Jaider Oussama Cpi2015

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An Automated Feature-Based Cutting Tool

Selection Approach For Turning Process Based On

Data From Sandvik Coromant

Oussama Jaider 1, Abdelilah El Mesbahi 1, Ahmed Rechia 1, Hanae Zarkti 1

: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences and Technics
Tangier, Morocco
Jaider.oussama@gmail.com, elmesbahi_abdelilah@hotmail.com, rechia@hotmail.com, zarktihanae@gmail.com

Selection of a proper cutting tool plays a significant role in conditions, and optimum sequences affect directly the
achieving consistent quality and controlling the overall cost in an workpiece cost [1]. More than one hundred CAPP systems
integrated manufacturing environment. The present paper have been reported in the literature. However, the link
describes an approach to build of a computer interface support between CAD and CAPP systems is still not integrated as
for automatic tool selection for manufacturing features in a desired [4]. On one hand, the data of the neutral files such as
turning process. Data-tools were collected from recent Machining STEP, IGES generated by CAD systems consist of geometric
Handbook of world's leading manufacturer of tools, Sandvik and topological information, these data cannot be used for
Coromant. This application works conjointly with an automatic direct application to process planning, since CAPP systems
feature recognition system for rotational part. An example is
require part form feature information, not geometric and
given to show how this approach, systematically, leads to the
choice of cutting tool packages for specific part features.
topological information, CAD is usually geometry-based,
whilst CAPP/CAM are feature-based and domain-dependent,
Keywords— CAD/CAM; CAPP; Manufacturing Feature which results in unsatisfactory practical implementation, or a
Recognition; Automatic cutting-tool selection for turning. common weakness of CAPP systems [5]. On the other hand,
Geometrical and Dimensional Tolerancing (GD&T), surface
roughness and technological data required for downstream
I. INTRODUCTION applications are not embedded in the geometric model for the
Process planning is an activity that consists in selecting the most of current CAD systems, which are lacking of
necessary processes, tools, appropriate parameters and appropriate data structure to admit them. CAD models seem to
operation sequencing to manufacture a part. The traditional include these data as seen in the drawings, nonetheless, these
way to solve process-planning problems is to leave it to the data are not real attributes of CAD models but simply
manufacturing experts that translate the global geometry of the represented as text on the drawing [6]. Another problem is
part into a group of machining features well adapted to a presented at the tool selection stage; a broad range of tool
defined machining process, relying on their own experience. geometries is available to suit various practical applications
This manual approach is time consuming and usually, not and machining systems. As a consequence, the tool/process
consistent as the quality of the process plan depends on the designer has to wade through voluminous machining data
planner’s experience [1, 2]. Disadvantages of manual handbooks and catalogues of cutting tools with different
approaches led to development of automated approaches that materials, coatings, geometries, and chip-groove
aimed to reduce the probability of errors and inconsistencies. configurations for high wear resistance and effective chip
Computer Aided Manufacturing Process Planning is one of the breaking. Consequently, process planners are forced to choose
most important advances in the area of manufacturing and recommend suboptimal cutting conditions [7]. The aim of
engineering, which plays a critical role linking Design and this paper consists in linking automatically a feature
Manufacturing. CAPP determines automatically the use of recognition module with an automatic cutting tool selection
available resources, including machines, cutting inserts, module. Cutting tools and holders with their parameters are
holders, appropriate machining parameters such as cutting selected from the machining data handbook of Sandvik
speed, feed rate, depth of cut, and generates automatic Coromant [8], to form a tool package related to each feature,
sequences of operations and instructions to convert a row based on many criterias, rules and machining design
material into a required product with good surface finish [3]. assumptions, and taking into account data related to machining
The production cost of a manufacturing component depends features. The proposed methodology and system architecture
upon cost of workpiece material, tooling cost, and recurring are addressed in the following sections.
expenses. Thus, it is clear that the only scope to reduce the
overall cost of a workpiece is to focus on the tooling cost and
machining time. Selecting an optimum insert, optimum cutting
Xème Conférence Internationale : Conception et Production Intégrées, CPI 2015,
2-4 Décembre 2015, Tanger - Maroc.
Xth International Conference on Integrated Design and Production, CPI 2015,
December 2-4, 2015, Tangier - Morocco.
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II. LITERATURE REVIEW hand of cut, size, and so on. For the insert, some parameters to
There have been many attempts for automatic tool define are the shape of insert, size, grade, nose radius,
selection, determination of the optimum cutting conditions, geometry, and finally cutting conditions. The Machining
and generation of optimum sequences of operations. Recently, Handbook of Sandvik Coromant is divided into three main
