5320 1 NCAMP Material Base Specification

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NMS 532 Rev A

Date: May 18, 2015

Document No.: NMS 532, Revision A May 18, 2015

NCAMP Project Number NPN071001

NCAMP Material Specification

This specification is generated and maintained in accordance with NCAMP
Standard Operating Procedures, NSP 100
Low Initial Temperature Vacuum-Bag-Only Cure, Medium Toughness Epoxy
(Cytec Cycom 5320-1)

Prepared by: Michelle Man, Yeow Ng, John Tomblin

Reviewed by: Brian Wiley (Cytec), Adrienne Strohmeyer (Cytec), Ron Purcell (Cytec), Royal
Lovingfoss (NIAR)

Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

National Center for Advanced Materials Performance

Wichita State University – NIAR
1845 Fairmount Ave., Wichita, KS 67260-0093, USA

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1. SCOPE: .............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Form: .................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Application: ........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Classification ......................................................................................................................3
1.4 Safety .................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Rounding of Values............................................................................................................4
1.6 Qualified Products..............................................................................................................4
1.7 Detail Specification ............................................................................................................4
1.8 Change Control Approval ...................................................................................................4
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................5
2.1 NCAMP Publications ..........................................................................................................5
2.2 ASTM Publications.............................................................................................................5
2.3 ISO Publications ................................................................................................................6
2.4 SACMA Publications ..........................................................................................................6
2.5 US Government Publications .............................................................................................6
3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................6
3.1 Detail Specification ............................................................................................................6
3.2 Constituent Material Requirements ....................................................................................7
3.3 Prepreg Physical and Chemical Property Requirements ...................................................7
3.4 Visual and Dimensional Requirements ..............................................................................8
3.5 Laminate (Cured Prepreg) Requirements ........................................................................11
3.6 Storage and Handling Requirements ...............................................................................12
3.7 Environmental, Health, and Safety...................................................................................15
3.8 Defects During Usage ......................................................................................................15
3.9 Qualification Requirements ..............................................................................................15
3.10 Material Re-Qualification and Equivalency ......................................................................15
3.11 Process Control Document ..............................................................................................16
3.12 Traceability.......................................................................................................................16
3.13 Manufacturer’s Responsibility ..........................................................................................16
3.14 Quality Management System ...........................................................................................16
4. QUALITY ASSURANCE ..................................................................................................16
4.1 Responsibility for Inspection ............................................................................................16
4.2 Classification of Tests and Inspections ............................................................................16
4.3 Supplier Statistical Process Control .................................................................................17
4.4 Product Certification .........................................................................................................17
4.5 Receiving Inspection ........................................................................................................19
4.6 Test Methods ...................................................................................................................20
5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY ....................................................................................20
5.1 Packaging ........................................................................................................................21
5.2 Shipping Requirements ....................................................................................................21
5.3 Receipt at Purchaser .......................................................................................................22
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................23
7. REJECTION.....................................................................................................................23
8. NOTES ............................................................................................................................23
8.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................23

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1.1 Form:

This specification and its associated detail specifications establish the requirements for
continuous fiber unidirectional and fabric impregnated with a modified B-staged epoxy
resin (“unidirectional tape and fabric prepreg”).

1.2 Application:

These composite prepreg material systems are intended for use in the fabrication of
aerospace structures and tooling substrate. The materials are designed specifically for
vacuum-bag-only (out-of-autoclave) cure, with an initial low temperature cure followed by
a higher temperature post-cure. This should be in accordance with NCAMP Process
Specification NPS 85321 Rev A baseline cure cycle “C”. They are typically used in
structural applications requiring high strength and stiffness in environments up to 250ºF.

Material property data including statistically based material allowables are available
publicly for the materials covered by this specification. Part fabricators that wish to utilize
the material property data, allowables, and specifications may be able to do so by
demonstrating the capability to reproduce the original material properties; a process
known as equivalency. More information about this equivalency process including the
test statistics and its limitations can be found in Section 6 of DOT/FAA/AR-03/19 and
Section 8.4.1 of CMH-17-1G.

This specification is developed based on the material properties that are available
publicly. The purchaser may specify additional requirements beyond those specified in
this specification, especially when the purchaser has generated additional material
properties beyond those available publicly or when the application requires other
requirements. The additional requirements are subject to supplier review and approval.

The use of this specification does not guarantee material or structural performance.
Material users should be actively involved in evaluating material performance and quality
including, but not limited to, performing regular purchaser quality control tests, performing
periodic equivalency/additional testing, participating in material change management
activities, conducting statistical process control, and conducting regular supplier audits.

