Shao 2016
Shao 2016
Shao 2016
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Xiang, D. Zhou, X. Bian, J. Sun, G. Li and H. Hou, CrystEngComm, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5CE02017D.
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DOI: 10.1039/C5CE02017D
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DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x Jun Shaoa,*, Yanmei Guoa, Sheng Xiangb, Dongdong Zhoub, Xinchao Bianb, Jingru
Sunb, Gao Lib and Haoqing Houa
The linear and three armed poly(L-lactide)/poly(D-lactide) (PLLA/PDLA, 3PLLA/3PDLA and 3PLLA/PDLA) specimens were
prepared through solution mixing method, and the morphology and the spherulites growth of poly(lactide) stereocomplex
crystalllites (PLA sc) from the melt with various structures and molecular weights were investigated. The polarized optical
microscope pictures revealed that the regular spherulites and legible frontier were developed in all the PLLA/PDLA blends
with relative lower molecular weights (Mn < 20 kg/mol for each branch), and irregular spherulites formed after the
molecular weights of PLA polymers were higher than 60 kg/mol. The growth rate of the spherulite (G) increased at first,
and then decreased as molecular weights increasing in all the PLLA/PDLA, 3PLLA/3PDLA and 3PLLA/PDLA specimens. The
highest G value in all the specimens was achieved when the average molecular weights of each branch were ~10 kg/mol.
With similar molecular weights for each branches, the G reduced gradually as the three armed PLA added in the blend (i.e.,
Introduction develops crystallites at a faster speed. Thus, the PLA sc materials
As the oil shortage and the environmental pollution issues become with higher thermal stability can be prepared and present wider
bad to worse, the bio-based polymers, including the ones application potentials. Systematic studies reveals that the PLA sc
chemically synthesized from various naturally occurring resources could develop from binary linear blends, the di-, tri-, and multi-
and those produced by microorganisms, are attracting more and block copolymers, and also formed in the linear/branched and
more attentions from the past two decades. Among a large number branched/branched structures. The crystallization and melting
of the bio-based polymers, thermoplastic aliphatic polyester, such behaviours of PLA sc presents various regularities at different
as poly (lactide) (PLA), has been intensively investigated and structures and conditions, and diverse morphology of PLA sc also
9, 21
developed as an alternative to conventional non-degradable formed in different specimens.
synthetic polymers because of its mechanical performances, Different strcuture would present various morphology, and the
renewable and disposable properties.
1, 2
However, PLA based morphology formed in polymer determines its usage and
material has its intrinsic defect, its low heat resistance temperature, application field. Although the morphology of PLLA/PDLA blends
which could be a major obstacle to the practical applications in a with different weight ratios and molecular weights were studied,
23, 24
large scale. There are three types of PLAs (PLLA, PDLA and PDLLA) the variation of spherulite growth of PLA sc with different
due to the different sequential structure of chiral carbon in the molecular weights are not clear yet. In addition, the melt viscosity
main chain of the macromolecule. For PLA with higher optical of linear PLA reduces rapidly as temperature increasing during
purity, i.e., PLLA and PDLA, their melting temperature usually at melting extrusion, which limits the processing temperature window
~180 °C. The melting temperature of PLLA (PDLA) decreases rapidly of PLA, especially for the PLA sc materials as it is melted at higher
and crystallization capacity weakens drasaticlly after the optical temperature. Introducing branched polymers will enhance the
purity decreasing. One interesting phenomenon of PLA is that the viscosity after melting and which would in favour of the processing
25, 26
PLA stereocomplex crystallites (sc) form after PLLA blend with PDLA, PLA sc materials. The stereocomplex formation between multi-
19, 27
which possess higher melting temperature, 230 °C, and the blend armed enantiomeric PLAs has been reported in various aspects,
However, the distinction of spherulite growth between linear and
branched structures are still an unclear issue. These issues are
College of chemistry and chemical engineering, JiangXi Normal University, critical and which could supply instruction for the process of PLA sc
Nanchang 330022, China. Email: materials. In this study, the linear and three armed PLLA and PDLA
Key Laboratory of Polymer Ecomaterials, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, 130022, China. were synthesized separately, and they were blended together to
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
prepare the linear and branched PLA sc materials. After the blends range of 30 to 255 °C, and the first heating of the specimens were
were melted completely, the growth speed of the spherulites and recorded.
their morphology of sc were studied. This investigation would
Table 1. The characterization of linear and three armed PLA
supply instructions for the application of the PLA sc with linear and
branched structures.
Experimental Section Codea Mn(GPC) (kg/mol) PDI Tm (°C)
The molecular parameters of obtained PLAs were characterized by 3D9 9 1.1 145.8
Waters GPC (USA) at 35 °C, equipped with two styragel HR gel
columns (HR2 and HR4). It was calibrated with polystyrene 3D33 33 1.1 163.9
standards that covered the range of molecular weight 1000–
600,000 kg/mol. Chloroform was used as the eluent at a flow rate 3D57 57 1.4 170.8
of 1.0 ml/min.
3D105 105 1.6 175.8
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
The PLLA was coded as L and PDLA was abbreviated as D, the three armed
Thermal properties of PLLA/PDLA, 3PLLA/3PDLA and 3PLLA/PDLA
PLLA and three armed PDLA were code as 3L and 3D, respectively. The numbers
samples were investigated on a differential scanning calorimeter
after L or D were their number-average molecular weights.
(DSC, Q100, TA Instrument) in nitrogen atmosphere. The specimens
were scanned at a constant rate of 10 °C/min over the temperature Polarized Optical Microscopy (POM)
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
the molecular weight was 95 kg/mol. After annealed for 10 min (Fig.
9), all the size of spherulites became larger, and more spherulites
formed in all the specimens but the 3L10/3D9. The number of
nucleus tended to increase as molecular weights increasing,
especially for the 3L95/3D105 specimens. This should be due to the
melt viscosity improved as molecular weight increasing, and which
made the nucleation at the favourable condition.
When these specimens were annealed at 190 °C for 30 min (Fig.
10), the spherulites developed were similar to 180 °C, but the speed
of spherulites growth was much slower than that annealed at 180
°C. According to the spherulites growth at 180 °C in different
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
College of chemistry and chemical engineering, JiangXi Normal University,
Key Laboratory of Polymer Ecomaterials, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,
G increased firstly, then decreased as Mn, PLA increased in the blends, and G