Dragon Magazine - Prestige Class Compendium Issues 274-353

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Prestige Class Compendium

3.0/3.5e Dragon Magazine Issues #274-353


by Chris Pramas • illistrated by Sam Wood

nderneath Eastern Oerik lies The Tormtor, two allied houses, and

contentious, and more than one envoy
legendary Vault of the Drow (see githyanki warriors against the House of fell to an assassin's blade. In the end, a
the LIVING GREYHAWK Journal in Kilsek, the remaining three houses, and peace plan was hammered together.
this issue). Until recently, the drow their illithid allies. During the fighting, The drow nobles decided the only way
lived under the domination of the the ancient Kilsek estate was sacked to keep the peace was to officially dis-
priestesses of Lolth, with eight noble and its forces scattered. They band the House of Kilsek so that there
houses implementing the will of the regrouped, seized the drow city of would be balance among the houses.
Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Trouble Erelhei-Cinlu, and led a bloody pogrom This was acceptable to everyone
began after a group of adventurers against Tormtor sympathizers. except, of course, the Kilseks,
raided the Vault. Accusations flew from The civil war made the drow weak,
all the noble houses. After a series of and their enemies began to take advan- The Plea
plots and counterplots, the House of tage of the situation. After rounds of Venrit, the leader of the House of
Tormtor raised rhe flag of revolt even bloodier fighting, the surviving Kilsek, appealed to the priestesses of
against the priestesses of Lolth. A nobles called a truce and met to discuss Lolth, but the minions of the Spider
vicious civil war ensued, pitting a lasting peace. The meetings were Queen stood by the decision. The Kilsek

88 august 2oo2
estate was already destroyed, the troglodyte tribe, a dozen trolls, and a The City of Kalan-G'eld
priestesses noted, and the peace plan hunting pack of displacer beasts with
her. She didn't know where she would Violence scarred Kalan-G'eld. The illithid
suited Lolth's whims. Venrit was furi-
attack that enslaved the gith population of the
ous. She refused to break up her go, but she vowed that the House of
city leveled buildings and blasted holes in the
forces among rhe other houses, nor Kilsek would return to the Vault of the
streets. Subsequent fires burned whole
was she willing to start a war she was Drow as conquerors or not at all. neighborhoods, and the charring is evident
certain to lose. The first year outside the Vault was despite the years that have passed, Other
Venrit retreated to her private difficult. The Kilsek suffered attacks creatures laired there over the centuries, the
sanctum to gather her thoughts. "Was from deep gnomes, beholders, and fatest of which had to be driven out by Kifsek
this really the will of the Spider githyanki. They grew low on ammuni- fighters before the ruins could be setfled.
Queen?" she asked herself. An idea tion and magical components, and food Kalan G'eld sits in an enormous under-
was forming in her mind, but she became scarce. The once proud house ground cavern. The ruined gith city was far
would not lead her house to its ulti- began to look like a group of scav- too large for the drow to occupy fully, so
mate annihilation unless she was cer- engers, as Kilsek warriors looted what rhey have revitaiized only a part of it. The
tain of Lolth's desires. Venrit was they needed from defeated foes. And obvious choice was the low hill that domi-
determined to find out the truth. still they wandered, deep beneath nated the cavern, and it is this area the drow
While the rest of her house slept, Oerth, with no destination. Some advo- have settled and fortified They rebuilt a gith
Venrit slipped into the secret dungeons cated that they try their luck on the citadel, and this provides the final bulwark of
beneath the ruins of the Kilsek Estate. surface world, others that they travel drow defense. Beneath the citadel is Venrit's
She dragged a prisoner, a Tormtor the planes. Meanwhile, more Kilseks private realm, a surreal dungeonscape filled
noble thought long dead by the rest of died each day, felled by Underdark ter- with webs and monsters to eliminate the
the drow, into the Kilsek arena. Venrit rors, enemy blades, and starvation. uninvited and the unwary. Some speculate
had watched hundreds of slaves and Venrit was certain that Lolth had plans that Venrit's realm is not in the Underdark at
prisoners fight to the death here. This for the House of Kilsek, but no divina- all. but on the Abyss.
night she would undergo her own test. tion made those plans clear. There are two main entrances to Kalan
Venrit summoned forth Teela, a mon- Venrit was on the verge of despair G'eld. The first is a large tunnel that connects
strous spider of unmatched size and when an old ally found the Kilseks to an ancient gith cavern network. The drow
ferocity. As the hairy brute lumbered camped by an underground sea. Its have built a barbican there, known as the
into the arena, Venrit shouted out, name was Ohlcaig, and it was an illithid Adamantine Gate, which is heavily defended
"Lolth, my queen, it is your servant, priest of llsensine. It had with troops and traps. There are several bar-
Venrit. Grant me this judgment! been an ally of the racks nearby, where the front-line warbands
"If the destruction of the House of House of Kilsek are based. From here they sortie out to fight
Kilsek is truly your will, let Teela strike during the the Godwar. The Kilsek military also maintains
me down. But if Kilsek may continue to civil war, a series of outposts and smaller fortifications
serve you, let Teela tear this Tormtor and it still in the tunnel network around the city. They
traitor limb from limb!" thought the provide early warning of attack and can slow
The spider swung its head from proud down incursions with ambushes and traps.
Venrit to the prisoner and back again. An underground river runs by the citadel
The mistress of the House of Kilsek hill and then piunges down into the rocks.
stood calmly before the beast, both Boats can navigate out to the serpentine
hands touching the spider amulet that branches beyond. The merchant clans use the
hung around her neck. As the pris- river to conduct trade with the kuo-toans and
oner's eyes bulged, Teela struck. Venrit other denizens of the Underdark. The drow
watched the spider sink its fangs into have installed a massive portcul/is that can be
the Tormtor noble. He screamed only dropped into the river in times of danger.
once before the venom paralyzed him. Two towers, one on either side of the river,
Venrit should have exited the arena provide additional defense. Allied kuo-toans
immediately, but she lingered to watch are also used to patrol the nearby waters.
Teela feed. She knew she was in no The troglodyte tribes were settled in a
danger, Lolth had spoken. nearby cave complex. Despite the strategic
advantages of having the troglodytes in the
The Exodus city proper, the drow kept them out. The
The next day, Venrit rallied the remain- stink of the creatures was simply too vile to
ing members of her house and marched consider letting them live in Kalan G'eld, The
proudly out of the Vault of the Drow. trolls are housed in this same cave complex.
She took two merchant clans, a

drow could be useful to the mind flay- Ohlcaig had spoken. It was largely in As it Turned out, the choice was not
ers and their machinations, Ohlcaig ruins, but the drow could see the to be Venrit's. When the God of War,
told Venrit about an abandoned under- potential. Venrit and her people spent Stratis, was slain by a group of mortal
ground city on the other side of several years fortifying the old gith heroes, droplets of his blood burned
Oerth. It had been a city of the gith, city, scouting the region, and recruiting through the earth and exposed the
the progenitors of the githyanki and local troops. They learned the gith heretofore unknown tunnels and gal-
githzerai, but it had been abandoned empire had been known as Zarum and leries of Zarum. This opened the way
since the fall of the Illithid empire. It the city as Anithor. The drow chris- to warbands from the Sundered
was far from the Vault and completely tened the city Kalan-G'eld, a name Empire, who quickly descended into
unknown to the surface world. Venrit meaning "the forgotten spider." the depths to search for the weapons
thought it was perfect. and armor of the slain god. This con-
Ohlcaig arranged for the planar New Challenges flict became known as the Godwar,
transport of the House of Kilsek. They Within a matter of months, drow scouts and it has brought savage warfare to
traveled through several planes until located a large kuo-toan community. the Sundered Empire region for the
they reached a portal that led to the Venrit sent envoys, including merchant last five years. Six factions struggle
lands underneath the Sundered Empire. clan members fluent in the kuo-toan for supremacy with godhood itself as
Once back on Oerth, it was but a short tongue. The kuo-toas had never seen a the prize.
journey to The ancient city of which drow before and reacted fearfully, At first Venrit was content to remain
especially when the ebon-skinned in the shadows, watching the factions
strangers spoke to them in their own tear each other apart. Drow forces
BLOODSISTER language. Only one envoy returned, and were not idle, but when they struck,
Class Requirements he was riddled with harpoon wounds. they always made it look like someone
To qualify to become a bloodsister, a charac- The Kilsek reaction was swift. Several else's work. Venrit's hope was that the
ter must Fulfill all the following criteria: outlying kuo-toan communities were war would end quickly, but like many
Race: Drow. annihilated, and drow assassins killed a others she was disappointed. It eventu-
Sex: Female.
Alignment: Any evil.
half dozen important whips. The speed ally became clear to her that the war
Base Attack Bonus: +6 or better. and brutality of the drow attack cowed would drag on for decades. Unless, of
Feats: Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon the kuo-toas, and soon enough, Venrit course, she herself were to end it. And
Proficiency (hand crossbow), Two-Weapon had kuo-toan troops serving in her surely her chances of conquering the
warbands. The kuo-toan communities Vault of the Drow would increase ten-
also gave the drow merchant clans fold if she returned as a god. This, she
BLOODSISTER decided, must be why the Spider Queen
places to trade.
Class Skills sent the House of Kilsek to this remote
The bbodsister's class skills (and the key At that time, the House of Kilsek had
abilities for each) are: no plans for the surface world. part of Oerth. The Kilsek need to be
Str; Climb, Jump. Venrit's goal was to build up her here to win godhood for Venrit and
Dex: Balance. Use Rope. strength until she could march back ensure victory over their traitorous
Con: -
and take the Vault of the Drow. No kin. Venrit did not start the Godwar,
Wis: Innuendo. Listen, Spot. use, she thought, in getting entangled but she intends to finish it.
Cha: Intimidate. in the affairs of the sunlit world. After
all, that sort of madness had led to the Kilsek Prestige Classes
Skill Points al Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
civil war that resulted in Kilsek's exile Two Kilsek prestige classes are pre-
in the first place. sented here for the first time.
Although these classes are built to
reflect the unique circumstances of
fijJM jfa
the House of Kilsek, they could be
Base Attack
Save Special
^mr used easily in most campaigns.

ISt +i +0 +2 +0 Combat reload Bloodsister

2nd +8 +o *3 +o Poison use In the Vault of the Drow there is a
3rd +3 +i +3 +i Two-weapon style
<th +1 +1 Tunnel fighting
society of female fighters. While each
+4 +4
noble house maintained its own soror-
5* *a +1 +4 +1 Improved-two-weapon style
6rti +6 +2 +5 +2 Throw sword ity, the society as a whole is an instru-
7th +7 4-2 +5 +Z Sneak attack +id6 ment of the clerical hierarchy. When
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Mind of steel
House Kilsek chose exile over annihi-
gth *fl +3 *8 +3 Twist the knife
ioih +10 Sneak attack +ad6 lation, the Kilsek sorority remained
*3 +7 +3
loyal to their house. Like the rest of

9o august 2oo2
Their kin, they marched out of rhe bonus to all her melee damage. make a sneak attack that deals subdual
Vault of The Drow with heads Throw Sword (Ex): When in desper- damage instead of normal damage. She
held high. ate srraights, bloodsisters throw their cannot use a weapon that deals normal
Since then the society restructured swords like daggers. A bloodsister of damage to deal subdual damage in a
itself to meet the needs of its new sit- 6th level or higher can throw short sneak attack, not even with the usual -4
uation. They have become Venrit's swords without penalty, with a range penalty, because she must make optimal
elite warriors, fanatical servants of increment of 10 feet. use of her weapon in order to execute
House Kilsek and the Spider Queen. Sneak Attack (Ex): Bloodsisters see the sneak attack.
Each has sworn a blood oath to Venrit, no reason to fight fair. They gang up A bloodsister can only sneak attack
a fact reflected in the society's new on opponents whenever possible and living creatures with discernible
name: the Bloodsisters. often fight in teams. At 71(1 level, a anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes,
bloodsisfer gains the ability to sneak plants, and incorporeal creatures lack
Class Features attack foes. Any time the bloodsister's vital areas to attack. Additionally, any
All of the following are class features target would be denied his Dexterity creature immune to critical hits is simi-
of the bloodsister prestige class. bonus to AC (whether he actually has larly immune to sneak attacks. Also, the
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A a Dexterity bonus or not), the blood- bloodsister must be able to see the tar-
Bloodsister is proficient with all simple sister's attack deals +id6 points of get well enough to pick out a vital spot
and martial weapons, and light and damage. The extra damage increases
medium armor. to +2d6 at ioth level. Should the
Combat Reload (Ex): At ist level, a bloodsister score a critical hit with For Your Campaign
bloodsister learns to use her hand a sneak attack, her extra damage is This article uses the Sundered Realm, a por-
crossbow with amazing speed. She can not multiplied. rion of the Greyhawk world and the setting of
load a hand crossbow as a free action, It takes precision and penetration to the Cw/HMA/L game, as its basis, bui there's
which allows her to take the full attack hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can no reason why it couldn't be used as a
action with the hand crossbow. only count as sneak attacks if the tar- resource for other settings or a campaign
Furthermore, such is her deftness with get is 30 feet away world of your design, even if you don't use
this maneuver that the loading or less. drow. Here are a few exampies of what you
action does not provoke an attack With a sap or an could do to make the material in this article
of opportunity. unarmed strike, the suited to your style of play:
Poison Use (Ex): By 2nd level, bloodsister can • DMs running campaigns in the GRCYHAWK
a bloodsister masters the use of setting should have an easy time incorporat-
poison with her weapons. She ing House Kilsek into their game. Perhaps the
never runs the risk of accidentally house never suffered exile from the leg-
poisoning herself when applying endary Vault of the Drow and now assists
poison to a weapon. other dark elves in the Lost Lands by offering
Two-Weapon Style (Ex): The secret support to the giant armies infesting
favored melee weapons of the blood- the Duchy of Geoff.
sisters are the short sword and dag- • If you use the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting,
ger. While so armed and two-weapon consider using some of the history and the
fighting, a bloodsister of 3rd level or prestige classes presented here as a version
higher gains a +1 competence bonus to of what occurred to Drizzt Do'Urden's house.
all her melee attacks. Perhaps some member escaped and founded
Tunnel Fighting (Ex): Bloodsisters a city beneath the war-torn lands of Tethyr.
are trained to fight underground in • The history and prestige classes pre-
confined spaces. They know how to sented here could be adapted for dwarves.
close with enemies quickly and get Perhaps a clan of belligerent dwarves was
their blades up close and personal. driven from its holdings after a council of
When charging an opponent, a blood- elders determined lhat the clan should be
sister of 4th level or higher does not held responsible for starting a civil war.
provoke attacks of opportunity from Driven to desperation in the wilds of the
that creature by moving through The Underdark, the clan took a ruined gith city as
squares it threatens. its own and allied itself with kuo-toa.
Improved Two-Weapon Style (Ex): For suggestions on how you can use the
Starting at ^th level, a bloodsister prestige classes presented in this article, see
fighting with both a short sword and a the For Your Character sidebar.
ger receives a +1 competence


