rlm-108 Series 01 - 2023
rlm-108 Series 01 - 2023
rlm-108 Series 01 - 2023
1.14 Records.
(1) Recordable Instruments ................................................................................................ 2
(2) Copies. .......................................................................................................................... 3
(3) Filing of Duplicates. .....................................................................................................3
(4) Electronic Transactions Law ........................................................................................ 3
(5) Effect of Satisfaction or Release...................................................................................3
1.19 Fees.
(1) Authorization. ...............................................................................................................5
RLM-108 i 01/2023
(2) Collection and Disbursements. .....................................................................................5
1.41 Commitments.
(1) Approval required. ........................................................................................................7
(2) Copies to be filed ..........................................................................................................7
(3) Normal Commercial carriage excluded. .......................................................................7
(4) Penalty for Violation. ...................................................................................................7
(5) Electronic Transactions Law ........................................................................................ 7
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2.36 Standards of Seaworthiness.
(1) Classification. ...............................................................................................................8
(2) Decision Maker ............................................................................................................9
2.37 Prevention of Pollution by Oil and Discharge of Ballast Water from Ships.
(1) Discharges. ...................................................................................................................9
(2) Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. ....................................................................9
(3) Oil Record Books. ........................................................................................................9
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2.62 Tonnage Statements in Registry Certificate.
(1) Alternate Use Vessel. ................................................................................................. 17
(2) Dual Tonnage Vessel. ................................................................................................. 17
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(6) Claims ........................................................................................................................ 20
RLM-108 vi 01/2023
2.83 Reserved. .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.84 Reserved. .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.85 Reserved. .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.86 Reserved. .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.87 Reserved. .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.90 Required Agreement by Liberian Shipowner and Foreign Bareboat Charterer. .............. 24
3.103 Recordation.
(1) Required Acknowledgment ........................................................................................ 28
(a) Acknowledgment of signature of director, officer or other authorized
employee. ........................................................................................................... 28
(b) Acknowledgment of signature of director, officer or other authorized
employee. ............................................................................................................ 28
(c) Acknowledgment of signature during a video-conference call, etc. .................. 29
(2) Proof of Due Execution ............................................................................................... 29
(3) Electronic Transmission. ............................................................................................. 29
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9.256 Definitions.
(1) Marine Casualty.......................................................................................................... 38
(2) Marine Offense ........................................................................................................... 38
9.257 Reporting.
(1) Reports of Marine Casualties...................................................................................... 38
(2) Reports of Marine Offenses. ....................................................................................... 39
(3) Form of Reports .......................................................................................................... 39
(4) Retention of Voyage Records ..................................................................................... 39
(5) Retention of Records, Generally and Log Books ....................................................... 40
10.291 Definitions.
(1) Certificate of Competency. ......................................................................................... 45
(2) License(d) ................................................................................................................... 45
(3) Seafarers ..................................................................................................................... 45
(4) Crew. .......................................................................................................................... 45
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(5) Manning Certificate. ................................................................................................... 46
(6) Temporary Authorization as Officer, Master or Chief Engineer ................................ 46
(7) Responsibilities of Companies –ISM Code. ............................................................... 48
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(7) Line-Throwing. ........................................................................................................... 55
(8) On-Board Training and Instruction. ........................................................................... 55
(a) Initial Training. .................................................................................................. 55
(b) Frequency and Extent. ....................................................................................... 55
(c) Liferafts..............................................................................................................55
10.337 Reserved.
10.338 Reserved.
10.339 Reserved.
10.340 Reserved.
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10.353 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
10.354 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
10.355 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
10.356 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
10.357 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
10.358 Reserved. ......................................................................................................................... 78
1.10 Title and Effect. These Regulations may be cited as the Maritime
Regulations and repeal and replace the Maritime Regulations in effect prior
to January 4, 2023 and have effect on and from that date.
1.11 Reserved.
Prev. 1.2 eff. 28 Feb. 1949; amended 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended eff.
19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013.
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(2) Maritime Rules. The Commissioner shall in exercise of the powers
contained in Section 11 of Title 21 and the Deputy Commissioner duly
appointed and designated for this purpose under Section 13 shall make such
Rules not inconsistent with the provisions of that Title and Regulations
made thereunder for the purpose of giving proper effect to the provisions of
the Title and the Regulations as shall be deem necessary or desirable to give
effect to the provisions of Maritime Laws and Regulations.
Prev. 1.1 eff. 28 Feb. 1949; amended 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended
eff. 1 Jan 2000, renumbered and amended eff. 19 June 2002, amended eff. 9 August
1.14 Records.
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provided such amendments attach and incorporate the
existing bareboat charters.
Prev. 1.3 eff. 28 Feb. 1949; amended 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended 11
July 1969; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013;
amended eff. 9 August 2022
1.15 Reserved.
1.16 Reserved.
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1.17 Licenses and Certificates of Seafarers.
(a) Incompetency;
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more than one year after expiry date of the previous license, unless the
applicant satisfies such special requirements as may be imposed by the
Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to whom application for
renewal is made.
Prev. 1.5 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered and amended 9 Apr. 1960; amended 7 Dec. 1964;
amended 11 July 1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986; renumbered and
amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
1.18 Reserved.
1.19 Fees.
Prev. 1.6 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 1.18 and amended 9 Apr. 1960; amended 28 Apr.
1961, 7 Dec. 1964; renumbered 1.19 and amended 11 July 1969; amended eff. 1 Mar. 1978;
amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14
Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
1.20 Reserved.
1.21 Reserved.
1.22 Reserved.
1.23 Reserved.
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1.24 Reserved.