1.3 Classification: Each detail specification has a unique classification. Example

specification callout is provided in the qualified products list of every detail specification.
Prepregs shall be classified to the following Types, Classes, Grades and Styles:

1.3.1 Type shall specify nominal prepreg resin content. For example,
Type 33 – Nominal resin content 33 percent by weight
Type 37 – Nominal resin content 37 percent by weight

1.3.2 Class shall specify prepreg product form. For example,

Class 1 – Unidirectional carbon fiber prepreg tape
Class 2 – Woven carbon fiber prepreg fabric

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1.3.3 Grade shall specify nominal fiber areal weight in grams per square meter (gsm). For
Grade 145 – 145 gsm nominal fiber areal weight
Grade 193 – 193 gsm nominal fiber areal weight
Grade 370 – 370 gsm nominal fiber areal weight

1.3.4 Style shall specify the woven fabric style (not applicable to Class 1). For example,
Style 3K-PW - 3K yarn, plain weave
Style 3K-8HS - 3K yarn, 8 harness satin weave

1.4 Safety – Hazardous Materials:

While the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this
specification may involve the use of hazardous materials, this specification does not
address all the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of
the user to ensure familiarity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials
and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all
personnel involved.

1.5 Rounding of Values:

The following applies to all specified limits or requirements in this specification. For
purposes of determining conformance with this specification, an observed value or a
calculated value shall be rounded “to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand digit used in
expressing the specification limit, in accordance with the rounding method of ASTM E29.

1.6 Qualified Products:

This specification requires qualified products. Qualified products are listed in the
Qualified Products List (QPL) of each detail specification. In accordance with the
requirements of this specification, the specific fiber material and source(s), weaver(s),
and the specific resin components and source(s) shall be qualified as a prepreg material
system. Any other combinations not listed on the QPL of the detail specification are not
qualified. In addition, the production of the qualified products is controlled by an NCAMP
approved process control document (PCD) as specified in 3.11.

1.7 Detail Specification:

This base specification contains basic fiber reinforced epoxy prepreg material
requirements that apply to every product. The detail specifications contain additional or
superseding properties and requirements that apply to a specific product.

1.8 Change Control Approval:

Prepreg product shall be produced in accordance with an NCAMP approved Process

Control Document (PCD). Formal change notification and approval is required before a
change may be implemented. In general, level 1 through level 3 changes per

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DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3 are considered major changes. NCAMP

approval is required for major changes, and is granted through Advance Change Notices
(ACN). Prior to implementing a major change, the material supplier shall contact NCAMP
with the following information:
a. A detailed description of the change,
b. A draft test plan to substantiate that the change will not affect the prepreg
material properties, and
c. A list of material users

NCAMP staff will communicate the proposed change(s) and obtain necessary
suggestions and/or approvals from the material users. In general, FAA/DOT/AR-06/10
and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3 will be used as guidelines. The ACN along with test results will be
reviewed by the material users. NCAMP staff will sign the ACN when a consensus is


The latest issue of the NCAMP publications shall apply. The applicable issue of other
publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order unless
otherwise specified. When a referenced document has been canceled and no
superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document
shall apply.

2.1 NCAMP Publications:

NMS 818 Carbon Fiber Tow
NRP 101 Prepreg Process Control Document (PCD) Preparation and
Maintenance Guide
NPS 85321 Fabrication of NMS 532 Qualification, Equivalency, and
Acceptance Test Panels

2.2 ASTM Publications (available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959, http://www.astm.org)

ASTM D2344 Standard Test Method for Short-Beam Strength of Polymer

Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates
ASTM D3039 Tensile Properties of Polymeric Matrix Composite Materials
ASTM D3529/D3529M Standard Test Method for Matrix Solids Content and Matrix
Content of Composite Prepreg
ASTM D3530/D3530M Standard Test Method for Volatiles Content of Composite
Material Prepreg
ASTM D3531 Standard Test Method for Resin Flow of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy
ASTM D3532 Standard Test Method for Gel Time of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy
ASTM D3776 Standard Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of

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ASTM D3878 Standard Terminology Composite Materials

ASTM D6641 Standard Test Method for Determining the Compressive
Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates Using a
Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture
ASTM D5279 Standard Test Method for Plastics: Dynamic Mechanical
Properties: In Torsion
ASTM D7028 Standard Test Method for Glass Transition Temperature (DMA
Tg) of Polymer Matrix Composites by Dynamic Mechanical
Analysis (DMA)
ASTM E29 Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance
with Specifications
ASTM E168 General Techniques of Infrared Quantitative Analysis
ASTM E1252 Standard Practice for General Techniques for Obtaining
Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Analysis

2.3 ISO Publications:

AS9100 Quality Management System Standard

2.4 SACMA Publications (available from American Composites Manufacturers Association,

1010 N Glebe Rd., Suite 450, Arlington, VA 22201, http://www.acmanet.org):

SACMA SRM 10R-94 Calculation of Fiber Volume of Composite Test Laminates

SACMA SRM 20R-94 High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Thermoset Resins
SACMA SRM 23R-94 Resin Content and Fiber Areal Weight of Thermoset Prepreg
with Destructive Technique
SACMA SRM 25R-94 Onset Temperature and Peak Temperature for Composite
System Resins Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

2.5 US Government Publications:

29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication, Occupational Safety and Health

CMH-17 Composite Materials Handbook (formerly MIL-HDBK-17)
DOT/FAA/AR-03/19 Material Qualification and Equivalency for Polymer Matrix
DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 Guidelines and Recommended Criteria for the Development of
a Material Specification for Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Fabric Prepregs
DOT/FAA/AR-07/3 Guidelines and Recommended Criteria for the Development of
a Material Specification for Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Unidirectional
Prepregs Update
MIL–D–3464 Desiccants, Activated, Bagged, Packaging Use and Static
MIL-PRF-131 Barrier Materials, Water vaporproof, Greaseproof, Flexible,

3.1 Detail Specification:

The requirements for a specific fiber reinforced unidirectional tape and fabric epoxy

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prepreg product shall consist of all requirements specified herein in addition to

requirements specified in the applicable detail specification. In case of conflict between
requirements of this basic specification and an applicable detail specification,
requirements of the detail specification shall govern.