and must be able to reach a vital spot. as rogue levels), the bonuses to dam- bright sunlight of the surface world.
The bloodsister cannot sneak attack age stack. Each must be a master of disguise and
while striking at a creature with Mind of Steel (Ex); Priestesses of stealth, and a friend of the shadows.
concealment or by striking the limbs Lolth instruct the best of the bloodsis- It was the sorceress lldred who gave
of a creature whose vitals are ters in mental techniques useful in Venrit the instrument she craved, lldred
beyond reach. warding off hostile magic. Starting at perfected the lost art of "arachthel," a
If a bloodsister gets a sneak attack 8th level, a bloodsisfer gains a +4 path of stealth that relied on powers
bonus from another source (such resistance bonus against mind-affect- granted from the venom of spiders.
ing spells. The only problem: The spider venom
Twist the Knife (Ex): A bloodsister killed as often as not. Venrit was
learns to inflict maximum pain and willing to pay the price, and so the
damage with her weapons. The critical Nightshades were born. This secretive
Class Requirements
To qualify To become a nightshade, a charac- multipliers of the short sword and dag- group spies on the surface nations,
ter must fulfill all Ihe following criteria: ger are increased to X3 when wielded gathering information, spreading panic
Race: Drow. by a bloodsister of gth or higher level. and fear, and bringing The silent blade
Alignment; Any evil.
to Kilsefc's foes.
Move Silently: 7 ranks.
Feats: Point Blank Shot,
Special: Must be able to casf arcane Once Venrit decided to enter the Class Features
spells. Godwar, she knew she would need All of the following are class features
Every nightshade must survive rhe intelligence about her new foes. Getting of the nightshade prestige class.
Spider Queen's challenge. Four monstrous
spiders bite the candidate's limbs as orher
information about the dwarves and Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
nightshades hold him down. If the venom gnolls was easy enough, but the fac- Nightshades are proficient with all
doesn't kffi him, he can join rhe nightshades. tions that made their homes above- simple weapons, as well as the sap,
ground posed a few difficulties. What rapier, and short bow. Nightshades are
NIGHTSHADE Venrit needed was a group of skilled proficient with light armor but not
Class Skills infiltrators who could operate in the with shields.
The nightshade's class skills (and the key
abilities for each) are:
Str: -
Dex: Disable Device, Escape Artist,
Hide. Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick NIGHTSHADE ADVANCEMENT \^J
Pockets, Tumble. Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
Con:- Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
Inf: Decipher Script (exclusive skill), isr +o +0 +2 +0 Light adjusted, web walker
Read Lips (exclusive skill). Search. 2nd +1 +0 +3 +o Wall runner
Wis: Innuendo, Listen, Sense Motive, 3rd +2 +1 +3 -H Sneak attack -fid6
Spot. 4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Change self^lAay
Cha: Bluff, Disguise, Gather Information, 5'h +3 +1 -"-4 -t-1 Poison immunity
Intimidate, Use Magical Device (exclusive 6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +2dB
skill). 7th +5 +2 +5 +S Poison spittle
8fh +6 +2 +6 +2 Web 3/day
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Im modi- gth +6 +
3 1-6 +3 Sneak attack +3d6
fier. lath +7 +3 V +3 Shadow waSk i/day



92 august 2oo2
For Your Character Web Walker (Ex): A nightshade can anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes,
move through webs {both natural plants, and incorporeal creatures lack
The prestige classes presented in this arti- and those of the web spell) without vital areas to attack. Additionally, any
cle need not be for drow alone or even for hindrance. creature immune to critical hits is sim-
evil characters. If one of them interests Wall Runner (Su): Nightshades learn ilarly immune to sneak attacks. Also,
you, check with your DM and see if it can to harness the spider blood in their the nightshade must be able to see the
be altered and incorporated into her game veins as time goes by. Starting at 2nd target well enough to pick out a vital
and your character, In general, keeping the level, a nightshade can walk on walls spot and must be able to reach a vital
mechanics the same but changing the name and ceilings as if wearing slippers of spot. The nightshade cannot sneak
or description gives you a great deal of spider climbing. At 5th level, a night- attack while striking at a creature
flexibility. Here are a few suggestions: shade's speed when wall running with concealment or by striking the
The bloodsister prestige class could be a increases to 30 ft. limbs of a creature whose vitals are
guild for a group of rangers and wilderness Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, a beyond reach.
protectors who specialize in removing nightshade gains a +td6 sneak attack. If a nightshade gets a sneak attack
threats to natural areas. They use special Any rime the nightshade's target would bonus from another source (such
sleep poisons to knock out most foes, but be denied her Dexterity bonus to AC as rogue levels), the bonuses to
repeat offenders have little hope of escap- (whether she actually has a Dexterity damage stack.
ing rhe bite of their two blades. bonus or not), the nightshade's attack Change Self (Sp): At 4th level, a
The nightshades could be a prestige class deals +id6 points of damage. The extra nightshade can cast the change self
for an order of monks who hold the qualities damage increases to -^d6 at 6th level spell three rimes per day, with a
of a spider in high esteem. They practice the and +3d6 at gth level. Should the caster level equal to his character
"spider's shadow style" of marital arts, and nightshade score a critical hit with level.
its masters take levels of the nightshade a sneak attack, his extra damage is Poison immunity (Ex): At 5th level, a
prestige class. not multiplied. nightshade becomes immune to poison
Both of the prestige classes could repre- It takes precision and penetration to of all types.
sent special groups from another race. hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can Poison Spittle (Ex): At 7th level, a
Dwarves might call such groups the hammer only count as sneak attacks if the tar- nightshade can secrete poison-like
matrons and the cavern raiders, gnomes get is 30 feet away or less. saliva (injury, DC 14; id4 Strength ini-
might call them knife maidens and web run- With a sap or an unarmed strike, the tial and secondary damage). A night-
ners, and other races could create similar nightshade can make a sneak attack shade can coat a bladed weapon with
names. that deals subdual damage instead of this poison spittle as a move-equiva-
normal damage. He cannot use a lent action.
weapon that deals normal damage to Web (Sp): At 8th level, a nightshade
Light Adjusted (Ex): Nightshades are deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, can cast the web spell three times per
specially trained to operate above not even with the usual -4 penalty, day at a caster level equal to his char-
ground, and this includes a brutal reg- because he must make optimal use of acter level.
imen to forcibly adjust their eyes to his weapon in order to execute the Shadow Walk (Sp): At ioth level, a
bright light. A nightshade does not sneak attack. nightshade can cast the shadow walk
suffer from light blindness as other A nightshade can only sneak attack spell once per day at a caster level
drow do. living creatures with discernible equal to his character level. "



