The Trisdekan Primer 3.1 Volume 2

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Volume 2: Tours of Duty

Version 3.1 - Konigstein, 2017-2023
Master of Ordnance ..................................... 52
Contents Model Officer ................................................ 55
Contents ................................................................. 3 Old Guard ....................................................... 57
What’s In This Book ......................................... 4 Paymaster ........................................................ 59
Volume 2: Tours of Duty ............................ 4 Psykana Haplotist ......................................... 61
A note on Playtesting ................................... 4 Ways of the Haplotist ................................. 61
Acknowledgements ....................................... 4 Psykana Savant ............................................... 66
Patron Roll of Honour ................................. 5 Psykana Scholar ............................................. 68
Changelog ............................................................. 5 Raider .............................................................. 70
Table 1: Regiment Options and Costs ...10 Racketeer ....................................................... 72
New Regiment Creation Options ...............10 Recon Controller......................................... 74
Scrounger ....................................................... 76
Homeworlds ...................................................10
Table 5: Scrounger Grenades ................... 77
Regiment Types............................................14
Special Equipment Doctrines ................... 15
Taskmaster ......................................................80
Training Doctrines....................................... 16
Commissar Advanced Specialties .................82
Table 2: Drawbacks ...................................... 19
Regimental Drawbacks ............................... 19 Commissar-Captain .....................................82
Regimental Archetypes .................................. 22 Hero of the Imperium.................................84
S-Company Officer ..................................... 85
Battle Honours ................................................. 27
Talents, Orders, Skills and Actions .............87
Example Honours ........................................28
New Skill .........................................................87
New Guardsman Specialties .......................... 31
New Talents ...................................................87
Artillery Spotter ............................................ 31
Table 6: Tier 1 Talents ................................ 88
Bomber ............................................................. 33
Table 7: Tier 2 Talents................................ 89
New Support Specialties ................................. 35
Table 8: Tier 3 Talents ............................... 90
Junior Officer ................................................ 35 Talent List ...................................................... 91
Officer of the Fleet ...................................... 37 New Orders .................................................. 110
Sutler ................................................................. 39 New Combat Actions ................................ 111
Table 3: Sutler Ammunition ..................... 40 Mount Training ............................................... 113
New Advanced Specialty Options ...............41
Mount Personalities ................................... 113
Air Controller ................................................41 Palfrey ............................................................ 114
Caravaneer ......................................................43 Courser ........................................................... 115
Dropmaster .....................................................45 Rouncey ......................................................... 116
Table 4: Materiel Drops ............................ 46 Destrier .......................................................... 117
Innovator ........................................................ 47 But Wait, There’s More! .............................. 118
Inquisitorial Agent ...................................... 49
Intruder ............................................................50
Long-Range Patroller ................................ 51

A note on Playtesting
What’s In This Book
Welcome to the Trisdekan Primer! This is a There is vastly more material in these
(currently) 3-volume series of expansions to volumes than I could ever have time to
Fantasy Flight Games’ Only War playtest- though most of it has been used in
roleplaying game. a limited fashion at least once in a game or
two. If you feel that any of my rules are
The Primer aims to fill in many of the gaps broken or nonsensical, please drop me a
left in Only War’s expansions, such as line at
advanced options for many classes which
did not receive them, and provide a A note on Fonts
plethora of rules and content to expand the
depth of any variety of campaign. The Primer series uses the IM Fell English
Roman font, as originally cut by
These books aren’t intended to be a Christoffel van Dijck, circa 1672. The Fell
monolith- by using rules from one part of Types are digitally reproduced by Igino
the Primer, you aren’t committing to using Marini.
rules from all of them. The goal is to allow
you, the GM or player, to pick and choose Acknowledgements
what you want or need to expand on your
campaign. This series has been a labour of love, sweat
and tears. Special thanks are absolutely in
Happy campaigning! order to the good folks at Roll for Heresy,
-Konigstein, 2023 Ordo Discordia, to the ca/tg/irls and
fa/tg/uys, to Swekky for kickass
Volume 2: Tours of Duty playtesting, Ablative Meatshield for
proofreading, HMJ for the field toilets,
The second volume of the Primer works as Messiahcide for his kickass subsector map
an expanded player’s resource book, and work on the Chemical damage,
containing a huge variety of new options to Akklonia for the art, and to the good folks
help you customize, upgrade, and of Open Skies, Coffee and Explosions, The Raid
occasionally psychologically traumatize on Cadorna Peak, Pour L'Empereur, Space
your Guardsmen. It includes new Resistance! and The Karacallian Front for
Specialties, dozens of new Talents, and an inspiring and playtesting bits of this
elaborate new Mount training system to document. I’d be remiss to not mention the
add depth to playing cavalry regiments. writers at Fantasy Flight Games, who’ve
created such a wonderful series of
For details on Subsector Trisdeka and an TTRPGs. Really sorry you lost the license.
armoury, see volumes 1 and 3 of this series, If you like my work, and want to consider
respectively. checking out some of my other projects or
contributing any of your hard-earned

shekels, consider checking out my Patreon 10/04/2017: Version 0.6. Tweaked a few Talents,
or my Itch. added several new pieces of weaponry and gear,
added Regimental Archetypes

Patron Roll of Honour 15/04/2017: Version 0.7. Added a new Homeworld

Extraordinarily special thanks to Alex H., Option, added Expanded Gear Variants, began the
Minor Worlds of the Cluster section
Vaughn Love, Travis LaFave, exball,
Robert Mayotte, Princess Moonbeam, 18/04/2017: Version 0.8. Added Psyker Advanced
cody stewart, Rogier Jordaan, GREGO117, Specialties.
Lalle, Nikolaj Steffensen, Cersei Lannister,
John, A Dummie, Grumbles, That One 20/04/2017: Version 0.8.1 Added one Talent, gear for
Psyker Advanced Specialties, minor formatting fixes
Hunter, Ryan Kiser, JTR55, René
Christensen, Jacob Torgerson, 24/04/2017: Version 0.8.2 Added more Tennanlower,
DRAMATA PARTY, Motormouth Jamie, Edelweiss and Nivan fluff, added the True Nivans
Skylord Alex, Goat, Kyle, Grigsbot, Tim regiment option and several pieces of True Nivan
Black, Kraig M, John Anderson, Patrick gear, as well as a single Edelweiss vehicle
lowe, Jack Dalgleish, Patrick M. and Miss
26/05/2017: Version 0.8.3. Added Commissar
Mae for their support. Advanced Specialties courtesy of Commander Beef,
as well as rules for Ski Troops and Bicycle Troops,
Changelog reworked the True Nivan/Nivan Junker fluff
07/02/2017: Version 0.2. Overall spelling and
grammar and formatting fixes. Made the tables look 12/06/2017: Version 0.8.4. More formatting fixes, a
prettier. Added new several new Talents and bit more Bellagian fluff, added some new weapons
reorganized the Talents section. Added one new to the Armoury
Weapon and two new Mounts.
16/06/2017: Version 0.8.5. Image compression fixes to
14/02/2017: Version 0.3. Another cut filesize. Standardized formatting for Regimental
proofreading/editing pass. Improved formatting statblocks. Added one new piece of Wargear, 3 new
and added a sweet map by Messiahcide. Added Talents, made many small tweaks to Talents and
several new pieces of Wargear and rewrote various Armoury equipment. Added slightly more
Talents and Weapon Qualities. Dolcaterran fluff.

22/02/2017: Version 0.4. Yet more proofreading, 12/09/2017: Version 0.8.6. Some minor formatting
added a bunch of new art, a new Vehicle, and yet changes for legibility. Rearranged the Armory
more wargear and weapons. section so it makes more sense. Many more
balance/content tweaks. Added a couple new pieces
26/02/2017: Version 0.4.1. Big pass for content of art.
readability, a little bit more art, one new Talent, one
new Weapon, added changelog 12/10/2017: Version 0.9. Added Stormtrooper
Advanced Specialties, Vehicle Variants, and one new
16/03/2017: Version 0.5. Formatting overhaul now vehicle. Filled out the Melee weapons section
that I actually know how to use Libreoffice slightly. Added five Exotic Weapons. Added two
new Talents, including MARTIAL ARTS
17/03/2017: Version 0.5.1. Minor formatting fixes, ACTION.
added missing gear weights
19/10/2017: Version 0.9.1 Added Pleasure World
Homeworld, two pieces of art, did some formatting

11/24/2018: Version 1.6. The Sidebar and Fluff
26/10/2017: Version 1.0! The Make it Pretty Edition! Update. Added numerous adventure hooks for each
Reformatted the entire document from scratch, planet, as well as a few images. Added some cultural
added a ton of new images, did a ton of content detail for the soldiers of each regiment to make
editing and typo fixes. It’s still not perfect, but it’s RPing them more interesting. Slightly expanded the
getting better. fluff for Dolcatero. Various balance fixes to the
Sutler. Slight balance changes to Nerve Gas.
08/11/2017: Version 1.1. Fixed most of the formatting Expanded Ammunition section. Slightly
issues left over from 1.0, added Vehicle reorganized the Vehicles and Mounts section.
Customization. Added a couple weapon upgrades, Changed table formatting to be a little prettier.
one melee weapon, and made some
rewrites/expansions to the Minor Worlds, Kurassiers 27/01/2019: Version 1.7 The “Twoish Year
and Skyboarders sections Anniversary” Update. Fixed the Flashfire talent so
it actually makes sense for use with Flamers. Added
19/11/2017: Version 1.2! The Trench Warfare new Sight weapon customizations.
Edition! Added rules for field guns and heavy Added 9 new planet-specific Talents. Added a
bombardments, chemical weapons, and the sidebar on regiment fluff creation.
Chemical Damage Type. Added in the Aerosani that Added a ton of new art by yours truly.
I totally forgot to add ages ago. Also, the new Sutler
Support Specialty, and some Unusual Ammunition 26/02/2019: Version 1.8: The Cavalry and Children
options for lasguns. Update
• Added a couple more new Talents
04/01/2018: Version 1.3. Added in quite a few Talents • Added the Old Guard Advanced Specialty
inspired by XCOM. Slightly modified some art- • Added rules for Child Soldiers
thanks Lamerus. Made general edits, a few minor • Added Barding
changes to some Support Specialties. • Added stats for camels, mules and elephants
• Did tons of minor editing and rebalancing
04/02/2018: Version 1.4. The ‘IT’S ALMOST
in all sections
BEEN A YEAR, FUCK’ Update. Balance pass on
• Added a crap-ton of images
Advance Specialties and the Sutler to bring them a
bit more in line with what’s in the OW rules. Added
20/12/2019: Version 2.0: The Volume Split
four Advanced Specialties for the Sutler, and one
new piece of Artillery. Many many many bits of • Divided the Trisdekan Primer into a
editing, mostly on bits of gear and vehicles. setting, character-building and armoury
book to make editing easier. Added a
31/07/18 Version 1.5. The ‘IT’S BEEN MORE kickass piece of cover art by Akklonia
THAN A YEAR, FUCK’ update. • Volume 1: Tweaked and clarified the
• Updated and resorted the Armoury Korpogardistos regiment rules
sections, adding Plasma Ammunition, • Volume 2: Added Battle Honours, new
Flamer Customizations, Rifle Grenades, Regimental Drawbacks, and Habermann
and some balance changes. Soldiers. Made some balance tweaks on
• Added quick-reference rarity tables Actions, added three new Talents and two
new Orders. Added Plasma Ammunition to
• Added a variety of sidebars on useful things
the Sutler’s ammo list.
• Made some minor balance changes to
• Volume 3: Separated Low-Tech and
Regimental Archetypes, various Talents
Blackpowder Weapons. Added seven new
and several Specialties
Blackpowder weapons and Duplex Bullets.
• New background image, new art by myself
Tweaked several weapon statblocks for
and Messiahcide, many new images
more variety. Converted the 4-pounder
into an artillery piece, rather than a

weapon. Added 2 new Blackpowder o Added several new Adventure
artillery pieces Hooks
• Volume 2
05/06/2020: Version 2.1: The Chilly Archery Update o Fixed the costs for the Regimental
• Volume 1: Drawbacks.
o Added the Cold-Weather Warfare o Added the Artillery Spotter
section, as requested by patron Guardsman Speciality
Alex H. o Added the Junior Officer and
o Added planet art by Evil Windly Officer of the Fleet Support
o Edited and tweaked several Specialties
sections for clarity and continuity o Added the Air Controller,
• Volume 2: Dropmaster, Model Officer and
o Added the Arbalist, Yeoman and Tactician Advanced Specialties
Trick Archery Talents. Tweaked o Tweaked the abilities of the
the balance of several older Long-Range Patroller and Raider
Talents. Advanced Specialties
o Reorganized Regiment Creation o Added the Holy Martyrdom
Options, Regimental Archetypes, Equipment Doctrine
Battle Honours, Advanced o Slightly reformatted the Mount
Specialties, Orders and Combat Training section to make it look
Actions prettier
o Added one new Battle Honour o Added one new Battle Honour
o Slightly buffed the Battle Song • Volume 3
action o Added Spyglasses, Signal Flags
• Volume 3: and the Martyr Vest
o Added Longbows, Horn Bows, o Added the Jezzail, Revolver Rifle
Asymmetrical Bows, and and Trench Catapult
Compound Bows o Added the Ironcase Rocket and
o Added several new Weapon Flaming Arrow artillery pieces.
Upgrades o Tweaked rules for horse-drawn
o Added Bodkin Arrows, Blunt artillery
Arrows, Whistling Arrows and Fire o Updated and polished the vehicle
Arrows. section
o Added Crampons and Snow o Added the Bruennhilde and
Goggles Dvalinn prime movers.
o Tweaked some weapon stats.
o Reorganized several sections for 14/11/2021: Version 2.3: The Belated Fourth
clarity and ease of use Anniversary Update
• Volume 1
16/04/2021: Version 2.2: The Artillery & Air Support o Added a bit more art
Update o Tweaked, edited and reformatted
• Volume 1 several sections, fixed some errors in
o Updated several of the prebuilt the Appendix.
Regiments with new Doctrines and o Added some new/variant gear to some
gear of the premade regiments.
o Added the Brumeran Horse • Volume 2
Artillery, Edelweiss Grenzers and o Added reference tables for regiment
Tennanlowe MCDF premade creation options
regiments, plus fluff o Split the Training and Equipment
Doctrine sections

o Slightly rebalanced the Early Modern o Did some font trickery that should
and Pleasure World homeworlds. make all the volumes look the
o Added four new Regiment Types same, but also have smaller file
o Added the Code Talkers Training sizes and be fully searchable/copy-
Doctrine pastable.
o Buffed the Holy Martyrdom Doctrine • Volume 1:
o Added a section elaborating on Child o Numerous small tweaks and for-
Soldiers matting/typo fixes.
o Added the Recon Controller and o Added missing “Katyush in Brief”
Taskmaster Advanced Specialties sidebar, plus art.
o Tweaked and rebalanced several of the o Reworked all the premade regi-
preexisting Specialties, including the ments for better variety and more
Intruder and Raider. flavor.
o Fixed the page references in the Sutler o Edited and condensed several sec-
and Scrounger tables. tions of overly-verbose or unnec-
o Added the Expert Archetype, and essary fluff.
rebalanced several others o Fixed nonsensical stats for the Ka-
o Added Force, Shock and Power malinka Flora.
expertise/mastery talents, as well as o Added rules for condensation in
Shield talents. Appendix I.
o Rebalanced several Talents, including • Volume 2:
Caustic Jape. o Numerous small tweaks and for-
• Volume 3 matting/typo fixes.
o Added art for all the weapons. o Removed several pieces of art I
o Added four new Shields definitely didn’t have use
o Added the Parrying Dagger permissions for.
o Added shield-specific weapon o Some Regiment Creation options
upgrades and Talents cut and ported over to
o Updated and alphabetized the Melee Bellum Inter Barbatos:
Weapons section ▪ Men-At-Arms, Feudal
o Added 4 new Infiltrator weapons Levy, Pike and Shot
o Rebalanced some of the bows Formation, Primitive
o Slightly tweaked availability rules Skirmishers, Bicycle
o Condensed the Rifle Grenade rules Troops, Code Talkers
o Slightly reorganized the Gas Warheads ▪ Arbalist, Heater and
section Targe, Hoplite,
o Buffed and rebalanced several of the Rodelero, Shieldbearer,
Weapon Upgrades and Wargear Shield Expertise,
options Yeoman, Trick Archery
o Added two new pieces of Exotic o Added six new Training Doctrines
Ammunition and one new Cybernetic o Tweaked the Talent/gear options
o Added Vehicle and Mount for the Artillery regiments to add a
Availabilities bit of variety
o Slightly simplified the Artillery system o Rebalanced and tweaked several
and condensed the Artillery rules Regimental Archetypes
blocks. o Rebalanced and tweaked several
Battle Honours
11/09/2023: Version 3.0: The Final Update o Added the Bomber Specialty
• All Volumes: o Added a couple more options to
o Spiced up formatting a teensy bit the Raider’s Terror Weapons ability

o Rebalanced nearly all the o Fixed incorrect regiment
Commissar Advanced Specialty setup for Katyushan 1st
o Reworded/tweaked several
Combat Actions o Added missing Snare quality
o Rebalanced or streamlined many to Kamalinka Flora's
Talents. Adhesive Grasp
o Added the Fastball, Buttstroke
• Volume 2
and Can’t Miss Talents
o Slightly tweaked and reorganized o Fixed error in the Can't Miss
some of the Mount Training talent
options. o Fixed the page references
• Volume 3: for Sutler ammo, and added
o Many items cut and ported over to Bolo Shells
Bellum Inter Barbatos:
▪ Sling, Longbow, Asym-
o Clarified the Bomber's
metrical Bow and Horn Alternate Loadouts textbox
Bow. slighty.
▪ Buckler, Chakram, Heavy o Fixed some Artillery
Shield and Parrying Dag- regiments mentioning Land
▪ Blunt Arrow, Bodkin Ar-
Crawlers instead of
row, Fire Arrow and Bruennhildes
Whistling Arrow. • Volume 3
▪ Aegisal, Guige, Shield o Reworded Infiltrator quality
Hook and Shield Spike.
o Fixed missing Drotik stats
▪ Leather, Chainmail and
Plate Barding. o Slightly increased the effects
▪ Flaming Arrow artillery of several Vehicle Pattern
piece Negatives
o Dozens of rules tweaks, clarifica- o Shortened the Colossus'
tions, rewordings, etc.
reload time
o Added separate weapon rules for
the Heavy Autostrela o Added availability to Pack
o Added one new Implant System Howitzer's HEAT Rounds
and one new piece of Armour
o Added five new forms of Exotic
Ammunition, in order to general-
ize grapeshot and canister across
all muzzle-loading artillery pieces.
o Greatly increased the Colossus
Bombard’s range.
o Added several more weapon op-
tions for the Soyuz-Z4(A)
o Added Availability for artillery

20/10/2023: Version 3.1 Patch

• Volume 1

Table 1: Regiment Options and Costs
New Regiment Creation Options Name Type Cost
“Reinforcements from Trisdeka? You mean a Early Modern Homeworld 1
ragtag band of heathen primitives, drugged-up Pleasure Homeworld 3
supermen, outright criminals and gear-frakkers? Scrap Homeworld 3
Lovely.” Foot Artillery Reg. Type 2
-Lord-General Bedfordium Harris Heavy Artillery Reg. Type 5
Light Artillery Reg. Type 3
The following regiment creation options Mech. Artillery Reg. Type 4
have been designed with some of the Holy Martyrdom Equipment 2
planets of Trisdeka in mind, but can of Ski Troops Equipment 2
course be re-fluffed to fit other areas of the Called to Duty Training 2
Imperium. Child Soldiers Training 2
Habermann Training 4
Homeworlds Soldiers
Limited Service Training 2
Early Modern World Equestrians Training 2
Omnissian Allies Training 4
Many worlds in the wider Imperium have Siegemasters Training 3
moved beyond the feudal stage, but are still Vaulters Training 3
developing towards more modern
nationhood and the industrialization of the Total Cost: 1 point
more primitive civilized worlds. These Characteristic Bonus: +3 to any two of
planets are known as Early Modern Worlds. Toughness, Willpower and Weapon Skill
Their societies tend to be semi- Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (War),
industrialized, centralized, and thus suitable Linguistics (High Gothic), Survival
for Imperial integration. Some are in a state Talents: Duelist or Double Team
of cultural renaissance as feudalism gives Wounds: +1 Starting Wound
way to advanced artistic and philosophical Neoclassicism: Many Early Modern Worlds
achievement, while still others have only have not yet developed a single unifying
just begun to utilize steam power or planetary language, but certain common
electricity in their industries. Nonetheless, dialects used for philosophy or learned
a dualism common in all Early Modern discourse are common, often derived from
Worlds is the contrast between culture and 'classical' languages spoken in the planet's
conquest- many are dominated by huge long-vanished history. Characters from an
continent-spanning empires locked in Early Modern World begin play with
ferocious combat with their rivals, and all Linguistics (High Gothic), but are
see colonization attempts spanning their otherwise unable to read or speak Low
oceans or great landmasses. The people Gothic, though they may be able to pick
these planets breed are curious, inquisitive out individual words or phrases.
and open to new ideas about the world Age of Reason: Early-moderners often pride
around them, but just as able with fire and themselves on their scientific and
shot and steel. philosophical literacy, as well as their

willingness to embrace new ideas about the unusually high number and quality of
world around them. However, the ideas brothels- there are no constants.
they do tend to embrace and utilize are
often either horribly primitive or just plain Pleasure Worlders almost universally make
wrong. Lore, Operate, Tech-Use and for terrible soldiers, employed only at truly
Medicae skills used by Early Modern desparate times. Some Pleasure Worlds may
characters only apply to technology or maintain a stable of gladiatorial warriors,
knowledge known in the 1700s on Earth- but ceremonial arena combat cannot
they can suture a wound, drive a carriage compare to the battlefields upon which the
and operate a clock, for instance, but Imperial Guard regularly deploys.
electricity is a scientific novelty, steam Total Cost: 3 Points
engines are still unfamiliar and disinfectants Characteristic Modifiers: -3 to Toughness and
are wholly unknown. Willpower, +3 to Fellowship and
Military Science: Early modern military Perception
strategy and tactics still revolve around the Skills: Sleight of Hand, Common Lore
musketeer, the lancer, and bronze artillery, (Imperium), Charm, Linguistics (Low
and many worlds have not yet had the time Gothic), and Perform or Trade (Pick One)
to fully appreciate what exactly they are Wounds: -2 Starting Wounds
tithing their men to do. Characters from Fluency: Pleasure Worlders generally
these worlds cannot take the Operator interact with their clients in the language of
Specialty when beginning play, though the nobility, but such interactions generally
they are free to switch in to it at higher do not extend to the written word. Pleasure
ranks. Further, they cannot purchase or Worlders can comfortably speak High
receive any Weapon Training talents other Gothic, but they may only be able to read a
than Blackpowder and Low-Tech until few words and certainly can't write it. They
they have gained at least enough XP to do not begin with Linguistics (High
change Specialties for the first time. Gothic) as a result, but can always purchase
Support Specialists other than Junior its first rank for 100 xp regardless of their
Officers from Regiments with this Aptitudes.
homeworld must use the rules for Mixed Eager to Please: The customer is always
Regiments. right- on some Pleasure Worlds, this
mantra can mean the difference between
Pleasure World life and death, or at the very least life and
life with a substantial tip. Pleasure Worlders
The Imperium has few true Pleasure gain a +10 to any test made to ingratiate
Worlds, and what constitutes pleasure themselves with or suck up to their
varies from sector to sector, but their superiors, and -10 to any test made to resist,
purpose is always the same- to provide ignore or otherwise countermand direct
leisure activities for the Imperial nobility, orders from authority.
and even sometimes regular citizens. These Excessive Lifestyles: Pleasure Worlders grow
planets could be gigantic luxury resorts, up in conditions that many Imperials, even
nature preserves, or even home to an some nobles, would find unbelievably

decadent and depraved, and excesses of Wounds: -1 Starting Wound
food, drink and debauchery that would Industrial Contaminants: The environments
poleaxe lesser men pass them by, though in which Scrap Worlders live are barely
not without a deeper moral cost. Pleasure conducive to life, much less permanent
Worlders begin play with 1d10+1 points of human habitation. Toxic chemicals and
Corruption. However, they delay the runoff seep into the soil and groundwater,
negative effects of any consumeable drug, and generation upon generation of heavy
foodstuff or medicine for a number of metal poisoning or carcinogen exposure
hours equal to their Toughness Bonus. takes its toll- some Scrap Worlders simply
live with their twisted forms, while others
Scrap World choose to replace them with crude
machinery. A character from a Scrap World
In places where the Adeptus Mechanicus begins play with either a randomly-selected
hold sway, but their government is tenuous Minor Mutation or one Poor-Quality
or disorganized, all the byproducts and cybernetic limb of their choice.
waste of the Omnissiah’s endless industry Abberant Machine-Worshippers: Scrap-
begin to pile up. These Scrap Worlds are Worlders frequently have mixed feelings
covered in vast strata of machinery, junk about their planetary overlords, or may
and the detritus of countless industrial worship a version of the Omnissiah that is
projects, from the downed hulks of so far removed from the original as to be
voidships to simple garbage dumped by the almost unrecognizable. Regardless, they
inhabitants of other planets. The few have little love for the red-robed servants
miserable natives who eke out a living of the Cult Mechanicus, and the feeling is
among the scrap are a surprisingly hardy mutual. Scrap-Worlders recieve a -10
bunch, often used as tech-serfs by whatever penalty to any Interaction test with
masters might rule their world. A life members of the Adeptus Mechanicus or the
among long-dead machinery, industrial citizens of proper Forge Worlds.
waste and pollution teaches flexibility, Machine Survivalists: Characters from Scrap
ingenuity and a certain nihilistic Worlds recieve a +5 bonus to any Test to
tenaciousness- soldiers from Scrap Worlds make in-field repairs of mechanisms, or
are often valued, as they may have many of make unorthodox and illicit custom
the technological skills of a Forge Worlder modifications to their weapons and gear.
with fewer of the scruples.
Total Cost: 3
Characteristic Bonus: +3 to Intelligence and
Agility, -3 to Toughness
Skills: Tech-Use, Trade (Technomat),
Survival, Linguistics (Techna-Lingua),
Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate
Talents: Initiated Maintenance and Hardy or
Hatred (Machines and Servitors)

Breathing life into a Regiment
Once you’ve figured out the crunch, or rules for a regiment, it’s important to figure out who the
regiment is, rather than what it is. The regiment is the palette of characters you’re likely to be drawing
from for the entirety of a campaign, so fleshing it out is of vital importance. When you’ve created a
regiment, try asking yourself some of the following questions to help put some meat on its bones.
• Other than its Imperial classification, what is the Regiment’s homeworld like?
• How devout are the people of this planet? How do they worship the Emperor, if at all?
• Why do soldiers from this homeworld join the Imperial Guard? Do they do so by force or by choice?
• Why does the homeworld raise Guard units? Are they following their tithe obligations, or are their
cultural or strategic or patriotic reasons for recruitment?
• What kind of environments are the Regiment’s soldiers best trained or suited to fight in?
• What are three unusual or distinctive cultural quirks people from this Regiment, and by extension
this homeworld, demonstrate? Do they have unusual customs? Strange superstitions?
• Is the Regiment all made of rookie soldiers? Or is it a mix of new and old? Is it several units
• Is the Regiment all-male? All-female? Mixed?
• What kind of uniforms do the troops from the Regiment wear, if at all? Do they use camouflage? Are
they expected to keep their uniforms and gear maintained to a certain standard?
• How well does the Regiment get along with the Munitorum? The Ecclesiarchy? The Commissariat?
If they don’t get along well, what happened?
• How do soldiers of the Regiment behave in the field? Are they honourable? Cruel? Do they treat
their enemies with respect? Do they take prisoners? Do they have any particular military rituals?
• Does the Regiment have any past war heroes? Who do soldiers from the Regiment look up to?
• How does the Regiment treat civilians in the battle area? How do they handle soldiers fraternizing
with each other?
• Does the Regiment have any skeletons in its closet? Any past failures or dark shames?

Regiment Types heaviest firepower that the common
Guardsman can call upon.
Foot Artillery Regiment
Cost: 5 points
Frequently found in trench-fighting Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3
scenarios, or environments too rough for Toughness
more conventional artillery, Foot Artillery Starting Skills: Operate (Surface) or Survival,
Regiments are equipped with very light Tech-Use
weapons which are usually man-portable. Starting Talents: Calculated Barrage,
Though they lack the range and firepower Hunter’s Instincts
of the heavier artillery, they make up for it Standard Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon)
in flexibility. and four charge packs per Player Character,
1 Siege-type Artillery per Squad, Up to 2
Cost: 2 points Centaurs or 2 Bruennhildes or 2 Trucks or
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 sufficient Mounts needed to tow Artillery
Perception per Squad, 1 pair of magnoculars per Player
Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface) Character, 1 Deadspace Earpiece per Player
Starting Talents: Calculated Barrage Character, 1 vox-caster per Squad.
Standard Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon)
and four charge packs per Player Character, Light Artillery Regiment
1 Mortar per every 2 player characters, 1
Towed artillery is often the cheapest and
pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1
most mobile option available to the Astra
vox-caster per Squad.
Militarum, and Light Artillery regiments
Foot Artillery for Individual Players are deployed in a huge variety of roles; they
If you’re dealing with a player who can be tasked with long-range
wants to be a Foot Artillery soldier in a bombardments, infantry support, or even
campaign where each member of the anti-tank duties.
Squad is from a different regiment,
Cost: 3 points
consider altering the Foot Artillery
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3
standard kit to “1 Mortar per Player
Character.” Helps give that mortar
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface) or Survival
squad feel.
Starting Talents: Low Profile or Tank
Heavy Artillery Regiment Standard Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon)
and four charge packs per Player Character,
Heavy or siege artillery regiments haul the 1 Field or Mortar or Rocket-type artillery
largest weapons available to the Imperium, per Squad, 1 Centaur or Bruennhilde or
battering their targets to pieces from far Truck or sufficient Mounts needed to tow
over the horizon. Though seldom the most Artillery per Squad, 1 pair of magnoculars
mobile, and horribly vulnerable to air per Player Character, 1 vox-caster per
attack or ambush, they represent the Squad.

impassable to infantry on foot. Such
Mechanized Artillery Regiment regiments favor fit and healthy soldiers- an
unfit skiier is a dead skiier on a battlefield.
The Militarum fields a vast amount of Type: Special Equipment Doctrine
mechanized artillery, heavy support guns Cost: 2 points
on vehicle platforms that are more mobile Standard Regimental Kit: 1 pair of Skis, 1 pair
and better-protected than their towed of Ski Poles, 1 Survival Suit per Player
equivalents. In a pinch, vehicles like the Character.
Basilisk or the Gryphon can even be used as
improvised tanks, their heavy armour
giving them a great deal of survivability.