3.2 Constituent Material Requirements:

Material supplied in accordance with this specification shall consist of epoxy resin and
fiber. The definitions of fiber lot, resin batch, and prepreg batch are in accordance with
DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3.

3.2.1 Epoxy Resin System:

The resin system shall be an epoxy-based resin that is capable of meeting the
requirements of this specification; no separate specification exists for the resin system.
Any changes to the epoxy resin system since qualification shall be re-approved by
NCAMP. No more than one resin batch shall be included in any single prepreg batch
unless allowed by the detail specification or accepted by the purchaser in the purchase

3.2.2 Reinforcement: The reinforcement requirements shall be specified in the applicable

detail specifications.

3.3 Prepreg Physical and Chemical Property Requirements:

3.3.1 Uncured prepreg physical and chemical properties:

The uncured prepreg material shall meet the physical and chemical property
requirements of Table 1 and as specified below. The material shall be capable of being
cut without disarray of the filaments and without other visible damage.

3.3.2 Tack:

The material shall demonstrate acceptable tack when tested as specified in 4.6.1.
Acceptable tack level(s) is defined in the applicable detail specifications.

3.3.3 Drape:

If no evidence of filament breakage can be visually observed, the specimen has met the
requirements for drape when tested at ambient temperature as specified in 4.6.2. Report
drape level as pass or fail.

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Table 1 – Prepreg Physical and Chemical Properties

Product Number of
Property Test Method(1)
Form Replicates
Resin Content Prepreg ASTM D3529 Every roll(2)
ASTM D3776 or
Fiber Areal Weight Prepreg Every roll(2)
First and last rolls
Volatile Content Prepreg ASTM D3530
of every batch(2)
First and last rolls
Flow Prepreg ASTM D3531
of every batch(2)
Gel Time Prepreg ASTM D3532 Optional
First and last rolls
Tack Prepreg See 4.6.1
of every batch
First and last rolls
Drape Prepreg See 4.6.2
of every batch
First and last rolls
HPLC Prepreg SACMA SRM 20R-94
of a batch
FTIR Resin Optional
ASTM E1252
Differential Scanning
Calorimetry (DSC)
exotherm peak Resin SACMA SRM 25R-94 Optional
temperature total heat of
Specific procedures should be identical to those used in the original material
qualification program
Three specimens should be taken across the width of the prepreg; left, center,

3.4 Visual and Dimensional Requirements:

3.4.1 General:

The prepreg shall be uniform in quality and shall not contain defects detrimental to
handling, layup, cure or structural properties.

3.4.2 Visual Requirements (Class 1): The prepreg material shall be free from foreign material, cut or broken fibers, cured
resin, unwetted fibers, wrinkles, resin-rich areas, dry or boardy areas, and indications
of moisture visible to the unaided eye.

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A Fuzz balls shall be acceptable provided:

a. The fuzz balls cause no apparent fiber distortion. This shall be determined
without removing the fuzz balls.
b. Any fuzz ball shall not exceed 1.5 inches in any direction.
c. The accumulated number of fuzz balls shall not exceed 6 in any 10 square
feet of one side of prepreg material.
d. The overall thickness change due to fuzz ball is no more than 50 percent of
the prepreg material nominal thickness. The edge of the prepreg tape shall not deviate from a straight line by more than 0.03
inch per foot of length and shall be flush with the separator paper. All fiber tows shall be collimated and parallel, localized tow misalignment (resulting
from crossovers, loose tows, etc.) is acceptable provided they are less than 3 inches
in length and deviate by less than 20 degrees from the major tow axis. The length of fiber gap, parallel to the 0° direction, shall not exceed 10 inches. The
width of fiber gap, perpendicular to the 0° direction, shall not exceed 0.030 inch. One
gap 0.010 to 0.030 inch wide and not exceeding 10 inches long is acceptable in each
10 square feet of prepreg. Gaps less than 0.010 inch wide and not exceeding 10
inches long are acceptable. The prepreg shall be free from crimped fibers and fiber tow crossovers visible to the
unaided eye. The following specifies the acceptance/reject criteria for puckers and/or pimples in the
unrolled condition.

