Property Diagrams Labitag
Property Diagrams Labitag
Property Diagrams Labitag
and are necessary to life, for which reason they may be organized and distributed in
one way or another, but, always for the good of man. In order that a thing may be
DEFINITION considered as property, it must have a) utility, b) substantivity, i.e., an autonomous or
separate existence and c) appropriability or susceptible to appropriation.
a) By Nature:
• Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds adhered to the soil (par. 1);
• Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter thereof forms part of the bed, and waters either
running or stagnant (par. 8);
• CORPOREAL – They can be determined by the senses (RES QUI TANGI
POSSUNT). They include rights of ownership of corporeal things.
• INCORPOREAL - They are things having abstract (ideal) existence,
created by man and representing value. They include:
a) Rights over incorporeal things
b) Credits
c) Real rights, other than ownership over corporeal things
AUTONOMY OR • ACCESSORY – Destined to complete, enhance or ornament another property.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
A right that confers upon its holder an • It is the power of one person to demand of
autonomous power to derive directly another as a definite passive subject the
DEFINITION from a thing (property) certain economic fulfillment of a prestation to give; to do or not to
advantages independently of whoever do.
should be the possessor of the thing. • It is also called a RIGHT OF OBLIGATION
a) Usufruct
b) Real or Praedial Servitudes (easements)
c) Recorded lease
a) Preemption
b) Redemption
-None of bundle of rights, - None of bundle of rights a) Jus possidendi Same as rights given
are given to mortgagee- are given to pledgee- b) Jus utendi in right of retention,
creditor esp. no jus creditor. Pledgee cannot c) Jus fruendi- retentioner except that subject
possidendi, but upon use movable pledged does not legally own the matter is immovable
breach of principal without authority from fruits, but if he gathers the property only.
obligation, mortgagor owner, but when fruits, he must account for
may foreclose mortgage preservation of thing value of fruits, less the
- Mortgage extends to pledgee requires its use, expenses for cultivation
natural accession, to pledee may use it for that gathering and
improvements, growing purpose, e.g. winding a preservation of fruits.
fruit rents or income, clock or watch. (Art. 2104)
(but value of net fruits may
insurance indemnity or be set-off against the
indemnity in case of interest and principal of
expropriation obligation)
(Art. 2127)
(N.B. Retentioner need not
pay any rental)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
DEFINITION It is independent right of exclusive enjoyment and control of a thing for the
purpose of deriving therefrom all the advantages required by the
reasonable needs of the owner (or holder of the right) and the promotion of
the general welfare, but subject to the restrictions imposed by law and the
rights of others (J.B.L. Reyes).
Things/Property Rights (Proprietary
Movables Immovables
Corporeal/Tangible Incorporeal/Intangible
BUNDLE OF RIGHTS Jus Utendi To use and enjoy the thing and its
Possession (as a real
right or possession de Jus Fruendi To own the fruits and accessions
jure): Jus utendi and jus
fruendi are present if To use abnormally, in the sense of use that
possession in concept of Jus Abutendi
consumes the thing itself
To dispose whether total or partial,
Jus Disponendi permanent or temporary (Alienation,
Encumbrance, Transformation,
• Valide, provided they are not contrary to or forbidden by law e.g., encumbrances, servitudes
Limitations imposed by
Pactum de non alienando (stipulation in a mortgage contract prohibiting mortgagor to sell
owner’s or grantor’s will
mortgaged property void stipulation
• Inter vivos e.g., donations where donor imposes conditions
Limitations from the Civil • Mortis causa e.g., last will where testator may impose indivision among co-
Code heirs up to 20 years or other conditions.
Limitations imposed by •Mortgage, real estate or chattel
himself •Pledges
•Voluntary easements
•Voluntary usufructs
Hidden Treasures – hidden deposit of money, jewelry or other precious objects, the lawful
ownership of which does not appear (Art. 439)
If treasure be of interest to science or the arts, state may acquire them at their just price.
(Art. 438 pars. 2 & 3)
General Rules:
Belongs to owner of the land, building and other property on which it is found (Art. 438, par. 1)
When hidden treasure is found on property of another, or of State or any of its subdivisions
BY CHANCE AND FOUNDER is not a trespassers, FINDER entitled to one-half of treasures
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
It is the extension of ownership over a thing to whatever is produced by something or
DEFINITION incorporated or attached thereto naturally or artificially (with or without labor of man)
(Art. 440, CC). Incorporation means stable union or adherence, not mere juxtaposition.
GENERAL Accessory follows the principal. (The owner of the principal also owns the
PRINCIPLES OF accessions.)
applicable to both No one shall be unjustly enriched at the expense of another.
accession continua
and accession
The owner of the principal thing owns the fruits, except in:
discreta 1) Possession in good faith
2) In usufruct
accession discreta 4) In antichresis
Whatever is built, planted or sown on the land of another, and the
improvements or repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the land,
subject to the provisions on building, planting and sowing (Art. 445).
accession continua All works, sowing and planting are presumed made by owner and at his
alone expense, unless the contrary is proven (Art. 446).
Bad faith of one party neutralizes bad faith of the other (Art. 453 par. 1; Art.
470, par. 3).
Bad faith involves liability for damages and other dire consequences (Art
451; Art. 450).
Formation of islands
(2) If it cannot be determined by 1st rule, the one with the greater value;
(3) If value of two things are equal that of the greater volume
WHO IS THE BPS? See Coleongco v. Regalado (92 Phil. 87) – The rules on
IN WHICH SITUATIONS ARE BPS are inapplicable if the owner of land himself is the
THEY INAPPLICABLE? BPS (except in Art. 447)
1. Owner of land (LO) is himself the BPS, out uses materials of another (OM) – Article
447 CC
Article 447 CC
1. LO-BPS-Good Faith
OM-Good Faith
2.LO-BPS-Bad Faith – (a) OM may separate the two even if it causes damage
of destruction; (b) Pays for value of materials; © Damages in any event.
OM-Good Faith
2. LO is not the BPS; Possessor in concept of owner in BPS. (Articles 448-454 CC)
BPS – who is not LO uses materials belonging the materials to another (OM) Article 455 CC
(1) Solve problem by considering firsts the Good Faith or Bad Faith of LO and BPS – OM
(Arts. 448-454)
(2) If OM acted in Good Faith he can ask for value of materials primarily from BPS and
subsidiarily from LO but if LO did not profit from materials, LO not subsidiarily liable (Art.
FAITH Art. 448-455 CC)
Apply Art 448: The owners of the land on which anything has been built, sown or planted
in good faith, shall have (a) the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or
planting after payment of the indemnity provided for in Article 546 and 548, or (b) to
oblige the one who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who
sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the
land if its value is considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such case,
he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate
the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of
the lease and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the terms thereof.
ACQUIRE BPS Right to remain in possession
Right not to pay rental for use of land
No right to fruits; duty to account for fruits if BPS-retention
gathers fruit during period of retention (Ortiz vs. Kayanan,
92 SCRA 146)
building, planting or sowing is the result of a necessary, useful, or ornamental
expense (Art. 546,548)
Implied option: If bps can be removed without damage or injury, they can be separated
Apply Arts. 454 and 447. Art. 454 provides that the provisions of
article 447 shall apply.
C. LO IN BAD Art. 447. The owner of the land who makes thereon, personally
FAITH; BPS IN or through another, plantings, constructions or works with the
GOOD FAITH materials of another, shall pay their value; and, if he acted in bad
faith, he shall also be obliged to the reparation of damages. The
owner of the materials shall have the right to remove them only
in case he can do so without injury to the work constructed, or
without the plantings, constructions or works being destroyed.
However, if the landowner acted in bad faith, the owner of the
materials may remove them in any event, with a right to be
indemnified for damages. QUERY: What is the legal basis for using
Art. 447?
OPTIONS OF LO-BPS under Art. 447); BPS OBLIGATIONS OF Land Owners (under Art.
under Art. 454 454)
D. BOTH BPS The rights of both shall be the same as if both had acted in good
AND LO IN BAD faith. (Art. 453, 1st par.) See options in part A.
THE SOWER Parties must then agree on terms of lease, if the LO does not choose to
appropriate the building, planting if they cannot agree, the court will set the terms
(Depra vs. Dumlao, 136 SCRA 475)
1. BP loses right of retention; 2 Land and BP may be sold at public auction
(Bernardo vs. Bataclan, 66 Phil. 598); 3 Removal of BP (Ignacio vs. Hilario, 76 Phil.
Nota Bene: LO cannot refuse to choose. But what if he does not choose?
Art. 45 – OM who has not acted in bad faith entitled to reimbursement BPS
is primarily liable. OM is subsidiarily liable only if LO made use of them (or
acquired them) and BPS is insolvent. LO NOT subsidiarily liable if LO
make use of right under Art. 450, i.e. demolition or removal)
Accretion/Alluvium - To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the accretion
which they gradually receive from the effects of the current of the waters (Art. 457) .
Requisites for alluvion:
1. that the deposition of soil or sediment be gradual and imperceptible;
OVER 2. that it be the result of the action of the waters of the river (or sea);
IMMOVABLES 3. that the land where the accretion takes place is adjacent to the banks of rivers (or
the lake coast) (Vda. de Nazareno vs. CA, 257 SCRA 589, June 26, 1996)
Avulsion – it is the transfer of a known portion of land from one tenement to another
tenement owned by another through the force of the current of a river(see Art. 459)
if the deposit is a known portion of land, the original owner retains ownership ,
exceptions: (a) abandonment, (b) expiration of 2 years
If uprooted trees are carried by floods, the owner of the land owns such if the owner
of the trees do not claim them within 6 months; if they are claimed, the owner shall
pay for expenses for gathering and putting them in a safe place (Art. 460)
Ownership of Islands:
A. Formed by sea:
1. Within territorial waters – to the State (Art. 464)
2. Outside territorial waters – to the first occupant (v. Public International Law)
CONJUNCTION and ADJUNCTION - the union of materials of different owners making up a new thing
(separation cannot be done without injury) (Arts. 466, 469)
ACCESSION 1.Inclusion or Engraftment
CONTINUA 2.Soldadura or soldering (Plumbatura – different metals; Ferruminatio – same metal)
3.Tejido or Weaving
4.Escritura or writing
OVER 5.Pintura or Painting
• Generally, the accessory follows the principal.
• Determination of the principal thing:
1. Intent: that to which another is united as an ornament, or for its use or perfection is deemed the
2. Value: if cannot be determined by rule #1, the thing of greater value is considered the principal;
3. Volume: if the values are equal, that of greater volume is the principal
NOTE: In painting and sculpture, writings, printed matter, engraving and lithographs, the board, metal,
stone, canvas, paper or parchment shall be deemed the accessory thing (Art. 468, par.2)
• Separation:
1. if things may be separated without injury, separation may be demanded
2. If accessory is more precious, the owner may demand its separation even if principal suffers some injury
MIXTURE – the union of materials where the components lose their identity. Kinds:
Commixtion (solids) and Confusion (liquids and gases)
CONTINUA 1. By will of both owners or by accident
•Each owner acquires an interest in proportion to the value of his material (resulting in co-
OVER ownership)
MOVABLES 2. By one owner in good faith (same rule above)
3. By one owner in bad faith
•he loses all rights to his own materials, and
•he is answerable for damages
4. By a common agent
•Same with #1; see Warehouse Receipts Law (Act 2137), where the warehouseman is
authorized to commingle the goods
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
An action to quiet title to property is an equitable remedy which has for its
purpose an adjudication that an adverse claim of title to or an interest in
property to that of the complainant is invalid. It is also referred to as an
action to remove a cloud to property.
