Ict Data Connectivity
Ict Data Connectivity
Ict Data Connectivity
11THFebruary, 2019
In the last few decades, Mobile Wireless Communication networks have experienced a
remarkable change. The mobile wireless Generation (G) generally refers to a change in the
nature of the system, speed, technology, frequency, data capacity, latency etc. Each generation
have some standards, different capacities, new techniques and new features which differentiate it
from the previous one (Neha Dumbre, 2013). The first generation (1G) mobile wireless
communication network was analog used for voice calls only. The second generation (2G) is a
digital technology and supports text messaging. The third generation (3G) mobile technology
provided higher data transmission rate, increased capacity and provide multimedia support. The
fourth generation (4G) integrates 3G with fixed internet to support wireless mobile internet,
which is an evolution to mobile technology and it overcome the limitations of 3G. It also
increases the bandwidth and reduces the cost of resources. (Anju Gawas, 2015). 5G stands for
5th Generation Mobile technology and is going to be a new revolution in mobile market which
has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth. User never experienced
ever before such high value technology which includes all type of advance features and5G
technology will be most powerful and in huge demand in near future.
Mobile communication has become more popular in last few years due to fast reform from 1G to
5G in mobile technology. This reform is due to requirement of service compatible transmission
technology and very high increase in telecoms customers. Generation refers change in nature of
service compatible transmission technology and new frequency bands. In 1980 the mobile
cellular era had started, and since then mobile communications have undergone considerable
changes and experienced massive growth (Meenal G. Kachhavay et al, 2014).
First Generation, 1G
These phones were the first mobile phones to be used, which was introduced in 1982 and
completed in early 1990. It was used for voice services and was based on technology called
Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS). The AMPS was frequency modulated and used
frequency division multiple access (FDMA) with a channel capacity of 30 KHz and frequency
band of 824-894MHz. Its basic features are:
1. Speed-2.4kbps
2. Allows voice calls in 1 country
3. Use analog signal.
4. Poor voice quality
5. Poor battery life
6. Large phone size
7. Limited capacity
8. Poor handoff reliability
9. Poor security
10. Offered very low level of spectrum efficiency
Second Generation (2G)
2G refers to the second generation based on GSM and was emerged in late 1980s. It uses digital
signals for voice transmission. Main focus of this technology was on digital signals and provides
services to deliver text and picture message at low speed (in kbps).It uses the bandwidth of 30 to
200 KHz. Next to 2G, 2.5G system uses packet switched and circuit switched domain and
provide data rate up to 144 kbps. E.g GPRS, CDMA and EDGE. The main features of 2G
1. Data speed was up to 64kbps
2. Use digital signals
3. Enables services such as text messages, picture messages and MMS (Multimedia
4. Provides better quality and capacity
5. Unable to handle complex data such as videos.
6. Required strong digital signals to help mobile phones work. If there is no network
coverage in any specific area, digital signals would weak.
Third Generation (3G)
3G is based on GSM and was launched in 2000. The aim of this technology was to offer high
speed data. The original technology was improved to allow data up to 14 Mbps and moreusing
packet switching. It uses Wide Band Wireless Network with which clarity is increased. It also
offers data services, access to television/video, new services like Global Roaming. It operates at
a range of 2100MHz and has a bandwidth of 15-20MHz used for High-speed internet service,
video chatting (Akhilesh and Ompal, 2012). The main features of 3G are:
1. Speed 2 Mbps
2. Typically called smart phones
3. Increased bandwidth and data transfer rates to accommodate web-based applications and
audio and video files.
