Advent 1 Year 4
Advent 1 Year 4
Advent 1 Year 4
In English, the children we will be using “Tar Beach” by Faith In Mathematics, Year 4 will learn about numbers up to 10,000.
Ringgold and “Wolves” by Emily Gravett as the inspiration for our After learning to partition and round numbers, the children will
lessons. During these lessons, children will have a go at writing begin to develop their understanding of number facts and
their own poems, group information, and write their own playscript. calculations, particularly addition and subtraction. Year 4 will be
We have grammar, handwriting and spelling sessions within the consolidating their understanding of multiplication facts for 3’s,
week too. In all areas of the curriculum, we will be practising using 4’s and 8’s. They will then be learning 6’s, 7’s, 9’s, 11’s and 12’s.
a legible, joined handwriting style. Learning (and practising) times tables at home would really help
In reading, we will be reading “Zombierella” by Joseph Coelho and your child in school! Each day, children practice their arithmetic
“The spider and the fly” by Mary Howitt. Within these Whole skills during their morning work activities. This is why it is crucial
Class Reading sessions, children will learn many different reading that children arrive at school on time! We will continue to play
skills to help support their own development. TTRS in preparation for the multiplication check at the end of
In Story Time, we will start the year with a short story: “The Year 4. We would appreciate it if you encouraged your child to
Firework-Maker’s Daughter” by Philip Pullman. play at home too.