by Jim Bishop • illustrated by J o n a t h a n Wayshak

he Ashen Compact is a secret that would mean leaving themselves spreading word that they required
cabal of subterranean races that undefended and open to aftacks from heroes for a crusade against the hated
recruit and train surface adventur- the others. They could not agree on how dark elves.
ers to make war against the drow. They to divide forces, and so could not agree
call their Training grounds "academies," to a four-way alliance. The beaten races THE FIRST STUDENTS
and they advertise themselves in the realized ThaT They needed To go ouTside The news spread quickly, and before
surface world as agents of a great cru- their borders for heip-fo The great long the usual crowd of malcontents,
sade against evil, but their motives are heroes of the surface world. As they riffraff, and adventurers gathered in
far from pure. finalized their plans, they made an oath the moss-covered churchyard to take
The Compact was formed years ago, of loyalty To each other. Thus the Ashen the first solemn oath against their new
when the drow noble house of Sldorno Compact was born. foe. Many races answered The call,
WiThin days. The first agenTs of The including a large number of elves, all
campaign of systematic conquesl of the Ashen CompacT sTole To The surface. A of Them raised on tales of dark elf
surrounding races. Creatures who had dozen mind flayers, derro, and duergar treachery and villainy.
been at each other's throats for eons warriors Traveled aT nighT under magical The group was split into three differ-
suddenly found Themselves shoulder to protections and began their reconnais- ent divisions according to the students"
shoulder as they fled to safety. As the sance of locai settlements. With the skills, and training began in earnest.
survivors of the mind flayer, duergar, duergar and derro supplying muscle, Those skilled in The art of fighting began
derro, and aboleth nations came and ihe mind flayers able to creaTe loyal their schooling with ancient treatises on
together in the ash and ruins of their subjecTs, They quickly formed a base of drow tactics, anatomy, and psychology.
former cities, they met for the first time power in the catacombs under an aban- Once these subjects were mastered,
in peaceful negotiations. doned temple, while establishing a front their duergar instructors-disguised as
No single nation was strong enough to of brainwashed followers in the ruins deep dwarves—put them through months
face the drow alone. Any two nations above. The Team's puppeTs insinuaTed of grueling drills in the total darkness of
could join forces to crush the drow, but Themselves into the local community. the catacombs.
Members with a more larcenous bent were Most often, Compact operations are set up in
Even if draw don't eiist in taken to the ruined bell tower, where the maze the ruins of temples and monasteries. These
your i .impaign, you i.an still of shattered beams and masonry accustomed buildings are usually designed to accommodate
use many elements of this them lo the conditions of deep caverns. These large groups, and they have the additional
ariide. Here aif sfjw sug- students studied under a trio of derro, whose advantage of having been built to foster privacy
•V .''nns lo pel you started. rasping voices rurne from behind a screen, for those within their walls. Best of all, these
• You ciin use the bark teaching how to listen to the earth and strike buildings carry the seal of faith and help to sell
.qmurvl stui-v a I !fv Ashen trom ambush. the surrounding communities on the academy's
Compact's creation as ,m Meanwhile, a solitary aboleth had been fer values and sincerity.
ipinie'-ting plo! hook. In thi^ ried up through (he dark Tunnels and secreted Fortresses are abandoned far less frequently
case, the agents might be in the old temple's cistern, Here the spellcasters than religious buildings, but their strong con-
fighting another evil'race that of the group were secretly subjected To hyp- struction and strategic placement make them
is pievalenr in your campaign, noTic suggesTion, sensory deprivation, and psy almost as desirable. In the absence of a fortified
or perhaps their tni^idi > c.hic surgery to strengthen their minds. structure, Compact agents work with whatever
against a tribe of good Eventually, the more exceptional spellcasters is at hand and are not above setting up their
dwarves. Your PCs mighi 'i> were fused with the ancient creature's alien academies in a farmhouse, winery, river barge,
rccruit'id into a Compart consciousness, gaining supernatural perception and even-if the reports are true-in the walls of
academy, or some i onrerncr! dt the expense of their normal eyesight. a ruined dam.
p;>n:nt<. might ask Ihf PCs iw Academies are founded with no warning,
hefp in learning whji hap- The First Crusade springing up in a few days before local authori-
pened to thfiir i hiSdren after Within a year, the ragged volunteers were ties can ask too many questions. Major repairs
rf'f\ joined thf lot -il academy forged into an expert fighting force, their old and new construction wait for the first crop of
• The NPC agent- pn' skills <md ways ol life were forgotten, replaced students, and these sites often change dramati-
scnifid in this .inn Ic don't with a deadly torus on fighting dark elves in cally over the course of a few years.
have to be connected in any their pitch-black homes. When a suitable site is located, slaves and
•,«y You can simply use the. The Ashen Compact agents equipped their duergar work to clean it out, while mind flayer
monsters as interesting NFC=. Forces, took them deep into the earth, and set "missionaries" move ihrough the landscape
01 • nemifs ilv.i' rhp player ihem loose on the guard towers and keeps of spreading word among the locals. Mind flayers
characters r,n< ounter the house lldorno drow. Within hours the drow are nothing if not cunning, and they use their
• Use ihr pr^iige classes defenses were shattered, and they retreated lo guile lo every advantage as They seed the locals
presented in this article lo deeper tunnels. Over the following weeks, the with rumors, omens, and portentous "dreams"
make other inlete-tinp, NK • dark elves sent waves of elite troops at the to support their crusade.
li dtuw dor't play a signifi- invaders, but to no avail. Before a month Once the space is ready, the local authorities
cant role in your r,ampai.f\ passed, house lldorno was nolhing but a mem are summoned To the academy for its opening.
;imply t*f;;ik the dass^ i<> ory, and with it went all hopes of drow con- Here the Compact agents exert all their influ-
belter tit you"" world I > quest in I he region. ence, including psionic and magic domination, to
exampk1. you can swfaji tK - The creators ol the Ashen Compact met just get community leaders on their side. If they are
drow <5if>;n l;mguaj;« ability ot once more, in the weeks following this decisive even moderately successful, word spreads
>bf deep .ivsnger and victory. Ihr representatives met in comforl this quickly, and soon the academy is deluged with
gfoombladc prestige i I is-.< .i time, hut the mood was no lighter. Each envoy applicants. All are accepted, but only a select
wiih some ffthf.r lanaj.i".?, committed his nation's people and resources to few are trained for combat. Most serve The cru-
more academies and fixed their targets for the sade as menial laborers and craftsmen, or as
next assaults, finally, they agreed that the food for the ravenous "instructors."
Compact would never meet again; the risk of
discovery by drow forces was too great. Every Training
academy would operate as an independent cell InsTruction has changed little since the days of
on the surface world and seek the destruction the first academy. Duergar still instruct The war-
of the dark elf nation riors in blind fighting and the ways of dark
elves; derro savants pass on secrets of ambush
THE ASHEN COMPACT to iheir Thralls and teach them how to read the
IN A D&D GAME stone and walk among spiders with no danger;
and the aboleth and mind flayers perform their
The Academies: Founding and Operations blasphemous surgery on spellcaster applicants,
Academies are completely independent from Several advancements in spell research and
:iny (nnttal body, thus the DM may place an alchemy have been made since the first cru
academy almost anywhere in his campaign sade, and these new alchemical items, spells, and
world. A typical academy is located no more magic weapons are now a part of the curricu-
lhan 30 miles from the nearest major cave lum in every academy.
entrance. The agents' pattern is to occupy an
existing structure, usually an abandoned one The Crusade
ihiit has been ravaged by time. The credo and purpose of these academies is
"holy war." Toward this end, each academy has derro savant attempts to skulk around the
a drow city or outpost as its target and a quota rear, casting spells and making sneak attacks There are many elements of
of soldiers to fill if they hope to succeed in their when possible. this article that can be useful
goal. The entire process, from founding an to player characters.
academy to embarking on a crusade, takes at Ashen Compact NPCs • Consider using this arti-
least one year, sometimes two. Listed below are the complete statistics for a cle to provide a background
When the time is right, the crusaders are typical group of Compact agents sent out to for your character. Perhaps
gathered and armed with magic and alchemical found a new academy. Each group usually she was recruited into a
items. They are treated to a stirring send-off includes two duergar toughs, two derro Compact academy and
and led into the nearest dark cavern toward savants, one mind flayer, and one aboieth, escaped within an inch of
their enemy. Only a few Compact agents although additional agents might be added to her iife when she realized
accompany these forces; usually a few duer- the group if the area of a new potential acad- she was a pawn for other
gar scouts and an invisible mind flayer lead emy is densely populated. evil creatures. Maybe a
the crusaders to ensure they remain true fo Duergar Tough, Male Duergar ftrj: CR 3; family member, such as a
Their cause. Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d>o+6; hp 21; Init brother, was recruited into
When the crusaders reach their target, the +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18 (touch 14, flat-footed 16); the academy and never
Compact agents hang back and observe the Ark +7 mefee dd8/id6, masterwork dwarven heard from again. Mow she's
battle, eventually falling back to report to the urgrosh); SA Speil-fike abilities; SQ Duergar determined ro learn what
academy. If the academy students are victori- traits; AL LE; SV Tort +5, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 16, happened to her sibling.
ous, they return as heroes and begin training Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 4. • Ask your DM if you can
for their next mission. If they break and flee, Ski/Is: Climb +9, Jump +g. Listen +5, Move use one ot The prestige
they are taken captive at the surface and Silently +6, Spot +5; Feats: Alertness, Blind- classes presented in this arti-
eaten during the long months while new stu- Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency {dwarven cle. If drow aren't prevalent
dents are recruited. urgrosh), Power Attack. in her campaign, she might
Possessions: Masterwork dwarven urgrosh, +1 consider changing the drow-
Caravans masterwork breastplate, 2 potions of alter self. specific abilities to something
Ashen Compact agents travel across country Derro Savant. Rog2/Sor5: CR 7; Medium- more useful, for instance,
for only two reasons: They have been sent size humanoid; HD 2d6+5d4; hp 22: Init +1; Spd your dwarf PC might be a
out to found a new academy or they have 20 ft.; AC n; Ark +2 melee dd6-i, short sword), gloomblade- a soldier trained
been uncovered by local authorities and are +6 ranged dd8-n, -H repeating crossbow}; SQ to fight his clans hated
fleeing to a new safe haven. In either case, Derro traits; AL CE; SV Fori -H, Ref +5. Will +3; enemy, the duergar.
their disguise is paramount. Str 8, Dex 12, Con n, Ini 16, Wis 8, Cha 14. • This article presents a
On casual inspection, a Compact caravan Skills: Appraise +8. Balance +6, Bluff +7, number of new game ele-
appears to be a traveling crew of deep dwarf Climb +4, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +7, ments. If you are interested in
smiths. The duergar fighters who drive the Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +6, Hide +6, the magical or alchemical
teams are magically disguised and often carry Intuit Direction +4, Knowledge (arcana) +ti, items presented here, ask
dwarf-crafted items as cover. Lurking inside Listen +4, Spelicraft -HI, Use Rope +6; Feats: your DM if she'll allow them
the canvas-shielded wagons is a single derro Blind-Fighr. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeat- in her campaign. Perhaps you
savant with crossbow at the ready, a pair of ing crossbow). Point Blank Shot. Silent Spell. and your fellow adventurers
mind flayer missionaries who telepathically Spells Known (Sor 6/7/5; base DC - 12 + will stumble across some of
scan all visitors as a matter of course, and spell level): o-dancing lights, detect magic, these treasures alter explor-
a single aboleth hierophant floating in its detect poison, flare, prestidigitation, read magic; ing the ruins of what seems
hidden tank, generating illusions as the situa- vtf—mage armor, magic missile, spider climb, to have been an old academy
tion demands. ventriloquism: 2nd-cat's grace, whispering wind. ot some sort . .
Caravan Encounters: If encountered on the Possessions: +i repeating crossbow, short
road, the duergar do their best to come sword, 2 flasks each of acid and alchemist's fire,
across as gruff and ordinary deep dwarves 2 potions of cure serious wounds, z potions of
traveling from their home to sell wares. They misdirection. 2 potions of detect thoughts, wand
have dwarven goods to sell, but these are of charm person (35 charges).
just spoils of ancient war, and they can be Mind Flayer Missionary. Cln: CR 9; Medium-
identified as such by bardic lore and the leg- size aberration; HD SdS^S: id8+i; hp 48; init +6;
end lore spell. Even if provoked, the caravan Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (touch 14. flat-footed 17); Atk
rakes pains to avoid revealing its true nature. +8 melee iid4+t, 4 tentacles); SA Mind blast,
Only when attacked does the full capacity of improved grab, extract, psionics; SQ SR 25.
a Compact caravan become known. Typically, telepathy; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +11;
the aboleth hierophant creates scores of illu- Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19. Wis 17. Cha 17.
sionary attackers, while the mind flayers Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +12, Hide *8,
emerge from hiding and mind blast their Intimidate -no. Knowledge (arcana) +9,
attackers. Any who are stunned by the mind Knowledge (religion) 1-9, Listen +8, Move
flayers' opening attack are then subjected to Silently +7, Spelicraft t-8. Spot +10; Feats:
their horrific extract ability. The caravan's Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge. Expertise,
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Clerics and druids add a potent mix of ias a spell-like ability, chosen at the time
(tentacle). divine magic to the class, and they cof casting. These abilities are as the
Spells Prepared(3/3, base DC = 13 + often fight in rhe crusades as battlefield sspells casi by a loth-level sorcerer
spell level) o-detect magic, purify food healers and diviners. Wizards and sor- ((save DC 10 + Charisma modifier +
and water, read magic; ist-cjuse fear*, cerers do not usually have the martial sspell level). At 6th and gth level, the
deathwatch, doom. training to meet the class requirements, cdeep avenger gains one additional use
*Domain Spell. Domains: Death (death but multiclass fighters/wizards are far cof this ability per day.
touch i/day), Destruction (smite i/day). from rare and often serve as officers Rage (Ex): At 5th level, a deep
Possessions: Ring of protection +2, in the crusades, iavenger can Fly into a rage, gaining phe-
bracers of armor +2. rnomenal strength and durability but
Aboleth Hierophant, Illz: CR 10; Huge Class Features t
becoming reckless and less able to
aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+4o; All of the following are class features of cdefend himself. He temporarily gains a
ad4+io; hp gr, Init +1; Spd 10 Ft., swim 60 the deep avenger prestige class. H+4 bonus to Strength and Constitution,
ft.; AC 16 (touch g, Flat-footed 15); Atk Weapon and Armor Proficiency: i
and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves,
+13 melee dd6+g and transformation, 4 Deep avengers are proficient with all t suffers a -2 penalty to AC. The rage
tentacles); SA Transformation, psionics, simple and martial weapons, all armor, I,lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3
enslave; SQ Mucus cloud; AL LE; SV and shields. H+ the character's (newly improved)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +14; Sir 26, Dex 12, Brutal Strike (Ex): Deep avengers (Constitution modifier.
Con 20, Im 15, Wis 17, Cha 17. receive instruction on drow physiology, The deep avenger can enter a rage
Skills: Alchemy +6, Concentration +19,'' learning the race's vital points, major conce per day at 5th level and twice per
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Listen +12, arteries, and pain centers, thus allowing
Spellcraft +8, Spot +12; Feats: Alertness, them to fight the drow with ruthless effi-
Combat Casting, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll. ciency. On his turn, a deep avenger may DEEP AVENGER Requirements
Spells Prepared (4/3; base DC = 12 + add +i to either one attack roll or one To qualify to become a deep avenger,
spell level): o-detect magic (xz), pres- damage roll, but not both. He must a character must fulfils aii of the fol-
tidigitation (xa); tst—mage armor, declare where the bonus applies at the lowing criteria.
obscuring mist, Nystul's undstectable start of his action. For every three lev- Base Attack Bonus: 1-7,
aura. els gained, this bonus increases by +1. Feats: Blind-fight, Power Attack.
Speltbook: o—all; K\-change self, Drow Sign Language (Ex): Before they Special: Must speak
mage armor, magic, missile, Nystul's go on crusade, deep avengers learn the Undercornmon.
undetectable aura", obscuring mist, silent language of their prey. Using these Special: A deep avenger must have
true strike, hand signals, a team of Compact cru- lost a lo*/ed one lo drow in ths last s
*Specialization spell. School: Illusion. saders can communicate silenily at dis-
Possessions: Crystal ball. tances of up to 120 feet as long as they
can see each other. Note that a deep DEEP AVENGER Class Skills
NEW PRESTIGE CLASSES avenger learns this language without The deep avenger's class skills (and
The deep avenger, gloomblade, and gray spending skill points. the key ability ibr each skill! are:
sage are new prestige classes available Darkvision (Ex): After long months of Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
to characters who train in an Ashen training in total darkness, the eyes of Dex: -
Compact academy. deep avengers are subjected to arcane Con: -
alchemical treatments that grant them Int: Craft (any).
DEEP AVENGER darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 7th Wis: Intuit Direction.
The deep avenger is a ruthless hunter level, a deep avenger's darkvision Cha: Handle Animal, Ride.
in the subterranean world, an agent of improves to 120 feet.
vengeance from the dawn of elven See the Light (Sp): At 3rd level, the Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Inr
history. Deep avengers form the body deep avenger gains the ability to cast modifier
of a Compact crusade and are versa- either daylight or sunbeam once per day
tile enough to occupy almost any bat-
The Compact usually reserves this Class Base Fort, Ref. Will
martial training for elves, harnessing the Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
ancient hatred they hold for their dark Bruial strike -H, drow sign tang
kin, however, members of other races Uarkvixion 60 Ft.
may be allowed to train as martial sol- See the light i/day
diers if they've recently lost a loved one Brulnl strike +a
to the drow. A deep avenger is a terrible Rage i/day
opponent, able to find and destroy his See •'.'• .
chosen enemy with fierce precision. Rruia! SJ! Darkvision 120
Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and
rangers make strong deep avengers who See the light •. •
are easier to Fight on the front lines. +7 Rage 2/day. brutal strife 14
GLOOMBLADE Requirements . Class Base Tort. Ref. Will
To qualify to become a gloomblade, a Level Attack Save Save Save Special ~
character must fulfil! all of the follow - ist +o +o +<;• to Sneak atidtk nd6, drow sign
2nd +1 +o +3 <o Tremorsense jo jfef f
Move Silently: 10 ranks. jrd +2 +1 +3 +j Stonescreen a/day
Hide: to ranks. 4th +3 +1 +4 +r ik attack +zd6
Feats: Alertness. BlindTighi. 5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Immunities
Special: Mu^i speak 6th +4 1 2 + 5 +z Sftjnescrew 3/ctey
/th +5 f.> ^5 +2 Sneak attack -16
8th +6 +6 +2 Tremorsense CH tij,°t
GLOOMBLADE Class Skills Qth .6 +j +6 +3 Ranged disarm, dicacxcreen 4
loth +7 i- 3 +7 +-3 Sneak attack +4flf?
key ability for each skill) .ir-c:
Str: Climb, Jump. Swim.
DRX: Balance. Lscape Artist, Hide, drow on their own lerms. senses the location of any creature
Move Silently. Op<;n Lock, Pick Rogues make the best gloomhlades, within 30 feet that is in contact with the
Pocket. Tumhie, Use Ropp1- but rangers, monks, and bards can cer- ground. This distance increases to 60
Con; - tainly become successful gloomblades as feet at 8th level.
Int: Appraise, Craft (any), Dis;ib!e Stonescreen iSp): Ai _;rd level, the
Device, Forgery, Se.iirrh. more from the deep avenger prestige gloomblade gains the ability to take the
Wis: Innuendo, (niuit Direction, class and rarely possess the skills or form of a large rock formation, such as
Listen, Sense Moiive. Spot. a boulder or a stalagmite, as per the
Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, Dis^uist\ gloombiades. Spelicas stonesciven spell (see the Stonescreen
Gafher Information, Intimuli!; gain from this class. Spell Description sidebar in this article),
Magic Device, except that the duration is one hour per
Class Features gloomblade level. The gloomblade may
Skill Points ar Each Level: N . Ini All of (he lollowing are class features of use. this ability twice per day at 3rd level
modifier. the gloomblade prestige cl;iss. and gains one additional use of this abil-
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: ity per day at 6th and 91!) level.
Gloomblades are proficient with all Immunities (Ex): Uloomblades
day at mth level. If he already has the simple and martial weapons, and undergo even more rigorous and
rage ability from another class, the light armor. p;tintul exposure to poisons than deep
bonuses do not stack, but ho gains Sneak Attack: A isl-levd gloomblade avengers. As a result, gloomblades
additional uses of this ability ar 5th gains Ihe sneak attack ability (see the gain immunity to all poisons.
and loth level. Rogue section in Chapter 3 of the Ranged Disarm: Gloomblades are
Resist Poison (Ex): Deep avengers are Player'x Handbook} if she does not trained to disarm their opponents js
exposed to poisons in controlled doses, already have it. She gains 4 tdfi damage quickly as possible. At cjih level, a
thereby building up a stronger resist- at ist level, and an additional fd6 every gloomblade can use ranged attacks to
ance to them. At 8th level, a deep three levels thereafter. If she already disarm opponents within 30 feet. Doing
avenger gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude has the sneak attack ability from a pre- so doesn't provoke an attack of opportu-
saving throws against poison. vious class, the damage bonuses stack. nity from the defender unless a norm.jl
Drow Sign Language (Ex): Before ranged attack would (if the gloomblnde
GLOOMBLADE they go on crusade, gloomblades learn and ihe target are adjacent, for
Gloomblades serve in the Compact cru- the silent language of their prey. Using instance). Regardless of !he ranged
sades as scouts and infiltrators. Elite these hand signals, a team of Compact weapon the gloomblade is using, it
gloomblades range far ahead of the main crusaders can communicate silently at counts as a one-handed, Medium-size
force, eliminating drow guard posts, distances of up to 120 feet as long as
trapping the dark elves' tunnels and cav- they can see each other. Note that a
erns, and creating as much confusion as gloomblade learns this language without IMPROVED COUNTERSPELL
possible. Junior members form the spending skill points. [General]
ranged combat contingent of the main Tremorsense (Ex): During I heir train-
crusading force. ing, gloomblades learn lo pay attention
Gloomblades come from every race to subtle vibrations and changes in air >ur' opponents
and background, but most are elves, temperature. As a result, they are as
dwarves, and halflings, and all have aware of their immediate environment as Benefit: When counh-i -.
received some sort of training in recon- a spider in its web. Three times per day,
naissance. They share an overriding the gloomblade may take a full round
passion for the destruction of dark action to detect these tiny clues, gaining
elves, and in the Ashen Compact's acad- the benefits of the tremorsen.se special
emies, they are trained lo defeat the quality for t round. She automatically
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will To qualify to become a gray sa#:,
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells/Day character must fulfill ail of the folk
jst +o -i-n +o +i Improved CewinterspeH, ing criteria.
handreadin" +1 level of existin Feats: Blind-Fight, Silfiil Spell, J
Blindsi,--,: .; +i level of existing class pfinefation.
Improved silant speil a/day +i level of existing class Speiis: Ablp. lo r.asl any dih-lev/i
lni[jr(-jvi-d spell penetration +4 +! level of existing class
Greater Counterspell +1 level of existing class Special: Musi speak Undercotrmx
Improved silent spell 4/day +1 level of existing da^s
Blindstghl 60 feet +1 level of exist" GRAY SAGE Class Skills
Increased spell penetration-+6+1 iev^l of existing •. : The gray sage's class skills :'.:ind ih^
Improved silent spel! 6/day -n level of existing class ' • :-.' .-ciillty lot each skil!) are:
nkainen'sdisjunction +i level of existing class Str: -

