1. Revision of Summer school’s work.
2. Balance in Nature: (a)Ecological succession, primary, secondary
and climax community, Factors affecting a population(i) Abiotic –
light, space, heat, water etc.(ii)Biotic –food, competition(inter
specific and intra specific),mortality, parasites, predators etc.
3. Dynamic equilibrium in nature and factors that maintain it (i)
Density independent factors like availability of food (ii)Density
dependent factor e.g. natural disasters(d)Family planning: natural
and artificial method used by man to control his population.
4. Development of New Seeds :(a)Progress of development of zygote
in the flowering plant (i)pistil (ii)stem (iii)germplasm
(iv)Fertilization (b)Germination of seeds(i)Types of germination
(ii)Conditions necessary forgermination.
5. Fruits :(a)Structure of fruits (b)Types of fruits (c)Dispersal of fruits
and seeds (c)Agents of dispersal.
6. Reproductive Behaviors: (a) Courtship behaviors in animals (i)
Pairing (ii) Territoriality (iii) Display of colours andbody parts (iv)
Seasonal migration.
7. Biology of Heredity (Genetics): (a) Transmission and expression of
characters in organisms(i)Hereditary variations (ii)Characters
that can be transmitted and how they are transmitted (iii)How
characters manifest from generation togeneration (b)Chromosomes,
the basis of hereditary (i) Location (ii)Structure (iii) Role in and
processes of transmission of hereditary characters from parents to
offspring (c)Probability in genetics (d)Application of the principles
of heredity (i)In agriculture (ii)In medicine (e) Explanations on cross
and self-fertilization –out and in – breeding using Mendelian
8. Variation and Evolution :(a)Morphological Variation
(b)Physiological Variations (c)Application of variation.
9. Evolution :(a)The progressive change in structures and anatomy of
organism using examples of features of organisms from water to
land (b)Structural adaptation: Adaptive coloration and their function
e.g. camouflage in chameleons, Green snakes in green grasses,
bright colours of flowers to attract pollination(c)Structural
adaptation (i)for obtaining food e.g. proboscis for sucking sap in
insects (ii)Protection and defense e.g. tortoise in shell (iii)Mimicry
colours for securing mates for regulating body temperature etc. (d)
Different castes of termites and their roles (e)Different castes of bees
and the roles they play in their social life.
10. Evolution:(f)Theories of Evolution(i)The theories of evolution
according to Charles Darwin, Jean Baptist de Lamark (g)Evidence of
evolution (h) Forces responsible for evolution : mutation,gene flow,
genetic drift.
11. Revision.
12. Examination.
Balance in nature, also known as ecological balance or ecosystem
equilibrium, refers to the harmonious coexistence and interactions of
various living organisms and their environment. In these intricate
ecosystems, each organism plays a crucial role in maintaining stability,
and any disruption can have far-reaching consequences. This delicate
dance of interdependence is fundamental to the survival and well-being
of all life on Earth.
Ecosystems are intricate webs of life, where every living organism, from
the tiniest microbe to the largest predator, has a role to play. These roles
can be classified into trophic levels, which represent the feeding
positions of organisms in a food chain. Producers, such as plants and
algae, harness energy from the sun and convert it into food through
photosynthesis. Herbivores consume plants, and carnivores feed on other
animals. Decomposers break down dead organic matter, recycling
nutrients back into the ecosystem. The interactions between these
trophic levels ensure the efficient flow of energy and nutrients
throughout the ecosystem, creating a balanced system.
Predator-prey relationships are a critical aspect of balance in nature. The
population dynamics of predator and prey species are interlinked. When
prey populations increase, predator populations also tend to increase due
to the abundance of food. This, in turn, leads to a decline in prey
numbers as they are hunted more frequently. As prey numbers decrease,
predators may struggle to find enough food, causing their populations to
decline as well. These fluctuations eventually stabilize, maintaining a
relatively constant balance.
Human activities have a significant impact on the balance in nature.
