Capstone Project 2 1
Capstone Project 2 1
Capstone Project 2 1
Problem Statement 1:
A retail store that has multiple outlets across the country are facing issues in managing the
inventory - to match the demand with respect to supply. You are a data scientist, who has to
come up with useful insights using the data and make prediction models to forecast the sales for
X number of months/years.
Dataset Information:
The walmart.csv contains 6435 rows and 8 columns.
Problem Statement 2:
An online retail store is trying to understand the various customer purchase patterns for their
firm, you are required to give enough evidence based insights to provide the same.
Dataset Information:
The online_retail.csv contains 387961 rows and 8 columns.
StockCode Product ID
CustomerID Customer ID
1. Using the above data, find useful insights about the customer purchasing history
that can be an added advantage for the online retailer.
2. Segment the customers based on their purchasing behavior.