Atf Hibp Invt
Atf Hibp Invt
Atf Hibp Invt
10 16
Kenneth A Connor
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
4505 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63 (lo), October 1992 0034-6746/92/104505-06SO2.00 @ 1992 American Institute of Physics 4505
plane and the entire secondary-ion energy is determined.
The EBT beam probe4 is an example of such a two-
dimensional system.
It is not quite correct to claim that a beam probe can
directly measure the plasma potential. While the secondary
ion does indeed carry such direct information on Qp out of
the plasma, the determination of the ion energy depends on
the model of analyzer operation.” An ion entering the
analyzer aperture in a known direction at a known energy
will follow a unique trajectory through the field of the
analyzer. A detector placed at some location along this
FIG. 1. Principles of heavy ion beam probing. trajectory can confirm that the initial energy and direction
were correctly known. This is approximately what is done
in a HIBP analyzer. The finite size aperture defines a small
maks, bumpy tori, and central cells of tandem mirrors have rectangular beam from the usually wider finite width fan of
been built so that the primary and secondary ions remained secondary ions leaving the plasma. This beam passes
in or near to a well-defined plane as they passed through through the analyzer and is collected on metal detector
the system. These approximately two-dimensional systems plates, Four such plates are used as shown in Fig. 2, where
were possible because the confining magnetic fields were a generic beam shape as the ions strike the detector is also
produced exclusively or predominately by discrete pancake indicated. If the same amount of current is collected on
coils configured into a torus or a solenoid. Between each each plate and if the beam defined by the aperture has
pair of coils is a plane where the magnetic field is directed uniform current density, the center of the beam coincides
primarily parallel to the coil axes (perpendicular to this with the up-down and right-left gaps between the plates. It
plane). Any ion injected into this plane will remain in the is the accuracy of this model or a suitably modified model
plane. that determines the accuracy of the measurement of Qp.
The energy of the secondary ions (in volts) leaving the For example, while a model has been developed that uses
plasma exceeds that of the primary ions by an amount the differences between the upper and lower plate currents
equal to the value of the electric potential Qp at the sample and thus does not require exactly balanced currents, it is
volume location. This dependence of the secondary-ion en- still a model with limitations, as we shall see.
ergy on cDp is direct and model independent, unlike the The design of most plasma diagnostics is significantly
density dependence of the total detected secondary ion cur- simpler in one respect than heavy ion beam probes because
rent. By using an energy analyzer as our detector it is they involve direct line of sight processes. While aligning
possible to exploit this dependence and obtain a direct optical systems is never easy, at least the photons travel in
measurement of plasma potential; the analyzer is therefore straight lines. Complete determination of the primary-
the heart of a beam probe system. In nearly all cases to secondary ion trajectories requires accurate initial position
date (TM-4 being an exception) a Proca and Green-type and direction, final position, and an accurate model of the
parallel-plate electrostatic energy analyzer9 has been used. magnetic and electric fields throughout the entire region
A side view of the ATF analyzer is shown in Fig. 2. Such occupied by the diagnostic apparatus and the plasma. The
an analyzer is capable of measuring only kinetic energy due design of most systems to date has been simplified by the
to velocity components that lie in the plane of the figure. In fact that the confining magnetic field has a negligible effect
a two-dimensional or nearly two-dimensional beam probe in the region of the HIBP electrostatic components: the
system, the plane of Fig. 2 coincides with the trajectory accelerator, the sweep plates, and the analyzer. Thus, each
of these components can be characterized using only the
design electrostatic field.
The ATF HIBP system-excluding electronics-is
shown in Fig. 3. (Additional information on other hard-
ware is contained in Refs. 5-8). A top view of the primary
and secondary beam lines is provided in Fig. 4. There are
f x, 1 Yd”Yd2+Ydl
significant characteristics of this system that deviate sub-
stantially from the ideal two-dimensional geometry dis-
IMAGE OF SECONDARY cussed in the previous section. First, and foremost, the
geometry is fully three dimensional. The centers of the
input and output ports are separated toroidally by 15”. The
I,. ia, ig, 14 SPLIT PLATE CURRENTS complicated orientations of the vacuum chambers are ne-
cessitated by the complex ion trajectories. This makes the
FIG. 2. Side view of ATF electrostatic energy analyzer. Detector plates determination of where various components exist in space
show image of secondary-ion beam. and even their shapes difficult to determine because there is
4506 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 63, No. IO, October 1992 Plasma diagnostics 4506
ORNL-DWG 90-2530 FED
10G 16G 27 G
FIG. 3. South elevation view of ATF HIBP. Contour lines show strength of the magnetic field.
4508 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 63, No. 10, October 1992 Plasma diagnostics 4508
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.01 I I I I
0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.A.O
Time (Seconds)
I ,
4509 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 63, No. 10, October 1992 Plasma diagnostics 4509
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*J. J. Zielinski, S. C. Aceto, K. A. Connor, J. F. Lewis, J. C. Glowienka,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT G. H. Henkel, D. T. Fehling, W. R. DeVan, K. D. St. Onge, D. K. Lee,
and A. Camevali, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 2961 ( 1990).
This work was supported by Martin Marietta Corpo- 9G. A. Proca and T. J. Green, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 41, 1778 (1970).
ration. “L. Solensten and K. A. Connor, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 58, 517 (1987).
“J. J. Zielinski, S. C. Aceto, J. G. Schwelberger, K. A. Connor, J. F.
Lewis, and J. C. Glowienka, these proceedings.
‘P. M. Schoch, A. Camevali, K. A. Connor, T. P. Crowley, J. L. Forster, 12S.C. Aceto, K. A. Connor, J. G. Schwelberger,and J. J. Zielinski, these
R. L. Hickok, J. F. Lewis, J. G. Schatz, and G. A. Hallock, Rev. Sci. proceedings.
Instrum. 59, 1646 (1988). ‘3J. G. Schwelberger, S. C. Aceto, K. A. Connor, J. J. Zieiinski, L.
*T. P. Crowley, S. C. Aceto, K. A. Connor, J. W. Heard, R. L. Hickok, Baylor, A. C. England, C. H. Ma, M. Murakami, and T. Uckan, these
J. F. Lewis, P. E. McLaren, A. Ouroua, J. G. Schatz, P. M. Schoch, J. proceedings.
4510 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 63, No. 10, October 1992 Plasma diagnostics 4510