BETWEEN ACTION An action to quiet title is primarily an action aimed at putting an end to
TO QUIET TITLE vexatious litigation of a subject property.
AND ACTION TO • In such action, the plaintiff asserts his title that the defendant’s claims
is unfounded and challenges the defendant to state forth the nature of
CLOUD his claim.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
DEFINITION • The right of common dominion which two or more persons have in spiritual part of a thing
which is not physically divided (Sánchez Román).
• It is a manifestation or variation of ownership; where instead of there being a sole owner, there
several persons exercising the real right of ownership.
CHARACTERISTICS There is plurality of owners, but only one real right of ownership
The recognition of ideal shares or aliquot portions, defined but not physically
Each co-owner has the absolute control over his ideal share, not over specific
portions of the property.
There is mutual respect among co-owners as regards the use, enjoyment and
preservation of the property owned in common.
SUBJECT MATTER All things or property (including property rights), whether real or personal property,
OF CO-OWNERSHIP tangible or intangible
CONTRASTED WITH JOINT TENANCY A joint tenant cannot sell his separate share.
JOINT TENANCY Involves a physical whole
and results in ownership
The interest of the deceased accrues to the
in the group.
surviving joint owner.
COMPARED WITH BY ITS ORIGIN Co-ownership is created by other sources besides a contract;
PARTNERSHIP partnership, contract only (except conjugal partnership).
BY ITS DURATION Co-ownership: may not stipulate indivision for more than 10
years (20 if imposed by testator or donor [Art. 494]);
partnership: may be for more than 10 years.
LEGAL EFFECTS Co-ownership creates rights in favor of each one of the co-owners with respect to the
property owned in common. All the bundle of rights in ownership are found in co-
ownership also, with each co-owner having all such rights in conjunction with the other
co-owners. The rights of a co-owner can be viewed in 2 senses:
1. His right over the thing owned in common is limited by the other
co-owner’s concomitant rights
2. His rights over his ideal share or his undivided interest over the
same property; the individual co-owner has absolute control and
ownership over his ideal share.
IMPLIED TRUST If 2 or more persons purchase property and by common consent legal title is taken in the name of one of
them for the benefit of all, an implied trust is created in favor of others in proportion to interest of each (Art.
INTESTATE Where there are 2 or more heirs, the whole estate of the decedent is, before its partition, owned in common
SUCCESSION by such heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the deceased.(Art. 1078).
HIDDEN Co-ownership between finder and owner if finder (who is not the owner) found hidden treasure by chance
TREASURE and is not a trespasser
Art. 438: Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the land, building or property on which it is found.
Nevertheless, when the discovery is made on the property of another, or of the State or any of its
subdivisions, and by chance, one-half thereof shall be allowed to the finder. If the finder is a trespassr, he
shall not be entitled to any share of the treasure.
Art. 685: The easement of a party wall shall be governed by the provisions of this Title, by the local
ordinances and customs insofar as they do not conflict with the same, and by the rules of co-ownership.
This is a special type of co-ownership. There is no right to ask for partition and no recognition of ideal
Condominium Unless otherwise expressly provided in the enabling or master deed or the declaration of restrictions (Sec.
Common Areas 6[c], The Condominium Law, RA 7426)
DONATION Donation made to several persons jointly, it is understood to be made in equal shares (Art. 753).
No rights of accretion, unless donor otherwise provides.
But if donation is made to a husband and wife jointly, there shall be a right of accretion, unless the
contrary is so provided (Art. 573 par. 2) Meaning of right of accretion: (Art. 1015)
CONTRACT Two or more persons agree to create a co-ownership. Maximum duration of co-ownership by agreement:
10 years (Art. 494 par. 2). This term may be extended by a new agreement.
COMMIXTION OR Art. 472 – If by the will of their owners 2 things of the same or different kinds are mixed or by the will of only
CONFUSIONIN one owner but in good faith (Art. 473), or if the mixture occurs by chance, and in the latter case the things
GOOD FAITH are not separable without injury, each owner shall acquire a right proportional to the part belonging to him,
bearing in mind the value by the provisions of the preceding article.
TO USE THE Art. 486 – Each co-owner may use the thing owned in common, provided he does so in accordance with
THING the purpose for which it is intended and in such a way as not to injure the interest of the co-ownership or
ACCORDING TO prevent the other co-owners from using it according to their rights. The purpose of the co-ownership may
THE PURPOSE be changed by agreement, express or implied.
TO SHARE IN THE Art. 485 – The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well as in the charge, shall be proportional to their
BENEFITS IN respective interests. Any stipulation in a contract contrary shall be void.
PROPORTION TO The portions belong to the co-owners in the co-ownership shall be presumed equal, unless the contrary is
ANYONE OF THE Dr. Arturo Tolentino is of the opinion that the term ejectment includes all actions for recovery of possession.
(Art. 487) 44
TO COMPEL THE Other co-owners have the option not to contribute by renouncing so much of his undivided interest as may
OTHER CO- be equivalent to his share of the necessary expenses and taxes.
OWNERS TO But no such waiver can be made if it is prejudicial to co-ownership. Justice J.B.L. Reyes opines that such
CONTRIBUTE TO waiver requires the consent of other co-owners because it is a dación en pago.
EXPENSES FOR Art. 489 – Repairs for preservation may be made at the will of one of the co-owners, but he must, if
THE practicable, first notify his co-owners of the necessity of such repairs. Expenses to improve or embellish
PRESERVATION the things shall be decided upon a majority as determined in Art. 492 (This requires consent of the financial
OF THE majority or controlling interest in co-ownership).
TAXES (Art. 488)
TO OPPOSE ANY Art. 491 – No one of the co-owners shall, without the consent of the others, make alterations in the thing
ACT OF owned in common, even though benefits for all would result therefrom. However, if the withholding of the
ALTERATION consent by one or more of the co-owners is clearly prejudicial to the common interest, the courts may
afford adequate relief.
TO PROTEST Acts of administration and better enjoyment of the property owned in common have the following
AGAINST characteristics: 1) They do not involve an alteration
RESOLUTIONS OF 2) They are renewable from time to time
MAJORITY WHICH 3) They do not bind the co-ownership for a long time in the future
ARE SERIOUSLY 4) They do not give rise to a real right over the things owned in common.
PREJUDICIAL TO CASE: Lavadia v. Cosme, 72 Phil. 196
Art. 497)
TO EXERCISE Art. 1620 – A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption in case the shares of all the other
RIGHT OF LEGAL co-owners or of any of them, are sold to a third person. If the price of the alienation is grossly excessive,
REDEMPTION the redemption shall pay only a reasonable one.
Should two or more co-owners desire to exercise the right of redemption, they may only do so in proportion
to the share they may respectively have in the thing owned in common.
Art. 1088 – Should any of the heirs sell his hereditary rights to a stranger before the partition, any or all of
the co-heirs may be subrogated to the rights of he purchaser by reimbursing him for the price of the sale,
provided they do so within the period of one month from the time they were notified in writing of the sale by
the vendor.
Art. 1623 – The right of legal pre-emption or redemption shall not be exercised except within 30 days from
the notice in writing by the prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as the case may be. The deed of sale
shall not be recorded in the Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit of the vendor that he
has given written notice thereof to all possible redemptioners.
CASES: Mariano v. CA, 222 SCRA 736; Verdad v. CA, 256 SCRA 593; Reyes v. Judge Concepcion, 190
SCRA 171
PERIOD FOR EXERCISE OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION: Thirty (30) days from date of written notification
of sale by co-owner/vendor
Without such written notification, the 30-day period does not start to run.
TO ASK FOR Art. 494 – No co-owner shall be obliged to remain in the co-ownership. Each co-owner may demand at any
PARTITION time the partition of the thing owned in common, insofar as his share is concerned.
Nevertheless, an agreement to keep the thing undivided for a certain period of time, not exceeding ten
years, shall be valid. This term may be extended by a new agreement.
A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a period which shall not exceed 20 years.
Neither shall there be any partition when it is prohibited by law.
No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-owners or co-heirs as long as he
expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-ownership.
The principle is that as long as the co-ownership exists, anyone of the co-owners can ask for partition, or
as to any co-owner the action for partition is imprescriptible.
NOTE: Also, an action for partition will fail if acquisitive prescription has set in favor of a stranger to co-
ownership or in favor of co-owner.
Art. 494 par. 5 provides: No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-heirs as
long as he expressly or impliedly recognizes the ownership.
The co-owner’s possession of the property owned in common is not adverse to the rest of the co-owners.
In order to be adverse, a) he must execute unequivocal acts of repudiation amounting to the ouster of the
other co-owners; b) such acts of repudiation must be known to the other co-owners, c) and must be proved
by clear and convincing evidence. In addition, the adverse possession must be for the period required for
extraordinary acquisitive prescription.
Before making such partition, the commissioners shall take and If the parties are unable to If the parties agree, they will
subscribe to an oath that they will faithfully perform their duties. The agree, the court shall appoint make the partition among
oath shall be filed in court with the other proceedings in the case. In not more than three (3) themselves by proper
making the partition, the commissioners shall view and examine the competent and disinterested instruments of conveyance,
real estate, after due notice to the parties to attend at such view persons as commissioners to and the court shall confirm it
and examination, and shall hear the parties as to their preference in make the partition, commanding (Sec. 2).
the portion of the property to be set apart to them and the them to set off to the plaintiff
comparative value thereof, and shall set apart the same to the and to each party in interest
parties in lots or parcels as will be most advantageous and such part and proportion of the The partition, together with the
equitable, having due regard to the improvements, situation and property as the court shall direct order of the court confirming
quality of the different parts (Sec. 4). (Sec. 3). the same, shall be recorded in
the registry of deeds of the
place in which the property is
situated (Sec. 2).
When it is made to appear to the commissioners that the real estate, or a portion thereof, cannot be
divided without prejudice to the interests of the parties, the court may order it assigned to one of the
parties willing to take the same, provided he pays to the other parties such amounts as the
The final order may be
commissioners deem equitable, unless one of the interested parties asks that the property be sold instead
appealed by any aggrieved
of being so assigned, in which case the court shall order the commissioners to sell the real estate at
party (Sec. 2).
public sale under such conditions and within such time as the court may determine (Sec. 5).
The commissioners shall make a full and accurate report to the court of all their proceedings as to the partition, or the assignment of real
estate to one of the parties, or the sale of the same. Upon the filing of such report, the clerk of court shall serve copies thereof on all the
interested parties with notice that they are allowed ten (10) days within which to file objections to the findings of the report, if they so
desire. No proceeding had before or conducted by the commissioners shall pass the title to the property or bind the parties until the court
shall have accepted the report of the commissioners and rendered judgment thereon (Sec 6).
Upon the expiration of the period of ten (10) days, or even before the expiration of In an action for partition in accordance with this Rule, a party
such period but after the interested parties have filed their objections to the report shall recover from another his just share of rents and profits
or their statement of agreement therewith, the court may, upon hearing, accept the received by such other party from the real estate in question,
report and render judgment in accordance therewith; or, for cause shown, and the judgment shall include an allowance for such rents
recommit the same to the commissioners for further report of facts; or set aside and profits (Sec 8).
the report and appoint new commissioners; or accept the report in part and reject it
in part; and may make such order and render such judgment as shall effectuate a
fair and just partition of the real estate, or of its value, if assigned or sold as above The court shall equitably tax and apportion between or
provided, between the several owners thereof (Sec 7). among the parties the costs and expenses which accrue in
the action, including the compensation of the
commissioners, having regard to the interests of the parties,
and execution may issue therefor as in other cases.
