Mid-1 FamilyLaw-1 Q A
Mid-1 FamilyLaw-1 Q A
Mid-1 FamilyLaw-1 Q A
Important Questions:-
Essay questions:
Short Questions:
i). Custom
ii). Judicial separation decree
iii). Voidable marriage
iv). Bar to matrimonial relief
Important Questions:-
Essay questions:
**** Explain the essential conditions for valid Hindu Marriage.
Family meaning: “A family is a group of two or more persons related by
blood, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such persons are
considered as members of one family.”
Love and affection: Between the family members, love and affection is
established. It works as a fuel to run the family.
Hindu Marriage is both sacrament and contract. Section 5 of
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 lays down the conditions of a valid marriage.
The conditions are as follows :
1. Monogamy
2. Mental capacity and Free consent
3. Age Limit/Age of parties
4. Degrees of Prohibited Relationship
5. Sapinda Relationship
6. Requirement of Marriage Ceremonies
7. Requirement of Registration of Marriage, and
8. Free consent of both the parties to the marriage
1). Monogamy:- Neither party has a spouse living at the time of marriage.
2). Mental capacity and Free consent:- At the time of marriage, each party
capable of giving consent, sound mind, not disqualified, not suffering from
mental disorder and capable of procreation of children.
3). Age Limit/Age of parties:- The bridegroom must have completed the
age of 21 years and bride must have completed the age of 18years.
1. Any marriage solemnized in contravention to the above rule U/s.5(v)
of the Act is void according to Sec. 11 of the Act.
2. Any person, who procures such marriage shall be punishable with
simple imprisonment, which may extend to one month or with fine,
which may extend to Rs.1,000/- or with both.
i). Kanyadan: It is a gift of the bride given by her father to the bridegroom.
ii). Homa: The bridegroom offers oblations to the holy-fire in which the
bride participates by grasping the hand of the bridegroom.
iii). Saptapadi: The word ‘Sapta’ means ‘Seven’ and ‘Padi’ means ‘walking
steps’. Saptapadi means ‘walking/taking seven steps by the bridegroom and
the bride jointly around the sacred fire pronouncing certain Mantras and
pledging mutual fidelity with the Agni or sacred fire as witness.
iv). Free consent: Parties to marriage must not only be competent to give
consent and should give consent and should give consent to marry. Such
consent must be freely given.
Essentials of Sec.9:
b). The respondent has withdrawn from the society of the petitioner without
any reasonable cause.
c). The court is satisfied with the truth of the statement made in petition.
d). There is no legal ground why the relief should not be granted.
In this case, the wife with the consent of her husband had undergone
tailoring course and joined employment elsewhere. After sometime, she was
asked to resign the job by her husband, but she refused to do so. Then, the
husband filed a petition under Sec.9 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 for
Restitution of Conjugal Rights. The court directed the wife to go and live
along with her husband.
Agreement between husband and wife to live separately is void because this
agreement is contrary to public policy. The position is same in
Mohammedan Law.
under Sec.18 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, Sec.24 & 25 of
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and Sec.125 to 128 of Cr.P.C.,1973.
Example: If a wife is employed in a different place, her husband may ask her
to resign and join him. If she refuses to resign, then husband may file a
petition and court may direct her to join with her husband as per Sec.9 of
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Then, the question is whether Sec.9 of Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955 is violative of Article 14 & 21 of constitution.
3). Explain the grounds for divorce U/s. 13 of Hindu Marriage Act.
Ans: The very purpose of the marriage is to unite legally a man and
woman to live together peacefully throughout the life.
Divorce meaning:
The word “Divorce” comes from the Latin word “divortium” which
means separation. A divorce is a formal ending of a marriage. It's more
permanent than a separation and involves a legal process. If you get a
divorce, that means the marriage is officially over.
Sec.13 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, deals with divorce. Divorce is a process
by which the marriage is dissolved or comes to an end.
Under the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act, 1976 have been provided to
be grounds of Divorce Under Section 13(1) & (2) of the Act.