Deforestation, pollution, overfishing, and climate change can disrupt
ecosystems and lead to a loss of biodiversity. For instance, the decline of
a single species can cause a domino effect throughout the food web,
affecting multiple other species. Such imbalances can have severe
consequences for human societies as well, including reduced food
supplies, increased incidence of diseases, and loss of ecosystem services
like pollination and water purification.
The initial organisms are usually less hardy species of plants and
animals and the starting point of succession is the formation of soil or
For example,
Area of Habitat
For example;
(a) If the area of a classroom is 40m 2and the number of students in the
class is 80. What is the population density?
40m2 40
(b) If 80 students are in a class room whose area is 40m 2. What is the
space available to each student?
No of students 80
The following are the factors that could make the population of a given
place to increase or decrease:
i. Natality: This factor brings about increase in population as a result
of production of young ones.
ii. Mortality: This brings about decrease in population as a result of
iii. Immigration: Increase in population as a result of individual
moving into an area from another area.
iv. Migration: decrease in population as a result of individuals
moving away from an area.
v. Abiotic factors such as temperature, water, light, oxygen, food,
soil and availability of space affects population either positively or
vi. Biotic factors such as predation, competition, parasitism, diseases,
natality, mortality, terrestrial behavior and dispersal of seeds also
affects population.
Birth Rate: This is the rate at which mammals produce young ones.
Increase in birth rate will increase the population while decrease in
birth rate will decrease the population.
Death Rate: This is the rate at which animals die. Increase in the
numbers of individuals that die reduces the population while decrease
in the number of individuals that die increases the population.
Abiotic factors like water and light when insufficient for plants will
affect plant growth and yield. Shortage of water could result in wilting
or even the plant drying up, poor yield and food shortage. Food
shortage will trigger off several ecological behaviours among
Meaning of seed
Seeds are plant parts containing embryo and this embryo give rise to
new individual.
Pollination is the first step in the process of sexual reproduction in
flowering plants. It is followed by fertilization and development of
zygote. These steps change the flower into a fruit enclosing seeds, the
potential next plant
i. Cross Pollination
Cross pollination occurs when the pollen grains from one flower are
transferred to the mature stigma of another plant of the same species.
Sunflower Cosmos
Agents of Pollination
These include:
i. Insects, birds, bats, and other animals
ii. Wind
iii. Water
This is an inactive period of a seed during which growth
slows/completely ceases due to certain internal or external factors
CONTENT: 1. Structure of fruits
2. Types of fruits
3. Dispersal of fruits
4. Agents of dispersal
Fruit is the structure that developed from the matured ovary after
fertilization which contains the seed. Some fruits do not develop from
fertilized ovary and are called parthenocarpic fruit. Fruit contains the
pericarp (epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp).
Structure of a fruit
Fruits can be classified based on their origin or structure. These include:
i. True and false fruit
ii. Simple, aggregate and composite (multiple) fruit
iii. Fleshy and dry fruit
iv. Dehiscent and indehiscent fruits
Simple fruits: Formed from one flower having either a monocarpous or
syncarpous pistil.
Aggregate fruits: Formed from one flower having an apocarpous pistil
Multiple fruits: these are fruits formed from many flowers whose
ovaries unite together with other parts of the flower after fertilization or
one that develops from several flowers inflorescence e.g. pineapple,
bread fruit etc.
The simple fruits can be divided into dry and fleshy fruits. A dry fruit is
the type of fruit in which the pericarp becomes dry, hard and woody or
fibrous when the fruit ripens. Dry fruit may be dehiscent or indehiscent.
DRY DEHISCENT FRUIT: These are fruit with hard and dry pericarp
which can split to release their seeds. The dry dehiscent fruit can be
divided into five namely: the follicle, legumes, schizocarps, capsule and
Follicle: The follicle are fruits that are formed from one carpel and
which can split along one side only e.g. kola
Legume: These are fruits that are formed from one carpel that splits
along two sides e.g. cowpea, crotolaria and all bean species
Capsule: These are fruits formed from fused carpels and split
longitudinally along two or more lines e.g. okra, castor oil and cotton
Schizocarps: These are many seeded fruits which break up into one
seeded parts called mericarp e.g. Mimosapudica (sensitive plant) and
Siliqua: A long narrow capsule formed from bicapellary ovary. It has
two chambers separated by a false septum or reptum. It dehisces by the
sutures e.g.Teconia
DRY INDEHISCENT FRUITS: These are the fruits that do not split to
release their seeds. Dry indehiscent fruits are divided into five.