TABLE 2 – Acceptance/Rejection Criteria for Puckers and/or Pimples

Largest Dimension Frequency Criteria

Greater than 0.50 inch Any Rejectable
0.25 to 0.50 inch 3 or less per 1 sq. ft Acceptable
Less than 0.25 inch All Acceptable

3.4.3 Visual Requirements (Class 2): The prepreg material shall be free from foreign material, cut or broken fibers, folded
selvages that overlap nonselvage areas, cured resin, unwetted fibers, wrinkles, resin-
rich areas, dry or boardy areas, and indications of moisture visible to the unaided eye. The warp yarns shall be parallel to the warp direction within 1.0 inch over any 21.0

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A The fill yarns shall be perpendicular to the warp direction within 1.0 inch over any 21.0

3.4.4 Roll characteristics:

The total weight or length of material shall be specified by the purchaser. Unless
otherwise specified by the purchaser, individual roll net weight shall not exceed 70 lbs
and 115 lbs for Class 1 and Class 2 materials, respectively. Width shall be as specified
by the purchaser. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, tolerances on the width
of the prepreg shall be:

a. For unidirectional tape widths greater than 12.0 inches: +/-0.060 inch
b. For unidirectional tape widths of 12.0 inches: +/-0.030 inch
c. For unidirectional tape widths less than 12.0 inches: +/-0.020 inch
d. For woven fabric (excluding the selvages): +/-1.000 inch

3.4.5 Material not conforming to the visible defect limitations and dimensional requirements: In cases where foreign material or resin rich areas can be removed without causing
any apparent deformation of the prepreg surface, they may be removed by spatula or
adhesive tape. The spatula or adhesive tape shall not transfer any contaminants to
the prepreg product. Areas not conforming to Section 3.4.1, 3.4.2, or 3.4.3 shall be identified along the
edge of the prepreg roll by markers. Markers shall be distinguishable from the
prepreg and carrier release paper and removable without damaging the prepreg
material. For single-point defects, use a single marker. Successive single-point defects 3 feet or less apart shall be considered as one
continuous defect. For continuous defective areas, markers shall be placed at the
beginning, at each 2-foot maximum interval, and at the end of the continuous defect. Prepreg material (Class 1 & 2) may be cut and spliced to remove defects. Splices
shall be overlapped from 1.0 to 3.0 inches and marked as a single-point defect. The
splicing technique must be easily identified by the end-user. Splices shall not be
within 50 feet of the beginning or end of a roll. One (1.0) linear foot of additional
material shall be supplied for each splice. Prepreg material roll shall have a maximum defect content of 15 percent by weight or
length. The defect weight limit shall be based on full-width weight. The type, location, and length (for continuous defect) of each marked defect, and the
location of the splices shall be indicated on a defect log accompanying each roll of
prepreg material. Defect and splice locations shall be identified by markers on the
prepreg roll edge.

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A Defective areas, considered as the length of the defect multiplied by the width of the
roll, shall not be counted toward the amount of material purchased.

3.5 Laminate (Cured Prepreg) Requirements:

3.5.1 Test Laminate Fabrication and Baseline Cure Process:

The test laminate fabrication and baseline cure process shall be in accordance with
NCAMP Process Specification NPS 85321 Fabrication of NMS 532 Qualification,
Equivalency, and Acceptance Test Panels. Minor changes in the process may be
acceptable provided that it has been previously demonstrated to be equivalent and
capable of producing test panels that meet the requirements of this specification. In order
to facilitate individual specimen traceability, individual specimen numbering and/or
skewed lines must be written or drawn across each sub-panel as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Specimen Traceability Line

3.5.2 Cured Laminate Physical Properties:

The cured laminate physical properties listed in Table 3 shall conform to the values and
limits listed on the corresponding detail specification.

TABLE 3 - Cured Laminate Physical Properties

Property Test Method Number of Replicates

Cured Ply Thickness SACMA SRM 10R-94 10 measurements per panel
Glass Transition
by flexural loading per
Temperature Dry, Tg by 2 per batch
ASTM D7028(1)
Optional to use either method. Specific procedures should be identical to those used in

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the original material qualification program.

3.5.3 Cured Laminate Mechanical Properties:

The cured laminate mechanical properties listed in Table 4 and 5 shall conform to the
values and limits listed on the corresponding detail specification.

TABLE 4 - Required Cured Laminate Tests for Mechanical Properties

(Class 1 Only)
Test Number of
Property Test Method(1)
Temperature Replicates
0° Tension Strength and Modulus RT, Ambient ASTM D3039 5
90/0° Compression Strength RT, Ambient ASTM D6641 5
0° Short Beam Strength RT, Ambient ASTM D2344 5
Specific procedures should be identical to those used in the original material
qualification program

TABLE 5 - Required Cured Laminate Tests for Mechanical Properties

(Class 2 Only)
Test Number of
Property Test Method(1)
Temperature Replicates
0° (warp) Tension Strength and
RT, Ambient ASTM D3039 5
90° (fill) Compression Strength and
RT, Ambient ASTM D6641 5
0° (warp) Short Beam Strength RT, Ambient ASTM D2344 5
Specific procedures should be identical to those used in the original material
qualification program

3.6 Storage and Handling Requirements:

3.6.1 General Requirements: Release Paper/poly Film:

A non-transferring separator paper with differential release may be used on the inside
of the roll. Paper or release film shall be used on the outside of the roll to permit easy
removal of the preimpregnated material from the roll without loss of resin, tearing,
shredding, fiber realignment, or other damage. The material shall be capable of being
cut cleanly without other visible damage. The release paper shall not contaminate the

