Autonics Atlogic User-Manual
Autonics Atlogic User-Manual
Autonics Atlogic User-Manual
ii © Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.
Thank you for purchasing Autonics product.
Please familiarize yourself with the information contained in the Safety Considerations section
before using this product.
This user manual contains information about the porduct and its proper use, and should be kept
in a place where it will be easy to access.
※1 Annotation mark.
Project Upload/Download
Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................... iii
User Manual Guide ............................................................................................................................................... iv
User Manual Symbols........................................................................................................................................... v
Reference Manual for Each Configuration ................................................................................................ vi
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................. vii
1 Overview .................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Feature of atLogic .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 System requirements......................................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Installation of atLogic ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.4 atLogic Screen Layout ...................................................................................................................... 13
1.4.1 Menu .......................................................................................................... 14
1.4.2 Toolbar........................................................................................................ 21
1.4.3 Work space ................................................................................................ 22
1.4.4 Message box .............................................................................................. 22
1.4.5 Status bar ................................................................................................... 23
2 Project ........................................................................................................ 25
2.1 New project ........................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Open project ......................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Open from PLC .................................................................................................................................... 26
2.4 Save project........................................................................................................................................... 26
2.5 Save Project As .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.6 Close project ......................................................................................................................................... 27
2.7 Load project .......................................................................................................................................... 27
2.7.1 New project ................................................................................................ 27
2.7.2 Saved project ............................................................................................. 28
2.7.3 Open from PLC .......................................................................................... 29
2.7.4 Change PLC Type ...................................................................................... 29
2.8 Print Project ........................................................................................................................................... 29
2.9 Preview .................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.10 Printer settings ..................................................................................................................................... 34
2.11 Exit ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
3 Edit ............................................................................................................. 35
3.1 Undo ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Cut ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
3.3 Copy .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.4 Paste ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.5 Insert mode/Edit mode.................................................................................................................... 37
3.6 Insert line ................................................................................................................................................ 38
3.7 Delete line .............................................................................................................................................. 39
3.8 Increase ladder column ................................................................................................................... 40
4 Tool .............................................................................................................45
4.1 Ladder tool .............................................................................................................................................45
4.1.1 Arrow .......................................................................................................... 45
4.1.2 Delete ......................................................................................................... 46
4.1.3 Vertical line ................................................................................................. 47
4.1.4 Horizontal line ............................................................................................. 48
4.1.5 Input instruction .......................................................................................... 49
4.1.6 Output instruction ....................................................................................... 50
4.1.7 Application instructions............................................................................... 52
4.1.8 NOT instruction........................................................................................... 54
4.1.9 Register user defined function ................................................................... 55
4.1.10 User defined function ................................................................................. 56
4.2 Program checking ...............................................................................................................................58
4.2.1 Program optimization ................................................................................. 58
4.2.2 Program checking and options ................................................................... 61
5 View ............................................................................................................63
5.1 Ladder/Mnemonic ...............................................................................................................................63
5.2 Device name ..........................................................................................................................................63
5.3 Variable name .......................................................................................................................................63
5.4 Device name & Variable name ..................................................................................................... 64
5.5 Device name & Comment .............................................................................................................. 64
5.6 Used devices..........................................................................................................................................65
5.7 Decimal/Hexadecimal view ............................................................................................................. 68
5.8 Signed/Unsigned view ...................................................................................................................... 68
5.9 UW (GP device)/Device (LP device) view ................................................................................. 69
5.10 Zoom in/out ..........................................................................................................................................69
5.11 Font settings ..........................................................................................................................................69
5.12 Color settings ........................................................................................................................................70
5.13 Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................71
5.14 Workspace ..............................................................................................................................................71
5.15 Message box .........................................................................................................................................72
6 Online .........................................................................................................73
6.1 Connecting .............................................................................................................................................73
6.2 Disconnecting .......................................................................................................................................73
6.3 Download ................................................................................................................................................73
6.4 Upload ......................................................................................................................................................74
6.5 Change mode .......................................................................................................................................74
6.6 Start monitoring/Stop monitoring .............................................................................................. 76
6.7 Read information.................................................................................................................................77
7 Debug ......................................................................................................... 85
7.1 Run ............................................................................................................................................................ 85
7.2 Stop run .................................................................................................................................................. 85
7.3 Trace ......................................................................................................................................................... 85
7.4 Insert/Remove break point ............................................................................................................ 86
7.5 Stop Debugging .................................................................................................................................. 86
7.6 Debug-step ............................................................................................................................................ 86
7.7 Debug-line ............................................................................................................................................. 87
7.8 Debug-Scan ........................................................................................................................................... 87
7.9 Debug-1 scan ....................................................................................................................................... 87
7.10 Step in ...................................................................................................................................................... 88
7.11 Step out .................................................................................................................................................. 89
7.12 Debug-bit ............................................................................................................................................... 90
7.13 Debug-word .......................................................................................................................................... 91
7.14 Forced I/O settings ............................................................................................................................ 92
8 Window ...................................................................................................... 93
8.1 Cascade ................................................................................................................................................... 93
8.2 Horizontal tile ....................................................................................................................................... 93
8.3 Vertical tile ............................................................................................................................................. 94
8.4 Arrange icon ......................................................................................................................................... 95
8.5 External program connection ....................................................................................................... 96
9 Workspace ................................................................................................. 97
9.1 Ladder/Mnemonic program .......................................................................................................... 97
9.2 Variable/Comment ............................................................................................................................. 98
9.3 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................. 99
9.4 Parameter .............................................................................................................................................100
9.4.1 Common ................................................................................................... 100
9.4.2 Extension.................................................................................................. 102
9.4.3 Motion ........................................................................................................ 111
9.4.4 High-speed Counter ................................................................................. 173
1 Overview
⑩ Work space Display the project structure and the activated project
Program, parameter,
Able to edit the program (ladder/mnemonic) of activated
⑪ project, the setting of parameter, variable/comment, and
monitoring edit
check monitoring.
1.4.1 Menu Project
Project menu is for overall project management. Edit
Edit menu is for program editing such as cut, copy, and paste. Tool
Tool menus are divided into the ladder tools and program checkup menus.
Register User Defined Registers the block designated rung as a user defined Shift +
Function function F10
Shift +
User Defined Function Uses the registered user defined function
Program Checking menu has submenus for program optimization and checking. View
View menu has the functions to be set by users, in order to view information on atLogic
screen. Online
Online menu contains functions related to communications between atLogic and LP. Debug
Debug menu are functions for program debugging after editor and LP communication is
connected. Window
Window menu are functions for aligning the program window and monitoring window in the
program, and for connecting external programs. Help
Help menu contains for atLogic’s information.
1.4.2 Toolbar
Users can arrange the icons for their own convenient.
Toolbar Icon
Project tool
Ladder tool
Online tool
Edit tool
View tool
Debug tool
External program
②Edit mode of
Indicates the edit mode of the ladder editor or mnemonic editor. Edit
ladder/mnemonic mode is indicated as one of Edit or OVR.
③NumLock key status Displays the status of NumLock key on the number pad.
2 Project
④Written Date Enter the date created. The default is set to today's date.
To read the contents of LP into currently open project, select [Online]-[Upload] of menu.
If the project is a newly created one, or there are changes to the project since it saved last time,
the project name in the workspace displays with * at the end as shown inside a red circle in the
image below.
If the project is a newly created one or an existing project with changes, it confirms saving
or not and then closes the project.
If the project is not changed since it opened, it closes the project without saving.
④Written Date Enter the date created. The default is set to today's date.
2.9 Preview
Show contents to be printed in currently activated windows, such as [ladder editor, mnemonic
editor, parameter, variable/comment]. This is irrelevant to currently active projects.
Select [Project]-[Preview] of menu after activating the to be printed edit window, ‘Preview Print’
dialog box appears.
Select a program range to preview.
