2024 01 MSA32A LearnerGuide

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PROGRAMME: Bachelor of Engineering Technology

(Mechanical Engineering)







1. MODULE OVERVIEW...............................................................................3

1.1 Purpose Statement.......................................................................................... 3

1.2 Module Information.......................................................................................... 3
1.3 Knowledge Areas covered in this Module........................................................3
1.4 Graduate Attributes to be Assessed in this Module.........................................3
1.5 Module Syllabus Outline..................................................................................3
1.6 Module Learning Material.................................................................................4
1.7 Information about the lecturer..........................................................................4

2. MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES..........................................................5

2.1 Calculation of Module Credits and Notional Hours...........................................5

2.2 Module Learning Units and Notional Hours.....................................................6
2.3 Semester Programme for the Module..............................................................8
2.4 Assessment of Module Learning Units.............................................................9
2.5 Assessment Procedure..................................................................................13
2.6 Graduate Attributes Assessed in this Module................................................13
2.7 CUT Graduate Attributes and Action Verbs Used in Assessments................13
2.8 Aligning CUT Graduate Attributes to ECSA Graduate Attributes...................14
2.9 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy used in the formulation of questions...................14

3. LEARNING COMPONENT......................................................................16

3.1 Guidelines for improving performance in the module.....................................16

3.2 Assignment/Project Submittal and Identification Sheet..................................17

4. LABORATORY COMPONENT................................................................18

4.1 Laboratory/Practical Submittal and Identification Sheet.................................19

5. SAFETY COMPONENT...........................................................................20

5.1 General Safety............................................................................................... 20

5.2 Hand and Power Tools...................................................................................20


1.1 Purpose Statement

The module Structural Analysis III in the programme Bachelor of Engineering in

Technology (Mechanical Engineering), aims at providing learners with an advanced
understanding of the response of materials to different types of loads in order to enable
the practical application of generally accepted conceptual procedures to ultimately attain
advanced skills in the practical application thereof in Mechanical Engineering

1.2 Module Information

Learning area Mechanical Engineering

Module Structural Analysis III
Module code MSA32A
NQF level 7
Credits 14.5
Notional hours 145
Contact sessions Four (4) theory periods per week, presented on campus as
indicated on the timetable
4 practical periods of 40 minutes each
Assessments 1 assignment, I self-study, 2 tests and 1 Examination per
Marking Rubrics will be provided with the practical and

1.3 Knowledge Areas covered in this Module

ECSA Credits in Knowledge Area

Module Module Name NQF Module

5. Computing and IT
Design & Synthesis
2. Natural Sciences

Code Level Credits







MSA32A Structural Analysis III 7 14.5 10.5 4

1.4 Graduate Attributes to be Assessed in this Module

No Graduate Attributes will be assessed in this module.

1.5 Module Syllabus Outline

The following topics will be covered in this learning module:

 Deflection of Continuous beams – Direct or Double Integration,
Macaulay’s, Moment Area, Superposition and Energy Methods
 Unsymmetrical bending
 Failure Theorems for Ductile and Brittle Materials
 Inelastic Deformation
 Thick walled cylinders
 Finite Element Analysis

1.6 Module Learning Material

Prescribed Textbook: 1. Mechanics of Materials, Pytel A and Kiusalaas

J, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning, © 2012,
2003 Cengage Learning.

Highly recommended reading: 2. Mechanics of Materials Volume 1: An

Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic
and Plastic Deformation of Solids and
Structural Materials. 3rd Edition. Hearn
EJ, Elsevier Science & Technology, 1997
3. Mechanics of Materials 2: The Mechanics
of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of
Solids and Structural Materials. 3rd
Edition. Hearn EJ, Elsevier Science &
Technology, 1997
4. Mechanics of Materials, RC Hibbeler, 10th
Edition, Pearson Global Edition, © 2018.