NOTE: If actual partition of property is made, the judgment shall state definitely, by metes and bounds and
adequate description, the particular portion of the real estate assigned to each party, and the effect of the
The guardian or guardian ad litem judgment shall be to vest in each party to the action in severalty the portion of the real estate assigned to
of a minor or person judicially him. If the whole property is assigned to one of the parties upon his paying to the others the sum or sums
declared to be incompetent may, ordered by the court, the judgment shall state the fact of such payment and of the assignment of the real
with the approval of the court first estate to the party making the payment, and the effect of the judgment shall be to vest in the party
had, do and perform on behalf of his making the payment the whole of the real estate free from any interest on the part of the other parties to
ward any act, matter, or thing the action. If the property is sold and the sale confirmed by the court, the judgment shall state the name
respecting the partition of real of the purchaser or purchasers and a definite description of the parcels of real estate sold to each
estate, which the minor or person purchaser, and the effect of the judgment shall be to vest the real estate in the purchaser or purchasers
judicially declared to be making the payment or payments, free from the claims of any of the parties to the action. A certified copy
incompetent could do in partition of the judgment shall in either case be recorded in the registry of deeds of the place in which the real
proceedings if he were of age or estate is situated, and the expenses of such recording shall be taxed as part of the costs of the action
competent (Sec 9). (Sec. 11).
ESSENTIAL • The provisions of RA No. 4726 shall apply to property divided or to be divided into
REQUISITES condominium only if there shall be recorded in the Register of Deeds of the province or city in
which the property lies, and duly annotated in the corresponding certificate of title of the land, if
the latter had been patented or registered under either the Land Registration or Cadastral Acts,
an enabling or master deed which shall contain, among others, the following:
a) Description of the land on which the building or buildings and improvements are to be
b) Description of the building or buildings, stating the number of storeys and basement,
the number of units and their accessories, if any;
c) Description of the common areas and facilities;
d) A statement of the exact nature of the interest acquired or to be acquired by the
purchaser in the separate units andin the common areas of the condominium project. Where
title to or the appurtenant interests in the common areas is to be held by a condominium
corporation, a statement to this effect shall be included;
e) State of the purposes for which the building/s and each of the units are intended or
restricted as to use
f) A certificate of the registered owner of the property, if he is other than those executing
the master deed, as well as of all registered holders of any lien or encumbrances on the
property, that they consent to the registration of the deed;
ESSENTIAL g) The following plans shall be appended to the deed as integral parts thereof:
1. A survey plan of the land included in the project, unless a survey plan of the
same property had previously been filed in said office.
2. A diagrammatic floor plan of the building or buildings each unit, its relative
location and approximate dimensions.
h) Any reasonable restriction not contrary to law, morals, or public policy regarding
the right of any condominium owner to alienate or dispose of his condominium.
The enabling or master deed may be amended or revoked upon registration of an
instrument executed by a simple majority of the registered owners of the property:
Provided, That in a condominium project exclusively for either residential or commercial
use, simple majority shall be on a per unit of ownership basis and that in the case of
mixed use, simple majority shall be on a floor area of ownership basis: Provided,
further, That prior notifications to all registered owners shall be submitted to the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board and the city/municipal engineer for approval before it
can be registered. Until registration of a revocation, the provisions of this Act shall
continue to apply to such property (Sec. 4) ( as amended by RA 7899 effective March 8,
• Any transfer or conveyance of a unit or an apartment, office or store or other space
therein, shall include the transfer or conveyance of the undivided interest in the common
areas or in a proper case, the membership or share holdings in the condominium
corporation: Provided, however, That where the common areas in the condominium
project are held by the owners of separate units as co-owners hereof, no condominium
unit therein shall be conveyed or transferred to persons other than Filipino citizens or
corporation at least 60% of the capital stock of which belong to Filipino citizens, except in
cases of hereditary succession. Where the common areas in a condominium
ESSENTIAL project are held by a corporation, no transfer or conveyance of a unit shall be valid if the
REQUISITES concomitant transfer of the appurtenant membership or stockholding in the corporation
will cause the alien interest in such corporation to exceed the limits imposed by existing
INCIDENTS OF A Unless otherwise expressly provided in the enabling or master deed or the declaration of
CONDOMINUM restrictions, the incidents of a condominium grant are as follows:
GRANT, RIGHTS AND a) the boundary of the unit granted are the interior surfaces of the perimeter
OBLIGATIONS OF walls, floors, ceiling, windows and doors thereof: Provided, that in the case of an
CONDOMINIUM industrial estate condominium projects, wherein whole buildings, plants or factories may
OWNER be considered as unit defined under section 3 (b) hereof, the boundary of a unit shall
include the outersurfaces of the perimeter walls of said buildings, plants or factories. The
following are not part of the unit: bearing walls, columns, floors, roofs, foundations, and
other common structural elements of the buildings; lobbies, stairways, hall ways and
other areas of common use, elevator equipment and shafts, central heating, central
refrigeration and central air conditioning equipment, reservoir, tanks, pumps and other
central services and facilities, pipes, ducts, flues, chutes, conduits wires and other utility
installations, wherever located, except the outlets thereof when located within the unit.
b) There shall pass with the unit, as an appurtenant thereof, an exclusive
casement for the use of the air space encompassed by the boundaries of the unit as it
exists at any particular time and as the unit may lawfully be altered or reconstructed from
time to time. Such easement shall be automatically terminated in any air space upon
destruction of the units as to render it untenantable.
c) Unless otherwise provided, the common areas are held in common by the
holders of units, in equal share one for each unit.
d) A non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress and support through the common areas
is appurtenant to each unit and the common areas are subject to such easement.
e) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right to paint, repaint, tile, wax,
INCIDENTS OF A paper or otherwise refinish and decorate the inner surfaces of the walls, ceilings, floors, windows
CONDOMINIUM and doors hounding his own unit: provided, that in the case of an industrial estate condominium
GRANT, RIGHTS AND unit, such right may be exercised over the external surfaces of the said unit.
OBLIGATIONS OF f) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right to mortgage, pledge or
CONDOMINIUM encumber his condominium and to have the same appraised independently of the other
OWNER condominium, but any obligation incurred by such condominium owner is personal to him.
g) Each condominium owner has also the absolute right to sell or dispose of his
condominium unless the master deed contains a requirements that the property be first offered to
the condominium owners within a reasonable period of time before the same is offered to outside
parties (Sec 6).
The owner of a project shall, prior to the conveyance of any condominium, register a declaration of
restrictions relating to such project, which restrictions shall constitute a lien upon each
condominium in the project, and shall insure to and bind all condominium owners in the project.
DECLARATION OF Such liens, unless otherwise provided, may be enforced by any condominium owner in the project
RESTRICTIONS – or by the management body. The Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate the declaration of
Essentially provides for restrictions upon the certificate of title (Sec 9).
rules governing the running
of the common areas, e.g. Declaration of Restrictions may, among other things, also provide:
quorum of meetings, voting (a) for the powers and functions of the management body
majorities, etc. (b) for the manner and procedure for amending the declaration of restrictions
(c) for independent audit of the accounts of management body
(d) for reasonable assessments to meet authorized expenditures, each condominium unit being
assessed separately in proportional to unit owners’ fractional interest in common areas
(e) for subordination of the liens securing such assessments to other liens, either generally or
specifically described
(f) for conditions other than grounds provided in Secs. 8 and 13 upon which partition may be made
a) That three years after damage or destruction to the project which renders material part thereof
unfit for its use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state
prior to its damage or destruction, or
b) That damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-half or more of the units therein
untenantable and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than thirty percent interest
in the common areas are opposed to repair or restoration of the project;
SPECIAL GROUNDS (c) That the project has been in existence in excess of fifty years, that it is obsolete and
FOR PARTITION uneconomic, and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than fifty percent
interest in the common areas are opposed to repair or restoration or remodeling or
modernizing of the project; or
(d) That the project or a material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and
that the project is no longer viable, or that the condominium owners holding in aggregate
more than seventy percent interest in the common areas are opposed to continuation of
the condominium regime after expropriation or condemnation of a material portion thereof;
(e) That the conditions for such partition by sale set forth in the declaration of restrictions,
duly registered in accordance with the terms of this Act, have been met (Sec 8).
PD 957 SUBDIVISION The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or units,
AND CONDOMINIUM respectively, in such subdivision project or condominium project shall register the
BUYERS’ project with the Authority by filing therewith a sworn registration statement
PROTECTION containing the following information:
a) Name of the owner;
b) The location of the owner's principal business office, and if the owner is a non-
resident Filipino, the name and address of his agent or representative in the
Philippines is authorized to receive notice;
c) The names and addresses of all the directors and officers of the business firm, if
the owner be a corporation, association, trust, or other entity, and of all the
partners, if it be a partnership;
d) The general character of the business actually transacted or to be transacted by
the owner; and
e) A statement of the capitalization of the owner, including the authorized and
outstanding amounts of its capital stock and the proportion thereof which is paid-up
(Sec 4).
PD 957 SUBDIVISION The following documents shall be attached to the registration statement:
AND CONDOMINIUM a) A copy of the subdivision plan or condominium plan as approved in accordance
BUYERS’ with the first and second paragraphs of this section.
PROTECTION b) A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, letter, or
communication to be used for the public offering of the subdivision lots or
condominium units;
c) In case of a business firm, a balance sheet showing the amount and general
character of its assets and liabilities and a copy of its articles of incorporation or
articles of partnership or association, as the case may be, with all the amendments
thereof and existing by-laws or instruments corresponding thereto.
d) A title to the property which is free from all liens and encumbrances: Provided,
however, that in case any subdivision lot or condominium unit is mortgaged, it is
sufficient if the instrument of mortgage contains a stipulation that the mortgagee
shall release the mortgage on any subdivision lot or condominium unit as soon as
the full purchase price for the same is paid by the buyer.
e) The person filing the registration statement shall pay the registration fees
prescribed therefore by the Authority.
f) Thereupon, the Authority shall immediately cause to be published a notice of the
filing of the registration statement at the expense of the applicant-owner or dealer,
in two newspapers general circulation, one published in English and another in
Pilipino, once a week for two consecutive weeks, reciting that a registration
statement for the sale of subdivision lots or condominium units has been filed in the
National Housing Authority; that the aforesaid registration statement, as well as the
papers attached thereto, are open to inspection during business hours by
interested parties, under such regulations as the Authority may impose; and that
copies thereof shall be furnished to any party upon payment of the proper fees.
g) The subdivision project of the condominium project shall be deemed registered
upon completion of the above publication requirement. The fact of such registration
shall be evidenced by a registration certificate to be issued to the applicant-owner
or dealer (Sec 4).
PD 957 SUBDIVISION License to sell. - Such owner or dealer to whom has been issued a registration certificate shall
AND CONDOMINIUM not, however, be authorized to sell any subdivision lot or condominium unit in the registered
BUYERS’ project unless he shall have first obtained a license to sell the project within two weeks from the
PROTECTION registration of such project.
The Authority, upon proper application therefore, shall issue to such owner or dealer of a
registered project a license to sell the project if, after an examination of the registration
statement filed by said owner or dealer and all the pertinent documents attached thereto,
he is convinced that the owner or dealer is of good repute, that his business is financially
stable, and that the proposed sale of the subdivision lots or condominium units to the
public would not be fraudulent (Sec 5).
Exempt Transactions. - A license to sell and performance bond shall not be required in any
of the following transactions:
a) Sale of a subdivision lot resulting from the partition of land among co-owners and co-
b) Sale or transfer of a subdivision lot by the original purchaser thereof and any
subsequent sale of the same lot.
c) Sale of a subdivision lot or a condominium unit by or for the account of a mortgagee in
the ordinary course of business when necessary to liquidate a bona fide debt (Sec 7).