The project registered informations of title, company, writer and written date will be printed in the
bottom of the page on the preview screen.
2.11 Exit
Exit atLogic.
If there is any unsaved project, the dialog box appears to check saving the project.
Click ‘Yes’ and it saves and exits atLogic.
3 Edit
3.1 Undo
Select [Edit]-[Undo] of menu or press Ctrl+Z keybord and the most recent operation is cancelled.
User is able to designate the numbers of undo at ‘The numbers of buffer to undo’ in ‘Project
Registered Information’ in workspace. Click the project menu with right mouse button in
workspace and the following pop-up menu appears.
Select [Project Registered Information] of pop-up menu, ‘Register Information’ dialog box
Register information Description
①PLC series / PLC type Show LP series and type of present project.
③Save intervals for Designate the saving interval of temporary files. If this value is
temporary file set to 0, temporary files are not saved.
3.2 Cut
Select the to be cut area and select [Edit]-[Cut] of menu or press Ctrl+X keyboard and the
selected area is cut and saved in the clipboard.
The following is the example of cut instruction in ladder editor.
Before cut
Select a block to cut a certain area. You can select a cell instead of a block.
After cut
After cut instruction, the selected area disappears from the screen. It is copied to the
After paste
The content copied to the clipboard is pasted to a selected cell.
Select [Edit]-[Paste] of menu or press Ctrl+V keyboard.
3.3 Copy
Select the to be copied area and select [Edit]-[Copy] of menu or press Ctrl+C keyboard and the
selected area is copied in the clipboard.
The following is the example of copy instruction in ladder editor.
Select a block to copy a certain area. The screen does not show any change.
The content copied is pasted to a selected cell.
Select [Edit]-[Paste] of menu or press Ctrl+V keyboard.
3.4 Paste
Select the desired area to be pasted and select [Edit]-[Paste] of menu or press Ctrl+V keyboard
and [Cut] or [Copy] area is pasted to the selected area or the designated part.
Insert Program entry pushes out the cell or line that is on the cursor position. In insert
mode mode, the cursor changes to a green dotted line.
Program entry deletes and replaces the cell or line that is on the cursor position.
Edit mode
In insert mode, the cursor changes to a green line.
Before insert
After insert
Before delete
After delete
If a ladder has created a wider than indicated number of columns, and an arrow appears as a
result, increasing the number of columns makes the arrow disappear and a program can be
shown in a line.
If the input instruction overlaps the output instruction that displays the decreased number of
colums (present number - 2), an arrow appears on the last column of the input instruction line
and also on the first column of the next line. Output instruction is displayed on the last column of
the next line.
Maximum 127 byte characters can be entered. Press Ctrl+Enter keyboard in rung comment edit
area and it is used as a forced line break.
3.11 Find
Finds a string or text in the program.
Select [Edit]-[Find] of menu, or press Ctrl + F keyboard and ‘Find’ dialog box appears.
Find Description
①Find String Enter the text to find.
Select the direction to find, either forward or backward from the present
②Forward/ Backward
cursor position.
Select the target to find. Able to select one of options such as
instruction, constant, bit device, comment, or word device.
④Find Next Finds the next for the nearest from the present cursor in find direction.
If the text is not found or the search reaches the last step, the dialog box appears to display
‘Finding string has not found any more’ message.
3.12 Replace
Select [Edit]-[Replace] of menu or press Ctrl + H keyboard and ‘Replace’ dialog box appears.
Replace Description
①Find String Enter the text to be found
④Find Next Find ①Find String for the nearest from the present cursor
If it cannot find any more of the text, the dialog box appears to display ‘The system can not find a
string to be replaced’ message.
③Cancel Cancels step finding and closes ‘Find Step’ dialog box.
If you enter the non-existing step, the dialog box appears to display ‘The system could not find
the step you want.’ message.
4 Tool
4.1.1 Arrow
Select [Tool]-[Arrow] of menu or press Esc keyboard in ladder editor, you can select an object
and change the cursor position.
You can select a cell or specify a cursor position as the following figure.
4.1.2 Delete
Select the area to be deleted and select [Tool]-[Delete] of menu or press Shift+E keyboard to
delete the object in ladder, mnemonic editor. The following is the example of delete instruction in
ladder editor.
If the one cell of the object occupies more than two cells is deleted, the whole object is deleted.
Deleted the object of ladder or menmonic can be restored by [Edit]-[Undo] of menu.
Before delete
After delete
You can check the cell where the cursor is placed is deleted.
An input instruction cannot be located in the last column of the ladder line.
Hot key is as following table.
Input instruction Hot key
Normally open contact F3
Normally closed contact F4
Rising input contact Shift+F1
Falling input contact Shift+F2
All input contacts are entered in the same way. The following is the example of input for normally
open contact instruction in ladder editor.
Device input
Press Enter keyboard or click with left mouse button, ‘Device Input’ dialog box appears.
Device input Description
①Device Enter the device of normally open contact
⑦Variable, Device,
Displays the selected contents from ④ to ⑥
After editing normally open contact
After entering the device and additional information, click ‘OK’ or press Enter keyboard.
Normally open contact instruction with specified device is input at the relevant location.
Falling output When the operation result is output to as device, output turns from ON to
contact OFF with one scan and at the other scans it turns OFF status.
Once after SET by SET instruction, this contact maintains SET status even
SET though input condition is OFF. (SET contact by RESET instruction turns
RESET instruction turns OFF to the specified contact when input condition
is ON. (RESET contact turns ON by SET instruction.)
An output instruction can be located only in the last column of the ladder line.
Hot key is as following table.
Output instruction Hot key
Output instruction F9
Rising output contact Shift+F5
Device input
Press Enter keyboard or click with left mouse button, ‘Device Input’ dialog box appears.
Device input Description
①Device Enter the device of output contact
For further details of each instruction, refer to “LP series instruction manual”. All output contacts
are entered in the same way.
Select the menu and click the cell between the input motion and the output motion in the ladder
editor to input a ladder. Optional input of an application instruction is available.
When a ladder is input, it is always created next to an output motion.
Select [Tool]-[Register User Defined Function] of menu , press Shift + F10 keyboard or click
register user defined function in toolbar. ‘Register User Defined Function’ dialog box appears.
After completing above steps, click ‘OK’ and the user defined function is registered. The
registered user defined function is stored in the \LIB folder as function name “function name.lib”
②User defined
Shows a list of user defined functions stored in the specified folder at path.
function list
③Operand Shows the device for the selected user defined function.
After entering user deifned function and operand in ①, click ‘Select’ and the user defined
function is applied in ladder editor.
Click ‘Cancel’ and ‘Function List’ dialog box closes regardless the contents entered.
User defined function call is shown in the “FCALL+instruction+operand” format. The internal
routine of the user defined function is added to the outside of the last END instruction, as shown
in the green box in the image below.
Clear NOP
With activated ladder editor, select [Tool]-[Program Checking]-[Program Optimization] of
menu and ‘Program Optimization’ dialog box appears. Select ‘Clear NOP’. With only
activated mnemonic editor, select [Tool]- [Program Checking]-[Program Optimization] of
menu and ‘Program Optimization’ dialog box does not appear. It clears “NOP” instructions.
Example of errors
Lines and steps with errors are written in the message box.
5 View
5.1 Ladder/Mnemonic
Whenever this menu is selected and the program editor window is ladder, it converts the to
mnemonic and vice versa.
Devices with a registered variable name are displayed by the variable name (within blue box in
the above image). Devices without a registered variable name are displayed by device name
(within a green box as in the above image).
Device without a registered description is displayed only by device name such as the input
contact in the above image.
Status of used
①Device tab bar Device tab for the using device
Displays whether the device is using or not with color.
Word/double: Displays using device except bit data
②Present status list
0 to F bit: display bit using devices
The number is for the used times of appropriate device.
