تحضير انجليزي فارغ
تحضير انجليزي فارغ
تحضير انجليزي فارغ
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
• To participate in a group
discussion to talk about
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
1. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
2. --------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
3. Suggestions for improvement
Prepared by:
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss
answers will be able to :
- Self- -workbook/ • To use the First
Worksheet Conditional to make a chain
Ask assessment
of conditions
and -Exercises
about activities
-Direct reading
activities • To develop speaking
strategies by responding to
peers and encouraging them
in a discussion about
personal activities
Prepared by:
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: exercises Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss
Observation answers will be able to :
- Self- • To develop speaking
Ask and assessment -workbook/ strategies by responding
to peers and encouraging
answer Worksheet
them in a discussion
about personal activities
• To take part in a debate
about sending letters or
-Direct emails
• To appraise writing to
activities people
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Durati Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Tool Strategy Specific Outcomes No.
on Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss
answers will be able to :
ctivity Book - Self-assessment -workbook/ To engage in a discussion
Worksheet about Jordanian proverbs
and their values
and -Exercises
answer • To use proverbs in
-Direct reading English or Arabic to act
activities them out
• To participate in a group
discussion about the
importance of speech and
• To translate proverbs
from Arabic into English
and vice versa
• To write a short
paragraph about the
importance of
communicating in several
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level: 9th grade
Lesson Title: activity book Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 1
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions answers At the end of
- Self- lessons Ss will be
-workbook/ able to :
assessment Worksheet
Ask and Complete the
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
19. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
20. --------------------------------------------------------------------
8 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
21. Suggestions for improvement
Prepared by:
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: ----------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions answers At the end of lessons
Ss will be able to :
- Self- Worksheet To participate in a peer
Ask and assessment discussion using
answer sentences with
-Direct reading
the First Conditional
• To identify words
from defi nitions to
complete a crossword
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
22. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
23. --------------------------------------------------------------------
9 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
24. Suggestions for improvement
Prepared by
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
D Procedures Assessment
u Tool Strategy
a Instructiona Material/
Specific Outcomes No.
t l Strategy Resources
Communicati - Questions At the end of lessons
answers Ss will be able to :
Observation -workbook/ To use symbols to
Worksheet decipher an email in
Ask and - Self-
answer assessment • To write a short
-Direct email in English using
reading Egyptian
activities hieroglyphics
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instruction Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy al Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss will
Observation be able to :
- Self- -workbook/
Worksheet Student’s
Ask and assessment To use context to guess the
answer -Exercises Book page meaning of new words
• To use context to identify the
reading meaning of unfamiliar words
and ideas when listening to a
text about money
• To use dictionaries and
glossaries to confi rm and
word meaning
• To participate in a class
discussion about adjectives and
their connotations
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Specific Outcomes No.
Tool Strategy Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions answers At the end of
Observation lessons Ss will be
-workbook/ able to :
- Self- Worksheet
Ask and assessment Read and complete
the sentences
Correct the form of
the verbs.
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
28. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
29. --------------------------------------------------------------------
11 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
30. Suggestions for improvement
Lesson Plan
Unit Title: Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes:
Previous Learning: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructional Material/
Duration Tool Strategy Specific Outcomes No.
Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss will
answers be able to :
- Reflection -workbook/ To analyse a text and make 1-
Ask and Worksheet inferences
- Self-
answer • To use context to guess the
assessment -Work with meaning of new words 2-
the book • To use context to identify the
meaning of unfamiliar words and
-Exercises ideas when reading a text about
-Direct reading • To use dictionaries and
activities glossaries to confi rm and clarify
word meaning
• To classify countable and
uncountable nouns in a table
• To use quantity words and
expressions to describe two
pictures by fi nding the
differences between them
• To interview peers about
possessions and lifestyle using
How much and How many
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
31. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
32. --------------------------------------------------------------------
12 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
33. Suggestions for improvement -------------------------------------------------------
Prepared by: Mohammad Eid
Lesson Plan
Unit Title: Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning--------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: -------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration:---------------------------
Procedures Assessment Instructio
Duration Tool Strategy nal Specific Outcomes No.
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss
answers will be able to :
- Reflection - • To classify countable and
-Work uncountable nouns in a table
- Self-
with the
Ask and assessment book
• To use quantity words and
-Exercises expressions to describe two
pictures by fi nding the
-Direct differences between them
• To interview peers about
possessions and lifestyle using
How much and How many
(Daily follow –up table)
Reflection: Homework Fulfilled Period Section Day & Date
34. I feel satisfied with Outcomes
35. --------------------------------------------------------------------
13 2. Challenges that faced me -----------------------------------------------------------------
36. Suggestions for improvement
fi rst aid
project proposal
Prepared by:
Lesson Plan
Unit Title: Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from to Number of Classes: 1
Previous Learning: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Procedures Assessment
Instructional Material/
Duration Tool Strategy Specific Outcomes No.
Strategy Resources
Communication - Questions At the end of lessons Ss
answers will be able to :
- Reflection
-workbook/ To recognise the signifi
Ask and - Self-
Worksheet cance of agreement and
assessment disagreement expressions
-Work with for understanding when
the book
listening to a dialogue
Lesson Plan
Unit Title : Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------
Prepared by:
Lesson Plan
Unit Title :Story tellers Class/Level:
Lesson Title: Date: from ------------------- to ------------------- Number of Classes: 2
Previous Learning: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vertical Integration: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Integration: -----------------------------------------------