4. Provides faster communication
5. Send/receive large email messages
6. High speed web/more security/video conferencing/3D gaming
7. Large capacities and broadband capabilities
8. TV streaming/mobile TV/Phone calls
9. To download a 3 minute MP3 song only 11 sec-1.5 mins time required.
10. Expensive fees for 3G licenses services
11. It was challenge to build the infrastructure for 3G
12. High bandwidth requirement
13. Expensive 3G phones
14. Large cell phones
Fourth Generation (4G)
4G offers a downloading speed of 100Mbps.4G provides same feature as 3G and additional
services like Multi-Media Newspapers, to watch T.V programs with more clarity and send Data
much faster than previous generations (Reshma, 2013). LTE (Long Term Evolution) is
considered as 4Gtechnology. 4G is being developed to accommodate the QoS and rate
requirements set by forthcoming applications like wireless broadband access, Multimedia
Messaging Service (MMS), video chat, mobile TV, HDTV content, Digital Video Broadcasting
(DVB), minimal services like voice and data, and other services that utilize bandwidth (Meenal
G. Kachhavay et al, 2014). The main features of 4G are:
1. Capable of provide 10Mbps-1Gbps speed
2. High quality streaming video
3. Combination of Wi-Fi and Wi-Max
4. High security
5. Provide any kind of service at any time as per user requirements anywhere
6. Expanded multimedia services
7. Low cost per-bit
8. Battery uses is more
9. Hard to implement
10. Need complicated hardware
11. Expensive equipment required to implement next generation network
Fifth Generation (5G)
5G refer to Fifth Generation which was started from late 2010s. Facilities that might be seen with
5G technology includes far better levels of connectivity and coverage. The main focus of 5G will
be on world-Wireless World Wide Web (WWWW). It is a complete wireless communication
with no limitations. The main features of 5G are:
1. It is highly supportable to WWWW (wireless World Wide Web)
2. High speed, high capacity
3. Provides large broadcasting of data in Gbps.
4. Multi-media newspapers, watch TV programs with the clarity(HD Clarity)
5. Faster data transmission that of the previous generation
6. Large phone memory, dialing speed, clarity in audio/vide
7. Support interactive multimedia, voice, streaming video, internet and other
8. More effective and attractive
Start/Deployment 1970-80 1990-2004 2004-10 Now Soon
Date Bandwidth 2kbps 64 kbps 2 Mbps 1 Gbps Higher than
1 Gbps
Technology Analog Digital CDMA 2000, Wi-Max, Wi-Fi, WWW
Core Network PSTN PSTN Packet N/W Internet Internet
Primary Service Analog Digital Phone calls, All-IP High speed,
Phone Phone calls Messaging, Service(including High
Call and Data Voice Messages) capacity and
Messaging provide large
of data in
1. Integration of various standards: One of the big challenges facing 5G is
standardization. There are already multiple groups working to come up with standards
around interoperability, backward compatibility with older technologies (4G, 3G), and
making sure the network will be future-proof.
2. Common Platform: There is no common architecture for interconnecting various
engineering practices. One common governing body is required, which creates a common
platform for all engineering practices to regularize the interconnectivity issues as well as
knowledge sharing.
3. Building the infrastructure: It is a huge task, with issues around spectrum and installing
new antennas. 5G is likely going to rely, at least in part, on higher-frequency bands.
There is more space in those airwaves available, but at such high frequencies, signals
can’t travel nearly as far as they can over the frequencies used for 4G, resulting in a poor
4. Obstacles: Like buildings, trees and even bad weather can also cause interference. To
offset that, carriers will need to install more base stations to ensure better coverage, and
use antenna technologies like MIMO.
1. Applications of 5G are beyond our imagination. User never experienced ever before such
high value technology which includes all type of advance features. Some of the
applications of 5G are:
2. We can able to charge our mobile using our own heart beat
3. We can able to feel our grandmother’s sugar level with our mobile
4. We can able to know the exact time of our child birth in nano seconds.
5. Our mobile rings according to our mood.
6. We can vote from our mobile
7. We can able to visualize lively all the planets and universe. Also we can able to navigate
a train for which we are waiting.
8. We can able to view our residence in our mobile when someone enters and also when
some once opens our intelligent car.
9. We can able pay all our bills in a single payment with our mobile (Singh et al., 2012).
1. Anju UttamGawas, An Overview on Evolution of Mobile Wireless
Communication Networks: 1G-6G,JRITCC, VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5,
2. Meenal G. Kachhavay et al, International Journal of Computer Science and
Mobile Computing, Vol.3 Issue.3,March- 2014
3. Reshma S ,5G Mobile Technology JARCET,Volume 2, Issue 2, February
4. http://www.scribd.com/doc/22050811/5g-Wireless-Architecture-v-1.
5. Akhilesh Kumar Pachauri 1 and Ompal Singh ,“5G Technology –
Redefining wireless
6. Communication in upcomingyears” , International Journal of Computer
Science and Management Research ,Vol 1 Issue 1,Aug 2012
7. Singh, Sapana, Pratap Singh, "Key Concepts and Network Architecture for
5G Mobile Technology.", InternationalJournal of Scientific Research
Engineering & Technology,1.5,2012
8. Neha Dumbre, 5G WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES-Still 4G auction not over,
but time to start talking 5GInternational Journal of Science, Engineering and
Technology Research (IJSaETR) Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2013
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