1.25 Reserved.
1.26 Reserved.
1.27 Reserved.
1.28 Reserved.
1.29 Reserved.
1.30 Reserved.
1.31 Reserved.
1.32 Reserved.
1.33 Reserved.
Eff. 11 July 1969; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff.
14 Feb 2013
1.35 Reserved.
1.36 Reserved.
1.37 Reserved.
1.38 Reserved.
1.39 Reserved.
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(2) Penalty for Violation. Any violation of this Regulation or of an
official notice given pursuant thereto may result in revocation of any
Liberian license, certificate or document issued by the administration, in
addition to any penalty otherwise prescribed by law.
Prev. 1.51 eff. 23 Jul. 1951; amended 2 Nov. 1956; renumbered and amended 1 Mar.
1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended 11 July 1969; amended
eff. 28 Dec. 1978; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013.
1.41 Commitments.
(4) Penalty for Violation. Any violation of this Regulation shall subject
the offending party to cancellation of the Certificate of Registry of his or her
vessel, as well as such other penalty as in his or her acts may be involved, as
provided by the Maritime Law of the Republic of Liberia and Regulations
Eff. 9 Apr. 1960; amended eff 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9
RLM-108 7 01/2023
Prev. 2.8 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended 11
July 1969; amended 8 July 1982; renumbered and amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 1
Jan. 2002; amended eff. 19 June 2002.
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(2) Decision Maker. The owner of each Liberian vessel shall name in
writing a Decision Maker with complete authority to act for the owner with
respect to the operation of the vessel. The owner of each Liberian vessel shall
provide the Office of the Deputy Commissioner with current information
sufficient to enable direct and immediate contact between the Commissioner
or Deputy Commissioner and the vessel's Decision Maker at any time with
regard to matters relating to marine safety and protection of the marine
Prev. 2.2(b) eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended 11
July 1969; amended 14 Dec. 1984; renumbered 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
(1) Discharges. Except in cases of emergency, and then only under the
circumstances and conditions set forth in applicable resolutions of Annex I
of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
1973/78, and any amendments thereto in force, it shall be unlawful at any
time for any Liberian vessel to discharge into the sea any oil or oily mixture
otherwise than as permitted by that Convention. Unlawful discharge, as
defined by MARPOL, 73/78, includes all Annexes to which Liberia is a Party,
and any other national requirements from time to time, as specified in Marine
Notices published for this purpose.
(2) Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. Every oil tanker of 150
gross tonnage and above and every vessel other than an oil tanker of 400 gross
tonnage and above shall carry on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency
plan approved by the Administration.
(3) Oil Record Books. It shall be unlawful for any Liberian oil tank vessel
of 150 gross tons and upwards, or for any other Liberian vessel of 400 gross
tons and upwards, to fail to have and maintain on board at all times the current
oil record book officially issued by the Administration or an electronic oil
record book which shall be approved by the Administration and as required
in applicable Regulations of Annex I of the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, and any amendments thereto in
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 8 July 1982; repealed and substituted 14 Dec. 1984;
renumbered 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff.19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended
eff.9 August 2022.
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2.37 A Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in
(3) Cargo Record Books. It shall be unlawful for any Liberian vessel
to which Annex II applies, to fail to have and maintain on board at all times
the current cargo record book officially issued by the Administration or as
an electronic record book which shall be approved by the Administration
and as required in applicable Regulations of Annex II of the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances
in Bulk from Ships, I973/78, and any amendments thereto in force.
Eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August 2022.
2.37B Reserved.
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(2) Placards. Every ship of 12 meters or more in length overall and
fixed or floating platforms shall display placards which notify the crew and
passengers of the disposal requirements in applicable Regulations of Annex
V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage
from Ships, as applicable.
Eff. May. 1 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 11 01/2023
2.37D Discharge of Ballast Water
(3) Ballast Water Record Books. It shall be unlawful for any Liberian
vessel to which that Convention applies, to fail to have and maintain on
board at all times the current ballast water record book officially issued by
the Administration or an electronic ballast water record book which shall be
approved by the Administration and as required in applicable Regulations
of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s
Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, and any amendments thereto in force.
RLM-108 12 01/2023
Dumping Convention (London Convention) shall be applied as a
minimum, and the Office of the Deputy Commissioner may impose such
additional conditions as it deems necessary.
Eff. 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
(1) Required Log Entries. The Master shall enter into the vessel's deck
log book prior to the vessel's departure from her loading port or place:
(b) A statement of the position of the load line mark, port and
starboard, at the time of departure from such port or place; and
(c) The actual drafts of the vessel, forward and aft, as nearly as the
same can be ascertained, at the time of departing from such port
or place.
Eff. 11 July 1969 (Sub-par. (2) Prev. Reg. 2.61 (4)); renumbered 28 Aug. 1986; amended
14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
(2) How Applied. The fees collected under this Regulation shall be
applied as follows:
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Marine Investigation. The costs covered shall relate only to
investigations which culminate in formal proceedings or the
imposition of a fine or penalty;
(3) Credit for Liberian Crew. Each vessel employing two or more
Liberian nationals on board for an aggregate period of at least one year shall
be entitled to a credit at the prescribed rate against payment of the fee
established in paragraph (1) of this Regulation. Such credit shall be in lieu of
the nautical training allocation in paragraph (2)(c). In order to receive such
credit, the shipowner must apply by letter to the Office of the Deputy
Commissioner, showing the names and Seafarer's Book numbers of such
Liberian nationals, and attaching copies of such pages from the Liberian
Articles of Agreement as will establish their employment on board for a total
period of one year or more. Such information received by 15 October will
result in a credit at the prescribed rate against the fee payable for the
following calendar year. Re-application may be made in following years
when further one-year employment periods have accrued.