Con: ConcentratK*.
v/eapon for the opposed disarm check. class. He does not, however, gain any int: Alchemy, Craft (any),
TTiR gloomblade cannot lose her own other benefit a character of that class Knowledge 'all skiSIs, taknn individual!
weapon during such an attempt. would have gained (improved chance of Scry ''exclusive skill), SpcSlcraft.
controlling or rebuking undead, mefam- Wis: fntuii Dirw.nori, Profession.
GRAY SAGE agic or item creation feats, and so onj,
A gray sage is a silent, watchful figure except for an increased effective level
of terrible devotion. These spelicasters of spellcasfing. If a character had more ikill Points at E.3ch Level:
give up their lives in the sunlit world than one spellcasting class before
and eventually sacrifice their sight becoming a gray sage., he must decide to
to the cause of war against the which class he adds the new level for
dark elves. purposes of determining spells per day. excise and cauterize portions of his
Gray sages are trained in total dark- Improved Counterspell: Gray sages brain. This horrific procedure leaves the
ness and drilled night and day in the spend much of their first year training character completely blind, but with a
tactics and methods of fheir enemy. lo counter spftlls commonly cast hy new ability to sense the world through
On a crusade, every gray sage is the dark elves. They gain the Improved magic vibrations. He suffers the effects
assigned to a squad of troopers as Counterspell feat (FORGOTTEN of blindness, but gains blindsight with a
magical support. Their role is to pro- Campaign Setting) as a bonus feat. In range of 30 feet. This increases to 60
tect iheir squad against summoned addition, if the target spell is dancing feet at ^th level. The surgery has no
demons and vermin, keep them free of lights, darkness, or faerie fire, the other effects, and the character's memo-
the normal spells cast by the drow, gray sage gains a +2 bonus to his ries of the event are mercifully wiped
and to maintain a cloak of illusion or Spellcraft check. clean before he wakes.
invisibility around them. !n more dire Handreading (Ex): As part of their The gray sage can be cured of his
situations, gray sages unleash powerful immersion training, gray sages spend blindness with cure blindness, heal, or
offensive magic on the front lines. months in total darkness while they horn; other powerful curative magic.
Gray sages are usually humans or their craft. One side effecl of this is the However, such healing causes the gray
elves, and the majority begin their preternatural ability to read script with sage to lose any blindsight granted by
careers as wi/ards and sorcerers. the tips of fheir fingers. This allows wiz- this class and prevents further advance-
Clerics and druids also make good ards to study their spellbooks without a ment as a gray sage.
gray sages, A small number of bards light source, and allows all casters to use Greater Counterspell (Ex): At 5th
are allowed to train as gray sages, but scrolls in the darkness of the drow king- level, a gray sage's counferspell ability
these jacks-of-all-trades typically fare doms. This doe.s not imparl any ability To improves so that when counter-
better as gloomblades. read additional languages or to decipher spelling, he may use any spell of the
previously unreadable script. Glyphs of same school thai is of equal level to
Class Features warding and other similar spells activate the target spell. In addition, if the tar-
All of the following are class features of normally when read "by hand." get spell is dancing lights, darkness, or
the gray sage prestige class. Blindsight (Ex): When a gray sage is faerie fire, the gray sage gains an
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gray judged worthy, he is brought before the additional +/i bonus to his Spellcraft
sages gain no new proficiency in any high council of aboleths and mind flayers check. If the target spell is a
weapon or armor. who dwell in the depths of the academy. Conjuration (Summoning) spell, the
Spells Per Day: When a new gray These creatures are well disguised as gray sage gains a +z bonus to his
sagf-: level is gained, the character gains humanoid magicians, arid thus, the gray Spellcraft check.
new spells per day as if he had also sage has no reason to suspect that any Improved Spell Penetration (Ex): Gray
gained a level in a spellcasting class he thing is amiss. The gray sage is placed sages receive intense training on how to
belonged lo before adding the preslige into a trance, and then the mind Mayers overcome the dark elves' potent spell
resistance. As a result, they gain .1 14 who suffer penalties in bright light suf-
bonus on caster level checks dd^o + fer them for i round after being STONESCREEN
caster level) to beat a creature's spell exposed to the bursi of light. In an area Trjnsmutation
resistance. This bonus does not stack affected by the darkness spell, a flashball Level: Drd 2, Rgr 3
with the bonus from the Spell Penetration does not work, Components: V, S, [
or Greater Spell Penetration (FORGOTTEN Casting Time: i jictii.
RIXIMS Campaign Setting) feats. At 8th Alchemical Item Cost Craft DC Range: Personal
level, this bonus increases to +6. Deepsmoke Stick 40 gp 20 Target: You
Improved Silent Spell (Su): Beginning Flashball 40 gp 25 Duration: i hour lev
at 3rd level, ihe gray sage can cast a Rockburn Oil 50 gp 30
spell silently with no verbal components. By HUMUS ol this spell, vou flre ",
This ability is similar to the Silent Spell Rockburn Oil: This viscid green oil is to assume the form ot ;\ lall stalavtit^.
feat, except that it does not use a spell derived from the corrosive slime stony era;;, or i.in.je houldnr. Tin-
slo! one level higher than the spell's secreted by delvers. Rockburn oil can be closes! inspection cannni reveal thai
actual level. For example, the gray saje used as a p/enadelike weapon (see page (he slontf formation in qucsiion !•.
could cast a silent fireball as a 3rd-level 138 in the niyer's Handbook), dealing actually a magii'.il!y concealed i n'.i
spell instead of j ^th-level spell. He can id4 points of d;nn;u;e to organic crea- lure In all normal lesls VOLI ,ir(\ in
use this ability twice per day at 3rd tures or objects. Against metallic crca KK f, .1 Monn formation, ,ilihiiu;:)i o
level, 4 times pt:r iliy at 6th level, and 6 tures or objects, rockburn oil deals ^4 i l f t t ' i ' t magic spelt vevtMls .1 taint
times per drv at gth level. points of damage, and against stony 'iMiistnulation on ihe stono. While in
Mordenk.iinen's D/s/nncrion (Sp): creatures Uncludin^; earth eiementjlsl or stone form, vou \.--.v\ ol^orve ail that
Highly skilled and successful gray sages objects it deals 4^4 poinis of dairu\*',e. tr.msptres .iroumi \-ou jus? as if you
catch the attention of their aboleth and were in your normal form, a
mind fbvc-r instructors. These few stu- Magic Weapon Special Abilities lin poii'is. s.ives, and class abilities
dents are taken aside for special training, Subterranean: Subterranean weapons remain liis.ilfecfed. You gain a +10
where thev learn to harness the powe? v'lve their bearers an edge in under mihiCiil ni'inor bonus to AC but have
of their nunds to disjoin magical effects Around combat. grantinf> them a »/ an elTivrive Dexterity score of 1. You
and ma;.;ic items. Once per day, a lutlv enhancement bonus to attack and dam art- immune to critical hits while
level gray sage can cast mordenLiincn'* .IPC rolls when at least jo feet below the inside the stonescreen. All clothing
disjuni lion as, j ?oth-level wizard. surface. In addition, the wielder trains anil i\i\\f carried or worn changes
das'kvision with j lan^.e of (io tret as with you.
Equipping the Troops lonj; as the weapon is in hand. When You can dismiss stonescreen as a
Those dedicated to the Compact cru- held, the wielder of a subterranean iViv .i< lion unsread of as a standard
sades fuve developed a number of use- weapon suffers from liohl blindness
ful spells and alchemical and ma^ic items (blinded lor i round by bright light, -1 to
to assist ihem in their quest to rid the attacks, saves, and checks when in direct
world of drow. Most are given to the sunlight or the radius of a iLiy!it;tt! spell)
troops as standard equipment, but ihey for i round. When a subterranean FEATS FOR DROW FIGHTERS
are closely guarded, and it is rare for weapon is used aboveground or up to ji) Drow Slayer1 [General]
the items to In- seen on the open nuiket. feet below the surface, it acts as a nor Your enmity for flic drow has ied you
mal weapon, anil its magical properties lo iiMvn Their tactics and fighting
Alchemical Items have no affix!. Subterranean weapons styles, giving you an advantage when
Deepsmoke Stick: I his alehemicalty never shed light; casting a tfflt spell on a fighting them.
treated wooden stick is similar to j subterranean weapon has no effect. Prerequisites: Damage bonus
smokestick. except ih.it it lua also Caster Level: ^th; Prerequisites: Craft .tgainsl drow.
been soaked in a foul smelling resin Ma^ic Arms and Armor, d.irkvtiion: Beiii-ti!: Votl .-'.am a *,' insi-;til
that produces an oily smoke in a 10- Market Price: i j bonus. bonus on a!! savt:;, jfjdiiist spells and
foot cube when ignited. Ihe smoke is Sunlight: Sunlight weapons are forced spell-iike abilities cast bv drow.
made up of tarry flecks and reflective to combat creatures of the deep dark.
crystals, and the resulting mi-.isma is Upon command, these weapons shed Spt'iunker [Ge.ncrjl]
so thick that it blocks scent and even light as a Jjvlt^ht spell within a 60 foot You spend iorw ;imoun!s ot time
blmdsight. The cloud has no clfcct on radius for up to one hour per day. exploriiv' and studying caves.
creatures with tremorsense. The slick Creatures who suffer penalties in bright Prerequisitas: Alertness, Wis i ^ t .
is consumed alter i round, and the light suffer them while exposed to the Benefit; You gain a <.:. doiius on all
smoke dissipates naturally. liolii shad by j sunlight weapon, in addi- Search, Spot, and Ciimi1 cluu-ks niado
Flashball: You cjn throw this fist-sized tion, these creatures suffer an additional in [ijtural cavorna and tunnd>. Note
sphere os a «renadftike weapon {see id6 points of damage when struck by an rhat these boinisrs do net apply m
pjye. 138 in The f'byer'.-i Handbook}. activated sunlight weapon. worked stone or masonry Mrui turt-s.
When a tbshball strikes a hard surface, Caster Level: gth; Prerequisites: Craft The bonuses l'i urn this feat stack with
it explodes in a flash of brilliant white Magic Amis and Armor, daylight, sun- those iVom the AlwfiH.
burst; Market Price: +1 bonus, "
hile some monks focus when their base attack bonus is +3, a

W inward in a contemplative
life of seeking enlightenment,
members of the order of the fist
third when it is +6, and so on (see the
monk class description in the Player's
Handbook for more details). Further,
focus outward. The central premise at 4th and 8th level, the type of die
of the order's philosophy is "see used for damage increases by one
what you want and take it." While that step. Thus, a character who makes
might seem selfish and greedy at first unarmed strikes and inflicts id6 dam-
glance, that's because members of age begins to inflict id8 damage upon
the order-who are reaching 4th level.
called acolytes of Fast Movement (Ex): Acolytes of the
the fist—do not fist are faster than normal. At 3rd
focus on the level, as long as he wears no armor
"take," but on the and carries only a light load, the speed
"want." Members of of an acolyte of the fist increases by 10
the order believe that feet. His speed increases by another to
to want something that feet at 6th level, and again at gth level.
you cannot or should not This bonus to speed is inherent and is
have is insane, and to want not affected by character size.
something that could bring FisT of Speed (Ex): Once per day
harm (in having it or taking for each level of order of the fist he
it) to yourself or others is has achieved, an acolyte of the fist is
foolish. Thus, the order able to take an extra partial action on
preaches the importance of goal his turn. He may take this partial
setting—but in doing so carefully. action either before or after his reg-
When an acolyte of the fist sets a ular action.
goal, he does not allow himself to Leap of the Clouds (Ex): At 2nd
be deterred from achieving it. level, an acolyte of the fist's jumping
The order of the fist draws upon distance (vertical or horizontal) is not
this single-minded resolve for its limited according to his height. If he
power. Members are able to chan- already has the leap of the clouds
nel their commitment and ability from another class, he gains a
determination into their +5 competence bonus to Jump
fists, granting them checks instead.
extraordinary and even Fists of Iron (Su): At and-level, an
supernatural powers. acolyte of the fist gains the Fists of
Most acolytes of the fist are Iron feat (Sword and Fist) for free,
monks-usually those without leanings regardless of whether or not he meets
toward evil or good. Occasionally, a all of the prerequisites. (See the Fists of
rogue or fighter joins their ranks. Iron sidebar for this feat's description.)
Any who can pass the required entry Ki Strike (Su): At 3rd level, an
tests (and therefore achieve that acolyte of the fist's unarmed attack is
goal) empowered with ki. The unarmed strike
are welcome. damage from such an attack can deal
Acolytes of the fist rarely work
together. They often practice and train
in common monasteries, and they even FISTS OF IRON [GENERAL]
live together in those spartanly You have learned the secrets ot
appointed facilities, but their goals are imbuing your unarmed attacks with
individual and rarely coincide. extra force.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2,
Class Features Improved Unarmed Strike.
All of the following are class features Benefit: Declare that you are using
of the acolyte of the fist prestige class. this feat before you make your attack
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the
Acolytes of the fist are proficient with attempt). You deal an extra id4 points
all simple weapons. Theydo not gain of damage when you make a successful
proficiency with armor or shields. unarmed attack. You may use this feat
Unarmed Damage: Acolytes of the a number of times per day equal to 3 +
fist are able to make unarmed attacks your Wisdom modifier.
as a monk, gaining a second attack
damage to a creature with damage Improved Critical (Ex): At 7th level, from the chosen type of energy on a
reduction, such as a wight, as if the blow an acolyte of the fist gains the successful hit. The acolyte of the fist is
were made with a weapon with a +1 Improved Critical (unarmed strike) feat immune to his own fist of energy.O
enhancement bonus. Ki strike improves for free, regardless of whether or not
as the acolyte of the fist gains experi- he meets all of the prerequisites.
ence, allowing his unarmed strike at 6th Fist of Fury (Su): Beginning at 7th-
level to deal damage against creatures level, an acolyte of the fist can injure ACOLYTE OF THE FIST
with damage reduction as if the blow creatures normally immune to blunt Requirements
were made with a weapon with a +2 weapons. At the start of each turn, he To qualify to become an acolyte of the
enhancement bonus, and at 8th level to must choose whether his unarmed fist, a character must fulfill all the fol-
deal damage against creatures with dam- strikes v/ill deal piercing, slashing, or lowing criteria.
age reduction as if the blow were made bludgeoning damage. Alignment: Any lawful.
with a weapon with a +3 enhancement Fist of Power (Su): Three times per Tumble Ranks: 8.
bonus. If the character already has ki day, a gth-level acolyte of the fist can Jump Ranks: 8.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike,
strike from a different class ability, the summon supernatural energy to add to
Iron Will, Stunning Fist.
two bonuses stack. one of his unarmed attacks. He can
Special: Once a character begins tak
Fist of Destruction (Ex): At 4th level, choose from one of the following three ing levels as an acolyte of the fist, he
an acolyte of the fist gains the ability to effects (declared before he makes his cannot go back to another class
destroy non-living objects with ease. attack roll): until he has gained all ten levels of
When attacking an object, he subtracts • Unconsciousness. The foe must the class. Once he does this, how
his acolyte of the first class levels from make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the ever, he can go back to his original
the hardness of the object. Thus, if a acolyte of the fist's Wisdom modifier class-even if that class was monk.
4th-level acolyte of the fist strikes an + class level) or fall unconscious for
iron door (hardness 10), he treats that idio rounds. ACOLYTE OF THE FIST
door as if it had hardness 6. • Forceblast. The foe suffers an addi- Class Skills
The acolyte of the fist's class skills
Fist of Mercy (Su): By focusing his tional 2d6 points of force damage.
(and the key ability for each skill)
ki, a 5th-level acolyte of the fist can • Confusion. The foe must make a are as follows:
heal rather than harm with his strikes. Will save (DC 10 + the acolyte of the Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
Once per day for every two acolyte of fist's Charisma modifier + class level) Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Hide.
the fist class levels he has, he can or become confused (as per the spell) Move Silently, Tumble.
strike a foe (or himself) and heal the for idio rounds. Con: Concentration.
amount of damage he would normally Fist of Energy (Su): Upon command, Int: Craft.
inflict, using his Wisdom modifier a loth-level acolyte of the fist can Wis: Profession, Listen.
instead of his Strength modifier to enshroud his fists with an energy type Cha: Intimidate.
determine the amount of damage of his choosing (acid, cold, fire, elec-
Skill Points at Each Additional
healed. Fists of Iron and magical tricity, or sonic). He must choose the
Level: 4 < Int modifier.
enhancements that normally add to energy type before his attack roll. His
damage cannot be used to modify blows then deal +id6 bonus damage HIT DIE
this amount.
Evasion/Improved Evasion (Ex): A
6th-level acolyte of the fist can avoid ACOLYTE OF THE FIST ADVANCEMENT
even magical and unusual attacks with
Attack Fort. Ref. Will Unarmed Unarmored
great agility. If he makes a successful Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Damage Speed
Reflex saving throw against an attack
that normally deals half damage on a i 0 +2 +2 +2 Fist of speed

successful save (such as a red dragon's 2 +i +3 +3 +3 Leap of the clouds,

fiery breath or a fireball), he instead Fist of Iron
takes no damage. Evasion can only be 3 +2 +3 +3 +3 A/ strike (+1) + 10 ft.