various systems are using decision tables and decision trees categories, general turning, parting and grooving, and
for the automated and optimized selection of cutting tools. threading. In this paper, we presented the methodology of
Oral & Cakir [1] developed a modular system for automatic cutting tool selection for general turning. The first step for
tool selection and sequence optimisation for rotational parts selecting cutting tools is to select the clamping system which
which is capable of selecting tools for face grooving, depends on clamping possibilities available in turret/spindle.
threading, internal turning, drilling, boring and internal The second step consists in selecting the tool holder. Selecting
recess/groove turning operations. Tool selection module uses a tool holder depends on the type of operation and clamping
knowledge such as geometry of workpiece (feature possibilities. For a good stability, a holder with the biggest
recognition), surface finish, shape, location and direction, size is recommended. The third step concerns selection of
material of the workpiece, and machinability data. The suiting insert. The choice of some parameters of insert is
developed system is based on ‘‘Rank Order Clustering’’ described as follow. For the shape of insert, the manufacturer
which uses a matrix that holds the diameters of the features gives a recommended shape of insert depending on the
and the tools that machine these features to generate tools and operation, e.g., insert with a point angle of 80° is
operation sequences for minimum tool changing. Balic & Cus recommended for longitudinal turning operations. Size of
[9] developed an automatic cutting tool selection system that insert (L) depends on type of cut, and then on depth of cut.
used neutral network (NN) to select tools for internal and Notice that for every shape of insert, the total cutting edge
external turning, including roughing and finishing operations. length (La max) is given, e.g. for a rhombic 80° insert, La max
Tool selection depends on the shape of workpiece such as the is given in (1).
approach and/or exit angle on one hand, and on the other hand,
depends on the limitations of cutting tools such as cutting- 2
edge angle and the nose angle. Mookherjee & Bhattacharyya La max = L (1)
[10] Used an expert system for tool selection, which 3
automatically selects the appropriate turning tools and inserts
as well as milling inserts, the material and the geometry, based La max must be bigger than the effective cutting edge
on the requirement of the user. The main elements that length (La) which is given in (2).
influence the tool selection are: workpiece material, geometry,
surface roughness, machine tool characteristics, workholders,
and so on. Cutting conditions such as cutting speed and initial La =
ap (2)
sin(Kr )
feed, depth of cut are selected from the machining handbook
according to the grade of insert. Car & Barisic [11] developed
a mathematical model for optimization of turning process Where Kr is the entering angle and ap is the depth of cut.
parameters on CNC turning center. Optimization has been The geometry of the insert is selected according to the type of
carried out by defining goal functions - minimum production cut and the material of the workpiece. The grade of insert
time. The mathematical model that describes machining depends on the type of cut, material to be machined, and the
operation has been defined as a combination of those functions geometry selected. The final step concerns selection of cutting
whose variables are necessary for cutting parameters. The conditions. The manufacturer gives recommended depth of cut
model consists of three separated models; tool life model and feed rate for each insert selected. The recommended
which is considered as a goal function, cutting force model cutting speed is selected depending on the grade of insert, and
and cutting power model which are taken to be constrain on material properties of the workpiece, such as the specific
functions that should not be violated. The success of cutting force and Brinell Hardness. To clarify the method of
optimization depends on defining the goal function - minimum choice of tools proposed by the manufacturer, we gathered the
production time. For each depth of the cutting optimization major steps that lead to a choice of tools and holders for a
process, the optimal cutting parameters are given by a Generic given operation, and which are depicted in the flowchart of
Algorithm (GA). The binary linear programming optimization Fig. 1.
(LP) selects depths that have given the shortest machining It is clear that the manual method of choice of cutting tools
time for total roughing depth. presents some drawbacks and difficulties. On the one hand,
the choice of holders and appropriate inserts according to the
III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY manufacturer's manual choice depends on several parameters
and criteria, as well as on the expertise of the user who must
A. Manual approach proposed by the manufacturer for tool manually select these parameters through the machining
selection handbook in order to achieve a choice of tools for a given
Cutting tools consist of two main components: the tool application, which is time consuming. The manufacturer
holder and cutting insert. The objective of the manual tool provides a recommended choice of cutting tools, but the
selection approach is to determine several parameters for the optimization of the machining process can follow several
holder, such as tool clamping system, type, entering angle, alternatives. On the other hand, for best efficiency of CAPP

Select Clamping system: Coromant Capto, shank tool

Select machining operation: Internal turning, external turning

Select type of operation: Longitudinal turning, facing, profiling, plunging

Appropriate holder (s): Coromant Capto, shank holder

Select insert shape: C, D, R, S, T, W, V, 55°

Select nose
Select type of cut: Finishing (F), Medium (M), Roughing (R) radius

Increase L or Select insert size (L) and depth (ap) of cut: La < La max?
decrease ap

Select material of the workpiece: P, M, K, N, S, H

Select insert geometry: PF, PM, PR, MF, MM, MR, KF…

Select insert grade: GC1515, GC1525, GC4205, GC4215…

Recommended cutting condition of the selected insert:

Depth of cut, feed rate, and cutting speed

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the manual tool selection approach

proposed by Sandvik Coromant

systems, the integration and management of cutting tools is In a previous work, we have developed an automatic
important since they represent the most dynamic resources. In feature recognition system for rotational parts [12], which
CAPP systems, the treated parts are broken down into adopted an application protocol of the Standard for the
machining features. However, manufacturers of tools such as Exchange of Product model data (STEP), defined as the
Sandvik Coromant not follow the concept of features. The international standard ISO 10303-203 [13]. The proposed
choice of tools depends essentially on the operations to be system for feature recognition consists of three modules
performed, and not on features to machine. This problem can namely Geometric and Topological Data Extraction module,
be resolved if the tool selection is performed automatically feature recognition module and feature generator module.
and directly for the machining features, which is the aim of In the first module, dimensional and geometric data of the
this paper and that is addressed in the following sections. part are extracted from STEP file using Python programming.
The extracted data are converted into objects (created by
B. The proposed methodology for automatic tool Python classes) that are analyzed by a second module, and
selection which consists in analyzing adjacent surfaces of each
cylindrical, conical, toroidal, spherical and planar surface in a
1) Automatic feature recognition (AFR) cylindrical component. A library which consists of turning-
pre-defined manufacturing features is elaborated to enable the a tolerance to the cylinder, he has to do it for both
automatic feature recognition and extraction. The third module ADVANCED_FACEs. So, once GD&T and other parameters
analyses the recognized features and build new features from are defined, the workpiece is saved then as a STEP AP238
interacting manufacturing features by extending their material physical file including the geometry of the part and its
surfaces to generate all possible interpretations of features. technical information. This file is used on one hand, to
recognize and extract manufacturing features. On the other
2) Extraction of technical information from STEP file hand, it is used in order to extract technical information related
to manufacturing features, required for downstream activities
It is known that form features are not sufficient so that the such as automatic tool selection. The architecture of the whole
part will be manufactured in a reasonable cost and will system is illustrated in Fig. 2.
perform its intended function. Most researchers have
concentrated on geometric information extraction and 3) Architecture of the turning cutting tools database
conversion without tackling the important problem of non-
geometric feature information [14]. Technical information Before introducing the new concept of automatic cutting
such as dimensions, surface condition and tolerance of tools choice, it was necessary to collect from the catalog of
geometric characteristics dictates the machining requirements Sandvik Coromant, all inserts and holders including their
and crucially affect the product cost [15]. Few works have designations and parameters, cutting conditions and materials
been done on incorporating the technical information into grades. For the purpose, a relational database was seized with
geometric model, and commercial CAD systems have MySQL Workbench and which is composed of several tables,
disregarded this issue. In the most of CAD systems, GD&T a table of inserts and their parameters, a table of holders and
data are modelled just as drawing [15]. ISO 10303 AP 203 their parameters, a table of materials, a table of inserts grade, a
(boundary representation) is the only design data standard table of cutting conditions and so on. These tables are
representation supported by all CAD systems but it does not connected by relational links in such a way that relations
model tolerance items such as datum features, tolerances, and between data of the manufacturer are respected (Fig. 3). For
so on. A recent version, AP203 Edition 2, introduced the example, the inserts table is connected with holders table since
exchange of product data using a hybrid model containing the tool size and shape of insert must correspond with the seat
construction history, GD&T, parameters and other high-level size and shape of the holder. This structure will be useful for
content. These GD&T definitions are mainly for annotation the automatic extraction of all data necessary to design a new
purposes; therefore they are not sufficient for automatic concept of automatic tool selection based on features-tools
generation of dimensional measurement process plans [15]. package.
ISO 10303 AP 224 [16] (feature representation) models
tolerance items but is not supported by CAD systems. STEP 4) New concept based on tool package/machining
AP238 is the “Application interpreted model for computerized feature
numerical controllers” [17]. AP238, or more commonly
“STEP-NC”, is a new standard for the exchange of In the literature, the majority of authors are based on
comprehensive manufacturing data. STEP-NC offers accurate recommendations made by the manufacturers to select tools
and complete product definition data from product design all and holders for desired operations [10, 19]. Recently, many
the way to the machine tool. The advantage of STEP AP-238 authors use feature-based approaches, and then, the choice of
is that it can work with the other STEP Application Protocols. tools is made from catalogs by selecting the operation that can
AP-238 is fully integrated with the other Application achieve the feature [1]. This choice is generally depending on
Protocols. This means where information is common to the operation to be performed, such as longitudinal turning,
AP238 and another AP it can be processed using the same facing, but not directly according to the machining feature.
code and systems. A CAD system can read and process the This prompted us to develop a new approach based on tool
geometry in an AP238 file because it has the same definition packages. A tool package contains a set of all inserts and
as the geometry in AP203 and AP214. The part features in holders that can ensure the machining of a manufacturing
AP238 are also the same as those in AP224 so that systems feature. Each tool pack is divided into mini-packs. Concerning
can process AP224 and AP240 can also process this data. the pack of holders, the user has the possibility to select only
the mini-pack of holders depending on clamping system
For the reasons cited above, GD&T and other parameters available in the turret/spindle. The manufacturer gives shank
related to the part such as surface roughness, and material, are tools and Coromant Capto as cutting units. Concerning inserts,
extracted from STEP AP238 using Python. A brief description the choice is fully automatic; packs of inserts are divided into
of technical data extraction methodology is as following: mini-packs of inserts, positive inserts, negative inserts, and
After designing a part (without technical information: ceramic/CBN inserts. Also, inserts are divided into mini-packs
GD&T, Ra, material) with a CAD software such as CATIA depending on the material to be machined and on the type of
V5, its STEP AP203 data file is generated. This file is used as application.
input to STEP-NC Machine software [18], in which GD&T After a rigorous study of the catalog of the manufacturer,
and other parameters related to the workpiece can be defined the system described above has been designed, and in which
manually. It must be highlighted that GD&T are affected by all inserts and holders that can insure the realization of each
the user to surfaces of the part, however, in STEP file, a feature are selected to form mini tool packages depending on
cylinder is formed by joining two ADVANCED_FACEs along many criterias, rules and assumptions. As a result, the choice
two linear edges, thus, if for example, the user wants to affect
GD&T Definition and
material properties Workpiece definition
AP203 Machine

STEP Feature
AP238 Recognition

Workpiece processing Features

GD&T GD&T Linking Features
Extraction with GD&T

Fig. 2. Architecture of the proposed system for technical data extraction and
feature recognition

Fig. 3. Architecture of the cutting tools database

of tools becomes almost automatic for the manufacturing classes of operations. A concave feature can be performed by
features. After giving a brief description of the philosophy of G, D, A and B classes of operations for the fact that it requires
the system, the step which follows consists in explaining how longitudinal turning (roughing) and profiling operations.
a tool pack and a mini tool package are designed taking into
account the data of manufacturer on one hand, and on the The results of the approach presented above are
other hand, part feature information. presented in table 2. It must be highlighted that for each
holder, there is an appropriate insert shape. Inserts are ranked
a) Macroscopic cutting tools choice
according to recommendations in the catalogue. The letter S in
the table represents special tools such as grooving and parting
Taking the fact that the machining features and their tools, which are not discussed in this paper.
attributes are known, in a first step, a general analysis is
performed for machining features without regard to their b) Microscopic cutting tools choice
technical data. This analysis will form just tools packages for
the recognized features, based on the type of features, and the Taking the fact that a tool package containing a set of
operations proposed by the manufacturer of tools. So this first insets and holders that are appropriate for the machining of
attempt will just identify candidate tools that form tools each feature is obtained, a judicious analysis is done for
packages, and which will be subsequently analysed to choose candidate inserts and holders (of tool packages) of each
cutting tools that will form mini-packages of tools, required feature on one hand, and on the other hand, for parameters and
attribute of the concerned feature.
for machining features.
So, in a second step, technical data and parameters of
According to the turning cutting tool catalogue of
each feature are transferred to a rules-based and decision
Sandvik Coromant, the operation type is the most critical
system that analyses these data on one hand. On the other
parameter that determines some tools parameters such as the
hand, this system searches the parameter or parameters that
shape of the insert and the type of holder. Since the input data
should be determined for holders and inserts in the concerned
of our system are machining features, so, it is necessary to
tool package, adding to the determination of cutting
affect operations to features in order to achieve a choice of
conditions, according to each parameter of the feature.
inserts and holders for the candidate features. Before affecting
operations to features, all operations available in Sandvik The input parameters of the feature can be described as
Coromant tools catalogue have been identified at a first stage. following; GD&T, surface roughness of the feature, its
Then, we have gathered these operations into classes of geometry, its dimensions, its position, its accessibility, and the
operations. Note that operations of a same class are material of the workpiece. The determination of each
characterised by the same movements of tool .An example of parameter related to cutting tools according to feature
all external turning operations classes available in Sandvik parameters respects machining design assumptions,
Coromant tools catalogue are presented in table 1. In each recommendations of the manufacturer and some concepts
class, a same operation can be performed by a set of inserts based on the literature.
and holders that are almost different. For example, the class B
The developed system is limited to general turning
in Fig. 4 is a longitudinal turning that uses different shapes of
(grooving, parting and threading are not included) but can be
inserts and different holders with a diversity of entering
projected to other operations. The flowchart of Fig.5 outlines
the architecture of the microscopic cutting tool choice. Feature
Taking the fact that all inserts and holders are grouped parameters analysis is described as following:
into classes according to operations, the next step consists in
Depending on surface roughness and intrinsic tolerances
affecting operations to features. Machining features can be
related to each feature surfaces, a number of applications is
divided into two categories, simple features and complex
assigned, for example, a feature having a surface roughness of
features. Simple features are realized by using one machining
0.8 (Ra = 0.8) have to be machined in three applications,
operation, for example, a cylinder and a face can be made by
roughing, semi-finishing, and finishing application. The
longitudinal turning and facing operations respectively. A
manufacturer gives a tool geometry which depends on the type
groove is performed by a grooving operation. Complex
of application and the material to be machined. For example,
features require at least two machining operations such as,
the geometry PR is dedicated for roughing (R) of steels (P). In
convex and concave features, which require longitudinal
finishing operations, surface roughness is also influenced by a
turning and profiling operations. These types of surfaces are
compromise between feed rate and nose radius, which is given
called Multiple Operation Surface (MOS) and have already
in (3).
been cited in the literature [20]. Thus, all classes of operations
that can insure the machining of each feature are affected to
the feature, to form tool package, containing only candidate 125 f ² (3)
Ra =
inserts and holders required for the machining of the feature. Rε
For example, a recess feature can be performed by D and M