Eff. 17 Jan 1972; amended 1 July 1974; amended 1 Jan. 1981; amended 8 July 1982;
renumbered and amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 1 May. 2002; amended eff. 9 August
2.41 Reserved.
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2.42 Reserved.
2.43 Reserved.
2.44 Reserved.
2.45 Reserved.
2.46 Reserved.
2.47 Reserved.
2.48 Reserved.
2.49 Reserved.
2.50 Reserved.
2.51 Reserved.
2.52 Reserved.
2.53 Reserved.
2.54 Reserved.
2.55 Reserved.
2.56 Reserved.
2.57 Reserved.
Eff. 11 July 1969; amended 1 Jan. 1973; amended 13 Jan. 1987; amended eff. May 1, 1990;
amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 15 01/2023
designated for this purpose, are eligible to be authorized agents to carry out
certain functions, as determined by the Deputy Commissioner on or in respect
of Liberian registered vessels. A list of organizations authorized to act as agents
for the Republic of Liberia as provided for in this Regulation shall be published.
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of such alteration or modification, and shall provide complete details
Prev. 2.4 eff. 28 Feb. 1949; amended 13 Mar. 1953; renumbered and amended 9 Apr.
1960; renumbered and amended 11 July 1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug.
1986: amended and renumbered eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended
eff. 9 August 2022.
2.61 Reserved.
(1) Alternate Use Vessel. In cases where the vessel may be used
alternately in one category or another (i.e. ore carrier or tanker), the
Certificate of Registry shall describe the vessel in the category which
produces the highest gross and net tonnages. The Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner may attach to the Certificate of Registry an Appendix stating
separately the description of the vessel, including measurements, that would
be applicable if the vessel were trading in the other category.
(2) Dual Tonnage Vessel. In the case of a vessel fitted with a tonnage
mark and assigned dual gross and net tonnages, the length, depth and breadth
stated in the Certificate of Registry shall be the dimensions for the condition
with the tonnage mark submerged.
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(3) Issuance of a New Certificate of Registry in Certain Cases. In
cases where there has been a change of name or ownership of a vessel, or
change of vessel particulars, a new Registry Certificate, Permanent or
Provisional, must be issued and in no event shall such change or changes be
accomplished by means of endorsement of the existing ship's documents.
Eff. 9 Apr. 1960; amended 11 July 1969; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August
2.65 Reserved.
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(2) Proof of Liability Insurance. Except in the case of the
registration of a ship under construction, in no case shall a vessel be
issued any Certificate of Registry unless there is evidence of insurance
or other financial security required by the Liability Conventions and the
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 ratified by the Republic of Liberia.
Such evidence of insurance or financial security must show:
(a) cover in force with respect to the vessel and issued by a Member
Club of the International Group of P & I Clubs, or
(b) cover in force with respect to the vessel and issued by a reputable
liability insurance carrier recognized and found acceptable by the
Deputy Commissioner, or
Prev. 2.7 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered and amended 9 Apr. 1960; amended 28 Aug. 1986;
amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August 2022.
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2.67 Conditions Precedent to Issuance of Permanent Certificates of
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(8) Electronic Transmission. The provisions of Section 20 of the
Maritime Law shall apply. Anything in this Regulation to the contrary
notwithstanding, if an instrument is submitted to the Office of the Deputy
Commissioner by facsimile, e-mail or electronically in accordance with the
Electronic Transactions Law, no original counterpart of such instrument
needs to be submitted to, and no certified original counterpart of the
instrument received for record will be provided by, the Office of the Deputy
2.68 Reserved.
2.69 Reserved.
RLM-108 21 01/2023
Release of Recorded Indebtedness. In no case shall a Certificate of
Cancellation be issued before:
(d) identify the vessel, the mortgagor, the mortgagee and the mortgage
particulars; and
(e) state the intent of the mortgagee that the mortgage be discharged
contemporaneously with the transfer of the vessel to the foreign
registry or when the vessel otherwise leaves the Liberian Registry.
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb
2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
2.70 Reserved.
2.71 Reserved.
2.72 Reserved.
2.73 Reserved.
2.74 Reserved.
2.76. Reserved.
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2.77 Change of Name of Vessel.
Prev. 2.9 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended
eff. 9 August 2022.
2.78 Reserved.
2.79 Reserved.
2.80 Reserved.
2.81 Reserved.
2.82 Reserved.
2.83 Reserved.
2.84 Reserved.
2.85 Reserved.
2.86 Reserved.
2.87 Reserved.
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(e) The amount and, where specified, the date of maturity of any
mortgage, hypothecation, financing charter or similar charge;
(f) The name of the foreign State of registration of the vessel and
the date, book and page or other identification of the
registration of the instrument in such foreign State.
Eff. 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
(b) The right to fly the Liberian Flag is waived while the vessel is
subject to the bareboat charter.
Eff. 28 Aug. 1986; amended and renumbered eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August
RLM-108 24 01/2023
(2) Amendment of Charterparty. Each amendment or sub-
charterparty submitted for filing under paragraph (1) must be
accompanied by proof of consent of the mortgagee(s) of the vessel.