Achene: The fruit has dry pericarp and contain one seed e.g. cashew,
nut, sunflower fruit, four O’clock plant, rose and clematis
Caryopsis: the caryopsis is a one-seeded dry indehiscent fruit in which
the pericarp becomes fused with testa. Examples are rice, maize and
Cypsela: the cypsela is one-seeded dry fruit with hairy pappus and hairy
pericarp. Examples are Tridax, Emilia and goat weed.
Nut: A nut is a dry fruit with a very hard or woody or tough pericarp e.g.
the hard part of cashew fruit, ground nut, palm nut and cola nut, walnut,
and almond.
Samara: A samara has the pericarp extended to form one or more wings
e.g. Combretum, Obeche tree and pterocarpous (African rose wood)
iii. Dispersal by Water: The seed of certain water lilies have air spaces
in the pericarp which give the buoyancy required in water. Coconut fruit
achieves dispersal of its single seed by floating to new location.
iv. Dispersal by Man: Dispersal of many fruits and seeds have been
aided by the agricultural practices of man e.g. guava, sweet potato and
cassava which are native to tropical America now found in all tropical
areas in the world.
Seeds of weeds are accidentally transported from one part of the world
to another by man’s activities.
ii. Territoriality
Territoriality is the behavior by which animal lay claim and defends an
area against others of its species and sometimes members of other
species. The territory defended could be hundreds of square miles in size
or only slightly larger than the animal itself. A single animal, a pair, a
family or entire herd may occupy the territory. Some animals use the
territory as a source food and shelter and thus hold and defend it year
round. Other animals establish a territory only at a certain time of the
year, when it is needed for attracting a mate, breeding or raising a
The male Agama lizard exhibit territoriality. Usually there is only one
adult male Agama lizard in a territory which could be an exclusive
portion of a lawn, part of a roof or garden. Several female lizards and
young males are usually the other members of this territory. The adult
male lizard leads others back to its territory where they would stay
overnight for protection against danger or predators. To gain dominance,
the male becomes aggressive as soon as an intruding or rival adult male
lizard enters its territory. It may make loud noise, launch forward to an
opponent and even attempt to bite the rival male. It can threaten a rival
by bobbing its head and expanding its gular fold. If the rival does not
leave, a fight may ensue.
Establishment of territories ensures that there are enough compatible
mating partners, no overcrowding or even under-crowding.
Humans also exhibit territoriality as they too defend their home out of
1. Transmission and expression of characters in organisms
2. Chromosomes the basis of heredity.
3. Probability in genetics.
4. Applications of principles of heredity
5. Explanation on cross and self-fertilization
Hereditary Variations
Hereditary variations refer to differences among individuals which can
be passed from parents to their offspring (progeny). Variations are due
to a new combination of genes. If variation makes an offspring more
suited to the environment more suited to the environment, it stands a
better chance of surviving and reproducing to pass on its genes to the
next generation.
Alleles produce contrasting characters e.g. a tall or short pea plant, have
alleles T and t respectively. A gene may affect more than one character
and some characters may be affected by more than one gene e.g.
intelligence, hair texture and hair color. When gametes are formed
during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate so that each
gamete will contain one allele or allelomorphic gene. During sexual
reproduction, gametes of the male and female parent fuse (fertilization)
to form the zygote. The zygote is diploid (2n) because one haploid set of
chromosomes is contributed by each parent. Thus the offspring that
develops from the zygote combine characters inherited from parents.
The male and female individual contributing gametes are referred to as
the parent generation. The offspring are the first filial (f1) genetration.