Cost: 4 points
Characteristics: +3 Ballistic Skill, –3
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Ranging Fire
Standard Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon)
and four charge packs per Player Character,
1 Basilisk or Manticore or Gryphon per
Squad, 1 pair of magnoculars per Player
Character, 1 vox-caster per Squad.

Special Equipment Doctrines

Holy Martyrdom

This regiment believes that a Guardsman’s

duty extends all the way to death, and that
to take the enemies of the Emperor with
you is the ultimate achievement of the
Cost: 2 Points
Standard Regimental Kit: 2 Krak Grenades,
Martyr Vest, Headband with holy symbols

Ski Troops

This regiment is specially trained to

operate with high mobility in snow or icy
conditions, using skis to move at great
speeds over terrain that would normally be

Training Doctrines Child Soldiers
Either this
Called to Duty Regiment’s
This Regiment’s homeworld has a low
structure is highly minimum recruiting
meritocratic, team- age, or is so
based, and designed desperate for
to instill strong manpower that it will
bonds of loyalty conscript anyone;
between soldiers. regardless, the
The degree of regiment is mostly
operational composed of child
effectiveness such soldiers. Children are
high morale entails small, nimble and
cannot be may notice things
overstated. that adults don’t, of
Cost: 2 points course, but they may
Esprit de Corps: not be prepared for
Characters from this the realities of war in
Regiment count as the 41st millennium.
having the Psyker
Now you too can be the little girl in the 41st Millenium. Image from All Infantry Specialist
Aptitude, but only Erica1940
for the purposes of characters in this
purchasing advances in Willpower. Regiment are considered to be children.
Characters that would gain the Psyker Characters from this regiment cannot be
Aptitude from their Specialty also gain a Support Specialists- the rules for Mixed
+10 bonus to all Fellowship-based Tests Regiments must be employed to generate
with other members of this Regiment. Support Specialists for this regiment.
Cost: 2
Starting Traits: Size (3)

Child Soldiers as Comrades

So, you want your Guardsman to have a kid sidekick, huh? This can be accomplished by taking the
Unusual Companion Talent in Shield of Humanity. As Comrades, Child Soldiers have access to standard
Orders, plus the Get Behind Me and Take ‘Em Down orders from the Ogryn, and the Keep Them Off
Balance and Hostiles Detected orders from the Ratling (see Shield of Humanity, Chapter III, for more
details.) If you need the statblock for a Child Soldier from your or another regiment, consider taking
the Guardsman statblock in the core book, reducing their base Wounds by 3, then giving them Size (3)
and Hardy, plus any relevant Regimental talents, traits or Skills.

If you want to generate Demeanors, considering using the Ogryn options, as they work well to
represent particularly childish or single-minded characters.

Starting Talents: Hardy
Childish Innocence: Children characters take a
-20 penalty to resist any social tests from
adults or authority figures. They gain their
first Mental Disorder after passing 20
Insanity, instead of 40.
Quick Learners: Children characters reduce
the cost of all XP expenditures by 50 until
they hit their first milestone to switch

Centuries of mounted combat have taught
the members of this Regiment the value of
picking cavalry mounts, and instilled them
with deep generational knowledge about
the handling and training of such mounts.
Cost: 3
Starting Skills: Survival
Cavaliers: After spending at least 400 MX
on a Mount Personality, characters from
this Regiment may choose a single Mount
Ability from a different Mount
Personality, costing no more than 150 MX, breathing, heart rate, immune response and
and gain it for free. They may do this a all other bodily processes.
second time after spending at least 1000
MX on their Mount. Needless to say, being converted to a
Habermann is seldom a voluntary process,
Habermann Soldiers and it is frequently inflicted on Mechanicus
A nightmarish process for producing penal soldiers when Servitorization is not
inexpensive cybernetic soldiers, the an option.
Habermann Process was invented by a
certain Archmagos Krawnch Habermann All Infantry Specialist soldiers in this
of, where else, Niva Gustav. Regiment are Habermanns. Characters
from this regiment cannot be Support
This bizarre surgery disconnects a human’s Specialists- the rules for Mixed Regiments
mind from many of their senses and must be employed to generate Support
connects all of their autonomic nervous Specialists for this regiment.
system up to an exterior control panel. A Cost: 4
Habermann Soldier is numb save for their Starting Traits: Machine (2)
sight, but has total control over their Starting Talents: Iron Jaw

Veil of Emptiness: Habermann Soldiers have worlds who owe much of their training,
no sense of hearing, smell, taste or touch. equipment and command structure to the
They are completely immune to pain, such support of Mars.
as the effects of the Crippling weapon Cost: 4
quality, and gain a +30 bonus to any Test to Starting Skills: Trade (Armorer or
avoid being Blinded. Technomat or Metalworker)
Starting Talents: Initiated Maintenance
…And I Must Scream: Though their bodies Mechnoikos: Characters from this Regiment
are horribly mutilated, the minds of halve the penalties to use Flame, Plasma,
Habermann Soldiers are very much intact. Shock and Melta weapons of Imperial
These characters begin play with 2d10 manufacture when untrained.
Insanity, lack the immunity to mind-
influencing psychic effects from the Siegemasters
Machine trait, and take a -30 penalty to Regular contact with the continuous shock
interaction skill tests with characters who of firing from artillery weapons, or the
are not Techpriests, from Forge Worlds, or crack of hand grenades, can instill a certain
other Habermann Soldiers. They also indifference, or at least level-headedness.
impose the same penalty on Interaction Cost: 3
Skill Tests made on them by those people. Starting Talents: Sound Constitution
Blastproofed: Characters from this Regiment
Limited Service gain a +10 bonus to tests to resist the effects
Imperial Guard regiments that take on of the Concussive (x) Quality, and treat
recruits for strictly-defined terms of service their Agility Bonus as being 1 higher for the
are few and far between, but the promise of purposes of Dodging attacks with the Blast
a successful retirement, and the (x) Quality.
opportunity for reenlistment with benefits,
makes for superior soldiers. Vaulters
Cost: 2 The Guard is full of light infantry
Starting Skills: Common Lore (War, Local regiments who don’t benefit from the wide
Front) available of effective flak armour suits, or
Veteran Recruits: Characters from this may be expected to operate in skirmish
Regiment may choose to begin play with 1 conditions where mobility trumps taking
less Fate Point than normal (to a minimum cover. A little bit of physical training can go
of 0); in exchange, they increase one a long way in these cases.
Characteristic by 5. Cost: 3
Starting Skills: Acrobatics or Dodge
Omnissian Allies Starting Talents: Evasive
Though the Skitarii and Knight Houses are
the primary combat force of the
Mechanicus, there are thousands of worlds
that field so-called “tech guard”, standard
Militarum troops from Mechanicus client

Regimental Drawbacks ammunition or put them in
Table 2: Drawbacks
danger. If they fail by more
Name Points
The following Regimental than two Degrees, they
Bloodthirsty 3
Drawbacks can be taken become Frenzied and gain 1d5
Decadent 2
during regiment creation to Insanity.
Exhausted 2
provide a wider range of
Mutinous 4
narrative and Regiment Decadent
Overconfident 2
Point options, or imposed on
Paranoid 2
a regiment during the course The Imperium makes heavy
Poorly Trained 4
of play to reflect the effects use of combat drugs for its
Shattered 5
of long combat service (see soldiers, but generally under
the section on Battle fairly restrictive
Honours, below) circumstances. In those cases where
discipline breaks down and the black
Bloodthirsty market thrives, everpresent drug addiction
can utterly destroy the effectiveness of an
Humans can sink to their basest instincts in otherwise well-trained fighting force.
battle, and some who do so never quite Regiment Points: 2
return to what they were. These men and Got the Goods?: Members of this Regiment
women are not quite broken, not yet, but gain a +20 bonus to Tests to acquire or steal
they have a thirst for slaughter that is chems and intoxicants.
almost overpowering. Tune In, Drop Out: Every character in this
Regiment Points: 3 Regiment is permanently addicted to one
Die die die!: Each time a soldier from this chem of the GM’s choice. Any time they
Regiment kills a target, they must pass a are not under the influence of this chem
Willpower Test. If they fail, they spend the they take a -10 penalty to Tests with their
next Turn continuing to savagely assail the three highest Characteristics.
body, even if doing so would waste

Exhausted Mutinous

Even the most well-trained soldiers are not Sometimes the pressures of poor command
tireless, and with long and grinding combat grow so great that rebelling against the
every soldier eventually becomes a listless, strictures of Militarum discipline seems like
stumbling shadow of their former selves. the only option. This Regiment has seen
This Regiment’s soldiers have been worked the worst that its leadership has to offer,
too hard in training or on the battlefield. and has had enough.
Regiment Points: 2 Regiment Points: 4
Carry That Weight: Any time soldiers from Quiet Plotting: A substantial minority, or a
this Regiment go for more than 12 hours small majority, of this Regiment’s soldiers,
without proper rest and food, they reduce up to and including low-ranking officers,
their Strength and Agility Bonuses by 1d5-2 are actively plotting to kill or overthrow
(to a minimum of 1). their commanders. The plot is well-
established and near to achieving its goals.
What exact effect this has on gameplay
is up to the GM.


The troops of this Regiment have

undergone great victories, crushing
their enemies over and over again.
They are the unyielding hammer of the
Emperor’s might, the unbreakable
point of His spear, a towering inferno
of might which- you get the idea.
Whether due to battle experience or
training, the soldiers of this Regiment
are riding high- but pride always comes
before a fall.
Regiment Points: 2
We Can’t Lose!: Any time a member of
this Regiment passes an Awareness,
Lore, or Command Test related to
assessing enemy strength or numbers
with less than two Degrees of Success,
they form an incorrect opinion about
the threat presented by their target.
This opinion will always involve the
enemy being much less dangerous than
they initially appear.

Paranoid Shattered

This Regiment’s soldiers have seen some The soldiers of this regiment have seen
crazy stuff, man. Things you wouldn’t things that haven’t just broken them- they
believe- things They don’t want you to have been destroyed in body and soul by
know about. Who’s “They”?! Shhhhh! their experiences, but somehow they still
They’ll hear you! If only you knew how bad live, listlessly following orders with minds
things really are! that are hollow and full of deadly apathy.
Regiment Points: 2 Regiment Points: 5
Talents: Paranoia Talents: Cold Hearted, Disturbing Voice
The Eye in the Pyramid: Whenever a Less than Human: Soldiers from this
Character from this Regiment passes an Regiment are whole in body, but not in
Intelligence or Perception-based Test, mind. They begin play with 3d10 Insanity,
they gain 1d5-3 Insanity (to a minimum of and take a -20 penalty to any Fellowship-
0). based Tests with characters who a less
severe Degree of Madness than they do.
Poorly Trained Why Bother: Soldiers from this Regiment
take a -2 penalty to all Initiative tests.
Sometimes troop training takes a second
fiddle to expediency- so the
Munitorum feels, anyways. For
those soldiers who have been
rushed through training, then
thrust on to the battlefield
utterly unprepared for the
environment they have been
posted to, the logic of such a
decision is not particularly
Regiment Points: 4
Winging It: For their first 6
months of in-game time in a
new theatre of battle, troops
from this Regiment must roll
twice and take the worse result
on any Lore tests relating to
their battlefield environment
or any Tech-Use or Operate
tests to use equipment they
have been assigned for that

Regimental Archetypes This character knows people who know
“You’re all heroes or something. It don’t matter. people, and other members of the regiment
None of this matters.” come to them if they need items, weapons
-Commissar Karolus Brutananadilewski, Bellagian or gear above and beyond what can
698th normally be found in Imperial supply
depots. This character gains the effects of
All regiments in the Imperial guard have the Scavengers regimental doctrine: They
their characters, faces who stand out from can choose to take a +10 to Logistics tests,
the crowd. The long-suffering but if they roll doubles they attract
quartermaster’s assistant, the histrionic unwanted attention from the authorities. If
regimental piper, the jolly sergeant who their regiment already possesses the
greets his men with a wink and a lho-stick; Scavengers doctrine, they gain a further +10
all can be expressed through Regimental to the logistics test from the ability but also
Archetypes. attract attention on Logistics tests of 89-
Regimental Archetypes are an optional
addition to Only War’s character creation Born Sergeant
that functions not dissimilarly to the Bonus Skills: Intimidate, Common Lore
advanced character creation packages from (Imperial Guard) or Bonus Aptitude:
Rogue Trader. Each Archetype can be Leadership
purchased on character creation for 300xp, This character was born with unusually
providing a choice of a temporary bonus strong lungs and a brazen voice that cuts
Aptitude or two Skills, as well as various through the din of battle. When it comes to
other special abilities to encourage being really loud, no one can compare.
effective RPing. Skills purchased in this They gain a +10 bonus to any Command or
way count as Skill Advances if the Intimidate test that involves screaming at
purchasing character already has the the top of their lungs. Unfortunately, they
relevant skill. sometimes don’t realize how loud they are-
If this character makes a Fellowship-based
A character may only purchase one test while hiding, sneaking, or engaged in
Archetype, and the choice of Archetype is combat, all enemy characters within earshot
permanent. If the character chooses an gain a +20 bonus to any tests to locate or
Aptitude as their bonus, they lose this detect them.
Aptitude the first time they reach a
milestone to change Specialty- as a Creep
regiment evolves, so too do the soldiers Bonus Skills: Intimidate, Scrutiny or Bonus
who fight in it. Aptitude: Willpower
This character makes people around them
Black Marketeer uncomfortable, plain and simple. They may
Bonus Skills: Commerce, Common Lore have a peculiar odour, or an unsavory sexual
(Local Sector) or Bonus Aptitude: Fellowship proclivity, or a tendency to giggle at
exactly the wrong time, but regardless

people simply don’t like them, and they their choice. They begin play with two
often turn to darker places for solace. This field-specific Enemy Talents of the GM’s
character gains a +5 to Intimidate and choice.
Stealth tests, even if the skill is not Trained.
Every time this character would gain Companies and Battalions
Corruption they gain an extra amount Many Imperial Guard regiments are
equal to half their Fellowship bonus, truly gigantic by any standard,
rounded up. hurling tens of thousands of men
into combat. Within such groups,
Doc regiments which can field whole
Bonus Skills: Medicae, Scholastic Lore battalions or extended companies
(Chymistry) or Bonus Aptitude: Intelligence numbering in the hundreds or low
This character has a talent for mending thousands of men, homogeneity is
scrapes and wounds, though they may not never guaranteed. Consider real-life
have any formal medical training. cases like the First World War,
Regardless, they are often called upon to where individual battalions of some
help in medical situations well beyond their regiments went years without
knowledge, and their over-enthusiasm or making formal contact with, or
unconventional approach can prove fatal. fighting alongside, each other, and
This character adds a further +1 to the individual battalions developed their
amount of wounds they heal with the First own distinct characters.
Aid special skill use. If this character fails a
Medicae test by more than four degrees, If you find yourself GMing an
the subject of their ministrations must make unusually huge regiment and want
a Difficult (-10) Toughness Test or die to add a little diversity to different
from the complications. companies, Talents may offer some
flexibility- within each Company,
Expert consider offering one or two free
Bonus Skills: One Trade and one associated Tier 1 Talents, or possibly training
Common or Scholastic Lore (eg. Trade in a Skill, that varies from Company
(Miner) and Scholastic Lore (Geology)) or to Company. Naturally this isn’t a
Bonus Aptitude: Perception particularly major bonus or change,
This character spent a long time in a but it offers some variety or
specific career before joining the Guard, differentiation between different
and have the kind of practised ease in their elements of the Regiment.
field that only lifelong experience can
bring. Unfortunately, that kind of
experience tends to build biases and Glory-Hound
rivalries. Whenever this character fails a Bonus Skill: Athletics, Interrogation or Bonus
Perception or Common Lore test, they may Aptitude: Offence
immediately test again with one of their This character believes wholeheartedly in
relevant Trade skills, taking the result of the glory of combat, and seeks to kill their

enemies as spectacularly as possible. They based Tests. If the mascot character suffers
may also direct their passion for battle damage, these bonuses are removed until
against their own allies, seeking out those such time as they are fully healed. If they
with a less than enthusiastic attitude are Heavily Damaged or suffer any more
towards conflict. This character takes a -10 damage beyond that, the bonuses instead
penalty to Willpower, Perception and become -10 penalties until such time as they
Intelligence Tests if they are unable to are fully healed. If a Mascot is killed, the
engage in an ongoing fight or are in a penalty lasts for 1d10 days, or until a new
situation where they are being forced to Mascot joins the squad.
retreat, but a +5 to those Tests when
engaged in combat. Messenger
Bonus Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics or Bonus
Joker Aptitude: Agility
Bonus Skills: Scrutiny, Sleight of Hand or This character is fast, fast as a running
Bonus Aptitude: Social beast, and they know when it comes to any
This character always has a quip at the race they’re going to win. Often called on
ready, a natural talent for cutting remarks, to deliver parcels and orders, they spend
and can be counted on to make light of the most of a fight moving at a rapid pace, and
grimmest situation. However, laughing at they tend to push themselves too far. This
danger is not necessarily the safest way to character treats their Agility bonus as being
preserve one’s psyche. This character can 1 higher for the purposes of calculating
test Fellowship to perform the Inspire movement speed, and once per combat may
Special Action in combat as a Free Action. double their total Agility bonus for the
However, any time they would take purposes of calculating movement for one
Insanity as a result of Fear effects, they round. The first time they gain Fatigue
gain a number of additional Insanity points each session they automatically gain an
equal to half their Fellowship Bonus, additional level.
rounded up.
Mascot Bonus Skill: Dodge, Scholastic Lore
Bonus Skills: Charm, Common Lore (Local (Philosophy) or Common Lore (Imperial
Front) or Bonus Aptitude: Fellowship Creed) or Bonus Aptitude: Defence
Whether through luck, pluck or something This character has moral or philosophical
wholly beyond their control, this character or religious objections to fighting, but have
is considered to be a mascot by other found themselves on the field of battle
members of their regiment, and their anyways. While their beliefs can inspire
presence keeps morale high and soldiers their allies to fight harder for a cause, they
willing to fight on. If they should come to are often seen as a liability in combat. This
harm, however, that same morale will falter. character may reroll failed social tests to
So long as this character is unhurt, all other negotiate with enemies or groups who
allied characters from the same regiment might otherwise be hostile to the Imperial
gain a +10 to any Toughness or Willpower- Guard. However, this character recieves a -

20 to any social tests when dealing with
superior officers, unless they share the One-Man Army
character’s specific pacifistic beliefs. Bonus Skills: Dodge, Parry or Bonus Aptitude:
Old-timer This character is a more than competent
Bonus Skills: Common Lore (Local Front), combatant, but their combat prowess tends
Awareness or Bonus Aptitude: Toughness to alienate their peers. Being at the top of
This character has seen the fires of battle your game inspires overconfidence and
many times before, and has somehow lasted vainglory in even the most seasoned
this long. Whether they are a veteran of veteran. This character gains a +10 bonus to
their planet’s PDF, or a transferee from a all Fear tests so long as they are more than
previous regiment, conflict has left them 10 meters away from the nearest allied
skilled but marked by loss. This character character other than their comrade, but a -
reduces all Insanity gain as a result of Fear 10 to Fear tests if they are less than 10
tests by 1d5, to a minimum of 0. However, meters away.
they begin play with 1d10 Insanity and 1d5
Corruption. Snitch
Bonus Skills: Deceive, Security or Bonus
Aptitude: Social
This character is a necessary evil, a
soldier who reports on their fellows to
the political officers of their regiment.
While being a snitch may have its perks,
and has kept many a weasel, cheat and
liar off the firing line, no one likes a
backstabbing sell-out. This character
receives a +10 bonus to all Fellowship-
based tests with Commissars,
disciplinarian officers or other stern
authority figures, and a -10 penalty to all
Fellowship-based tests with any
character from their regiment or
characters from other regiments who
know that they are a Snitch.

Bonus Skill: Psyniscience, Scholastic Lore
(Numerology or Occult) or Bonus
Aptitude: Psyker
This character is a magnet for weirdness,
and rumors abound of their supposed
supernatural abilities. While this may not

be the case, it is true that their souls are the enmity of those who maintain and
different from those of their peers, and provide their weapons. If making weapon
they may often find themselves blessed with customizations, this character takes no
preternatural luck or cursed with unnatural penalty to Trade tests for modifying
evil. This character begins play with 10 weapons not part of their regiment’s Kit,
Corruption and a single Malignancy of and can spend a Fate Point to automatically
their choice. If they wish, they may choose succeed on a Test to customize equipment
to spend 600xp at any time to purchase the that is part of their Regimental Kit. This
Psyker Trait, a Psy Rating of 1, and a single character recieves a -10 penalty to
Psychic Power with a cost of 200xp or less. individual, but not Squad, Logistics tests,
They may purchase higher Psy Ratings and and a -10 penalty to all Fellowship-based
Psychic Powers as normal Sanctioned tests with members of the Adeptus
Psykers, and count as Unbound when Mechanicus.
determining Psychic Strength.
Stickler Bonus Skills: Survival or Navigate (Surface),
Bonus Skills: Logic, Scholastic Lore Scholastic Lore (Beasts) or Bonus Aptitude:
(Bureaucracy) or Bonus Aptitude: Knowledge Fieldcraft
This character has a stick up their bottom, This character feels a connection to the
and can generally be counted on to be wild places of the galaxy, and has a natural
pedantic when it comes to the rules and sense of direction. They might feel more at
regulations of the Imperial Guard. When it home in deep woods, or the tunnels under a
comes to minutiae of paperwork, such hive, or the abandoned bowels of a
humorless marionettes are valuable, but voidship. Upon character creation, specify
they are generally poor at taking the a single type of environment such as
initiative. This character takes a -10 to all Tundra, Jungle, Desert, Hive Cities, etc as
Willpower and Fellowship-based tests in their home environment. This character
any situation where they do not have a increases the number of degrees of Success
direct chain of command to rely on, but they get on any passed Survival Test in
recieve a +10 to Logistics rolls and any tests their home environment by 1, but reduce
involving the filling of paperwork or the degrees of success they gain on Survival
matters of official doctrine. Tests in all other environments by 1.

Bonus Skills: Trade (Technomat or
Armorer), Tech-Use or Bonus Aptitude:
This character has a way with machines, but
not to the degree of a Techpriest of the
Adeptus Mechanicus. While their abilities
can be handy, and they are often in demand
for simple field repairs, they tend to attract

Battle Honours New or Mixed Regiments and
“For faith and selflessness worthy of the Saints.” Battle Honours
-Inscription on the Edelweiss Cross of Steel. Naturally, different regiments with
different backgrounds will tend to
Any long-serving regiment that
have different honours, and newly-
successfully fights for the Imperium will see
formed regiments will likely have
dozens of battles across multiple worlds and
none. At the GM's discretion, they
fronts, battles that irrevocably shape its
might award a regiment a Battle
nature as a fighting force. To honour their
Honour before the start of a
successes, Imperial regiments are
campaign to reflect, for instance, the
frequently awarded (or award themselves)
influence of experienced officers or
formal battle honours, a listing of all the
Commissars on training.
campaigns the Regiment has ever embarked
upon. The honours are primarily
Similarly, different units from
ceremonial- a way to prove the lineage and
Mixed Regiments receive different
traditions of the unit- but more subtly they
Battle Honours depending on which
are reminders of where and how the unit
Component Regiment they
has learned to fight.
originate from. Over time, however,
new Battle Honours will naturally
In game terms, Battle Honours are
affect all characters in the Mixed
regiment-wide bonuses that slightly alter
Regiment, regardless of their unit of
character of a Regiment after its service.
These are comparable to Distinguished
Service Medals, save that they affect any
member of the Regiment (including newly-
generated characters). For example, the
soldiers of a Regiment which has won
several battles against Orkish forces might
have greater understanding of Orkish social
hierarchy or equipment, while a Regiment
which has engaged the Tau might have a
grasp of maneuver warfare, Tau battle
tactics, or even advanced plasma weaponry.

Battle Honours should only be awarded by

the GM at the end of a major campaign-
usually at the same time as Distinguished
Service Medals or Kill Markers.

They apply to every character currently a Armoured Clash Honour
member of the Regiment which has been This battle honour implies an engagement
awarded the honour, as well as any between the Regiment's armoured
subsequent character generated for that elements and large numbers of enemy
Regiment. If multiple Regiments are vehicles or cavalry in a head-to-head duel.
serving in the same combat area, they can Members of this Regiment may apply
all expect to recieve the same Battle Weapon Customizations to Vehicle
Honour. weapons.

Battle Honours take on the name of the Barrage Honour

conflict they are awarded for; a battle for a This battle honour speaks to the
hill numbered 86, for instance, would grant Regiment’s skill with the big guns, and
the Regiment the "Hill 86" honour. their successes in destroying enemy forces
Generally speaking, Battle Honours do not with artillery at long ranges. Once per
provide direct bonuses to the skills or combat, members of this Regiment may
characteristics of a character, but rather roll twice on the Scatter diagram when
slightly influence the environment in which calculating fire from an Indirect weapon
they work. and choose whichever result they prefer.

Example Honours Battle of Attrition Honour

This battle honour covers
What follows is a sampling of any engagement involving
the kinds of Battle Honours one long, drawn out battles fought
might encounter, and their over the same ground, or battles
benefits- it is of course up to the with unusually high casualties on
GM to create new honours or Regiment's side. Members of
tailor these ones to their this Regiment add an extra
campaigns as they see fit. Clip's worth of ammo for their
Main Weapon and one Smoke
Ambush/Infiltration Honour Grenade to their Standard
This honour covers any Regimental Kit.
engagement won primarily by
surprise or stealth, usually against Bridgehead/Landing Honour
a larger enemy force. This honour commemorates a
Members of this Regiment first assault, usually over
treat their Agility Bonus as water or from space,
being 1 higher for the against an enemy
purposes of determining concentration. Members of
movement so long as they have this Regiment pay half the XP
not been detected by enemy cost to purchase their first and
forces or are actively trying to second ranks in the Dodge skill.

Civilian Cooperation Honour Endless Service
This honour denotes a battle involving Every Imperial Guard regiment
extensive protection of or cooperation with changes over time as soldiers are
civilian elements on the ground, such as killed, transfer into other fronts or
refugees or local resistance. Members of are permitted a discharge from the
this Regiment pay half the XP cost to Militarum- and these changes are
purchase their first rank in the Charm, not necessarily positive. For every
Scrutiny and Investigation skills. great award and honour awarded a
unit, it might also see catastrophic
Defensive Warfare Honour upheavals from within, as its soldiers
Winners of this honour have been engaged deal with the stress and hardships of
in static warfare to defend a strongpoint, their positions.
like a city or fortified trench line.
Members of this Regiment pay 100 xp less To reflect the circumstances with
to purchase the following Talents: which a Regiment has had to deal
Covering Fire, Trench Dweller, Vigilant, with, and to keep new characters
Light Sleeper. made from within that Regiment up
to date with a Squad, the GM can
Exotic Allies Honour choose to, for roughly every second
Winners of this honour have battled Battle Honour a Regiment earns,
alongside allies who are unusual by normal impose a new Regimental Drawback
Militarum standards, such as Abhumans, on the unit.
Astartes or even friendly xenos. Members
of this Regiment gain a +5 to any It is recommended that the
Intelligence-based Tests surrounding these Regiment Points provided by such a
allies, and spend 100 less XP to purchase Drawback be no greater than 3, to
the Peer talent related to them. avoid inflicting excessive penalties
on the Squad over time. The effects
Glorious Charge Honour of these Drawbacks may be
The thunder of hooves and the glitter of temporary or permanent at the
lances marked a great victory for this GM's discretion, and they provide
Regiment and its mounted cavalry. Any no actual new Regiment Points to
Mounts owned by members of this purchase gear/abilities, etc.,
Regiment increase their Toughness and regardless of their unit of origin.
Agility by 3.
purchase their first rank in the Tech-Use,
High-Technology Battlefield Honour Trade (Armorer) or Trade (Technomat)
This honour commemorates a battle in Skills. Additionally, they gain a +20 to
which the Regiment's soldiers came to rely Logistics Tests to acquire the piece of
on a specific piece of unfamiliar technology equipment in question.
or kit to help them win the day. Members
of this Regiment pay half the XP cost to

Mobility Warfare Honour Specific Enemy Honour
This battle honour covers any engagement This honour covers protracted battle or
involving a battle of maneuver over a wide battles with one specific variety of enemy,
area, sometimes (but not always) with such as a Xenos species. Members of this
vehicles or cavalry. Members of this Regiment automatically gain the Hatred
Regiment pay half the XP cost to purchase and Enemy Talents related to the specific
their first and second ranks in Navigate foe they were facing.