No mortgage on any unit or lot shall be made by the owner or developer without prior written
approval of the Authority. Such approval shall not be granted unless it is shown that the proceeds
Sec. 18. Mortgages - of the mortgage loan shall be used for the development of the condominium/ subdivision project
and effective measures have been provided to ensure such utilization. The loan value of each
lot/unit covered by the mortgage shall be determined and the buyer thereof, if any, shall be
notified before the release of the loan. The buyer may, at his option, pay his installment for the lot
or unit directly to the mortgagee who shall apply the payments to the corresponding mortgage
indebtedness secured by the particular lot or unit being paid for, with a view to enabling said buyer
to obtain title over the lot or unit promptly after full payment thereof.
Sec. 19. 2nd par. The owner or developer shall be answerable and liable for the facilities, improvements,
Liability by infrastructures or other forms of development represented or promised in brochures,
representation in advertisements, and other sales propaganda disseminated by the owner or developer or
brochures, his agents and the same shall form part of the sales warranties enforceable against said
owner or developer, jointly and severally. Failure to comply with these warranties shall
advertisements, etc. -
also be punishable in accordance with the penalties provided for in this decree.
Sec. 20. Time of Every owner or developer shall construct and provide the facilities/improvements/infrastructures
Completion - and other forms of development, including water supply and lighting facilities, which are offered
and indicated in the approves subdivision or condominium plans/brochures/prospectus/printed
matters/letters in any form of advertisement, within one year from the date of the issuance of the
license for the subdivision or condominium project or such other period of time as may be fixed by
the Authority.
Sec. 23. Non- No installment payment made by a buyer in a subdivision or condominium project for the lot or unit
Forfeiture of he contracted to buy shall be forfeited in favor of the owner or developer when the buyer, after due
Payments - notice to the owner or developer, desists from further payment due to the failure of the owner or
developer to develop the subdivision or condominium project according to the approved plans and
within the time limit for complying with the same. Such buyer may, at his option, be reimbursed the
total amount paid including amortization interests but excluding delinquency interests, with interest
thereon at the legal rate.
Sec. 29 Right of The owner or developer of a subdivision without access to any existing public road or street must
Way to Public Road- secure a right of way to a public road or street and such right of way must be developed and
maintained according to the requirement of the government and the authorities concerned.
Sec. 31 Donation of The registered owner or developer of the subdivision or condominium project, upon completion of
Roads and Open the development of said project may, at his option, convey by way of donation when the roads and
Spaces to Local open spaces found within the project to the city/municipality wherein project is located. Upon
Government - acceptance of the donation by the city/municipality concerned, no portion of the area donated
shall thereafter be converted to any other purpose or purposes unless after hearing, the proposed
conversion is approved by the Authority.
Sec. 32. Phases For purposes of complying with the provisions of this
of Subdivision - Decree, the owner or developer may divide the
development and sale of the subdivision into phases,
each phase to cover not less than ten hectares. The
requirement imposed by this Decree on the
subdivision as a whole shall be deemed imposed on
each phase.
By one co-owner as
against the other co-
1. Unequivocal acts of repudiation of co-ownership (acts amounting to ouster of other co-owners) known to
other co-owners and shown by clear and convincing evidence.
2. Open and adverse possession, not mere silent possession for the required period of extraordinary
acquisitive prescription.
3. The presumption is that possession by co-owner is not adverse. 61
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
The underlying principles of this Code are:
a.All waters belong to the State.
b.All waters that belong to the state can not be
the subject to acquisitive prescription.
c.The State may allow the use or development of
waters by administration concession.
d.The utilization, exploitation, development,
PRINCIPLES conservation and protection of water resources
shall be subject to the control and regulation of
the government through the National Water
Resources Council, hereinafter referred to as the
e.Preference in the use and development of
waters shall consider current usages and be
responsive to the changing needs of the country
(Art. 3).
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
NOTE: Art. 502 of the NCC is amended by Arts. 5 and 6 of PD 1067 (Water Code). Also, Art.
503, NCC which lists waters considered of private ownership is repealed since under Art. 3 of
PD 1067 it states that “All waters belong to the State.”
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
OF WATERS Appropriation of water, as used in this Code, is the acquisition of rights over the use of
waters or the taking or diverting of waters from a natural source in the manner and for any
Definition purpose allowed by law. (Art. 9)
NOTE: The State, for reasons of public policy, may declare waters not previously
appropriated, in whole or in part, exempt from appropriation for any or all purposes
and, thereupon, such waters may not be appropriated for those purposes. (Art. 11)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
The banks or rivers and streams and the shores of the seas and
lakes throughout their entire length and within a zone of:
• 3 meters in urban areas
• 20 meters in agricultural areas
• 40 meters in forest areas
- along their margins, are subject to the easement of public use in
the interest of recreation, navigation, flotage, fishing and salvage.
1. Water contained in open canals, aqueducts or reservoirs of private persons may be used by any person for
domestic purpose or for watering plants as long as the water withdrawn by manual methods without checking
the stream or damaging the canal, aqueduct or reservoir; Provided, That this right may be restricted by the
owner should it result in loss or injury to him. (Art. 33)
2. When the reuse of waste water is feasible, it shall limited as much as possible to such uses other than direct
human consumption. No person or agency shall distribute such water for public consumption until it is
demonstrated that such consumption will not adversely affect the health and safety of the public. (Art. 36)
3. In the construction and operation of hydraulic works, due consideration shall be given to the preservation of
scenic places and historical relics and in addition to the provisions of existing laws, no works that would require
the destruction and removal of such places or relics shall be undertaken without showing that the destruction
or removal is necessary and unavoidable (Art. 37).
4. Unless otherwise ordered by the President of the Philippines and only in times of national calamity or
emergency, no person shall induce or restrain rainfall by any method such as cloud seeding without a permit
from the proper government agency. (Art. 42)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
1. A person may erect levees or revetments to protect his property from flood,
encroachment by the river or change in the course of river, provided that such
constructions do not cause damage to the property of another (Art. 57).
2. A landowner may not compel the Government to restore the river to its former
bed. Also, a landowner may not restrain the Government from taking steps to revert
the river or stream to its former course. However, the owner of the land may
undertake to return the river of stream to its old bed at his expense provided that a
permit therefore is secured form the Sec. of DPWH and work thereof is
commenced within 2 years from the changes in the course of the river or stream
(Art. 58).
WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is the impairment of the quality of water beyond a certain standard set by
the National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) (Art. 75, par. 2).
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
DEFINITION • It is the holding of a thing or the enjoyment of a right, whether by material occupation
or by the fact that the thing or the right is subjected to the action of our will.
• It is a real right independent of and apart from ownership i.e., the right of possession
(jus possessionis) as distinguished from the right to possess (jus possidendi).
DEGREES OF 1st degree: Mere holding or possession without title whatsoever and in
HOLDING OR violation of the right of the owner, e.g., possession of a thief or a usurper of
2nd degree: Possession with juridical title but not that of ownership, e.g.,
possession of tenant, depositary, agent, bailee, trustee, lessee and
antichretic creditor. This degree of possession will never ripen into full
ownership as long as there is no repudiation of concept under which the
property is held.
3rd degree: Possession with just title or title sufficient to transfer ownership,
but did not proceed from the true owner, e.g., possession of a vendee from
vendor who pretends to be the owner.
4th degree: Possession with just title from the true owner. The delivery of
possession transfers ownership, and strictly speaking, is the jus possidendi.
CASES OF Possession for oneself or possession exercised in one’s own name, and
POSSESSION possession in the name of another (Art. 524).
Possession in good faith (which happens when a person is not aware that
there exists in his title or mode of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it)
and possession in bad faith (awareness of the flaw).
Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law may be the basis of
good faith (Art. 526).
WHAT THINGS OR Only things or rights susceptible of appropriation may be the object of
RIGHTS MAY BE possession (Art. 530).
In general, every possessor has a right to be respected in his
RIGHT TO BE possession; if disturbed therein, possessor has a right to be
RESPECTED protected in or restored to said possession (Art. 539).
POSSESSION i. Summary proceedings – forcible entry and unlawful
detainer. Plaintiff may ask for writ of preliminary mandatory
injunction (within 10 days from filing of complaint for forcible entry,
Art. 539). Also, Art. 1674: In ejectment cases where an appeal
is taken the remedy granted in Article 539, second
paragraph, shall also apply, if the higher court is satisfied that the
lessee's appeal is frivolous or dilatory, or that the lessor's
appeal is prima facie meritorious. The period of ten days
referred to in said article shall be counted from the time the appeal
is perfected.
ii. Acción publiciana (superior right of possession, not of
ownership). NOTE: Possession with a real right cannot file an
accion reivindicatoria.
iii. Action for replevin (possession and ownership of movable
iv. Lawful possessor can also employ self-help (Art. 429).
POSSESSOR IN GOOD FAITH – He makes the fruits his own
until possession is legally interrupted (Art. 544).
ENTITLEMENT POSSSESSOR IN BAD FAITH – He must pay not only for the
TO FRUITS fruits received but also those that the owner might have received
had he been in possession (Art. 549) less the expenses of
production, gathering and preservation of fruits (Art. 443). Also,
reimbursement for necessary expenses (Art. 546 par. 1).
entitled to the following (Art. 545):
For natural or industrial fruits:
1. Right to a part of cultivation expenses and
2. Right to a part of net harvest, both t in proportion to the time
of possession (on the basis of the agricultural year.)
For civil fruits:
3. Prorating on daily basis of civil fruits and charges (includes
all kinds of taxes, pensions for annuities, interest on
mortgages, etc.)
4. Owner’s option: 1) To permit the possessor in good faith to
finish cultivation and the collection of fruits in lieu of indemnity.
If latter refuses this concession, he loses right to indemnity in
any other matter (Art. 545 par. 3).
POSSESSOR IN BAD FAITH – loses the pending fruits and the
expenses of cultivation (Art. 449)
IN THE CONCEPT Possession may by lapse of time ripen into full ownership, subject to certain
OF OWNER exceptions.
• Presumption of just title and possessor cannot be obliged to show or prove it (Art.
541); exception (Art. 1131).
• Possessor may bring all actions necessary to protect his possession except acción
• May employ self-help under Art. 429, if a lawful possessor
• Possessor may ask for inscription of such real right of possession in the Registry of
• Has right to the fruits and reimbursement of expenses (assuming he is a possessor
in good faith)
• Upon recovery of possession of which he has been unlawfully deprived he may
demand the fruits and damages.
• Generally, he can do on the things possessed everything that the law authorizes an
owner to do until he is ousted by one who has a better right.
• Possession in good faith (possessor is not aware that there exists in his title or
mode of acquisition any flaws, which invalidates his title or mode) and possession in
bad faith (Art. 526, par. 1 and 2). Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law
can be a basis of good faith (Art. 526, par. 3)
CONTINUITY OF POSSESSION Art. 1138 par. 2 – It is presumed that the present possessor who was also
the possessor at a previous time, has continued to be in possession
during the intervening time, unless there is proof to the contrary.
POSSESSION Art. 1138 par. 2 – It is presumed that the present
possessor who was also the possessor at a
previous time, has continued to be in possession
during the intervening time, unless there is proof to
the contrary.
It is the loss of hope and intent to recover the thing.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
It is a real right, temporary in character, that authorizes the holder to enjoy all advantages
DEFINITION derived from a normal exploitation of another’s property, according to its destination or purpose,
and imposes the obligation of restoring, at the time specified, either the thing itself or its
equivalent (De Buen).