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A Material Handling:

All rolled material greater than 12 inches wide shall be supported at all times by the
ends of the internal fiberboard tube and kept horizontal. Unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser, the fiberboard tube shall extend a minimum of 2 inches past the
separator film for this purpose. The material shall not be allowed to rest against any
surface, and except for rolls of 12.0 inches or less in width, shall not be allowed to rest
in a vertical position. Wider width rolled material may be momentarily rested against a
surface or in a vertical position only while being transferred to or from storage. Core
size shall be defined in detail specifications. Thawing Rolled Materials:

Preimpregnated materials shall be allowed to warm at ambient temperature until

moisture does not condense on the packaging (i.e. prepreg temperature is above dew
point). The material out-time shall be recorded by the distributor and purchaser. The
material out-time between manufacture and shipment at supplier location shall be in
accordance with 5.2.3. .
NOTE - No form of applied or direct heat shall be used to accelerate the thawing

3.6.2 Prepreg Life Requirements:

Definitions for storage life, handling life, staging life, and out-time are shown in Figure
2. Storage Life: The prepreg rolls shall be stored in sealed moisture-proof bags in a
clean and dry area. The prepreg rolls shall be supported at all times by the ends of
the internal fiberboard tube and kept horizontal, and shall not have any objects resting
on top of it. The prepreg shall have a minimum storage life of 12 months when stored in
accordance with the conditions above at the temperature recommended by the
manufacturer. The maximum acceptable storage temperature is -12 °C (10 °F). This
minimum storage life requirement shall start from the date of manufacture, unless
otherwise agreed in the purchase documents. The material will have a minimum of
nine months remaining shelf life at the time of shipment unless agreed upon by the
purchaser. Material that has been stored for a time period longer than the maximum storage life
shall not be used until tests have been performed to extend the storage life as defined
by or the user’s process specifications. Storage Life Extension: Storage life may be extended by the purchaser. Storage life
extension requirement is similar to receiving inspection requirement in 4.5. Each
extension is for 3 months only. Storage life may be extended a maximum of one time
only (refer to storage-life tests from qualification program).

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A Handling Life: The handling life of the material at 72+/-5°F and 0-65% relative
humidity shall be 20 days. Handling life begins when the prepreg is removed from the
freezer and ends when prepreg is laid onto the tool. Extension of handling life
requires MRB approval, which should consider the intended application, handling
characteristics (tack and drape), and mechanical properties of the material. Staging Life: The staging life (or mechanical life) of the material when covered with
vacuum bagging materials at 72+/-5°F and 0-65% relative humidity shall be is equal
to the allowable out-time (see section minus the expended handling life.
Staging life begins at placement of the ply on the tool and ends when the cure cycle
begins. Out-time: Out-time begins when the prepreg is removed from freezer storage and
ends when the cure cycle begins. Total out-time is the summation of handling life and
staging life , shall not exceed 30 days. Extension of out-time requires MRB approval,
which should consider the intended application and mechanical properties of the


Handling Life* Staging Life**

(function of (function of
factory factory
environment) environment)
Storage Life
(function of

Date of Out of End of Prepreg Laid- Part

Shipment Storage Storage up on a Tool Cure
Life or Mold
*a.k.a. application, assembly, or ambient work life
**a.k.a. mechanical or tool life

Figure 2. Definitions of Storage, Handling, Staging Life, and Out-Time

3.6.3 Distributors:

A material distributor shall perform the same documentation of storage life and handling
life as the material supplier and purchaser. If the original packaging is to be opened to
allow for re-spooling into smaller units, the prepreg shall be allowed to warm at ambient
temperature in the unopened package until moisture does not condense on the
packaging (i.e. prepreg temperature is above dew point). All out-time accumulated
during warming, re-spooling, and repackaging shall be subtracted from the total handling
life and documented for the purchaser(s). Distributors are not allowed to extend the
storage life unless explicitly allowed by the purchaser.

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3.7 Environmental, Health, and Safety:

3.7.1 Equipment, materials, solutions, and emissions (if applicable) shall be controlled,
handled, used, and disposed of in accordance with all local, State, and Federal
Government Safety, Health, and Environmental Affairs (SHEA).
3.7.2 The delivered prepreg system shall fulfill the local requirements of the health and safety
laws of the country of the purchaser. When processing the prepreg in the composite
shop, there shall be no health hazards or emissions that require special measures to be
taken to protect the environment.

3.7.3 The manufacturer shall inform the purchaser about the safe handling procedures of the
material. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be made available to the

3.8 Defects During Usage:

3.8.1 Defects, as defined by this specification, which are not marked by the supplier but found
in the prepreg material after acceptance shall be cause for rejection and the defective
material may be returned to the supplier. Defects caused by user mishandling, improper
storage, or expiration of storage or out-life are not the responsibility of the supplier and
shall not be cause for rejection back to the supplier.

3.9 Qualification Requirements:

Materials shall be qualified in accordance with an NCAMP test plan.