Trench Assault/Siege Honour

This battle honour covers any engagement
involving an attack against a heavily
fortified enemy position. Members of this
Regiment pay 100 xp less to purchase the
following Talents: Nerves of Steel,
Calculated Barrage, Modify Payload, and
Trench Raider.

Raiding/Guerilla Honour
This honour commemorates a battle
involving a rapid, unexpected attack or
flanking movement against an unprepared
enemy position. Any member of this
Regiment may reroll one missed attack
against an unaware or surprised target once
per combat, though they must take the
second result even if it is worse.

Rearguard/Delaying Action Honour

This battle honour is for an engagement
where a small unit stayed behind to cover
the retreat, evacuation or repositioning of a
larger unit of soldiers or civilians. Members
of this Regiment gain a +5 bonus to
Willpower Tests when fighting in
conditions where they are outnumbered or
surrounded by enemy forces.

New Guardsman Specialties Limitations on Fire Missions
Artillery Spotter Playing an Artillery Spotter
“B-10 this is E-15, adjust to three-four-one. Orks character implies that the Squad has
and light armour in the open, recommend at least one artillery regiment within
incendiaries. Fire for effect!” range of them on the battlefield, or,
-Katyushan vox chatter for instance, an Armoured regiment
free to do a bit of long-range
Nearly every Imperial Guard regiment uses bombardment.
forward observers in some capacity or
others, to guide and direct artillery fire Fire Mission abilities obviously
ordered from behind the lines. Artillery cannot be used if no artillery is
spotters are selected for their observational present in range, the Artillery
skills and coolness under fire; while seldom spotter has no way of contacting
heavily armed, they are the eyes and ears of artillery, or if the Artillery Spotter is
the big guns. in a location (such as deep
underground) where conventional
Artillery spotters are distinct from the artillery might not reach.
higher-ranking Masters of Ordnance.
Spotters usually have authority only over When choosing artillery types for
regimental or divisional-level artillery the Saturation Fire Mission, the GM
pieces, rather than the theatre-wide should consider first what types of
command reach of their counterparts. artillery are in range. A Squad
involved in a siege or ambush-type
Characteristic Bonus: +5 Perception scenario would obviously have access
Starting Aptitudes: Starting Skills: Awareness, to more and better artillery than one
Navigate (Surface), Stealth or Tech Use, operating behind enemy lines, for
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) instance. Next, consider scaling the
Starting Talents: Formidable or Heightened type and strength of artillery to the
Senses (Sight) and Vigilant, Weapon Logistics rating of the Squad, and
Training (Las or Solid Projectile, Low- their relative strategic importance; a
Tech) squad of fresh recruits might get a
Specialist Equipment: Handheld Targeter, mortar round or two, while a unit of
Magnoculars, Vox-Caster hardened veterans should be trusted
Wounds: 8 + 1d5 to direct Basilisk or Manticore
Artillery Spotter Advances:
upon the enemy. As long as the Artillery
Tireless Observer: Spotter’s Comrade is in Cohesion, he gains
Type: Passive a +20 to any Test to locate and identify
Cost: 300 xp enemy positions, strong points, mustering
The Artillery Spotter’s Comrade covers areas, hidden forces, etc. on the battlefield.
their flanks and keeps a doubled watch

Support Fire Mission: the Squad’s Logistics Bonus from a piece of
Type: Order (Half Action) Field, Mortar or Rocket-type artillery of
Cost: 400 xp the GM’s choice hit near the designated
The Artillery Spotter and his Comrade feed position; roll on the Scatter Diagram for
targeting data to a nearby light artillery each round to determine direction; each
unit, calling in a small fire mission to better round scatters by 20 meters, minus 2 meters
enable them to observe or traverse the for every Degree of
battlefield. Success on the Ballistic
Skill Test, to a minimum
As part of this order, the Artillery Spotter of 1.
makes a Challenging (+0) Ballistic Skill
Test and indicates a point (and not a This ability
character) on the battlefield within line of may only be
sight. At the end of the round, a mortar used a
round hits near the designated position; roll number of
on the Scatter Diagram to determine times per
direction; it scatters by 2d5 meters, minus 1 mission equal
meter for every Degree of Success on the to half the
Ballistic Skill Test, to a minimum of 1. Squad’s
The Artillery Spotter may call in any one of Bonus,
the specialized Mortar Rounds found on rounded
page 183 of the Only War Core Rulebook. up
(minimum 1).
Saturation Fire Mission:
Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 500 xp
The Artillery Spotter
and his Comrade
coordinate with several
nearby artillery
batteries to call in a
substantial volley of
fire on their target.

As part of this
order, the Artillery
Spotter makes a Challenging
(+0) Ballistic Skill Test and indicates a point
(and not a character) on the battlefield
within line of sight. In 1d5-1 Rounds (to a
Art by Anton Moscowsky
minimum of 1), a number of shots equal to

Bomber Alternate Loadouts
“Pin, aim, toss. Pin, aim, toss. When we’re done It is a universally acknowledged truth
with you, you’ll be beaning Orks in your sleep!” that a group of Only War players in
-Sergeant Blomen, 4th Tennanlowe “Airwolves”
want of explosives will always, always
The Imperial Guard fields whole regiments try to acquire way too many. With that
of grenadiers, and the use of hand grenades in mind, GMs can tweak the Bomber,
has become so universal that the distinction to give players more flexibility, by
between a “regular” Guardsman and a replacing the Specialist Equipment
grenadier becomes a matter of equipment. options with the following:
All that said, some Regiments do formalize
the selection and training of grenadiers, Instead of hand grenade only loadout,
choosing those soldiers with a strong pick any combination of four Grenades
throwing arm and a keen eye as designated from the list:
bombers. -or-
Instead of the Grenade Launcher/Rifle
In combat, a steady and constant stream of Grenade Launcher loadout, pick any
hand grenades and explosives thrown by a combination of three Grenades from
squad’s Bomber can be vital for flushing the list:
enemies out of cover and creating
unexpected tactical advantages. Anti-Plant, Blackpowder, Blind,
Concussion, Fire Bomb, Frag,
Characteristic Bonus: +5 Strength Hallucinogen, Halocarbon, Microwave
Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft, Pot, Small Gas Shell (Tear Agent,
Finesse, Offence, Perception, Strength Irritant or Vessicant), Smoke, Stun
Starting Skills: Athletics, Tech Use or Sleight
of Hand, Common Lore (Imperial Guard, You’ll notice I haven’t included Tube
War) Charges or Krak Grenades on this list.
Starting Talents: Hurler or Modify Payload, Don’t let your squad have too many of
Weapon Training, (Las or Solid Projectile, those. Shenanigans will ensue.
Launcher, Low-Tech)
Wounds: 10 + 1d5
Specialist Equipment: One extra Frag
Grenade and one of the following:
Bomber Advances:
• Three Concussion Grenades and one
Krak Grenade
• Regimental Basic Weapon with Preferred Pineapples:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher with two Type: Passive
Concussion Grenades and one Krak Cost: 200xp
Grenade Every Regiment has their particular
• Regimental Basic Weapon with Rifle grenade doctrines, often making heavy use
Grenade Launcher with two Frag Rifle of specialized designs. Handling these
Grenades and one Krak Rifle Grenade requires care and attention to detail.

When this Advance is taken, the Bomber
selects one specific type of Grenade with a
rarity of Scarce or less. They, and everyone
else in their Squad, gains a +20 bonus to all
Logistics Tests to acquire that variety of
grenade. Multiple Bombers in the same
Squad must select different types of

Additionally, all Grenades wielded by the

Bomber gain the Reliable quality.

Flush ‘em!
Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 400xp
With a combination of covering fire and
careful aim, the Bomber and his Comrade
use the blast of a grenade to force a target
out of cover. The next time the Bomber
attacks with a damaging grenade, after the
grenade’s damage and any Dodge tests are
resolved, all characters still in the blast area
must move a distance sufficient to exit the
Blast radius, or equal to their Agility bonus,
whichever is lower, regardless of whether or
not they took damage. At the GM’s
discretion, characters with the Incorporeal,
From Beyond or Machine traits might be
immune to this effect.

If this movement would force a character

into a hazardous situation, such as falling
off a cliff or moving into hazardous terrain,
they may make a Challenging (+0)
Willpower Test to stop the movement
before they reach the hazard.

New Support Specialties Guard), Scholastic Lore (Tactica
Imperialis), Navigate (Surface)
Junior Officer
Starting Talents: Heroic Inspiration or
“Only thing more dangerous than Langeter rockets
Combat Formation, Weapon Training
is a fresh-commissioned lieutenant with something
(Chain, Las or Solid Projectile, Low-Tech)
to prove.”
-Sergeant-At-Arms Jean-Claude Mireaubert,
Starting Traits: Overseer
Brumeran Korpogardistos Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship
Laspistol or Good-Craftsmanship
Junior Officers are the lowest rung of the Autopistol, Chainsword or Good-
Imperial Guard’s commissioned command Craftsmanship Mono-Sword, Commbead
structure, having received a modicum of Wounds: 8 + 1d5
tactical and strategic training at one of the
Militarum’s many command schools. Junior Officer Advances:
Though some are elevated from the ranks
of experienced Sergeants and other non- Instead of gaining a Comrade, a Junior
commissioned officers, far too often these Officer is accompanied at all times by a
Imperial lieutenants are ill-trained, Troop Formation of Guardsmen (using the
overconfident, or just stats on page 372 of the
utterly emotionally Only War Core Rulebook, and
unsuited for the needs of the Formation rules from
command. page 124 of Enemies of the
Imperium). This Formation
Casualties at the Junior has a starting Unit
Officer level are Strength of 4. Subject to
substantial, but a new the GM’s discretion, these
officer who can find the Guardsmen may assist the
courage, luck or tactical Junior Officer and other
acumen to use the members of the Squad in
platoon of men assigned Tests, but do not otherwise
to them effectively can count as Comrades. The
find themselves quickly Officer’s Formation is
rising up the ranks. refreshed up to full
strength at the end of
Characteristic Bonus: +5 every mission, as new
Fellowship troops are assigned to
Starting Aptitudes: them.
Defence, Fellowship,
Fieldcraft, Leadership, A Junior Officer may also
Offence, Social purchase the following
Starting Skills: Command, Advances:
Common Lore (Local
Front, War, Imperial Art by Stugmeister.

Reinforcements: Each time the Junior Officer purchases this
Type: Passive advance, they gain the ability to use one of
Cost: 100 xp the Severan Dominate Commands featured
The vast majority of Imperial Guard on page 130 of Enemies of the Imperium. This
regiments function best in large numbers, Advance may be taken up to 4 times, and
where they can outmaneuvre the enemy and the same Command cannot be purchased
then drown them in massed firepower. more than once.
Each time the Junior Officer takes this
Advance, they may increase the Unit Customizing Formations
Strength of their Formation by 1 Playing a Junior Officer involves having
Guardsman. This Advancement may be command over a substantial tactical unit of
taken any number of times, provided the Guardsmen. It’s only natural that players
Formation never exceeds 12 members. might want their Formation to match those
Guardsmen already present in their
Squad Gunners: Regiment. The GM might consider
Type: Passive allowing a Junior Officer player to apply all
Cost: 200 xp the bonuses, penalties and equipment
All but the most desperately under-armed granted by their chosen Regiment. This
or tactically uncreative Imperial Guard implies a bit more book-keeping on the
regiments field special or heavy weapon part of a player, but also makes the
troopers of some kind. Formation unique.
Each time the Junior Officer takes this
advance, they may equip one Guardsman in What about Commanders?
their Formation with their Regimental The Junior Officer is obviously a different
Favored Heavy Weapon, or one other take on the Commander Advanced
Heavy Weapon of their choice, subject to Specialty, though both have different roles
the GM’s approval and its availability to the and functions on the battlefield. Rules as
Regiment. The Guardsmen so equipped are written they should be able to coexist;
considered to possess the Talents needed to consider fluffing a Commander as, say, a
operate these weapons without penalty. Corporal or squad-level NCO, while a
They function as Special Weapon Troops Junior Officer is a bit higher up the food
(see page 125 of Enemies of the Imperium.) chain but less involved with the direct
This Advance may be taken up to 2 times. operations of a group of soldiers.

Confidence in Command: Junior Officers in Vehicle Regiments

Type: Passive Unfortunately, Only War’s vehicle rules
Cost: 300 xp weren’t really designed to dovetail with
As a Junior Officer gains in confidence and Formation rules. When dealing with a
experience on the battlefield, they become Junior Officer in an Armoured regiment,
more comfortable in directing the actions consider refluffing them as an Armoured
of their men to greater tactical effect. Fist squad tasked with backing up the tanks,

Officer of the Fleet Officers of the Fleet represent the
“The sound of an Avenger’s Bolt Cannon firing interface between the average Guardsman
does more for morale than a dozen Commissars.” and a vast network of aircraft, satellites, and
-Anonymous Fleet Officer, Ganf Magna orbital infrastructure. This tactical network
can provide a Militarum Squad with up-to-
Officers of the Fleet are just that, Imperial the-minute navigational and tactical
Navy officers embedded within Imperial positioning.
Guard regiments to direct and coordinate
with Aeronautica Imperialis aircraft and The Officer of the Fleet, and members of
voidships. They provide a valuable the Squad they are in, gains a bonus to
command and control link between the Navigate tests, and any test to estimate
boots on the ground and the firepower in enemy movements, force concentrations or
orbit, and are an incredibly valuable force tactical composition, equal to three times
multiplier in situations where air superiority the Squad’s Logistics Bonus. Once per
can be maintained. mission per character, when they fail such a
Test, they may immediately reroll it; they
Characteristic Bonus: +3 Fellowship, +3
Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence,
Fellowship, Leadership, Offence,
Starting Skills: Awareness, Command,
Common Lore (Imperial Navy), Operate
(Aeronautica), Scholastic Lore
(Astromancy) or Navigate (Stellar)
Starting Talents: Peer (Imperial Navy), Air
of Authority or Combat Sense, Weapon
Training (Any two of Las, Solid Projectile,
Bolt, Low-Tech)
Specialist Equipment: Naval Pistol or Bolt
Pistol, Good-Craftsmanship Microbead,
Carapace Chestplate, Magnoculars
Wounds: 6 + 1d5
Officer of the Fleet Advances:
Officers of the Fleet do not gain a
Comrade, but they can buy the following
advances for themselves.

Eyes in the Sky:

Type: Passive
Cost: 200 xp

Art by Dirk Loechel.

must take the second result, even if it is they succeed, they may select a number of
worse. vehicles or characters of Size Hulking (5) or
larger within line of sight equal to their
Strafing Run: Degrees of Success. At the end of the next
Type: Order (Half Action) round, if they are still out in the open, each
Cost: 300 xp of these targets must pass Hard (-20)
The main role of the Officer of the Fleet is Dodge test or Hard (-20) Operate (Surface)
calling in air strikes, and these most Test or take one hit from a Lascannon to
commonly manifest as strafing runs by the Body or Rear Facing, plus one extra hit
whatever Imperial fighter craft are in the for every three Degrees of Failure.
area. Though these attacks are seldom
damaging enough to seriously harm large Where are the planes, though?
targets, they are excellent for breaking up As with Artillery Spotters, playing
and disrupting infantry. an Officer of the Fleet character
implies a battlefield where the
A number of times per mission equal to half Imperial Navy is present. This
the Squad’s Logistics Bonus, rounded up, imposes some complications on
the Officer of the Fleet may call in a things, mostly on the GM side.
strafing run. They designate an area 5
meters across by 10 x their Logistics Bonus First off, what kind of Navy units
meters long within line of sight, and make a are available? Are there PDF aircraft
Difficult (-10) Command Test. If they present instead? Next, are they
succeed, at the end of the round, every actually capable of getting to the
enemy character within the area must pass a Squad’s location or responding to a
Difficult (-10) Pinning Test with a penalty request for a strike mission or
equal to 5 x the Officer’s Degrees of strafing run? For an Officer of the
Success. If they fail by more than 4 Degrees Fleet to be most effective, it may be
of Failure, they immediately take a single worth it to run missions destroying
Heavy Bolter hit to their Body location. or suppressing local anti-aircraft
guns, or risk losing the ability to call
Strike Mission: in strikes.
Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 500 xp Lastly, air strikes will obviously be
When heavily-armoured foes rear their delayed, impeded or thrown off-
heads, the Officers of the Fleet direct the course by extreme range, low fuel
Imperial Navy’s Avengers and Thunderbolt and ammunition, and even bad
attack aircraft to reduce them to ruin. weather. They also can’t be called in
A number of times per mission equal to half if the Officer of the Fleet has no
the Squad’s Logistics Bonus, rounded up, way of contacting the Fleet, or if
the Officer of the Fleet may call in a strike they’re in a location (such as deep
mission against nearby large targets. They underground) where aircraft
must pass a Hard (-20) Command Test. If weapons can’t reach.

Sutler Starting Skills: Commerce +10, Inquiry,
“Every man on this’ere battlefield needs the four Scrutiny, Common Lore (Imperial Guard,
basic food groups to keep ‘im fighting fit: corpse Administratum), Scholastic Lore
starch, rotgut, lho sticks and ammo! And I got all (Bureaucracy)
four!” Starting Talents: Munitorum Influence, Peer
-Sutler Scuggins, Bellagian 88th “Bateman’s (Administratum or Black Market), Ears to
Cavaliers” the Ground, Weapon Training (Las or Solid
Projectile, Low-Tech)
The representatives of the Munitorum on
Specialist Equipment: Good-Quality Stub
the battlefield, Sutlers are effectively
Revolver with Expander Rounds or Good-
combat supply officers. Mainly charged
Quality Laspistol with Red-Dot Laser
with protecting convoys of goods to the
Sight, Survival Suit, Auto-Quill
frontlines, they also
Wounds: 7 + 1d5
serve as useful
Sutler Advances:
merchants for
The best Sutlers work alone on
equipment, food
the battlefield. Though they may
and luxuries that
have networks of contacts, and find
solders wouldn’t
themselves swarmed by supplicants
normally be able to
and hangers-on when in camp, they
acquire from their
know that if you want something
done right, you do it yourself. Sutlers
Just as often
do not gain a Comrade, but they can
buy the following advances for
thieves and
fraudsters as they
are honest
Deep Pockets:
Type: Passive
Cost: 400xp
Once per character per combat, the
vast and
Sutler can dig around and scrounge up a
disorganized Sutler
few extra rounds of specialty ammunition
Corps weaves its tenuous grasp throughout
to give to their companions. A character
the Astra Militarum. Sutlers can be found
within 2m of the Sutler can load their
on any battlefield where there are logistics
current weapon with one Clip full of one
to be managed, troops with disposable
unusual ammunition, generated via Table 3:
income, and loot to be stolen.
Sutler Ammunition. They must spend their
next action(s), as many as are needed,
Characteristic Bonus: +5 Fellowship
reloading. At the end of combat, any
Starting Aptitudes: Defence, Fellowship,
remaining ammunition in the clip is lost as
Fieldcraft, Knowledge, Perception, Social,
it returns to the Sutler's vast mess of
trinkets and gewgaws. Bullets don't grow
on trees, after all.

Table 3: Sutler Ammunition
d10 Autoguns Location
1-3 Tracer Rounds Hammer, 123 Waste Not, Want Not:
4 Amputator Rounds Core, 193 Type: Passive
5 Bleeder Rounds Core, 193 Cost: 200xp
6 Dumdum Bullets Core, 193 The Sutler's allies know that resources are
7 Expander Rounds Core, 193 at a premium on the battlefield, and that
8 Man-Stoppers Core, 194 anyone who can’t be trusted to contribute
9 Subsonic Stub Rounds Vol. 3, 44 equipment can’t be trusted as a customer.
10 Sutler’s Choice - Any Player Character with a Sutler in their
Shotguns party gains a +5 bonus to any Test to locate
1-2 Tracer Rounds Hammer, 123 valuable or useful salvage on the battlefield.
3-4 Amputator Shells Core, 193 The Sutler gains +10 to such tests.
5-6 Bolo Shells Vol. 3, 39 Additionally, the GM may secretly Test
7-8 Solid Slugs Hammer, 123 using the character’s Awareness to notice
9 Inferno Shells Core, 194 hidden gems of gear or other valuables.
10 Sutler’s Choice -
Lasguns You Owe Me:
1-2 Hotshot Charge Pack Core, 194 Type: Passive
3-4 Lo-Charge Pack Vol. 3, 41 Cost: 500xp
5-6 Blitz Pack Vol. 3, 39 Sutlers are the social heart of the
7-8 Scrapmaker Pack Vol. 3, 43 Munitorum, spreading rumors, favors and
9 MPCP Vol. 3, 41 gossip as fast as they redistribute material
10 Sutler’s Choice - wealth. Further, because they are
Plasma Guns technically outside the Militarum’s chain of
1-5 Tough Luck! - command, their social influence can spread
6-7 Dust Cell Vol. 3, 40 surprisingly far, and influence those whose
8-9 Filament Cell Vol. 3, 40 authority would otherwise be inviolate. A
10 QG Cell Vol. 3, 43 Sutler with this ability can use their
network of contacts and debtors to make
Circle the Wagons: things happen on the battlefield, and fast.
Type: Free Action Once per session, a Sutler can decide to pull
Cost: 300xp strings and add the party’s Logistics score
Sutlers seldom see offensive combat, but to any one test by themselves or an ally to
any supply officer worth their salt has an get a favor from a superior officer or
eye for the defensive. At the end of each member of an allied force who otherwise
turn in which they do not enter Overwatch, does not answer to them. This Test ignores
a Sutler automatically gains a free use of the any penalties for poor reputation or
Overwatch action, and can make one Single Dispositions, and invokes no extra penalties
Shot attack against the first enemy that if it fails. Such a test could be used to
enters their standard cone of fire. This requisition an armoured vehicle, call in (or
attack cannot trigger Righteous Fury. If call off) an artillery strike, request
the Sutler dodges or is attacked in melee, emergency medical aid, a stay of execution,
this effect is lost. or anything similar.

New Advanced Specialty Options Helos in the AO
Air Controller The Air Controller is the “really,
“We see your smoke signal, Vigilance Alpha. really close air support” Specialty,
Bringing down the lightning on them.” which naturally implies the presence
-Imperial Navy vox chatter, Rynn’s World of Aeronautica Imperialis gunships
nearby and in comms range. For a
Most Imperial Navy officers are content to high-ranking Squad with an Air
remain well behind the lines, directing fire Controller, it might make sense for
from afar. Some… aren’t. Air Controllers the GM to assign a dedicated
are those Officers of the Navy who choose Valkyrie or Vendetta gunship to
to direct aerial strikes from as close to their provide them with both transport
targets as possible, making the best use of and fire support. Just remember, of
the Aeronautica Imperialis’ lighter course; if the area’s full of enemy
elements, like Valkyrie and Vendetta anti-aircraft weapons, air strikes
gunships. Though they expose themselves suddenly become a much riskier
to the most danger, they are incredibly proposition.
effective in minimizing friendly fire and
ensuring the Navy’s firepower is directed as attack, the Air Controller may cause the
efficiently as possible. attack to deal damage as if it were made
with a Heavy Bolter, as nearby aircraft rain
Prerequisite Speciality: Officer of the Fleet fire on the target. This ability may be used
New Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Leadership, once per combat for free; every activation
Offence, Perception, Social, Toughness after the first costs 1 point of Logistics.
New Talents: Lockdown and Haze of War or
Open-Air Operations Guided Missile Strike:
Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship Type: Order (Free Action)
Naval Pistol or Good-Craftsmanship Bolt Cost: 300xp
Pistol, Good-Craftsmanship Microbead, Though expensive to manufacture, the
Deadspace Earpiece, Light Carapace Imperium’s suite of guided missile weapons
Specialist Advances: represents the pinnacle of high-accuracy
firepower. When the Air Controller makes
Air Cover: a Full Aim Action against a target, they may
Type: Passive also make a Hard (-20) Command Test; if
Cost: 300xp they succeed, that target is immediately
Even a few stray shots from nearby aircraft struck by a Hellstrike Missile. At the GM’s
can provide a huge force multiplier in a discretion, due to the guided nature of the
tight combat scenario, reminding enemy Hellstrike, this attack may be able to hit
forces not to poke their heards out of cover targets inside buildings, behind cover, etc.
for too long.
This ability may be used any number of
Whenever the Air Controller or a member times per encounter, but each use after the
of their Squad succeeds on an Overwatch first costs 1 point of Logistics.

Incendiary Bombing Run: For the next 1d10 rounds, this area is
Type: Order (Full Action) Dangerous Terrain and is full of Smoke.
Cost: 500 xp
Promethium munitions are inexpensive,
easy to transport, and guaranteed to put the
fear of the Emperor into the enemies of
Alternate Munitions
Promethium air strikes are well and
good, but sometimes the Squad will
A number of times per mission equal to the
find itself fighting enemies like the
Squad’s Logistics Bonus, the Air Controller
Necrons who don’t really care about
may call in a Promethium bombing run.
flame weapons. In these situations,
They must pass a Challenging (+0)
the GM might consider re-statting
Command Test. If they succeed, they
the Incendiary Bombing run as a
designate a 30-degree cone-shaped area
Plasma Bombing Run (doing
with a length equal to 10m x their Logistics
damage as per a Plasma Cannon), a
Bonus within line of sight. At the end of the
Melta Bombing Run (doing damage
next round, all targets within the area must
as per a Multi-Melta), or even
make a Hard (-20) Dodge test or Hard (-20)
something more exotic like a poison
Operate (Surface) Test or take a single hit
gas strike (using the chemical
from an Inferno Cannon (which here
weapons profiles in Volume 3 of the
represents an explosion of burning

Caravaneer New Talents: Either Hunter’s Instincts and
“Yah! Yah! Ride, you sons-of-bitches! I’ve never Excellent Cook or Ace Operator or Skilled
lost a cargo yet, and now ain’t gonna be the first Rider
time!” Specialist Equipment: Mono-Groxwhip or
-Sutler Sherm Valdez, Bellagian 47th “Morris’ Good-Craftsmanship Hand Cannon or
Rangers” Hotshot Laspistol, Cavalry Mount with
Riding Tack or Centaur Carrier or Dvalinn
The Munitorum by and large uses
Specialist Advances:
spaceborne vehicles to distribute its
supplies, but as always, the Imperial Navy
Ornery Cuss:
cannot be everywhere at once. In places
Type: Passive
where Imperial fronts are stretched thin,
Cost: 300xp
the Munitorum’s Sutlers step to the fore,
Mounted Caravaneers are famous for their
using their skill and tenacity to transport
foul attitude, lack of patience for the
war materiel, food, and key personnel
incompetent, and refusal to die under the
through unbelievably hostile conditions.
direst circumstances. The same often
applies to their mounts. The Caravaneer
The Caravaneers, as they are known, take
gains a +10 to any Tests to resist taking
on many forms- some might be
levels of Fatigue, and can ignore their first
commanders of large convoys of transport
level of Fatigue so long as they are
vehicles, always on the alert for predatory
mounted. Their Mount gains the Enduring
raiders, while others might be the drivers of
Mount Trait (See Hammer of the Emperor
huge herds of food animals or beasts of
p.137). If it already has Enduring, it
burden, wary for those who might try to
increases its Toughness by 5.
interrupt their trek. Armed with
lightweight gear, a can-do attitude and a
talent for survival in harsh environments,
Type: Passive
they roam the rear lines of the Guard,
Cost: 300xp
delivering supplies wherever they need to
Through an ingenious collection of
go. There is no official training to become
kludges, jury-rigging and unsanctioned
a Caraveneer, nor is it anything like an
modifications that would make a
official title- rather, it is a role that many
Techpriest weep, Caravaneers keep their
Sutlers find themselves falling into as the
vehicles running whatever the cost. As a
situation demands it. They are a hardy lot,
Full Action, a Caravaneer can make a
and their presence on a distant battlefield
Challenging (+0) Intelligence Test to cause
may be the only connection with
a vehicle to ignore the effects of one of the
civilization a Guardsman has.
following Vehicle Conditions for 24 hours
Prerequisite Speciality: Sutler
x their Intelligence Bonus. Fire Damaged
New Aptitudes: Agility, Ballistic Skill,
• Motive Systems Impaired
Fieldcraft, Social, Tech or Toughness,
• Targeting Systems Destroyed
• Weapon/Turret Locked
• Weapon Disabled

This ability can only be active on a single Skill Tests to hit, and a bonus to their
vehicle at a time. If these modifications are Damage equal to one half their Perception
ever discovered by an unfriendly or Bonus, rounded up.
otherwise high-ranking member of the
Adeptus Mechanicus, the Caravaneer gains Convoy Master:
the Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus) Talent. Type: Passive
The Caravaneer can gain Enemy multiple Cost: 400xp
times in this way. Every Imperial supply convoy overland will
attract hangers-
Mounted on of some kind.
Rifleman: Some are
Type: Passive harmless, but in
Cost: 400xp the thick of
To protect a battle the last
supply caravan, a thing any
Caravaneer must Caravaneer
first protect wants to find is
themselves, and that someone has
the best know nicked their
that mobility is cargo. To that
the key to end, they exhort
Defence when vehicle crews to
dealing with a keep an eye out
long, slow supply for trouble.
train. To this Whenever the
end, many other crew
Caravaneers members of a
become superb vehicle a
mounted Caravaneer is
riflemen, capable riding or
of aimed shots operating make
from the back of Overwatch
beasts that would attacks, they
put marksmen to increase the
shame. When damage of those
making Single attacks by one
Shot ranged half the
attacks from the Caravaneer’s
back of a Mount, Perception
a Caravaneer Bonus, rounded
gains a +10 on up.
their Ballistic

Dropmaster gains a +10 bonus to its Manoeuvrability
“The correct arms and ammunition delivered and increases its Carrying Capacity by 2
promptly to the correct location can turn the tide of until the end of the Mission.
a battle more surely than a bayonet charge.”
-The Tactica Imperialis Supply Drop:
Type: Order (Full Action)
Outside of a very small number of Drop Cost: 400 xp
Regiments, the experience of most Aerial supply drops are an extremely
Guardsmen with logistical air support is common logistical support system for the
minimal; supplies are most cheaply Imperial Guard, especially for lighter
delivered by land, after all. Still, the airborne regiments who might not be able
Dropmasters of the Fleet are constantly to carry substantial reserves of ammunition.
busy behind the lines, preparing landing A number of times per mission equal to half
zones for transports and supply craft, and the Squad’s Logistics Bonus, rounded up,
directly guiding in provisions for isolated the Dropmaster may make a Challenging
or advance units on the front lines. The (+0) Command Test. If they succeed, within
Dropmaster represents the logistical side of 1d10 minutes a Drop Canister (see Hammer
Imperial Navy support; frequently of the Emperor, page 125) is deployed near
collaborating with the Sutlers and their position. As part of the initial Test,
quartermasters of the Militarum, they the Dropmaster designates their target
ensure that the Guardsmen on the front are zone; if the test fails, the Drop Canister
provided with the equipment they need, lands a number of metres away from the
when and where they need it. intended location equal to ten times the
Degrees of Failure, in a random direction.
Prerequisite Speciality: Officer of the Fleet
New Aptitudes: Defence, Fellowship, If the Drop Canister would land on top of a
Knowledge, Leadership, Perception, Tech character, it may pass a Challenging (+0)
New Talents: Either Peer (Munitorum) and Agility or Dodge test to get out of the way.
Drop Trooper or Munitorum Influence If it fails, it takes 1d10 + 20 Impact damage,
Specialist Equipment: Data-Slate, Good- and the contents of the Canister may be
Craftsmanship Commbead, Combitool, damaged or destroyed.
Specialist Advances: The Drop Canister may contain one of the
following options, as requested by the
Careful Loading: Dropmaster but ultimately determined by
Type: Passive the GM;
Cost: 200 xp • One Heavy Weapon with 3 clips’
Whether by mathematical training or gut worth of ammunition
instinct, Dropmasters know how best to
• Up to 45kg of assorted cargo; this
load up a vehicle with spare equipment and
could be lighter weapons,
gear. Any vehicle a Dropmaster has had at
ammunition, grenades, or any other
least an hour to pack, repack and prepare
human-portable gear.