Displays detailed information of the device by clicking present state
③Detailed using list
④Color Classified devices by color
Sign Description
← Device direction with each bit device when using device over 1 byte
(4) Color
Color Description
Not using device
Position (x, y) of detailed using list is matched (line, column) of ladder. (The position of
detailed using list starts from y, x (0, 0).)
Therefore, the device of above figure position (6, 7) is matched the device which is placed at
6th line (y) and 7th column of ladder.
When you change to [Singed View], it is changed decimal view and signed view both.
(2) Unsigned view
⑤Initialization Ignores user changed color and initializes the color of the ladder editor
⑥Apply Applies the new color and closes ‘Color Settings’ dialog box.
Cancel the new color, applies the previous color and closes ‘Color Settings’
dialog box.
5.13 Toolbar
Selects whether to display the toolbar or not.
Toolbar Icon
Project tool
Ladder tool
Online tool
Edit tool
View tool
Debug tool
External program
5.14 Workspace
Selects whether to display the work space or not.
6 Online
6.1 Connecting
Attempts to connect to LP and atLogic with predefined communication option (communication
port, communication speed; BPS). Whether the connection succeeds or fails is notified through
the message window.
You can check the connecting stauts as following toolbar.
Disconnection status
Connected status
6.2 Disconnecting
Disconnects between atLogic and LP.
After disconnected, online toolbar changes as above and online menus are disabled.
Before disconnecting
After disconnecting
6.3 Download
Downloads active project programs and parameters to the LP. Download is only available when
status between atLogic and LP is "connected" and there is an active project.
You can choose programs and parameters to download.
When downloading the data, LP operation stops. When finishing downloading, you can set LP
mode as RUN or STOP.
Make sure the PLC type in atLogic and the system's PLC type match before download. The
program does not check PLC type when connecting.
Automatically performs program error checking.
If there is error after checking, the dialog box appears to display ‘An error has been found in
program checking.’ message.
If there is no error, the download processes will continue.
6.4 Upload
This feature brings programs and parameters from PLC to atLogic.
When connecting stauts atLogic and LP, select [Online]-[Upload] of menu and the following
dialog box appears.
You can choose programs and parameters to upload.
If the uploaded project is the same project you are currently working on in atLogic, the dialog box
appears asking whether to edit the uploaded project in current project. Select ‘Yes (Y)” to
continue editing on current project, or ‘No (N)’ to work on new project.
Operation mode
RUN mode
RUN mode repeats the following processes in order. Reads external contact status and
saves it in internal memory; executes user program operations, such as step order or
branch instruction and interrupt, to the END line; sends output device memory values as
external output signals. This sequence is repeated.
STOP mode
STOP mode stops execution of user program, initializes internal memory data (latch area,
some special devices are excluded) as well as turns all external output signals off to block
external signals from the program.
PAUSE mode
Pause mode stops only the execution of user program, and keeps internal memories and
external output signals.
DEBUG mode
DEBUG mode stops execution of user program at 0 step, initializes internal memory data
(latch area, some special devices are excluded) as well as turns all external output signals
off. It is also in a wait state for executing debug instructions.
Before monitoring
After monitoring
6.9 Verify
Compares program and parameter settings of the editor with those of the system, and displays
the result. Verify checking is for program and parameter.
This function is able to execute regardless LP operation modes. If you did not specify the range
of steps to compare, it compares the whole steps.
Select [Online]-[Verify] of menu, and ‘Verification of Program/Parameter configuration’ dialog box
Select the verified item and area, then click ‘OK’ will compare by reading program and parameter
information from LP system.
Depend on compare result, the dialog box appears to display ‘All programs are consistent.’, ‘The
parameter range is inconsistent’, ‘The program area is inconsistent’ message.
⑤Close Ignores input value and closes ‘Change Present value’ dialog box.
If you want to change the present value of a specific device in the program, move the cursor to
the relevant device, click with right mouse button and pop-up menu appears. Select [Change
Present Value] of pop-up menu and the device is designated automatically and the appropriated
present value is selected.
④Double Word With non-checking this, it displays the value as word unit.
Monitoring Checking this, it displays the value as double word unit.
6.12 Delete
6.12.1 Data
This function initializes system device. Delete data function is enabled only when LP operation
mode is STOP.
Select a device to delete and click ‘OK’ to delete the device data.
If you check ‘ALL', entire system devices can be selected/deselected. Click ‘OK’ and it deletes
(initializes) the selected devices.
6.12.2 Program/Parameter
Deletes program and parameter information stored in the LP system.
Delete program function is able to delete PLC program, line comment, rung comment, variable,
LABEL, project, and password data.
Default is checked both ‘PLC program’ and ‘Parameter’. You can select each item to delete.
When deleting ‘PLC program’, password is also deleted.
In case that LP type is RS-232C A, RS-232C B port, only RS-232C B port is available for
firmware download. In case that LP type with each RS-232C and RS-422 port, only RS-232C
port is available for firmware download.
LP-S070, LP-A070 and LP-A104 Series does not support firmware upgrade by atLogic. Insert
USB memory stick, which contains the frimware file, to USB HOST port of the LP system.
Upgrade the firmware in [Data]-[Firmware upgrade] of LP system menu. For further details, refer
to “LP-A Series user manual, LP-S070 user manual and LP-S070 (V2) user manual”.
Serial ● ● ● ●
Ethernet - ● ● ●
USB - ● ● ●
Except port and bps, the other items are fixed as below.
Item Fixed value
Data 8 bit
Stop bit 1 bit
Parity Even
Flow control XON / XOFF
It is able to download PLC program only when registered on destination IP. Destination IP
defaulted to is able to enter destination IP directly or select destination IP from IP
ADDRESS list by double clicking.
7 Debug
7.1 Run
Switches to debug run mode.
Use this feature when you want to run the program until a certain condition, that is either run up
to bit or run up to word, is satisfied, or you want to run the program to the position where the
break point is set.
7.3 Trace
This is a command that executes debug by a command.
If the program receives a trace command again at the last step, it goes back to the first step and
continues the trace.
In the above example, it starts tracing from ①), executes to the END instruction at ⑨ in order,
and executes ① instruction again.
When a break point is inserted, green rectangle appears at cursor position as the above image.
7.6 Debug-step
Makes the debug run execute to the specific step number in debug mode.
Starting step number could be selected in either the first step or the broken step.
Debug-step Description
Specify the step number where to start debugging. In the case of the
①Step no. specified step number being greater than the number of the entire steps, it
executes 1 scan and stops at step 0.
If you choose the first step as the debug starting step, it jumps from the
②From the first step
current step to step 0, and executes to the specified step at ①.
If you choose the stopped step as the debug starting step, it executes from
③From the broken the current step to the specified step at ①. If the specified step is located
step ahead of the stopped step, it executes 1 scan and then executes from the
next scan to the specified step.
7.7 Debug-line
Executes the debug by the line(rung). It executes debugging line by a line in order and then
moves the break point.
In the image below you can check that debug by the line started at step 7, in mnemonic editor,
and the break point moved to step 16. In the mnemonic editor, it executes debugging commands
for a line and then stops.
Before debug-line
After debug-line
7.8 Debug-Scan
Executes program in debugging status for the specified number of scans.
Debug-scan Description
①The number of scan Specify the number of scans.
②From the first step Starts debug from the first step.
③From the broken After scanning from the stopped step to the number of scans, it stops
step debug at the stopped step.
7.10 Step in
This traces into the inside of the operating function from the point of user function call or sub-
routine call while debugging.
If the step in is not available at the step on which you tried to step in, it works the same way as a
Before step in
After step in
7.12 Debug-bit
Keeps debugging until the device reaches the specified value. Registers the bit device's break
registeration condition.
Registered break registeration condition is deleted when the system operation mode is changed.
