Waw Ka Saken
Waw Ka Saken
Waw Ka Saken
Since I was in high school I always see my self as an effective teacher that’s the
reason why I do love speaking in front of everyone. Like for example I do love
presenting nor reporting. The one who also motivates me to confidently present in
front of my classmates since then and even now is the advantage I have the thing
that I’m gifted to have a louder and clear voice. I am very confident to do so because
classmates I always bring my copy but that is not mean that I do not master my
topic. I do research and give effort to familiarize and give a simple but
best wasn’t enough for I thought it is. Maybe because one of the primary reasons for
and effort required to research, organize, and structure my content. Nervousness got
the best of me during my presentation. I found myself stumbling over words and
losing track of my main points even though I have the copy in me during my
presentation. Maybe the reason also the fear of failure often hinders our ability to
perform well. This experience has taught me that failure is a natural part of the
learning process. Instead of fearing it, I should embrace it as an opportunity to grow.
learned so much things that I/we need to sunog ng kilay thing to survive for us to get
what we aim for. Two of my professor really made me realize that I need to boost my
classmate’s question that time now I know what to do what to be corrected with in
me. That in presenting I do need to memorize the meanings and examples I will
gonna present in front of my classmates because in this I will gonna enable to show
that I did master my topic. With that they’ll see me as a effective teacher who I want
them to embody with in myself. The confrontation of our professor did woke me up in
many things I do admire them for saying that for slapping me for reality that being
confident in front of many people is not enough for me to look smart and
that looks improving and I do believe and honestly say that somehow I came in front
of them that I don’t memorize what I need nor have to say. In the say presentation in
this subject I thought I did best and I thought our professor will gonna compliment me
for having a confidence and determination to do so but that one is not enough for
them to empress and maybe also my fellow classmates though. The one who get
impressed is, me. As a student I have witnessed how they deliver their discussion
how they shower us knowledgeable specific thing that we need to learn without
looking at their copy though they don’t bring nor have a copy. They masterized
everything they need to masterized. And that’s the one thing I need to enhance I
already have the confidence and determination. Now, I will work on my masteral in
this degree. My bad presentation served as a wake-up call, highlighting the areas
presentation skills, and embracing failure as a catalyst for personal and professional
growth. With these lessons in mind, I am confident that my future presentations will
be more polished, engaging, and impactful. Especially now that we are full pack of
Maybe because our school especially in CTE department goal is to maintain and aim
the goal of having a great teachers ahead of time. I’ve noticed that they were very
strict with in that matter because SKSU should embody and have a standard
students that they deserve that’s the reason why they’re only also accepting
professional known professors are important to ensure quality education for us all. It
institutions can prepare us, students for academic success and success in an ever-
necessary to shape a brighter and more prosperous future for the whole society.
They have proven that they really are experts and masterized because of the
learning they have given to us, their students. I love how they motivate us by waking
up us especially me in real world that this degree is not a joke thing not a thing to
fool around I need to strive more because I’m not of the best thing I thought about I
need to climb more enable to get the expectations I thought I already had. I need to
come up in such thing that I am lack of I need to improve especially in presenting
skills. I am not who I think I view my self. I am full of confidence embodied in me but
lack of expertise. This will be the end of my pahapos presentation and tinamad
making PPT and visual aids. I am a future teacher I do really need to get productive
for me to teach my future students effectively well. In this stage, I really thought that
confidence and my passion in teaching will make me feel enough and impressive but
the truth is not. The reality slapped me so I’m happy to woke up. I know this is the
start of my journey I will gonna encounter many obstacles more than this so I am
genuinely very grateful that as early as I can I have point out my flaws and mistakes
for me to do it much better next time. I am not only pointing out here the flaws I had
entered college. Maybe I took easy in college maybe I literally did enjoy and not
sinking in within me that I am now a college student and not a high school baby
anymore. It wakes me up to the real battle in my college stage. The thing that I
shouldn’t not be stable to took advantage and make easy lazy in every step I walk in
every path strive. I wanna improve more not only in presenting but in all forms of my