3.10 Material Re-Qualification and Equivalency:

3.10.1 If any change occurs relevant to this specification or the PCD, NCAMP reserves the right
to require a re-qualification or equivalency demonstration by the prepreg manufacturer to
validate that the changed material is equivalent to the material in the initial qualification.
The extent of the re-qualification program will depend on the nature of the change of the
material or the material processing. DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3 provide
guidance in this area.

3.10.2 Equivalency is limited to the evaluation of minor changes in a material’s constituents,

manufacturing process, or fabrication (e.g. curing) process used with a material.
Significant changes to the prepreg material will require a full qualification program and a
separate specification.

3.10.3 It is the responsibility of the material supplier to conduct testing to demonstrate that the
current material, when processed to the baseline process specification, will generate
composite properties statistically equivalent to the properties of the original materials.

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3.11 Process Control Document:

3.11.1 The supplier shall prepare and control a Process Control Document (PCD) in accordance
with NRP 101. The PCD shall be considered proprietary and shall be protected in
accordance with disclosure agreements signed by the supplier and NCAMP. The
established Process Control Document (PCD) shall be presented to NCAMP upon
request. NCAMP shall treat any information contained in the PCD as proprietary.

3.11.2 Changes to the PCD of a qualified material (as defined by DOT/FAA/AR-06/10,

DOT/FAA/AR-07/3, and NRP 101) are subject to the written approval of NCAMP. Such
changes may require substantial testing to demonstrate equivalency.

3.12 Traceability:

Each individual material and its constituents as defined by the PCD shall be identifiable at
all stages of manufacture and delivery. The material manufacturer shall present evidence
of the material traceability upon request.

3.13 Manufacturer’s Responsibility:

3.13.1 The manufacturer is responsible for the development and manufacture of any material
submitted in accordance with this specification. Quality control by the manufacturer shall
be in accordance with this specification.

3.13.2 Changes to the prepreg require review and approval by NCAMP in accordance with 1.8.
Any testing required to validate the changes or adjustment of manufacturing materials,
techniques and/or procedures is the manufacturer’s responsibility.

3.14 Quality Management System:

The manufacturer’s quality system shall be approved as defined in AS9100 or equivalent.


4.1 Responsibility for Inspection:

Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible
for the performance of all batch release inspection and test requirements specified herein
and the purchaser is responsible for the performance of all receiving inspection tests
specified herein, except FTIR. The purchaser may reduce the frequency of testing if the
reduced sampling plan is specifically approved by the original equipment manufacturer or
the certifying agency. The supplier may use their own facilities or any commercial
laboratory acceptable to NCAMP. The purchaser or NCAMP reserves the right to
perform additional tests to assure that the material furnished conforms to the prescribed

4.2 Classification of Tests and Inspections:

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4.2.1 Qualification Tests:

The preproduction tests performed for material qualification are those tests performed on
representative samples of each specific form of material to establish a qualified product in
accordance with this specification. Qualification testing shall be in accordance with an
NCAMP test plan.

4.2.2 Batch Release Tests:

Batch release tests shall be those tests performed by the supplier on representative
samples taken from each production batch of each type of material submitted by the
supplier for acceptance under contract or purchase order. Specification limits are
specified in the detail specification. Data and certification of data generated shall
accompany each shipment of material. Additional Testing:

The purchaser reserves the right to perform additional testing to confirm the supplier’s
certification data, and to approve incoming material for use in the fabrication of
production parts. Each roll of material may be examined by the purchaser for
appearance, color uniformity, imperfections which would be detrimental for use in the
fabrication of parts, and for quality of workmanship.

4.2.3 Receiving Inspection Tests:

The receiving inspection tests shall be those tests performed by the purchaser or
approved test lab on representative samples taken from each production batch of each
type of material delivered by the supplier.

4.3 Supplier Statistical Process Control:

The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures and requirements for an SPC
system based on Key Characteristics (KC) and Controlled Process Parameters (CPP).
The KC are the material properties required for batch release per 4.4.1. The KC
monitoring, typically using control charts, must be provided to material users, certification
agencies, and NCAMP staff upon request. The CPP monitoring must also be provided to
material users, certification agencies, and NCAMP staff upon request, but proprietary
information may be coded or normalized. Alternatively, supplier may send the KC data to
NCAMP for inclusion in the NCAMP’s control charts which are available to the public.

4.4 Product Certification:

4.4.1 Batch Release Tests:

The supplier shall perform batch release tests on each batch of prepreg as specified in
this section and the detail specification.

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A Prepreg Physical and Chemical Properties: Test in accordance with the requirements
of Table 1 and the detail specification. Laminate Physical Properties: Test in accordance with the requirements of Table 3
and the detail specification. Laminate Mechanical Properties: Each batch of prepreg shall be tested to verify
compliance with the mechanical property requirements in Table 4 or 5 of the
applicable detail specification, in accordance with Table 6 sampling plan.

