June 2014 Paper
June 2014 Paper
June 2014 Paper
Read Passage 2 in the insert and answer all the questions below.
From paragraph 1
4 (a) What were Alice and her grandmother doing on that ‘particular day’?
They went shopping
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
answer is indirectly given
(b) Give two of the ways in which the writer indicates that Alice was only a little girl.
(i) Shopping bag with small handles knocked her on the leg
She didn't know which items went together in the same bag
(ii) She was covering her body with a string bag and pretended to be a net man
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
From paragraph 2
5 (a) Before she ‘extricated her fingers from Elspeth’s’, in what two ways was Alice misbehaving?
(b) ‘Tiny beads of moisture left a ghostly imprint’ of her nose and lips on the glass. Without
using the words of the passage, explain exactly what is happening here.
small droplet of breadth left a scary image
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(c) Explain in your own words how Alice’s feelings changed as she looked at the ‘glass cabinet’.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
From paragraph 3
6 (a) Inside the antiques shop, Alice saw a table with a ‘polished’ surface. What did the surface of
the table remind her of?
a pond
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(b) Alice thought of the antiques shop as a ‘temple of wonders’. Pick out and write down the
single word used later in the paragraph which continues this idea of ‘temple’.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
From paragraph 4
7 (a) What effect is created by the word ‘looming’ that would not be created by, for example, the
word ‘appearing’?
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) ‘The floor fell away and she was rising towards a low red lantern covered with the writhing
green bodies of dragons, which was hanging from the ceiling. Then the floor was coming up
to meet her again’. Explain fully what was happening here.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
From paragraph 5
8 (a) Explain precisely the two methods, according to the shop owner, for deciding whether pearls
are real pearls or fake.
letting them contact with human skin and it'll start to glow if real
(i) .............................................................................................................................................
rubbing it against your teeth and it will feel grainy if it is real
(ii) ........................................................................................................................................ [2]
(b) Alice was ‘enchanted’. Pick out and write down the single word used later in the paragraph
which continues the idea of ‘enchanted’.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
From paragraph 8
9 ‘Don’t be ridiculous... . Are you running a business or what?’ Explain fully what Elspeth means by
..................................................................................................................................................... [2]
10 Choose five of the following words. For each of them give one word or short phrase (of not more
than seven words) which has the same meaning that the word has in the passage.