Ways To Improve Writing Skills
Ways To Improve Writing Skills
Ways To Improve Writing Skills
Definition of Writing Skills
• Writing skills mean the writer is to write down his/her
thoughts/ideas/opinions/facts/stories etc. in a manner which makes
their thoughts clear and comprehensible to the reader.
• Good writing needs to have good vocabulary, correct grammar and
spellings along with perfect punctuation.
Definition of Writing Skills (contd)
• "Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet,
punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a
readable form. ... Writing is the fourth of the four language skills,
which are: Listening. Speaking. Reading.
Importance of Writing Skills
• Writing is an essential job skill. Writing is the primary
basis upon which one's work, learning, and intellect
will be judged—in college, in the work place and in
the community. Writing equips us
with communication and thinking skills. Writing
expresses who we are as people.
• Writing skills are an important part of
communication. Good writing skills allow you to
communicate your message with clarity and ease to a
far larger audience than through face-to-face or
telephone conversations.
Tips for Improving English Writing Skills
• Do you want to know how to improve your English writing
skills? Do you want to know how to write correct sentences
without it being a painful task?
• Here are some tips to help you feel more confident with writing,
and improve your English writing skills:
Read as much as you can
• Just as we say that listening is closely related to speaking,
reading is closely related to writing so our number 1 tip for
improving your English writing would be to read as much as
you can! This will help you improve your vocabulary, grammar,
sentence structure, and show you there are many different
ways to communicate ideas. For example: If you need to write
a description of a house or a biography of yourself, a great idea
is to read some other biographies or house descriptions, from
books, magazines, brochures, the internet or whatever source
you can think of. After having read others, then you can
attempt to write your own. You’ll realize it’s much easier than
trying to write without any previous input!
Keep an English dictionary
• Even though you don’t have to “study” grammar, your English writing
will improve a lot if you work on grammar exercises. Also, remember
that grammar is more important when you write than when you
speak because it is usually more formal and more structured.
Check your spelling before and after writing
• How do you feel when you read something full of spelling mistakes in
your own language? Poor spelling can spoil an otherwise interesting
piece to read, and we generally write for other people to read what
we’ve written.
Keep a diary in English
• It will make you write every day to turn writing into a routine activity.
Besides, you are “writing to yourself”, which can make you feel
liberated and satisfied. You don’t need to write elaborate sentences:
you can keep them as simple as you want.
Stick with simple words.
• Keep your language simple and direct.
Example: I’m certain sure you are able to can deliver the quality of
work we’re looking for. Let’s discuss talk about it in our meeting next
• Short, less complicated sentences are easier to read. Keep it simple,
but do vary your sentence length so your writing has a nice flow.
Make a habit to write English everyday
• Start writing at least 10 sentences everyday.
• You can do this by trying to write on different topics, writing Emails
and SMS to your friends, writing your personal diary etc.
Read it out loud
• Reading your writing aloud can help you determine
whether it flows smoothly. If you find yourself
stumbling over parts, you’ve probably found an overly
complex sentence that needs rewriting.
Use Technology (1)
• Technology has also made it easier for students to create, edit, and
share their written work. Writing apps such as Google Docs and
Microsoft Word provide powerful tools that allow users to
collaborate on documents, save their work in the cloud, and access it
from any device.
Use Technology (2)
• Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t
understand it yourself.” Before you start writing, take a moment to
mentally explain the concept to the six-year-old who lives inside your
head. (We all have one, don’t we?) If your writing goal is to achieve a
specific result, ask yourself what that result should be. Before you
dive into writing, have a clear purpose. Then stick to it.
Write an outline
• Even in a very simple piece of English writing you have to keep some
kind of an organization to convey the message you want in a clear
orderly way. There are many different ways to write outlines and
these have much to do with the way you organize things in your
Write an outline (contd)
• Read the writings after you are done. This is a good way to see your
mistakes or errors you have not noticed when you are writing it.
• A teacher, a tutor, a native speaker: whoever masters the language
and can help you understand and correct whatever mistakes you may
have made both in grammar or spelling and in the way your
paragraph text has been organized.
Try to get someone to read what you’ve written
• Writing in English is not really something you can achieve
immediately, but with hard, efficient work and gradual
improvement you should definitely get there. Start writing very
simple sentences and then get the challenge to write more elaborate
pieces. Just give it a try!
Practice, practice, practice!