Eff. 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
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(a) Name and Number of the Vessel: State the name and Liberian
official number of the vessel as set out in the vessel's Certificate of
(b) Name of the Parties: State (i) for a mortgage, the name of the vessel
owner (as mortgagor) as set out in the vessel's Certificate of Registry
and the name of the mortgagee or, if more than one, each mortgagee
or (ii) for a financing charter, the name of the charterer (as
mortgagor) and the name of the documented owner (as mortgagee)
as set out in the vessel's Certificate of Registry;
(c) The Interest in the Vessel being Mortgaged: State that the
mortgagor has transferred or granted to the mortgagee(s) a
mortgage on the whole of the vessel;
(e) Evidence of Debt: State the title, date and the names of the parties
necessary to adequately identify the instrument (or instruments)
evidencing the direct and/or contingent obligations secured by such
mortgage or financing charter as determined by the mortgagor and
the mortgagee in the case of a mortgage, and the documented owner
and charterer in the case of a financing charter.
(f) Date of Maturity: State the date of maturity of the mortgage if the
mortgage is “given pursuant to agreement” (Maritime Law
§106A); and
(g) Agreement Incorporated by Reference: State the title, date and the
names of the parties necessary to adequately identify any agreement
or other document that is incorporated by reference into the mortgage
or financing charter as determined by the mortgagor and the
mortgagee in the case of a mortgage, and the documented owner and
charterer in the case of a financing charter.
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(2) No Other Information or Documentation Required. A mortgage or
financing charter which recites the particulars required to be stated by
Chapter 3 of the Liberian Maritime Law and Regulation 3.100(1) hereof.
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(f) Total Amount of Mortgage or Financing Charter;
3.101 Reserved.
3.102 Reserved.
3.103 Recordation.
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(c) Acknowledgment of signature during a video-conference call,
etc.: The Commissioner, any Deputy Commissioner, Consul of
the Republic of Liberia or any Special Agent may acknowledge
the signature of any individual who during a video-conference
call or other face-to-face electronic contact signs or
acknowledges his or her signature.
(b) Be subscribed by and legibly bear the name and title of a notary
public or other officer authorized by the laws of the place of
execution of the document to take acknowledgments, or of the
Commissioner, any Deputy Commissioner, Consul of the
Republic of Liberia or any Special Agent; and
Eff. 11 July 1969; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August
2022; amended eff. 4 January, 2023.
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(2) Newbuildings. In cases of newbuildings, the Builder's Certificate, or,
in cases of transfer from another Flag, the Bill of Sale shall be recorded in
the relevant index in accordance with the provisions of Sections 14 and
104 of the Maritime Law and Regulations 1.14 and 3.104.
Prev. 3.1 eff. 28 Feb. 1949; amended 29 June 1949 and 1 Mar. 1958, renumbered 9 Apr.
1960; amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended and renumbered eff. 19 June 2002,
amended eff. 9 August 2022.
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Prev. 1.4 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960 and 7 Dec. 1964.
(b) Validity and Renewal. All Ship Radio Station Licenses shall be
valid for a period of four years and shall be subject to renewal.
Any such license may be revoked by the Commissioner or a
Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority duly
appointed or designated for this purpose, at any time for cause
Prev. 6.181 eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered 7 Dec. 1964; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended
eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 33 01/2023
(b) Radiotelephone. The service of every Liberian ship radio-
telephone station shall be controlled by an operator holding a
valid license, in the proper class or category, issued by the
Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime
Authority duly appointed or designated for this purpose.
Provided the station is so controlled, other persons besides the
operator may use the radiotelephone equipment.
(c) Satellite Relay. The service of every Liberian ship earth station
shall be controlled by an operator holding a valid license, in the
proper class or category, issued by the Commissioner or a
Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority duly
appointed or designated for this purpose. Provided the station is
so controlled, other persons besides the operator may use the
RLM-108 34 01/2023
(4) Service Contract Required. Except for vessels equipped with
maritime mobile satellite service ship earth stations that do not require a
contract with a recognized and approved radio company for radio
communication accounting, every Liberian Flag vessel shall be covered by a
properly executed contract with a recognized and approved radio company
under which contract the radio company assumes all accounting obligations
and also the obligation to secure the Ship Radio Station License.
Prev. 6.182 eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered and amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended 11 July
1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002;
amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 35 01/2023
Eff. 1 Sep. 1971; amended 1 Jan. 1978; amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986;
amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
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RLM-108 37 01/2023
9.250 Reserved.
9.251 Reserved.
9.252 Reserved.
9.253 Reserved.
9.254 Reserved.
9.255 Reserved.
9.256 Definitions.
(1) Marine Casualty. The term “marine casualty" shall mean any
casualty or accident involving any vessel if such casualty or accident occurs
upon the navigable waters of the Republic of Liberia, or any casualty or
accident wherever occurring, where such casualty or accident involves any
vessel documented under the laws of the Republic of Liberia.
(2) Marine Offense. The term "marine offense" shall mean any act,
failure to act, or offense contrary to the Maritime Law or any Regulations
thereunder, including any Marine Notice or Rules made as provided by law
and any International Convention or Agreement to which Liberia is a Party
or which it has implemented.
Eff. 11 July 1969; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002.
9.257 Reporting.
RLM-108 38 01/2023
(c) Stranding or grounding;
(3) Form of Reports. Such report shall set forth the name and Official
Number of the vessel, the type of the vessel, the name and address of the
owner, the date and time of the casualty, the exact locality of the casualty,
the nature of the casualty and the circumstances under which it took place.
If the casualty involves collision with another vessel, the name of such other
vessel shall be provided. Where the casualty involves personal injury or loss
of life, the names of all persons injured or whose lives are lost shall be
provided and, where damage to property is involved, the nature of the
property damaged and the then estimate of the extent of the damage shall be
supplied. Such reports may be upon forms obtained from the Commissioner
or a Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority.
