Cia - Ii - QP - 22MT4201 - PC - Set-A
Cia - Ii - QP - 22MT4201 - PC - Set-A
Cia - Ii - QP - 22MT4201 - PC - Set-A
6. What is data transfer scheme and what are its types? R CO5 2
7. Illustrate the types of 8051 addressing modes each with an example. U CO4 14
Explain the following type of 8051 instruction each with few examples
8. i. Logic Instructions. U CO4 14
ii. Program Branching Instructions.
Explain the pin description of USART-8251A with neat sketch also elaborate
9. it with a functional block diagram. U CO5 14
i. Explain the pin description of INTEL-8255 Programmable Peripheral
Interface with neat sketch also elaborate it with internal block
10. diagram. U CO5 14
ii. Draw and explain the schematic diagram of interfacing 8255 with
8085 Processor. Tabulate IO addresses of 8255A
PART – C (1 X 10 = 10)
Show and tell about the Little-endian memory organization & Big-endian memory
11.A. Ap CO3 2
i. Explain the 3-stage pipeline ARM organization with neat sketch.
ii. Enumerate ARM single-cycle instruction 3-stage pipeline operation
11.B. with neat figure Ap CO3 8
iii. Enumerate ARM multi-cycle instruction 3-stage pipeline operation
with neat figure
12.A. Tell about the stages of 3-stage & 5-stage pipeline in ARM organization. Ap CO3 2
Explain the following with reference to ARM instruction set
i. Software Interrupts
12.B. Ap CO3 8
ii. Data processing instructions
iii. Multiply instructions