used if the acolyte of the fist is wearing + + Fist of destruction +1 die type
4 3 +4 +4 4
light armor or no armor.
5 +3 +4 +4 +4 Fist of mercy
If the character already has the eva-
sion ability from another class feature, 6 M +5 +5 +5 Ki strike (+2), + 10 ft.

he gains improved evasion. He still evasion/improved

takes no damage on a successful Reflex
saving throw against attacks such as a 7 +5 +5 +
5 +5 Fist of fury,
Improved Critical
dragon's breath weapon or a fireball.
(unarmed strike)
but henceforth he only takes half dam-
8 +6 +6 +6 +6 Ki strike ( + 3 ) +1 die type
age on a failed save. If the acolyte of
the fist already has improved evasion 9 +6 +6 +6 +6 Fist of power +tn ft.
from another class feature, he gains no 10 V -7 +7 V Fist of energy
benefit from this ability.
by Keith Strohm with DRAGON Staff • illustrated by Chris Appel

The secrets of dragons are

deeper than any ocean; their
cunning, as dark as night.
—Kharfhon Es,
Dragonscribe of Cthar

Four Foolhardy Prestige Classes

28 June 2i«O
ragon. me very name conjures
images of white-hot flaming their great power in service to their
breath, shimmering scales, and ambition or desire to dominate. Dragonscribe Requirements
wicked claws capable of rending flesh To qualify to become a dragonscribe,
from bone. Some believe that dragons Class Features a character must fulfill all of the fol-
are intricately connected with creation All of the following are class features lowing criteria:
and that the oldest forms of the dra- of the dragonscribe prestige class. Diplomacy: 7 ranks.
conic language contain echoes of that Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Knowledge (arcana): 13 ranks.
primal event, powering the strongest Dragonscribes gain no new proficiency Feats: Spell Penetration, Iron Will.
spells and artifacts. Still others view with weapons or armor. Language: Draconic.
dragons as embodiments of destruction Spells Per Day/Spells Known: Special: The character must have
and evil, for the power of a dragon can Because the dragonscribe continues in observed at least three different kinds
raze a kingdom, and its motives run far the pursuit of magical knowledge and of dragons personally.
deeper than most folk—human or other- perfection, members of this class gain Special: The character must be
wise-can comprehend. Whether or not new spells per day and spells known as able to cast a 2nd-level or higher
one subscribes to either of these ele- if they gained a level in a spellcasting arcane spell from the Abjuration,
mental views of dragons, it is clear that class that they belonged to before Conjuration, and Divination schools.
the wisest mages whisper of their deep adding the prestige class. For example,
affiliation with magic, and even experi- Inkardus, a loth-level wizard/ist-level
enced warriors of stout heart and thew loremaster, gains a new level and
fear to face these creatures in battle. wishes to pursue the dragonscribe Dragonscribe Class Skills
Yet in every age there are individu- prestige class. Because of his previous The dragonscribe's class skills (and the
als who raise sword and spell against prestige class, Inkardus casts a number key ability for each skill) are:
dragons wherever they appear. of spells per day equivalent to an nth- Str:
Whether for good or ill, for noble or level wizard. Adding a level of dragon- Dex: -
selfish reasons, these folk pit mortal scribe allows the mage to cast a Con: Concentration.
courage against draconic strength and number of spells per day as if he was a Int: Alchemy, Decipher Script
cunning. Many of these daring individu- iztb-level wizard. (exclusive skill). Knowledge (all skills,
als die, yet some triumph, ultimately If a character possessed more than taken individually). Scry, Spellcraft.
scarred but able to enjoy the fruits of one spellcasting class before he became Wis: Sense Motive.
their victory. Appearing below are four a dragonscribe, he must decide which Cha: Gather Information. Use Magic
such dragon-killing types-although class will receive the additional spell- Device (exclusive skill).
many more certainly exist. casting level for purposes of determin-
ing spells per day when he adds the Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int
The Dragonscribe new level. modifier.
Occasionally from the ranks of the Dragonlore: At ist level, dragon-
learned and wise comes an individual scribes gain an ability similar to the
who devotes himself totally to the study bardic knowledge ability that pertains penetrate a dragon's innate spell resist-
of draconic lore. Unlike many seekers only to dragons. Unlike the bard's ance. Whenever the dragonscribe casts
of knowledge, dragonscribes do not bardic knowledge ability, dragonlore a spell that affects a creature with the
simply pore over moldering tomes and comes not from random wanderings dragon type, he gains a +2 bonus to
ancient scrolls. Rather, they travel but instead from scraps of long-lost caster level checks to overcome the
across the breadth of the world (and knowledge, hidden tomes, and other dragon's spell resistance (if any), and
across planes, if necessary) to speak, obscure sources. To use the drag- for the dragon, the spell's saving throw
question, contact, and bargain with liv- onlore ability, the dragonscribe makes DC is increased by +2. These bonuses
ing dragons. a special dragonlore check with a stack with the Spell Penetration and
Although a dragonscribe's single- bonus equal to his dragonscribe level Spell Focus feats.
minded focus and devotion to esoteric + Intelligence bonus. When the dragonscribe casts a spell
knowledge might cause others to view Dragonscribes with bard levels may that affects more than one creature,
him as a cold, uncaring individual, a add their bard levels to this check as these bonuses still apply, but they apply
passionate heart beats beneath his dirt- well; however, dragonscribe levels do only to creatures with the dragon type.
ied robes and studious mien. Despite not stack with a bard's normal use of Dragon Tongue (Ex): Supported by
this, a dragonscribe generally eschews the bardic knowledge ability. their tremendous knowledge and magi-
most human contact-although he sel- Some example dragonlore DCs are cal power, dragonscribes are much
dom hesitates to associate with individ- listed in the Dragonlore DCs sidebar. more adept at convincing dragons to
uals or groups that could aid his Overcome Resistance (Ex): Extensive cooperate and interact peacefully with
quest-and has a tendency to hoard meditation and research on the cus- them. At the very least, should a drag-
knowledge like his draconic subjects toms, thoughts, and personalities of onscribe be faced with a draconic foe
hoard treasure. Though generally dragons affords dragonscribes a deep too powerful for him to overcome, he
unconcerned about questions of good insight into their ways. This insight is often able to exchange knowledge of
and evil, some dragonscribes utilize allows a dragonscribe to more easily other dragons in return for the dragon
shield against the threat of dragonkind.
Undaunted by the primal fury of formi-
Dragonscribe Advancement dable breath weapons and razor-edged
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will claws, these stalwart heroes do battle
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day wherever the taint of draconic evil
ist +o +o +o +2 Dragonlore +1 level of existing class
gains a foothold.
and +i +o +o +3 Overcome resistance •n level of existing class Unlike their more traditional noble
3rd +i +1 +1 +3 Dragon tongue +t level of existing class
counterparts, knights of the scale (also
4th V2 +1 +1 +4 Summon dragon +i level of existing class referred to as scale knights) are called
5th +2 +i +1 +4 Draconic binding +i level of existing class from every social rank and caste, caus-
ing some hidebound folk to cast a dis-
dainful glance whenever they make an
appearance. Despite the vagaries of
Summon Monster IV their breeding, these fierce warriors
Celestial bronze dragon (wyrmling) (LG) embody a nobility of spirit and purity
Dragonlore DCs Fiendish blue dragon (wyrmling) (CE) of purpose that shines forth when con-
Example DC fronted by a draconic adversary.
Identifying a dragon's age 10 Summon Monster V Knights of the scale do not throw cau-
and color from a rough Celestial copper dragon (very young) (CG) tion to the wind and foolishly charge
description. Fiendish green dragon (very young) (LE) into battle with a dragon, preferring
Fiendish Wyvern (NE) instead to plan as carefully as possible.
Identifying a dragon's size 15 However, bravery, courage, and
from signs of its passage. Summon Monster VI strength are paramount for these char-
Celestial brass dragon (juvenile) (CG) acters. Scale knights seek to face and
Identifying a dragon's name, 20 Fiendish while dragon (juvenile) (CE) defeat dragons through force of arms,
age, and origin after an faith, and intellect while remaining true
Summon Monster VII to the strict dictates of their honor and
Celestial brass dragon (young adult) (CG) sense of duty. Sneaking in to a black
Identifying a dragon's 25 Fiendish black dragon (young adult) (LE) dragon's cavern and dropping the ceil-
special abilities and spells ing upon its head would be anathema to
known from its description. Summon Monster VIII them, for example.
Celestial bronze dragon (adult) (LG) Paladins, fighters, and clerics make
Determining the location of 30 Fiendish blue dragon (adult) (LE) excellent knights of the scale. Some
a dragon's lair from scraps barbarians also find themselves called
of information. Summon Monster IX to this pursuit, while rogues and arcane
Celestial silver dragon (adult) (LG) spellcasters rarely don the armor and
Fiendish red dragon (adult) (CE) shield of a scale knight.

sparing his life. This ability grants a +5 Draconic Binding (Sp): The apex of a Class Features
competence bonus to Diplomacy checks dragonscribe's power rests in his ability All of the following are class features
when dealing with creatures with the to bind a dragon or other intelligent of the knight of the scale prestige class.
dragon type. draconic creature to his service. Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Summon Dragon (Sp): Dragonscribes Manipulating powerful magical forces Knights of the scale gain proficiency
who are able to cast summon monster focused through words of power spo- with all simple and martial weapons,
spells gain the ability to choose fiendish ken in the primal draconic tongue, the with all types of armor, and
and celestial dragons in addition to the dragonscribe can control the mind of a with shields.
other monsters on the summon lists. draconic creature. This ability functions Blood of Heroes (Su): Bathed in the
Treat the list below as a class-exclusive exactly like a dominate monster spell radiance of their deity's power, knights
addition, to the summon monster table cast by a sorcerer with a level equal to of the scale are immune to a dragon's
in the Player's Handbook. Note that the dragonscribe's spellcasfer level, frightful presence. In addition, all allies
most dragons on the list are slightly except that it only affects creatures within 10 feet of the knight receive a
more powerful than the other monsters with the dragon type. The DC to resist +4 morale bonus to their Will saves
available at a given level; this exempli- the effect is equal to 19 + the dragon- versus this fear-generating effect. If
fies the dragonscribe's close connection scribe's Charisma modifier. The dragon- the knight of the scale also possesses a
to dragons and the innate power of the scribe can use this ability once per day. paladin's aura of courage, her protec-
dragon species. tive emanation improves, extending
Knight of the Scale immunity to the frightful presence abil-
Summon Monster III Bolstered by the divine power of their ity to all allies within 10 feet. Any pro-
Celestial brass dragon (wyrmling) (CG) god and driven by the force of their tected companion who moves beyond
Fiendish white dragon (wyrmling) (CE) sacred duty, knights of the scale travel the range of this protective field must
throughout the world raising sword and immediately make a Will save to resist

3o june2oo2
the effects of the dragon s frightful their god protects them from harm. divine energy to make a devastating
presence. This bonus increases to +4 at /th level. charge attack. When mounted and using
Detect Dragon (Sp): At will, the Shatter Scale (Su): Once per day, a the charge action against a creature
knight of the scale can detect the pres- scale knight can summon the wrath of with the dragon type, a knight of the
ence of dragons as a spell-like ability. her deity and focus it in one melee scale deals double damage with a melee
This ability is identical to the detect evil attack against a creature with the weapon (or triple damage with a lance).
spell except that if detects only crea- dragon type. When doing so, she If the knight already has the Spirited
tures with the dragon type (regardless receives a +4 bonus on her melee Charge feat, the damage from a charge
of alignment), and there is no chance attack roll and a damage bonus equal to attack is tripled against a draconic foe
for the knight to become stunned. her knight of the scale class level. (or quadrupled when using a lance).
Dragonslaying (Su): Energized by the Mount (Su): At sth-level, the knight
might of her deity, a scale knight
receives a +1 morale bonus to her Undaunted by formidable breath weapons and razor-
attack rolls starting at and level when
combating dragons and other draconic edged claws, these stalwart heroes do battle wher-
creatures. On a successful attack roll, ever the taint of draconic evil gains a foothold.
she inflicts an additional id6 points of
holy damage.
At 8th level, the bonus increases to of the scale can call a special winged Heartseekers
+2 and +2d6 holy damage. mount to carry her into the air. The Kin to the mystical arcane archers that
Sacred Shield (Su): Knights of the knight of the scale can choose either a protect and defend elven communities,
scale receive a +2 sacred bonus to all celestial griffon, a celestial pegasus hearfseekers (or the quelaenvyn, as the
saves against a dragon's spells and (advanced to 6 hit dice), a celestial elves name them in their ancient lan-
supernatural abilities, as the hand of giant eagle (advanced to 6 hit dice), guage) defend the hidden enclaves of
or a celestial giant owl (advanced to their people from draconic invasion
6 hit dice). through the skillful blending of physical
Should a knight of the scale's mount prowess and arcane might. Masters of
fall, she can call for another one after a the traditional elven art of archery and
Knight of the Scale
year and a day. devotees of magic, heartseekers special-
A knight of the scale with paladin ize in delivering ranged attacks designed
To qualify to become a knight of the
levels does not gain the mount ability. to pierce the physical and magical
scale, a character must fulfill all of the
Instead, her knight of the scale levels defenses that make dragons and their kin
following criteria:
stack with her paladin levels to deter- such feared adversaries. They are often
Alignment: Any good.
mine the power of her special mount. the elves' first line of defense against
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Ride-By Attack: At 6th level, the the depredations of a dragon.
Knowledge (arcana): 4 ranks.
knight of the scale gains the Ride-By Unlike the insular arcane archers,
Ride: 9 ranks.
Attack feat. members of this renowned order have
Feats: Mounted Combat, Weapon
Heal Mount (Sp): Once per day, the spread their special blend of archery
Focus (Lance, heavy).
knight of the scale can cast the heal and magic to other races. Because of
Special: A character seeking to
mount spell as a paladin with a level this, heartseekers enjoy a special place in
become a knight of the scale must
equal to the knight's character level. many communities, although they can
have killed a dragon (either singly or
Righteous Charge (Su): Once per still seem abrupt and standoffish to
as part of a group) of young adult age
day after attaining loth level, a knight those outside the order. Despite their
or older and commissioned a suit of
of the scale can open her being to the perceived haughtiness, they recognize
armor constructed from its scales.
pure power of her deity and use the acts of bravery and skill in battle no
Knight of the
Scale Class Skills
The knight of the scale's class skills Knight of the Scale Advancement
and the key ability for each skill are: Class Base Fort. Ref. Will
Str: Climb, Jump, Swim. Level Attack Save Save Savi Special
Dex: Ride. Blood of heroes, detect dragon
Con: Concentration. Sacred shield +2
Int: Knowledge (all skills, taken indi- Dragonslaying Wid6
vidually). Shatter scale
Wis: Heal. Mount
Cha: Diplomacy, Handle Animal. Ride-By Attack
Sacred shield +4
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Inr Dragonslaying +a/ad6
modifier. Heal mount
Righteous charge
matter its source, and members ot t
order are willing to stretch out their
hand in friendship to any who consis-
tently demonstrate such traits. Once
befriended by a heartseeker, a person
can find no better companion.
Elven leaders often deploy heart-
seekers among bands of arcane
archers to bolster the former's magical
abilities with the arcane prowess of
these more spell-oriented elven
defenders. Few non-elven communities
boast more than a handful of heart-
seekers, making their role in large
engagements somewhat limited.
Heartseekers have also been known
to travel beyond the confines of their
homeland and join with small bands of
adventurers, usually to fulfill a perilous
quest relating to the defense of an
elven community.
Wizards and sorcerers (often with a
few levels of fighter or ranger) who
devote themselves to the martial side of
combat are the most likely adventurers
to become heartseekers. Fighters,
rangers, and even rogues who dabble in
arcane study occasionally find them-
selves members of this order. Monks,
barbarians, and paladins rarely become