COMPARED WITH AS TO THE OBJECT Usufruct may involve real or personal property whether corporeal or
SERVITUDES incorporeal; servitudes may only involve real property by nature under
Art. 415 (1) and (8).
Usufruct covers all the uses of a thing; servitudes are limited to a
particular use.
BY THE NATURE OF THE Usufruct is always a real right; lease may create a real or quasi-real
RIGHT right (if recorded in registry of property) or a personal right.
LEASE BY THE CREATOR OF The person constituting the usufruct must be the owner; he who
THE RIGHT constitutes a lease need not be an owner (may be constituted by
another lessee or a usufructuary.
BY THE EXTENT OF Usufruct generally covers all the utility of which the thing is capable;
ENJOYMENT lease generally covers a particular utility.
AS REGARDS REPAIRS A usufructuary pays for ordinary repairs on property (capital) held in
AND TAXES usufruct and taxes on the fruits; these are generally not borne by a
lessee. 86
CLASSES Voluntary • Inter vivos a) by alienation of the usufruct (Art. 1403 par. 2 e)
b) by retention of the usufruct (alienation of naked ownership)
2. Mortis causa NOTE: Where a usufruct is constituted inter vivos and for valuable
consideration, the contract is unenforceable unless in writing (Statute of Frauds, Art.
1403 e).
Legal The usufruct of parents over the property of their children (Art.
321 CC); Compare with effect of Art. 226 FC.
BY PERSON Simple One usufructuary enjoys it. Simultaneous constituted in this
ENJOYING RIGHT manner can not go
OF USUFRUCT beyond limits laid
Multiple Several usufructuary enjoy it. Successive down by Arts. 756,
863 and 869)
1.IN DONATION: Ownership of property may be donated to one person and the usufruct to another or
others, provided all the donees are living at the time of the donation (Art. 756).
2. IN TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION: If the testator gives a usufruct to various persons successively, the
provisions on FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION (Art. 863) shall apply (Art. 869) (Not more than two
successive usufructs by usufructuaries living at the testator’s death and does not go beyond one degree
from fudiciary.).
THE USUFRUCT Pure Conditional With a term (period) (Art. 564)
USUFRUCTUARY Jus Utendi Jus Fruendi Jus Possidendi Jus Abutendi and Jus Disponendi (Only
in abnormal usufructs)
AS TO THE THING Right to lease the • Ordinarily, the lease should be for the same (or shorter) period as usufruct. The end of
AND ITS FRUITS thing (except in: the usufruct is the end of the lease, except in leases of rural lands, which subsists only
• purely personal for the remainder of the agricultural year (Art. 572). Rents shall be prorated between the
usufructs usufructuary and the (naked) owner.
• title creating it • The usufructuary, not the naked owner, has the right to choose the tenant (Fable v.
prohibits David, 75 Phil. 536)
• usufructuary • But the usufructuary answers for the lessee’s injurious acts (Art. 590).
takes possession • The usufructuary may make on the property held in usufruct such useful improvements
under a caucion or expenses for mere pleasure as he may deem proper, provided he does not alter its
juratoria) form or substance; but he shall have no right to be indemnified therefor. He may,
however, remove such improvements, should it be possible to do so without damage to
the property (Art. 579).
Right to alienate the Except in purely personal usufructs, or when title constituting it prohibits
usufruct the same, or he takes it under a caucion juratoria.
a) If Caución juratoria is available, the usufructuary claims necessary furniture, a dwelling for himself and his
family, implements necessary for his trade.
b) He executes an affidavit under oath to take care of the things and restore them (Art. 587)
EFFECT: He cannot assign the right of usufruct nor lease the thing under usufruct.
1. Effect of filing a bond: Usufructuary is entitled to possession of thing given in usufruct. The usufructuary is
entitled to all the fruits from the time he should have begun to receive them (Art. 588).
2. Effect of failure to give bond:
A. The owner shall have the following options: a) Receivership of realty, sale of movables, deposit of
securities, or investment of money or
b) Retention of the property as administrator.
B. The net product (fruits) less administration expenses, fixed by agreement or by the Court, shall be
delivered to the usufructuary.
C. The usufructuary can not collect credits due, or make investments of the capital without the consent of
the owner or of the Court (Art. 599) until the bond is given.
To notify owner of any If he fails to do so, he shall be liable for damages, as if they had been caused
act detrimental to through his fault (Art. 601).
ownership (Art. 601).
• If woodland is a copse or consists of timber for building: usufructuary may do ordinary cutting or felling as the
owner was in the habit of doing. (Art. 577 2nd par.) In any case, felling/cutting of trees shall be made in such
manner as not to prejudice the preservation of the land (Art. 577 3rd par.)
• In nurseries, the usufructuary may make the necessary thinnings in order that the remaining trees may
properly grow ( Art. 577, 4th par.)
• May apply to tree plantations in private lands, not to woodlands in forests or public lands.
• This is rarely applied because of the Constitution’s Regalian doctrine and provisions of FTAs with DENR.
• The usufructuary follow the owner’s practices and if none, the custom of the place should be observed.
• Usufructuary may compel the owner to support the action with the proofs he may have.
• After the property is recovered, the usufruct is upon the thing thus recovered.
(Art. 578)
• The owner is liable for damages in case of foreclosure.
• The usufructuary is not liable for mortgage debts.
GENERAL RULE: If at the time of constitution, owner has debts, the usufructuary is not liable for the owner’s
debts if there is no stipulation re payment of debt (Art. 579) EXCEPT when the usufruct is constituted in fraud
of creditors.
However, when it is so stipulated: i) The usufructuary shall be liable for debts previously contracted and
(Arts. 598, 758,
ii) if there is no specification, he is liable only for incurred by the owner
before the usufruct was constituted and
iii) only up to extent of value of usufruct
USUFRUCT OVER • The usufructuary may use it in accordance with the purpose intended.
DETERIORABLE • He is not obliged to return the thing except in its condition at the termination of the usufruct after undertaking
PROPERTY (Art. ordinary repairs.
573) • The usufructuary must indemnify the owner for deterioration due to the former’s fraud or negligence.
USUFRUCT OF • If the things were appraised at delivery, the usufructuary must pay their appraised value at the termination of
CONSUMABLE the usufruct.
PROPERTY OR • If they are not appraised, he must return the same kind and quality or pay the current price at the expiration of
ABNORMAL the usufruct.
USUFRUCT • In reality, the nature of the transaction is that of “simple loan.”
(Art. 574)
EXPIRATION OF • In favor of juridical persons, the period cannot exceed 50 years (Art. 605).
THE PERIOD OR • The period and resolutory condition must be recorded to prejudice strangers.
FULFILLMENT OF • If usufruct is granted until a third person attains a certain age, e.g. until the 30th birthday of usufructuary’s son,
THE RESOLUTORY usufruct subsists until such child reaches 30 years old even if he dies before his 30th birthday, unless expressly
CONDITION granted only in consideration of existence or life of such son. (Art. 606).
e.g. Usufruct constituted by a vendee a retro terminates upon redemption.
OF USUFRUCT • If destroyed property is insured before the termination of the usufruct (Art. 608)
1. When insurance premium paid by owner and usufructuary (Art. 608 par. 1)
EXTINCTION OR a) If owner rebuilds, usufruct subsists on new building
LOSS OF THE b) If owner does not rebuild interest upon insurance proceeds paid to usufructuary.
PROPERTY 2. When the insurance taken by owner only because usufructuary refuses (Art. 608 par. 2)
a) Owner entitled to insurance money (No interest paid to usufructuary).
b) If he does not rebuild, usufruct continues over remaining land and/or owner may pay
interest on value of both (Art. 607).
c) If owner rebuilds, usufruct does not continue on new building, but owner must pay interest
on value of land and old materials.
3. When insurance taken by usufructuary only depends on value of usufructuary’s insurable interest (not
provided for in the Civil Code).
a) Insurance proceeds to usufructuary
b) No obligation to rebuild
c) Usufruct continues on the land
d) Owner does not share in insurance proceeds
• If destroyed property is not insured (Art. 607)
1. If building forms part of an immovable under usufruct
a) The usufruct continues over the land and the remaining materials.
2. If the usufruct is on the building only
a) If the owner does not rebuild, the usufruct continues over the land and remaining materials.
b), If the owner rebuilds, usufructuary must allow owner to occupy the land and to make use of
materials; but the owner must pay interest on the value of both the land and the materials.
e.g. Usufruct constituted by a vendee a retro terminates upon redemption
CASES COVERED: 1. If third party acquires ownership of thing
PRESCRIPTION 2. Property in usufruct or right of ownership lost through prescription
3. Right of usufruct not begun within prescriptive period
4. Tacit abandonment
5. Non-user of thing held in usufruct for the required period
ESSENTIAL FEATURES It is a real right i.e. it gives a real action against any possessor or servient estate
REAL SERVITUDES/ It is a right enjoyed over another’s property (jus in re aliena) i.e. it cannot exist in
PRAEDIAL SERVITUDES One’s own property (nullis res sua servit)
It is a right constituted over an immovable by nature (land and buildings), not over
It limits the servient owner’s right of ownership for the benefit of the dominant estate.
The right given is right of limited use, but no right to possess servient estate. Being an
abnormal limitation of ownership, it cannot be presumed
It creates a relation between tenements, relation between dominant and servient estate
It cannot consist in requiring the owner of the servient estate to do an act (servitus in
non faciendo), unless the act is accessory to a praedial servitude (obligation propter
It is inherent or inseparable from the estate to which they actively or passively belong
(Art. 617) 96
ESSENTIAL Generally, it may consist in the owner of the dominant estate demanding that
FEATURES… the owner of the servient estate refrain from doing something (servitus in non
faciendo) or that the latter permit that something be done over the servient
property (servitus in patendo), but not in the right to demand that the owner of
the servient estate to do something except if such an act is an accessory
obligation to a praedial servitude.
CLASSIFICATION • Real or Praedial – Imposed on a tenement for the benefit of another tenement of a different
AS TO RECIPIENT • Personal (Art. 614) – Imposed for the benefit of a person or community to whom the servient
OF BENEFITS estate does not belong
N.B. Under Roman Law, usufruct, together with usus, habitatio and operae servorum, were
classified as personal servitudes.
• Legal, whether for public use or for the interest of private persons (Art. 634).
• Voluntary
AS TO ITS • Mixed (created by prescription)
615) • Continuous – Use is or may be incessant without intervention of any act of man. (Art. 615, (2))
• Discontinuous – Depends upon acts of man, and their use is at long or short intervals (e.g. right
of way) (Art. 615 (3))
AS INDICATION OF *Apparent-Made known and continually kept in view by external signs which reveal its
ITS EXISTENCE use and enjoyment (Art. 615, 4th par.)
* Non-apparent-No external sign of existence (Art. 615, 5th par.)
OBLIGATION *Positive (Art. 616)
IMPOSED *Negative (Prescription starts to run from service of notarial prohibition)
GENERAL RULES 1) No one can have a servitude over his own property (Nulli res sua servit.)
RELATING TO 2) A servitude cannot consist in doing (servitus in faciendo consistere nequit)
SERVITUDES 3) There cannot be a servitude over another servitude (servitus servitutes esse non
4) A servitude must be exercised civiliter, i.e. in a way least burdensome to the owner
of the land.
5) A servitude must have a perpetual cause.
EASEMENTS *All easements may be created by title or something equivalent to a title.
If easement has been acquired but no document or proof of showing origin
By TITLE JURIDICAL of easement is available and easement is not susceptible of prescription, then:
ACT(e.g. law, *It may be cured by deed of recognition by owner of servient estate or
donations, contracts or *By final judgment (Art. 623)
wills) *Existence of an apparent sign considered a title (Art. 624).
