Communication Recalls
Communication Recalls
Communication Recalls
Communication 1 , child 8 months old , has Family Hx oh DDH ,
mis diagnosed , and on 8 months he developed symptoms of DDH,
like asymmetry thigh creas or folds , and they did x Ray for him
showed DDH finding , please talk with his mother , and discuss
with her the misdiagnosed issue , mother was angry for some
candidates but fir me she was OK, I don't feel there is proplem in
this station
Difficult college changing notes
1. 14 yrs. tuberculosis, Inform the mother about diagnosis and
2. 15 yrs. girl stool positive for h pylori inform her about diagnosis
and management
Comm 1: Mum wants to do gene test for Huntington Chorea for
newborn baby because her father newly diagnosed. She doesn't
know if she has it.
Method of inheritance? Symptoms onset?
Comm 2: Consent NGT from 16 y old girl with Crohns for elemental
diet because she did not tolerate its taste.
Asked about analgesia? Other options? School friends making fun
of her? Support group?
Comms 2: New mother day 5 child has jaundice and weight loss.
Very long scenario needed to read to make sure not missing
anything. Counsel for admission. Hidden agenda mother no
-Was about chronic constipation , talk with nadia ( I forget inside the
station who's Nadia , is she a nurse or medical student, I ask her
after introduction what she to address her , she said Nadia , then
she ask me a lot of questions, about chronic constipation and
overflow and hirshprung disease, I forget the time and they tell me
finish without summary and with no offers for website and leaflet or
books , very bad station at the end , but I answered all her questions
and time over , will see the comments later
-Child 8 months old , has Family Hx oh DDH , misdiagnosed , and
on 8 months he developed symptoms of DDH, like asymmetry thigh
crease or folds , and they did x Ray for him showed DDH finding ,
please talk with his mother , and discuss with her the misdiagnosed
issue , mother was angry for some candidates but fir me she was
OK, I don't feel there is problem in this station , will see the result
Communication 1:
15 years old with stool test having h pylori infection. Explain
diagnosis and treatment plan to her.
She kept asking if it's transmitted to other ppl
Communication 2:
20 wks pregnant lady with cleft lip and cleft palate on antenatal scan,
explain to mother. Asked about her fault and what you will do after
Communication: Missed DDH mother angry
2.Communication: Talk to pregnant mother about management of
cleft lip and cleft palates when the child is born
1: Nadia 4th year medical student just 5 weeks in rotation. She has
taken history from mother of Amer 4years old with 2years h/o
chronic constipation. He has soiling and overflow. He passed
meconium within 24hours. Potty training started 2years ago. He
has mass in the left iliac fossa. Explain the causes and
management of Constipation.
2. Charlie Ward FY1 paediatric trainee. He has examined Billy who
has come with lower rashes, diagnosed as HSP. You have
checked the discharged notes and noted he has inserted BP and
dipstick urine findings and a differential diagnosis of HSP. His
previous notes didn’t have this.
Talk to Charlie and explain him about the acute contemporaneous
Transition for type 1 DM with recent poor control.
Comms: Angry mum, child fitted as anti-epileptic medications were
delayed (NBM for Sx) which was delayed for emergency op.
15 yrs old girl, vegetarian, had menorrhagia and irregular bleed for
some time. Now presented with fainting episodes 3-4 times in
school. Hb- 6.5, low iron and MCV. Talk to her.
Mother of 6 yrs old child. Her son’s one of school fellow, 1 yr senior
than him is suffering from meningitis and is admitted in our A & E
department. She has come for the check-up of her son in our A&E
who’s having flu for 1 wk, cough for 1 day but no fever n rash so
found to have URTI, that is viral. But she’s worried that her son
might also be having meningitis.
You are paediatric specialist registrar in Uni hospital. Talk to Dr
Kenneth new surgical MO. Nurses noted he sees patient when
parents not around few times. One incident 14yr girl appendicitis
he examined without chaperone. Talk to him regarding importance
of chaperone.
- he says he is busy, can't catch up alone in casualty, can't find
- he did say child agrees when he ask for exam
- so did patient complain him now.
IDA vegetarian and Mx for IDA, talk to the teenager who didn’t
want to take any iron supplements or vegetables high in iron.