Parent Generation
(a) RR x RR (b) rr
x rr
↓ ↓ ↓
R Rrr
Sperm (n) egg cell (n) sperm (n)
egg cell (n)
F1 generation RR
(Offspring 2n)
All these pea plants that breed true are said to be homologous for flower
colour because the genes controlling the flower colour in either case are
identical i.e. RR or rr.
When a pure stock of red flowered pea plants is crossed with a pure
stock of white flowered plants (monohybrid cross), the offspring are all
red flowered pea plants (Rr) and they form the F1 generation. The
character for red colour is said to be dominant. The white colour which
does not appear in the F1 generation is said to be recessive.
(b) F1 Parents Rr x Rr
↓ ↓
Gametes R rRr
F2 generation RR RrRrrr
In the F2 generation the phenotype shows three red flowered and one
white flowered pea plant. The genotype however reveals one
homozygous and two heterozygous red flowered pea plants and one
homozygous white flowered pea plant.
In the F2 generation, there are two types of red flowered pea plants;
(i) one in which the two alleles for red flower colour are identical
(RR) i.e. it is homozygous for red colour.
(ii) one in which the two alleles for red flower colour are different
(Rr), i.e. it is heterozygous for red flower colour.
Crossing the hybrids will produce a mixture of red and white flowered
pea plants with roughly three quarters bearing red flowers and one
quarter bearing white flowers. These results show that;
Making use of a punnet square, show how seed colour and seed shape
are transmitted in two generations assuming you cross a pure stock of
pea plants bearing round (RR), yellow (YY) seeds with a pure stock of
pea plants bearing wrinkled (rr), green (yy) seeds.
Gregor Mendel (1882 – 1884) was an Austrian monk who carried out
simple experiments on heredity for nine years (1856 – 1865) using the
common garden pea. He published his research findings “Experiments
on Hybridization” in the journal of Natural History in Austria in
The result was 16 combinations with four phenotypes in the ratio 9:3:3:1
i. Nine round yellow
ii. Three round yellow
iii. Three wrinkled green
iv. One wrinkled green.
There were nine genotypes which include four homozygous and five
heterozygous conditions.
i. Somatic cells are the body cells which are not concerned with
reproduction. They carry the diploid (2n) set of chromosomes. They are
obtained as a result of fertilization, i.e. the contribution of a set of
chromosomes from a male and a female individual. Nuclear division in
somatic cells is referred to as mitosis.
ii. Sex cells (gametes) are cells which are found in the reproductive
organs of male and female organisms. The gametes (e.g. sperm, Ovum,
pollen grain) are haploid i.e. they carry half the number of chromosomes
of somatic cells. Nuclear division which results in their formation is
referred to as meiosis (reduction division).
Structure of Chromosomes
Each chromosome is thread like in appearance and made up of two
nuclear threads called chromatids held in the middle by a centromere.
Homologous or identical chromosomes occur in pairs. Each
chromosome has several transverse bands along its length. Numerous
hereditary materials (genes) are located on these bands. Genes are DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules. It is estimated that there are 2-
3million genes in every human cell.
The DNA consists of a double chain formed by repeating small chemical
units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of a deoxyribose
sugar (S), a phosphate group (P) and a nitrogenous compound base
which may be Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) or Thymine
(T).These nucleotides are arranged in a structure depicting a ladder.
Each pair of the ladder consists of a pair of nitrogenous bases linked
together by a hydrogen bond. Adenine pairs only with Thymine (A-T),
and Guanine with Cytosine (G-C). The two chains are coiled like a
spring to give a double helix structure.
(c) Fertilization
The process of fertilization also shows the role of chromosomes in
transmitting hereditary characters. When a sperm fertilizes an egg to
form a zygote, only the nuclei of the two cells fuse. This shows that
chromosomes are the actual structural materials that transmit genes from
the parents to the offspring.
Fertilization restores the homologous pair of chromosomes. Fertilization
occurs randomly and brings about new chromosome combinations,
hence new allele combinations.