RLM-108 39 01/2023
(5) Retention of Records, Generally and Log Books. Deck log
books, radar log books, bridge navigation log, engine log, bell log,
GMDSS-radio log and medical log shall be retained until the end of the
voyage unless the vessel has been involved in a casualty then the log book
shall be retained for at least two years. Official Log Books shall be
retained for at least one year
Prev. 1.8 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9.Apr. 1960; amended 11 July 1969; amended
eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
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(iii) Refusal to issue a Certificate of Cancellation from
Liberian Registry or otherwise to give the consent
of the Republic of Liberia to a transfer of ownership
or registry;
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or to determine whether there ought to be a formal investigation of
the casualty or offense.
(b) In connection with any preliminary investigation, the
Commissioner, any Deputy Commissioner or Investigating
Officers may collect evidence, interview witnesses, examine
relevant papers, documents and records, board and examine vessels
or equipment and visit the scene of the casualty or offense.
(c) Prior notice of any formal hearing, specifying the date, time,
place and subject matter, shall be given by public announcement
or otherwise to all:
RLM-108 42 01/2023
interested persons or their representatives and interested
States by official representatives or observers to attendance
at any formal hearing; and he or she may equally, where
matters of confidentiality or questions of public security
arise, preclude such attendance temporarily or otherwise.
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(d) The parties shall have 60 days from the date of publication of such
decision to appeal the Deputy Commissioner’s Decision to the
Commissioner pursuant to Section 1.34 of these Regulations.
(b) In aid of his or her decision, the Commissioner may call for
further written argument on any point in issue. A copy of the
argument shall be forwarded to the Commissioner, and shall
become a part of the investigative file.
Eff. 11 July 1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14
Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 44 01/2023
10.291 Definitions.
(3) “Seafarers”. For the purpose of this Chapter, seafarers mean any
and all members of the crew including the Master employed or engaged in
any capacity on board any vessel. Wherever in the Maritime Law the word
“seaman” or “seamen” is used it shall be construed to mean “seafarer” or
“seafarers”, as the case may be. Notwithstanding, certain persons or category
of persons employed on board a vessel may not be considered to be seafarers
in accordance with Regulations, Rules or Marine Notice.
Eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
(b) The numbers of mates and bridge watch officers required, and
the grades in which they shall be duly licensed, shall be
prescribed for each Liberian vessel by the Commissioner or a
Deputy Commissioner.
RLM-108 45 01/2023
(2) Required Minimum Number of Engineers.
RLM-108 46 01/2023
capacities on board any Liberian vessel, other than a passenger vessel,
as follows:
(a) A duly licensed mate or engineer who has completed at least six
months of service in the capacity for which he or she is licensed
and while holding such license, may be authorized to serve
temporarily in the capacity next highest to that for which he or
she is presently licensed, for a period not to exceed six months,
provided he or she is in all other respects eligible of examination
for a license in such higher capacity, has submitted an application
for such examination and undertakes to complete said
examination prior to the expiration of the six-month period.
(e) Not more than one mate and one assistant engineer shall be
authorized to serve on board the same vessel at the same time
under a Temporary Permit.
RLM-108 47 01/2023
(f) Temporary Permits cannot be granted in the capacities of Radio
Officer or Radiotelephone Operator.
(b) The Liberian Flag vessels which are owned or managed by them
are manned in compliance with applicable Minimum Safe
Manning Certificate issued for the particular vessel by the
Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner;
RLM-108 48 01/2023
each newly employed seafarer to receive essential
information in a language the seafarer understands; and
Prev. 10.290 eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered and amended 7 Dec. 1964; amended 11 July
1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 19 July 2010;
amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Every Master, mate, chief engineer and assistant engineer shall cause his or
her License of Competence or Temporary Permit to be displayed on board
in conspicuous location. Said license or temporary permit shall be framed
under glass or other suitable transparent covering and shall be so displayed
as soon as practicable after reporting on board a vessel for duty and shall
remain displayed during the service of the licensee or permit holder. Willful
failure of any officer to comply with this provision may be grounds for the
suspension or revocation of his or her Liberian License or Temporary
Prev. 10.292 eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered 7 Dec. 1964; sub-paragraph (1) amended 11 July
1969; amended 8 July 1982, amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
10.294 Reserved.
RLM-108 49 01/2023
expeditious means of communication available, advising of the name
and citizenship of the new Master and the date and port on and at which the
change of command was effected.
Eff. 11 July 1969; renumbered eff. 19 June 2002, amended 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9
August 2022.
(a) Bridge Navigation Log and Engine Room Log. Every self-
propelled Liberian vessel of 100 gross tons or over shall keep a
bridge navigation and an engine room log book that shall be
maintained in bound volumes or as an electronic log book
approved by the Administration, aboard the ship until the end of
the voyage. All entries made in such log books shall be signed
by the Master or officer designated by the Master who shall
make such entries, and all such entries shall be made as soon as
possible after the occurrence to which they relate.
RLM-108 50 01/2023
(d) Medical Log. Every such Liberian vessel shall keep a medical
log book or as an electronic medical log book approved by the
Administration, wherein shall be entered every case of illness or
injury happening to any member of the officers, crew or
passengers, the nature thereof and the medical treatment.