At the GM’s discretion, the Dropmaster hauling a wide variety of heavy loads over
might be required to make a Logistics Test long distances. Their pilots work closely
to determine if what they ask for is in the with Navy Dropmasters, ensuring that
Canister; failure might result in items being equipment gets where it is needed most.
lost, missing or replaced with Random
Issue Gear, generated as per the Only War Any number of times per mission, the
Core Rulebook. Dropmaster may make a Hard (-20)
Command Test to requisition the delivery
If the Dropmaster requests equipment that of light equipment, vehicles and other
was already Mission Assignment Gear, the useful materiel by Sky Talon. If they
GM is strongly encouraged to have local succeed on the test, they may designate an
Munitorum officials become very curious as area of open space large enough to fit a
to what happened to the original Mission Size (7) vehicle within line of sight; in 10d10
Assignment Gear, and why it needed to be minutes, minus 5 minutes for every Degree
replaced. of Succees on the initial test, a Sky Talon
arrives to drop off
Materiel Drop: their chosen cargo.
Type: Order (Full
Action) The Dropmaster may
Cost: 500 xp pick any one piece of
The Sky Talon cargo from Table 4;
gunship is the each has a different
standard Logistics cost which
Aeronautica permanently reduces
Imperialis heavy the Squad’s Logistics
gunship, capable of score.

Table 4: Materiel Drops

Equipment Logistics Notes
Sabre Gun Platform 1d5 Dropmaster specifies weapon.
Tarantula Sentry Gun 1d5 May be either Metalica or Hadd-Pattern. Dropmaster specifies
Cyclops 1d5 Includes remote control.
Pack Howitzer 1d5 Includes 12 rounds, any number of which can be HEAT rounds.
Centaur 1d5 +1 -
Tauros/Tauros 1d5 +2 Dropmaster specifies weapon for standard Tauros/Venator, and
Venator/Tauros Commando may choose if the Commando is Ramshackle or Rugged.
Sentinel Walker 1d5 +2 Dropmaster specifies weapon.
Prefab Fortification 2d5 A 5m x 5m x 1.5m rockcrete (16 AP) bunker fitted with firing slits
for up to 12 Guardsmen; comes fitted with an explosive anchoring
system that latches on to whatever surface it is dropped on.

Innovator Unconventional Armaments:
“Tennanlower Jnr. Lt. disciplined; used drop Type: Passive
canisters to disrupt Orkish raid. Note to self: Cost: 200 xp
promote him when the heat’s died down.” The sheer variety of strange and unusual
-From the diary of Lord General Scabeus duFoure weapons available to the Imperium means
that an officer can adapt the loadout of
For all its many flaws, the Astra Militarum their squad to just about any situation,
represents a true meritocracy; soldiers who especially if they’re willing to bend the
perform well and demonstrate a flair for rules a little.
command will quite often rise up the ranks The Innovator may choose to equip one
by reason of their skill alone, regardless of extra Guardsman in their Formation as a
background or social status. Such Special Weapons Troop, as per the Junior
innovators often attract negative attention Officer’s Squad Gunners Advance. In
from their compatriots, whether through addition, if they capture alien, heretical or
jockeying for promotion, class issues or otherwise exotic weaponry, they may
jealousy, but those who survive the choose to have one of their Special
politicking go on to be some of the Weapons Troops wield that weapon instead
Imperium’s finest. of their previous gear, and they are
considered to have all the Talents needed
An Innovator is an informal designation for to operate it effectively.
a Junior Officer who is willing to push the
bounds of the Tactica Imperialis, and the Trouble Shaker:
general regulations of the Guard, in pursuit Type: Passive
of victory. Creative and unpredictable on Cost: 200 xp
the battlefield, they lead their squads to When you start making waves in an
victory in the most surprising ways. organization as hidebound as the Guard,
you’re bound to attract the wrong kind of
Prerequisite Speciality: Junior Officer attention.
New Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fellowship, The Innovator gains a +20 bonus to social
Fieldcraft, Leadership, Perception, Social Tests to cover up rules transgressions,
New Talents: Combat Sense and Evasive or distract official attention, delay
Paranoia investigations, or otherwise keep them and
Specialist Equipment: Commbead, plus any their Squad out of disciplinary troubles.
three of the following: Good-Craftsmanship
Magnoculars, Chameleoline Cloak, 3 Unconventional Tactics:
Smoke Grenades, 3 Demolition Charges, Type: Passive
Combi-Tool, Signal Jammer, Stummer, Cost: 500 xp
Regimental Favored Basic Weapon Innovative and unusual tactical planning
Specialist Advances: can be the result of long study, spur-of-
the-moment improvisation, or even
genuine strokes of inspiration; whatever it

is, it can have a potent effect on the
Every time the Innovator makes a
Perception, Navigate (Surface) or
Intelligence-based test to analyze a
combat situation, potential battlefield, or
tactical engagement, they gain a single
Tactic Point if they score three or more
Degrees of Success. An Innovator may
“bank” a number of Tactic Points equal
to their Intelligence Bonus, and they are
lost at the end of each combat.
In combat, the Innovator may spend a
Tactic Point at the start of their turn to
grant their Formation one of the
following bonuses:
• The Formation’s first attack of
their next turn gains Crippling,
Snare or Felling (X), where X is
the Innovator’s Perception Bonus.
• The Formation’s movement speed
is doubled, and it ignores penalties
from difficult or dangerous
terrain. These bonuses last until
the end of the Formation’s next
• The Formation reduces Unit
Strength damage from all sources by
1, to a minimum of 0, until the end
of its next turn.
• A space adjacent to the Formation
now contains a Snare Mine with a
detection radius equal to the
Innovator’s Perception Bonus,
fitted with a grenade taken from the
Innovator’s inventory.
• The Formation immediately hides
or scatters; if the Innovator passes a
Challenging (+0) Command Test
their Formation is now considered
hidden from the enemy until their
next attack.

Inquisitorial Agent bulwark of faith to turn back the darkness
“When there's aught afoot/In your subsector/where wrought by the enemies of Man.
can you seek aid?/Storm-troopers!”
-Informal anthem of the Ixaniad Inquisitorial Prerequisite Speciality: Stormtrooper
Tempestus New Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft,
Finesse, Knowledge, Leadership,
Generally, the Inquisitorial
Stormtroopers stand apart
New Talents: Either Resistance
from their more
(Psychic Powers) and Jaded or Inspire
conventional Tempestus
brethren, and their
Specialist Equipment: Good-
training is far more
Craftsmanship Stormtrooper
couched in secrecy
Carapace, Good-Craftsmanship
than that of ‘ordinary’
Hotshot Lasgun with Laser Sight
Tempestus Scions.
and the Sanctified Quality
The personal enforcers
Specialist Advances:
of the Inquisition, as
well as guards for the
Divine Inspiration:
nightmarish Black
Type: Order (Half Action)
Ships and hidden
Cost: 400xp
Inquisitorial facilities,
Once per combat, an Inquisitorial
these elite soldiers are
Agent may spend a Half Action to
trained to fight off
allow all allies within a radius equal to
threats that attack the
their Willpower Bonus to gain the
soul as much as they do the
positive effects of a single Talent
body. Most of the ‘Inquisitorial’
the Agent knows until the end of
Stormtroopers who serve alongside the
their next turn, even if they do not
Imperial Guard, however, are merely
meet the prerequisites.
regular Stormtroopers who, whether
through personal valor, uncommon
Sanctified Firepower:
fortitude, or sheer misfortune have
Type: Order (Full Action)
captured the attention of an Inquisitor.
Cost: 500xp
Fast-tracked for mental fortitude training
As a Full Action, an Inquisitorial Agent can
and equipped with gear significantly better
make an Ordinary (+10) Command or
than their compatriots, they are often
Intimidate Test- if the test succeeds, the
deployed to bolster conventional forces in
weapons of all allies within 5 meters gain
the fight against xenos psykers or the works
the Sanctified and Proven (X) Weapon
Chaos. Their combat tactics lack much of
Qualities, where X is 2 + the number of
the mobility of their peers- it is useless to
Degrees of Success scored on the test, to a
attempt to outrun beings whose minds are
maximum of 6. This effect lasts for the
their deadliest weapons, after all. On the
remainder of combat.
battlefield, they act as an unyielding

Intruder Specialist Equipment: Synskin, Good-
“You're… pretty good.” Craftsmanship Preysense Goggles, Best-
-Tempestus Major Samuel Pliskin, moments before Craftsmanship Delileus with Expander
garroting an Ork Kommando Rounds or Best-Craftsmanship Lascarbine
with Lo-Charge Packs
The Tempestus has many units who
Specialist Advances:
function as infiltrators or covert insertion
troops, operating under cover of darkness,
CQC Mastery
sensor jamming or Cameleoline to encircle,
Type: Passive/Reaction
pin down and instil terror in their enemies.
Cost: 200xp
Those from these regiments who truly
Sometimes the nature of an infiltration
excel at tactical espionage, who are not just
mission means that conventional
good soldiers but good intelligence
engageement with melee or ranged
officers, are trained as Intruders. Their
weapons simply isn't tactically
instruction brings them nearly to the level
advantageous. Fortunately, the Intruders
of skill of the nightmare agents of the
are trained to use their enemies' bodies
Officio Assassinorium; like ghosts or
against them, turning the tide of a melee
serpents, they slowly and methodically
with lightning speed. The Intruder may
creep their way into enemy fortresses,
make the Stun or Disarm actions as a Half
leaving a string of dead or unconscious
Action, instead of a Full Action, and treats
guards in their wake. Intruders almost
a target’s Toughness Bonus as being halved
always work alone, supported over vox by a
for the sake of calculating damage from the
network of tactical officers, civilian
Takedown action. When an Intruder passes
specialists and Techpriests. Though seldom
a Dodge or Parry test against an enemy
seen on conventional battlefields, they
melee attack by more than two degrees, the
make their presence known in sieges,
enemy is disarmed and the attack fails.
occupations or any other situation where
When an Intruder passes by more than
covert operations are the order of the day.
three degrees, the target is also knocked
Where they operate, enemy officers have a
knack for turning up dead, or kidnapped,
vital documents seem to disappear from the
Sneaking Mission
middle of heavily-defended compounds,
Type: Passive
and terrifying war machines fall prey to
Cost: 300xp
relentlessly precise sabotage. When an
Nothing ruins a prison break or hostage
Intruder is present, the very nature of war
extraction faster than a loud or clumsy
compatriot, and the Intruders train
Prerequisite Speciality: Stormtrooper
constantly to deal with such eventualities.
New Aptitudes: Agility, Ballistic Skill,
For a number of minutes per day equal to
Fieldcraft, Finesse, Perception, Weapon
the Intruder’s Agility Bonus, all allies
within a 5-meter radius of them gain a +20
New Talents: Either Lone Wolf and Ambush
to all Agility and Perception-based tests.
or Crippling Strike

Long-Range Patroller Survival Suit, Omnitool, Hotshot Laspistol
“For enemy, day we visit base is worst day of with Laser Sight
entire life. For us, is Tuesday.” Specialist Advances:
-Anonymous, Katyushan 4th Advance Spotters
Motorcycle Unit Astra Militarum Taxi Service:
Type: Passive
The Imperial Navy is always reluctant to
Cost: 200xp
deploy aerial and space forces to a conflict
Often seconded to non-Tempestus units,
unless they absolutely must, and the
the best Patrollers learn quickly how to
frequent need amongst the Imperial Guard
keep their passengers (and themselves),
for battlefield intelligence has led to the
alive on vehicular voyages that would
formation of long-range patrol units.
endanger the lives of lesser men. All allies
Operating in environments where orbital or
within 5 meters of a Patroller gain the
aerial surveillance is impossible or
effects of all the Patroller's Heightened
impractical, these small Stormtrooper
Senses or Resistance Talents. If they
divisions focus on extreme mobility for
already have the same Talent or Talents,
long periods of time, bypassing or
the effects of the two stack.
punching through enemy strongpoints to
reconnoitre well behind the lines. Such
Not by Strength but Guile:
soldiers needs must be patient, observant,
Type: Passive
and remarkably tenacious, as they may well
Cost: 300xp
operate on missions with little to no
The Patrollers are trained in driving
support from their own forces. Most use
techniques that even other Stormtroopers
customized versions of the Tauros or
would find almost suicidally dangerous, but
similar light vehicles, equipped with
their effectiveness is undeniable. Few foes
gigantic spare fuel tanks and packed with as
are equipped for the sight of a Tauros
much observation equipment and spare
Venator careening across the desert on only
weaponry as their strained chassis can
two wheels, or a Leman Russ ramping off
manage. In a pinch, this deliberate
the ruins of a bridge. The Patroller gains a
overarming allows Patrollers to operate not
+20 bonus to Operate tests to Jink, perform
just as recon troops, but also as raiding
Evasive Manoeuvres, or Floor It!
parties, harassing supply lines and
destroying the lines of communication.
Decisive Firepower
Type: Passive
Prerequisite Speciality: Stormtrooper
Cost: 400xp
New Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft, Offence,
On the offensive, the Patrollers know that
Perception, Tech, Toughness
striking as quickly as possible, and as hard
New Talents: Either Resistance (Cold and
as possible, can be the deciding factor in
Heat) or Tireless
victory. The weapons of any vehicle the
Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship
Patroller crews all gain Proven (4).
Magnoculars, Good-Craftsmanship

What’s going on here?
Master of Ordnance
This is an alternate take on the Master of
“Shipmaster, without a lance strike on this
Ordnance Advanced Specialty already
position, this whole system will be lost. Do your
present in Hammer of the Emperor, with
duty, for the Omnissiah!”
-Vox chatter, Niva Karl mechanics more in-line with the artillery
bombardment abilities used in the Artillery
While Imperial Guard Artillery Spotters Spotter Guardsman Specialty. Feel free to
are authorized to suggest and direct fire swap in this version of the MoO as your
from divisional or regimental artillery units, GM sees fit, or don’t! This version is
the Masters of Ordnance hold much considerably stronger than the core version
greater influence; with their mastery of of the character, but also puts a lot more
protocol and dialect they can order strikes hurt on the Squad’s Logistics rating.
even from voidships in orbit, or from the
heaviest strategic artillery available to the As with the Artillery Spotter, much of the
Militarum. Master’s portfolio of abilities cannot be
used in situations that artillery or orbital
Prerequisite Speciality: Any Guardsman strikes cannot physically reach (deep
New Aptitudes: Agility, Fellowship, underground, inside a large structure, etc.),
Intelligence, Leadership, Offence, or when there is no supporting artillery
Perception present.
New Talents: Either Air of Authority and
Combat Sense or Calculated Barrage When calling in Siege-type weapons,
Specialist Equipment: Deadspace Earpiece, discretion is vital on the part of the GM;
Good-Crafstmanship Preysense Goggles, these are immensely powerful weapons
Good-Craftsmanship Vid-Relay, which can trivialize combat encounters with
Handheld Targeter weaker enemies. GMs should balance
Specialist Advances: combat encounters and tactics based on the
assumption that the enemy knows heavy
Continuous Direction: artillery is present and has prepared
Type: Passive accordingly.
Cost: 300 xp
Masters of Ordnance and their Comrades Political and logistical concerns also apply
are trained to the highest degree of ballistic here. If the party starts throwing around
science in the Imperium, and working as a Colossus Bombard shells willy-nilly, the
team they can relay extremely accurate Munitorum should also get involved; they
targeting information and fire correction will want to know why such expensive
orders to a wide variety of Militarum and ordnance is being expended like it grows on
Imperial Navy forces. trees.
fire an Indirect weapon or call in fire from a
As long as the Master of Ordnance’s
supporting force; he must take the second
Comrade is in Cohesion, once per round he
result, even if it is worse. Additionally,
may choose to reroll any one Test made to
whenever he rolls on the Scatter Diagram

for any weapon with the Indirect quality, he The Master of Ordnance designates an
may roll twice and pick either result. area of ground 5m x their Logistics Bonus
wide by 20 x their Logistics Bonus long.
Hurricane Bombardment: After 1d5-1 rounds, every character within
Type : Order (Half Action) the area must pass an Agility test with a
Cost: 500 xp penalty equal to 10 x their Degrees of
The Master of Ordnance and his Comrade Success on the initial Ballistic Skill or
coordinate with artillery batteries in range Command Test, or take damage from a
to call in accurate and effective fire on their single piece of Field, Mortar or Rocket-
targets. type artillery of the Master of Ordnance’s
As part of this order, the Master of
Ordnance makes a Challenging (+0) Any fortifications, ground-based traps,
Ballistic Skill or Command Test, and landmines, trenches and other
chooses one of the following options: emplacements that might impede the
advance of infantry or vehicles in the area
Precision Strike: A single round of artillery in are destroyed. At the GM’s discretion, this
the right place can turn the tide of a battle. might fill the area with Dangerous or
Difficult Terrain.
The Master of Ordnance indicates a point
(and not a character) on the battlefield As part of the initial Test, the Master of
within line of sight. At the end of their Ordnance may reduce the Squad’s Logistics
turn, a single shot from an available piece rating by 1d5 to double the width and
of Field, Mortar or Rocket-type artillery length of the bombarded area and inflict
of the Master of Ordnance’s choice hits the damage as per a piece of Siege artillery,
designated position. The round scatters by selected by the GM. The width and length
a number of meters equal to 5-their of the area is calculated based on the
Degrees of Success on the initial Test, to a Squad’s Logistics Bonus before the
minimum of 0. reduction.

As part of the initial Test, the Master of Box Barrage: A carefully-calculated

Ordnance may reduce the Squad’s Logistics defensive strike surrounds a strongpoint
rating by 1 to instead call in a single shot with a wall of detonations and shrapnel,
from a piece of Siege artillery, selected by delaying or cutting off an enemy advance.
the GM.
The Master of Ordnance designates a
Creepting Barrage: A “walking” line of square area of ground up to 5m x their
artillery strikes moving across the Logistics Bonus wide by 5m x their
battlefield both suppresses enemy defences Logistics Bonus long. 1d5-1 rounds later,
and blows breaches in their fortifications. every character not in this area, but within
100 meters of the Master of Ordnance,
must pass an Agility test with a penalty

equal to 10 x the Master’s Degrees of capable of burning off the atmosphere of a
Success on the initial Ballistics Skill or planet.
Command Test, or take damage from a As part of this order, the Master of
single piece of Field, Mortar or Rocket- Ordnance makes a Hard (-20) Command
type artillery of the Master of Ordnance’s Test and indicates a point (and not a
choice. character) on the battlefield within line of
sight. 1d5 +5 rounds later, -1 round for every
As part of the initial Test, the Master of Degree of Success on the initial Test, the
Ordnance may reduce the Squad’s Logistics ravening beam of an Imperial Navy Lance
rating by 1d5 to inflict damage as per a weapon hits the designated position. It has
piece of Siege artillery, selected by the GM. the following profile;

Lance Strike: Lance Strike (5d10 + 10 E | Pen 16 | Blast

Type : Order (Full Action) (4d10 + 5), Concussive (3))
Cost: 600 xp
It is seldom necessary for the Imperial This Order may be used any number of
Guard to call in the terrifying power of the times per mission; every use after the first
guns of the Imperial Navy to protect them; permanently reduces the Squad’s Logistics
these are weapons of apocalyptic power, Rating by 1d5.

Model Officer Specialist Advances:
“A textbook example of military efficiency, young
lady. Continue to work in such a way and I can see Mass Formations:
bright things in your future.” Type: Passive
-Lord General Scabeus duFoure, to a Lieutenant of Cost: 200xp
the Edelweiss Kurassiers The Tactica Imperialis is clear that the
strength in numbers of the forces of
The Astra Militarum is often criticized in
Humanity are some of their greatest assets,
many higher-ranking Imperial circles for
and that large-scale maneuvring allows a
being a hidebound, ultra-conservative
commander to bring the most firepower to
organization of backwards-looking old
bear on enemy targets.
fuddy-duddies so lost in protocol and
Each time the Model Officer takes this
procedure that they couldn’t find their own
Advance, they may increase the Unit
behinds with two hands.
Srength of their Formation by 1
Guardsman and increase the Squad’s
This is true, to a degree, but the fact
Logistics score by 3. This Advancement
remains that the procedures and protocols
may be taken any number of times,
of the Emperor’s Imperial Guard are
provided the Formation never exceeds 20
founded on millenia of extremely successful
war-fighting on hundreds of thousands of
fronts. Sticking to the exact letter of the
Standard Procedures:
Tactica Imperialis guarantees that, even if an
Type: Passive
officer is not the most creative or flexible in
Cost: 300 xp
their tactics, those tactics will be at the very
At its highest echelons, uniformity and
minimum fairly competent.
standard operating procedure is the grease
that turns the wheels of the Astra
A Model Officer is a Junior Officer who
Militarum, and a rigid adherence to
has devoted themselves to just such a study,
protocol brings stability and order amidst
learning the tactical and strategic mores of
the chaos of a war zone. Those higher up
their Imperium inside and out.
the regimental chain of command usually
appreciate it when their underlings behave
Prerequisite Speciality: Junior Officer
in a predictable and measurable fashion,
New Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft,
after all.
Knowledge, Leadership, Offence, Weapon
The Model Officer gains a +10 bonus to all
social tests with higher-ranking members
New Talents: Total Recall and Strength in
of their regiment and members of the
the Creed or Inspire Wrath
Munitorum, as well as all Common Lore
Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship
(Administratum, Imperial Guard and War)
Heavy Laspistol or Good-Craftsmanship
tests, and Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy)
Bolt Pistol, Good-Craftsmanship
Chainsword or Power Sword, Commbead,
Laud Hailer

By the Book:
Type: Free Action
Cost: 400 xp
The dozens of collected books, essays,
battle reports and other documents that
form the combined Tactica Imperialis
contain nuggets of operational wisdom
covering a huge variety of combat
circumstances from theatre-wide
operational concerns down to the actions
of individual soldiers. Careful reading of
these near-holy books provides an
Imperial commander with all they need
to conduct successful warfare.
At the start of any of their turns in
combat, the Model Officer may make a
Challenging (+0) Scholastic Lore
(Tactica Imperialis) test as a Free Action.
If they succeed, they may “bank” one
Tactic Point for every two Degrees of
Succees they make. At any other time in
the combat, they may spend any number
of Tactics Points to gain +1 Degree of
Success on any one Test undertaken by
them or a member of their Formation per
point spent. A Model Officer may only
bank a total number of Tactic Points
equal to their Intelligence Bonus, and all
stored Tactic Points are lost at the end of

Old Guard Becoming an Old Guard
“The Orks broke upon their lines like on a redoubt The Old Guard Advanced Specialty is
of granite- By the Emperor, they accomplished unlike all others in that it is class-agnostic.
with muskets and steel what our artillery and Any Support or Guardsman Specialty can
lasguns never could.” switch to Old Guard, to represent them
-Anonymous report on the battlefield prowess of
the Brumeran Korpogardistos.
gaining extended battlefield experience
and becoming the crack veterans of their
Every Imperial Guard regiment that has unit.
seen prolonged combat tends to stratify
naturally into two kinds of soldiers; the new However, while the Old Guard does offer
recruits, and the old. The latter are far less greater flexibility than other Specialties, it
numerous, but infinitely tougher, more carries with it one major limitation to
dangerous, and truer to the glorious represent their long field experience.
traditions of their regiment and
homeworld. A character may only become an Old
Guard after they have passed their
The Old Guard is the consummate veteran campaign’s second milestone to switch
soldier; grumpy, prone to grumbling and Specialties- in other words, a character
complaining at the drop of a hat, laden may choose to play an Old Guard only on
down with strange equipment and trophies their third Specialty and up.
issued, recovered or stolen from foreign Or any one of Crack Shot, Crippling Strike,
battlefields, and forming a bulwark of Munitorum Influence, Strong Minded,
manpower strong enough to crush even the Formidable, Indefatigable, Low Profile
fiercest of foes. In those Imperial Guard Specialist Equipment: Same as previous
regiments which do not have regular Specialty; increase the craftsmanship of any
demobilization policies, veteran soldiers two items by one level, and gain one
can see decades of combat, and those with Weapon Upgrade with a rarity of Very
the luck and mental fortitude to endure it Rare or less that can be applied to one
all can change the tide of a battle by their weapon the character has Weapon Training
mere presence. for.

Prerequisite Speciality: Any Specialist Advances:

New Aptitudes: Same as previous Specialty.
Add one of Fieldcraft, Finesse, Knowledge, Grumbler:
Tech or Social. Type: Passive
New Talents: Either Jaded and any one of Cost: 300xp
Ambidextrous, Resistance (Pick One), Peer This character has earned, by length or
(Pick One), Evasive, Lone Wolf, Reaction success of service, a certain leeway in
Fire obeying orders or following perfect
military protocol. Their superiors know
this, and also know that that laxity makes

them all the more ferocious on the attacks for the purposes of calculating
battlefield. damage.

This character gains a +5 bonus to the non- Grizzled Veteran:

damaging numerical effects of any Orders Type: Passive
they receive, and reduces all incoming Cost: 400xp
Insanity damage by 1, to a minimum of 0. Prerequisite: Character’s Specialties have
granted them Comrade(s).
Last Man Standing:
Type: Passive This character is a living font of useful
Cost: 400xp combat knowledge, having seen, fought
Prerequisite: Character’s Specialties have and over the myriad horrors of the
granted them no Comrades. Imperium's enemies. Their very presence in
a squad instils discipline, coordination and a
This character has seen hundreds of will to victory that can change the tide of
members of their unit come and go, the the most desperate struggle.
faces blurring together until they cannot
remember who they've served alongside. Whenever this character has his, or any
Through it all, they endure, posting after allied character's Comrade in cohesion, he
posting, battle after battle. gains a +10 bonus to all Tests. All allied
characters in the Squad gain a +5 bonus to
This character gains a +20 bonus to any all Tests when they have a Comrade in
Test to resist Insanity, Fear or Corruption cohesion.
caused by the death of an ally. In addition,
any attack roll against them that rolls
hits the
nearest ally's
Comrade. If
there are no
Comrades near
them that
might take
damage, they
instead treat
Bonus as being
against such

Paymaster people. Naturally, their influence is
“LODS OF EMONE” widespread and very, very well-respected.
-Personal Motto of Paymaster Donnal Takarada Holding the purse-strings of an entire
regiment of heavily armed soldiers requires
It is a common fallacy that the soldiers of more than a little strength of character, and
the Imperial Guard are never paid. The the few Paymasters to survive for any
Munitorum promises pay, it is claimed, but length of time tend to be men and women
never delivers. This isn’t accurate, of of remarkable guile and tenacity.
course, but there is a grain of truth. The
Munitorum is a vast bureaucracy, and the Prerequisite Speciality: Sutler
funds (in dozens of different sectorial and New Aptitudes: Defence, Fellowship,
regional currencies) often take far too long Knowledge, Intelligence, Perception,
to get from the purses of Terra to the Toughness, Willpower
pockets of the common fighting man. New Talents: Either Orthoproxy and Peer
Thus, many Guardsmen are quite used to (Munitorum) or Munitorum Influence
being paid late, or too little, or not at all, or Specialist Equipment: Carapace Breastplate,
even, say, in decorative seashells or small Calculus Logi Upgrade, Interface Port
cubes of processed metal instead of Specialist Advances:
standard Imperial coinage.