TABLE 6 - Supplier Quality Control Sampling Plan for Laminate Mechanical Properties
Number of Pounds (net) in
Test Frequency for Batches Shipped
1 to 250 one roll
250 to 800 first and last roll
first, last, and one roll for each additional 800 lbs or
part thereof (sampled in the order of production
800 +
sequence within approximately ±100 lbs of each
additional 800 lbs)

4.4.2 Certification of Conformance

The supplier shall furnish with each shipment one copy of a Certification of Conformance
including certified test reports, confirming that all the material in the shipment complies
with the requirements of this specification. The Certificate of Conformance shall include
the following information:
a. Manufacturer’s identification.
b. Manufacturer’s material designation.
c. Specification number, title, revision.
d. Purchase order number.
e. Date, type, roll numbers and results of batch release tests, including
actual individual test data and average values.
f. Results of any retests.
g. Prepreg batch numbers.
h. Lot numbers of fiber, fabric, and resin used in the manufacturer of the
prepreg materials.
i. Date of manufacture (date of impregnation).
j. Fiber lot certification test data and certificate of conformance
k. List of roll numbers for each batch and the quantity (length or weight) of
each roll.
l. Roll defect logs.

4.4.3 Records: The following records shall be available for inspection by NCAMP and
purchasers The supplier shall keep on permanent file all records pertaining to the qualification of
the candidate material.

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May18, 2015 NMS 532 Rev A The supplier shall keep the following records on file, for each prepreg batch, for a
minimum period of 7 years:
a. Full prepreg batch traceability. This traceability shall extend to the particular
resin and resin component batches, and fiber yarn lot(s) employed, where
b. All records pertaining to raw material receiving inspection and certification,
in–process records, and product testing specified in the supplier PCD.
c. All records pertaining to the SPC.

4.5 Receiving Inspection: Before the prepreg material is accepted, the purchaser shall
perform the following:

4.5.1 Verification: Material shall be inspected to assure that:

a. The material identification is correct.
b. The quantity is correct.
c. The required test data is received and meet the requirements of this
d. The Certificate of Conformance is received.
e. Each shipment of prepreg meets the requirements for storage temperature
between the point when the purchaser assumes ownership and the point
when the material is received.
(1) The purchaser shall document the procedure used to verify temperature
(2) If any exposure exceeds the maximum handling and mechanical life
conditions, the material shall be rejected.
(3) For exposures that exceed the storage temperature and are less than
the maximum handling exposure conditions the purchaser may reject
the material. If the purchaser accepts the material the time exceeding
the storage temperature shall be deducted from the handling life and
mechanical life for the material in that shipment.

4.5.2 Testing:

The purchaser shall repeat the supplier batch release test per 4.4.1 (except HPLC and
FTIR) as part of the receiving inspection tests on each batch of prepreg. As use and
confidence increase, the receiving inspection testing may be modified based on proven
performance in cooperation with the material supplier, customer (if purchaser is supplying
composite parts to another aircraft company), and appropriate certification agency.

4.5.3 Re-Testing:

One retest is allowed for each test property if the initial test result fails the requirement of
this specification. Additional re-test(s) is allowed only when one or more of the following
conditions exist:
a. The initial test was performed in significant deviation to the appropriate
procedure. Significant deviations are those expected to affect the measured

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b. In the course of layup, cure, machining, or testing, there was an occurrence

known to cause or contribute to the observed test result(s).
c. Standard statistical analysis procedures establish the suspect individual data
point(s) as an outlier and there is a probable, if not provable, relationship to a
deviation from required procedure.

4.6 Test Methods:

4.6.1 Tack: The purpose of this test method is to determine the level of prepreg tack through its
ability to adhere to itself and to a vertical surface. Equipments needed are (1) A
corrosion resistant steel plate with a commercial 2D finish and (2) A squeegee or 1-inch
diameter by 1-inch wide roller.

a This tack test shall be performed at 70°F±10°F and 0-60% RH. Cut two 3-inch by 1-
inch specimens from the prepreg. The 3-inch dimension shall be in the 0º or warp
b Attach one piece of the prepreg specimen to the plate with light pressure using a
squeegee or roller.
c Remove the backing and apply the next strip to the first one. Tack in a similar
manner. Remove the backing from the second strip.
d Position the plate vertically.
e Determine the tack level as follows:
Tack level I – Low tack, prepreg is stiff and boardy
Tack level II – Dry but slight drape
Tack level III - Slight tack sticks to itself but not to a vertical surface. Unable to
adhere to the vertical tool surface for 30 minutes.
Tack level IV - Good tack, prepreg sticks to itself and vertical tool. Adhered to the
vertical tool surface for more than 30 minutes.
Tack level V – Sticks to hands or gloves but no resin transfer.
Tack level VI – High tack, wet, and sloppy with resin transfer.

4.6.2 Drape: The drape of the prepreg shall be determined at 70°F±10°F and 0-60% RH as
a. Cut sufficient material to obtain three specimens that are a minimum of 2-inches
long by a minimum of 3-inches wide, and remove any release paper or film.
b. Complete wrapping each specimen separately over a 0.25 inch diameter mandrel
within 15 seconds of initiation, with fiber direction transverse to mandrel centerline.
c. Remove each specimen from the mandrel and inspect for evidence of cracks,
wrinkles, folds, or tears on the surface of the material. Evidence of these defects in
cut edges extending less than 0.13 inch inward maximum from the edge shall not be
considered rejectable.

If no evidence of filament breakage can be visually observed, the specimen has met the
requirements for drape. Report as pass or fail.


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5.1 Packaging:

5.1.1 The prepreg shall be rolled onto a core suitable for use by the purchaser. Suppliers
uncertain as to core suitability shall direct their inquiries through the purchaser prior to
fabrication of material.

5.1.2 Each spool/roll of material shall be wrapped and sealed with a non-adherent, non-
contaminating moisture-proof bag to prevent penetration of moisture. The bag
material shall conform to MIL-PRF-131, Class 1 or 3 or equivalent.
5.1.3 Place a minimum of four units of MIL–D–3464, Type II desiccant in each bag prior
to sealing.

5.1.4 The individual spool or roll shall be packed in a shipping container that will be acceptable
for safe transportation by common carriers and shall include a packing list. The core
shall be supported on ends to avoid damage to the prepreg. The container shall be of
such design as to prevent damage or degradation to the prepreg during shipment.

5.1.5 The outside of each container and the inside of the roll core shall be clearly marked with
the following information:
a. Title, number and revision letter of this specification
b. Date of manufacture
c. Linear length
d. Purchase order number and/or sales order number (not required on roll
e. Supplier’s name
f. Supplier’s prepreg batch and spool/roll number
g. The number of hours that the material has been exposed to temperatures
above the storage temperature (may be documented in packing list - out-time
log, or material certification instead).
h. A statement (not required on roll core) to indicate that:
(1) The material shall be stored at a temperature not to exceed 10°F, and
(2) The container should not stand on end (for prepreg wider than 12 inches
i. All material labeling shall comply with OSHA Hazard Communication,
29 CFR 1910.1200.

5.1.6 If spools/rolls are reused, all information not applicable to the current shipment shall be

5.1.7 Storage immediately after manufacture: The prepreg, sealed in a MIL-PRF-131, Class 1
or 3 film or equivalent, shall be stored at the storage temperature within 12 hours of

5.2 Shipping Requirements:

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5.2.1 The prepreg shall be maintained at or below 0°F during shipment by being packed in dry
ice or by refrigeration. Temperature excursions up to 10ºF for a cumulative maximum of 7
days is permitted per section

5.2.2 Prepreg date of shipment to purchaser shall be within 90 days of the date of prepregging,
unless explicitly approved by the purchaser for the particular batch to be shipped.

5.2.3 The out-of-storage time between point of manufacture and shipment from the supplier
shall be a maximum of 48 hours, unless explicitly approved by the purchaser for the
particular batch to be shipped.

5.2.4 Temperature Recorders: Temperature recorders shall be used as required herein to

verify that the material was maintained at or below 10°F during the entire time of
shipping. If the material has been exposed to temperature between 10°F and 77°F, the
material handling life and staging life must be subtracted accordingly. For shipping
containers not large enough to hold the prepreg material and a temperature recorder, a
separate container shall be used exclusively to contain the temperature recorder in a
manner similar to the prepreg it represents.

5.2.5 For dry ice shipments, at least one temperature recorder shall be positioned within each
shipping container. The shipping container shall be of such a construction to allow
enough room for the prepreg, temperature recorder and dry ice. There shall be enough
dry ice or additional dry ice shall be added during shipment to maintain the prepreg at the
required shipping temperature. The shipping container shall also be insulated and have
a partition of suitable material to separate the temperature recorder and packaged
prepreg from direct contact with the dry ice.

5.2.6 For refrigerated shipments, temperature recorders shall be positioned within the shipping
containers as follows: The “shipping container” shall be defined as a box designated to
hold one spool or one roll of prepreg material. Each refrigerated truck shipment requires
two recorders, one per each of two randomly selected shipping containers. If the prepreg
shipment has only one shipping container per truck, then both temperature recorders
shall be placed in that shipping container. Identify each container having a temperature
recorder for purposes of expediting receiving inspection.

5.3 Receipt at Purchaser:

5.3.1 Store material at or below 0ºF.

5.3.2 If requested by the supplier and documented on the purchase order, retain the shipping
container, spools, and temperature recording instruments for return to the supplier.

5.3.3 For personnel safety when receiving shipments with dry ice, carbon dioxide concentration
shall be below permissible level (typically 30,000 ppm for short-term exposure) before
entering the truck bed. Consult Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) for
more safety information.

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A vendor shall mention this specification number and the applicable detail
specification number and their revision letters, if any, in all quotations and when
acknowledging purchase orders.


Prepreg rolls not conforming to this specification and the applicable detail
specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to


8.1 Definitions:

For definitions that are not provided in this specification or other applicable NCAMP
specifications, the definitions in DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3 shall apply.
For definitions not provided in DOT/FAA/AR-06/10 and DOT/FAA/AR-07/3, the definitions
in ASTM D3878 shall apply. For definitions not provided in ASTM D3878, the definitions
in CMH-17 (formerly MIL-HDBK-17) shall apply.

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