(e) Official Log Book and Entries. Every Master of such Liberian
vessel shall make or cause to be made in the log book entries
including, but not limited to, the following:
(vii) Before departing from any port, the load line and draft
RLM-108 51 01/2023
(x) Drill of ship's crew in the use of the line-throwing gun at
least once every three months; but the actual firing of the
gun shall not be required.
(d) Medicine Chest. Every Liberian Vessel shall carry and maintain
an adequate medicine chest bearing in mind the number of
persons aboard and the nature and duration of the voyage. In the
determination of the contents of the chest consideration shall be
given to the recommendations of the International Labour
Organization or another equivalent national standard
(e) Medical Guide. All required medicine chests must contain the
World Health Organization medical guide or other International
medical guide authorized by the Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner, sufficiently detailed to assist persons other than
a ship's doctor in administering to the ordinary needs of sick or
injured persons on board and
RLM-108 52 01/2023
without supplementary medical advice by radio or
(b) Engine and Radio. The Master shall assign to each motor
lifeboat at least one member of the crew capable of working
the motor. He or she shall similarly assign to each lifeboat
equipped with radio and searchlight apparatus, at least one
member of the crew capable of working such equipment.
RLM-108 53 01/2023
(6) Fire and Boat Drills.
(c) Watertight Doors. All watertight doors in use while the vessel
is underway shall be operated.
(b) Frequency and Extent. Instructions in the use of the ship’s life-
saving appliances and in survival at sea shall be given at the same
interval as the drills. Individual instructions may cover different
parts of the ship’s life-saving system, but all the ship’s life-saving
equipment and appliances shall be covered within any period of
two months. Each member of the crew shall be given instructions
as set forth in Chapter III, Regulation 19 of SOLAS.
RLM-108 55 01/2023
(9) Health and Safety Protection, and Accident Prevention.
Paragraph (2):Prev. 10.317 eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered and amended 7 Dec. 1964;
amended 11 July 1969; amended 8 July 1982; amended and renumbered eff. 19 June
2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Paragraph (3): Renumbered and amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended, renumbered, eff.
14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Paragraph (4); Prev. 10.290(2) eff. 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered and amended 7 Dec. 1964;
amended 8 July 1982.
RLM-108 56 01/2023
Paragraph (5): Amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Paragraph (6): Prev. 10.290(4) eff. 28 Apr. 1961; renumbered 7 Dec. 1964; amended
eff. 9 August 2022.
Paragraph (7): Prev. 10.290(5) eff. 28 Apr. 1961; renumbered 7 Dec. 1964; amended 8
July 1982.
Paragraph (9): Amended eff. 19 June 2002; renumbered and amended eff. 14 Feb 2013;
amended eff. amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Paragraph (10): Eff. 8 July 1982; renumbered and amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff.
9 August, 2022.
10.298 Reserved.
10.299 Reserved.
10.300 Reserved.
10.301 Reserved.
10.302 Reserved.
10.303 Reserved.
10.304 Reserved.
10.305 Reserved.
10.306 Reserved.
10.307 Reserved.
10.308 Reserved.
10.309 Reserved.
10.310 Reserved.
10.311 Reserved.
10.312 Reserved.
10.313 Reserved.
10.314 Reserved.
RLM-108 57 01/2023
10.315 Food and Water; Ship’s Cook.
(2) Ship’s Cook. The Deputy Commissioner may establish the scope
of training of ship’s cook and catering staff to ensure they are properly
trained or instructed for their positions. The shipowner shall ensure that
seafarers who are engaged as ships' cooks are trained, qualified and found
competent for the position in accordance with requirements set out in the
Liberian Regulations, Publication and/or Marine Notice.
(b) all spaces and equipment used for the storage and handling
of food and drinking water; and
(c) galley and other equipment for the preparation and service of
10.316 Reserved.
10.317 Reserved.
RLM-108 58 01/2023
Commissioner or his or her designee. Such conditions and arrangements
shall be approved if they are not in conflict with the requirements of
Liberian Law and:
Eff. 8 July 1982; amended eff. 19 June 2002; re-numbered and amended eff. 14 Feb 2013;
amended eff. 9 August 2022.
10.319 Reserved.
RLM-108 59 01/2023
signing-on of each seafarer and as the representative of the shipowner,
shall sign his or her name to the Shipping Articles in attestation of his or
her having so acted.
(b) The shipowner and the seafarer shall each have a signed original
of the employment agreement.
It is agreed between the Master and the undersigned seafarers of the (Steam)
(Motor) vessel...........(a)...........of which .................(b).................. is at
present Master, or whoever shall become Master, now bound from the port
of ..............(c)............. to ...............(d)............... and such other Ports and
places in any part of the world as the Master may direct, for a term (of) (not
exceeding) ...........(e)............ calendar months, that:
RLM-108 60 01/2023
2. Wages shall commence no later than on the day specified and agreed to
in these Articles or at a time of presence on board for the purpose of
commencing work, whichever first occurs, and shall terminate on the day of
5. Any seafarer who is put ashore at a port other than the one where he or
she signed on these Articles and who is put ashore for reasons for which he
or she is not responsible, shall be returned as a seafarer or otherwise, but
without expense to him or her (a) at the shipowner's option, to the port in
which he or she was engaged or where the voyage commenced or to a port
in such seafarer's own country; or (b) to another port agreed upon between
the seafarer and the shipowner or Master with the approval of the
Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner or authorized representative.
However, in the event such seafarer's contract period of service has not
expired, the shipowner shall have the right to transfer him or her to another
of the shipowner's vessels, to serve thereon for the balance of the contract
period of service, unless otherwise provided for herein.