1.7 Information about the lecturer

Name: Annaléne Olwagen

Office: ETB 009 B
E-mail: aolwagen@cut.ac.za

Postal address: Central University of Technology, Free State

Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa
Consulting Hours: On campus consulting times will be posted on eThuto and
students can also consult with the lecturer via email


This module will be presented according to the outcomes-based education

philosophy. The lecturer will use a variety of instructional techniques and methods in
striving towards achieving the critical cross-field outcomes as well as the general aims of
the module and the specific outcomes.

2.1 Calculation of Module Credits and Notional Hours

The minimum notional hours required by a student for successful completion of this
module, as well as the credits allocated to the module, are calculated from the formula
supplied by HESQSF (Refer to ECSA document E-01-P):

Notional Hours = W (LTLML + tTTMT) + PTPMP + X + ATA

Credits = Notional Hours / 10

Where W is the number of weeks per semester, L and t the number of on campus
lecturing and tutorial periods per week respectively, P is the total number of practical
sessions (conducted on campus) and A the number of assignments per semester. X is
the number of self-study content and TX duration of completing the self-study content in
hours. Then TL, TT, TP and TA are the duration of a lecturing period, a tutorial period, a
practical period and an assignment in hours, respectively, while M L, MT and MP
represents a work factor for lectures, tutorials and practical sessions respectively.

The notional hours and associated credits for Structural Analysis III, together with an
explanation of the work factors, are calculated below:
Scheduled Contact Factor X

Lecture Tutorials Practical Assign

Code Course Weeks Evaluation Self-study # credit
40 min period = 0.67h 40 min period = 0.67h 1 periods = 0,67h
Per Week Per Semester
L 4 t 0 P 4 Time (h) 6 No of Topics 1 A 1
MSA32A 13 14,56
ANALYSIS III TL 0,67 TT 0,67 TP 0,67 Factor 4 Time (h) 8 TA 1
ML 3 MT 0 MP 3

Notional Hrs 105 0 8 24 8 1 145,6

2.2 Module Learning Units and Notional Hours

Unit description Learning area activity Notional hours

Deflection of Continuous Lectures 18
o Sign convention
o The Method of Double
or Direct integration
o Macaulay’s Method.
o Moment-Area Method
o The Method of
Superposition Laboratory 1 (P1) 4.5
o Energy Methods
Unsymmetric Bending Lectures 18
o Basic concepts and
Sign convention
o Developing the general
equations for radius of
o Developing the general
equations for
longitudinal direct
stresses Self-study 8
o Determining the
orientation of
the neutral axis.
o Determining the
maximum compressive Assignment 1
and tensile longitudinal
directs stresses on a
Lectures 18

Failure Theorems for
Ductile and Brittle
o Basic Concepts –
difference in the
behaviour under load
between ductile and
Laboratory 2 (P2) 4.5
brittle materials.

Failure theorems for

ductile materials
o St. Venant’s or
Maximum principle
strain theory
o Guest’s or Tresca’s
criterion for ductile
o Haigh’s or Strain
energy theorem
o Huber-Hencky-von Formative Test 1 (T1) 4
Mises distortion or
shear strain energy

Failure theorems for

brittle materials
o Rankine’s or maximum
principle stress
o The Coulomb-Mohr
Inelastic Deformation
o Basic Concepts. Lectures
o Limiting torque and 16
o Residual stresses in
torsion and bending
o Elastic spring back
o Limit analysis in
direct, torsion and
Thick Walled Cylinders Lectures 16
o Lame’s Theorem
o Comparing thick and
thin walled cylinders
o Longitudinal and shear
stresses in thick
walled cylinders
o Lame’s line
o Stresses in compound
thick walled cylinders
o Stresses in shrink-fit
thick walled
o Shrinkage allowance
o Stresses in solid
shafts exposed
to external
o Stresses in rotating
thick walled