Class Features
All of the following are class features
of the heartseeker prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Heartseekers gain no new proficiency
with weapons or armor.
Spells Per Day: Because heartseekers
continue in the pursuit of magical
knowledge and perfection, for every
other level they gain in this prestige
class, heartseekers gain new spells per
day and spells known as if they gained
a level in an arcane spellcasting class
that they belonged to before adding the
prestige class. If a character possessed
more than one arcane spellcasting class
before he became a heartseeker. he
must decide which class will receive the
additional spellcasting level for pur-
poses of determining spells per day
when he adds the new level.
Piercing Spell (Ex): The heartseeker's
focus on creatures with the dragon
type gives him a +2 bonus to his caster
level checks against a dragon's spell
resistance. This bonus increases to +4
at 5th level and +6 at gth level. This
bonus stacks with the Spell Penetration
and Greater Spell Penetration feats.
™™ 2Z3ZI&J
a 2nd-level heartseeker can imbue an and move on the ground normally. his devotion To the arcane arts, a
arrow with the power of the very earth The lodestone arrow lasts for i heartseeker can transform an arrow
around him. On a successful attack roll, round per every two heartseeker lev- fired at a creature with the dragon type
any winged or flying creature struck by els of the attacker. to a brilliant energy weapon. This arrow
the lodestone arrow must make a
Fortitude save (base DC = 15 + class
level + Charisma bonus) or fall immedi- The vengeance sworn are relentless, implacable
ately to the ground, its ability to fly foes, hurling themselves against their draconic ene-
nullified by the arrow's magic.
Grounded creatures take any applicable mies armed only with steel weapons and bitter fury.
falling damage and cannot return to the
sky until the duration of the effect
Greater Enchantment (Ex): lunctions exactly as an arrow with the
Whenever a heartseeker casts greater brilliant energy special quality. A
magic weapon on his arrows, treat the heartseeker can use this ability as a
Heartseeker Requirements spell as if it were cast by a spellcaster free action on a total of three arrows
To qualify to become a heartseeker, a with a level equal to the heartseeker's per day.
character must fulfill all of the follow class level plus his levels from his pre- Heartseeker (Su): Channeling his
ing criteria. vious spellcasting class. For example, arcane power along with his love for the
Base Attack Bonus: +4. Elatharis, a loth-level wizard/5th-level clvcn homeland he defends, a heart-
Concentration: 8 ranks. heartseeker, normally casts arcane seeker can transform a single arrow per
Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks. spells as a lath-level caster. However, day into a greater slaying arrow keyed
Listen: 5 ranks. when casting greater magic weapon on lo any creature with the dragon type. It
Spot: 5 ranks. his arrows, he casts the spell as a i5th- takes a full round for a heartseeker to
Feats: Combat Casting, Spell level caster. transform an arrow in this way. The
Penetration, Weapon Focus (any bow) Bane Missile (Su): Once per day, as a enchantment lasts no longer than a day,
Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane full-round action, a 4th-level heart- and the character can only have one
spells. seeker can prepare and fire a special such arrow in existence at a time.
arrow called a bane missile. If a bane
Heartseeker Class Skills missile strikes a creature with the Vengeance Sworn
The heartseeker's class skills and the dragon type, it deals an additional idfi Born from the aftermath of dragon-
key ability for each skill are: points of damage per three heartseeker wrought tragedy, death, and destruction,
Str: Climb, Jump, Swim. levels and ignores damage reduction. the vengeance sworn focus their hatred
Dex: Ride. Spellgift Arrow (Su): Once per day, of dragons and their desire for revenge
Con: Concentration. as a full-round action, a 6th-level into a divinely sealed oath that drives
Int: Knowledge (all skills, taken indi- heartseeker can prepare and fire a them beyond the limits of mortal
vidually), Spellcraft. special arrow called a spellgift arrow. If endurance. Battle-hardened and tested
Wis: Listen, Spot, Wilderness Lore. the spellgift arrow inflicts damage on a by the harsh environments in which they
Cha:- creature with the dragon type, the live, vengeance sworn characters travel
heartseeker gains an enhancement through rugged mountains and across
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int bonus equal to the damage inflicted to trackless seas to safe their burning
modifier. his caster level checks made to pene- desire for draconic blood.
trate the injured creature's spell resist- In battle, the vengeance sworn are
ance for the next round only. relentless, implacable foes, hurling them-
selves against the gleaming scales of
their draconic enemies armed only with
Heartseeker Advancement steel weapons and their bitter fury.
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will Among the close-knit brotherhood of
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day warriors, vengeance sworn are given
ISt +0 +2 +0 « Piercing spell +2 wide berth, as their often single-minded
2nd +1 +3 +o +
3 Lodestone arrow +1 level of class purpose sets them at odds with their
3rd +2 +3 +3 Greater enchantment more mercenary brethren. Still, their
4th +3
4 +1 +4 Bane missile M level of class reputation for ferocity and true skill in
+ +1 + Piercing spell +4
5* +3 4 4 battle wins them a place among many
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of class adventuring groups.
7th -5 +
5 +2 +
5 Spellgift arrow The vengeance sworn are far from
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Brilliant energy arrow +i level of class common, but multiclassed characters
gth +6 +6 +3 +6 Piercing spell +6 with levels in barbarian and either cleric
loth +7 +7 +
3 +7 Heartseeker +i level of class or druid from more primitive cultures
are the most likely characters to become
members of the prestige class. Rogues, the vengeance sworn must be fighting Critical feat and the keen weapon
monks, wizards, sorcerers, and against the dragon; in the rare instance enhancement just like those effects
other arcane spellcasters, however, where a vengeance sworn might be stack with themselves (the increase
rarely take the single-minded oath allied with a dragon, the allied dragon's affects the base threat range only, not
that fuels the hearts and limbs of the frightful presence ability does not trig- the modified threat range). For exam-
vengeance sworn. ger the might of heroes ability. ple, a +i keen longsword wielded by a
vengeanance sworn with the Improved
Critical (longsword) feat and the drag-
Bathed in the radiance of their deity's power, the onslayer ability would have a threat
range of 13-20.»
vengeance sworn are immune to a dragon's fright-
ful presence.
Rage (Ex): The oath-stirred fires of a Vengeance Sworn
Class Features vengeance sworn's anger allows her to Requirements
All of the following are class features of rage one additional time per day. This To qualify to become vengeance
the vengeance sworn prestige class. ability functions exactly like the rage sworn, a character must fulfill all of
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: ability from the barbarian class (a pre- the following criteria:
Vengeance sworn characters are profi- requisite for this class). At 8th level, the Base Attack Bonus: +6.
cient with all simple and martial vengeance sworn gains another daily Intimidate: 5 ranks.
weapons, as well as light and medium use of the rage ability. Knowledge (arcana): 5 ranks.
armor. Shield of Fury (Su): At 5th level, the Wilderness Lore: 5 ranks.
Spells Per Day: Because a vengeance vengeance sworn receives a +2 sacred Feats: Ambidexterity. Two-Weapon
sworn character continues in her wor- bonus to all saves against breath Fighting, Expertise.
ship of the divine, she increases her weapons, spells, and other abilities that Special Ability: Rage.
caster level and continues to gain new originate with a creature with the Spellcasting: Ability to cast ist-level
spells per day at and, 6th, and loth level. dragon type. At gth level, this bonus divine spells.
If a character possessed more than one increases to +4. Special: Must have been killed by a
divine spellcasting class before she Will of Heroes (Su): At 7th level, dragon or had a loved one killed by a
became vengeance sworn, she must whenever the vengeance sworn is within dragon.
decide which class will receive the addi- the radius of an opposing dragon's
tional spellcasting level for purposes of frightful presence ability, she becomes Vengeance Sworn Class Skills
determining spells per day. immune to all Enchantment and Illusion The vengeance sworn's class skills and
Blood of Heroes (Su): Bathed in the effects. the key ability for each skill are:
radiance of their deity's power, the Dragonslayer (Su): At toth level, Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
vengeance sworn are immune to a because of their passion and experience Dex: Hide. Ride.
dragon's frightful presence. In addition, at fighting dragons, as well as their Con: -
all allies within 10 feet of the vengeance divinely inspired skills, vengeance sworn hit: Craft. Knowledge.
sworn receive a +4 morale bonus to are more likely to inflict a critical hit Wis: Intuit Direction, Listen,
their Will saves against this fear-gener- whenever they battle a creature with the Wilderness Lore.
ating effect. In the unlikely event that the dragon type. This supernatural ability Cha: Handle Animal, Intimidate.
vengeance sworn also possesses a pal- doubles the effective threat range of
adin's aura of courage, her protective each of the vengeance sworn's attacks Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int
emanation improves, extending her per- against a creature with the dragon type. modifier.
sonal immunity to the frightful presence This increase stacks with the Improved
ability to all allies within to feet. Any
protected companion who moves
beyond the range of this protective field Vengeance Sworn Advancement
must immediately make a Will save to Class Base Fort. Ref. Will
resist the effects of the dragon's fright- Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
ful presence. tst +1 +a +o +o Blood of heroes
Might of Heroes (Ex): At 3rd level, 2nd +z +3 +o +o +1 level of existing class
anytime the vengeance sworn is inside 3rd +3
•••3 ++3
3 +t +i Might of heroes
the radius of a dragon's frightful pres- 4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Rage
ence ability, she gains a +2 sacred bonus 5th +5
5 ++4
4 -n +1 Shield of fury +2
to attacks, saves, and skill checks. This +6 +5 *-i level of existing class
bonus applies only to rolls made against +7 +
5 +2 Will of heroes
a creature with the dragon type, includ- +2 Rage
ing attack rolls to hit the dragon, saving +3 Shield of fury +4
throws against the dragon's spells and loth +10 +3 Dragonslayer +1 level of existing class
abilities, and similar checks. In addition,
Monster Cultist Prestige Classes
by Eric Cagle • illustrated by Jonathan Wayshak

few monsters possess a certain magnetic quality. They are evil

^A and sinister to such a degree that it is impossible to ignore their
I Ipower. Despite this reputation (or perhaps because of it), some
demented humanoids worship these monsters as superior beings,
praying to the monsters' gods and doing whatever is asked of them.
Through this worship, the cultist gains amazing powers, usually at
the cost of their sanity and connection with their former lives. To
venerate the gods of these monsters, with their completely alien
mindset, is to tempt disaster and madness. These cultists begin tak-
ing on attributes of their masters, changing their bodies and gaining
special powers. Over time, they become even closer to the monsters
that they worship, turning into hideous monsters themselves.

46 June 2oo2
SPHERE MINION because they have an understanding of
Among some humanoids and monstrous the arcane forces that beholders employ. For Your Campaign
humanoids, insane individuals worship Although they must devote a large per- Because the prestige classes presented
the terrible gods of the beholders. To centage of their time learning arcane here worship evil, dangerous monsters,
they are often villains to be confronted.
these people, beholders are perfect theory to be considered by the Great The cultists try to convert worshipers,
beings that have reached the pinnacle Mother, some clerics also make good enslave the unwary, and sabotage in the
of evolution. They look at their own sphere minions. Monks possess the right name of their masters. Uncovering a
bodies, with only two feeble eyes and mindset, but fighters, rogues, and mem- hidden cell of monster cultisfs can have
flawed, crude limbs and are filled with bers of the other martial classes make a large impact on the game, with adven-
turers peeling away the conspiracies of
disgust. By venerating the Great poor candidates for the class. the cultists like layers of an onion.
Mother of the beholders, they hope to Sphere minions are occasionally • Illithidkin are the first wave of an
receive her blessing. found outside the (relative) safety of infestation of illithids. They spend a
The sphere minion is typically one of the beholder warrens. They scout ter- great deal of their time abducting
innocent victims for their masters to
the many slaves that belong to a rain in preparation for an assault by consume.
beholder community. Through constant beholders. Sphere minions are also • Wakers of the beast make the
brainwashing and exposure to behold- found in human cities, performing perfect apocalyptic cult that must be
ers, they lose any sense of their former secret business for their masters. stopped before they unleash the
identity, making obedience to their mas- They cloak their appearance under unspeakable terror of the tarrasque.
ters the only goal worth pursuing. They thick hoods or use Illusion magic Another variation is to remove the
are the masters and elite among the to remain hidden, revealing themselves alignment and patron requirement of
slaves, preaching the message of the only to other cultists or when they these prestige classes in order to make
Great Mother and the superiority of want to use their eye stalks to them destroyers of the monsters they
emulate. These crusaders give up a
beholderkind. Beholders treat sphere attack someone. great deal of their being to become
minions slightly better than the other more like their enemy.
slaves, but they still look at them with Class Features • A group of wizards capture behold-
disgust and disdain. The other slaves All of the following are class features of ers in order to harness their intrinsic
view them with awe and envy, for the the sphere minion prestige class. powers, turning unwitting pawns into
"sphere slayers."
sphere minion has been touched and Weapon and Armor Proficiency: • Snake servants, being resistant to
changed by the Great Mother. Sphere minions gain no new proficiency poison and immune to the petrifying
Wizards, sorcerers, and bards are with any weapons, armor, gaze of medusas, could be steadfast
most likely to become sphere minions, or shields. destroyers of them, spearheading
assaults on medusa strongholds.
Eye Stalks (Su): As he gains experi- • Wakers of the beast could suddenly
ence, a sphere minion grows eye stalks. realize the insanity of their mission, but
Unlike a beholder, the sphere minion can still being driven by the impulse to find
For Your Character aim his eye stalks in any direction with- the tarrasque, might go there in order
In most cases, the prestige classes pre- to stop others from awakening it.
out problems. Using an eye stalk is a
sented here are to be used by the DM standard action. The sphere minion can
for enemies that the PCs might
encounter during an adventure. They use each eye stalk a number of times
are usually the masterminds, or at least per day as described in the Sphere level of the sphere minion. The target
trusted lieutenants, of evil. However, a Minion Advancement table. must succeed at a Will save to resist.
player character could take levels in one Each ray resembles a spell as Eye Stalk II (Su): At 3rd level, the
of these prestige classes, especially if
though cast by a sorcerer of a level sphere minion can choose one of
the DM is running a game in which the
players may play evil characters. equal to 5 + the sphere minion's class the following abilities for his second
• Maybe your DM will allow you to level but follows the rules for a ray eye stalk:
play a monster cultist who does not (see Aiming a Spell, page 148 in the Fear: This works like the spell, except
know he worships a monster god. The Player's Handbook). Each has a range that it targets one creature. The target
god might be masquerading as a neutral
or good god and allow creatures of of 50 feet and a saving throw DC of must succeed at a Will save or be
those alignments to spread its worship. 10 + sphere minion class level + affected as though by the spell.
• Evil gods often believe in "sur- Charisma modifier. Charm Monster: The target must
vival of the fittest" and occasionally Eye Stalk I (Su): At ist level, the succeed at a Will save or be affected
pit two or more groups of their own
sphere minion can choose one of the as though by the spell.
religion against each other, weeding
out the weak and granting power to following abilities for the eye stalk: Slow: This works like the spell, except
the survivors. Perhaps one such Charm Person: The target must suc- that it affects one creature. The target
group is neutral. ceed at a Will save or be affected as must make a Will save to resist.
• Your DM might allow you to take though by the spell. Eye Stalk III (Su): At 5th level, the
monster cultist levels after your
character is cursed or contracts a Inflict Light Wounds: This works just sphere minion can choose one of the
terrible disease. like the spell, causing id8+5 points of following abilities for his third eye stalk:
• Perhaps after a vicious attack, damage (Will half). Flesh to Stone: The target must suc-
your character becomes obsessed Sleep: This works like the spell, ceed at a Fortitude save or be affected
with the monster and "beating it at its
own game." except that it affects one creature with as though by the spell.
a number of HD up to the character Finger of Death: The target must suc-