9. The Master shall give to a seafarer discharged from his or her vessel
either on his or her discharge or on payment of his or her wages, the
RLM-108 61 01/2023
Seafarer's Identification and Record Book as issued by the Commissioner
or a Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority, with an entry
specifying the period of his or her service and the time and place of his
or her discharge.
10. Every Master in service aboard a Liberian vessel shall ensure that
watchkeeping arrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe
continuous watch or watches, taking into account the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and that, under the Master’s general
directions, all watchkeeping personnel shall observe the principles and
guidance as set out in the International Convention on Standards in
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978, as amended, and as
established by the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner.
(b) The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one
of which shall be at least six hours in length.
(c) The requirements for rest periods set out in paragraphs (a) and (b)
need not be maintained in an emergency or drill or in other
overriding operational conditions, i.e. essential shipboard work
which could not reasonably have been anticipated at the
commencement of the voyage.
(d) Watch schedules shall be posted where they are easily accessible on
board the vessel.
(e) The Master shall cause the recordation of the hours of work and/or rest
periods of each seafarer, and such record shall be available for
inspection by marine inspectors designated by the Commissioner or
Deputy Commissioner.
Eight hours per day shall constitute a working day while in port and
at sea.
RLM-108 62 01/2023
13. Work performed over and above an eight-hour period shall be
considered overtime and be compensated for at overtime rates. Work
performed in excess of eight hours per day shall not be compensated for
when necessary for the safety of the vessel, its passengers, crew, cargo or
for the saving of other vessels, lives or cargo, or for the performance of
fire, lifeboat or other emergency drills.
14. Seafarers shall keep their respective quarters clean and in order.
16. Seafarer shall be granted shore leave to benefit their health and well-
being and with the operational requirements of their positions. No seafarer
shall go ashore in any foreign port except by permission of the Master.
However, the Master shall not refuse the reasonable request of any seafarer
for shore leave for the purpose of presenting a complaint against the vessel
or Master to a Liberian Consul or other proper Liberian Official.
17. The shipowner and Master may issue such rules and regulations as
may be necessary for the safe and proper operation of the vessel; providing
nothing contained therein shall be contrary to law.
19. All rights and obligations of the parties to these Articles shall be
subject to the Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Liberia.
RLM-108 63 01/2023
(Additional provisions may be included or referenced herein or attached hereto,
including any collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that forms part of the
seafarers’ employment agreement).
Signature of Master
(a) Enter name of vessel
(b) Enter full name of Master
(c) Enter name of first port of departure
(d) Enter here a description of the voyage and
the names of the places at which the ship is
to touch, or if that cannot be done, the
general nature and the probable length of
the voyage and the port or country at which
the voyage is to terminate. For ships
engaged in world-wide trading without
definite itineraries or schedules, insert
"world-wide trading".
(e) Strike out word or words not applicable.
RLM-108 64 01/2023
Columnar Entries
Prev. 10.1 eff. 1 Mar. 1958; renumbered 9 Apr. 1960; renumbered and amended 7 Dec.
1964; amended 8 July 1982; amended and renumbered 30 July 1996; amended eff. 19 June
2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
10.321 Reserved.
10.322 Reserved.
10.323 Reserved.
Prior notice of termination shall be given by the seafarer and ship owner for
the early termination of the seafarer’s employment agreement. The duration
of such notice shall not be shorter than seven (7) days. Notwithstanding, a
notice period shorter than this minimum may be given in circumstances
recognized in other regulations or applicable collective bargaining
agreements justifying termination of the employment agreement at shorter
notice or without notice. In such circumstances, the Master/shipowner shall
take into account the seafarer’s need to terminate the employment agreement
without penalty for compassionate or other urgent reasons.
RLM-108 65 01/2023
Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978, as
amended, and as established by the Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority.
(d) Penalty for Non-possession. The Master and/or owner of the vessel
shall be liable to a penalty of US$500.00 for each seafarer employed
on board the vessel who does not possess a current and valid official
Liberian Identification and Record Book. Such penalty shall be
remitted if an official Identification and Record
RLM-108 66 01/2023
Book is obtained by such person within 30 days of the inspection
or other report which establishes the default. This penalty can only
be imposed by the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner.
RLM-108 67 01/2023
(i) Name of Seafarer
(ii) Citizenship
(iii) Rank or Rating
(iv) License, Book or Certificate Number
(v) Place of Engagement
(vi) Date of Engagement
(vii) Place of Discharge
(viii) Date of Discharge
(ix) Total Service (Months and Days)
(x) Name of Vessel (indicate steam or motor)
(xi) Official Number
(xii) Port of Registry
(xiii) Gross Tonnage
(xiv) Propulsion Power
(xv) Nature of Voyage
(xvi) Remarks
I hereby confirm to the best of my knowledge that all entries herein were made
by me and are correct. In witness whereof, I have this date affixed my signature
and the seal or stamp of the vessel.
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended and renumbered
eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
Except for a ship’s cook who shall be at least 18 year’s old, no person below
the minimum age of 16 shall be employed or engaged or work on a Liberian
ship registered in accordance with Title 21 of the Liberian Codes Revised. The
Deputy Commissioner may establish a higher minimum age in circumstances
set out in the Code in the Maritime Labor Convention, 2006. Night work is
prohibited for seafarers under the age of 18, except when the seafarer is engaged
in a training program accepted by the Administration and
RLM-108 68 01/2023
the work is determined by the Deputy Commissioner not to be detrimental
to the seafarers’ health and well-being.