Debug-bit Description
Displays registered bit device and break condition.
condition setting
Register new bit device break condition. Click ③ and ‘Register INSERT
BREAK POINT’ dialog box appears.
⑦Refresh Reads registered condition from the system and refreshes that condition.
7.13 Debug-word
Keeps debugging until the word device reaches the specified value.
Registers a break condition of the word device. The registered break registeration condition is
deleted when the system operation mode changes.
Debug-word Description
①Word device Displays registered break condition of the word device by reading registered
break condition information of LP.
Registers a new break condition of the word device. Click ② and ‘Register
INSERT BREAK POINT’ dialog box appears.
⑦Refresh Reads registered condition from the system and refreshes that condition.
③Delete Deletes the selected I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
④Delete All Deletes all I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
⑤Change Edits the I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
⑥On Turns ON the selected I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ① by force
⑦Off Turns OFF the selected I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ① by force
⑧Free Releases control to the selected I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
⑨All On Turns ON all I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
⑩All Off Turns OFF all I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
⑪All Free Releases control to all I/O from the registered forced I/O list in ①
Reads the registered I/O information from the LP system and refreshes
①I/O setting value list
8 Window
8.1 Cascade
This cascade option aligns opened windows like the image below.
External program
A path to the external program appears. You can directly enter the
①Path external program. Registered external program operates directly when
clicking the icon in toolbar.
9 Workspace
You can input instruction by presing Enter keyboard or double-clicking in mnemonic editor. After
inputting mnemonic, press Enter keyboard. If mnemonic grammer is correct, input is complete. If
there is error in mnemonic grammer, grammer checking message appears and it returns to edit
9.2 Variable/Comment
When you select ‘Variable/Comment’ in workspace, the following screen opens.
The window outputs existing variables and descriptions. To enter a new variable, double-click the
edit window or press Enter keyboard and ‘Device’ dialog box appears as below.
Adding variables
1st Enter the device to register as variable and select ‘BIT’ or ‘WORD’.
2nd Enter variable name and comment of to be registered and click ‘OK’.
When entered variable name and comment are registered, check in
‘Variable/Comment’ edit window.
9.3 Monitoring
When you select ‘Monitoring’ in workspace, the following screen opens.
On the monitoring window, devices registered as monitoring devices are displayed. At the time of
monitoring LP in atLogic, you can monitors the present value of the registered deivces.
Double-click the edit window or press Enter keyboard and ‘Register Monitor Device’ dialog box
Select monitoring device type; bit device, word device, double word device, enter the device
name and click ‘Register’ and it is registered as monitoring device.
If you want to register consecutive devices, enter [Device - Device] (ex: x0-x5) in the Device
Name field. It registers from the first device (x0) to the last device (x5).
If the device you want to register has a registered variable, selecting the variable name
immediately registers the device.
Devices in monitoring window are aligned in ascending order by device name.
9.4 Parameter
When you select ‘Parameter’ in workspace, you can set the detailed configuraiton for LP.
9.4.1 Common
Sets parameters commonly applied to all LP series models.
Common Description
Designate while debugging, output after completing the scan or real-time
Output after completing the scan: Outputs the value of the present output
①Output wile device (Y device) after a scan in debug mode is complete.
Real-time Output while debugging: Outputs the value when the value of
the output device is changed in debug mode while debugging,
regardless of the present debugging position.
The filter value of each input port can be specified per port through the filter
②Default Filter function. When you did not individually specify the input port value, the value
Value specified in this item is assigned as a filter value. When ‘0’ is set, it does not
use filter value.
This parameter is used to determine how the extension slot is operated
according to the system's RUN/STOP mode.
③Operating Operating only in run mode: The extension slot is operated only when LP
Condition for operation mode is RUN.
Extended Module
Operating in stop mode: The extension slot is operated when LP
operation mode is set to STOP as well as RUN.
④Time Driven A parameter to operate the LP logic program on a fixed cycle execution
Operation time.
Designate interrupt occurring interval of specified timer interrupt.
Interrupt sources in a fixed cycle total 8, and the interrupt interval can be set
in 10 ms increments from 10ms to 655350ms. Interrupt occurs in the interval
⑤Time Interrupt
of the time set and executes interrupt routine.
For further details of interrupt instruction, refer to “atLogic programming
manual” or “LP series instruction manual”.
Indicates the latch range that the LP has by default.
Check ‘Use’ of each device and the device becomes memory protection
⑥Device Latch device and, it maintains the previous value even though power is OFF to
Range Settings※1 ON.
D : 1000 to 9999, M: 1000 to 9999, T: 127 to 255, C: 127 to 255, S: 127 to
255, R: 0 to 3999, L: 500 to 999
Common Description
Timer device area of the designated range has the appropriate time cycle.
LP series supports 256 timers from 0 to 255.
LP timer is two types; 100ms type, and 10ms type.
Depending on using frequency, 256 timers are divided as two types. First
⑦Timer Range allotted contents of 0 to 127 timers are 100ms type, 128 to 255 timers are
10ms type. You can designate the boundary between 100ms type timer and
Settings 10ms type timer.
Timer type Available range
100ms 0 to 254
10ms 1 to 255
9.4.2 Extension
Sets expansion function that is classified by type within LP series.
This is a function used to set input filter value.
This function set X00000 to X00007 / X00008 to X0000F (LP-S044, LP-S070, LP-A070),
X00000 to X00007 / X00008 to X0000F / X00010 to X00017 / X00017 to X0001F (LP-A104)
filter values respectively. With non-checking ‘Using Filter’, input filter of extension slot is
operated by ‘Default filter value’ in ‘Common’ tab.
With checking ‘Using Internal Device’, the set filter value is saved in the designated inner
device in order. By the logic to change this inner device value in ladder program, you can
control filter value.
With checking using inner device, and setting inner device as M0000,
M0000 filter value of X0000 to X00007
M0001 filter value of X0008 to X0000F are saved.
To control filter value by program with checking using inner device, you should write the program
as following steps.
1st Change M device which is to be inner device as changed filter value. Filter value is
available only 0 to 63(6 bit) value. Please refer to below table of actual filter value by
filter when setting filter value.
Filter Actual filter
time (ms) value
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 6
4 9
5 11
6 14
7 17
8 19
9 22
10 24
15 37
20 52
2nd Give pulse input to special device F00090 to set using an internal device with slot 0
module function. (Then the value of M device used as an internal device is applied
as a filter value.)
This sets an input contact as an external interrupt.
With checking ‘Using Interrupt’ and double-click the type and pull-down menu appears to
select one; No Int., Falling, or Rising. You can designate the output by two X0 and X1, X2
and X3.
Designate the device with checking ‘Using internal device’, the earlier set setting values are
saved in 2 word by 2 bit of the appropriate device in order.
You can control the interrupt values by changing this internal device value in the Ladder program.
The method to use an internal device and control the interrupt value with the program is the
same as the one used for filter value.
This tab is only for LP-S044 series.
MATRIX tab Setting range Description
①Use 16 Key Checking: Use Choose whether to use
(MATRIX) Non-checking: Not use matrix function or not.
return: X00000 –> X00003: Set X0
to X3 as return input Select matrix return input
②Input Register
return: X00008 –> X0000B: Set X8 signal.
to XB as return input
COM: Y00000 –> Y00003: Set Y0
to Y3 as COM output Select matrix COM output
③Output Register
COM: Y00008 –> Y0000B: Set Y8 signal.
to YB as COM output
Select M device as a
④Device Select M device device to save 16 bit key
input values.
Check: Applies key input value and Save input register and
⑤Device output register
extended setting information Non-
Extensions※1 information in the
check: Applies only key input value
expansion device.
※1. The contents of a device when checking ‘Device Extensions’
WDS: word device lead address: The set device in device item in matrix setting.
WDS[0] to WDS[F]: word device bit
WDS: [If input register setting is X0 to X3, it saves 0. If input register setting is
X8 to XB, it saves 1.]