Talk about ethics to medical student. One case is HIE with multi
organ failure and max intensive support, another one is Ex prem
26 week with IVH grade 3 on ventilator now
childhood obesity
2: explain to mom for reintroduction of enteral feeds with recent
You are taking with Mustafa 4th yr medical student about pt with
ASD, he Assessed by psychologist and diagnosed to have sensory
processing disorder he was admitted with fever 39.5 failed to do
venepuncture. Task: to Explain to Mustafa about ASD. He asked
about sensory processing disorder. After I explaining to him the 3
features of autism. He Asked me that he feel that he is isolated, so
do you think I have ASD hhhh. (I said to him I am not in position to
diagnose you, as I am responsible only for children and best to ask
adult psychologist). He is contd to ask, ask, ask he didn't give me a
chance to summarize
Comm 2: Shahad she is 16 yrs old known to have CF on regular
F/U. He annual fasting glucose 8 mmol/l. 2h GTT 14 mmol/l. Ask
about why she has diabetes – mechanism. She is persistently
refusing insulin, she ask for alternative
talk to mother- refused to use steroid cream for bad eczema for the
- talk to medical student about cooling therapy for HIE baby
Adolescent with DM, has many social issues, missed meal and
insulin, uncontrolled sugar level. Task- talk to him on positive urine
microalbuminuria for 3 consecutive result and management plan.
Coms B: anxious mother, with baby diagnosed Eczema, recovered
from eczema herpeticum, has recurrent flare. Discuss on
management plan. Respiratory/ other: look at face and chest and
proceed. Finding: left lower motor neurone facial nerve palsy with
left malformed ear has right VP shunt, thoracic scoliosis, and left
chest wall deformity.
Comm 2: Anxious mom has 9 months old baby with eczema. had 1
admission for eczema herpeticum. eczema still flares. worried
about mx eczema and concern about probiotic, breast feeding only
for 2 months, disturbed sleep, on hydrocortisone prn and emollient.
mum concern regarding steroid, formula milk, poor knowledge
Recurrent hypoglycaemia
WPW, Comm
2: UTI and DMSA
Tension headache
Comm 2: SHO second year doesn’t want to do discharge summary
2. Frm Rebecca book. Child admitted for elective surgery and got
postponed. Child have underlying epilepsy, stable on Epilim (sod
valproate). Ur ENT colleague asked u to talk to Mum as child fitted
for a minute. This station, mother kept talking non-stop. Don’t know
if I pass
Teenager with T1 DM
Comm 2: 10 months with DDH
Speak to mum who wants circumcision for 2 year old son with non-
retraction penis
Comms 2: Speak to 15 year old boy not compliant to Valproate
Comm 2: EBM Missing. Feed prem baby with formula milk. Mother
angry and also have background h/o struggle with EBM. Angry
mother who want to see doctor and find out what happen. (I should
have talked louder, only realised when the station is almost
finished, noticed that he tilted his head to listen to me).
Approach for second comm:
Apology - Incident report, investigation - Explain NEC that not only
because of not getting EBM - Reassurance- just check → baby is
fine - Refer to EBM nurse
▪ Speak to teenager about drinking
▪ Speak to parent about child in neonatal unit having MRSA
▪ Infant on ward for UTI developed RSV + bronchiolotis, explain to
▪ 4 month old infant with spiral humeral fracture, explain concerns
and further management to mum
▪ Explain to a medical student re a situation of a 15 year old child
with CF who refused IV antibiotics and how I handled this
▪ Precocious puberty
▪ Mum of 4 year old boy with leg pains, investigations normal.
Diagnosis Benign Nocturnal Growing pains of childhood. Task:
Give diagnosis and explain management. Mum widowed, dad
died of leukaemia, presented in same way so anxious ++
▪ 8 hr old baby found blue on PNW - congenital cyanotic heart
disease - now ventilated on prostin and awaiting transfer to
tertiary centre. Task: Explain to mum what cong cyanotic heart
disease is and its management (also had to update her on the
baby's current clinical condition!!)
▪ Speak to this teenager who has taken paracetamol overdose
▪ Talk to a mum whose daughter came in overnight with a
significant paracetamol OD explain medical management and
▪ Child given someone elses intrathecal methotrexate (too small a
dose) - Drug error scenario
▪ Headache - mum wanted brain scan but history of tension
headache (explaining why not necessary and referral to
headache clinic)
▪ Boy with learning difficulties. Get consent for genetics for fragile
X. Mum asked why needs consent (examiner commented on
feed back sheet that you need to clarify with parents that they
would need to be tested if positive - need to spell out would
indicate non paternity)
▪ Baby with hypothyroidism: abnormal Guthrie and TFTs. Explain
the diagnosis to Mum, treatment and investigations
▪ Speak to a mother about her 7 year old child with nocturnal
enuresis (see NICE guidelines)
▪ Bruising noted on the back of a child with CF. Mum claimed it is
secondary to chest physio. Discuss with Mum, including
concerns and management
▪ Explain to medical students about drug trials in paediatrics
▪ 4 month with spiral fracture of humerus – discuss with parents
including management
▪ Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy – explain the
genetics/inheritance to the parents
▪ Febrile neutropenia – Mum upset as she felt staff on ward not
following proper infection control guidelines
▪ Discuss with mother the benefits of treatment of helicobacter
pylori treatment – mum doesn’t believe in giving medicines to
▪ Explain to Mum why her baby (an ex-34 weeker) isn’t going to
be offered the RSV vaccine as her friend has a baby who was
an ex-27 weeker with CLD who is.