RIGHT OF OWNER OF *To use the easement (Art. 626) and exercise all rights necessary for
DOMINAT ESTATE its use (Art. 625)
*To do at his expense, all necessary works for the use and
preservation of the easement (Art. 627).
*In a right of way, to ask for a change in width of easement sufficient
for the needs of the dominant estate (Art. 651)
OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNER *To use the easement for benefit of immovable and in the manner
OF DOMINANT ESTATE originally established (Art. 626).
*To notify owner of servient estate before making repairs and to make
repairs in a manner least inconvenient to servient estate (Art. 627)
*Not to alter easement or render it more burdensome (Art. 627).
*To contribute to expenses of works necessary for use and
preservation of the easement, if there are several dominant estates,
unless he renounces his interest (Art. 628).
RIGHT OF OWNER OF *To retain ownership and use of his property (Art. 630)
SERVIENT ESTATE *To change the place and manner of using the easement (Art. 629 par.
*To also use the easement.
OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNER *Not to impair the use of the easement (Art. 628 par. 1)
OF SERVIENT ESTATE *To contribute proportionately to the expenses if he uses the
easement (Art. 628 par. 2)
Impossible to use easement for the required period of 10 years
RENUNCIATION OF Must be specific, clear and express (as distinguished from non-user).
a) Annulment or rescission of the title constituting the easement
b) Termination of the right of grantor
c) Abandonment of the servient estate
OTHER CAUSES d) Eminent domain
NOT IN ART. 631 e) Special cause for extinction of legal rights of way; if right of way no longer necessary
PRIVATE LEGAL a) Those established for the use of water or easements relating to waters (Arts. 637 – 648).
EASEMENTS IN • Natural drainage of waters (Art. 637)
CIVIL CODE • Easements on lands along riverbanks (Art. 638, see Water Code)
• Aqueduct (Arts. 642 – 646)
• Abutment of a dam (Art. 639)
• Stop lock or sluice gate (Art. 649)
• Drawing waters and watering animals (Art. 640)
b) Easement of right of way (Arts. 649-657).
c) Easement of party wall (Arts. 658 – 666)
d) Easement of light and view (Arts. 667 – 673)
e) Easement of drainage of buildings (Arts 674 – 676)
f) Easement of distance for certain constructions and plantings (Arts. 677 – 681)
g) Easement against nuisances (Art. 682 – 683)
h) Easement of lateral and subjacent support (Arts. 684 – 687)
NATURAL Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters which naturally and without intervention of
DRAINAGE OF man descend from higher estates, as well as the earth or stones carried with them (Art. 637).
• A river bank within a zone of 3 meters in urban areas, 20 meters in agricultural areas, and
EASEMENTS ON 40 meters in forest areas (Art. 51, PD 1067) along the bank is subject to the easement for
LANDS ALONG public use in the interest of navigation, floatage, fishing and salvage (Art. 638 1st par.)
RIVERBANKS • Banks of navigable rivers are also subject to the easement of towpath. (Art. 638 2nd par.)
• Indemnity must be paid if private land is occupied (Art. 638 3rd par.)
EASEMENT OF Whenever for the diversion or taking from a river or brook, or for the use of any other
ABUTMENT OF A continuous or discontinuous stream, it should be necessary to build a dam, and the person
DAM who is the person it is not the owner of the banks, or lands which must support it, he may
establish the easement of abutment of a dam, after payment of the proper indemnity (Art.
EASEMENT FOR • Imposed only for reasons of public use in favor of a town or village, after payment of proper
DRAWING WATER indemnity (Art. 640).
OR FOR • Owners of servient estates are obliged to allow passage (right of way) to persons and
WATERING animals to the place where such easements are to be used, and the indemnity shall include
ANIMALS this service. (Art. 641)
• Easements for the right of way for the passage of livestock known as animal path, animal
trail or any other, and those for watering places, resting places and animal folds, shall be
governed by the ordinances and regulations relating thereto, and in the absence thereof, by
the usages and the customs of the place. (Art. 657, 1st par.)
• Without prejudice to the rights legally acquired, the animal path shall not exceed in any
case the width of 75 meters, and the animal trail that of 37 meters and 50 centimeters. (Art.
657, 2nd par.)
• Whenever it is necessary to establish a compulsory easement of the right of way or for a
watering place for animals, the provisions of this Section and those of Articles 640 and 641
shall be observed. In this case the width shall not exceed 10 meters. (Art. 657, 3rd par.) 102
• Any person who may wish to use upon his own estate any water, he can dispose of shall have
the right to make it flow through the intervening estate (Art. 642)
•Cannot be imposed on buildings, courtyards, annexes, or outhouses, or on orchards already
existing, if the easement of aqueduct is for private interest (Art. 644)
• One desiring to make use of the right to an easement of aqueduct should:
1. Prove that he can dispose of the water (by prescription or administrative concession) (Art.
643 (1))
2. That the water is sufficient for the intended use (Art. 643 (1)
3. That the course is the most convenient, and least onerous, to the owner of the servient
estate or to third persons ( Art. 643 (2))
4. Indemnify the owner of the servient estate in the manner determined by the laws and
regulations (Art. 643 (3)), as well as the owners of the lower estates upon which the waters may
filter or descend (Art. 642).
For legal purposes, the easement of aqueduct shall be considered as continuous and apparent,
even if flow of water is not continuous, or its use depends upon the needs of the dominant estate or
upon a schedule of alternate days or hours. (Art. 646).
Rights and obligations of the owner of the dominant estate: To service and clear the aqueduct and
to provide for deposit of the materials necessary therefor.
Rights and obligations of the owner of the servient estate: To close and fence and build over the
aqueduct in such manner as not to cause the aqueduct any damage, or render necessary repairs
and cleanings impossible. (Art. 645).
One who for the purpose of irrigating or improving his estate, has to construct a stop lock or sluice
gate in the bed of the stream from which the water is to be taken, may demand that the owners of
the banks permit its construction, after payment of damages, including those caused by the new
easement to such owners and to other irrigators (Art. 647)
EASEMENT OF The owner, or any person who by virtue of a real right may cultivate or use any immovable, which is
RIGHT OF WAY surrounded by other immovables pertaining to other persons and without adequate outlet to a public
highway, is entitled to demand a right of way through the neighboring estates, after payment of the proper
indemnity. (Art. 649, 1st par.)
Requisites: 1. That the dominant estate is surrounded by other immovables and has no adequate outlet or access ( or difficult or
dangerous access) to a public highway.
2. There must be payment of the proper indemnity.
a. Permanent passage – indemnity shall consist of the value of the land occupied
and the amount of the damage caused to the servient estate. (Art. 649, 2nd par.)
b. Temporary passage – indemnity shall consist of the damage caused by such
encumbrance. (Art. 649, 3rd par.)
• No indemnity arises when the enclosing estate belongs to the vendor, exchanger or co-owner (donor not included) (Art. 652).
•But if the estate enclosed is that of the grantor, he must pay indemnity for a right of way, unless he is the donor of the enclosing
estate (Art. 653).
3. That the isolation was not due to acts of the proprietor of the dominant estate – not compulsory if the isolation of the immovable is
due to the proprietor’s own acts ( Art. 649, 4th par.)
4. That the right of way claimed is at the point least prejudicial to the servient estate, and, insofar as consistent with this rule, where
the distance from the dominant estate to a public highway may be shortest; (Art. 650)
• The width of the easement of right of way shall be that which is sufficient for the needs of the dominant estate, and may accordingly
be changed from time to time.
• If the right of way is permanent, necessary repairs shall be made by owner of dominant estate. A proportionate share of taxes shall
be reimbursed by said owner to the proprietor of the servient estate (Art. 654)
• Owner of servient estate may demand that the easement be extinguished, returning indemnity received, if the right of way granted
to a surrounded estate ceases to be necessary because its owner has joined it to another abutting on a public road or in case a new
road is opened giving access to the isolated estate. In both cases, the public highway must substantially meet the needs of the
dominant estate in order that the easement may be extinguished. (Art. 655)
• Right of way for cattle should not be more than 10 meters wide (unless a greater width was a vested right under laws prior to Old
Civil Code (Art. 657)
• Rebuttal of presumption – by title, by contrary proof, or by signs contrary to the existence of the
servitude .
• It is understood that there is an exterior sign, contrary to the existence of a party wall:
1. Whenever in the dividing wall of buildings there is a window or opening;
2. Whenever the dividing wall is, on one side, straight and plumb on all its facement, and on the
other, it has similar conditions on the upper part, but the lower part slants or projects outward;
3. Whenever the entire wall is built within the boundaries of one of the estates;
4. Whenever the dividing wall bears the burden of the binding beams, floors and roof frame of one of
the buildings, but not those of others;
5. Whenever the dividing wall between courtyards, gardens, and tenements is constructed in such a
way that the coping sheds the water upon only one of the estates;
6. whenever the dividing wall, being built of masonry, has stepping stones, which at certain intervals
project from the surface on one side only, but not on the other;
7. Whenever lands inclosed by fences or live hedges adjoin others which are not inclosed.
• In all these cases, the ownership of the walls, fences, or hedges shall be deemed to belong
exclusively to the owner of the property or tenement which has in its favor the presumption based
on any one of these signs. ( Art. 660)
• Ditches or drains opened between two estates are also presumed as common to both, if there is
no title or sign showing the contrary. (Art. 661, 1st par.)
• There is a sign contrary to the part-ownership whenever the earth or dirt removed to open the ditch
or to clean it is only on one side thereof, in which case the ownership of the ditch shall belong
exclusively to the owner of the land having this exterior sign in its favor. ( Art. 661, 2nd par.)
a. To make use of party wall in proportion to the right he may have in the co-ownership (i.e. resting
buildings on it or inserting beams up to one-half of the wall’s thickness), without interfering with the
common and respective uses by other co-owners. (Art. 666)
Rights of part- b. To increase the height of the wall, doing so at his expense (including the thickening of the wall over
owners: his own land), and paying for the damage which may be cause by the work (even though such
damage is temporary). (Art. 664)
c. To acquire half-interest in any increase of thickness or height, paying a proportionate share in the
cost of the work and of the land covered by the increase in thickness (Art. 665).
a. The cost of repairs and construction of party walls and the maintenance of fences, live hedges,
ditches and drains owned in common, shall be borne by all the owners of the lands or tenements
Duties of part- having the party wall in their favor, in proportion to the right of each (but any owner may exempt
owners: himself from contributing to this charge by renouncing his part-ownership, except when the party
wall supports a building belonging to him) (Art. 662).
b. if the owner of a building supported by a party wall desired to demolish the building, he may also
renounce his part-ownership of the wall, but the cost of all repairs and work necessary to prevent
any damage which the demolition may cause to the party wall, on this occasion only, shall be
borne by him (Art. 663.)
c. If the owner raises the height of the wall, he must:
1. Bear the cost of maintenance of the additions;
2. Bear the increased expenses of preservation;
3. Bear the cost of construction, if the wall cannot support the additional height;
4. Give additional land, if necessary, to thicken the wall. (Art. 664)
• But the owner may acquire part ownership of the new wall by paying proportionately for the value
of the work and the land used, as of the time of acquisition (Art. 665)
EASEMENT OF Easement of Light – is the right to make openings
LIGHT AND VIEW Easement of View – is the right to open the windows to enjoy the view and to bar the servient owner from
blocking the view. It includes the easement of light and the servitude of altius non tollendi (not to build
A. Restrictions as to openings in a party wall: No part owner may, without the consent of the others, open
through the party wall any window or aperture of any kind (Art. 667)
B. Restrictions on openings in one’s own wall when contiguous (less than 2 meters) to another’s
tenement (Art. 669) – openings could not exceed 30 cm. square; such openings must be at the height
Restrictions of the ceiling joists or immediately under the ceiling and in every case must be with an iron grating
on Owner imbedded in the wall and with a wire screen. (Art. 669 1st par.)