After the Amendment Act of 1976, the grounds available for Divorce and
Judicial Separation are common for both Husband and Wife:
i). Adultery
(ii). Cruelty
(iii). Desertion
(iv). Conversion
(v). Unsoundness of mind/Insanity
(vi). Leprosy
vii). Venereal disease/incurable disease
viii). Renunciation of world (Sanyasi/Ethi)
ix). After decree for Restitution of conjugal rights
x). Judicial separation decree
xi). Presumed death/Unheard for seven years
5). Leprosy: It is a god ground for divorce. In Swarajya Lakshmi vs. Padma
Rao, husband a medical practitioner discovered that his wife was suffering
from leprosy. The court granted a decree in favour of the husband.
8). After Decree for Judicial Separation: If the disputing spouse does not
reconcile or resume matrimonial life within one year from the date of decree
for Judicial Separation, either of the spouse can file a petition for divorce.
9). Unsound mind / Insanity: If one spouse has been suffering from
insanity or mental disorder, then the other spouse may obtain divorce on
the ground of nullity.
11). After decree for Restitution of conjugal rights: If the parties do not rejoin
the matrimonial life within one year after obtaining the decree for
Restitution of conjugal rights, either of the parties can file a petition for
b). Sexual Offense, Sec. 377 of IPC, 1860: If the husband commits a
sexual offence like rape, sodomy (homosex), then the wife can file a petition
for divorce.
c). After Decree for maintenance: Wife who has been granted the decree
for maintenance can file a petition for divorce if the cohabitation between
the parties did not take place within one year from the date of the order.
Example: Woman got marriage when she was below 15 years. After
obtaining 15 years and before completion of 18 years of age, she can
repudiate her marriage, but she filed a petition for divorce on the ground of
repudiation of marriage at 19 years of age, is it valid?
Short Questions:
i). Custom (taken from sujatha series)
The importance of the custom: Custom is the parent of personal law
in each country. Even in India, which is a land of diverse customs of
families, castes and regions, custom is the most important source of the
Hindu Law. Custom is based on unrecorded revelation and its observance is
insisted on by the ancient writers. It is a source of law, because the customs
are observed by those which are good and are approved by the public.
Custom in its legal sense means a rule exceptional to the general law.
A rule which in a particular family, class or district has from long usage
obtained the force of law. It must be ancient, certain, reasonable and
continuous and, being in derogation of the general rules of law must be
strictly construed. Custom cannot be extended by analogy, nor one custom
deduced from another.
Still there are several customs and sentiments in the Hindu
Community. The Codified Hindu Laws and other laws also recognize certain
customs, if proved in the Court.
Sec.13 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, lays down that “Facts are
relevant when right or custom is in question”.
Sec.48 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 lays down that “opinion of
third person as to existence of right or custom, are relevant’.
Kinds of custom: There are three kinds of custom recognized by the courts.
i). Family custom ii). Class custom; and iii). Local custom
1. Reasonableness
2. Conformity with statute law
3. Observance as of right
4. Immemorial antiquity
5. Peaceable enjoyment
6. Obligatory force
7. Certainty
8. Consistency
ii). Judicial separation decree
Meaning: A legal or judicial separation permits to parties to a
marriage to life separately. It is one of the matrimonial reliefs given to a
spouse in the Hindu Law.
Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides the Judicial
Separation to the parties to a marriage. The grounds for the judicial
separation are similar with those of the Divorce under Sec.13 enunciated in
that section.
Case laws:
1). Shakuntala vs. Om Prakash: In this case, it was held that, to
constitute a ground for judicial separation or divorce, desertion must be for
the entire statutory period of two years, preceding the date of presentation of
the petition.
the Court of Law. The application to the District Court must be submitted
within the period of limitation prescribed.
ii). The petitioner has, with his or her full consent, lived with
the other party to the marriage as husband or wife after the
force had ceased to operate or, as the case may be, the fraud
had been discovered;
One of the parties to the marriage (i.e. the aggrieved) can avoid/repudiate
the marriage by filing a petition for annulment of marriage under any one of
the following grounds:
a) Impotency;
b) Unsoundness of mind;
c) Use of force or fraud to obtain consent; and
d) Pregnancy by some other at the time of the marriage.
Case law:
In Ratan Moni Devi vs. Nagendra Narain case, the Calcutta High
Court held that the marriage of a female with a male, who was impotent and
who had not been able to consummate he marriage, was a nullity.