not,
a simple check if arr[0] === 1 and arr[arr.length — 1] === 100 could return the
we use the hash to keep track of which numbers we have seen before. If we
return false;
}console.log(findDupes(arr)); // Returns 7
simple hash look-up with observed[arr[i]], which will return true or false if the
of integers
This can be solved by creating a min and max reference variable initialized to
equal the value of the first item in the array — arr[0]. We then loop through the
return {
"max": max,
"min": min
}console.log(findMaxMin(arr)); // Returns object { "max": 100, "min": 1 }
of an array of integers
First we set a new array which will be initialized to contain the value at index 0
calculations. Then we loop through the list starting at index 1 (since we already
have the value at list[0]. For each item in the array, we add the current value to
Return: array — containing all duplicates found or empty array if none are
Like question 2, I would use an hash map, but instead of setting the value of
to return, we can either return the object with the repeated values or we could
push the duplicate numbers to a new array and return the new array. Since it is
if(observed[arr[i]]) {
if(observed[arr[i]] === 1) {
observed[arr[i]] = observed[arr[i]] + 1;
} else {
observed[arr[i]] = 1;
return dupesArray;
}console.log(returnMultipleDupesArray(arr)); // prints [1, 6, 7, 10]
6. Remove all duplicates from an array of integers
to keeping track of the one behind. By keeping track of the previous item
Note: in order for this solution to work, we need a sorted array. In the Java
example, they performed a .sort() method on the array before looping through
it. For me, I will just assume that we are getting a sorted array as an input.
const arr = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];const removeDupes = (arr) => {
let result = [];
let previous = arr[0];
result[0] = previous;
if (arr[i] != previous) {
previous = arr[i];
return result;
}console.log(removeDupes(arr)); // prints [1]
given number
To simplify, the input array will not have duplicates. However, there will be
negative and positive numbers. For the solution, like before, I will use a lookup
hash. As you can see, knowing how to use a lookup hash, which has constant
if(sumsLookup[targetVal]) {
output.push([arr[i], targetVal]);
sumsLookup[arr[i]] = true;
return output;
}console.log(findSumPairs(arr, 6));