(The abutting owner may: (i) close the openings if the wall becomes a party wall, if there is no
stipulation to the contrary Art. 669 2nd par.; (ii) obstruct the light by constructing a building/erecting a
wall on his land , unless an easement of light has been acquired (Art. 669 3rd par.) Note: The
nonobservance of these distances does not give rise to prescription (Art. 670 3rd par.)
C. Restrictions as to views – No windows, apertures, balconies, or other similar projections which afford a
direct view upon or towards an adjoining land or tenement can be made, without leaving a distance of
two meters between the wall in which they are made and such contiguous property. Neither can side or
oblique views upon/towards such conterminous property be had, unless there be a distance of sixty
meters. (Art. 670).
• Measurements are considered from the boundary line to the nearest edge of the window.
• Stipulations permitting lesser distances are void. (Art. 673)
• The rules are not applicable to buildings separated by public thoroughfares or private alleys open to the
public, and not less than 3 meters wide (Art. 672).
• Whenever by any title a right has been acquired to have direct views, balconies or belvederes
overlooking an adjoining property, the owner of the servient estate cannot build thereon at less than a
distance of three meters to be measured in the manner provided in Art. 671. (Art. 673).
DRAINAGE OF • The owner of a building must construct its roof/covering in such a manner that the rain water shall fall on his
BUILDINGS land or on a street or public place, and not on the land of a neighbor, even if the adjacent land belongs to 2 or
more persons, one of whom is the owner of the roof. Even if it should fall on his own land, the owner must
collect the water in such a way as not to cause damage to the adjacent land/tenement (Art. 674). This is a
limitation on owner’s right. The easement exists when the owner has the right to avert rainwater falling on his
roof, not on his neighbor.
• A compulsory easement is available when a house, yard or court is enclosed by other estates and it is
impossible to give outlet to the rain water through the house itself, provided the outlet must be established
where egress is easiest and proper indemnity is paid (Art. 676)
• Owner of servient estate has option to receive water on his own roof and drain the same without damage to
the dominant estate, according to ordinances/regulations. (Art. 675)
A. Military zones – no constructions can be built/planted near fortified places/fortresses without compliance
with the conditions required in special laws, ordinances, and regulations relating thereto (Art. 677)
B. Constructions – For wells, sewers, furnaces, forges, chimneys, stables, deposits of corrosive materials,
machineries or factories, distances fixed by ordinances/custom must be observed; also, protective
EASEMENT OF structures prescribed by ordinances or custom must be erected. If none, precautions must be taken, if
DISTANCE FOR necessary, to avoid damage to neighboring estates or buildings. (Art. 678). Note: No waiver is allowed on
CERTAIN the part of adjoining proprietors.
CONSTRUCTIONS C. Plantings – a. distances as prescribed by ordinances or customs must be observed. If none, 2 meters from
AND PLANTINGS the boundary for large trees, and 50 cm. for shrubs. (Art. 679)
b. Intrusions – of branches: The owner of the tree may be compelled to cut intruding branches at the
- of roots: the owner of the invaded tenement may cut them himself at he boundary,
• Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land belong to the owner of the said land (Art. 681).
EASEMENT • Every building or piece of land is subject to the easement which prohibits the proprietor/possessor from
AGAINST committing nuisance through noise, jarring, offensive odor, smoke, heat, dust, water, glare, and other causes.
NUISANCE (Art.682)
• No proprietor shall make such excavations upon his land as to deprive any adjacent land or building sufficient
EASEMENT OF lateral or subjacent support (Art. 684). Any stipulation/testamentary provision to the contrary is void (Art. 685)
LATERAL AND • This legal easement applies not only for buildings standing at the time the excavations are made but also for
SUBJACENT constructions that may be erected. (Art. 686)
SUPPORT • Proprietors intending to make such excavations shall notify the owners of adjacent lands. (Art. 687)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
(4) Obstructs or interferes with the free passage of any public highway or street, or any
body of water; or
In nuisance, one's use of his property injures another's property or rights or interests;
injury to realty or one's own property may be made without entry. The injury is
In trespass, one directly infringes another's right of property. The injury is immediate.
In nuisance, the person who creates or maintains a nuisance is liable for the resulting
injury to others regardless of the degree of care or skill exercised to avoid such injury.
In negligence, the person negligent is liable due to want of proper care.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Attractive Nuisance – “One who maintains on his premises dangerous instrumentalities or
appliances of a character likely to attract children in play, and who fails to exercise ordinary
care to prevent children from playing therewith or resorting thereto, is liable to a child of
tender years who is injured thereby, even if the child is technically a trespasser in the
premises. The principal reason for the doctrine is that the condition or appliance in question
although its danger is apparent to those of age, is so enticing or alluring to children of tender
years as to induce them to approach, get on or use it, and this attractiveness is an implied
invitation to such children” (Taylor vs. Manila Electric Railroad and Light Co., 16 Phil. 8
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
LIABILITY • Joint and several liability - for anyone who joined or participated in the creation or
maintenance of a nuisance.
• Proportionate liability - if two or more persons acted entirely independent of one another
Creator of The creator of a nuisance is liable for the resulting damages; such liability continues as long
Nuisance as the nuisance exists. However, no one is to be held liable for a nuisance which he cannot
himself physically abate without legal action against another for that purpose.
In order for the grantee of land to be held liable, he must knowingly continue the nuisance.
Moreover, he must be notified of the nuisance and requested to remove it, or he has actual
knowledge that such is a nuisance and is injurious to the rights of the others.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
(1) A prosecution under the Penal Code or any local ordinance: or
(2) A civil action; or
(1) That demand be first made upon the owner or possessor of the property to abate the
(3) That the abatement be approved by the district health officer and executed with the
assistance of the local police; and
(4) That the value of the destruction does not exceed three thousand pesos. (Art. 704. )
2. The district health officer shall take care that one or all of the remedies against a public
nuisance are availed of. (Art. 700)
4. The district health officer shall determine whether or not abatement, without judicial
proceedings, is the best remedy against a public nuisance. (Art. 702)
LIABILITY FOR A private person or a public official extrajudicially abating a nuisance shall be liable for
DAMAGES damages:
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Title is every juridical right which gives a means to the acquisition of real rights but which in itself
is insufficient.
ORIGINAL MODES They produce the acquisition of ownership independent of any pre-existing right of another person. Hence,
they are free from any burdens or encumbrances.
DERIVATIVE Based on a right previously held by another person and therefore, subject to the same characteristics,
MODES powers, burdens etc as when held by previous owner.
LAW – e.g. Registration under Act 496; Estoppel of title under Art. 1434 CC, Marriage under Absolute
Community of Property System, Hidden Treasure, Accession, Change in River’s Course, Accession
Continua over Movables, Arts. 681, 1456 CC and Art. 120, FC
REAL TRADITION Actual transfer of control and possession, with intent to pass ownership or real right over the property (Art.
CONSTRUCTIVE • TRADITIO SIMBOLICA – Delivery of a thing which symbolizes the property, e.g. keys of the place or
TRADITION depository where the thing is stored or kept
• TRADITIO LONGA MANU – Pointing to the thing in sight
• TRADITIO BREVI MANU – Transferee already had it in his possession for any other reason
• TRADITIO CONSTITUTUM POSSESSORIUM – Owner of the thing alienates it but continues in possession
in the concept of a tenant or another subordinate right (bailee).
• QUASI-TRADITION – Exercise of the right by the transferee with the consent of the transferor
• TRADITION BY OPERATION OF LAW – Express provision of law
• DELIVERY OF PUBLIC INSTRUMENT –The execution thereof is equivalent to the delivery of the thing, the
object of the contract
DEFINITION It is the acquisition of ownership through seizure of corporeal things that have no owner, made with intent to
acquire them and done according to rules laid down by law (Partidas).
RA No. 8293
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
DEFINITION It is an act of liberality where a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in
favor of another, who accepts it (Art. 725). It is a bilateral contract creating
unilateral obligations on donor’s part (Scaevola).
DISTINCTION • What is important is the TIME of transfer of ownership, even if transfer of property
BETWEEN A donated may be subject to a condition or a term
DONATION MORTIS • Importance of classification – validity and revocation of donation
WHO MAY BE The donor must have the capacity to contract and dispose of his property.
(ARTS. 735, 736, 737, The donor’s capacity is determined as of the time of the donation (Art. 737),
739) subsequent incapacity is immaterial. But if incapacity prevents him from
learning of the acceptance, there is no donation (Art. 734).
(ARTS. 738, 739, 740, In general, all persons not disqualified by law may be donees (Art. 738).
741, 742,743, 744,
753, 1027 CC and
ART. 87, FC) 118
DONEES… a) By reason of public policy
1) Persons guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of donation (Art. 739 par.
1) and conviction is not required.
2) Those made between persons found guilty of the same (identical) criminal
offense, if the donation is made in consideration thereof (Art. 739, par. 2).
3) Those made to a public officer, his wife, descendants and/or ascendants by
reason of his office (Art. 739, par. 3). NB: These apply to life insurance benefits
(Art. 2012).
b) By reason of unworthiness of the donee
1) Incapacity to succeed by will shall be applicable to donations inter vivos (Art.
2) This apply to cases under Arts. 1032 and 1027 except Art. 1027 par. 4
(disqualification of witnesses to a will).
c) By reason of prejudice to creditors or heirs (voidable)
NB: Donations to disqualified persons are VOID even if made fictitiously 1) under the
guise of another contract or 2) through an intermediary (Art. 743).
ACCEPTANCE OF WHO MAY ACCEPT (ART. Acceptance must be personal or through an agent (a general agent or a
DONATION 745, 747) special agent). The form of authority must be in a public instrument in
accordance with Art. 1358.
TIME OF ACCEPTANCE It must be made during the lifetime of the donor and the donee (Art.
FORM OF DONATION PERSONAL PROPERTY It may be made orally or in writing. An oral donation requires the
(ART. 748) simultaneous delivery of the thing or of the document representing the
thing donated. If the value exceeds 5,000 pesos, it should be in writing;
if not, it is void.
Inapplicable to onerous,
modal, mortis causa and It must be in a public instrument, the property and the charges must be
propter nuptias donations. specified. It may be in the same deed or in a separate one notified119
the donor in authentic form.
WHAT MAY BE All present property, or part thereof, of donor:
DONATED • Provided he reserves, in full ownership or usufruct, sufficient means for support of
(ART. 750-752, 755- himself and all relatives entitled to be supported by the donor at time of acceptance
756) (Art. 750).
• Provided that no person may give or receive by way of donation, more than he may
give or receive by will (Art. 752). Also, reserves property sufficient to pay donor’s
debts contracted before donation, otherwise the donation is in fraud of creditors
(Arts. 759, 1387).
NB: If donation exceeds the disposable or free portion of his estate, it is inofficious.
Exceptions: a) Donations provided for in marriage settlements between future
spouses – not more than 1/5 of present property (Art. 84, FC and Art. 130, CC).
b) Donations propter nuptias by an ascendant consisting of jewelry,
furniture or clothing not to exceed 1/10 of disposable portion (Art. 1070).
EFFECTS OF IN GENERAL Donee may demand actual delivery of the thing donated.
Donee is subrogated to the rights of donor in the property donated (Art.
Donor is liable for eviction or hidden defects in case of bad faith on his
part (Art. 754).
