1* Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is performing his job?
20% Strongly approve
23% Somewhat approve
14% Somewhat disapprove
42% Strongly disapprove
1% Not sure
2* In just a few words, please let me know what you consider to be the most important political
issue right now.
35% Economy
20% Immigration
10% Abortion
8% America's politics
5% Elections
22% Other
1% No answer
3* A marriage penalty in the U.S. tax code means many people living together as couples would
have to pay higher taxes if they got married. Would you favor or oppose eliminating the
marriage penalty?
34% Strongly favor
15% Somewhat favor
11% Somewhat oppose
32% Strongly oppose
8% Not sure
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.
4* If someone is physically able to work, do you favor or oppose requiring that that person seek
a job in order to receive financial support from the government?
48% Strongly favor
31% Somewhat favor
11% Somewhat oppose
7% Strongly oppose
3% Not sure
5* Generally speaking, do school choice programs provide better educational opportunities for
48% Yes
24% No
28% Not sure
6* Do you favor or oppose education savings account programs that allow tax dollars to follow
children to the schools of their parents’ choice?
33% Strongly favor
32% Somewhat favor
13% Somewhat oppose
10% Strongly oppose
11% Not sure
7* Should biological males who identify as women be allowed to compete in women’s sports
12% Yes
75% No
13% Not sure
8* If a student wants to change his or her gender, name, and pronouns, should teachers and
schools be required to notify that student’s parents?
69% Yes
21% No
11% Not sure
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.
9* Should it be against the law to provide children under 18 with puberty blockers, drugs, and/or
surgery to help them transition from one gender to another?
71% Yes
22% No
7% Not sure
10* Should public schools teach young children that biological boys can become girls and that
biological girls can become boys?
16% Yes
73% No
10% Not sure
11* How important is it to secure the southern border of the United States?
62% Very important
27% Somewhat important
7% Not very important
3% Not at all important
1% Not sure
12* A proposal has been made that would require all businesses to verify that their employees
are legal residents in the United States. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
57% Strongly favor
25% Somewhat favor
9% Somewhat oppose
6% Strongly oppose
3% Not sure
13* A proposal has been made to eliminate all funding for organizations that transport illegal
immigrants into and throughout the United States. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?
54% Strongly favor
21% Somewhat favor
10% Somewhat oppose
9% Strongly oppose
5% Not sure
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.
14* A budget proposal has been made to eliminate all government payments to illegal
immigrants. Do you favor or oppose this proposal?
57% Strongly favor
20% Somewhat favor
11% Somewhat oppose
7% Strongly oppose
6% Not sure
15* If someone wishes to claim asylum in the United States, where should he or she wait while
that claim is being processed?
25% In the bordering country from which he or she seeks to enter the U.S.
28% In his or her home country
29% In a supervised facility inside the United States
8% Anywhere he or she decides to travel inside the U.S.
8% Not sure
16* To challenge drug cartels and secure the border, would you favor or oppose sending U.S.
military troops and equipment to the southern border of the United States?
47% Strongly favor
30% Somewhat favor
9% Somewhat oppose
9% Strongly oppose
5% Not sure
17* Should the federal government be allowed to pressure social media companies to censor
speech that is posted on social media platforms?
23% Yes
62% No
15% Not sure
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.
18* Federal agencies can issue legally binding regulations on Americans and American
businesses without approval from Congress. A proposal has been made that would require
Congress to approve any major regulations before they can take effect. Would you favor or
oppose this proposal?
30% Strongly favor
32% Somewhat favor
15% Somewhat oppose
8% Strongly oppose
16% Not sure
19* Which is more important, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, or
keeping the price of cars low enough for families to afford them?
37% Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change
58% Keeping the price of cars low enough for families to afford them
5% Not sure
20* Which is more important, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing the cost and
improving the reliability of electricity and gas for American families?
26% Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
68% Reducing the cost and improving the reliability of electricity and gas for
American families
5% Not sure
22* A proposal has been made to expand oil and gas drilling on federal lands to increase fossil
fuel production and reduce energy prices. Do you favor or oppose this proposal?
35% Strongly favor
28% Somewhat favor
15% Somewhat oppose
15% Strongly oppose
7% Not sure
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.
23* Would you favor or oppose a proposal to increase oil and gas drilling and increase private
sector nuclear energy innovation by reducing government regulations that currently stand in the
26% Strongly favor
25% Somewhat favor
16% Somewhat oppose
18% Strongly oppose
15% Not sure
24* Another proposal has been made that would cut the growth of government spending every
year in order to reduce inflation and stimulate economic growth. Would you favor or oppose this
46% Strongly favor
33% Somewhat favor
9% Somewhat oppose
4% Strongly oppose
8% Not sure
This Counterpolling™ survey of 1,800 Voters in Battleground States was conducted online for
the Heritage Foundation by RMG Research, Inc. on July 23-24, 2024. The Battleground States
surveyed were Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Certain
quotas were applied, and the sample was lightly weighted by geography, gender, age, race,
education, internet usage, and political party to reasonably reflect the nation’s population of
Registered Voters. Other variables were reviewed to ensure that the final sample is
representative of that population. The margin of sampling error for the full sample is +/- 2.3
percentage points.
A Heritage Foundation survey of 1,800 voters in Battleground States conducted July 23-24, 2024, by
RMG Research, Inc. with a margin of sampling error or +/- 2.3 percentage points.