The bureaucrats of the Munitorum are

uncomfortably aware of this, and, seeking
to reduce instances of insubordination or Money
outright mutiny, often task Talks:
trusted Sutlers with the job of Type:
supervising regimental pay. Passive
The title of Paymaster is Cost:
strictly speaking inaccurate, 200xp
as it is the regimental Any
command staff and regimental
quartermasters who quartermaster,
do the actual even the wealthy
paying, but the ones, knows that
Paymasters are it’s never, ever a
there to ensure good idea to piss
the cash off the guy who
flows on holds the purse-
time, strings.
and to
the Any time a party
right member might be
called on a to

make a roll based off the party’s Logistics they gain the effects of the Fate Point, but
score, a Paymaster may, before the roll is the point itself is not spent. If they fail,
made, spend a Fate Point to give that roll a they take a number of points of Insanity
bonus equal to 10 + twice the Paymaster’s equal to their Degrees of Failure + 1. The
Fellowship Bonus. Paymaster cannot use this ability
themselves, only grant it to others.
Combat Bounties:
Type: Order (Free Action) Wolves of the Spinward Front:
Cost: 500xp Type: Passive
Many Imperial regiments issue bounties for Cost: 300xp
trophies taken from dead enemies, as a way When a front begins to dissolve and turn to
to incentivize their soldiers to greater anarchy, or when the order of a regiment
ferocity. Sutlers will often issue slightly less dissolves and its soldiers begin to loot,
formal encouragements, to the same effect. pillage and plunder, their first target will
often be regimental cash stores- gold may
A Paymaster with this ability may spend a not fill the stomach, but it certainly fills the
Fate Point to cause the attacks of all allies imagination. Paymasters know they are
within a radius equal to the Paymaster’s always under threat, and seek to defend the
Fellowship Bonus to gain a Damage and Munitorum’s assets with merciless force.
Penetration bonus equal to the party’s
Logistics Bonus. This ability lasts for the A Paymaster with this ability gains a +10 to
duration of the combat in which it is the Opposed Agility Test to act first in
activated. It can be activated any number of Overwatch. Whenever they make a
times in a session, over multiple combats, succesful ranged Overwatch attack, they
but every activation after the first decreases Pinning Test the enemy must undertake
the party’s Logistics Rating by 1 in addition increases in difficulty by an amount equal
to the Fate Point cost. to the squad’s Logistics Score -10, to a
minimum of 5.
Dosh Sustain Thee:
Type: Passive
Cost: 400xp
Human beings are, no matter what
they might claim, a greedy species.
The lure of gold, treasures and
riches can drive men mad, but also
sustain them beyond the limits of
human strength.

When a member of a Paymaster’s

Squad spends Fate, they may
immediately make a Challenging
(+0) Logistics Test. If they succeed,

Psykana Haplotist Specialist Equipment: Hexagrammatic Robes,
“You call yourselves premiere psykers. I say no: Aether Staff, Poor-Craftsmanship
you have only just begun.” Wavespar Harness
-Master Xavier Yurishima, founder of the Collegia Specialist Advances:
Enlightened Overseer
Though the Tennanlower Haplotists have
Type: Passive
long since vanished into the irradiated ruins
Cost: 300xp
of their homeworld, their ideas have spread
A Haplotist’s Overseer has witnessed the
across the Galaxy, and some members of
culmination of whatever their charge’s
the Psykana still train the occasional
chosen school of witchery is, and has
Haplotic psyker. Yet more stumble across
learned how best to resist its perils, and
the works of the Haplotists, especially
teach others to do the same. As long as the
Xavier Yurishima’s seminal Una Mens ad
Haplotist’s Companion is in Cohesion, all
Unius, and embark on the path by
allies within a number of meters equal to
themselves. The result is the same: psykers
the Haplotist’s Fellowship Bonus x 2 gain a
who focus on a single discipline to the
+20 bonus to any Test to resist powers of
exclusion of all others, suppressing most of
the same Discipline as the Haplotist’s.
their latent abilities in order to force their
specialty to become stronger.
Ways of the Haplotist
Rare on the battlefield, these “Telekine, telepath, biomancer, pyrokineticist,
overspecialized psykers are incredibly diviner. By your powers combined, you are...
devastating, wielding abilities that go well unstoppable!”
beyond that of their conventional brethren, -Xavier Yurishima, addressing the Collegia
and with greater stability than most.
Becoming a Haplotist requires mental Each Haplotist selects a single Way, and
fortitude and long training- weak focuses on it to the exclusion of everything
Haplotists tend to end up insane or dead. else. Upon switching into the Haplotist
Haplotists wield a variety of specialized Advanced Specialty, select one of the Ways
equipment developed by the Psykana and below. This choice can only be made once
the Collegia Haplotica, but their reliance and is permanent. The Way you select must
on a single psychic discipline can leave them match the Discipline you selected for the
vulnerable when confronted with the larger Haplotic Focus talent.
range of abilities available to other Psykers.
Prerequisite Speciality: Sanctioned Psyker Way of the Dynamiphore
New Aptitudes: Defence, Intelligence, Discipline: Telekinesis
Psyker, Offence, Toughness, Willpower Haplotic Talent: Lightning Reflexes
New Talents: Haplotic Focus and Haplotic Dynamiphores study the power of motion,
Talent (See Below) and, by the consumption of a variety of
reflex-enhancing substances, become ever-
moving masses of tics and jitters, claiming
that by living in motion they understand

the forces their minds can exert. They are Way of the Numinous Esper
ferociously able telekines, able to move Discipline: Telepathy
immense masses into the air, though their Haplotic Talent: Peer (Adeptus Astra
focus is often overly-precise, and they Telepathica)
struggle to telekinetically control more Numinous Espers believe their path lies
than one object at a time. within the thoughts of others, and they are
constantly listening in on the surface
Grand Defiance: Within an atmosphere, thoughts of all those around them,
planetary gravity is the greatest limiter of subsuming their own personalities in the
motion, or so claim some Dynamiphores. babble of their surroundings. Though they
Their greatest triumph is being able to almost always come across as silent or
exert so much mental pressure they can unemotional, they experience a constant
ignore gravity entirely. This power allows a and overriding empathy. Numinous Espers
Dynamiphore to make a Very Hard (-30) almost always get along well with
Willpower Test as a Full Action to activate Astropaths, as the former have an
one of two effects. Rolling doubles on the understanding of the troubles of the latter
test or failing it generates Psychic yet are much more apt at communicating
Phenomena. their needs to non-psychic individuals.
Autokinesis: The Dynamiphore can levitate Many Imperial Guard commanders dislike
themselves, gaining the Flyer (X) trait, working with Numinous Espers even more
where X is 2 + their Psy Rating. While so than regular Sanctioned Psykers because
flying, they can continue to manifest of the absence of privacy their presence
powers as normal, but their Psy Rating is entails, but their combat abilities are
treated as being 2 for the purposes of inarguable.
manifesting. They cannot manifest the
alternate power of Grand Defiance (see Great Link: The true power of the
below) while flying. This power lasts for a Numinous Esper is their ability to break
number of rounds equal to their Willpower down the barriers around the subconscious
Bonus. At the end of the last round, they mind, unlocking the buried thoughts of
settle slowly to the ground, unharmed. human beings and sharing them. These so-
Extrokinesis: Alternately, the Dynamiphore called Great Links synchronize the
may cast Grand Defiance on a single object unconscious minds of the Esper and their
weighing up to 2000kg x their Psy Rating. targets, causing the entire group
They may continue levitating the object for consciousness to think alike- subjects of a
as long as they choose, moving it a number link may not notice it, but they move faster,
of meters equal to their Willpower Bonus react with more coordination and have an
per round. For ever round after the first 5, instinctual knowledge of the thoughts of
they take one point of Fatigue. When they their allies.
end the power, the object drops out of the
air. A Numinous Esper can make a Very Hard
(-30) Willpower Test as a Full Action to
create a Great Link between themselves

and a number of allies or enemies within Way of the Planete Aeon
range equal to 2 x their Willpower Bonus. Discipline: Divination
Rolling doubles on the test or failing it Haplotic Talent: Blind Fighting
causes the Esper to take 1d5 + 5 points of Planete Aeons are cold, intellectual masters
Insanity, and triggers Psychic Phenomena. of probabilities. They forgo many of the
All allied subjects of the link gain the mystical ties of common Imperial diviners
Unnatural Characteristic (2) Trait for every for a detached and systematic study of
single one of their Characteristics until the statistical likelihoods and the regular
end of the combat. algebraic patterns that underlie day-to-day
Enemies in the link take a -10 penalty to all
Tests for the duration of the power as their Curiously, one of the most common forms
minds are clouded with errant thoughts and of study is through mock combat- Aeons
psychic noise. scrutinize fighters to be able to quantify
every single one of their movements, and
Upon the end of the final round all allies in develop an ingrained, academic
the link must make an Routine (+20) understanding of the motions of battle,
Willpower Test, and all enemies a Difficult allowing them to essentially fight by rote
(-10) Willpower Test, or take a number of muscle memory even if disoriented by
Insanity Points equal to the duration of the darkness or injury. Aeons are also
power in rounds. compulsive gamblers, seeing the power of
time, random chance and perhaps even the

The all-too-frequent side effect of improperly applied Haplotic techniques. Fortunately, this particular mistake was a minor
one, and did not tear open a warp rift.

fates in the simple mathematical motions of Way of the Humorite, combining their
the dice. Many battlefield commanders find positive outlook with a great deal of
their pronouncements and their curiously biomantic and medical training. Though
stilted combat style quite weird, but their they are not welcome in the field hospitals
tendency to seemingly generate good luck of the Imperial Guard in the same way that,
has earned them a welcome place in the say, Sisters Hospitaller might be, their
Guard. grasp over more arcane methods of life-
preservation can bring Guardsmen back
Rend Chance: The Aeons are not limited to from the most heinous of wounds.
predicting the future, and can, by focusing Curiously, it is the Mechanicus who take
all their strength, alter it. This ability is objection to the work of the Humorites, for
outwardly discouraged by the Psykana, but they feel that the life-energy-manipulation
more high-ranking Aeons than will admit techniques they have perfected come
know how to use it and have. A Planete dangerously close to violating the
Aeon may make a Very Hard (-30) Mechanicus precepts against reanimating
Willpower Test as a Free Action. If they the dead.
fail or get doubles, they trigger Psychic
Phenomena and take 1d5 +1 points of both Deny Death: By concentrating a truly
Insanity and Corruption as their mind immense amount of life energy via the
becomes briefly unstuck from time. If they Warp, a Humorite can force tissue near
succeed, they make pick a single dice roll them to cling to life even in the face of
made during the next round of combat and devastating wounds, a technique which can
change the result to whatever number they save lives, though at a gruesome cost. As a
would like. This can effect their dice rolls, Full Action, a Journeyman Humorite may
allied dice rolls, and even the dice rolls of make a Very Hard (-30) Willpower Test.
enemies. Rolls changed by an Aeon cannot Failing the test or rolling doubles triggers
be rerolled or otherwise ignored. Psychic Phenomena and causes them to
take a number of Wounds equal to their Psy
Way of the Journeyman Humorite Rating as the life energy surges out of their
Discipline: Biomancy body. If the Test succeeds, all allies within a
Haplotic Talent: Sound Constitution 10 meter radius are incapable of dying for a
Journeymen are bon-vivants who take joy number of rounds equal to 10 + the
in the lives the God-Emperor has given Humorite’s Willpower Bonus. They ignore
them. Large of appetite and large of heart, any Critical Damage effects that cause
they make it their purpose to foster growth Stunning, Fatigue, Blood Loss or Death,
and life wheresoever they may be. Their but not those that cause loss of limbs or
training, paradoxically, involves want and organs, such as Blindness. Once the
deprivation, starving themselves and living duration of the power ends, all those
alone in the wilderness until all their effected experience the effects of their
worldly possessions have rotted away. Only critical damage spontaneously as the
by accepting the joyousness of merely energies knitting their tissues together fail.
existing and persevering can they take the If they suffered any additional Critical

Damage since the beginning of the power, powerful weapons. As a Full Action, a
they also receive 1 point of Corruption and Thermifer may make a Very Hard (-30)
Insanity for every point of Critical Damage Willpower Test to enhance the power of all
taken. energetic reactions within a radius of 10+
his Willpower Bonus meters. If the test fails
Way of the Thermifer or rolls doubles, the Thermifer takes 2d10
Discipline: Pyromancy points of Toughness Damage and triggers
Haplotic Talent: Resistance (Heat) Psychic Phenomena.
While the common pyromaniac may take
joy in kindling a flame, and the Incinerants If they succeed, any weapon or damaging
of the Ministorum zealous passion, the effect with the Energy or Explosive type,
Thermifers see their abilities as a cosmic including mundane fires, gain a bonus to
necessity, pushing back the slow their Damage and Penetration equal to 1 +
inevitability of entropy. For them, it the Thermifer’s Willpower Bonus. This
matters not from whence the flame flows, effect lasts until the end of the combat.
only that it does. Lean, quick-tempered Anyone in the area of effect as the power
(from years of eating burnt food, as the ends must make a Challenging (+0)
pleasures of the flesh are seen as impure), Toughness Test or gain 1d5 points of
and covered with burn scars, the Thermifers Fatigue from the sudden wave of heat the
are a grim and humorless lot, until they end of the reaction releases.
enter into combat. When their anger is set
alight, they burn with a screaming, raving
passion that puts even the zealots of the
Imperial Cult to shame, raging against the
dying of the light. The Emperor is their
God of Fire, source of their psychic gift,
and they intend to honour Him on his
Throne with gifts of heat and light. Fire for
the Lord of Flames! Embers for his

Radiant Accelerance: Thermifers do not

merely manipulate flame, but all forms of
heat and high-energy matter, and their
most direct application of this technique is
a powerful one indeed. By converting Warp
energy directly into thermal potential
energy and feeding it into the surrounding
environment, they can vastly accelerate the
movement of particles, turning small fires
into mighty conflagrations and bolts of
high-energy plasma into apocalyptically

Xavier Yurishima, from his days as a Savant stationed with the Valhallan Ice Warriors.

Psykana Savant
body of men can change the course of
“Gentlemen, in exactly 37 seconds four Orks will
whole battles. Savants are found leading
crest that ridge. The two on the left will be armed
from the front, spending as much time
with axes- squads one and two, you will
issuing commands to their followers as they
neutralize. The two on the right have guns. Leave
do smiting the enemy with psychic energy.
them to me.”
-Lieutenant-Savant Vale Revok, in action with the Despite their mystic talents, many Savants
Edelweiss 114th do not stand out much from the troopers
around them- any sensible Savant knows
Those Sanctioned Psykers who survive that survivability and armour protection
their first encounter with an enemy often override the stylistic tenets of the Psykana
find that promotion comes easily- despite when one’s life is on the line.
their training many Sanctionites are
unequipped for battlefield conditions, and Prerequisite Speciality: Sanctioned Psyker
those psykers who can keep their heads New Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft,
(often literally), or who demonstrate Leadership, Offence, Psyker, Willpower
capable leadership abilities will be New Talents: Either Combat Formation and
promoted to the rank of Savant, often Air of Authority or Iron Discipline
assigned squads of novice Combat Psykers Specialist Equipment: Suit of Carapace
or even ordinary troopers to lead. Though Armour, Good-Quality Chainsword or
they tend not to get along well with their Common-Quality Power Maul, Common-
men, for the superstitions against psykers Quality Bolt Pistol or Good-Quality Hand
are understandably well-entrenched, the Cannon or Good-Quality Hand Flamer,
close coordination between their Psy Focus.
supernatural powers and a well-trained Specialist Advances:

Snap Invocation Veteran Overseer
Type: Passive Type: Passive
Cost: 500xp Cost: 200xp
The finest combat psykers have learned to Following a Savant into the fires of battle
rely on their powers even while deftly is a truly herculean task, especially for a
dodging incoming fire or engaged in the Psykana Overseer charged with supervising,
fiercest of melees, and they have learned to controlling and protecting their
manifest their abilities with remarkable companion. The Overseers of Savants tend
speed. to be just as battle-hardened as those they
accompany, and can often coordinate
In combat, the Savant can choose to manoeuvres with their Savant at a nearly
manifest a power at an accelerated rate- a instinctual level.
power requiring a Full Action instead takes
a Half Action, and one that would normally As long as their Comrade is in Cohesion, a
be a Half Action instead manifests as a Free Savant with this upgrade gets a +5 bonus to
Action. They can still only manifest one all Dodge, Parry and Awareness Tests on
power per Turn, any all powers manifested any turn where they have not manifested
this way automatically generate Psychic any powers.
Phenomena with a +20 on the roll.

Psychic Corona
Type: Full Action
Cost: 300xp
The psychological effect of a combat
psyker, especially against foes unfamiliar
with warp magic, cannot be
underestimated, and many Savants are
quick to exploit this.

As a Full Action, a Savant can concentrate

their abilities in a showy display about their
allies designed to rally friends and terrify
foes. They must make a Difficult (-10)
Willpower Test. If they fail, they take 1
point of Fatigue. If they succeed, all allies
within a radius equal to the Savant’s Psy
Rating gain the Fear (x) Trait, where X is 1
+ 1 for every 3 degrees of success the Savant
scored on their test. This effect lasts for a
number of rounds equal to the Savant’s
Willpower Bonus.

Psykana Scholar combatants- while they can still bring to
“The Emperor has buried all the secrets of bear their psychic might, it is their insights
Mankind in the depths of the great unexplored into any number of strange and obscure
realm of the subconscious- if knowledge is indeed topics that make them most valuable. As
power, then are we, the thinkers, not the most they are generally expected to be
powerful of all?” noncombatants, most Scholars are issued
-The Librium Mnemonicae fairly heavy defensive gear, and a copy of
the Librium Mnemonicae, a text developped
Though it is most famed as the trainer and by the Psykana which is designed to put the
overseer of the Sanctioned Psykers, reader into a meditative mindset to better
Astropaths and various other official warp- recall information.
manipulating Prerequisite
individuals Speciality:
used by the Sanctioned
Imperium of Psyker
Man, the New
Adeptus Aptitudes:
Astra Defence,
Telepathica Intelligence,
is also to a Knowledge,
large degree Perception,
a research Psyker,
institution. Willpower
Charged New Talents:
with the Either Total
study of all Recall and Polyglot or Foresight
things related to the human mind, from Specialist Equipment: Hexagrammatic Robes,
simple psychology to the biological Librium Mnemonicae, Poor-Quality
functions of psychic manifestation, the Refractor Field, Psy Focus
Scholars of the Psykana can be found at Specialist Advances:
work all across the Imperium. Most
Scholars are trained from a young age, Palace of the Mind
selected from those Sanctionites who Type: Order (Full Action)
demonstrate a particular gift for study and Cost: 200 xp
classical instruction, but more The Scholar’s internal perception of their
conventionally-trained veteran psykers mind has been shaped by training or habit
who have been in the right place at the into an intricate maze of imaginary
right time, or who have picked up useful “rooms”, each containing carefully
knowledge in the course of their duties may arranged data. The Scholar can have their
be field-promoted to the role of Scholar. comrade recite a series of predetermined
Their role on the battlefields of Ixaniad code-phrases that will lock the Scholar into
and Calixis is firmly in support of their Mind Palace, deadening their senses

but greatly increasing their capacity for Scholar can end their projection as a Full
recall. Action.

A Comrade in cohesion can recite the code This ability is incredibly draining: it only
words as a Full Action, causing the Scholar lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
to enter the Palace for any length of time- Psyker’s Willpower Bonus, inflicts 1d5-1
while they are in their Palace they receive a levels of Fatigue when ended, and can only
+20 bonus to all Intelligence, Toughness be used once every 24 hours. If the Psyker’s
and Willpower-based Tests, but a -20 to all body is injured while they are engaged in a
Agility, Strength and Perception-based Temporal Projection, the projection is
Tests. A Scholar who is in their Palace can immediately returned to their body and
only make half-action moves, and cannot they take 1d10 points of Insanity in
make Reactions, until they leave the Palace. addition to the damage of the attack.
Leaving the Palace requires a Full Action as
they slowly come back to their senses. Dark Secret
Type: Half Action
Temporal Projection Cost: 500xp
Type: Full Action The Scholar can look deep within
Cost: 500xp themselves and beyond, pulling free arcane
The Scholar can temporarily transcend knowledge from the depths of their
their physical form, letting their mind drift subconscious, or even the Warp, and use
through the physical world unhindered by their own powers to use it against their
ordinary threats. enemies.

Creating a temporal Once per Combat, a Scholar

projection requires a may make a Hard (-20)
Difficult (-10) Willpower Intelligence Test and
Test and a minute of designate a single enemy
meditation, upon which target- if the Test succeeds,
the Scholar’s body is that target loses the benefits
treated as Helpless. The of a single positive Trait, as
temporal projection has all selected by the Scholar, for
the same stats as the the duration of the combat.
Scholar, but has the Phase If the Scholar fails the Test
trait. The Scholar can use by more than one degree,
their psychic powers while they take 1d5+1 points of
they are Phased, but their Insanity and a number of
Psy Rating is reduced to 2 points of Fatigue equal to
and their powers always their Degrees of Failure, as
trigger Psychic they dredge up knowledge
Phenomena. At any time, a they were perhaps not
meant to know.

Raider Specialist Advances:
“Either we all win, or we all die.”
- Motto of the Edelweiss 2nd “Mutigmann” Storm Tactics
Grenzer Regiment Type: Passive
Cost: 300xp
Though the tank, skimmer and drop pod Raiders have the importance of high-speed,
have long proved their worth in breaking low-drag shock warfare drilled in to them,
the stalemate of trench warfare, the and are more than willing to encourage
Imperium often finds itself in situations their comrades-in-arms to match them.
where even such technologies cannot crack The Raider’s base movement speed is
enemy positions. It is for these desperate increased by 2 meters. All allies within a 5-
attacks against heavily entrenched positions meter radius of the Raider increase their
that the Tempestus Raiders were created. movement speed by 1 meter and gain a +2
These elite storm forces forgo many of the bonus to all Initiative tests.
heavy weapons of their more conventional
kin for a focus on mobility, grenades, and Terror Weapons
hand-to-hand combat. They rapidly pass Type: Passive
through enemy trench lines, sowing havoc Cost: 500xp
and softening the defences to prepare for Though their tactics focus primarily on
subsequent attacks. Casualty rates among light weaponry, the Raiders are no
Raider units are naturally staggering, but strangers to the devastating psychological
those few who can survive are some of the effects of good, old-fashioned shock and
most terrifying close-quarters fighters the awe, and train in the use of a huge range of
Imperial Guard can muster. combat techniques.

Training Raiders is a long and arduous Before each mission, a Raider may choose
process, and thus their numbers are any two of the following bonuses. They last
stretched precariously thin, but even the for the duration of the mission. Once per
presence of one on a trench line can turn a mission, a Raider may spend a Fate Point to
grinding war of attrition back into a select two bonuses to replace the old ones.
winnable war of mobility. • They automatically score two extra
Degrees of Success on Full-Auto
Prerequisite Speciality: Stormtrooper Bursts with ranged weapons.
New Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft, Finesse,
• When they do damage with a
Offence, Weapon Skill, Willpower
weapon with the Flame quality, the
New Talents: Either Trench Raider and
difficulty of the test to resist
Evasive or Hip Shooting or Swift Attack
catching fire is increased to -20.
Specialist Equipment: Best-Craftsmanship
• All of their ranged attacks at Short
Mono-Warknife or Best-Craftsmanship
distances or closer gain +2
Shock Maul, 2 x Concussion Grenade, 1 x
Krak Grenade, Stormtrooper Carapace

• When making attacks with • They gain a +20 bonus to any Test
grenades, they may increase or to locate and avoid land mines,
decrease their Blast radius by 1. tripwires, razor wire or other floor-
• Whenever they score more than based traps and snares.
three Degrees of Success on a melee • They may apply the benefits of the
attack, that attack’s first hit gains other effect chosen to any allies
Crippling (2). within a 5-meter radius.
• Their melee attacks gain the
Infiltrator quality.
• They take no penalties to firing
Basic or Pistol weapons from
• They treat the value of any enemy’s
Fear trait as being reduced by 1, to a
minimum of 0.
• All Armour they wear is treated as
having 1 extra AP against Impact
damage, in addition to any other
bonus effects.

Racketeer toughness and a willingness to do some
“We find the defendant not guilty on three counts bodywork, as many criminal gangs demand
of gangsterism, sixteen counts of smuggling fairly violent ‘proof of loyalty’ from their
contraband, four counts of moonshining, two new members.
counts of assault on a superior officer, one count of
impersonating an Imperial saint…” Prerequisite Speciality: Sutler
-Excerpt from a Bellagian court martial New Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Knowledge,
Offence, Perception, Social, Strength,
Few in the Commissariat would ever care to Weapon Skill
admit it, but the Imperial Guard, especially New Talents: Either Peer (Underworld) and
those regiments drawn from more Pugilist or Ratling Requisitions or
lawless worlds, is rife with an Sudden Strike
undercurrent of organized crime. On Specialist Equipment: Hot-shot
those planets whose regiments have Laspistol or Good-Craftsmanship
fixed terms of service, gang members Shotgun with Sawn-Off
often deliberately join the Guard Customization, Good-
for paid military training, and Craftsmanship Mono-
having ex-Guard enforcers in Trench Dagger or Good-
the ranks is seen as a sign of Craftsmanship Bellagian
quality for any respectable Cosh
mobster. Guard connections Specialist Advances:
can open up a whole new
galaxy of contraband The Battlefield is Yours:
smuggling, arms trading, Type: Passive
drug dealing, and any one Cost: 300xp
of a limitless number of Keeping your hands
criminal pursuits. clean is a vitally
important part of any
It is only natural that such criminal’s work, but the
corruption and venality Racketeers who
would also spread to the frequent the Imperial
Munitorum, and Sutlers, Guard know that
as individuals already sometimes it’s
responsible for the ebb necessary to make a
and flow of wealth and mess in defence of your
goods into a regiment, interests. When a
often find themselves Racketeer enters
actively or Overwatch, they may
unintentionally designate a single one-
collaborating with the handed melee weapon in
criminal element. Such work their inventory. If they are
demands an element of physical the target of an enemy melee

attack while in Overwatch, the Racketeer others. Any character (including the
may make a single standard melee attack Racketeer) who is accompanied by or in
against that target before the enemy Cohesion with one of the Racketeer’s
resolves their attack. If the Racketeer’s Comrades gains the effects of the Peer
reaction attack kills, stuns or otherwise (Underworld) Talent, or loses the negative
prevents the enemy from completing their effects of the Enemy (Underworld) Talent
attack, the Racketeer does not leave if they had it.
Overwatch. If the enemy attack succeeds
and does damage, the Racketeer leaves
Alternate Takes on the Racketeer
Goons: It’s quite possible you might want to
Type: Passive play a Racketeer, but your campaign
Cost: 200xp takes a direction that doesn’t involve
Few truly profitable crimes can be done much messing around with the
without backup, or a little bit of muscle. criminal elements underlying the
The Racketeer gains a Comrade. This Guard. A hyper-religious Shrine
ability can be purchased twice. World regiment, for instance, might
not have much to do with organized
‘Protection’ Detail crime, nor would a regiment of elite
Cost: 200xp Stormtroopers working directly
Dumb muscle is dumb muscle no matter under the command of an Imperial
where you go in the galaxy- the wrong sort general.
of people hanging around can often
convince where open threats fail. The If you find that the Racketeer
Racketeer’s Comrades provide a +5 bonus doesn’t make sense in your
to Weapon Skill and Intimidate Tests while campaign, but still want to play one,
they are in Cohesion. This bonus does not simply refluff them. When switching
stack. If the Racketeer has two Comrades, Specialties to Racketeer, change all
any character both Comrades are in the mentions of Peer or Enemy
Cohesion with (or direct line of sight of), (Underworld) in their abilities to a
also gains a +5 bonus to Logistics Tests. single other group. A Racketeer
with Peer (Mechanicus) might be an
Friends in Low Places enforcer or strongman for a Forge
Type: Passive World’s trade delegation, say, while
Cost: 200xp Peer (Navigators) might represent a
The criminal underworld is a social world, high-level bodyguard for a member
where connections are just as important as of the Nobilite.
talent. If you served with the right people,
or know people who served with the right As long as the character still makes
people, you can gain access to circles of sense, and the GM okays it, the sky’s
influence that might otherwise be barred to the limit!

Recon Controller
“Roger, command. Pathfinder Sky Eye
confirms 47 Drukhari raiders waiting in
ambush on the next dune. Recommend fire for
effect on the reverse slope to maximize
-Vox chatter, Kalf

Imperial Navy Intelligence is an

organization of vast but tenuous scope,
integrated as it is with the Militarum,
the Administratum, and the Inquisition.
Recon Controllers are the closest
Intelligence comes to the frontlines,
embedded with Guard units to process,
direct and interpret orbital or aerial
intelligence at the tip of the sphere.
Art by Sgt_Smile.
To be a Recon Controller represents a
posting of considerable rank in the Navy,
High-Priority Target
as they are trusted with sensitive and up-to-
The presence of a Recon Controller
the-minute codes and data; for this reason,
in a squad implies a certain degree of
they are seldom deployed without
access to classified or sensitive
considerable Militarum protection, for
information. On campaign, Recon
their capture would be a great loss.
Controllers make an obvious target
for well-organized enemy forces
Prerequisite Speciality: Officer of the Fleet
seeking to capture intelligence
New Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft,
resources; the things they know can
Intelligence, Knowledge, Leadership,
turn the tide of a theatre war, after
all. If playing as a Recon Controller,
New Talents: Either Vigilance and Total
remember that your character might
Recall or Foresight
be privy to information the rest of
Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship
the squad could be executed for
Magnoculars, Pict-Recorder, Vox-Caster,
knowing, and that sharing that info
Data Slate, Emergency Auto-Martyrdom
might be grounds for a firing squad.
Specialist Advances:
When GMing a squad with a Recon
Controller, keep in mind that any
Audi, Vide, Tace:
remotely tactically-minded enemy
Type: Passive
would see the Controller as a
Cost: 300xp
valuable prize to be taken.

A Recon Controller is a trusted, if very Scouting Run:
minor, member of the vast organization Type: Order (Full Action)
that is Imperial Navy Intelligence, and can Cost: 500 xp
draw on a vast reserve of situational The Marauder Pathfinder and Marauder
intelligence. Vigilant are the tactical and strategic
The Recon Controller, and every member reconaissance variants of the Navy’s
of their Squad, gain a +20 bonus to any test Marauder heavy bomber, and both are at
to locate or notice invisible or hidden foes. the disposal of the Recon Controllers.
Any time they would be Surprised, they can
pass a Challenging (+0) Perception Test to A number of times per mission equal to
be able to act as normal. double the Squad’s Logistics Bonus, the
Recon Controller may call in a scouting
Lay of the Land: run. They designate an area 5 meters across
Type: Passive by 20 x their Logistics Bonus meters long
Cost: 300xp within line of sight, and make a
Recon Controllers receive the most up-to- Challenging (+0) Command Test. If they
date aerial pict and auspex data available to succeed, at the end of the round, they may
anyone short of an Imperial General, and choose one of the following to occur within
can use this accurate intel to great effect in the area:
combat. • The area is illuminated by Starflare
At the start of every combat, the Recon Rounds dropped from above.
Controller may make a Hard (-20) • Every character within the area must
Intelligence Test, modified by the party’s pass an Ordinary (+10) Agility Test or
Logistics score. If they succeed, they may be blinded as per the effects of a
designate an area of the battlefield with a Photon Flash Grenade.
radius equal to 2m + 2m for every Degree • The area fills with smoke and chaff, as
of Success on the test. This area has been per a Blind grenade, which dissipates
well-scouted, and Squad members within it as per the Smoke (X) Quality.
count as having access to full-body cover • All comms devices within the area
providing 8 AP of protection. Enemies count as being under the effects of a
cannot gain the benefit of the cover in this Signal Jammer for the next 1d10
area. Additionally, the GM must tell the rounds.
Recon Controller if there are any mines, • Enemies within the area cannot
traps or concealed access points for enemy
benefit from the effects of Cover, and
reinforcements within the area, though Indirect attacks against them gain a
they need not be specific where they are. +10 to hit for the next 1d5 rounds.
This ability may only be called in on areas
This ability may not be used in combat which are outside or accessible by aircraft.
areas that could not be scouted by low-
flying aircraft with auspex units, such as
deep underground or in the bowels of a
hive city.

Scrounger its salt knows, and relies upon, someone
“If you need to ask where I found it, you don’t like a Scrounger.
deserve to have it.”
-Sutler Dyomin, Katyushan 13th Prerequisite Speciality: Sutler
New Aptitudes: Agility, Defence,
Ratlings may be known for getting ‘useful Intelligence, Fieldcraft, Knowledge,
items procured’, but they aren’t the only Perception, Tech
ones, and theft is not necessarily New Talents: Either Modify Payload and
tantamount to theft of something useful. Initiated Maintenance or Battlefield
When you need something that just works, Techwright or Armour-Monger
you call on a Scrounger. These more Specialist Equipment: Auspex, Lascutter,
technically-minded members of the Combi-tool
Munitorum are heavily proscribed by the Specialist Advances:
Mechanicus, and for good
reason. Their task, in no Whatever Works:
uncertain terms, is to comb Type: Passive
the battlefield for Cost: 200xp
anything of use left on On the battlefields of the 41st
bodies or abandoned by millennium, there are as many types
soldiers, and make sure of weapons as there are stars in the
it ends up back in sky, and a Scrounger has sampled
the regimental the martial delights of a
supply chain. surprising number of them.

The practical upshot A Scrounger reduces the

of this, of course, is penalties of using any
that Scroungers often weapon they are not
have to heavily tinker Trained on by an
with or modify what amount equal to
they scavenge to keep 10 plus their
it working, and have Intelligence
no scruples about Bonus. Any ally
stealing xeno or within a radius equal
heretical equipment if to the Scrounger’s
it will make them a Fellowship Bonus reduces the
few Thrones. penalties by 5.
Though what they
dredge up is often Hands Off:
as unpredictable as Type: Passive
the tides of war Cost: 500xp
itself, every
regiment worth

Competition for salvage is the difficulty of Sleight
Alternate Takes on the Scrounger
fierce, and on those of Hand tests against
Scroungers as a Specialty obviously
battlefronts populated by themselves by -10.
don’t mesh well with Adeptus
multiple regiments with an
Mechanicus-themed parties, given
inclination for scavenging Catch!:
that most of their role involves what
protecting one’s finds is a Cost: 300xp
is essentially mild tech-heresy.
matter of life and death. Sutlers are known for
carrying around a
In parties where this wouldn’t make
If anyone in a Scrounger’s bizarre miscellany in
much sense, consider presenting the
Squad owns an item of their deep pockets (see
Scrounger as a Cyber Seer or
Very Rare Availability or what I did there?), but
Technomancer, those members of
higher, the Scrounger and Scroungers up the ante
the Mechanicus charged with
the entire Squad gains a +5 even further.
cataloguing and recording data on
bonus to all Overwatch
all manner of weapons, equipment
attacks. This bonus A number of times a
and tactics.
increases by +5 for each day equal to half the
step in rarity above Very party’s Logistics
Rare that applies to an item owned by a Bonus, rounded up, the Scrounger can grab
party member. For example, if the party something vaguely grenade-shaped from
owned an Extremely Rare item, the bonus their pocket and throw it at an enemy as a
would be +10, Near Unique would be +15, Half Action. This functions a standard
etc. thrown grenade attack, except what the
grenade actually is is not generated until
It Was Like That When I Found It: the attack (and any scatter, misfires, etc)
Type: Passive have already been rolled. Generate a
Cost: 200xp grenade from Table 5.
The Mechanicus knows that the
Munitorum is always
seeking to cut corners and Table 5: Scrounger Grenades
shave off costs, even at the d10 Grenade Location Effect
1 A Rock! - 1 + STR Impact damage
cost of permanent harm to
2 Photon Flash Core, 183 -
precious, precious 3 Frag Core, 183 -
machinery. The 4 Krak Core, 183 -
Munitorum knows the 5 Fire Bomb Core, 182 -
Mechanicus knows, too. 6 Concussion Vol. 3, 31 -
7 Stun Core, 184 -
A Scrounger with this 8 Pocket Sand! - Blast (2), affected targets must test
ability gains a +10 to Toughness or be Blinded for 1d5
Decieve tests against rounds
members of the Adeptus 9 Black Vol. 3, 31 -
Mechanicus, and increases
10 Hallucinogen Core, 182 -

Signifier and regimental culture, and instill that same
“During the Ork bombardment, Piper Laidlaw standard in their comrades.
stood on the battlement, and played his company
forward. The effect of his splendid example was Prerequisite Speciality: Any Guardsman
immediate; the men, taking heart, charged and New Aptitudes: Defence, Fieldcraft,
routed the xenos.” Leadership, Strength, Toughness,
-Praetorian Guard Order of the Lion Citation Willpower
New Talents: Either Leap Up and Radiant
All regiments make use of Signifiers in Presence or Formidable
some form or another, though few bear the Specialist Equipment: Good-Quality
name and many are unofficial positions. Accatran Heavy Laspistol or Best-Quality
Signifiers are simply those soldiers who Hand Cannon or Best-Quality Chainsword,
have as their duty maintaining the morale Regimental Instrument or Regimental
of and inspiring their allies. They are not Standard
official morale officers like Commissars, Comrade Advances:
but they are those regimental musicians,
standard-bearers, and icon-holders whose Bawdy Marching Song
very presence uplifts those suffering Type: Order (Free Action)
soldiers around them. Cost: 200 xp
The Signifier can order his Comrade to
Signifiers often lead from the front, but play a lively, if somewhat obscene, folk
their role is less combative and more song that encourages others nearby to
supportive- whether they are guiding move quickly and watch their footing.
troops by holding high some symbolic Until the end of the Signifier’s next turn,
banner or totem, or causing the enemy to all allies in earshot count their Agility
quake in their positions with a blare of Bonus as being 1 higher for the purposes of
menacing music, or even soothing the determining movement.
fevered brow of the wounded with some
familiar memory of home, all find their Rousing Quickstep
home in combat. Some regiments deploy Type: Order (Full Action)
full bands of Signifiers into combat, while Cost: 400 xp
others will assign troops to escort As long as the Signifier and his Comrade
reliquaries or important objects. Their roles are in cohesion, they can play an ancient
are as diverse and varied as the regiments and long-remembered tune from their
they serve with. homeworld that inspires even the war-
weary and injured to fight on with renewed
Off the battlefield, many Signifiers end up vigour. The Signifier makes a Hard (-20)
as the organizers for regimental events such Perform Test. If it succeeds, all allies within
as parades and demonstrations- as the earshot can ignore the effects of their first
exemplars of their regiment’s martial point of Fatigue for the remainder of the
traditions, they are expected to maintain combat. If it succeeds by more than 2
the highest possible standards of discipline Degrees of Success, all allies within earshot

can reroll one failed Test per round for
the remainder of combat.

The Standard Mustn’t Fall!

Type: Passive
Cost: 300xp
If the Signifier is engaged in melee, all
allies within 20 meters of him and his
Comrade, regardless of the Comrade’s
location, gain the Hatred talent against
whatever type of enemy is currently
attacking the Signifier.

Hold Fast!
Type: Order (Full Action)
Cost: 400 xp
While in Cohesion, the Signifier and his
Comrade can, as a Half Action, order his
allies to rally around the Standard and
defend it against all comers. For the next
1d5 rounds, the Signifier and all allied
characters within a number of meters
equal to his Fellowship bonus gain the
Unnatural Toughness (X) Trait, where X
is half the Signifier’s Fellowship bonus,
rounded down.

Taskmaster to have the manpower to back up their
“It is unquestionably necessary for us to sacrifice goals.
much for our Emperor, but what cost is too great?”
-Lord-General Scabeus DuFour As a Full Action in combat, if a
Taskmaster’s Formation has taken any
The Tactica Imperialis states that quantity damage, they may test Logistics to
has a quality all of its own, but some immediately restore it to its original Unit
Imperial officers truly take this motto to Strength as the regiment deploys reserve
heart. Whether in command of poorly- troops. This ability may be used any
trained conscripts or penal legionnaires, number of times per mission, but every use
Taskmasters are those officers who count after the first costs 1d5 points of Logistics.
on weight of bodies to destroy the enemies It may only be activated if a source of
of the Imperium. Frequently closely allied reserves or reinforcements is available.
to the Commissariat, these brutal soldiers
rely on personal intimidation and utter Forward, maggots!
disdain for the dangers of combat to drive Type: Passive
their soldiers forward like frenzied animals. Cost: 500 xp
To truly motivate a mob of conscripts
Many of these officers end up dead, all too requires iron will and considerable
frequently “fragged” by their own men. charisma, but only to a certain point.
Some, like the infamously driven Marshall
Kubrik Chenkov of Valhalla, end up heroes. So long as a Taskmaster has taken no
Regardless, the names of their soldiers are damage in a combat, their Formation is
seldom remembered. immune to Fear, and they may choose to
give them the effects of the Frenzy talent.
Prerequisite Speciality: Junior Officer If the Taskmaster is wounded (thereby
New Aptitudes: Leadership, Offence,
Strength, Toughness, Weapon Skill,
Strength in Numbers
New Talents: Disturbing Voice and
Many of the Taskmaster’s abilities
Takedown or Executioner
are strongest when they have
Specialist Equipment: Heavy Laspistol or Bolt
manpower to burn. In the case of a
Pistol, Laud Hailer, Good-Craftsmanship
player who has specced into
Mono-Groxwhip, Carapace Chestplate
Taskmaster with a very small
Specialist Advances:
Formation size, the GM might
consider allowing them to keep
Send in the Next Wave!
buying the Junior Officer’s
Type: Order (Full Action)
Reinforcements advance until their
Cost: 200 xp
Formation hits the maximum size of
By the time an officer has developed the
12. You might also consider upping
confidence to spend the lives of their men
that limit to 20.
freely, they are usually of high enough rank

causing the Formation to lose its Fear their formation would fail a Pinning test,
immunity), the GM may have their they may choose to have them lose 1d5-1
Formation immediately make a Fear test Unit Strength to ignore the effects of
based on whatever they are fighting. Pinning for the remainder of the combat.

In addition, the Taskmaster gains a +10

bonus to the Command or Intimidate test
to restore the Cohesion of a fleeing unit.

Grinding Advance
Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Imperial mass combat tactics are at their
most brutal and, arguably, ineffectual,
when employed against static Defences.

Whenever a Taskmaster’s Formation

encounters traps or mines that might
impede their progress, they may expend
1d5-1 of the formation's Unit Strength to
automatically 'defuse' them. Whenever

Kubrik Chenkov by NicklausofKrieg.

Commissar Advanced Specialties Specialty through certain in-game actions,
“A good Commissar can stare down an Ork and as detailed below.
win. A great Commissar can stare down a
Planetary Governor and win.” Commissar-Captain
-Apocryphal “Faith is its own reward.”
-Commissar-Captain B.B.M.H.I.H.N Macedon,
Commissars are exceptional individuals, but Plothian Crusaders
generally undergo very similar training,
with little variance from Schola Progenium The twin rank of Commissar-Captain is a
to Schola Progenium. Further, they are less rare one, generally held by senior
likely to go through the many battlefield commissars or those who have taken on a
roles seen by common soldiers of officers- more administrative role in their regiment.
to reflect this, a Commissar’s choice of A Commissar-Captain is charged with
Advanced supervising the regular
Specialties Commissars of a regiment,
functions a but also has a direct hand
little in tactical planning and
differently. operations- they are just as
These are less much of a battlefield
aspects of leader as their regular
training or contemporaries, but their
doctrine, and wealth of knowledge
more the makes them somewhat
direction a more valuable supporting
Commissar’s combat than engaged in it.
career takes
within their Prerequisite Speciality:
regiment, Commissar
whether they Prerequisite: Character must
become heroic have spent significant
leaders from amounts of time
the front, cooperating with the upper
master leadership of their
manipulators, regiments, and have
or terrifying survived at least one major
spectres of Imperial campaign
imperial New Aptitudes: Fellowship,
orthodoxy. A Fieldcraft, Finesse,
Commissar can only switch Specialties Leadership, Perception, Social, Weapon
once, and their choice is permanent. Skill
Further, a Commissar can only ‘unlock’ a New Talents: Heroic Inspiration or Inspire
Wrath, Combat Sense or Foresight

Specialist Equipment: Best-Craftsmanship range equal to his Strength Bonus to make
Command Baton or Good-Craftsmanship an Opposed Challenging (+0) Willpower
Chainsword or Good-Craftsmanship Power Test versus the Commissar-Captains's
Sword, Good-Craftsmanship Emperor’s Command Skill. Every Degree of Success
Will Laspistol or Good-Craftsmanship Bolt causes each enemy to take 1 level of
Pistol, Carapace Breastplate Fatigue. With 5 Degrees of Success,
enemies are stunned for 1 round, the force
Specialist Advances: of the rebuke halting them in their tracks.

Velvet Glove Allies affected must make a Hard (-20)

Type: Passive Willpower Test, with +10 per degree of
Cost: 300xp success achieved by the Commissar-
Long service has lead the Commissar- Captain. On a Success, they ignore the
Captain to discover that sometimes a soft effects of Fatigue and gain a +10 bonus to
touch is required to dig out the roots of Fear Tests until the end of the encounter.
corruption, allowing it to be
crushed by the Iron Fist of Imperial

Before attempting an Interaction

Skill Test, the Commissar-Captain
can attempt a Difficult (-10) Charm
check as a Free Action to soften the
target/targets up, playing off their
expectations to lower their guard.
Every 2 Degrees of Success lowers
the Difficulty of the following
check by 1 step.

Castigating Shout
Type: Full Action
Cost: 500xp
The Commissar-Captain has
embraced his role on the battlefield
as a force of morale, his booming
curses and inspiring oaths doing
much to reinvigorate his allies and
shatter the will of his enemies.

As a full Action, a Commissar-

Captain may force a number of
enemies or allies within hearing

Hero of the Imperium Paragon of Might
“Frak this, for my faith is a shield proof against Type: Passive
your blandishments!” Cost: 500xp
-Commissar Ciaphas Cain (Attributed) Legends of the deeds of this Commissar
have spread, and much like The Defender
Holt. Sterne. Gaunt. Raege. Cain. Fuklaw. of the Imperium Ciaphas Cain, even the
These are the names of some of the enemies of the Imperium have begun to
Imperium’s legendary Commissars, brave recognize tales of him.
men and women who have spat defiance
into the jaws of the enemies of Mankind The Hero of the Imperium gains +20 on
time and time again and lived to tell the Interaction tests with the common citizenry
tale. The title of Hero of the Imperium can of the Imperium, or anyone who might
be awarded to any Imperial citizen, but its view him in a positive light, and a -20 to
most famous recipients are often of the attempt to influence the enemies of the
Commissariat, a fact which has sometimes Imperium in a positive manner. While in
earned the medal the disparaging title of combat, the Hero of the Imperium is
‘Commissar’s Cross’. Regardless, none can considered to have a Fear Rating of 1,
doubt the incredible benefits towards provided they have not suffered any
morale a decorated Hero of the Imperium Critical Wounds.
can bring to the battlefield, and their
selflessness and bravery is second to none. Glory to the Emperor!
Type: Free Action
Prerequisite Speciality: Commissar Cost: 500xp
Prerequisite: Character must have risked life It is believed that some of the actions of the
and limb in an act of personal heroism that Hero of the Imperium are actually divinely
changed the course of a major battle, and supported by the Emperor of Mankind.
survived. While this may not be true, it is obvious
New Aptitudes: Agility, Fellowship, Finesse, that the Hero of the Imperium seems to
Leadership, Offence, Weapon Skill draw His focus when fighting the Enemy
New Talents: Strength in the Creed and on the battlefield.
Unshakable Faith or Tireless
Specialist Equipment: One Good- When triggering Righteous Fury, the Hero
Craftsmanship pistol-class ranged weapon of the Imperium may spend a Fate Point to
of Very Rare Availability or more, one immediately kill their target in a fashion
Good Craftsmanship one-handed melee that is loud, spectacular and bound to
weapon of Very Rare availability or more, attract attention and future acclaim or
Good-Craftsmanship Light Carapace notoriety. This ability may only be
Armor activated once per combat.
Specialist Advances:

S-Company Officer Craftsmanship Suppression Shield,
“Ignorance is Power. Rectitude is Strength. Carapace Breastplate, Manacles
Obedience is Truth.” Specialist Advances:
-Motto of the Edelweiss 12th Security Company
Security Detail
Few regiments are large enough or Type: Passive
undisciplined enough to require an S- Cost: 350xp
Company, but in those few that do the very The S-Company Officer is given command
name inspires almost irrational panic. The of a squad of Stormtroopers. These are
S-Company, or Security Company, is a most frequently soldiers from Terraxia,
small unit of independent troops answering whose Schola Excubitos is famous for
only to the regiment’s Commissar, with the training Commissars and their assistants, or
duty of searching out any threats to the they may be from some other world of grim
internal security of the regiment and repute.
assisting with the ‘containment’ of those
units on the battlefield who may be on the The Officer gains a Comrade. This
verge of a total rout. S-Company soldiers Advance may be taken a number of times
are frequently recruited from other equal to their Fellowship Bonus.
regiments or from the Stormtroopers of the
Schola, in order to minimize any ties of Blocking Detachment
loyalty they would develop with the Type: Order (Full Action)
unfortunate other members of their Cost: 400xp
regiment. Few Commissars more directly The S-Company Officer orders all their
embody the brutal disciplinarian side of Comrades to stand behind the Squad,
their occupation than those who command providing extra firepower… and a grim
S-Companies. reminder of what might happen if they
Prerequisite Speciality: Commissar
Prerequisite: Character must have succesfully The character making this Order may have
rooted out and captured a major traitor to any number of their Comrades beyond the
the regimental order, or personally rallied a first within Cohesion use a Full Action to
significant number of routing or retreating participate in the Order. As part of this
soldiers. Order, the character issuing it must make a
New Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence, Difficult (-10) Command Test with +10 for
Fellowship, Leadership, Social, Toughness, each Comrade participating in the Order.
Willpower Until the end of the next round, every
New Talents: True Grit and Iron Discipline character in earshot gains a +5 bonus to
or Fearless Ballistic and Weapon Skill Tests per
Specialist Equipment: Good-Craftsmanship degrees of Success on the Test. They also
Bolt Pistol with Laser Sight or Best- take a -20 penalty to all Willpower-based
Craftsmanship Sawn-off Shotgun, Good- Tests, but ignore the effects of Fear (2) and
Craftsmanship Shock Maul or Good- lower. The Officer can only use this Order

once per combat, and must have at least one a prisoner be about to suffer a killing blow,
Comrade within Cohesion to enact it. as a Free Action, a Stormtrooper can accept
the hit instead, as they throw their body in
Only in Death Does Duty End the way. The Comrade must be in Cohesion
Type: Passive with the target of the attack.
Cost: 400xp
The S-Company has the solemn duty of
guarding prisoners deemed either too
dangerous for execution or holding vital
information that must be extracted. As
such, they are expected to throw their lives
down at a moments notice, if need be, to
prevent access to their charge.

If the S-Company Officer fails a Pinning

or Fear check, as a Reaction they may
suffer 1d5 damage, ignoring Armor and
Toughness, in order to act normally. In
addition, should the S-Company Officer or

Talents, Orders, Skills and Actions New Talents
“I’m sorry, Trisde-what?” The following Talents are purchased as
-Lord Commander Roboute Guilliman standard, and some come with prerequisites.
Several of these talents are homeworld-
The Synerge Cluster fields a bizarre array specific (listed in their Prerequisites),
of troops, all with their own unusual meaning that only a character who is from
combat tactics, customs, and ideas. that planet, or a character who has served
alongside characters from that planet for a
New Skill significant amount of time (at least several
This skill is designed primarily for use by months), for instance, can purchase it
the Signifier Advanced Specialty, but can provided they meet the other prerequisites.
be purchased by any character with access
to a musical instrument or who wishes to If a player really, really, really wants one of
sing. these Talents, let them have it, of course- if
they can justify why their character would
Perform (Fellowship) have such a talent. The GM has the final say
Aptitudes: Social, General on whether or not they might cost extra.
Perform is the ability to play musical
instruments, or carry enough of a tune for Some Talents listed here only have one
your singing to sound musical. While not Aptitude- these are uncommonly powerful
always a useful skill on the battlefield, (some might argue broken) abilities that
musical instruments find their home in require significantly more xp to purchase.
trenches and dugouts across the Galaxy,
whether it be for official ceremonies,
raising morale, or even lulling comrades to
sleep on a quiet night. Musical
performances are often useful as a tradable
service, with many willing to offer up a tot
of service synthol to someone who can
distract them from the hell of battle, even
for a few minutes.

When Perform is used against an opponent

(for instance, when trying to drown out
someone else’s music), it is an Opposed
Test. Perform is Opposed by itself.
Skill Use: Full Action for basic music,
Extended Tests for longer pieces

Table 6: Tier 1 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitudes Benefit
Aggressive Action Edelweiss OFF STR Spend Reactions to gain a damage
Buttstroke WS 35, Weapon Training WS GEN Stun targets with bayonet strikes.
(Low-Tech or Chain)
Chterngek Protector Psyker, Katyushan PSY FLD Reduce psychic dangers in snow
and ice
Covering Fire BS 35, AG 35 BS FIN Use Overwatch to disrupt enemies

Distracting Strike PER 30, BS 30 OFF PER Distract enemies with thrown
Evasive AG 35 AG DEF Gain one-time bonus to Dodge
Fickle Fortune Bellagian WP GNL Become luckier?
Firebug Weapon Training WP OFF Ignore fatigue when using flame
(Flame) weapons
Flak Dodger Tennanlower AG DEF Avoid anti-aircraft fire
Haze of War - BS PER Reduce penalties due to smoke
Hunter’s Instincts PER 30, BS 30 OFF PER Deal extra damage to uncovered
Hurler STR 35 STR FLD Throw weapons further
Illicit Mods Junker FLD TEC Customize weapons more
Illogical Target Tech-Use, Dodge, DEF TEC Reduce aim of mechanical enemies
Maniple 931
Lockdown BS 30, PER 30 BS LDR Make Pinned enemies easier to hit

Lone Wolf - FLD OFF

Gain bonuses when operating solo
Reaction Fire AG 30, PER 30 PER DEF
Spend Reaction to Overwatch
Tizherin Stealth, Katyushan FLD AGMove stealthily in snow and ice
Trench Dweller - FLD DEF
Increase protection of prepared
Trench Raider AG 35 FLD OFF Move freely in trenches
Weapon Training - FIN GNL Use Blackpowder weapons without
(Blackpowder) penalty

Table 7: Tier 2 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitudes Benefit
Ante Up Bellagian WP GNLAvoid spending Fate by gambling
Arsonist Weapon Training (Flame) FLDOFF Increase flamer area denial strength
Bayonet Expertise WS 40, Weapon Training (Chain or WS FLD Fight effectively with bayonets
Biggest Booms Tech-Use FLDTEC Spend Fate for blast damage
Blackpowder Weapon BS 35, WS 35, Weapon Training BS WS Use blackpowder weapons in melee
Expertise (Blackpowder)
Caracole BS 45, Survival, Edelweiss BS FLD Make ranged attacks during Strike
and Fade
Cool Under Pressure PER 40, Reaction Fire PER WP Spend Fate for deadly Overwatch
Diving Charge AG 40, Operate (Aeronautica), OFF WS Make flying charge attacks
Executioner Frenzy or Jaded OFF STR Do more damage to injured enemies
Flashfire AG 40, Flame Weapon Training OFF AG Spend Fate for free fire attacks
Forceful Focus WP 35, WS 35, PSY WS Deal more damage with Force
Weapon Training (Force) weapons
Formidable Iron Jaw, Sound Constitution T DEF Reduce explosion damage
Grazing Fire Deadeye Shot BS FIN Spend Fate to deal damage on misses
Indefatigable WP 40, Evasive OFF DEF Score kills to reduce enemy aim
Launcher Weapon BS 40, Weapon Training (Launcher) BS T Avoid explosive blast damage
Low Profile AG 40, T 35 FIN DEF Improve protection of cover
Open-Air Operations Tennanlower AG DEF Gain bonuses when fighting with little
Peacekeeper FEL 35, Maniple 931 SOC WP Defuse arguments and conflicts
Power Weapon Expertise WS 40, Weapon Training (Power) WS OFF Shatter enemy weapons
Ranging Fire BS 40 BS INT Use Indirect Fire to guide allies
Shadowstep Evasive AG DEF Character is harder to hit with
Shockproof T 35, Junker DEFTEC Resist negative electrical effects
Shock Weapon Expertise WS 35, Weapon Training (Shock), WS PER Stun targets more easily
Shredder BS 40 BS OFF Damage armour with ranged attacks
Snap Shot AG 40, Lightning Reflexes BS AG Make two Single Attacks per turn at a
Sudden Strike WS 35. Quick Draw WS FIN Deal more damage on first strike
Trench Veteran Trench Dweller FLDDEF Improve morale in prepared positions
Unarmed Style STR 40 or AG 40, Natural Weapons STR FIN Apply special effects to unarmed
or Unarmed Warrior attacks

Table 8: Tier 3 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitudes Benefit
All In Bellagian WP GNL Burn Fate for a risky power attack
Antimaterialist BS 40, Tech-Use +10, Maniple BS OFF Destroy machinery and structures better.
Blackpowder Weapon BS 40, WS 40, Blackpowder BS WS Increase melee damage of black powder
Mastery Weapon Expertise weapons
Brick Outhouse STR 50, Bulging Biceps, STR T Character is ridiculously muscular
Can’t Miss WS 40, Weapon Training (Low-WS GEN Follow bayonet strikes with gunfire
Tech or Chain)
Caustic Jape FEL 40, Charm (+10) or SOC OFF Enrage enemies with sick burns
Intimidate (+10)
Close and Personal Hip Shooting or Storm of Iron BS - Spend Fate for better point-blank crits
Driving Skirl Perform SOC GNL Terrify enemies with music
Ever Vigilant PER 50, Cool Under Pressure PER - Enter Overwatch as a Free Action
Explosive - OFF - The next best thing to Exploding Dice
Fastball STR 40, AG 35, Hurler, Sleight ofSTR BS Make semi-auto attacks with thrown
Hand weapons
Fire Bomber Weapon Training (Flame), Tank FIN OFF Cripple vehicles with fire
Force of Will WS 40, WP 40, Forceful Focus PSY WS Channel powers through Force attacks.
Haplotic Focus WP 50, Strong Minded PSY KNWSpecialize in a single psychic Discipline to
the exclusion of all else
Hoist the Colours Command, Regimental Standard LDRSTR Rally allies around a planted Standard
Killer Instinct BS 45, AG 45, Hip Shooting OFF AG Character does more crits while Hip
Launcher Weapon BS 50, Launcher Weapon BS T Rapidly load launcher ammunition
Mastery Expertise
Plunging Fire INT 40, BS 40 INT PER Frighten enemies with long-range fire
Power Weapon Mastery WS 45, Power Weapon Expertise WS OFF Destroy anything with power weapons
Precision Shot Crack Shot BS PER Spend Fate for crit attack
Rapid Toss Biggest Booms AG - Spend Fate to throw fast
Rebellious Pride Junker OFF WP Gain free attacks when commanded
Sentinel BS 40, Cool Under Pressure DEF FIN Gain extra Overwatch hits
Streltsy of Old BS 40, Weapon Training (Low- BS LDR Inspire allies further with Streltsy weapons
Tech), Katyushan
Strike Like Thunder WS 40, Shock Weapon Expertise, WS PER Stun the unstunnable.
Awareness +10
Trench Defender Trench Dweller, Trench Veteran FLD DEF Improve accuracy and slow enemies in
prepared positions
Unconventional STR 50 or WP 50 or Int 50, Air of LDRGNL Command using alternate Characteristics
Leadership Authority

Talent List then roll 1d5. On a roll 0f 1, the character
immediately dies as something terribly
Aggressive Action unlucky happens to them. On a roll of 5, the
Tier: 1 character regains all their Wounds as the
Prerequisites: Edelweiss Character Emperor’s Fortune flows through them.
Aptitudes: Offence, Strength
Edelweiss doctrine teaches offensive tactics Ante Up
on a level that most other soldiers would Tier: 2
find foolish. The Edelweiss, being gigantic Prerequisites: Bellagian Character
hyper-muscular supersoldiers, don’t Aptitudes: Willpower, General
particularly mind. Bellagians are just as famous for winning
At the start of every combat turn, this battles by the skin of their teeth, or by
character can spend a Reaction to give outright cheating, as they are for dying
themselves a +2 damage bonus to any horribly within seconds of being deployed.
Attacks this turn. This ability cannot be The key question when fighting alongside
combined with All-Out Attacks or any them always becomes “do I feel lucky?”
other ability that uses a Reaction. When this Character spends a Fate Point,
they may choose to roll a d10. On a roll of 1
All In or 2, the Fate Point is not used, but they
Tier: 3 gain its positive effects. On a roll of 10, the
Prerequisites: Bellagian Character character immediately dies as something
Aptitudes: Willpower, General unlucky happens to them.
The most predictable aspect of the Low
Rollers of Bellagia is their unpredictability.
Their obsession with luck
and fortune can lead them
to take near-suicidal risks,
which sometimes even pay
A character with this
Talent who is suffering
from at least one point of
Critical Damage can spend
a Fate Point to add 3d10
extra damage with the
Proven (4) Quality to a
single melee or ranged
weapon attack. If the
attack succeeds in hitting
an enemy, regardless of
whether or not it does
damage, the character can

Antimaterialist weapon. A character with this Talent
Tier: 3 wielding a Melee Weapon Attachment,
Prerequisites: BS 40, Tech-Use +10, Maniple Chain Weapon Attachment, or Mellow-
931 Character Pattern Piton Driver treats their melee
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence weapon as having a range of 2 meters,
The soldiers of Maniple 931 wear many hats, increases its Penetration by 1, and adds
in addition to their distinctive blue helmets; double their Strength bonus to its Damage
they are policemen, peacekeepers, and if when Charging.
necessary a heavy demolitions force
prepared to raze the entirety of Niva Biggest Booms
Gustav, and every machine on it. Tier: 2
When attacking structures, vehicles, and Prerequisites: Tech-Use
enemies with the Machine trait, characters Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Tech
with this Talent increase the damage of all Bakuretsu, Bakuretsu, la la la!
of their attacks by 1d10. This extra damage Once per combat, this character can spend a
can inflict Righteous Fury. Fate Point to either make their next attack
with the Blast quality deal Righteous Fury
Arsonist on a roll of 9 or 10, or increase the value of
Tier: 2 its Blast by 1d10.
Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame)
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence Blackpowder Weapon Expertise
To truly destroy a fixed structure, it is Tier: 2
necessary to saturate it with flammable Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 35, Weapons Skill
chemicals, and ensure those chemicals burn 35, Weapon Training (Low-Tech)
for the longest time possible. The flame Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill
troopers of the Synerge Cluster know this Few Imperial Guard regiments utilize black
well, and adjust their weapons accordingly. powder weapons, but anyone experienced
Characters with this Talent increase the with the ways of pike and shot knows they
range of any Flame weapons they wield by are best at extremely close range.
10m. When making using the Scorched A character with this Talent can use black
Earth action, any enemies within the area of powder or flintlock Basic or Heavy
effect take a -10 to their Agility Test to not weapons to make ranged attacks in melee
catch fire. with no bonuses or penalties to hit. They
gain a +20 to hit in melee with Pistol black
Bayonet Expertise powder or flintlock weapons.
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Weapon Blackpowder Weapon Mastery
Training (Low-Tech or Chain) Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapons
The humble bayonet is an oft-overlooked Skill 40, Blackpowder Weapon Expertise
element in any Guardsman’s arsenal, but Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill
one which makes an effective offensive

While musket balls are often ineffective Bayonet fighting is not a particularly
against heavy armour, the flash of powder complicated art, and most Guardsmen
and the thunderous discharge of smoke can quickly grasp that the blunt end of their
often stun even the best-prepared of rifle is as much a weapon as the sharp end. A
enemies at short enough ranges. character with this Talent wielding a Melee
A character with this talent who makes a Weapon Attachment, Chain Weapon
ranged attack with a black powder or Attachment, or Mellow-Pattern Piton
flintlock weapon at point-blank range or Driver who makes a melee hit with more
while in melee treats their weapon as having than three Degrees of Success may spend
the Concussive (2) and Proven (3) Qualities, their Reaction to grant the attack the
and increases its Penetration by 2. Concussive (0) quality.

Brick Outhouse Can’t Miss

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Weapon Skill
Bulging Biceps, 40, Weapon Training
Strength 50, (Low-Tech or Chain)
Edelweiss Aptitudes: Weapon Skill,
Character General
Aptitudes: Strength, Opinions are varied as to
Toughness whether shooting someone
The Edelweiss off a bayonet is overkill or
sometimes take best practice. When a
their obsession with physical fitness to a character with this Talent makes a
degree that beggars belief, resulting in successful melee attack with a Melee
soldiers who look more like weightlifters Weapon Attachment, Chain Weapon
than combatants. While this seldom Attachment or Mellow-Pattern Piton
provides a major strategic advantage, the Driver that does more than four degrees of
fact of the matter is that most Edelweiss success, they may spend a Reaction to
soldiers can easily tear their enemies limb immediately spend a round from the
from limb in close combat. weapon's Clip and inflict one automatic
Characters with this Talent gain a +20 ranged hit against their target, striking the
bonus to Intimidate Tests, a +20 to same location as the melee attack. If the
Athletics Tests to lift, move or push heavy weapon is of lower than Good
objects, and the Sturdy trait. craftsmanship, they roll 1d10: on a 10 it is
now Jammed. This ability cannot be
Butt Stroke combined with the Butt Stroke talent.
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 35, Weapon Caracole
Training (Low-Tech or Chain) Tier: 2
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, General Prerequisites: Survival, Ballistic Skill 45,
Edelweiss Character

Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft already Frenzied or already possesses the
A common Edelweiss cavalry tactic, the Frenzy Talent, they become Frenzied as
Caracole involves approaching a target at normal save that they will likely take
high-speed, then turning broadside to it to dangerous or even suicidal risks to get
discharge a pistol or rifle shot at close themselves closer to the character who
range. Though it necessitates careful mocked them.
coordination, the effects of a well-executed
caracole maneuver from Edelweiss If this character has the Heroic Inspiration
dragoons can be devastating. Talent, using this ability is a Free Action.
A character with this Talent can choose to This Talent has no effect on enemies with
make a single attack with a ranged weapon the Machine or Bestial Traits, as well as
instead of a melee weapon during a Strike enemies who do not understand the
and Fade mounted action. Successfully character's language.
making this attack requires a Difficult (-10)
Ballistic Skill Test. Chterngek Protector
Tier: 1
Caustic Jape Prerequisites: Psyker, Katyushan Character
Tier: 3 Aptitudes: Psyker, Fieldcraft
Prerequisites: Charm (+10) or Intimidate (+10), The Chterngek are the mysterious entities
Fellowship 40 that deeply traditionalist Katyushans
Aptitudes: Social, Offence believe lurk in the boundaries between the
This character can, by some spiteful gift of bright lights of the fire and the inky cold
mind, break out one-liners that would darkness of the ice- they can be helpful or
make the foulest-tempered drill sergeant harmful, but the places where they gather
blush. When deployed on the battlefield, are full of arcane power that can be
such wordplay can be a devastating tactical harnessed.
weapon. As a Half Action, this character A Psyker with this Talent can choose to
may pick an enemy within earshot and make reduce any rolls on the Psychic Phenomena
an opposed Challenging (+0) Charm or or Perils of the Warp table by -10 while
Intimidate vs. Routine (+10) Willpower manifesting in snow or icy terrain.
Test to taunt them viciously. The player in
question must actually insult the enemy, Close and Personal
and the GM is free to modify the difficulty Tier: 3
of the Test based on the quality of the Prerequisites: Hip Shooting or Storm of Iron
insult. If the enemy fails, they must spend Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
their next turn sputtering and making weak Though the Commissariat generally frowns
comebacks until they become Frenzied. on unbridled savagery on the part of
They remain so, and unable to issue Imperial Guardsmen, seeing it as the first
detailed commands, use advanced step on the road to moral contamination, it
technology, or cast psychic powers, for the cannot be denied that being close enough
remainder of combat or until they are to see the whites of an enemy’s eyes can
knocked Unconscious. If the target was turn the meekest soldier into a whirlwind of

death. This character may spend a Fate Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 30, Perception 30
Point to inflict Righteous Fury on a roll of Aptitudes: Offence, Perception
9-10 for the remainder of combat, but only Throwing knives, axes and the like are
when making ranged attacks against seldom the tools that win fights, but a
enemies at Point-Blank Range. If their clever soldier with halfway decent aim can
weapons already activate Righteous fury in use them to disorient and distract their
this range, increase the range to 8-10. enemies.
Whenever a character with this Talent
Cool Under Pressure attacks a non-vehicle target with a non-
Tier: 2 Grenade Thrown weapon, that target takes
Prerequisites: Reaction Fire, PER 40 a -10 penalty on all Ballistic Skill and
Aptitudes: Perception, Willpower Weapon Skill Tests until the end of their
There is a state of sublime and perfect calm next turn, regardless of whether the attack
that exists in the heat of battle, when time hit or not.
seems to slow to a crawl and one can trace
the lazy path of a lasbolt through the air. Diving Charge
Few soldiers can call up such focus, but Tier: 2
those who do are deadly. This character can Prerequisites: Operate (Aeronautica), Agility
spend a Fate Point to make all their 40, Tennanlower Character
Overwatch attacks for the remainder of the Aptitudes: Offence, Weapon Skill
round gain a +10 to hit, and inflict The signature tactic of the Tennanlowe
Righteous Fury on a roll of 9 or 10. Skyboarders is their swooping combat
dives- rushing full-tilt at the ground, they
Covering Fire level off at the last possible second,
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: BS 35, AG 35
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill,
The Tactica Imperialis
teaches that even inaccurate,
unguided fire can be a useful
tool to make the enemy keep
their heads down. When this
character is in Overwatch
and attacks an enemy, that
enemy takes a -10 to all their
Ballistic and Weapon Skill
tests on their next turn, even
if the initial attack didn't hit.

Distracting Strike
Tier: 1

transferring their moment into crushing Willpower Bonus, rounded up, but the
blows against unsuspecting foes. Though character must remain out of cover and
incredibly dangerous, the force of an devote all of their non-movement actions
armoured man and the weight of his to continue playing for the duration.
skyboard can pulverize even well-armoured
foes. Evasive
A character on a Skyboard or other Tier: 1
equivalent Flying mount can spend a Full Prerequisites: AG 35
Action to make a diving charge. They must Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
begin their turn at High Altitude, and make Lighter-armoured regiments will
a Difficult (-10) Operate (Aeronautica) frequently teach their soldiers movement
Test. If the Test succeeds, they drop to patterns designed to minimize their
Hovering Altitude and may make a single exposure to enemy fire on the battlefield.
melee attack at a +20 bonus against an This character gains a +20 bonus to their
enemy target within half their Flying first Dodge test each combat.
Movement distance. The attack has the
Concussive (2) and Felling (X) quality, Ever Vigilant
where X is the number of degrees of Tier: 3
Success they scored on the original Test, Prerequisites: Cool Under Pressure, PER 50
and increases its Penetration by X. If they Aptitudes: Perception
fail the Test by more than 2 degrees, they Few soldiers can keep a level head about
fall off their mount instead. them when running full-tilt, but those who
can make superb point men, spearheading
Driving Skirl an advance while still providing accurate
Tier: 3 covering fire for their allies. When this
Prerequisites: Perform character makes a Full Move, they may
Aptitudes: Social, General immediately enter Overwatch at the end of
Standing firm in the face of oncoming fire their turn as a Free Action. They may only
to play a musical instrument might seem take Single Shots when Overwatching in
counterintuitive on the battlefield, but this way.
those truly inspired regimental musicians
who do manage the task can terrify their Executioner
enemies by their seeming untouchability. Tier: 2
A character with this Talent who is not in Prerequisites: Frenzy or Jaded
Cover can make a Hard (-20) Perform Test Aptitudes: Offence, Strength
as a Half Action. If the test succeeds, they Many more savage or disciplined regiments
count as having the Fear (X) trait, where X teach their soldiers to strike purposefully at
is 0 + 1 for every two Degrees of Success wounded enemies, hammering them down
they scored on the Test. All enemies within with relentless strikes to ruin the morale of
line of sight must make Fear tests as their allies. This character gains a +20 to hit
normal. This ability lasts for a number of any target that has already taken Critical
rounds equal to 1d5+ half of their Damage in this combat.

Explosive Righteousness Fire Bomber
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Offence Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame),
Sometimes things happen on the battlefield Tank Hunter
which simply cannot be explained Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence
rationally. The Emperor provides. Hunting armoured vehicles with flame
This character's Righteous Fury attacks weapons is a difficult art- it requires exact
also do 1 Wound of damage, ignoring knowledge not only of the target’s weak
Armour and Toughness, for every living points, but also of what if any components,
enemy within 2 meters of them, to a especially motive, are air-breathing and
maximum of 4. If this bonus damage would thus vulnerable to flame.
inflict Critical Wounds, resolve whichever When a character with this Talent makes an
Critical Damage effect is higher on the attack with a Flame weapon against a
relevant Critical Table. vehicle, their attack is automatically treated
as hitting the vehicle’s Rear Facing. If the
Fastball resulting attack does damage, the target
Tier: 3 must automatically roll 1d5 on the Motive
Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand, Hurler, STR Systems Critical Hit Table as burning fuel
40, AG 35 spills into its engines.
Aptitudes: Strength, Ballistic Skill
Theoretically, there must be a point at
which one hits “too many hand grenades”.
If there is, the skilled grenadiers and
bombers of the Militarum have yet to
describe it. A character with this talent can
make Semi-Auto Burst attacks with thrown
weapons, with a Rate of Fire equal to their
Agility Bonus-1, to a minimum of 2.

Fickle Fortune
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Bellagian Character
Aptitudes: Willpower, General
The peculiar luck of the Bellagians is
renowned across the Synerge Cluster,
though some are luckier, and indeed
unluckier, than most.
A character with this Talent gains one extra
Degree of Success on all successful Tests,
and one extra Degree of Failure on all
failed Tests. Art from here.

Firebug Aptitudes: Offence, Agility
Tier: 1 If you’re going to set something on fire,
Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame) you might as well do it as quickly as
Aptitudes: Willpower, Offence possible, so you can proceed to setting
Though the Incinerants of the Ministorum something else on fire with minimum fuss.
are the most famous flamer-users of the A character with this Talent can spend a
Spinward Front, there are no shortage of Fate point to make a single attack with a
flame troopers who are just as devoted to weapon with the Flame quality as a
their scorching weapons. These so-called Reaction, at any point in the turn order.
‘firebugs’ are driven to frenzied activity by This attack, which can only be activated
the crackling of the flames. once per Round, gains the Inaccurate
A character with this Talent equipped with quality, or grants enemies a +10 on tests to
a Flame weapon ignores the negative dodge it if it has the Spray quality, but
effects of their first level of Fatigue and doesn’t count towards the usual one attack
gains a +1 bonus to the damage of their first per Round limit.
successful Flamer attack each combat.
Forceful Focus
Flak Dodger Tier: 2
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Force),
Prerequisites: Tennanlower Character Weapon Skill 35, Willpower 35
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Psyker
As first-wave assault troops, and airborne Force weapons are vanishingly rare in the
first-wave assault troops, Tennanlower Imperial Guard, wielded by only the most
soldiers frequently find themselves under trusted of Battle Psykers. With experience,
fire from enemy heavy weapons, especially
anti-aircraft guns. They
train heavily to be able to
avoid such weapons as a
A character with this
Talent gains a +10 bonus
to Dodge vehicle
weapons, and a +15 bonus
to Dodge weapons on
Vehicles with the Anti-
Air Trait(s). These
bonuses do not stack.

Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Flame
Weapon Training, AG 40

they can be molded and shaped into becomes somewhat accustomed to such
weapons of shattering power. harsh conditions.
Once per Round, when a Psyker with this When this character takes damage from a
Talent damages an enemy with a Force weapon with the Blast Quality, they halve
weapon, they may make the Opposed the number of Wounds of damage they
Willpower test to inflict bonus damage as a receive after accounting for armour and
Free Action instead of a Half Action. Toughness, rounding up.

Force of Will Grazing Fire

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Forceful Focus, Weapon Skill Prerequisites: Deadeye Shot
40, Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Psyker The wise marksman knows that even
A well-honed Force weapon is as much a missing a shot can provide a tactical
psychic conduit as it is a tool of destruction, advantage, showering an enemy with
allowing its wielder to channel their psychic splinters or destroying their cover. This
might in any number of ways. Few Imperial character may spend a Fate Point to make
psykers have the martial skills to use their missed attacks against enemies still inflict 1
weapons in this way, but those who do are Impact damage ignoring Armour and
unstoppable on the battlefield. Toughness to the Body for the remainder
of combat. Multiple missed hits from Semi-
Once per Round, when a Psyker with this Auto Bursts, Lightning Attacks, etc., still
Talent damages an enemy with a Force only count as one missed attack.
weapon, they may forgo the opposed
Willpower test to deal extra damage to Haplotic Focus
instead cast one Psychic Power of their Tier: 3
choice as a Free Action, provided its Prerequisites: WP 50, Strong Minded
original casting time was a Half Action or Aptitudes: Psyker, Knowledge
less. They treat their Psy Rating as being 1, The long-dead Collegia Haplotica of
and cast as if they were Unfettered, but Tennanlowe taught psykers a dangerously
take no penalties for being engaged in a powerful induced monomania, the Way of
melee or distracted. the Haplotist, which allowed devotees to
deliberately cast aside most of their psychic
Formidable talent in exchange for massive raw power
Tier: 2 within the confines of a single Discipline.
Prerequisites: Iron Jaw, Sound Constitution
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence When purchasing this Talent, select a
Though the human body can never truly single Psychic Discipline for which the
adapt to the intense pressure, heat and character knows at least 3 Powers. So long
vibration shocks of explosions, any as they are casting Powers from this
experienced demolition or artillery trooper Discipline, they gain a +10 to any tests to
manifest at the Fettered level, and can treat

their maximum Push Psy Rating as being 1 Regimental Standard, defying the enemy
higher than usual. In addition, when to come and take it. All allies within 10 x the
manifesting Push powers at Psy Ratings of character’s Willpower Bonus meters gain a
+1 or +2 above their Unfettered level, they +10 to any Test of their choice each round,
generate Psychic Phenomena as if they and treat their Toughness Bonus as being 2
were manifesting at the Unfettered level. steps higher for the purposes of resisting
When this talent is purchased, the character damage so long as the planted character
becomes unable to learn any new does not move or Dodge.
techniques from Disciplines other than
their chosen Discipline, and if they already Hunter's Instincts
have powers from other Disciplines, they Tier: 1
can only be cast with an effective Psy Prerequisites: Per 30, BS 30
Rating of 1. Casting powers from other Aptitudes: Offence, Perception
Disciplines automatically generates Psychic Far too frequently, Guardsmen find
Phenomena. themselves facing off against brutishly
large enemies, or targets so huge and tough
Haze of War that the idea of taking cover is laughable.
Tier: 1 In such cases, a calm eye for weak points
Prerequisites: Dolcaterran Character can do surprising damage. This character's
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Perception ranged attacks against enemies who are not
To fight with black powder weapons is to in cover deal 1 extra damage.
fight in thick clouds of smoke, and the
most experienced Dolcaterran musketmen Hurler
develop an uncanny ability for locating Tier: 1
their enemies even in poor visibility. Prerequisites: STR 35
Characters with this Talent gain a +10 Aptitudes: Strength, Fieldcraft
bonus to hit targets concealed by smoke, Though a mortar is often the best way to
fog, mist or darkness. get small, targeted explosives downrange,
many regiments whose combat tactics
Hoist the Colours emphasize offensive grenade use will
Tier: 3 further train the throwing arms of their
Prerequisites: Command, character possesses tallest and strongest soldiers. This character
a Regimental Standard treats their Strength Bonus as being 2
Aptitudes: Leadership, Strength higher for the purposes of determining
By finding a suitable spot to plant a banner thrown weapon range.
or symbol of their regiment, soldiers and
officers claim a spot of land as their own, Illicit Mods
and those near the banner often find Tier: 1
themselves giving their all to prove the Prerequisites: Junker Character
standard-bearers right. Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Tech
As a Full Action, a character and his Given the tense relations between the
Comrade in cohesion can plant their Nivan Junkers and the Adeptus

Mechanicus, it is unsurprising that they
have few compunctions about making extra
modifications to their equipment.
Characters with this Talent count Poor-
Craftsmanship weapons they have
customized as being Common
Craftsmanship, and may add one extra
Customization to all weapons.

Illogical Target
Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Tech-Use, Dodge, Maniple
931 Character
Aptitudes: Defence, Tech
Though it has not been bloodied against
many of the Imperium’s more conventional
foes, the troopers of Maniple 931 have a
great deal of experience fighting machines
and insane servitors. They have come to
instinctively recognize the targeting
patterns and algorithms that govern these
mechanical menaces’ weapons systems, and
move in such a way as to provide a difficult
Enemies with the Machine trait that Killer Instinct
attempt to attack this character receive a - Tier: 3
10 to any Ballistic or Weapon Skill Test Prerequisite: Hip Shooting, BS 45, AG 45
used to make the attack. Aptitudes: Offence, Agility
Rational logic dictates that firing randomly
Indefatigable from the hip should not be an effective
Tier: 2 tactic, but some characters manage to make
Prerequisites: Evasive, WP 40 it work by sheer aggressiveness. After
Aptitudes: Offence, Defence activating the Hip Shooting Talent, this
The Tactica Imperialis notes that skilled character's weapons deal Righteous Fury
but unseasoned warriors stop and glory in on a roll of 9 or 10 for the duration of their
their small victories, denying themselves Turn.
mobility and the advantage. A real veteran
keeps their momentum up at all times. Launcher Weapon Expertise
When this character scores a kill during Tier: 2
their turn, t he first attack directed against Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon
them before the start of their next turn Training (Launcher)
receives a -30 penalty to hit them. Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Toughness

One of the first things a good explosive
weapons trooper learns is how to not kill
themselves and their allies with the back
blast. When this character attacks with a
Launcher or Explosive weapon and would
damage themselves or an ally with it, they
and their allies gain a +20 bonus to their
Dodge rolls to avoid damage, and count
their Agility bonus as being 2 higher for the
purposes of dodging out of the Blast
radius, if applicable. Imperial Guardsmen should always stick
together, but there’s one in every
Launcher Weapon Mastery regiment- some jerk who just thinks they’re
Tier: 3 too cool for everyone else. Sometimes they
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50, Launcher may be justified, but more often than not
Weapon Expertise such overconfidence will be their undoing.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Toughness This character gains a +5 to Agility and
The other great vulnerability of the Ballistic Skill-based Tests when they are
Launcher, whatever the kind, is the more than 10m away from any allied
difficulty of handling and loading character, including their Comrade if they
ammunition. Once per combat, a character have one.
with this Talent and their Comrade in
Cohesion can immediately load a single Low Profile
round into their Launcher weapon as a Tier: 2
Reaction. Prerequisites: AG 30, T 30
Aptitudes: Finesse, Defence
Lockdown Effective city-fighting requires relearning
Tier: 1 how to move- not just keeping your head
Prerequisites: BS 30, Per 30 down, but making every possible piece of
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Leadership environmental protection work as hard as
One of the real advantages of suppressive possible for you. This character increases
or tracer fire is that it gives allied troops the effective AP of any cover they might be
something to aim towards, while at the occupying by 4.
same time keeping their target immobile
and making them an easier target. This Open-Air Operations
character's allies gain a +10 to hit any target Tier: 2
that is Pinned as a result of this character's Prerequisites: Tennanlower Character
attacks or abilities. Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Tennanlowe Skyboarder tactics transition
Lone Wolf from high-mobility offence to static
Tier: 1 defence when they make landfall, and their
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence combat training emphasises fire evasion and

tactical repositioning in order to maximize Ballistics Test, adding aim bonuses, but not
the amount of time they can hold out. A range modifiers- if it succeeds, the target
character with this Talent who is wearing takes a single hit to the Body as normal.
Armour with a maximum AP value on any
hit location of 3 or less gains a +10 to all Power Weapon Expertise
Dodge Tests when they are not in Cover, Tier: 2
and can ignore the negative effects of Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Power),
rough or difficult terrain for a number of Weapon Skill 40
turns per combat equal to their Agility Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
Bonus. The weapons of noble bladesmasters and
brutal gangers alike, the crackling blades
Peacekeeper and bludgeons of power weapons are just as
Tier: 2 much symbols of Imperial might as the
Prerequisites: Fellowship 35, Maniple 931 humbler chainsword. To truly use them
Character effectively requires taking advantage of the
Aptitudes: Social, Willpower sheer violence of their impact to rend
Even the lowest-ranking soldiers from armor and blast ordinary weapons to
Maniple 931 are used to confrontations and smithereens.
constant arguments, and many from the A character with this talent has an 85%
regiment have by necessity become chance of destroying non-Power Field
excellent at conflict resolution. Characters weapons they parry with Power weapons.
with this Talent gain a +20 to any Additionally, they increase the penetration
Fellowship-based test used to resolve of all Power weapons they wield by 2.
arguments, calm down a crowd, or prevent a
fight from breaking out. Power Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3
Plunging Fire Prerequisites: Power Weapon Expertise,
Tier: 3 Weapon Skill 45
Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Ballistic Skill Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
40 Many of the Imperium's most legendary
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Perception weapons are driven by power fields- they
Over a long enough distance, even a near- are the arms that strike down xenos,
miss shot can be enough to startle or panic conquerors, traitors and heretics alike. Any
an enemy. If the shot actually hits, well- Imperial soldier wielding a power weapon
that’s just icing on the cake. strives to write their name in the stars, and
Asa Full Action, a character with this live up to the legacy of the Sword of
Talent can fire a near-miss shot with a non- Sondar, Liberatus, or Yarrick's Klaw.
Blast Quality weapon at a target outside 3 x A character with this Talent gains a +10
the weapon’s Range but within 4 x the bonus to Parry tests with Power weapons.
weapon’s Range. That target must now pass Additionally, their Power weapons can
a Challenging (+0) Fear Test. Additionally, destroy Warp Weapons and Natural
the weapon firer makes a Punishing (-50)

Weapons as if they lacked the Power Field Any good Imperial mortar team knows that
quality. they are not operating in a vacuum- as
spotters feed information to them, they can
Precision Shot field detailed targeting information back to
Tier: 3 the spotters, ensuring more accurate fire at
Prerequisites: Crack Shot long ranges. When a character with this
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Perception Talent makes a successful attack against an
A good sniper boasts that they can shoot enemy target with a weapon with the
the wing off a fly at 200 paces. A great Indirect quality, all of their allies within a
sniper can shoot the good sniper while 30-meter radius may reroll any missed
they’re busy boasting. This character may ranged attacks against that target until the
spend a Fate Point to make their next end of the character's next turn.
ranged attack inflict Righteous Fury on a
roll of 6-10. They cannot spend Fate Points Reaction Fire
to reroll the attack if it misses. Tier: 1
Prerequisites: Agility 30, Perception 30
Rapid Toss Aptitudes: Perception, Defence
Tier: 3 Quite often, the best way to avoid enemy
Prerequisites: Biggest Booms fire is to kill the enemy before they can
Aptitude: Agility shoot, though it is hard to make such
Few Imperial sports are as spontaneous and instinctual firing very
underappreciated as the ancient, venerated precise. At the end of their turn, this
game of reflex, precision and judgement character can use their Reaction to enter
known as calidum tuberculum. Played most Overwatch. They can only make a number
frequently by the young, it requires fast of attacks with their weapon equal to their
hands, a sound judgement of one’s own Agility Bonus -2 (to a minimum of 1) during
limits, and superb hand-eye coordination. Reaction Fire, and they cannot inflict
Those tuberculum masters who find Righteous Fury. If at any point before the
themselves in the Imperial Guard can often start of their next turn they take damage,
put their skills to good use. This character fatigue or Insanity, they leave Overwatch.
may spend a Fate Point to attack with a
single Thrown weapon as a Free Action. Rebellious Pride
This does not count towards the usual once Tier: 3
per round limit on attacks. They cannot Prerequisites: Junker character
attack with any other Thrown Weapons on Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower
the turn this ability is activated. The Nivan Junkers are bitterly, violently
independent, and violent power struggles
Ranging Fire are not unknown in their society. When in
Tier: 2 combat, they will often wilfully ignore
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 orders, for their personal pride more than
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Intelligence anything.

