Approach To Ethics
Approach To Ethics
Approach To Ethics
Section: 21
Id number: UGR/7521/15
Submission date:08/08/2023
Submitted to: Dr Bisrat
Approach to Ethics
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with moral principles and values that govern
the behavior of individuals and groups. It is the study of what is right and wrong, good and bad,
and what actions are morally permissible or impermissible. Ethics involves examining and
evaluating moral beliefs and practices, and developing and applying moral principles and values
to guide decision-making and behavior. It is a fundamental aspect of human life and is essential
for creating a just and moral society.
Normative ethics
Normative ethics is a branch of ethics that is concerned with developing and evaluating moral
norms and principles that guide human behavior. It is the study of what ought to be, rather than
what is. Normative ethics aims to provide a framework for determining what actions are morally
right or wrong, good or bad, and what moral obligations individuals and groups have towards
each other. Normative ethics is concerned with answering questions such as: What are the
fundamental principles that should guide human behavior? What are the moral rules that
individuals and societies should follow? What are the virtues that individuals should cultivate in
order to live a good life? Moral philosophy focuses on the purpose, ends, or goals of an action,
emphasizing that the consequences of an action determine the morality or immorality of a given
action. This means that an action is judged as right or wrong depending on what happens because
of it.
Non-Normative Ethics/Meta-ethics
Meta-ethics is a branch of ethics that deals with the nature of ethical thought and language. It is
concerned with questions about the meaning of moral language, the nature of moral facts, and
the possibility of moral knowledge. Some of the questions that meta-ethics addresses include:
What is the meaning of moral terms? Do moral facts exist? How can we know whether our moral
judgments are true or false?
Cognitivism and non-cognitivism
Cognitivism and non-cognitivism are two opposing views in meta-ethics about the nature of
moral judgments. Cognitivists believe that moral judgments express beliefs that can be true or
false, and that moral statements are capable of being assessed in terms of truth and falsity. Non-
cognitivists, on the other hand, believe that moral judgments do not express beliefs, but rather
express non-cognitive states such as emotions or desires. Non-cognitivists argue that moral
judgments are not capable of being true or false.
1. Strong cognitivism is a theory that holds that moral judgments are capable of
being true or false and can be evaluated in terms of truth and falsity. Strong
cognitivist theories can be either naturalist or non-naturalist. Naturalists believe
that moral judgments are rendered true or false by a natural state of affairs, and it
is this natural state of affairs to which a true moral judgment affords us access.
According to naturalists, a natural state of affairs is one that is the subject matter
of the natural sciences and psychology. Naturalist reductionists, such as Richard
Boyd, believe that moral properties are reducible to other natural properties that
are the subject matter of the natural sciences and psychology. Non-naturalists
believe that moral properties are not identical to or reducible to natural properties.
They are irreducible and sui generis. Moore's ethical non-naturalism and the
contemporary version of non-naturalism that has been developed by John
McDowell and David Wiggins. Both types of non-naturalists are moral realists,
meaning they believe that there really are moral facts and moral properties, and
that the existence of these moral facts and instantiation of these moral properties
is constitutively independent of human opinion
2. J.L. Mackie's "Error-Theory" is a form of strong cognitivism without moral
realism. Mackie argues that moral judgments are capable of being true or false,
but that they are always false because there are no objective moral facts or
properties in the world. According to Mackie, moral properties are metaphysically
queer and unlike anything else in the universe as we know it. Mackie's error-
theory is a form of moral skepticism, which denies the existence of objective
moral truths. Mackie argues that our moral judgments are the result of a cognitive
error, and that we should abandon the idea that there are objective moral truths.
3. Weak cognitivism about morals without moral realism is a theory that holds that
moral judgments are capable of being true or false, but that there are no objective
moral facts or properties in the world. 'Best Opinion' theories are a type of weak
cognitivist theory that holds that moral judgments are the result of the best
opinion of a particular community or society. According to 'Best Opinion'
theories, moral judgments are not objectively true or false, but are instead the
result of a social consensus or agreement. 'Best Opinion' theories are a form of
moral anti-realism, which denies the existence of objective moral truths. Instead,
moral judgments are seen as the result of social conventions and agreements.
Internalism and externalism, Humeanism and anti-Humeanism are all related to the
question of how moral judgments are related to motivation. Internalism is the view that
there is an internal or conceptual connection between moral judgment and motivation.
According to Internalism, if you sincerely make a moral judgment, you will be motivated
to act in accordance with that judgment. Externalism, on the other hand, denies that there
is an internal or conceptual connection between moral judgment and motivation.
According to externalism, moral judgments can motivate us, but only because of external
factors such as social pressure or the desire for approval. Humeanism is the view that
motivation always involves the presence of both beliefs and desires. According to
Humeanism, if you are motivated to act in a certain way, it is because you have a belief
about what you ought to do and a desire to do it. Anti-Humeanism, on the other hand,
denies that motivation always involves the presence of both beliefs and desires.
According to anti-Humeanism, there are other factors that can motivate us, such as
emotions or moral intuitions, that do not involve beliefs and desires.
Over all Ethics is a crucial discipline that promotes a healthy society and a fulfilling experience
for individuals. It is essential for human growth and prosperity, as it helps maintain a stable
society and maintain peace. Moral values govern behavior and maintain society's value, requiring
individuals to respect and maintain its stability. Traditional moral theories, such as utilitarianism,
deontology, and virtue theory, have been critiqued and updated to better understand human
living. Contemporary ethical theories, such as principlism, narrative ethics, and feminist ethics,
aim to offer developments and improvements on traditional theories, fill in dimensions of human
living, and guide decision-making and moral judgments.