Solsona Executive Summary 2017
Solsona Executive Summary 2017
Solsona Executive Summary 2017
Solsona, a third class municipality is located in the eastern part of Ilocos Norte
about 18 kilometers east of the Provincial Capitol with 22 barangays and 22,990
populace as of May 1, 2010.
Furthermore, through the initiative of the Chief Executive and his officials, the
municipality was a recipient of trust funded projects from other National Agencies
namely: Burley project and Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities for the
improvement of farm to market roads of various barangays amounting to P 876,258.00
and P 15,252,000.00 respectively, Buttom –Up Budgeting (BUB) Projects for the
construction of irrigation Canal Linings of Barangay Nalasin and continuation of
RHU building of the Municipality and Integrated Community Food Production
totalling P 5,520,700 and Department of Agriculture - Rehabilitation of Aguitap
Diversion Dam amounting to P 8,865,000.00. Also, the LGU received from the DSWD
RF01 the amount of P 5,868,00 for the payment of Social Pension to Indigent Senior
Citizen of various barangays of Solsona, Ilocos Norte.
The municipality’s assets, liabilities and residual equity as of December 31, 2017
are presented as follows:
Name of Increase/
2017 2016 Percentage
Account (Decrease)
Assets 326,920,158.81 330,650,672.13 (3,730,513.32) 1.00%
Liabilities 66,823,313.10 90,809,923.13 (23,986,610.03) 26.00 %
Equity 259,586,744.51 239,840,749.00 19,745,995.51 8.00%
There was significant decrease in the liabilities account due to the erroneous
recording of utilized 20% DF and LDRRMF which was recorded as debit to due to
LGU in the financial statements for calendar year 2017.
Name of Account 2017 2016
Income 104,924,217.24 Php92,600,772.52 12,323,444.72
Appropriations 173,074,221.23 118,430,654.91 54,643,566.32
Expenses 80,604,589.17 65,200,884.42 15,403,704.75
It was noted that the total income realized this year of Php104,924,217.24
is higher by Php12,323,444.72, or 13 % as compared last year. This is attributed to the
increase of Share from Internal Revenue Collections of the municipality.
A financial and compliance audit was conducted on the accounts and operations
of the Municipal Government of Solsona for calendar year 2017 based on our audit
thrusts for the year which are: complete submission of Accounts, Cash and Cash
accounts, Unliquidated Cash Advances, Property Audit, Utilization of IRA, 20 %
Development funds, Fund Transfers, Buttom-Up Budgeting, Core Local Road Funds
(From DILG), Gender and Development, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Fund (LDRRMF), RA 7171 and Solid Waste
Management/Environmental compliance. The audit was conducted to ascertain the
propriety of financial transactions and the accuracy of financial records and reports
and compliance of the agency with prescribed rules and regulations. It was also made
to ascertain whether the programs as envisioned were attained in economical, efficient
and effective manner.
2. The accuracy and validity of the PPE account balances totaling P 187,577,205.88
could not be assured due to difference of P 124,268,928.11 between the Inventory
Report of the GSO and the Accounting records and the existence of unaccounted
balances of PPE accounts in the books as well as in the inventory report.
3. Cost of completed projects charged under the 20 % development fund totaling
P7,719,102.26 were inappropriately charged to expense, under the Other
Maintenance and Other Expenses account, thus the expense account was
overstated by P7,719,102.26 and the assets account was understated by the same
Favorable Observations:
1. The municipal government religiously complied and adhered to tax laws. For
salaries and wages and from suppliers for the purchased of goods and services the
agency withheld the amount of Php 10,078,535.94 and Php 8,615,077.50
respectively and remitted the amount of Php 17,230,155.00 to BIR, leaving a
balance of Php 1,463,458.44 as of December 31, 2017.
Likewise, the management was able to coordinate with the DILG as the lead
agency in the review, endorsement and monitoring of submission of GAD Plans
and Budget and GAD Accomplishment reports of local government units to
ensure that the difference concerns of women and men are addressed equally and
equitably in their PAPs.
Similarly, the programs and projects/activities under GAD plan and Senior
Citizen have been favorably accomplished and the objectives have been well
attained by the intended beneficiaries.
2. The accuracy and validity of the PPE account balances totaling P 187,577,205.88
could not be assured due to difference of P 124,268,928.11 between the Inventory
Report of the GSO and the Accounting records and the existence of unaccounted
balances of PPE accounts in the books as well as in the inventory report.
In compliance with COA Circular No. 2009-006 dated September 15, 2009
which prescribes the Rules and Regulations on Settlement of Accounts, there were no
audit suspensions and charges issued during the year.
Out of the 22 audit recommendations embodied in the 2016, 2015 and 2014
Annual Audit Reports, nine were implemented, seven were partially implemented and
six were not implemented.