Cyber Law in Digital & Social Media
Cyber Law in Digital & Social Media
Cyber Law in Digital & Social Media
Amit K Kashyap
Cyber Law is the law governing cyber space.
1. Cyber Crimes
3. Intellectual Property
○ network providers,
○ online-auction sites,
○ cyber cafés
● In order to clarify the issue and put the controversy to rest, Indian legislators need to
insert a similar provision proving immunity to ISP in the Copyright Act, 1957.
● The most controversial portion of the IT Amendment Act 2008 is the proviso that has
been added to Section 81 which states that the provisions of the Act shall have
overriding effect.
Section 81 - Act to have overriding effect
● Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall restrict any person from
exercising any right conferred under the Copyright Act, 1957 (14 of 1957) or
the Patents Act, 1970.“
● It says that ``nothing contained in this Act shall restrict any person from
exercising any right conferred under the Copyright Act, 1957 or the Patents
Act, 1970''.
● Liability of Intermediary Recent Changes
● The safe harbour protection available to intermediaries is
conditional upon their observing due diligence while
discharging their duties and observing guidelines issued by
the Government in this regard.
○ These guidelines have were issued in the form of the
Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules,
2011. later replaced by The Information Technology
(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code)
Rules, 2021 (IL & DMEC Rules)
Part II of the Intermediary and Digital Media Guidelines discusses the due diligence and grievance
redressal requirements that are to be followed by an intermediary.
Due Diligence by Intermediary
Every intermediary—including SMIs and SSMIs—must:
● Publish a privacy policy with a warning not to host, display, upload, publish, or transmit any information that
is untrue or defamatory, obscene, invasive of privacy, or violative of any law in force or threatens the unity,
integrity, and sovereignty of the State on its website and mobile application. The privacy policy should state
that hosting or publishing such information may result in account cancellation.
● Inform users at least once a year that the intermediary may terminate the user agreement if they violate
rules, laws, or privacy policies.
● Remove any illegal information or data related to contempt of court, defamation, or the integrity and
sovereignty of India, public order, decency, or morality within 36 hours of obtaining an order under Section
79(3)(b) of the Act. To the intermediary's Grievance Officer.
● Inform users of the intermediary's rules, regulations, privacy policy, and any changes at least once a year.
● Keep all illegal data for 180 days after blocking access for investigating reasons.
● Keep user data for 180 days following account closure.
● Respond to a written order from the investigative agency within 72 hours.
● Appointment of Chief Compliance Officer, Nodal Contact Person, and Grievance Officer: Social media intermediaries
must appoint a Chief Compliance Officer, a Nodal Contact Person, and a Grievance Officer who must be residents of
India. These individuals are responsible for addressing complaints or grievances received from users and
coordinating with government agencies.
● Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Social media intermediaries are required to establish a robust grievance redressal
mechanism to address complaints or grievances from users. The grievances must be acknowledged within 24 hours
and resolved within 15 days.
● Traceability of Messages: Social media intermediaries are required to enable the identification of the originator of
messages that are deemed to be related to the sovereignty and integrity of India, security of the state, or public order.
This is aimed at addressing concerns related to fake news, misinformation, and harmful content.
● Compliance with Codes of Ethics: Social media intermediaries are required to adhere to a code of ethics, which
includes the prohibition of content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, or invasive of privacy. They are also
required to display appropriate ratings for content and establish mechanisms to address concerns related to content
● Data Protection: Social media intermediaries are required to have mechanisms in place to secure user data and
comply with data protection laws in India. They are also required to provide users with the option to verify their
accounts and to voluntarily disclose the origin of any sponsored content.
● Cooperation with Government Agencies: Social media intermediaries are required to provide necessary information
and assistance to government agencies for the purpose of investigation or prevention of offenses related to
sovereignty and integrity of India, security of the state, or public order.
● Compliance Reporting: Social media intermediaries are required to submit periodic compliance reports to the Indian
government, detailing their compliance with the guidelines.
Data PRotection Bill
The compliance is thus for every company directly or indirectly involved in stocking and using the information of the
citizens of the EU.
There is one standard that every company eligible under GDPR has to comply with. There are several compliances,
some of the major compliance are as follows: