BCM 206
BCM 206
BCM 206
Public Finance/
S– 424/BCM-206 1
Section – A /
(Long Answer – type questions) / ¼nh?kZ mRrjksa okys ç'u½
Note: Section 'A' contains Five (05) long-answer-type
questions of Nineteen (19) marks each. Learners are
required to answer any two (02) questions only.
[2 x 19 = 38]
uksV % [k.M ^d* esa ik¡p ¼05½ nh?kZ mRrjksa okys ç'u fn;s
x;s gSa] çR;sd ç'u ds fy, mUuhl ¼19½ vad fu/kkZfjr
gSaA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy nks ¼02½ ç'uksa ds
mRrj nsus gSaA
S– 424/BCM-206 2
Q.2. Discuss the meaning and importance of budget. How is
it prepared and executed in India?
ctV ds vFkZ vkSj egRo dks le>kb;sA Hkkjr esa ;g fdl
izdkj rS;kj vkSj fØ;kfUor fd;k tkrk gS\
S– 424/BCM-206 3
Section – B /
(Short-answer-type questions) /
Note: Section 'B' contains Eight (08) short-answer-type
questions of Eight (08) marks each. Learners are
required to answer any Four (04) questions only.
[4 x 8 = 32]
uksV % [k.M ^[k* esa vkB ¼08½ y?kq mRrjksa okys ç'u fn;s
x;s gSa] çR;sd ç'u ds fy, vkB ¼08½ vad fu/kkZfjr
gSaA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy pkj ¼04½ ç'uksa ds
mRrj nsus gSaA
S– 424/BCM-206 4
Q.3. Distinguish between direct and indirect taxs.
izR;{k vkSj vizR;{k djksa ds chp Hksn dhft,A
S– 424/BCM-206 5