o Rotational speed in
thick walled
cylinders for initial
o Stresses in compound
rotating thick walled
o Stresses in rotors of
varying thickness
with rim loading
Finite Element Analysis
o Basic concepts
o The different
numerical modelling
methods in
o The different
commercial numerical
modelling packages in
o Analysis of a Lectures 17
uniaxial bar (1D
o Analysis of a Truss
(2D case)
o Analysis of a
beam (2D case)
o Analysis of continuous
media (2D)
o Stiffness matrix of a
triangular element
o The different types of
finite modelling
elements in
o Meshing and mesh
o Finite element
modelling of
selected load cases
in a commercial
(Solid Works or
Formative Test 2 (T2) 8
Main Assessment 12
Total 145

2.3 Semester Programme for the Module

Week Unit descriptor Reference

1 Deflection of Continuous Beams 1. Mechanics of
Deflection of Continuous Beams Materials, Pytel A and
2 Deflection of Continuous Beams Kiusalaas J, 2nd
Deflection of Continuous Beams Edition, Cengage
3 Deflection of Continuous Beams Learning, © 2012,
Deflection of Continuous Beams 2003 Cengage
4 Unsymmetric bending Learning.
2. Notes on the Ethuto.
Unsymmetric bending 3. Mechanics of Materials
5 Unsymmetric bending Volume 1: An
Test 1 Introduction to the
6 Failure Theorems for Ductile and Brittle Mechanics of Elastic
Materials and Plastic
Deformation of Solids
Failure Theorems for Ductile and Brittle and Structural
Materials Materials. 3rd Edition.
7 Failure Theorems for Ductile and Brittle Hearn EJ, Elsevier
Materials Science &
Inelastic deformation Technology, 1997
8 Inelastic deformation 4. Notes on the Ethuto.
Inelastic deformation
9 Test 2
Thick walled cylinders
10 Thick walled cylinders
11 Thick walled cylinders
12 Thick walled cylinders
13 Finite element analysis

2.4 Assessment of Module Learning Units

2.4.1 Unit 1: Deflection of Continuous Beams

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Basic definitions - Students are Method: - Students describe The structure,
and development provided e- Test 1 the basic style and
of basic equations notes on Instruments: definitions. language of
in order to ensure Ethuto. Question written
that students are - Students are paper and communication
able to encouraged to memorandum are at an
understand make appropriate level.
continuous beams complementary
their deflections notes during on
and slope campus

Students are able - Worked Method: - Students solve - Students are
to solve questions examples are Test 1 questions on able to solve
on the deflection done in class. Instruments: strain energy due questions given
and slopes of - Questions are Question deflection of in Test 1 and in
continuous beams given to paper and continuous beams the Main
students to memorandum Assessment.
attempt during
the on campus
- Solutions to
these questions
are developed
during the on
campus lecture

2.4.2 Unit 2: Unsymmetric bending

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Basic definitions - Students are Method: - Students describe The structure, style
and development provided e- Test 1 the basic and language of
of basic notes on Instruments: definitions. written
equations in Ethuto. Question communication are at
order to ensure - Students are paper and an appropriate level.
that students are encouraged to memorandum
able to make
understand the complementary
concept notes during
unsymmetric on campus
bending lectures.
Students are able - Worked Method: - Students solve - Students are able to
to solve examples are Test 1 questions on solve questions
questions on done during the Instruments: unsymmetric given in Test 1 and
unsymmetric on campus Question bending in the Main
bending. lecture paper and Assessment
- Questions are memorandum
given to
students to
attempt during
the on campus
- Solutions to
questions are
during the on
campus lecture