▪ Discussion with surgical ST4 who is refusing to accept a likely
case of appendicitis in a child.
▪ D5 infant collapsed and unwell in resus – ventilated with
probable diagnosis of aortic coarctation. Counsel parents,
including need for transport, surgery, PICU
▪ Infant with UTI – discuss results of US/MCUG/DMSA – explain
follow up including BP, review etc
▪ Mum angry that her baby (breastfeeding) given formula feed on
▪ Child with CP in residential home – Mum has full parental rights.
Consultant wants hyoscine but Mum refuses. Discuss the
risks/benefits/ethics of this with as medical student
▪ Discuss management of NAS with a Mum who denying drug
abuse/social work involvement
▪ Discuss H.pylori treatment with a 14 year old with abdominal
pain and positive stool results (family history of gastric cancer)
▪ Discuss with Mum who has a child with short stature and is
enquiring about growth hormone although it isn’t indicated.
▪ 2 year old with bloody stools – lives on farm. Mum doesn’t want
to stay for bloods to be checked – manage
▪ Infant with UTI – discuss with parents including investigations
and management
▪ Discuss with mum in child presenting with NAI – FTT,
unexplained bruising, torn frenulum (+ disclosed domestic abuse
from Mum)
▪ Discuss with mother of 4m old presenting with spinal fracture
▪ Discuss with teenage girl having NGT passed for new diagnosis
of Crohns
▪ Drunk teenager, morning after admission. Discuss risks of
drinking alcohol, explore other risk taking behaviour
▪ Talk to mother of 14 yr old girl with +ve Mantoux and normal
CXR after TB contact. Explain results and management
1. WPW
2. Epilepsy
1. Costitutional Delay
2. DDH
6. Precocious puberty
12. Boy with learning difficulties. Get consent for genetics for
fragile X. Mum asked why needs consent (examiner
commented on feedback sheet that you need to clarify with
parents that they would need to be tested if positive - need to
spell out would indicate non paternity)
21. Explain to Mum why her baby (an ex-34 weeker) isn’t going
to be offered the RSV vaccine as her friend has a baby who
was an ex-27 weeker with CLD who is.
29. Discuss with Mum who has a child with short stature and
is enquiring about growth hormone although it isn’t indicated.
38. familial short stature 17 yrs old girl with normal puberty
56. new mother day 5 child has jaundice and weight loss. Very
long scenario needed to read to make sure not missing
anything. Counsel for admission. Hidden agenda mother no
57.angry mum, child fitted as anti-epileptic medications were
delayed as NBM for operation which was delayed for
61. anxious mom has 9 months old baby with eczema. had 1
admission for eczema herpeticum. eczema still flares. worried
about mx eczema and concern about probiotic, breast feeding
only for 2 months, disturbed sleep, on hydrocortisone prn and
emollients mum concern regarding steroid, formula milk, poor
83. Angry mother: son admitted for UTI, catch up RSV In ward.
Very upset mother
98. IDA vegetarian and Mx for IDA, talk to the teenager who
didn’t want to take any iron supplements or vegetables high in
99. Talk about ethics to medical student. One case is HIE with
multi organ failure and max intensive support, another one is
Ex prem 26 weeks with IVH grade 3 on ventilator now
109. mother asks for more investigations for her child he has
URTI and she is afraid from meningitis and ask to break
confidentiality about another child. (Jeddah - Sep 2021)
111. You are taking with Mustafa 4th yr medical student about
pt with ASD, he Assessed by psychologist and diagnosed to
have sensory processing disorder he was admitted with fever
39.5 failed to do venipuncture
112. Explaining ADHD to medical student. (Jeddah - Aug 2021
- Day 2 (26/8/21)
113. talk to mother asking for series of test and admission for
her 3 years old child because 1 student in the school has
meningococcal. (Jeddah - Aug 2021 - Day 2 (26/8/21)
126. Audit cycle and he ask also about research and Clinical
128. EBM Missing. Feed prem baby with formula milk. Mother
angry and also have background h/o struggle with EBM.
Angry mother who wants to see doctor and find out what
happen. (I should have talked louder, only realized when the
station is almost finished, noticed that he tilted his head to
listen to me). Approach for second comm: Apology - Incident
report, investigation - Explain NEC that not only because of
not getting EBM - Reassurance- just check → baby is fine -
Refer to EBM nurse
● Explain to parents what is meant by an ‘innocent murmur’ and
what is its’
● Duct dependent lesions – explain likely diagnosis and
Ie child stated on prostin and transferred to tertiary centre
● My child has been given a diagnosis of PPHN – what is this?