EFFECTS OF IN GENERAL In donations propter nuptias, donor must release property donated from
DONATION mortgages and other encumbrances, unless contrary has been stipulated
(Art. 131, FC).
EFFECTS OF SPECIAL PROVISIONS Reservation by donor of power to dispose (in whole or in part) or to
DONATION encumber property donated (Art. 755)
a. If expressly stipulated -
donee to pay only debts contracted before the donation, unless specified
otherwise – but in no case shall donee be responsible for debts
exceeding value of property donated, unless clearly intended
b. If there is no stipulation -
donee answerable only for donor’s debt only in case of donation is in
fraud of creditors
1. Inofficiousness of donation (Art. 752, 771, 773; Art. 911 & 912 also
REVOCATION AND Causes of Reduction or govern reduction)
DONATIONS a. Who may ask for reduction - Only those who at the time of the donor's
death have a right to the legitime and their heirs and successors in
interest may ask for the reduction of inofficious donations. (Art. 772)
REVOCATION AND Revocation (only) Ingratitude (Art. 765)
• donee commits some offense against the person, honor or property of
DONATIONS the donor, or his wife or children under his parental authority;
• donee imputes to the donor any criminal offense, or any act involving
moral turpitude, even though he should prove it, unless the crime or the
act has been committed against the donee himself, his wife or children
under his authority;
d. Effect of Revocation
• the donor shall have a right to demand from the donee the value of
property alienated which he cannot recover from third persons, or the
sum for which the same has been mortgaged; the value of said property
shall be fixed as of the time of the donation. (Art. 767)
Violation of condition
a. Prescription of action
• action prescribes in four (4) years (Art. 764, par. 3)
REVOCATION AND Revocation (only)
b. Transmissibility of action
REDUCTION OF • action may be transmitted to the heirs of the donor (Art. 764, par. 3)
Effect of revocation or reduction
• upon the revocation or reduction of the donation by the birth,
appearance or adoption of a child, the property affected shall be returned
or its value if the donee has sold the same. If the property is mortgaged,
the donor may redeem the mortgage, by paying the amount guaranteed,
with a right to recover the same from the donee. When the property
cannot be returned, it shall be estimated at what it was worth at the time
of the donation. (Art. 762)
• when the donee fails to comply with any of the conditions imposed by
the donor, the donation shall be revoked at the instance of the donor; In
this case, the property donated shall be returned to the donor, the
alienations made by the donee and the mortgages imposed thereon by
him being void, with the limitations established, with regard to third
persons, by the Mortgage Law and the Land Registration Laws. (Art.
764, par. 2)
• when the donee commits acts of ingratitude, the donor shall have a
right to demand from the donee the value of property alienated which he
cannot recover from third persons, or the sum for which the same has
been mortgaged. (Art. 767)
Effect as to fruits
• When the donation is revoked for any of the causes stated in Article 760,
or by reason of ingratitude, or when it is reduced because it is inofficious,
the donee shall not return the fruits except from the filing of the complaint.
GENERAL • temporary duration
(of every lease) • price is fixed according to contract duration
In the lease of things, one of the parties binds himself to give to another the enjoyment or
Concept use of a thing for a price certain, and for a period which may be definite or indefinite.
However, no lease for more than ninety-nine years shall be valid. (Art. 1643)
• in sale, there is a transmission of the ownership of the thing sold, and that transmission is
permanent, unless subject to a resolutory condition; while in the contract of lease, only the use
or enjoyment of the thing is transferred, and only for a determinate period
Sale • in sale, the price of the thing is fixed in the contract; while in lease, it is plain redundancy to fix
or mention the price of the thing which is the subject-matter thereof.
• usufruct is always a real right, while lease is a real right only by exception;
• in order to constitute a usufruct, one must be the owner of the thing, while such ownership is
not required in order to give an object in lease;
• the lessor places and maintains the lessee in enjoyment of the thing, while the owner allows
Usufruct the usufructuary to use and enjoy the property;
• usufruct includes all possible uses and manner of enjoyment of the property, lease may be
limited to particular uses by the contract;
• a usufruct may be for an indefinite period of time, while a lease must be for a determinate
period of time, and if the contract in the latter case does not fix the period, which is left to the
will of the lessee, the court must fix such period in an action brought for such purpose
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Cannot be perpetual
Period of Lease • it must be for a definite period – not more than 99 years
• indefinite period:
a. rural land (Art. 1682)
b. urban land (Art. 1687)
The lessee cannot assign the lease without the consent of the lessor, unless there is a
Assignment of
stipulation to the contrary. (Art. 1649)
When in the contract of lease of things there is no express prohibition, the lessee may
sublet the thing leased, in whole or in part, without prejudice to his responsibility for the
performance of the contract toward the lessor. (Art. 1650)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Rights and ii. obligations of lessee (Art. 1657, 1662, 1663, 1665, 1668, 1667)
Obligations of 1)to pay the price of the lease
lessor and 2)to use the thing leased as a diligent father of a family
lessee 3)to pay expenses for the deed of lease
4)to tolerate urgent repairs
5)to notify the proprietor every usurpation or untoward act by any third person
6)to notify the owner of necessary repairs
7)to return the thing leased upon termination of the lease
8)to be liable for any deterioration caused by household members and by guests and
9)to be liable for the deterioration or loss of the thing leased
v. lessor not obligated to answer for mere act of tresspass by a third person (Art. 1664)
•the lessor is not obligated to answer for a mere act of trespass which a third person may
cause on the use of the thing leased
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
The lessor may judicially eject the lessee for any of the following causes (Art. 1673; Sec.
Grounds for
5, BP 877):
Ejectment of
Lessee by 1)expiration of the period for the lease contract;
Lessor 2)lack of payment of the price stipulated;
3)violation of any of the conditions agreed upon in the contract;
4)when the lessee devotes the thing leased to any use or service not stipulated which
causes the deterioration thereof; or if he does not observe the requirement in No. 2 of
Article 1657, as regards the use thereof.
5)assignment of lease or subleasing of residential units
6)arrears in payment of rental fees for a 3 months
7)legitimate need of owner/lessor to repossess his property
8)absolute ownership by the lessee of another dwelling unit in the same city/municipality
9)need of lessor to make necessary repairs of leased premises subject of condemnation
NOTE: The ejectment of tenants of agricultural lands is governed by special laws. (Art.
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
• If at the end of the contract the lessee should continue enjoying the thing leased for
Implied fifteen days with the acquiescence of the lessor, and unless a notice to the contrary by
Extension of either party has previously been given, it is understood that there is an implied new lease,
lease not for the period of the original contract, but for the time established in Articles 1682 and
1687. The other terms of the original contract shall be revived. (Art. 1670)
• The lease of a piece of rural land, when its duration has not been fixed, is understood to
have been for all the time necessary for the gathering of the fruits which the whole estate
leased may yield in one year, or which it may yield once, although two or more years
have to elapse for the purpose. (Art. 1682)
• If the period for the lease has not been fixed, it is understood to be from year to year, if
the rent agreed upon is annual; from month to month, if it is monthly; from week to week,
if the rent is weekly; and from day to day, if the rent is to be paid daily. However, even
though a monthly rent is paid, and no period for the lease has been set, the courts may fix
a longer term for the lease after the lessee has occupied the premises for over one year.
If the rent is weekly, the courts may likewise determine a longer period after the lessee
has been in possession for over six months. In case of daily rent, the courts may also fix
a longer period after the lessee has stayed in the place for over one month. (Art. 1687)
• Except in cases stated in Article 1673, the lessee shall have a right to make use of the
periods established in Articles 1682 and 1687. (Art. 1675)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Right of • The purchaser of a piece of land which is under a lease that is not recorded in the
purchaser of Registry of Property may terminate the lease, save when there is a stipulation to the
leased land contrary in the contract of sale, or when the purchaser knows of the existence of the
If the buyer makes use of this right, the lessee may demand that he be allowed to gather
the fruits of the harvest which corresponds to the current agricultural year and that the
vendor indemnify him for damages suffered.
If the sale is fictitious, for the purpose of extinguishing the lease, the supposed vendee
cannot make use of the right granted in the first paragraph of this article. The sale is
presumed to be fictitious if at the time the supposed vendee demands the termination of
the lease, the sale is not recorded in the Registry of Property. (Art. 1676)
• The purchaser in a sale with the right of redemption cannot make use of the power to
eject the lessee until the end of the period for the redemption. (Art. 1677)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Useful If the lessee makes, in good faith, useful improvements which are suitable to the use for
Improvements in which the lease is intended, without altering the form or substance of the property leased,
good faith made the lessor upon the termination of the lease shall pay the lessee one-half of the value of
by lessee the improvements at that time. Should the lessor refuse to reimburse said amount, the
lessee may remove the improvements, even though the principal thing may suffer
damage thereby. He shall not, however, cause any more impairment upon the property
leased than is necessary.
With regard to ornamental expenses, the lessee shall not be entitled to any
reimbursement, but he may remove the ornamental objects, provided no damage is
caused to the principal thing, and the lessor does not choose to retain them by paying
their value at the time the lease is extinguished. (Art. 1678)
Special • The lessee shall have no right to a reduction of the rent on account of the sterility of the
provisions for land leased, or by reason of the loss of fruits due to ordinary fortuitous events; but he
leases of rural shall have such right in case of the loss of more than one-half of the fruits through
lands extraordinary and unforeseen fortuitous events, save always when there is a specific
stipulation to the contrary.
Extraordinary fortuitous events are understood to be: fire, war, pestilence, unusual flood,
locusts, earthquake, or others which are uncommon, and which the contracting parties
could not have reasonably foreseen. (Art. 1680)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Special • Neither does the lessee have any right to a reduction of the rent if the fruits are lost after
provisions for they have been separated from their stalk, root or trunk. (Art. 1681)
leases of rural
lands • The lease of a piece of rural land, when its duration has not been fixed, is understood to
have been for all the time necessary for the gathering of the fruits which the whole estate
leased may yield in one year, or which it may yield once, although two or more years
have to elapse for the purpose. (Art. 1682)
• The outgoing lessee shall allow the incoming lessee or the lessor the use of the
premises and other means necessary for the preparatory labor for the following year; and,
reciprocally, the incoming lessee or the lessor is under obligation to permit the outgoing
lessee to do whatever may be necessary for the gathering or harvesting and utilization of
the fruits, all in accordance with the custom of the place. (Art. 1683)
• Land tenancy on shares shall be governed by special laws, the stipulations of the
parties, the provisions on partnership and by the customs of the place. (Art. 1684)
• The tenant on shares cannot be ejected except in cases specified by law. (Art. 1685)
Prof. Eduardo A. Labitag
Special • In default of a special stipulation, the custom of the place shall be observed with regard
provisions for to the kind of repairs on urban property for which the lessor shall be liable. In case of
leases of urban doubt it is understood that the repairs are chargeable against him. (Art. 1686)
• If the period for the lease has not been fixed, it is understood to be from year to year, if
the rent agreed upon is annual; from month to month, if it is monthly; from week to week,
if the rent is weekly; and from day to day, if the rent is to be paid daily. However, even
though a monthly rent is paid, and no period for the lease has been set, the courts may fix
a longer term for the lease after the lessee has occupied the premises for over one year.
If the rent is weekly, the courts may likewise determine a longer period after the lessee
has been in possession for over six months. In case of daily rent, the courts may also fix
a longer period after the lessee has stayed in the place for over one month. (Art. 1687)
• When the lessor of a house, or part thereof, used as a dwelling for a family, or when the
lessor of a store, or industrial establishment, also leases the furniture, the lease of the
latter shall be deemed to be for the duration of the lease of the premises. (Art. 1688)