Operation classes (Sandvik Operations (Sandvik Operation classes (Sandvik Operations (Sandvik
Coromant) Coromant) Coromant) Coromant)







Fig. 4. Example of holders and inserts of B class of operations


Appropriate inserts
Volumetric Examples of appropriate holders in tool
ID of MF S
feature packages for each feature

Cylinder ** * * * * * * *

Face * * * ** * * * *

Shoulder ** * * * * * * *

* *

Circular groove ** *

** * * * * *

** * * * * *
Exterior profiling


* *


** = Recommended insert shapes

Manufacturing Tool package
feature parameters Of the MF

-Intrinsic GD&T -Nose radius
-Surface roughness -Shape (point angle)
-Geometry -Clearance angle
-Accessibility -Size Insert
-Dimension -Grade
-Position -Hand of tool

-Depth of cut Cutting

-Feed rate Conditions
-Cutting speed
Mini Tool knowledge
package And
Of the MF decision -Coupling size
systems -Clamping system
-insert shape
-insert clearance angle Holder
-Insert size
-Entering angle
-Hand of tool
User interaction -Tool length and width
-type of holder

-Specific cutting force

- Brinell hardness Material

Fig. 5. Flowchart of the microscopic tool parameters choice

Where Ra is the arithmetic roughness, f is the feed rate, and

Rε is the nose radius of the insert. In roughing operations, the
biggest nose radius can be chosen to take advantage of greater
strength and better reliability. But this must be balanced
according to the variation of cuts required.
Fig. 6. Geometry of a recess feature
The geometry of a feature such as recess is characterized
by the angle α shown in Fig. 6. This angle should be less than Where Kr is the entering angle and Kr’ is the trailing angle
the trailing angle of the insert. The trailing angle can be
Accessibility also influences the choice of the point angle
determined by varying two parameters, the point angle of the
insert r and the entering angle of the holder, which is given of the insert and the entering angle of the holder. This point
by (4). has already been addressed by Oral & Cakir [1] and which
consists in checking collisions in the case of nested recesses.