● Counsel parents on a child with first episode of SVT.
● ‘My child has a VSD. Do they need to take ongoing antibiotics to
avoid a bacterial
● Child with VSD – explain risks of infective endocarditis and NICE
Child Development & Community Paediatrics
● What is a squint and how is this managed?
● Management of a child referred for global developmental delay –
include excluding
genetic and medical causes and involvement with community
● A mother has come to see you because her school has
suggested her child is on the
autistic spectrum. What does this mean?
● Explanation about the diagnosis of ADHD.
● Mother does not want to have her child immunised and has been
referred to discuss
the pros/cons.
● NAI – this comes up commonly in these scenarios!!
● Psychiatry – topics that often come up are overdose and alcohol
● Be aware of areas of competence in children – ie when is a child
competent to make
their own decisions ie Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines
● Eczema – management
● Every strange endocrine abnormality has been asked in either
stations or physical examinations so know about hormones,
● ‘My child is short . . . is this normal?’
● ‘My child is 6 years old and has some breast development and
pubic hair . . . ‘ – have
an algorithm of investigation for precocious and also delayed
● Ambigious genitalia in the newborn – they would have to be
really nasty to ask you
● Diabetes – so many communication things regarding this. Sick
day management,
counselling re poor compliance/recent DKA, management of
episodes, insulin pumps
● Assessment of the obese child.
● Discussion with mother regarding the benefits of breast feeding
● My child is falling off their growth chart . . . organic vs nonorganic
● Mother with baby with reflux . . . how do the agents work ? ie
gaviscon, carobel,
ranitidine, domperidone, omeprazole
● Child diagnosed with coeliac disease – discuss with parents the
implications for
management and effect on the child.
● Gastroenteritis – give advise on treatment and management at
home to parents.
Know the NICE guidelines
● Counselling on treatment of constipation – 3 phases:
disimpaction, maintenance and
bowel retraining.
● Explain to a mother why her baby is jaundiced (newborn
hyperbilirubinaemia) and is this is serious?
● The same as above with conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia and
further management
● Explain to the parents the mode of inheritance of . . . . know this
for the rarer
X-linked etc and make sure you can explain how. Diagrams help.
● Important genetic topics
- My child has been diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome. What does
this mean?
- A blood test was taken without us knowing for Trisomy 21? Why
& why wasn’t I
- I am a carrier for CF. What is the impact this will have on having a
Haematology & Oncology
● Explain to a medical student the ABO system/Coombs & Direct
Coombs test
● A mother refuses vitamin K for her newborn baby. Explain why
this is important.
Also oral vs IM.
Infectious Diseases
● Bacterial meningitis – an infant/child has been diagnosed with
bacterial meningitis.
Explain diagnosis to parents, treatment and likely outcome.
● Counsel a parent regarding LP – why must their child have this
done and what are
the contraindications?
● Parent doesn’t want her child immunised with Hepatitis B /TB etc
Metabolic Medicine
● Know neonatal screening/Guthrie test and about the diseases it
tests for ie PKU, CF
● Explain to a medical student the principles for screening
metabolic diseases in the UK
● Counsel parents whose is 23+ weeks pregnant who has gone
into labour . . . (also for
differing gestations)
● Explain to a medical student about survival of preterm neonates,
including the
epicure study
● Counsel parents regarding the finding of a grade 1/2/3/4 IVH
bleed in their infant
and what this means
● As above, vitamin K in the newborn and physiological vs non
physiological jaundice
● Explain to a medical student some of the common problems
associated with
● My child has an UTI. What is the treatment and follow up? Why
is this necessary?
● My child wets the bed at night. Why and what the treatment
● Neonatal neurology – HIE, PVL, IVH
● Counsel parents with first seizure/ongoing seizures etc including
● My child has a headache . . . . I want a scan. What are the
different types of
headaches and treatment options.
● Non-accidental head injury
● Cerebral palsy – breaking bad news to parents.
● Management of chronic asthma – know the BTS guidelines, how
to use a
puffer/inhaler etc
● Counselling parents on the importance of treatment after an
acute episode requiring
admission with poor compliance
● Cystic fibrosis
- Genetics: explain the inheritance and likelihood of transmission
- Diagnostic tests available
- Ongoing management. Remember GI effects also.
- Follow up/management
● Bronchiolitis – parents with ex 28 week infant want to know if
their child should be
vaccinated and how can they avoid their child getting it?
● Counsel parents regarding diagnosis of JIA
● Antenatal counselling of diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic
● Managing difficult situations – ie importance of recannulation
after several missed
attempts for bacterial meningitis etc