Sphere Minion Advancement

Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
ist to +o +o +2 Eye stalk I i/day
2nd +i +o +o +3 All-around vision
3rd +2 +i +i +3 Eye stalk II i/day, eye stalk I a/day
4th +3 +t +1 •' Levitate
5th +3 +1 +1 _, Beholder apotheosis, eye stalk III
i/day, eye stalk II a/day,
eye stalk I 3/day

Beholder Apotheosis: At 5th level,

Sphere Minion the sphere minion has lost all touch
uiremenrs with his original heritage, becoming
To qualify to become a sphere minion, more like a beholder. Both of his nor-
a character must fulfill all the following
criteria: mal eyes merge together into one huge,
Race: Any humanoid or monstrous single eye in the middle of his forehead.
humanoid. His creature type permanently changes
Alignment: Lawful evil. to "monstrous humanoid." All special
Patron: The Great Mother.
abilities, spells, or effects treat him as a
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks.
Spot: 4 ranks. monstrous humanoid.
Feats: Alertness, Weapoz Ex-Sphere Minions: A sphere minion
Focus (ray). who ceases worshiping the Great
Mother or willingly opposes a beholder
Sphere Minion loses almost all the class features of
Class Skills this prestige class. Any eye stalks that
The sphere minion's class skills (and
the key abilities for each) are:
the former sphere minion has cease
Str:- working and then fall off. He also loses
Dex: - the ability to levitate. The only class
Con: Concentration. feature that is not lost is the beholder
Int: Craft, Knowledge (arcana).
apotheosis. The creature is permanently
Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot. warped and twisted into a monstrous
Cha: Bluff, Intimidate. humanoid, retaining the single, merged
eye as a sign of his former allegiance
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int
to the beholder goddess.

ceed at a Fortitude save or be slain as Mind flayers have a notorious reputa-
though by the spell. The target suffers tion for being cruel and uncaring
ad6+6 points of damage if his saving slavers of other races. The vast
throw succeeds. majority of these slaves live out the
Disintegrate: The target must succeed remainder of their short existence
at a Fortitude save or be affected as toiling away as servants, miners, or as
though by the spell. entertainment for their mind flayer
Telekinesis: The sphere minion can masters. Once they have exhausted
move objects or creatures, as per the their usefulness, the mind flayers
spell. Creatures can resist with a suc- devour the slaves' brains for food.
cessful Will save. On rare occasions, however, the mind
Ail-Around Vision (Ex): At and level, flayers spare certain slaves with the gift
the sphere minion grows accustomed for psionics. These individuals are care-
to its eye stalk. This grants the sphere fully dominated and monitored so that
minion a +2 circumstance bonus to their gifts are not used against their
Spot and Search checks. In addition, masters, but they are allowed to expand
the sphere minion cannot be flanked. and explore the talents they possess.
Levitate (Su): A sphere minion gains Part of the brainwashing includes the
the ability to levitate-the better to worship of the mind flayers' god,
serve his beholder masters. The llsensine. While few mind flayers give
sphere minion can levitate at will, as much credence to the worship of gods,
per the spell cast by a sorcerer of the they find that it is a perfect tool for cre-
sphere minion's class level. ating utterly devoted servants.
These individuals are known as score (see Table 1-2: Psion Bonus
illithidkin. As they increase in power, Power Points in the Psionics
illithidkin begin acquiring traits that are Handbook).
similar to their mind flayer masters. If the character did not previously
Over time, illithidkin begin hungering have psion or psychic warrior levels,
for the brains of living creatures, she gains power points and powers as
much like mind flayers. shown in the advancement chart and
Illithidkin come almost exclusively gains the ability to use psionics and
from the psion class. Psychic warriors take psionic feats.
are the next most common, although Powers Discovered: Illithidkin dis-
few mind flayers tolerate such a mar- cover o-level powers as shown on the
tial individual for too long. As long as Illithidkin Advancement table. The pow-
they meet the required amount of ers are added to the character's pre-
psionic knowledge, any other class can vious total powers known.
be an illithidkin, with wizards, bards, Psionic Combat Mode: The illithidkin
and rogues being most common. learns a new psionic combat mode.
Illithidkin become the eyes and ears She does not forget those that were
of mind flayers, infiltrating cities, previously learned.
armies, and organizations. They Detached Mind (Su): The illithidkin
actively seek out other potential can- becomes more emotionless, logical,
didates for converting lo the worship and separated from troubling issues.
of llsensine. In addition, they kidnap The illithidkin gains a +2 bonus to sav-
people off the streets and from their
homes to be used as food and slaves
by mind flayers. Illithidkin are
entrusted by their masters to Illithidkin
lead units of other humanoids Class Requirements
for these chores and are often To qualify lo become an illithidkin, a charac-
the most powerful members of ter must fulfill all the following criteria:
Race: Any humanoid or monstrous
such groups.
Alignment: Lawful evil.
Class Features Patron: Illsensine.
All of the following are class features Concentration: 8 ranks.
of the illithidkin prestige class. Knowledge (Psionics): 8 ranks.
Special: A character wishing to take
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The levels of the illithidkin prestige class must
ilithidkin gains no new proficiency with willingly consume the brain of a sentient
weapons or armor.
Power Points: Illithidkin gain power
points per day as shown on their Illithidkin
advancement table. These power Class Skills
The illithidkin's class skills (and the key abili-
points are added to the character's
ties for each) are:
previous total. Illithidkin gain bonus Str: Swim.
power points based on the key ability Dex: Hide. Move Silently.
score for their primary ability. If the Con: Concentration.
character previously could not gain bit: Craft, Knowledge (psionics), Search.
Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot.
bonus power points for high ability Cha: Bluff, Intimidate.
scores (as is the case for psychic war-
riors), she now chooses a primary dis- Skill Points at Each Level: 4 +
Int modifier.
cipline and can gain bonus power HIT DIE
points based on the related ability

UJ.itKi/ilfjn. A.Hvan.r^m.Pnr.
Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will Power Powers
Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special Points Discovered
isf +o +o +o +2 Detached mind, psionic combat mode +3
2nd +i +o +o +3 Telepathy 30 ft. +5
+1 +i +3 Psionic combat mode +5 i
f +1 +1 +4 Increased Intelligence +5 i
^ +1 +i +4 Illithid apotheosis, psionic combat mode +7 2
ing throws against mind-affecting ities, spells, or effects treat her as a
spells, spell-like abilities, psionic pow- monstrous humanoid.
ers, and supernatural effects.
Telepathy (Su): Illithidkin can com- Ex Illithidkin: An illithidkin who
municate mentally with any creature ceases worshiping the Illsensine or
within 30 feet that has a language. willingly opposes mind flayers loses
Increased Intelligence (Ex): At almost all the class features of this
4th level, the illithidkin's brain and prestige class. The only class feature
skull begins to expand, increasing that is not lost is illithid apotheosis.
her Intelligence score by 2 points. The creature is permanently warped
Illithid Apotheosis: At 5th level, the and twisted into a monstrous
illithidkin has lost all touch with her humanoid, retaining the horrible mouth
original heritage, becoming more like a and tentacles.
mind flayer. Her skin becomes purple
and rubbery, and her eyes become SNAKE SERVANT
completely white. Short, useless tenta- Snake servants are the chosen of var-
cles sprout from her face, and her ious cults that revere medusas and
teeth fuse into a beak-like maw. Her their power. Unlike the other monster
creature type permanently changes to cultists presented here, snake servants
"monstrous humanoid." All special abil- are not as completely blind to their
situation. Medusas demand servitude,
but they hate obsequious behavior. As
a result, snake servants must walk a
Snake Servant fine line, following their master's com-
Class Requirements mands, but doing so in a way that will
To qualify to become a snake servant, not anger her.
a character must fulfill all the following Snake servants do most of the dirty
Race: Any humanoid or monstrous work for a medusa, infiltrating organi-
humanoid. zations, scouting locations, and acting
Alignment: Lawful evil. as the first line of defense against
Patron: Shekensfer. attack. Medusas that set up criminal
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
rings use snake servants as proxies and
Bluff: 5 ranks.
Disguise: 5 ranks. middlemen, negotiating on their behalf
Special: The potential snake servant and setting up jobs for other cultists. In
must go through a special ceremony a city with medusas running these
with a medusa, allowing her ro poison rackets, snake servants are often the
him until his Strength score is brought
completely down to o.
only "face" that is presented.
Snake servants are very active in
Snake Servant setting up "churches" in big cities ded-
Class Skills icated to the worship of Shekenster.
The snake servant's class skills (and They actively recruit impressionable,
the key abilities for each) are: misguided, and deluded individuals into
Str: Climb.
the cult, making them into pawns for
Dex: Hide, Move Silently.
Con:- the snake servant's use. Snake ser-
Int: Craft. vants enjoy corrupting officials,
Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot. nobles, and religious leaders, bringing
Cha: Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate. them into the sight of Shekensfer's
Skill Points at Each Level: never-ending gaze.
• Int modifier. Rogues are the most likely candidates
to be chosen as a snake servant, fol-

Snake Servant Advancement

Base Attack Fort. Ret. Will
Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
ist to to to +2 Medusa gaze immunity
znd ti to to *3 Poison damage reduction i
3rd tz ti ti +3 Stunning gaze d/day)
4th t3 ti +i Poison damage reduction z
5th t3 ti ti •4 Petrification immunity, medusa
apotheosis, stunning gaze (a/day)

5o june2ot>2
by i point at 2nd level and 2 points at
4th level. This ability does not reduce
If You Don't Have
any damage from the delivery method,
the Psionics Handbook
The requirements and class features just the poison itself. This reduction
listed for the Illiihidkin assume that the applies to both initial and secondary
player or DM has access to the poison damage.
Psionics Handbook. If you do not, you Stunning Gaze (Su): At 3rd level,
' can make the following changes to the
the snake servant's gaze becomes par-
prestige class:
ticularly unnerving, causing creatures
Prerequisites to be stunned. This effect has a range
Knowledge (Psionics): Not required. of 30 feet and is negated by a
Feats: Combat Casting, Iron Will. Fortitude save (DC 10 + snake servant
Class Features class level + Charisma modifier). The
Ignore the power points, powers dis- snake servant can use this ability for i
covered, and psionic combat mode round a number of times per day as
class features. Replace them with the indicated on the Snake Servant
Advancement table. A creature that
Detect Thoughts (Sp): At ist level,
an illithidkin may detect thoughts a fails its saving throw is stunned for i
number of times per day equal to her round.
illithidkin class level + Intelligence mod- Petrification Immunity (Su): Snake
ifier. This ability duplicates the spell of servants of 5th level are immune to all
the same name as though cast by a
wizard of the illithidkin's class level.
petrification effects.
Suggestion (Sp): At 3rd level, the Medusa Apotheosis: At 5th level,
illithidkin can cast suggestion as a the snake servant has lost all touch
7th-level wizard. The illithidkin may with her original heritage, becoming
use this ability once per day.
Charm monster (Sp): At 5th level,
more like a medusa. Her skin becomes
the illithidkin can cast charm monster scaly, and her eyes change into those
as a Tth-level wizard. The illithidkin of a reptile. Her eyelids wither away
may use this ability once per day. and are replaced by a nictitating mem-
brane-her eyes never blink again. The
snake servant's type changes to "mon-
strous humanoid." All special abilities,
lowed by clerics. Fighters, rangers, and spells, or effects treat her as a mon-
monks who understand subtlety are strous humanoid.
also likely to fake this class, followed by Ex-Snake Servants: A snake servant
wizards and sorcerers. Classes with a who ceases worshiping Shekenster
chaotic bent, like barbarians and bards, loses almost all class features of the
are never found as snake servants. prestige class. The only class feature
that is not lost is the medusa apotheo-
Class Features sis—the creature is permanently
All of the following are class features warped and twisted into a monstrous
of the snake servant prestige class. humanoid as a reminder of her former
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: master. However, due to Shekenster's
Snake servants are proficient with treacherous nature, a snake servant
longbows, composite longbows, short- who remains faithful to the deity
bows, composite shortbows, and all does not lose her abilities if she
simple weapons, but they gain no new opposes medusas.
proficiency with armor or shields.
Medusa Gaze Immunity (Su): The WAKER OF THE BEAST
snake servant becomes immune to the Apocalypse. The world ablaze. A hor-
petrifying gaze attack of a medusa. rid monster stalking the land, crushing
The snake servant gains no immunity the unrighteous and cleansing the
to any other sort of gaze attack. world of everything. This is the vision
Poison Damage Reduction (Ex K of the. waJkar of tte beast.
Through constant exposure to poisons The "beast" is none other than the
of all types, especially those created tarrasque, an immense creature that
by medusas, the snake servant can is virtually impossible to destroy.
ignore a limited amount of poison Every decade or so, the tarrasque
damage. If the medusa cultist fails her awakens from a deep slumber, terror-
Fortitude save against poison, she izing the land and devouring anything
reduces the amount of poison damage that it encounters.
A waker of the beast is a humanoid rasque, as a moth to flame, doing beast learns the current location of the
who belongs to an apocalyptic cult that whatever he can to cause the beast to tarrasque. These visions also give the
believes in the end of the world rise from its slumber. Most wakers waker an understanding of how to
through the violence caused by the tar- hope to be devoured by their "god," awaken the slumbering tarrasque. Once
rasque. This cult sees the tarrasque as seeing it as the ultimate sacrifice. a waker is within i mile of the location
a method of cleansing the world of all It is unclear how a waker gains his of the tarrasque, he can begin chanting
living beings, bringing the world back to powers from such an uncaring (and to call the tarrasque from its sleep. The
a pure state of being. However, un-divine) creature. Scholars suggest waker of the beast can try to awaken
although the tarrasque is truly a neutral that the power that created the tar- the tarrasque once per month, with a
being (being too stupid and hungry to rasque in the first place can be tapped percent chance equal to his class level.
care about complex things like right or by anyone willing to relinquish their Multiple wakers can attempt the chant
wrong), the quest of the wakers of the sanity and identity. As a waker grows together by joining hands, combining
beast make them evil and deluded in power, he also becomes more like their class levels for the total percent-
beyond compare. the beast that he emulates, growing age. Upon waking, the tarrasque begins
A person usually becomes a waker a thick carapace and bulking up with its reign of terror on the landscape.
after receiving powerful visions of the huge muscles. However, the alien The waker of the beast in no way con-
tarrasque. During these nightmares, he mind of the tarrasque destroys the trols the tarrasque.
can see the beast stalking the land, intellect, and the waker becomes more Strength of the Beast (Su): At 2nd
destroying everything in its path. a creature of instinct and brutality and 4th level, a waker of the beast
However, he also becomes part of the than reason. begins turning into a terrible monster-
tarrasque, feeling its power, its Only the truly insane and deluded increasing in strength, but losing intel-
hunger, and its lust for destruction. would want to become a waker. Most lect. The waker gets a permanent +2
When he awakens, the person either wakers are clerics of evil gods who increase to Strength and -2 decrease to
recoils with the horror of the night- wish to bring about the end of the Intelligence. This also results in the loss
mare or is ... changed. From that world by crushing it beneath the feet of of skill points.
moment on, he is drawn to the tar- the tarrasque. Beyond that, almost Claws and Bite (Ex): At 3rd level, the
every other class is represented. Ex- waker of the beast gains claw and bite
paladins who have given in to evil and attacks if he does not already have
madness are also likely candidates to them. Use the values below or the
Waker of the Beast become a waker of the beast. waker's base claw and bite attacks,
Class Requirements whichever are better.
To qualify to become a waker of the Class Features Bite Claw
beast, a character must fulfill all the All of the following are class features Size Damage Damage
following criteria: of the waker of the beast prestige class. Small id4 id$
Race: Any humanoid or monstrous
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Medium-size id6 id4
Alignment: Any evil. A waker of the beast gains no new Large id8 id6
Base Attack Bonus: +7. proficiency with any weapons, armor, Tarrasque Apotheosis (Su): At
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness. or shields. 5th level, the waker of the beast's
Natural Armor (Ex): At ist level, a type permanently changes to "mon-
Waker of the Beast waker of the beast begins to grow a strous humanoid." All special abilities,
Class Skills tough carapace that provides him with spells, or effects treat him as a mon-
The waker of the beast's class skills
(and the key abilities for each) are: natural armor. This increases the strous humanoid.
Str: Climb. waker's natural armor by +i and In addition, the waker of the beast
Dex:- increases it by an additional -H at 3rd grows larger by one size category,
Con:- and 5th level. which affects many of its statistics. See
Inf: Craft.
Wis: Listen, Spot, Wilderness Lore.
Locate the Sleeper (Su): A ist-level "Size Increases" in the introduction of
Cha: Intimidate. waker of the beast begins having the Monster Manual for more informa-
visions about the tarrasque. These tion on the effects of increasing a size
Skill Points at Each Level:
visions (or nightmares) take place only category. Note that this will change the
2 + Int modifier.
when the waker of the beast is asleep. waker's claw and bite damage.
Through these dreams, the waker of the However, this final transformation
decreases the waker of the beast's
Intelligence by an additional -2.
Ex-Wakers: A waker of the beast
Waker of the Beast Advancement
Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will who willingly and unnecessarily pro-
Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special crastinates going to awaken the tar-
+o Natural armor +1, locate the sleeper rasque loses all class features except
+o Strength of the beast that the waker's Intelligence remains
i Natural armor +2, claws and bite
i Strength of the beast
decreased and he retains the mon-
i Natural armor +3, tarrasque apotheosis strous humanoid type. IP

