Suit For Permnant Injunction
Suit For Permnant Injunction
Suit For Permnant Injunction
4. The Plaintiff states that the data is one of the most precious
possessions in today’s world. Most importantly customer data in
B2B business like Plaintiff is worth millions of dollars. In business
to business transactions – most of the company spend maximum
time in identifying right customer (product manager / marketing
manager / decision makers…etc) and pitch them the right product
accordingly. The Defendant was working as GM Sales with the
Plaintiff company and looking after all affairs of said business. He
has a team of 8-10 business development executives / managers
(BDMs) reporting to him. The main job of this team is to identify
new accounts and customers via online search, digital platforms,
referrals and other means and promote our products / services and
generate business for the organization. This data is very sensitive
piece of information for any company as it contains years of hard
work to identify customers, their preference and make a list of
existing customers and potential customers. The Plaintiff further
states that Defendant while doing his duty in the office of Plaintiff
company during his tenure with company, he used to work on the
laptop AVITA-Liber-V14-Laptops 491942290-i4. The Plaintiff
further states that the Defendant during his tenure with company,
he handle many of the company client. The Plaintiff shall rely
upon the list of the company client handle by the Accused as and
when required.
Apart from the same the Defendant no.2 / Accused has theft the
company data by way of mail of data where he has utilized his
position to get the data from employee and transfer to his
individual email
11. The Plaintiffs state that if the relief, interim and ad-interim relief
to the Plaintiffs and on the contrary if the reliefs as prayed for are
12. The Plaintiff states that the balance of convenience lies entirely in
13. The Plaintiff state that the plaintiff to the suit for the purpose of
14. The Plaintiff state that, the Plaintiff have not filed any other suit
15. The Plaintiff will rely upon the list of documents annexed hereto.
(a) That this Hon’ble Court be pleased to pass the decree for
(d) Pass any such and other orders as this Hon’ble Court may
(f) For such other and further orders/reliefs as this Hon’ble Court
information and belief and I believe the same to be true and correct.
Identified by me,