WDS+1: [If output register setting is Y0 to Y3, it saves 0. If output register
setting is Y8 to YB, it saves 1.]
WDS+2[0]: [ON when pressing no. 0 switch is detected.]
Using device
WDS+2[1]: [ON when pressing no. 1 switch is detected.]
WDS+2[2]: [ON when pressing no. 2 switch is detected.]
WDS+2[E]: [ON when pressing no. E switch is detected.]
WDS+2[F]: [ON when pressing no. F switch is detected.]
WDS[0]: [ON when pressing no. 0 switch is detected.]
WDS[1]: [ON when pressing no. 1 switch is detected.]
Not using WDS[2]: [ON when pressing no. 2 switch is detected.]
WDS[E]: [ON when pressing no. E switch is detected.]
WDS[F]: [ON when pressing no. F switch is detected.]
The result of key input is that 2nd, 8th, Bth bit of word device M0 turn ON and M0 value of
word device is changed as 0x0904.
(4) 7 segment
This tab is only for LP-S044 series.
This tab is for controlling 7 segment.
7 SEGMENT tab Setting range Description
Checking: Use Choose whether to use
①Using 7-segment the segment feature or
Non-checking: Not use
Y00000–Y00003: Set Y0 to Y3 as
latch output Choose whether to use
②Output Register
the segment feature or
(COM) Y00008–Y0000B: Set Y8 to YB as not.
latch output
②Output Register(COM) is set as
Y00000–Y00003, it is set as
③Output Register Y00008–>Y0000F automatically. Select data signal for
(SEG) ②Output Register(COM) is set as segment output.
Y00008–Y0000B, it is set as
Y00000–>Y00007 automatically.
Taking selected M device
as a leading device,
④Device Select M device
select 4-word devices as
segment output devices.
Check: Applies key input value and Save output register
⑤Device Extensions extended setting information (COM) and output
register (SEG)
※1 Non-check: Applies only key input information in the
value expansion device.
※1. The contents of a device when checking ‘Device Extensions’
WDS: word device lead address: The set device in device item in 7 segment setting.
WDS: [If output register (COM) setting is Y0 to Y03, it saves 0. If output
register (COM) setting is Y8 to YB, it saves 1.]
WDS+1: [If output register (SEG) setting is Y8 to YF, it saves 0. If output
Using device register (SEG) setting is Y0 to Y7, it saves 1.]
extensions WDS+2: [First segment output data]
WDS+3: [Second segment output data]
WDS+4: [Third segment output data]
WDS+5: [Fourth segment output data]
WDS: [First segment output data]
Not using WDS+1: [Second segment output data]
WDS+2: [Third segment output data]
WDS+3: [Fourth segment output data]
④The Number of
1 to 8 word Select output data.
Select heading address
⑤Device Device lead address
of the data to output.
Check: Applies key input value and Save information about
⑥Device extended setting information output register, data bits
Extensions※2 Non-check: Applies only key input and amount of data in the
value expansion device.
※1. Output data information range varies according to set data bits.
Data bit Available output data range
4 bit 0x000 to 0x000F
5 bit 0x000 to 0x001F
6 bit 0x000 to 0x003F
7 bit 0x000 to 0x007F
※2. The contents of a device when checking ‘Device Extensions’
WDS: word device lead address: The set device in device item in SIO setting.
WDS: [If output register setting is Y4, Y5, and Y6, it saves 0. If
output register setting is YC, YD, and YE, it saves 1.]
WDS+1: [Saves the set number of data bits]
Using device WDS+2: [Saves the set number of data]
extensions WDS+3: [1st display data]
WDS+n: [(n-3)th display data]
*n-3: the number of data
WDS: [1st display data]
Not using
extensions WDS+n: [(n-3) th display data]
*n : the number of data
9.4.3 Motion Motion controller overview
LP-S070, LP-A070 and LP-A104 Series includes motion controller function to drive motor driver.
Motion controller is able to move the object from the present to the precision destination position
at the desired speed with controling servo motor or stepping motor.
Motion controller function is able to control with basic motion operation as below.
Basic motion drive list ( : start instruction, : dwell signal, : complete signal)
Function Operation description Instruction
When occurring the rising edge of start instruction, it moves to the desired
position with set speed. After dwell time, complete signal is ON with one
When occurring the rising edge of start instruction, it moves with set speed
and decelerates by decelerate stop instructions and stops. Complete signal
is ON with one scan.
on drive
Oper By start instruction, it controls two axes linear interpolation from the present
ation position to the target position.
Basic motion drive list ( : start instruction, : dwell signal, : complete signal)
Function Operation description Instruction
Position type
Oper By position override instruction, it drives with changing from the original
ation target position to the changed position.
Speed type
Oper By speed override instruction, it drives with changing from the present speed
ation to the changed speed.
The basic motion operations as above are the unit operation, and each unit operation is divided
3 types which are single, continue and sucessive.
Click ‘Device’ and ‘Select the device’ dialog box appears to designate the inner
- Drive type: Position drive, when it reaches the destination position, drive is finished.
- Coodination type: Absoulte coordination, when it reaches the destination position,
drive is finished regardless of present position.
- Destination position: 50000, drive is finished at this position.
- Drive speed: 10000pps, drive speed of motor.
- Accel/Decel time: Selected each one from acceleration time 1 to 5 and deceleration
time 1 to 5.
- Dwell time: Stabilization time for next drive after completing motor drive.
The followings are the graph of this example.
- Drive type: Position drive, when it reaches the destination position, drive is finished.
- Coodination type: Relative coordination.
- Destination position: When coordination type is relative, destination position is
movement distance. Therefore, destination position 50000 is same as movement
distance 50000.
- Drive speed: 10000pps, drive speed of motor.
- Accel/Decel time: Selected each one from acceleration time 1 to 5 and deceleration
time 1 to 5.
- Dwell time: Stabilization time for next drive after completing motor drive.
The followings are the graph of this example. (Present position of this example is 1000.)
- Drive type: Speed drive, it drives continuously unitl complete signal occurs.
- Drive speed: 10000pps, drive speed of motor.
- Accel/Decel time: Selected each one from acceleration time 1 to 5 and deceleration
time 1 to 5.
- Dwell time: Stabilization time for next drive after completing motor drive.
- The followings are the graph of this example.
Pattern list (For pattern list structure and writing, refer to ‘ writing’.)
2) Item descriptions
Item Description
Sequence Designation part for repeat connection information of current
information pattern with continue, repeat, or single.
(Current pattern) Continue: C, Repeat: R, Single: None (omissible)
Action list Designate action list number. (essential)
Signal of the
number of repeat Signal for dividing action list number and the number of repeat.
If there is no number of repeat, please omit this.
2) Item descriptions
Item Description
Designation part for repeat connection information of current
Group sequence pattern
Continue: C, Repeat: R, Single: None (Omissible)
When binding several unit actions as one group, this
Start bracket
symbolizes the start of this group.
Unit action list A binding of unit actions
When binding several unit actions as one group, this
End bracket
symbolizes the end of this group.
Signal of the number Signal for dividing unit action or group action number and the
of repeat “-“ number of repeat.
The number of repeat The number of repeat for unit action or group action.
Connection sequence
Designation part for connection information with next items
Signal of pattern “,” Signal for dividing next unit action or group action.
Group pattern grammar does not allow to use double brackets. Therefore, please separate
each bracket pair for group pattern grammar.
(Example) (C(R3-2C,C4-2)-2R)-2C,3-2 → C(R3-2C,c4-2)-2C, C(R3-2C,c4-2)-2C,3-2
Above pattern stings has two ‘0’s which means infinite repeat.
1st Repeats #2 action list three times with single.
To start or repeat action list with single, there should be start instruction to execute
the action.
2nd After repeated third #2 action list, connects #4 action list with single and repeats it
infinitely (the number of repeat is 0).
