Frequency Response of Amplifiers
Frequency Response of Amplifiers
Frequency Response of Amplifiers
where K is a constant, z1, z2, . . . , zm are the transfer function “zeros,” and p1, p2, . . . , pn are
the transfer function “poles.” When the complex frequency is equal to a zero, s = zi , the
transfer function is zero; when the complex frequency is equal to a pole, s = pi , the transfer
function diverges and becomes infinite.
To introduce the frequency response analysis of transistor circuits, we will examine
the circuits shown in Figure .1.
The voltage transfer function for the circuit in Figure.1 can be expressed in a voltage
divider format, as follows:
Bode Plots
A simplified technique for obtaining approximate plots of the magnitude and phase of a
transfer function, given the poles and zeros or the equivalent time constants, was developed
by H. Bode, and the resulting diagrams are called Bode plots.
Figure 2 Bode plot of the voltage transfer function magnitude for the circuit in Figure-1
For very low frequencies, the impedance of CS approaches that of an open circuit, and the
output voltage approaches zero.
This circuit is called a high-pass network since the high-frequency signals are passed
through to the output. We can now understand the form of the Bode plot shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 Bode plot of the voltage transfer function phase for the circuit in Figure-1
Writing a Kirchhoff current law (KCL) equation at the output node, we can determine the
voltage transfer function for the circuit shown in Figure 4, as follows:
In this case, the element RS is in series between the input and output signals, and the
elements RP and CP are in parallel with the output signal.
where τP is also a time constant and is given by τP = (RS//RP)CP.
The transfer function given by Equation ( ) is for the circuit that was shown in Figure 5. If
we replace s by s = jω = j2πf and define a time constant τP as τP = (RS//RP)CP , then the
transfer function is
Figure 7 Bode plot of the voltage transfer function magnitude for the circuit in Figure 4
Figure 8 Bode plot of the voltage transfer function phase for the circuit in Figure-4
Capacitor CS is the coupling capacitor and is in series with the input and output; capacitor CP
is the load capacitor and is in parallel with the output and ground.
Figure 9 Circuit with both a series coupling and a parallel load capacitor
We can determine the voltage transfer function of this circuit by writing a KCL equation at
the output node. The result is
Figure 10 Bode plot of the voltage transfer function magnitude for the circuit in Figure 9
The lower corner, or 3 dB frequency, which is at the low end of the frequency scale, is a
function of the open-circuit time constant and is defined as
The upper corner, or 3 dB, frequency, which is at the high end of the frequency scale, is a
function of the short-circuit time constant and is defined as
The midband range, or bandwidth, is defined by the corner frequencies fL and fH, as follows:
Since fH >> fL , as we have seen in our examples, the bandwidth is essentially given by
T-1 For the equivalent circuit shown in Figure, the parameters are: RS = 1 k , rπ = 2 k , RL
= 4 k , gm = 50 mA/V, and CC = 1 μF.
(a) Determine the expression for the circuit time constant.
(b) Calculate the 3 dB frequency and maximum gain asymptote.
(c) Sketch the Bode plot of the transfer function magnitude.
(Ans. (a) τ = (rπ + RS)CC, (b) f3dB = 53.1 Hz, |T ( jω)|max = 133)
Figure 1(a) shows a bipolar common-emitter circuit with a coupling capacitor. Figure 1(b)
shows the corresponding small-signal equivalent circuit, with then transistor small-signal
output resistance ro assumed to be infinite.
This assumption is valid since ro >>RC and ro >> RE in most cases. At low frequencies,
the impedance of CC becomes large and the output approaches zero.
Figure 1 (a) Common-emitter circuit with coupling capacitor and (b) small-signal equivalent circuit
Current–Voltage Analysis: The input current can be written as
To determine the input resistance to the base of the transistor, we multiplied the emitter
resistance by the factor (1 + β).
Using a current divider, we determine the base current to be
and then,
Example-1 For the circuit shown in Figure-1, the parameters are: R1 = 51.2 k , R2 = 9.6 k , RC =
2 k , RE = 0.4 k , RSi = 0.1 k , CC = 1 μF, and VCC = 10V. The transistor parameters are: VBE(on)
= 0.7V, β = 100, and VA =∞. Calculate the corner frequency and maximum gain of a bipolar
common emitter circuit with a coupling capacitor.
The coupling capacitor produces a high-pass network. In this circuit, if the signal frequency
is approximately two octaves above the corner frequency, the coupling capacitor acts as a
short circuit.
Figure 2 (a) Common-source circuit with output coupling capacitor and (b) small-signal equivalent circuit
The small-signal equivalent circuit, assuming ro is infinite, is shown in Figure -2(b). The
maximum output voltage, assuming CC is a short circuit, is
The corner frequency can be written in terms of the time constant, as follows:
Using the time constant technique to find the corner frequency is substantially easier than
using the circuit analysis approach.