2.4.3 Unit 3: Failure Theorems for Ductile and Brittle Materials

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Basic definitions - Students are Method: - Students describe The structure, style
and development provided e- Test 2 the basic and language of
of basic equations notes on Instruments: definitions. written
in order to ensure Ethuto. Question communication are
that students are - Students are paper and at an appropriate
able to encouraged to memorandum level.
understand the make
concept of failure complementary
theorems. notes during on
Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Students are able - Worked Method: - Students solve - Students are
to solve questions examples are Test 2 questions on able to solve
on failure done during the Instruments: failure theorems. questions given
theorems. on campus Question in Test 2 and in
lecture paper and the Main
- .Questions are memorandum Assessment.
given to
students to
attempt during
the on campus
- Solutions to
these questions
are developed
during the on
campus lecture

2.4.4 Unit 4: Inelastic Deformation

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Basic definitions - Students are Method: Assignment with The structure, style
and development provided e- Test 2 descriptive and language of
of basic equations notes on Ethuto Instruments: questions written
in order to ensure to guide their Question and calculations on communication are
that students are self-study. paper and the topic. at an appropriate
able to - Students are memorandum level.
understand the encouraged to
concept of make
inelastic complementary
deformation notes during
this self-study.
Students are able Method: Assignment with - Students are
to solve questions Test 2 descriptive able to solve
on inelastic Instruments: questions questions given
deformation. Question and calculations on in the Test 2 and
paper and the topic. in the Main
memorandum Assessment.

2.4.5 Unit 5: Thick Walled Cylinders

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator

Basic definitions - Students are Method: - Students describe The structure, style
and development provided e- Main the basic and language of
of basic equations notes on Assessment definitions. written
in order to ensure Ethuto. Instruments: communication are
that students are Question

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
able to - Students are paper and at an appropriate
understand the encouraged to memorandum level.
concept of thick make
walled cylinders complementary
notes during on
Students are able - Worked Method: - Students solve Students are able
to solve questions examples are Maina questions on thick to solve questions
on thick walled done during the Assessment walled cylinders given in the Main
cylinders on campus Instruments: Assessment.
lecture Question
- Questions are paper and
given to memorandum
students to
attempt during
the on campus
- Solutions to
these questions
are developed
during the on
campus lecture

2.4.6 Unit 6: Finite Element Analysis

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
Basic definitions - Students are Method: - Students describe The structure, style
and development provided e- Main the basic and language of
of basic equations notes on Assessment definitions. written
in order to ensure Ethuto. Instruments: communication are
that students are - Students are Question at an appropriate
able to encouraged to paper and level.
understand the make memorandum
concept of finite complementary
element analysis notes during on

Students are able - Worked Method: - Students solve
to solve questions examples are Main questions on
on finite element done during the Assessment springs.
analysis. on campus Instruments:
lecture Question
- Questions are paper and
given to memorandum
students to
attempt during
the on campus
- Solutions to
these questions

Learning area Teaching and Assessment Assessment GA Competence

outcome learning activity method and criteria assessed indicator
are developed
during the on
campus lecture

2.5 Assessment Procedure

Assessment of the gained knowledge of the student is done by taking into account the
following assessment components and associated weighting:

Type of assessment Weight (%)

Assessment criteria Calculation procedure
Test 1 (T1) 25
Test 2 (T2) 40
Assignment 1 10
Laboratory Practical 1 (PM1) 12.5
Laboratory Practical 2 (PM2) 12.5
Course Mark (CM) 0.25T1+ 0.4T2+0.35(Assignment 1+PM1 + PM2)
Final Mark (FM) 0.5CM + 0.5EM
A student must obtain a minimum CM of 40% to be allowed to write the Main Assessment. It is a
further requirement that the student should obtain at least 50% on average for PM1 and PM2 to be
able to pass the subject and qualify for the Main Assessment. To qualify for the Re-assessment a
student must
obtain a final mark of between 45% and 49%. The examination mark (EM) is the mark which a
student obtains during the Main Assessment at the end of the semester.

2.6 Graduate Attributes Assessed in this Module

No Graduate Attributes will be assessed in this module.