3rd When #4 action list repeats infinitely, it can not execute the next action. To stop
infinete repeat, executes MTSRS instruction. Therefore, #4 action list stops infinete
repeat. It connects #5 action list with single and repeats it twice.
To start or repeat action list with single, there should be start instruction to execute
the action.
4th 1st to 3rd steps are binded with satr bracket “(” and end bracket “)” as a group
action. Connects the group action 1st to 3rd steps with C(continue) and repeats it
infinetly. (The number of repeat group action is “0” which means infinete repeat. )
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
R( 1-4R, 2-2C, 4-2 )-0R, 3-4R, 2-6R
Above pattern list is the example of infinite repeat for ②, ③, ④ group action. To
finish infinite repeat of this pattern list, and execute ⑥ action list, designate F401
special flag and execute MTSRS(normal stop) instruction. If infinite repeat stops at ②,
it connects ⑥ action list with R. If infinite repeat stops at ③, it connects ⑥ action
list with C. Or if infinite repeat stops at ④, it connects ⑥ action list with single.
2) MTSRS(normal stop)
MTSRS (normal stop) without special flag for stop executes pattern stop instruction.
Infinite repeat is also one of pattern. MTSRS (normal stop) instruction is able to stop
as above.
3) MTEMS(emergency stop)
It stops all operating motion instruction and error flag occurs. This is emergency stop
which does not have deceleration and dwell time to stabilize. To re-execute motion
instruction, execute MTEMC (removing error flag) instruction to reset error flag.
LP-A070, LP-S070
I/O signal
Input contact
Signal name Description
Detect the lower limit of CH1 when there is a signal at
CH1 X0
the input contacts.
Lower limit signal
Detect the lower limit of CH2 when there is a signal at
CH2 X3
the input contacts.
Detect the upper limit of CH1 when there is a signal at
CH1 X1
the input contacts.
Upper limit signal
Detect the upper limit of CH2 when there is a signal at
CH2 X4
the input contacts.
Detect the origin limit of CH1 when there is a signal at
CH1 X2
the input contacts.
Origin limit signal
Detect the origin limit of CH2 when there is a signal at
CH2 X5
the input contacts.
Directional CH1 Y2 Output the directional selection signal of CH1.
selection signal CH2 Y3 Output the directional selection signal of CH2.
CH1 Y0 Output the PWM signal of CH1.
PWM signal
CH2 Y1 Output the PWM signal of CH2.
The input contact number uses the same number regardless of the ribbon type and the
terminal type.
Use the 1Pulse input method. Be careful when connecting the motion controller.
In case of using motion controller function and high-speed counter function, X0 to X5 are
occupied by the motion controller and cannot be used as the input port of the high-speed
counter. Motion instruction
MTVDM S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 BIT Drive direction to decide position Forward(1), backward(0)
S2 DWORD Drive speed to decide position 1 to 100,000pps
S3 WORD Dwell time 0 to 65535ms
Acceleration time 1 to 5 of
S4 WORD Acceleration time
common configuration
Deceleration time 1 to 5 of
S5 WORD Deceleration time
common configuration
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - - - - ○ - - - - - ○ -
S2 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S3 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S4 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S5 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
Be sure that if set drive speed is over than max. speed (100,000pps), it may cause
Acceleration/Deceleration time is one of Acceleration/Deceleration time 1 to 5 of ‘Common
Configuration’ at [Workspace]-[Parameter]-[MOTION] in atLogic.
If set drive speed is lower than start speed, this set drive speed drives constant without
acceleration/deceleration drive.
(3) Ladder and mnemonic
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
Executes speed direct drive at rising edge of input condition.
Drives set speed and direction until executing stop sign.
This instruction is able to set only drive data items. Basic drive data (start speed,
acceleration time, deceleration time, etc.) is the set value of ‘Common Configuration’ at
[Workspace]-[Parameter]-[MOTION] in atLogic.
For further details of each setting value, refer to ‘ Motion setting parameter’.
This example is set enable CH, s/w upper/lower limit, start speed, origin point, home
search direction, acceleration time, deceleration time, acceleration time to origin,
deceleration time to origin, home search speed, enable S/W limit, enable H/W limit,
and origin back kind.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to speed direct drive by user’s input after origin back.
The device of MTVDM (speed direct drive) is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M150 1 Drive direction(0: backward 1: forward)
M200 10000 Drive speed
M250 1000 Dwell time
M300 1 Acceleration time
M350 1 Deceleration time
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC(origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge occurs at M1 device, executes MTVDM (speed direct drive)
3rd When executeing MTVDM(speed direct drive) instruction, accelerates up to the set
drive speed during acceleration time and drives constant with the set drive speed.
4th MTVDM(speed direct drive) instruction is speed drive. It drives continuously until
MTSRS(normal stop) instruction occurs.
MTVDM(speed direct drive) instruction is able to stop by MTSRS(normal stop),
MTEMS(emergency stop) instructions.
MTPDM S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
Destination position to decide
S1 DWORD -2,147,483,648 to 2,147483,647
S2 DWORD Drive speed to decide position 1 to 100,000pps
S3 WORD Dwell time 0 to 65535ms
Acceleration time 1 to 5 of
S4 WORD Acceleration time
common configuration
Deceleration time 1 to 5 of
S5 WORD Deceleration time
common configuration
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S2 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S3 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S4 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S5 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
Be sure that if set drive speed is over than max. speed (100,000pps), it may cause
Acceleration/Deceleration time is one of Acceleration/Deceleration time 1 to 5 of ‘Common
Configuration’ at [Workspace]-[Parameter]-[MOTION] in atLogic.
If set drive speed is lower than start speed, this set drive speed drives constant without
acceleration/deceleration drive.
The range of destination position value is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147483,647.
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
Moving position by position direct drive instruction supports only absolute coordination. For
moving relative coordination, please action list.
(4) Function
Executes position direct drive at rising edge of input condition.
When arriving set destination position, it decelerates and stops the drive.
This instruction is able to set only drive data items. Basic drive data (start speed,
acceleration time, deceleration time, etc.) is the set value of ‘Common Configuration’ at
[Workspace]-[Parameter]-[MOTION] in atLogic.
For further details of each setting value, refer to “ Motion setting parameter”.
This example is set enable CH, s/w upper/lower limit, start speed, origin point, home
search direction, acceleration time, deceleration time, acceleration time to origin,
deceleration time to origin, home search speed, enable S/W limit, enable H/W limit,
and origin back kind.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to position direct drive by user’s input after origin back.
The device of MTPDM (position direct drive) is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M150 50000 Destination position
M200 10000 Drive speed
M250 1000 Dwell time
M300 1 Acceleration time
M350 1 Deceleration time
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC (origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge at M1 device, executes MTPDM(position direct drive) instruction .
3rd When executing MTPDM(position direct drive) instruction, acclerates up to the set
drive speed during acceleration time and drives constant with the set drive speed.
4th Decelerates during deceleration time and stops at the set destination position.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 WORD Number of pattern list 1 to 99
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Stop
① There are other stop result by MTSRS(stop instruction) or by special flag.
- MTSRS(normal stop): normal stop
Completes executing action of action list and finishes the pattern.
- MTSRS(normal stop)+ special flag (F400 or F402) : action list stop
To execute next actionlist or group during executing pattern, use this instructions. If
executing pattern is speed drive, this combination instructions stops speed drive
and executes next action list.
- MTSRS(normal stop)+ special flag(F401 or F403) : group stop
Stops the pattern which is executing as group type and executes the next action list
or group.
② MTEMS (emergency stop) : emergency stop
Executes emergency stop to action list which is executing as pattern drive.
MTEMS (emergency stop) instruction is emergency stop without deceleration and dwell time.
It may cause malfunction to motor. If it is not emergency, please use MTSRS (normal stop)
instruction to stop normally.
