DTR Blank
DTR Blank
DTR Blank
For the month of AUGUST 2023 For the month of AUGUST 2023
Official hours for arrival Regular days _________ Official hours for arrival Regular days _________
and departure Saturdays _________ and departure Saturdays _________
A.M. P.M. Undertime A.M. P.M. Undertime
Day Depar- Depar- Min- Day Depar- Depar- Min-
Arrival Arrival Hours Arrival Arrival Hours
ture ture utes ture ture utes
1 1
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Total Total
I certify on my honor that the above is a true and correct report of the I certify on my honor that the above is a true and correct report of the
hours of work performed, record of which was made daily at the time hours of work performed, record of which was made daily at the time
of arrival and departure from office. of arrival and departure from office.
______________________ ______________________
VERIFIED as to the prescribed office hours: VERIFIED as to the prescribed office hours:
In Charge In Charge