2.7 CUT Graduate Attributes and Action Verbs Used in Assessments

CUT Graduate Attributes Practical Definitions

Sustainable development Ensuring a sustainable curriculum
Incorporating aspects of sustainability in the content.
Innovation and problem Promoting the iUSE model (investigate, understand,
solving solutions and evaluate).
Entrepreneurship Featuring aspects relating to entrepreneurship.
Community engagement Encouraging students to benefit their communities.
Technologically literate Efficiently using computer hardware and software.
Numerate Performing correct calculations and equation
Teamwork Nurturing group work of two or more students.
Communication Promoting good written and oral communication.

Citizenship and global Including aspects relating to citizenship, leadership or

leadership management.
Technical and conceptual Operating specific equipment or apparatus effectively.

2.8 Aligning CUT Graduate Attributes to ECSA Graduate Attributes

CUT Graduate Attribute ECSA Graduate Attribute

Sustainable development Sustainability and Impact of Engineering Activity
Innovation and problem Engineering Design
solving Problem Solving
Investigations, experiments and data analysis
Entrepreneurship Independent Learning Ability
Community engagement Engineering Professionalism
Technologically literate Engineering methods, skills, tools, including Information
Numerate Application of scientific and engineering knowledge
Teamwork Individual, Team and Multidisciplinary working
Communication Professional and Technical Communication
Citizenship and global Engineering Professionalism
leadership Individual, Team and Multidisciplinary working
Technical and conceptual Engineering methods, skills, tools, including information
competence technology
Engineering Design
Problem Solving

2.9 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy used in the formulation of questions

Objective Definition Illustrative verbs Level

Creating Designing Generate; combine; HOq- Highest level
experiments, devices, construct; formulate; dependent on students
process, and products propose; assemble; reasoning ability
design; predict;
Evaluating Choosing from among Assess; justify; HOq
alternatives and conclude; evaluate;
justifying the choice, verify; confirm;
optimizing processes, determine
making judgments
about the
environmental impact
of engineering
decisions, resolving
ethical issues

Analysing Solving well-defined Distinguish; compare; HOq
problems, developing contrast; differentiate;
process models and classify; categorize;
simulations, analyse
equipment and system
Applying Applying course Change; HOq
material to solve demonstrate; modify;
straightforward solve; use; show;
problems calculate

Understanding Paraphrasing text, Explain; convert; LOq

explaining concepts in estimate; rearrange;
jargon-free terms summarize; derive;
describe; review;

Remembering Repeating memorised Name; list; state; LOq - Lowest level

information define; describe; dependant on
label; sketch; student’s memory
discuss; identify; ability
select; insert;


3.1 Guidelines for improving performance in the module

Attend all classes. Prepare for each lecture by using this learning guide. Unless you ask
questions, the lecturer will assume that you understand all the theory and will commence
with applications. If you do not understand, bring it to the lecturer’s attention as soon as
possible by asking specific questions.
During the years, it has been proven that the following guidelines will result in academic
 Read the appropriate section in your learner guide carefully before attending
the lecture.
 You should study the completed section in depth, as soon as possible after the
lecture, but at least before the following lecture.
 You must complete all the relevant homework exercises, assignments or
questions for each lecture topic. Spend more time thinking about the problem
and referring to resources mentioned in the learning units. Try to answer the
question to the best of your ability. If you have made any mistake, small as it
may be, correct it in class and if you are still not sure about the solution, ask
the lecturer for further explanation.
 Concentrate on understanding the logic of the module instead of
concentration entirely on the technique used.
 Work out all class examples, self-study work and laboratory work thoroughly
and completely.
 Test your increasing knowledge daily.

When answering any assessment:

 Read the question carefully; make sure you know what is being asked.
 Then, stop and think.
 Write your answer systematically and as neat as possible.
 Show all your calculations at all times, i.e. how you arrived at the solution.
 Make sure that you manage your time effectively, in other words, do not spend
more time on one question than is available. Work fast and accurately!
 Work through tutorials, previous test and examination papers, in order to get
used to the style and standard of the papers.