(5) Function
Executes indirect designate drive at rising edge of input condition.
It is able to execute user-defined patterns.
① Common configuration
② Action list
③ Pattern list
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to position direct drive by user’s input at pattern list after
origin back. The device of MTIDM (indirect designate drive) is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M200 1 Pattern list
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC (origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge occurs at M1 device, executes MTIDM(indirect designate drive)
MTSRS (normal stop) instruction in pattern list is available for pattern complete,
action list complete, group complete.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH of first axis 1 to 2
S1 DWORD Action list number of first axis 1 to 99
S2 WORD CH of second axis 1 to 2
S3 ORD Action list number of second axis 1 to 99
and Inte
S0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S3 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
The action list designated as speed drive is not available to line interpolation drive.
The axis which is more distance than the other is set as main axis.
If each distance of CH1 and CH2 is same, CH1 becomes main axis.
(3) Ladder and mnemonic
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
Action list is available only when drive type is position drive.
(4) Stop
① MTSRS : normal stop
Executes normal stop to two axis which are line driving at the same time.
② MTEMS : emergency stop
Executes emergency stop to two axis which are line driving at the same time.
(5) Function
Executes line interpolation drive at rising edge of input condition.
It drives for the moving distance of two axes to line from current stop position to destination
position with CH1, CH2 axes.
The decision of main axis and sub axis is by movement distance. The axis which is more
distance than the other is set as main axis. If each distance of two axes is same, CH1
becomes main axis.
The speed of main axis does not refer to drive parameter’s value. The below operation
formula helps to decide drive speed, acceleration time, and deceleration time and it
executes the drive.
Be sure that two axes stop at the same time when stopping drive.
MTEMS (emergency stop) instruction is emergency stop without deceleration and dwell
time. It may cause malfunction to motor. If it is not emergency, please use MTSRS (normal
stop) instruction to stop normally.
① Common configuration
② Action list
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC (origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge at M10 device, executes MTOBC(origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
3rd When rising edge at M1 device, executes MTIPT(line interpolation) instruction.
At line interpolation drive, the CH1 axis which is more distance than the other CH2
is set as main axis. In this case, CH2 sub axis’s drive data is ignored and it has the
drive data by the below formula.
Therefore, main axis speed is 5000 in this example and sub axis speed is 3000 by
above formula.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 WORD Number of action list 1 to 99
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
Executes action list drive at rising edge of input condition.
Executes user-defined action list.
① Common configuration
② Action list
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to action list drive by user’s input after origin back. The
device of MTUAI (action list drive) is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M200 1 Action list
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC (origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge occurs at M1 device, executes MTUAI(action list drive) instruction.
MTUAI(action list drive) uses CH1 by operand setting value and executes action list
You cannot use the action list which does not have any contents.
Position drive of action list has two types; absolute or relative. Be sure to use this
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
(4) Function
Executes error remove instruction at rising edge of input condition.
Clears errors of user-defined CH.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
(4) Function
Executes emergency stop instruction at rising edge of input condition.
All motion actions of user-defined CH stops urgently.
Emergency stop flag of user-defined CH is activated.
Error designated CH is able to clear by MTMEC (error remove) instruction.
MTEMS (emergency stop) instruction is emergency stop without deceleration and dwell time.
It may cause malfunction to motor.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 DWORD To be changed position value -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
If using S/W limit, you cannot set current position preset value by over S/W limit value.
(3) Ladder and mnemonic
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
Executes current position preset instruction at rising edge of input condition.
Changes current position to user-defined set position.
If you set current position preset during motion driving, this instruction does not operate.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
(4) Function
Executes forced home setting instruction at rising edge of input condition.
It changes by force current position and origin point position from the set origin position in
‘Common Configuration’. In this case, it does not mechanical move.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
(4) Function
Executes normal stop instruction at rising edge of input condition.
Normal stop gives stop sign to appropriate CH with deceleration, stop, dwell time for
currently motion driving as basic stop method.
In MTIDM (indirect designate drive) instruction, MTSRS (normal stop) instruction and
special flag execute as following.
① MTSRS(normal stop): normal stop
Completes executing action of action list and finishes the pattern.
② MTSRS(normal stop)+ special flag (F400 or F402) : action list stop
To execute next actionlist or group during executing pattern, use this instructions. If
executing pattern is speed drive, this combination instructions stops speed drive and
executes next action list.
③ normal stop)+ special flag(F401 or F403) : group stop
Stops the pattern which is executing as group type and executes the next action list or
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 DWORD To be changed drive speed value 1 to100,000 pps
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
Be sure that if set drive speed is over than max. speed (100,000pps), it may cause
If set drive speed is lower than start speed, this set drive speed drives constant without
acceleration/deceleration drive.
Be sure that rapid speed change may cause motor step out.
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
This instruction is only available when speed driving.
Be sure that this instruction is not able to use in stop status.
This instruction is available only for constant speed area. If you using this instruction to
acceleration, deceleration, or dwell areas, it is not executed, and error occurs. Current
action driving is continued.
(4) Function
Executes speed override instruction at rising edge of input condition.
Changes drive speed from current drive speed to set drive speed.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to speed direct drive by user’s input after origin back.
The device is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M150 1 Drive direction(0: backward 1: forward)
M200 10000 Drive speed
M250 1000 Dwell time
M300 1 Acceleration time
M350 1 Deceleration time
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC(origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge occurs at M1 device, executes MTVDM (speed direct drive)
3rd When executing MTVDM(speed direct drive) instruction, speed drives with set drive
4th During operating MTVDM(speed direct drive) action, if rising edge occurs at M3
device, it executes MTOVV(speed override) instruction and changes drive speed to
5th MTOVV(speed override) instruction is speed drive. It drives continuously until
MTSRS(normal stop) instruction occurs.
MTOVV(speed override) instruction is able to stop by MTSRS(normal stop), or
MTEMS(emergency stop) instructions.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD CH(axis) to execute instruction CH1 or CH2
S1 DWORD To be changed position value -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
and Inte
S0 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
S1 ○ - ○ - ○ - - ○ - - - - ○ - ○
In case of S/W limit using, changing position should not be over S/W limit value.
(3) Ladder and mnemonic
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
This instruction is only available when position driving.
Be sure that this instruction is not able to use in stop status.
This instruction is available only for constant speed area. If you using this instruction to
acceleration, deceleration, or dwell areas, it is not executed, and error occurs. Current
action driving is continued.
(4) Function
Executes position override instruction at rising edge of input condition.
Changes destination position from origin destination position to the set position during
position driving.
If set position is lower than current position, it stops at the current position.
If set position is upper than current position, it stops at the set position.
(5) Example of usage
“Changes destination position 30000 to 50000 during position drive.”
1) ‘MOTION’ tab
MTOVP (position override) instruction is available only when position drive. In this
example, executes position override during position direct drive. Therefore, you
should set the item for position direct drive.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
This example is programmed to position direct drive by user’s input after origin back.
The device is as following.
Device Value Description
M100 1 Using CH
M150 30000 Destination position
M200 10000 Drive speed
M250 1000 Dwell time
M300 1 Acceleration time
M350 1 Deceleration time
1st When rising edge occurs at M0 device, executes MTOBC(origin back) instruction.
MTOBC(origin back) instruction searches origin point by origin back kind of
‘Common Configuration’ (This example is set as H/W.)
2nd When rising edge occurs at M1 device, executes MTPDM(position direct drive)
3rd When executing MTPDM(position direct drive) instruction, acclerates up to the set
drive speed during acceleration time and drives constant with the set drive speed.
4th During operating MTPDM(position direct drive) action, if rising edge occurs at M2
device, it executes MTOVP(position override) instruction and changes destination
position to 50000.