εr + Kr + Kr' = 180° (4) The dimensions of the feature such as depth of the
feature determines the maximum material to be removed from features violate these constraints are deleted and will not be
the stock in roughing operations and then, determines the size processed by the system of cutting tool selection. The method
of the insert, adding to the maximum depths of cut to of cutting tool selection we have developed introduces a new
maximise productivity. This point was already presented by concept based on forming mini tool packages that are required
for the machining of the recognized features. A tool package is
(1) and (2). The dimensions of the feature also determine the
formed by taking into account the types of features. After that,
size of holder for machining inner diameters. The largest the system determines the parameters for cutting tools from
shank size is recommended to give maximum rigidity, tools available in the tool package according to parameters and
minimum tool deflection and reduced tool overhang ratio. attributes of features. Once all parameters of tools are
The feature position determines the hand of tool for both determined, several series of letters and numbers that represent
the tool parameters are stored. The system searches through
insert and holder, and the clearance angle of the insert and
the database of manufacturer codes that correspond to these
then for the holder. The manufacturer recommends positive coded series. Thereafter, the tools are stored to form a mini
inserts with a clearance angles different to zero in case of tool package related to each feature.
machining of exterior features of thin workpieces and inner
features. Negative inserts are recommended for exterior In the literature, several cutting tool selection systems have
been developed, however, as far as we are concerned, many of
features and for roughing operations to insure a better stability.
these systems confront some difficulties. Arezoo & Ridgway
The position of the feature determines also the type of holder. [21] developed a system for selecting tools that lacks a feature
Three types of holders are presented, holders for internal, recognition module. We believe that the architecture for the
external and frontal turning. definition of basic objects for the cutting tool selection system,
Depending on the material of the workpiece, the type of such as the workpieces characteristics, and tools
characteristics, seems to be absent and is not well explained.
application and the shape of the insert which are assumed
The choice of the holder is in line with the method proposed
already selected, the insert grade may be determined. The by the manufacturer, however, it is preferable to make the
manufacturer gives the designations of materials and their choice of the insert first because an adjustable tool holder can
characteristics such as Specific cutting force and Brinell be provided, and that can withstand more than one insert
hardness. Depending on the insert grade and the type of shape. Another system developed by Mookhrejee &
material, the manufacturer gives the recommended cutting Bhattacharyya [10] describe the choice of tools parameters in
speed and feed rate. Other recommended feed rates and depths details, however, this choice is guided by the user and is not
of cut are also given for each insert. dependent of part features and their characteristics, such as the
surface roughness, GD&T, the geometry of the feature, and so
It must be known that some parameters related to tools on. Thus, this system cannot be directly linked to CAPP
are selected manually such as the clamping system and the systems. Oral & Cakir [1] introduced the concept of features
coupling size of the holder. Other parameters such as thickness for the selection of cutting tools, however, the choice of
of the insert which is chosen according to the size of insert are parameters for the insert such as the size, the grade, the
selected automatically. Once the system has determined all geometry, the choices of cutting conditions, as well as the
parameters related to inserts and holders, adding to cutting relationship between these parameters and features
conditions for the machining of each feature, and taking the characteristics are not well explained. This system lacks a set
of tools for machining a specified feature. The initial choice of
fact that each parameter is coded by at least one letter or one
an insert starts by choosing the largest point angle (shape of
number, it searches through the tools database of catalogued insert), if the tool has collisions with the workpiece, the point
tooling matches. Once such a match is determined, the system angle is reduced until the right tool is found. This method
stores the whole code key of each tool in another database to seems time consuming since it deals with all the tools
form mini tool packages for candidate features. available in the database regardless of some feature
parameters. Another system developed by Balic & Cus [9]
IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION also introduced the concept of features. the choice of tools for
features depends both on the geometry of the feature which is
characterized by the angle of approach and the exit angle, and
In this paper, we first gave an overview of the method we the other limitations of the tools, such as the entering angle of
have developed regarding the recognition of machining the holder and the nose angle (point angle) of the insert.
turning features. This step is crucial for the integration of However, the choice of parameters related to the insert such as
CAD / CAPP systems. When several interacting features arise, its geometry, its grade, size, and the choice of cutting
several combinations of features are generated, for each conditions and their influence on the surface finish of the
combination, an order to machine features is well defined. workpiece are not explained.
Adding to that, each combination must be treated by the tool
selection module. The number of combinations can be reduced Through these issues, it is clear that the novel concept of
if we take into consideration GD&T and economic and tools-packages we have developed will facilitate on one hand
technological constraints that create precedence between the selection and integration of tools in CAPP system, and on
features, and thereafter, some combinations in which the the other hand, it will reduce the time required to find
orders to build (which is the same order to machine features) appropriate tools through the catalog for a given feature.
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