Whenever an allied character in earshot Shockproof
fails a Command, Charm or Intimidate Tier: 2
Test, this character may make a single Prerequisites: Toughness 35, Junker
Attack Action as a Free Action. This attack Character
cannot trigger Righteous Fury, and this Aptitudes: Defence, Tech
ability may only be activated once per The Nivan Junkers are used to combat
Round. conditions that are often incredibly hostile
to the continued functioning of machinery,
Sentinel especially the cybernetics so many of them
Tier: 3 bear. Their heavy use of machine-
Prerequisites: Cool Under Pressure, BS 40 disrupting weaponry also brings with it
Aptitudes: Defence, Finesse risks of collateral damage, so they have
The most legendary defenders of the developed a wide variety of minor
Imperium are those who can stand on the modifications and coping strategies to keep
ramparts, picking off oncoming enemies themselves safe even in the midst of the
with coolness and precision as fire rains heaviest storms of scrambling radiation. A
down around them. Once per Round, when character with this Talent gains a +20 to
this character makes a successful Full-Auto resist the effects of damage with the
or Semi-Auto attack in Overwatch, they Shocking Quality, and reduces any roll on
increase their number of hits by 1, to the the Haywire Table that effects them, their
maximum listed in their weapon’s stats. cybernetics or their equipment, including
Once per round, if they make a successful any vehicle they are currently operating, by
Single Attack, they can immediately 2.
attempt a second Single Attack against the
same target provided their weapon has Shock Weapon Expertise
sufficient ammunition. These additional Tier: 2
attacks and hits cannot trigger Righteous Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Shock),
Fury. Weapon Skill 35, Awareness
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Perception
Shadowstep Shock weapons are more commonly
Tier: 2 employed off the battlefield, used to keep
Prerequisites: Evasive recalcitrant Guardsmen in line or enact
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence summary discipline against green recruits.
Prolonged study in optics and the As any victim of a shock weapon can tell
mechanics of human and xenos vision teach you, what makes them truly effective is
that most organic entities just aren’t that their wielder's ability to find the spot to hit
good at locating immobile targets, or that hurts the most.
targets that do not move in regular ways- A character with this talent treats their
taking advantage of this can make one that target's Toughness Bonus as being 1 lower
much harder to hit. Enemies receive a -20 for the purposes of calculating damage with
penalty to hit this character with Overwatch Shock weapons, and inflicts a -10 penalty
attacks. on the test to avoid being Stunned.

Shredder weapons are themselves referred to as
Tier: 2 Streltsy, but those among them who
Prerequisites: BS 40 distinguish themselves in battle earn the
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence title Streltsy of Old. These brave warriors
Even the finest piece of armour is not are symbol of the military and
invincible, and prolonged impacts, or even technological strength of Katyush, and
just a lucky shot, can cause structural they can turn the tide of many a battle.
weaknesses in armour. This character can A Character with this Talent treats all
spend a Fate Point to make all of their weapons with the Streltsy quality as if they
attacks during a combat reduce enemy AP. were Battle Standards as well, with the
Any successful attack they make resultant stat bonus stacking with the stat
permanently reduces the enemy’s AP on the bonus from the weapon themselves.
hit location by an amount equal to one half Additionally, they add one half their
of the attacking character’s Ballistic Skill Ballistic Skill Bonus, rounded up, to any
Bonus, rounded up. such weapon’s Damage.

Snap Shot Strike Like Thunder

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes, AG 40 Prerequisites: Shock Weapon Expertise,
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Agility Weapon Skill 40, Awareness +10
Though many Imperial Guard regiments Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Perception
field dedicated sniper teams, there is also a "Commissar Braghe? Real bastard, that
tactical role for more squad-level one. I mean you have to be, to keep
sharpshooters, who use less-precise aimed abhumans in line. Once saw him drop a
fire to take out high-value enemy targets. Bullgryn with a shock maul- just stroked
Rapid operation of a single-shot weapon is the thing gently 'cross the back of the neck
key to this concept. As a Full Action, this and it fell like a sack of flour."
character can make two Single Attack The first time a character with this talent
actions in one turn with a Basic or Pistol successfully hits an enemy with a shock
weapon that has no Semi-Automatic or weapon in combat, the enemy must test
Automatic fire rate. These attacks receive a Toughness to avoid being stunned, even if
-10 penalty to hit and the Inaccurate the attack did no damage. This Talent only
quality. applies on the first hit to each enemy in a
combat. Subsequent hits inflict Stunning as
Streltsy of Old normal.
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Sudden Strike
Training (Low-Tech), Katyushan Tier: 2
Character Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 35, Quick Draw
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Leadership Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse
Those Katyushan soldiers who choose to Many different philosophies of melee
specialize in symbolic and antique Streltsy combat emphasize the first strike- landing

the first blow against an enemy before they treat it as Difficult Terrain, even if they
can react can turn the tide of a duel before would otherwise ignore terrain of that type.
it even starts. This character has taken that
idea to heart- their first successful melee Trench Dweller
attack each combat deals +3 damage. Tier: 1
Prerequisites: None
Tizherin Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence
Tier: 1 Even a modicum of experience and prep-
Prerequisites: Stealth, Katyushan Character work can turn a poor defensive position
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Agility into a secure one. The addition of grenade
Katyushan parents scare their children trenches, proper sandbagging and
straight with stories of the Tizherin, a duckboards mean the difference between
massive snake that lurks in crevasses in the life and death. With an uninterrupted hour
ice to snatch up children who wander out of of work, this character can improve a pre-
the safety of their tunnels alone. In military existing defensive position; while within the
parlance, the same refers to those Advance confines of this Prepared Position, they
Spotters and other reconnaissance troops gain a +10 to Dodge tests against Blast
who have become adept at moving unseen weapons and increase the AP value of all
in snow and ice. A character with this Cover in the area by 1. The effects of this
Talent gains a +10 to any Stealth test while talent do not stack across multiple
in snow or icy conditions, and takes no characters, but at the GM’s discretion
penalty to Stealth while in snow shoes or might increase the size of the fortified area.

Trench Defender
Tier: 3 The Trench Talents
Prerequisites: Trench Dweller, Trench You may be looking at the Trench
Veteran Dweller/Veteran/Defender series of Talents
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence and wondering “okay, how much ground does
Even the most well-protected trench is this apply to?” Obviously a single Guardsman
inevitably invaded, and the most well- can’t defend a kilometer of trench line, but
prepared veterans are those who ready even a few extra sets of eyes can make a
themselves for combat within their own difference.
defensive lines. By setting booby traps and
concealed enfilade firing points, even As a rule of thumb, a Prepared Position should
mighty enemies can be delayed and turned be roughly the radius the character can cover as
back. a Full Action movement. That radius doubles
Characters with this Talent gain a +10 to for every other character with Trench Dweller
any and all Ballistic and Weapons Skill tests who is involved, to a maximum of whatever
within their Prepared Position. makes the most sense given the terrain and the
Additionally, all enemies within the trench presence of allied forces, etc.

Trench Raider back is to the wall. Upon purchasing this
Tier: 1 Talent, a character can choose one of the
Prerequisites: Agility 35 following effects to apply to their unarmed
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence melee attacks.
When a conflict turns from mobility to the • Barking Toad Style Kung Fu: Uses
slow, grinding attrition of trench warfare, explosive palm strikes. Unarmed
new tactics are called for. Trench raiders are attacks gain Concussive (0).
a sign of such tactics, light and mobile • Wolf's Fang Style: Tears at the foe with
troops who can break into enemy Defences hooked fingers. Unarmed attacks gain
and wreak havoc against defenders Crippling (1).
unprepared for a close assault. • Katyushan Bludka Tunnel Fighting:
Wobbles past defences. Unarmed
A character with this Talent never treats
attacks gain Flexible.
trenches or fortified positions as Difficult
• Edelweiss Savatte: Hit the enemy until it
Terrain. dies. Unarmed attacks gain Felling (1).
• Imperial Hyperjudo: Kick ass for the
Trench Veteran Emperor. Unarmed attacks gain
Tier: 2 Sanctified and Snare (1).
Prerequisites: Trench Dweller • Fist of the Red Star: You are already
Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence deleted. Unarmed attacks gain
Experienced trench fighters know the value Shocking.
of their own prepared positions, and can • Void Spin: Disrupt the enemy's divine
keep their cool even under blistering fire. ratios. Unarmed attacks gain Proven (5).
Once per scene or combat, a character with • Temperus Maximus' Rage Kata:
this Talent can choose to reroll any one FUUUUU-. Unarmed attacks gain
failed Willpower or Intelligence-based test Tearing and Unwieldy.
while in their Prepared Position, but they • The Mentor's Path: Turn your wisdom
must take the second result even if it is against them. Unarmed called attacks
suffer no penalty.
worse. Further, all cover in their Prepared
• Psyker's Crusher: IT'S NO USE.
Position increases by an additional 2 AP.
Unarmed attacks gain Force. May only
be taken if the character has a Psy
Unarmed Style rating.
Tier: 2 • Aquilean Sambo: Simple, straightforward
Prerequisites: Strength 40 or Agility 40, and brutal. Unarmed attacks gain +2
Natural Weapons or Unarmed Warrior damage.
Aptitudes: Strength, Finesse This Talent can be purchased multiple
There exist few planets in the Imperium times, choosing a different Style each time.
which do not possess some form of local When making unarmed attacks, characters
martial art or fighting style to allow an can choose which style or style(s) they wish
unarmed combatant to survive in combat. to use.
Though martial arts such as these are of
debatable use on the battlefield, they can
be lifesavers in close quarters or when one's

Unconventional Leadership meters equal to their Strength, Intelligence
Tier: 3 or Willpower Bonus (whichever this
Prerequisites: Air of Authority, Strength 50 character chose on taking the talent)
or Willpower 50 or Intelligence 50 (see immediately becomes Inspired, as per the
below) Inspire special action of the Command
Aptitudes: Leadership, General skill. The triggers are as follows:
The Tactica Imperialis says that not all • Strength: This character defeats an
leaders inspire their followers through enemy in melee combat.
charisma alone. Some lead from the front, • Willpower: This character passes a
urging their allies on with acts of might. Fear Test, or when they succeed in
Some treat their troops as pieces on a using the Terrify action.
Regicide board, moving them with careful • Intelligence: This character passes a
planning. Yet more lead from among their Scholastic or Forbidden Lore Test
men, suffering the same privations as their in combat with more than four
followers but enduring through sheer will. Degrees of Success.

A character with this Talent can choose to Weapon Training (Blackpowder)

use either their Strength, Willpower or Tier: 1
Intelligence instead of their Fellowship for Prerequisites: -
the purposes of Command Tests. The Aptitudes: General, Finesse
decision of which Characteristic can be This talent functions as a new specialization
substituted this way is made upon taking for the Weapon Training Talent, allowing
the Talent and is permanent, and the training in the use of Blackpowder Melee,
Talent can only be taken once. Pistol, Basic, Heavy and Vehicle Weapons.

As an added bonus, when this character

achieves certain milestones or goals in
combat, every ally within a number of

New Orders taken from the Character’s stock of
grenades, not the Comrades’.
Not all of the following Orders are
considered Generic as in the core rulebook, Find their Range!
and some require the Veteran Comrade Type: Order (Free Action)
talent as a prerequisite. Order: Veteran
Prerequisites: Deadeye Shot, Sharpshooter
Blind Volley Aptitudes: Perception, Ballistic Skill
Type: Order (Full Action) Effects: A well-trained soldier, especially an
Order: Basic artilleryman or sniper, learns very quickly
Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 25 how to judge the distance to a target by
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence eye. This allows a coordinated fireteam to
Effects: While suppressing fire is common in lay down accurate fire even at very long
the Guard, firing wildly, even with a ranges.
weapon not designed for it, can still force The character making this Order gains a
enemies to get their heads down. +20 bonus to shots at Long or Extreme
The character who issues this Order has range on their next ranged attack this turn.
their comrade mag-dump their weapon in
the general direction of the enemy. The Fix Bayonets!
Comrade empties their weapon’s Clip, and Type: Sweeping Order (Half Action)
the targets and everything within 1d10 + the Order: Sweeping
character’s Ballistic Skill Bonus meters Prerequisite: Double Team or Combat
must make a Challenging (+0) Pinning Test Formation
or be Pinned for one round. The Comrade Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
must spend the next round(s) reloading his Effects: Long Militarum study has revealed
weapon as normal. that the sight of a line of Guardsmen fixing
their bayonets and preparing to charge can
Coordinate Toss have a devastating effect on the morale of
Type: Order (Half Action) human enemies.
Order: Veteran This Character and his comrade affix
Prerequisites: Tech-Use, Sleight of Hand bayonets to their weapon, preparing to
Aptitudes: Finesse, Perception charge in a terrifying manner. The
Effects: What’s better than one grenade in character making this Order may have any
an enemy trench? Two, of course. number of his (or others’) Comrades
The next time this character throws a beyond the first within Cohesion
grenade, their Comrade does so as well, participate in the Order. As part of this
aiming for roughly the same spot. After Order, the character issuing it must make a
resolving the first grenade attack, resolve a Difficult (–10) Command Test with a +5
second attack on a nearby square. Roll on bonus for each Comrade participating in
the Scatter diagram- the second grenade the Order. The Character, and all affected
lands 1d5-2 (to a mininimum of 0) meters Comrades, gain Fear (X) until the end of
away in that direction. Grenades thrown are their next Turn against all human enemies

they are currently engaged with, where X is After this Order has been issued, if their
the number of Degrees of Success on the Comrade is in Cohesion, this character can
original Test. This Order cannot be used if move a number of meters equal to his
the characters involved lack bayonets or Strength bonus and re-brace his weapon as
equivalent melee weapons. a Half Action. He does not lose the effects
of Bracing on his weapon if he uses a
Form Square! Reaction to Dodge before the end of his
Type: Sweeping Order (Half Action) next turn.
Order: Sweeping
Prerequisite: Combat Formation Rousing Chant
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence Type: Order (Free Action)
Effects: A compact square formation of Order: Basic
bristling bayonets and melee weapons can Prerequisites: Fellowship 30,
provide line infantry with some defence Aptitudes: General, Social
against charging enemies. Effects: Sometimes the memories of home
This Character and his comrade(s) tighten and the simple comradeship of the camp
their formation, preparing to fend off an can form the greatest bulwark against the
enemy charge. The character making this terrors of the enemy.
Order may have any number of his (or This character and his comrade burst into
others’) Comrades beyond the first within song, or chanting, or some recital of
Cohesion participate in the Order. As part familiar culture that might inspire their
of this Order, the character issuing it must friends to take heart. The character may
make a Difficult (–10) Command Test with a make an Ordinary (+10) Perform Test. If
+5 bonus for each Comrade participating in they succeed, all allies in earshot suffering
the Order. The Character, and all affected from Shock may choose to reroll any failed
Comrades, gain a +10 bonus to Parry Tests Willpower tests to snap out of Shock for
against enemy melee attacks until the end the remainder of the combat.
of their next Turn, with an additional +5
bonus for every two Comrades involved in New Combat Actions
the Order.
The following combat actions are intended
Heave that Gun ‘Round! to supplement those already present in the
Type: Order (Full Action) Only War core rulebook, and can be
Order: Basic utilized by any character equipped with the
Prerequisites: Strength 35 right gear or weaponry.
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Effects: While many of the Guard’s Battle Song
strongest soldiers are famous for wielding Type: Half Action
heavy weapons on their own, a heavy Subtype: Concentration, Miscellaneous
weapons trooper can move their gun easily Music on the battlefield can both inspire
with assistance from an ally and keep it allies and demoralize enemies, often at the
steadied. same time.

The character must make a Challenging Scorched Earth
(+0) Perform Test. All allies in earshot who Type: Full Action
are not Deafened gain a temporary bonus Subtype: Attack, Ranged
to their Willpower and Toughness of +2 for Flamers are often employed less as assault
each Degree of Success on the original test weapons than as area-denial tools, used to
(minimum +2), for as long as the original restrict the movement of enemy troops or
song is sustained. lock down enemy emplacements so that
they can be dealt with at a later date.
All enemies within earshot who are not
Deafened take a temporary penalty to their A character equipped with a Flame weapon
Ballistic Skill and Weapons skill of -2 for that also has the Spray or Blast Quality can
each Degree of Success on the original test use this Action to set an area of ground
(minimum -2). This song may be sustained equal to their Flame weapon’s normal Spray
for any number of Rounds, but the or Blast radius on fire. The area designated
performer cannot communicate normally must be within range of their weapon.
while performing it, and it ends if they ever
Dodge. All Battle Song tests by a character That area burns for 2d5 rounds and is
wielding a Regimental Instrument provide treated as Difficult Terrain until
double the bonus/malus, namely +/-4 per extinguished. Characters moving through
Degree of Success instead of +/- 2. the area must make a Challenging (+0)
Agility Test or catch fire. At the GM’s
discretion, certain wheeled vehicles,
especially open-topped ones, might catch
fire from moving through the area as well.
Using this Action consumes two shots from
the weapon’s Clip, or the entirety of its
Clip if it only holds one shot.

Mount Training animals can become terrifying warriors.
“That camel is the most foul-minded old bastard
I’ve ever known- but he’s saved my hide more Mount Personalities
times than I can count.” The following rules are intended to give
-Captain L.H. Godger, Calfian Desert Patrol Corps the mounts of cavalry characters as much
character and flexibility as Comrades get-
The Rough Riders of the Imperial Guard to make choosing a cavalry regiment give
are an oft-underappreciated branch of that just as much room for customization and
venerable institution. Many scoff at the flexibility as choosing a vehicular one.
notion of mounted warfare in the age of Upon receiving a new Mount, a player can
tanks, hover-vehicles and walkers, seeing choose from four different Personalities
the Militarum’s combat riders as little more that reflect that Mount’s individual physical
than an anachronism. traits and characteristics. The choice of
Personality is permanent for an individual
While it is true that cavalry has a more Mount. If a character wishes to abandon
limited tactical use on the battlefields of their Mount and requisition a new one to
the 41st millennium, the Rough Rider change personalities, they should discuss it
regiments continue to storm and charge with their GM.
their way through the ranks of the
Imperium’s enemies regardless. It’s hard to Each Personality is divided into a small
talk tough about anachronisms when upgrade tree with seven Mount Abilities,
several thousand angry horses with equally each of which has a certain cost in MX, or
angry Guardsmen riding them are Mount Experience. MX is accrued at half
galloping straight for you, after all. the rate of a character’s regular Experience
Points; the rider gains 100xp, the Mount
In many mounted regiments, it is the bond gains 50 MX, for instance. Once a Mount
between the has enough MX to buy a certain
rider and their Training a Mount in-character Mount Ability, they can do so in
mount, and the The MX system grossly exactly the same way as a
individual oversimplifies the process of character would normally
character of that training an animal, and players may purchase an advance with XP.
mount, that wish to incorporate more of a
makes for such a roleplaying element. If a Mount is killed in combat,
powerful Training a mount in any of its MX does not carry over to a
fighting team. Personality abilities should take a newly acquired Mount. The rider
No two riding number of ingame weeks equal to is free to choose a new Personality
beasts are exactly the hundreds’ digit of its XP cost. for this new Mount, and begin
alike, and with The GM might also incorporate earning and spending MX for
proper care and one or several extended Survival them.
training even tests, modified by any relevant
humble farm skills.


These mounts are not strictly speaking bred Elegant Step

for war. More commonly used for This mount moves with an even, flowing gait, and
its proud, decorative appearance makes those
transportation, they have a smooth, even
who ride it appear all the more noble and refined.
gait, and are well-suited for controlled
Increase this Mount's Agility characteristic by 5.
riding. Palfreys are great jumpers and show Its Rider gains a +5 bonus to Charm and
animals, perfect for riding on display. Command skill tests while mounted.
100 MX

Relaxed Confidence
Delicate Impulse
This Mount has learned a certain degree of focus,
This mount is light on its feet, and has acquired a
an understanding of the maneuvres that its rider
knack for sudden, explosive jumps.
requires of it.
This Mount gains the Acrobatics Skill. Its rider
This Mount gains the Bred for War Mount Trait.
gains a +10 bonus to tests to make the Soaring
If it already has Bred for War, it increases its
Leap action.
Agility by 3.
150 MX 150 MX

Leaping Courbette Swirling Mezair

This mount can keep its footing on even unstable Rearing backwards, this Mount swipes at its foes
terrain, and can jump with unparalleled skill. with speed and considerable balance.
This mount gains the Terrain Master Mount Trait. If it This Mount's melee attacks gain Flexible. Its
already has Terrain Master, it increases its Agility by 3.
Rider may spend a Fate Point to grant all of their
The mount uses its Agility Bonus instead of its
Strength Bonus for the purposes of calculating melee attacks while mounted the Flexible quality
distance and height jumped with the Soaring Leap until the end of combat.
action. 200 MX 200 MX

Springing Capriole Symbol of Elegance

This mount is so mobile and agile that it sometimes This mount's carriage and gait are breathtaking, even to those
who know little about such things. Riding it inspires awe and
seem as if its feet never touch the ground, and it makes respect in all around.
for a remarkably slippery target.
Increase this Mount's Agility characteristic by 5. Its rider
This Mount's rider gains a +20 bonus to Sidestep. Any gains a further +5 bonus to Charm and Command Tests while
time it passes a test to Sidestep, it may freely move a mounted, and can reroll failed Charm and Command Tests
number of meters equal to half its Agility Bonus. If the while mounted, though they must take the second result even
Rider fails a test to Sidestep, they are not thrown from if it is worse.
the saddle. 300 MX 300 MX


These light war mounts are bred and built

Swift Runner
for speed and agility. They can cover This mount has a keen eye for the world around it, and
ground with great rapidity, and are steady seems to derive great joy from running with all of its
enough on their feet to allow their rider to strength. A rider who can tame such a creature must
possess great physical capacity.
fire ranged weapons from their backs. Off Increase this Mount's Perception characteristic by 5. Its
the battlefield, they often find employment Rider gains a +5 bonus to Athletics and Dodge skill
tests while mounted.
in races.
100 MX

Nose for Speed Joy of the Chase

This Mount is naturally fast-moving, and can Though this Mount is not necessarily aggressive,
it has a steady head in times of danger and can be
read the terrain ahead of it with ease.
trusted on the attack.
This Mount gains the Sprint Talent. If it
This Mount gains another rank in the the
already had Sprint, it increases its Perception Awareness Skill. Its Rider gains a +10 bonus to
by 3. Strike and Fade Actions.
150 MX 150 MX

Arrow's Flight Eat the Horizon

Moving with incredible speed, this Mount has This Mount has developped considerable
developed a talent for powerful acceleration.
stamina, and can run for lengths of time that
On any turn in which this Mount makes an action with would kill lesser beasts.
the Movement Subtype, it imposes a -10 penalty on all
Ballistic and Weapon Skill Tests to hit it or its rider This Mount gains the Enduring Mount Trait. If
until the start of its next turn. This effect stacks with it already had Enduring, increase its Toughness
any other abilities that impose such penalties. by 3.
200 MX 200 MX

Lord Among Beasts

Spirit of Swiftness A perfect physical specimen of its species, this Mount is in
prime condition and can survive incredibly inhospitable
This Mount has become even faster, rivalling racing conditions.
beasts and even motor vehicles for speed and power. This Mount can still move while Crippled, though its Agility
This Mount gains Unnatural Agility (2), or increases bonus is halved for the purposes of calculating movement and
the value of that Trait by 2 if it already had it. it imposes a -20 penalty on all Survival tests to ride it. It gains
Unnatural Agility (1), or increases the value of that trait by 1 if
it already had it.
300 MX 300 MX


The humble Rouncey is an all-purpose

Clever Devil
Mount, bred more for loyalty and ease of This mount is uncommonly intelligent, and
training than anything else. Though their occasionally seems to possess a wit or understanding
that is almost human. Riding such an animal requires
physical prowess may not be the most one to keep up with its cleverness.
impressive, they tend to be naturally Increase this Mount's Intelligence characteristic by 5.
intelligent, and can be taught all kinds of Its Rider gains a +5 bonus to Awareness and Scrutiny
tests while mounted.
useful tricks.
100 MX

Cheeky Blighter Man's Best Friend

This Mount's uncanny cleverness and character This Mount has developed affection and trust for
have helped it succeed and thrive in unexpected its rider, and will remain at their side come hell or
ways. high water.
This Mount gains the Combat Formation Talent This Mount gains the Loyal Mount Trait. If it
and the Sleight of Hand Skill. It may attempt to already has it, increase its Intelligence by 3.
steal small items it believes can aid its Rider.
150 MX 150 MX

Problem Solver Loyal Companion

This Mount sometimes demonstrates near-human The bond between this Mount and its Rider is
levels of intelligence, and can be relied on to perform truly a wonder to behold.
simple tasks with ease.
This Mount gains the Logic Skill and increases its
On any turn in which this Mount's rider takes
Intelligence by 3. It can reliably follow simple damage, the Mount may take the damage instead.
commands like carrying messages to specific people, In addition, the Rider gains a +5 bonus to
moving objects, or solving simple puzzles. Willpower Tests while Mounted.
200 MX 200 MX

Embodiment of Cleverness Courage Without Ferocity

This Mount has developed a rapport with its A truly remarkable beast, this Mount is willing to
Rider that allow the two to work together as a ride to certain doom to keep its Rider safe.
perfect team. This Mount's Rider gains a +5 This Mount gains Touched by the Fates (1). At
bonus to all Survival Tests to control it, and can the GM's discretion, it might gain further Fate
reroll failed Scrutiny and Awareness Tests while Points if it survives particularly dangerous
mounted, though they must take the second situations with its Rider.
result if it is worse.
300 MX 300 MX

Unyielding Mass
The largest and most physically imposing
This mount stands steady as a rock, gripping the earth
of Mounts, the Destrier is bred for power with the confidence borne of physical power. To tame
and aggressiveness. They are fearless and it, one must be able to equal this raw, animalistic
prone to violence, well-suited for charges
Increase this Mount's Strength characteristic by 3, and
and heavy cavalry work. its Toughness by 2. Its Rider gains a +5 to Intimidate
and Interrogation Tests while mounted.
100 MX

Stone Crusher
Warlike Gait
This Mount is a brawny, muscular creature, capable of
Filled with a lust for combat, this Mount can be relied
lashing out with great strength.
on to trample all those that stand in its way.
This Mount's natural melee weapons gain Tearing and
This Mount gains the Frenzy talent. If it already had
increase their Damage by 2. Its natural ranged
it, it instead increases its Strength by 3.
weapons, if it has them, increase their damage by 5.

150 MX 150 MX

Thunderous Hooves
Directed Madness
When its ire is up, this Mount shakes the ground with
This Mount works itself into a great fury when in a
its fury, scattering its enemies.
fight, but this anger is focused, hardened like a shield.
This Mount increases its Strength by 2, and gains the
This Mount reduces all Critical Damage table rolls by
Irritable Mount Trait. If it already had Irritable, it
1, to a minimum of 0.
loses all the negative effects of that trair.

200 MX 200 MX

Unyielding Warrior
Titanic Charge
This Mount is a colossus of combat, and can make even
When it has built up enough momentum, this Mount is
seasoned warriors quail.
utterly unstoppable, bowling through its obstacles as if
When this Mount is Frenzied, it gains Fear (1) and they were nothing.
increases its Strength by 5. Its Rider gains a +5 to all
This Mount increases its Toughness by 5, and gains
Fear Tests while mounted, and ignores the negative
Natural Armour (3), or increases the value of its
effects of any levels of Fatigue when their Mount is
Natural Armour by 3 if it already had it.
300 MX 300 MX

But Wait, There’s More!
“Yes, this is the page where I shill my other content.”

Looking to expand your Warhammer 40k RPG experience even further? Want to drown your
players in like eight different homebrew PDFs by me? Well look no further!


The 40k universe has always cribbed from history, at times more heavily than others. This volume
extends that to its logical solution, providing a range of historically-themed options to spice up your
Only War games. Get it here!

Five volumes of vehicle stats. The entire Imperial non-Titan motor pool, plus the entire Chaos, Eldar,
Dark Eldar, Harlequin and Ork motor pools, plus a ton of homebrew. All that and vehicle upgrades,
Looting mechanics, warp-corrupted vehicles and more. Get it here!

This book introduces expands on radiation, atomic weapons and nuclear power in the 41st Millennium,
adding a variety of character and item options for both editions of Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Only
War. Get it here!


When your character burns a fate point to end up in hospital, who exactly fixes them? This question and
more is answered in M.A.C.H, a book about the Militarum’s field surgical hospitals. Get it here!


Random tables! Heck yeah! Temere Numeri is a book of random generators for the 40k RPGs,
containing a full Imperial Guard Loot Table, Ork Loot Table, nearly a dozen random weapon
generators, a Regimental Name Generator, and more! Get it here!


Deep in the Koronus Expanse, Inquisitorial investigators take possession of the museum-moon of V.A.
Beau, noted cultural degenerate and Rogue Trader. What they discover… is a whole lot of anime-
themed content. Want Mahou Shoujo and Stand Battles in your 40k? This book is for you. Get it here!


The very first homebrew content ever published for Imperium Maledictum (seriously, I wrote it less than
24 hours after the game released), HAAS is a vehicle expansion, adding more than two dozen new
vehicles, plus expanded rules and weapons options, to complement IM. Get it here!


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