5th Decelerates the drive for deceleration time and stops at the changed destination
Mode 1 ×1
1 phase
Down count when input is falling edge
Mode 2 ×1
Mode 1 ×2
2 phase
Up count when input A is rising edge, input B is 0 and down
count when input A is rising edge, input B is 1
Mode 2 ×1
Type Counter type
Up count when input A is rising edge, input B is 0 and down
count when input A is 0, input B is rising edge
Mode 3 ×1
Mode 4 ×4
Phase WORD 1 phase: use 1 phase counter 1 phase: use 1 phase counter
2 phase: use 2 phase counter Standard output(OFF): not use
(use 2 input port) When CH1 is set as 2 phase
Standard output (OFF): not use counter, CH2 is not available
Item Type
CH1 axis CH2 axis
Select input port to use as input signal
Counter mode
F311 BIT R 1: up counting
0: down counting
Overflow status (current counting value exceeds
F318 BIT R/W
1: overflow
0: not overflow
Current counting value
Range: 0 to 16,777,216
Match value 1 set value
Range: 0 to 16,777,216
Match value 2 set value
Range: 0 to 16,777,216
Whether to use current CH
0: high-speed counter not use
1: use only CH1, 1 phase counter
2: use only CH2, 1 phase counter
3: use both CH1 and CH2, 1 phase counter
4: use CH1, 2 phase counter
Display currently using high-speed counter mode
Using 1 phase counter: 1, 2
Using 2 phase counter: 1, 2, 3, 4
CH not use: -1
CH2 current total counting value
The number of total pulse input after counting
(64 bit)
F228 WORD R current total counting value =
total counting value + current HSCNT counting value
Initialize to 0 when using HSRST instruction or replacing
PLC program
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD Channel number 1 to 2
S1 DWORD counter contact to use 0 to 16,777,215 (24 bit)
High-speed counter parameter
S2 WORD High-speed counter match value
match value 1 or 2
200: up counting→down
counting, 100: down
BIT In case of current counting value counting→up counting,
and match value are same,
D or 11to14: LP EEI instruction
interrupt occurs and output
Const device prints out. interrupt routine number
0: no output,
output device: Y, M, S, D, T, C, Z,
F, L, UB
1 to 10,000 (us),
The time of D output device output remains when value is 0
remains ON (recommended to set over 40us
when making output pulse)
X Y M S D T C Z F V L R UW UB Integer
S0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S1 - - - - - - ○ - - - - - ○ - -
S2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
D - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - ○ - - ○ ○
S3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
Pulse input can be counted at a rate of 50kpps per channel at maximum at 1 multiplication,
25kpps at 2 multiplication and up to 12.5kpps at 4 multiplication.
Do not set the match value 1 and 2 to consecutive values. Set the match value to make
different at least 3 from the high-speed counter
The output pulse through the high-speed counter HSCNT instruction is only available
through the Y4 to Y7 port.
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
The pulse is counting if the external pulse is entered when input contact (M0).
Counting the input signal at high-speed and reaching the match value, interrupt occurs or
output device turn ON.
200: up counting→down counting, 100: down counting→up counting, 11 to 14: LP EEI
Interrupt routine number, 0: no output
Output device
M, D, F, Z, T, Y, C, L, S, UB bit device ON
Output device ON time
Output device stays ON as long as the set time (us) then turns OFF.
The second parameter in HSCNT, the counter device, cannot be used as a contact device.
If the contact is required, define directly on the output device.
The second parameter in HSCNT, the counter device, must be assigned a different number
for each channel and for each match value.
It is not available to direct map the C device with High-speed counter HSCNT in drawing
program at Designer. To use the high-speed counter current value in the programming
screen, use the special device which has current counting value among the special device
of high-speed counter.
- CH1: F192, CH2: F202
Using the high-speed counter’s interrupt signal, 4 ladder interrupt routines (EEI) can be
configured up to EEI Instruction 11 to 14.
- In consideration of the PLC scan performance and the number of instruction steps, design
the interrupt routine so that the entire high-speed counter interrupt routine does not load
PLC operation.
- Be careful when designing the interrupt routine since it may cause scanning problems due
to the interrupt service routine.
- if the interrupt routine is too long or the interrupt drive internal using HSSET is too short,
only the interrupt routine will be activated without PLC scan operation.
- The example of configuring a ladder interrupt routine using the interrupt instruction EEI 11.
When match value1 of HSCNT instruction CH1 matches current counting value, 11th
interrupt is generated and Y5 and Y6 in the interrupt routine turns ON at the same time.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
It is programmed to switch as down counter when the current counting value reaches
to match value. The devices are listed as the table below.
Device Value Description
M0 1/0 Start signal
Current counting
C1 Counter device/Counter contact
1st If a pulse is entered to CH1 input port X0 while M0 is ON, the curent count value of
counter device C1 will rise.
2nd When C1 current counting value reaches match value 2(300), the interrupt 200(up
counting→down counting) occurs.
3rd After the interrupt occurs, the C1 current counting value is decremented depending
on the pulse input of X0.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD Channel number 1 to 2
S1 DWORD Set value 0 to 16777215
High-speed counter parameter
S2 WORD High-speed counter match value
match value 1 or 2
X Y M S D T C Z F V L R UW UB Integer
S0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
Pulse input can be counted at a rate of 50kpps per channel at maximum at 1 multiplication,
25kpps at 2 multiplication and up to 12.5kpps at 4 multiplication.
Do not set the match value 1 and 2 to consecutive values. Set the match value to make
different at least 2 from the high-speed counter.
Use with HSCNT instruction.
Set the match value at least 60 us interval to reset the counting value using match value.
Ex) the time per 1 pulse is 20 us in case of 50kpps pulse. Since 60us=20us×3, set the
match value to make different at least 3 form the set value.
If the output pulse width through HSCNT is greater than the pulse width of the match value,
the system may go down. Set the HSCNT output pulse width to less than half of the match
value pulse width.
Ex) The image below shows the waveform measured when the pulse value of 50kpps is set
to match value 10 (200us=20us×10) and output pulse 2 (40us=20us×2).
The output pulse length must be less than half of the input pulse period (100us).
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
Activate when the input signal turns ON.
Counting the input signal at high speed and reaching the match value, current counting
value is set as set value.
2) PLC program
3) Drive description
It is programmed to set the current counting value as the set value when the current
counting value reaches to match value. The devices are listed as the table below.
Device Value Description
M0 1/0 Start signal
current counting
C1 Counter device
Y0 1/0 Output contact
M1 1/0 HSSET start signal
1st HSSET instruction activates as the HSSET start signal is entered.
2nd If CH1 input signal is ON while M0 is ON, the current counting value of counter
device C1 will rise.
3rd When C1 current counting value reaches match value 1 (100), the output contact Y0
stays ON in 50us.
4th Even after Y0 is ON, the current counting value is set to 0 by the HSSET instruction
when the current couniting value rises to reach match value 2 (300).
5th Repeat the process from 2nd to 4th.
(2) Operand
Operand Type Description Available range
S0 WORD Channel number 1 to 2
S1 DWORD Set value 0 to 16,777,215
X Y M S D T C Z F V L R UW UB Integer
S0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
S1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ○
When the start signal is ON, the set value is applied on next scan. It may cause scan delay.
Use with HSCNT instruction.
(3) Ladder and mnemonic
Ladder Using Setting
channe value
Please use the device that matches the size of each operand.
(4) Function
When the start signal is on while PLC program scanning, the current counting value is set
as the set value.
2) Drive description
It is programmed to set the current counting value as the set value when the start
signal is ON. The devices are listed as the table below.
Device Value Description
M0 1/0 Start signal
Current counting
C1 Counter device
Y0 1/0 Output contact
M1 1/0 HSRST start signal
When M1 is ON while PLC program scanning, the current counting value is set as the
set value.
* Dimensions or specifications on this manual are subject to change and some models may be discontinued without notice.