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 8 July 1982; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013, amended eff. 9 August
10.328 Reserved.
10.329 Reserved.
10.330 Reserved.
10.331 Reserved.
10.332 Reserved.
10.333 Reserved.
10.334 Reserved.
10.335 Reserved.
RLM-108 69 01/2023
10.336 Benefit of Compensation for Loss of Life.
(2) Exceptions. The shipowner shall bear the costs of direct compensation
for loss of life upon the death of a seafarer from any cause, except:
RLM-108 70 01/2023
shipowner's obligation to provide the benefit of direct compensation for loss
of life shall arise at the earlier of the times indicated below:
(b) When the seafarer, at the request of the shipowner and prior
to signing on the Articles, commences travel to join his or her
assigned vessel. For the purpose of this Regulation the
seafarer shall be deemed to be employed or engaged on board
the assigned vessel from the commencement of his or her
RLM-108 71 01/2023
(b) When the seafarer has returned from his or her assigned vessel
to his or her then place of residence or declared destination.
For the purpose of this Regulation the seafarer shall be deemed
to be employed or engaged on board the assigned vessel until
he or she has reached his or her then place of residence or
declared destination.
(10) Beneficiaries.
(11) Other Death Benefits. The amount of the direct compensation payable
under this Regulation shall be determined by aggregation and subtraction
of any other lump-sum death benefits in favor of the seafarer, which are
also provided or contributed to by the shipowner.
RLM-108 72 01/2023
(12) Satisfaction of Obligation. The shipowner shall secure his or
obligation to provide a benefit of direct compensation for loss of life by any
one or a combination of the following:
The shipowner shall secure his or her obligation to provide for compensation
for long-term disability by:
RLM-108 73 01/2023
(14) Certification.
RLM-108 74 01/2023
The insurer may cancel this Certificate only by giving 30 days written
notice of cancellation to the Office of Deputy Commissioner of Liberia
Maritime Authority whereupon the liability of the insurer hereunder
shall cease as from the date of the expiry of the said period of notice, but
only as regards incidents arising thereafter.
The guarantor warrants that it will pay the direct compensation for loss of
life provided for under Regulation 10.336 of the Liberian Maritime
Regulations directly to the beneficiaries and/or legal representatives of the
deceased seafarer upon their demand, if for any reason the Owner does not
pay the said compensation. The guarantor further warrants that it will not
RLM-108 75 01/2023
raise any other defenses against claims for such compensation except those
available to the Owner under Liberian Maritime Regulation 10.336.
Eff. 8 July 1982; amended 28 Aug. 1986; amended eff. 19 June 2002; re-numbered and
amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended eff. 9 August 2022.
10.337 Reserved.
10.338 Reserved.
10.339 Reserved.
10.340 Reserved.
Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which
shall be at least six hours in length, and the interval between consecutive
periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.
RLM-108 76 01/2023
(2) Exceptions.
(b) The Master of a ship shall have the right to require a seafarer
to perform any hours of work necessary for the immediate
safety of the ship, persons on board or cargo, or for the
purpose of giving assistance to other ships or persons in
distress at sea. Accordingly, the Master may suspend the
schedule of hours of work or hours of rest and require a
seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary until the
normal situation has been restored.
(3) Musters and Drills. Musters, fire-fighting and lifeboat drills, and
drills prescribed by the Administration in Marine Notice, shall be
conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and
does not induce fatigue.
Eff. 7 Dec. 1964; amended 28 Aug. 1986; renumbered and amended eff. 14 Feb 2013,
amended eff. 9 August 2022.
RLM-108 77 01/2023
Proof of such insurance shall be submitted annually to the Office of Deputy
10.343 Reserved.
10.344 Reserved.
10.345 Reserved.
10.346 Reserved.
10.347 Reserved.
10.348 Reserved.
10.349 Reserved.
10.350 Reserved.
10.351 Reserved.
10.352 Reserved.
10.353 Reserved.
10.354 Reserved.
10.355 Reserved.
10.356 Reserved.
10.357 Reserved.
10.358 Reserved.
(a) Crew members shall have fourteen days from the date of the
alleged occurrence of the labor grievance to bring the matter to the
seafarer’s Superior Officer; the Head of the Department;
RLM-108 78 01/2023
the Master or his or her appointee, each of whom shall have a
further seven days to bring about a solution of the matter.
(b) If after seven days the Master or his or her appointee has been
unable to resolve the matter, crew members shall have ten days
thereafter to bring it through the Master or his or her appointee
to the employer; or if the matter may be to the prejudice of the
Master, then directly to the employer. The employer and the
crew members shall have a period of twenty days therefrom to
bring about a conciliation.
(c) If after twenty days, the matter has not been conciliated, then
either party shall have a further twenty days to bring the matter
for mediation to the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner
of Liberia Maritime Authority or his or her appointed
(f) The arbitrator or arbitrators shall have thirty days from the receipt
of a written request for arbitration to make a final determination
in the matter.
RLM-108 79 01/2023
subparagraph (f) above may be extended by consent of the
(2) Arbitration Rules. The parties to the arbitration may agree as to the
place where the arbitration proceeding shall be held, the language in
which the proceeding shall be conducted and, subject to the requirements
of paragraph (3) hereof, the rules which will govern the arbitration
proceeding. In default of agreement as to the place of the arbitration, the
place shall be decided by the arbitrator(s). In default of agreement as to the
rules, the proceeding shall be conducted in the English language under the
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, insofar as consistent with the
requirements of this Regulation.
Eff. 8 July 1982; amended eff. 19 June 2002; amended eff. 14 Feb 2013; amended 9 August
10.360 Reserved.
RLM-108 80 01/2023