Anclaisse20150220coalcoalashboratefusion EN
Anclaisse20150220coalcoalashboratefusion EN
Anclaisse20150220coalcoalashboratefusion EN
Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world [1]. It has been used by humans for centuries and is still widely used today
to produce electricity, steel and industry materials such as cement [2].
It is essential for industries to characterize coal to fully understand its use as well as to manage the recovery of its derivative
products in order to reduce the environmental impact. Characterization also prevents damages on industrial equipment
caused by mineral deposit in furnaces and kettles [3].
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that precision and accuracy criteria in standard methods such as ASTM D6357,
ASTM D6349 and AS 1038.14 1-2003 can be met by using borate fusion as a dissolution method for ICP-OES analysis. This
preparation step will be facilitated by using LeNeo® fusion instrument.
A Fisher Scientific Isotemp® muffle furnace was used for the LOI determinations and the preparation of ignited samples.
A Perkin Elmer® Optima® 7300 DV ICP-OES spectrometer was used to collect the data. The operating parameters used on
the spectrometer are shown in Table 1.
The ashes were then fused following the procedure of mixing 0.150 g of lithium nitrate (LiNO3) and 1.000 g of lithium
metaborate/1.5% lithium bromide (LiM/LiBr) flux in Pt/Au crucibles. A fully automatic LeNeo instrument was used to fuse the
The complete process of fusion and dissolution took less than 15 minutes. The resulting solutions were then diluted up to
200 mL in 10% nitric acid for subsequent analyses on a Perkin Elmer Optima 7300 DV ICP-OES.
High lithium matrix can cause signal suppression or signal increase for some elements.
In order to counteract this effect, matrix matching and internal standards were used. The dilution of sample prevented any
clogging caused by a high salt matrix. The calibration solutions of each element were done in a LiM/LiBr 1.5% matrix, just
like the sample. Calibration curves were done using a concentration range close to the sample concentrations.
Sample concentrations are within the calibration range. Five points including the blank were used for each element. The
correlation of each curve was higher than 0.999.
MDL= 3 x S10
Table 2: Method detection limit obtained by wavelength used and type of view
Table 3: Precision and accuracy in brown coal fly ash with reference material EOP 12-1-02
Accuracy RSD
Elements Certified values (%)* Experimental values (%) n=10 Precision t0,975;9 (%)
(%) %)
*Measured as Al but reported as Al2O3 on the certificate of analysis provided with material
Table 6 shows the recovery values obtained in different matrixes. Recovery was calculated on five replicates in each of the
certified reference materials used.
Table 6: Recovery obtained in coal, ash and fly ash
EOP 12-1-02 NCS FC28127 VS 7177-95
(Brown coal fly ash) (Coal ash) (Coal)
Spiked values Spiked values Spiked values
Recovery RSD Recovery RSD Recovery RSD
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
of this information and we shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for damages in connection with the use of this material. Malvern Panalytical reserves the right to change the content in this material at any time without notice.
K 3 91 3 5 102 2 3 91 4
Disclaimer: Although diligent care has been used to ensure that the information in this material is accurate, nothing herein can be construed to imply any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, correctness or completeness
Mn 1 102 1 5 100 0.7 1 104 0.6
P 1 99 1 1 103 1 1 101 3
Copyright: © 2023 Malvern Panalytical. This publication or any portion thereof may not be copied or transmitted without our express written permission. anclaisse20150220coalcoalashboratefusion-EN
1 97 3 5 100 1 1 96 3
Sr 1 96 1 1 100 0.9 1 98 3
The results presented in the previous tables indicate that sample preparation by borate fusion followed by ICP-OES analysis
is an effective method to analyse coal and fly ash. The accuracy obtained (between 91.0 and 99.6%) combined with an
excellent recovery (100% ± 3% for most elements with a relative standard deviation below 3% for all elements, except for two
of them) show that the method is highly efficient. The method also showed good precision, thus proving its receptivity. This
demonstrates that the use of LeNeo fusion instrument leads to reproducible and efficient methods, despite the sample
dissolution to reduce its salt content.
[ 1 ] Coal Association of Canada. “About Coal”. Retrieved from the Website Calgary, Alberta. 2015.
[ 2 ] Coal Association of Canada. “Module 1: Coal Evolution”. Retrieved from the official Website at
content/uploads/2012/04/module1_evolution.pdf. Calgary, Alberta. 2003. 12pp.
[ 3 ] PITRE, J. and BÉDARD, M. “Characterization of Coal and its By-products Using Borate Fusion and ICP-OES Analysis”.
ICP-OES application note. 2014.
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