Examples includes:
i. The colour of skin
ii. Height etc
Man is not just dark or fair, nor is he either tall or short. There are many
intermediate skin colours and heights. Such characteristics show a
continuous variation from one extreme to the other. A continuous
variation is brought about by the combined (or additive) effects of many
There may be genes for dark skin and gene for fair skin. The more dark-
skin genes a person has, the darker will his skin colour be. Continuous
variations are also affected by the environmental conditions for example;
a greater exposure to sunlight may cause a person to have a darker skin
colour. This is also known as acquired variation. Other examples of
continuous variation in man are intelligence and weight.
Variation found in or among organizations could be physical
(morphological) or behavioural (physiological).
Black or White?
Variations in physical traits or outward appearances in organizations are
known as morphological variations.
Examples include:
i. Height,
ii. weight,
iii. colour of the eye, hair or coat of animals,
iv. facial features
v. Finger print patterns.
i. Variation in Height:if you measure the heights of all the students
in your class that are of the same age, there is likely to be a steady
graduation from the students who are very short to those who are
very tall.
ii. Variations in weight can be due to genetic heredity or certain
environmental factor such as i. lifestyle, diet or whether one is
affected by an illness.
Weight of individual organisms in a population can vary greatly
from newborn babies to teenagers and mature adults there is a
continuous variation form one extreme to another (underweight to
iii. Colour of the eye varies from person to person. It could be brown,
amber, grey, green or blue. This continuous variation depends on
the amount of melanin present in the iris of the eye. Brown eyes
contain high levels of melanin while blue eyes contain low level of
iv. Hair colour in humans varies from blonde, brown to black. There
are many intermediate shades between light coloured hair and
dark-coloured hair. Variations in fur colour can also be seen in
animals such as cows and rabbits.
v. Facial features: Although humans general look similar in physical
form, our facial features vary. Some of our facial features like our
nose or mouth resembles our parents but none looks exactly like
theirs. The shapes of our face can range from oblong, round to
vi. Fingerprints are patterns formed by the ridges in the dermis of the
skin on our fingertips.
Types of Fingerprints
Human fingerprint patterns fall into three main groups: whorls, loops,
and arches. Loops are the most common type, accounting for about 65
percent of all fingerprints. Whorls account for 30 percent of fingerprints,
and arches for 5 percent. Despite these broad patterns, each individual
has a unique set of fingerprints, which can be used as a means of
personal identification.
Sub-Topic 2: Physiological Variation
Physiological variation refers to differences in the bodily functions of
Fingerprint Analysis
Storing fingerprint records in computers has made it much easier for the
FBI to identify latent fingerprints—fingerprints left at the scene of a
Philippe Plailly/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.
iii. Blood Groups: Every human being belongs to any of the four blood
groups A,B,AB or O. The knowledge of human blood group is used as
a. Blood transfusion: If the transferred blood does not match that of
the recipient, the recipient’s blood will clump or agglutinate. Death,
within minutes can result from the agglutination. The table below
shows the blood groups that will clump and those that will not
during blood transfusion.
People in blood group O can donate blood to people in all other groups.
Hence, they are called universal donors. People in blood group AB can
receive blood from people in other groups. Thus they are called
universal recipients.
b. Crime detection: When blood stains got from the scene of a crime
is analysed, the result can be used by detectives to identify arrested
suspects and hence detect the actual criminals.
c. Determination of paternity: when there is a dispute as to the actual
father of a baby, the knowledge of blood groups can be used to
prove the paternity of the child. For example, if the baby’s blood
falls under blood group AB and its mother is in blood group A, the
baby's genotype will be IA IB and the mother IA; or IA IA,
certainly, the IB gene of the baby must have been inherited from the
father. Supposing the alleged father is in blood group O, it is not
likely that the baby belongs to him. If he is real father, the baby’s
genotype ought to be be IA.
Definition of Evolution
Organic evolution is the sum total of adaptive changes that have taken
place over a long period of time in the life history of an organism. This
process usually leads to the development of new species from pre-
existing ones.