3.2 Assignment/Project Submittal and Identification Sheet


Student number(s):

Surname and initials:

Programme: B Eng Tech (Mechanical Engineering)

Module name: Structural Analysis III

Module code: M S A 3 2 A

Assignment/project number:

Due date: 2 0 2 2 M M D D



I, , student
number , hereby declare that the content of this
assignment/project is my own work, as defined and constituted in the Rules and Regulations of the
Central University of Technology, Free State (Please consult the Programme Guide of the


Attendance at laboratories is compulsory and students are advised to spend some time
in the laboratories for preparation and developing skills in the use of equipment and
software packages for solving well-defined problems. The laboratory weights and their
due week numbers for the module are given in section 2.2 and 2.4. Each laboratory work
is important since it forms part of the assessment of the module.

Practical Structural Analysis III

Experiment 1 Deflection of beams

Experiment 2 Thick walled cylinders

4.1 Laboratory/Practical Submittal and Identification Sheet


Student number(s):

Surname and initials:

Programme: B Eng Tech (Mechanical Engineering)

Module name: Structural Analysis III

Module code: M S A 3 2 A

Assignment/project number:

Due date: 2 0 2 2 M M D D



I, , student
number , hereby declare that the content of this
assignment/project is my own work, as defined and constituted in the Rules and Regulations of the
Central University of Technology, Free State (Please consult the Programme Guide of the



5.1 General Safety

Close attention should be given to all aspects of safety throughout training, and the
highest possible standards insisted upon. There is a special need to emphasize the
fundamental safety rules of behaviour, dress and practice when the trainee enters the
workshop. Instructors have a particular responsibility to set a good example and to check
without delay any departure from safe working practices by trainees. Individual
responsibilities in respect of the safety of all persons in the vicinity of the working area
must be clearly understood by everyone. It is essential to develop safe working habits.

5.1.1 What to do
 Think before you act.
 Ask if in any doubt.
 Help to keep gangways clear.
 Keep your bench and working area tidy.
 Find out the position and type of fire appliances available.
 Report all accidents to your supervisor

5.1.2 What not to do

 Do not run.
 Do not play practical jokes.
 Do not touch any equipment or try out machines unless authorized to do so.
 Do not leave rubbish lying about.
 Do not walk under suspended loads.
 Do not attempt to give first aid unless you are competent to do so.
 Do not throw things.

5.1.3 Further points to consider

 Wear your overalls buttoned up.
 Roll up your overall sleeves above the elbows or button up the cuffs.
 Keep hair short or wear a cap.
 Obey all safety rules and signs.
 Report any accident, however slight.
 Have all injuries properly treated, however minor.
 Do not wear torn overalls.
 Do not wear rings or a watch when working.
 Do not take chances.

5.2 Hand and Power Tools

All tools must be used in a safe manner, in particular sharp tools such as knives or
screwdrivers. These should be held in such a way as to minimize the chances of cuts to
the user if they slip from the work. The snipping of wires with side-cutters can lead to bits
of wire entering the eye and therefore goggles should be worn for such work. These
tools must be electrically safe and should be inspected regularly for cable wear and
connections. They should never be used without a guard or some form of protection
fitted and adjustments to these tools should only be made once they have been
disconnected from the supply. Soldering irons should always be kept covered to prevent
accidents leading to burning of the skin or of the flex of the soldering iron. The work
being soldered or de-soldered should be securely gripped and the work should take
place on a heat-proof mat. Excess solder should be wiped off using a wet cloth or
sponge and should not be flicked off. Care should also be taken to avoid breathing in the
fumes of the flux.

5.2.1 Protective Clothing

Whether or not this is worn depends on the regulations and on the work taking place in
the workshop. Long hair should be tied back and if hair preparation is used the hair
should also be covered whenever working close to a naked flame.


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