Organic evolution suggests that all living things have arisen from pre-
existing ones by a gradual process of change over a long period of time.
Evolution proposes that life started in water; from marine water to fresh
water to land and then to air. Progressive changes in the structure and
anatomy of organisms have been going on as they inhabited these
habitats at one time or the other. These changes enabled the organisms to
be well adapted to the various habitats.
Organisms that live in water environment have streamlined body shape,
soft and moist skin, water dependent reproductive system, efficient
osmoregulator and other structural and anatomical adaptations.
The fore limbs of aquatic animals are also modified for swimming and
orientation in water. These fore limbs in the course of progressive
evolution changes are modified into crawling and hopping as in
amphibians; running in reptiles; flight for birds and bat; climbing and
swinging as in monkeys and walking and grasping as in humans and
chimpanzees respectively.
All these animals have the same anatomical pattern of forelimbs but
diversified structures for various adaptations in their respective habitats.
Similar structures that perform similar functions are called homologous
structures. Dissimilar structures that perform similar functions are said
to be analogous.
vii. Counter Shading: In some animals, the upper part of the body has
a different colour from the lower part of the body. Such animals
are said to be counter shaded. Most fishes have dark dorsal colour
which tend to blend with the dark coloured water while their
ventral sides are light in colour which blend with the sky above.
Termites in a colony
i. Queen and King: These are the reproductive members of the castes
with the responsibility of mating and laying eggs. There is always only
one king and one queen at any point in time though there could be other
fertile potential kings and queens. A fully grown queen is about 9cm
ii. Workers: There are sterile females with no eyes, soft and pale
exoskeleton and well developed mouthparts. Workers are responsible for
building the termitarium, searching for and bringing in food for other
members in colony. They also tend fungal gardens, collect eggs and care
for the nymphs structural adaptations for regulating body temperature.
After eating they regurgitate the partially digested food to feed the other
members of the colony.
iii. Soldiers: These are sterile, blind and wingless males with large
heads, thick exoskeletons and huge mandibles. They are responsible for
protecting the colony from invaders and also protect the workers as they
gather food for the colony.
A honey bee colony lives in a hive.
It is composed of:
i. a single queen,
ii. a few hundred drones and
iii. Several thousand workers.
Bees in a colony
CONTENT: (i) Theories of Evolution.
(ii)The theories of evolution according to Charles Darwin, Jean Baptist
de Lamark
(iii) Evidence of evolution.
(iv) Forcesresponsible for evolution: mutation, gene flow, genetic drift.
Adaptation is the process by which organisms change their structure,
physiology and behaviour in order to survive. This has led to diversity in
form, in structure and function among organisms.
Lamarck believed that species do change over time (through use and
disuse of the body parts) and that animals evolve because of
unfavourable conditions that the animals try to adapt to.
In his explanation, Lamarck cited example of giraffe and said their
ancestors had short neck but kept stretching their necks to reach leaves
in high trees during the period of food scarcity. Lamarck posited that this
voluntary, constant stretch of their neck slightly changed the hereditary
characteristics controlling neck growth and that giraffe transmitted these
acquired characteristics to its offspring.
Lamarck was right when he posited that we could acquire traits through
voluntary use of body parts but was wrong when he concluded that these
acquired characteristics are inheritable.
In 1901, Hugo de Vries, a Dutch botanist, presented his mutation theory
of evolution. He based his theory on many years of work with primrose
plants. Of the 50,000 plants, about 800 showed spectacular new trait not
present in the parent plant. Yet, these new trait were passed on to the
offspring of the plants in which mutation had occurred. De Vries
concluded that, mutation must occur often in other organisms too, and
that the change by mutation was the basis of evolution. It has also been
confirmed that chromosomal mutations though occurring less often than
gene mutation, result in larger and better adapted plants. Today, many
biologists believe that mutations contribute significantly to evolution.
Evolution is believed to occur when new species of organisms are
formed. Other ways besides mutations, in which evolution is believed to
occur in modern times include isolation and the migration of a
population to different environments.