52 June 2oo2

by Clifford Horowitz

he Dragon controlled the mighti-

greatest warriors were dead, its ruling
est empire in the world, but then, line consumed, and its few remaining
in a single season, they slipped heroes were left divided and fighting
from empire . . . to clan ... to noth- against each other. The Dragon died that
ing at all. The Horde, an unknowable, day, replaced with the Serpent, a wan
unbeatable tide of death, swept over and corrupt shadow of the Dragon's for-
the Dragon, laying waste to their mer greatness.
finest warriors in a single battle and Such times cry out for heroes and
sending the rest of the clan into dreamers, and such a cry is answered
retreat for six long months. by Kenji, last of the Dragon clan nobility,
Finally, when they reached and your character in Battle Realms, a
the sea and could run no roleplaying, real-time strategy game that
more, the master of the clan sets the task of restoring the greatness
summoned the spirit of the of the Dragon upon your shoulders. As
Dragon itself. Winds shrieked, Kenji, you must wander the foreign lands
seas raged, fields rent, and the that have become home to the Serpent,
world was broken. The master of the reunite with the heroes who served
Dragon clan disappeared into the ele- your father, and fight against the ene-
mental fury, and the Horde with him. mies of your dying clan. For the hope
The people were saved. you bring them, peasants will flock To
Although the people survived, your banner, harvest rice, gather water,
the clan could not. The Dragon's capture wild horses, and build up their
towns. Yet the task before you is too
great even for the mighty heroes of the
Dragon to shoulder alone. You must
revive the ancient fighting styles of the
Dragon masters and set your peasants
to learning them. With this army at your
back, you might yet be able to stand
against the twisted sorcerers of the
Lotus clan, their feral escaped slaves,
the Wolf clan, and perhaps even the
Horde itself.
What distinguishes Battle Realms from
other real-time strategy games is what
its designers have dubbed "liquid
resources." The things you produce and
harvest can be used in a multitude of
ways. Water is used to nourish troops in
training, vital in construction, and the
only thing that puts out the flames of a
burning building. The horses you capture
and domesticate can be given to soldiers
to make cavalry, or they can be put in

Io2 august 2oo2

the fields with the peasants to increase Class Features For Your Campaign
efficiency. The uses for resources far All of the following are features of the The prestige classes from Battle Realms fit
outstrip their availability, forcing you to kabuki warrior prestige class. well into an Oriental Adventures campaign,
make tactical decisions for their alloca- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The and with a little modification, they can be a

tion at every turn. kabuki warrior is proficient in all martial part of any campaign world.

The setting presented in Battle Realms weapons, but no armor or shields. • The dragon warriors could be just that:
could be the basis of an entire cam- Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing warriors who devote themselves to the
paign, and many of its elements could no armor or shield, the kabuki warrior service of red dragons. These warriors gain
powers as the mystic bond with the dragon
find places in your games. Some of the adds his Intelligence bonus to his Armor
they serve grows stronger.
most interesting of these elements are Class. Should the kabuki warrior lose
his Dexterity bonus, he loses This bonus • The kabuki warrior could be a prestige
the gems of the Dragon empire: its
class for a kind of warrior-jester. Perhaps a
enlightened fighters. These prestige as well.
secret organization of "fools" provides
classes are suitable for any campaign Clowning (Ex): As a master of per-
guardians and advisors to the royalty of a
with a little work, but obviously, they forming arts, the kabuki warrior gains a
nation in your campaign.
are right at home in an Oriental +2 competence bonus to his Bluff,
• The dragon warrior and kabuki warrior
Adventures campaign. Perform, and Tumble checks.
could be two opposing mystic orders: one
Sneak Attack: At and level, a kabuki
devoted to the wild expression of feelings;
Kabuki Warrior warrior gains The ability to sneak attack rhe other devoted to controlling emotion.
For The Dragon, combat and war are foes (see the Rogue section in Chapter
forms of art, not cold disciplines. 3 of the Player's Handbook). He gains
Warriors of the Dragon clan view com- +id6 damage at 2nd level, and an addi-
bat as an outlet for passion and an tional id6 every three levels there- KABUKI WARRIOR
opportunity for expression. None after. If a kabuki warrior gets a sneak Class Requirements
embody this philosophy better than the attack bonus from another source To qualify to become a kabuki warrior, a
character must fulfill all the following criteria:
kabuki warriors. These soldiers are equal (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to
Base Attack Bonus: +5 or better.
parts fighter and entertainer. In times of damage stack. Bluff: 5 ranks.
peace they use their talents to amuse Taunt (Su): With a combination of cut- Perform: 5 ranks.
those around them with feats of acro- ting jibes and frustrating defense, the Tumble: 3 ranks.
kabuki warrior can enrage his oppo- Feafs: Dodge, Expertise, Mobility,
batics, sleight of hand, illusions, and sto-
Spring Attack.
ries. These skills are not wasted when nents, driving them to become wild and
Special: The ability to cast three Illusion
conflict arises. Dressed in garish cos- sloppy. Once per day at 3rd level, the spells.
tumes with wild hair and even wilder kabuki warrior can make a Bluff check
face paint, kabuki warriors take the field opposed by a melee opponent's Sense KABUKI WARRIOR
of battle with a smile on their faces and Motive roll. If the kabuki warrior suc- Class Skills
a quip on their tongues, often juggling ceeds, the opponent falls victim to her The kabuki warrior's class skills (and the key
abilities for each) are:
items in one hand as they leap and slash own temper and suffers a -2 morale
Str; Jump.
at their opponents. penalty to all attack rolls and AC for a Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Tumble.
The kabuki warrior melds martial skill number of rounds equal to the kabuki Con: Concentration.
and theatrics into a dazzling, confusing warrior's Charisma bonus +1. Characters Int: Alchemy, Craft (any).
display that tricks opponents into making with the ability to rage (such as barbar- Wis: Sense Motive.
Cha: Bluff, Perform.
mistakes—errors the kabuki warrior is ians) who are four levels higher than the
quick to exploit with vicious brutality. kabuki warrior are immune to this ability. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Many fear the humiliation that they could At 6th level, the kabuki warrior can
suffer in fighting these warriors more
than they fear the injuries they risk. KABUKI WARRIOR ADVANCEMENT
The eclectic requirements of the Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
kabuki warrior code and fighting style Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
ist +2 +2 Canny defense, clowning
requires a broad knowledge of combat, +0 +O

2nd +1 -TO +3 +3 Sneak attack +id6

magic, and acrobatics. Most kabuki Taunt i/day
3rd t2 +1 +3 +3
warriors are bards or multiclassed 4th +3 +1 +4 Stardusti/day
bard/fighters. Some multiclassed sor- 5th +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, expert clowning
cerer/rogues join the order, and 6th +4 +2 +5 Taunt a/day
7th +S +2 +5 +5 Stardusts/day
monk/illusionists are fairly common.
8th +6 +6 Sneak attack +sd6
Single-classed kabuki warriors are gth +6 +6 Taunt 3/day
rare and usually come from the roth +7 +3 V +7 Stardust 3/day, master clowning
wizard class.


from the others and put through a

unique training regimen that relies heav-
ily on meditation and self-mastery,
Those who emerge take the field as
dragon warriors.
Strange combinations of berserker
fury and monk mysticism, dragon war-
riors are a people apart. They carry
within Them the seething power of the
dragon, and its stormy urges make them
somewhat capricious. Yet to contain and
truly harness this power requires
immense discipline, which reins in their
more outlandish urges. While they might
seem calm at a distance, with muted
body language and soft speech, up close
their voices betray hints of strain, and
their small movements tremble to
become more. They appear locked in an
eternal, invisible struggle, and indeed,
they are. The only Time They leT go com-
pletely is in battle, where they release
the Dragon in all its fury, roaring like a
storm as their giant swords cut Through
the opposition in a torrent of steel.
Monks and barbarians who have for-
saken their former lives often take up
the dragon warrior path for its familiar-
ity. Fighters, rangers, and martially
minded clerics are also common.

taunt twice per day. At gth level, he can bonus to Bluff, Tumble, and Perform Class Features
Taunt three times per day, checks. All of the following are class features of
Stardust (Sp): The kabuki warrior can Additionally, he can use the Bluff skill the dragon warrior prestige class.
summon shimmering streams of sparkles in combat to feint and apply the result to Weapons and Armor: Dragon war-
That dance about him as he twirls and all opponents within 10 feet. Roll once riors gain no new proficiency with
spins. This dazzling display is bright and and apply that single result to all appli- weapons, armors, or shields. Wearing
confusing, blurring the kabuki warrior's cable targets. armor inhibits the dragon warrior's con-
form and making iT difficulT to ascertain Master Clowning (Ex): By ioth level, nection with the spirit of the Drqgon,
his exact position. the kabuki warrior is a master of show- and a dragon warrior who dons armor
This effect lasts for a number of manship. He can use The Bluff skill to loses access to all her dragon warrior
rounds equal To the kabuki warrior's feint in combaT as a move-equivalent class abilities. All such abilities return to
Charisma bonus +1. During this time, he action, applying the result to all crea- the dragon warrior as soon as The
gains a circumstance bonus to his tures within 10 feet. armor is removed.
Armor Class equal to his Charisma Body of Soul (Su): The dragon war-
bonus +1. At /th level The kabuki warrior Dragon Warrior rior's first step in harnessing the power
can perform this ability twice per day, The rank and file of the Dragon clan's of The Dragon is to quell it completely.
and at loth level he can perform it Three troops are taken from peasantry, the Until they come to grips with the roiling
times per day. ancient Tradition of warriors coming only rages that now reside in their hearts,
CreaTures who cannot see The from noble stock dead along wiTh The Those firsT touched by The Dragon must
lights are not distracted by them. empire. However, masters of the Train- either quell the spirit or be consumed
Expert Clowning (Ex): At 5th level, ing halls sTiH watch for students with the by it. However, in burying the essence
the kabuki warrior's mastery of unmistakable passion thaT can only mean of the Dragon within themselves, the
performance and understanding of they've touched the spirit of the Dragon fledgling dragon warriors learn an inner
the human reaction has reached the and taken it into their hearts. These strength so intense that it radiates out-
point where he gains a +4 competence exceptional individuals are separated ward. As a result, dragon warriors add

1 o4 august 2oo2
their Wisdom bonus to their hit points at chi shield, as the spiritual energy is For your Character
each dragon warrior level. Wisdom shunted from protection to offense. The
damage or drain, depletes these extra dragon warrior can use dragon's fury If the prestige classes from Banle Realms
hit points. twice per day. If the dragon warrior has sound like fun to you, ask your DM if she'll
Chi Shield (Su): The intense meditation rage from some other source, its include them in her campaign and allow you to
continues, as does the growth of the bonuses do not stack with those pro- take one or both. Here are some ideas for how
your character might use them:
dragon warrior's power. By this point, vided by the dragon's fury ability,
the energy of the Dragon has soaked the Dragon's Grip (Ex): At pth level, the • Your character has always been a screw up.
dragon warrior through with mystical dragon warrior learns to wrap herself in Called clumsy and a clown throughout life,
your PC has decided to take those weaknesses
power, imbuing her with supernatural the power of the Dragon. No longer sim-
and make them into strengths by becoming a
toughness. At and level, the dragon war- ply inspired by it, she can now totally
kabuki warrior.
rior gains a deflection bonus to Armor immerse herself in it. When she uses the
• Your character connes from a family cursed
Class equal to her Wisdom modifier. dragon's fury ability, she now gains a +6
with terrible tempers that cause them to lash
At 5th level, the resilience of the war- to her Strength and Constitution and a
out and wound those they love. Many relatives
rior increases, and she gains damage +3 to all Will saves. This increases the
have given in to the rage and taken up the bar-
reduction i/—. bonus hit points to 3 per character level, barian life, but your PC has tried to control it.
At 8th level, the essence of the In addition, the dragon warrior can use Your character is always on the verge of dis-
Dragon has so thoroughly permeated the the dragon's fury ability 3 times per day astrous anger, but that struggle has given the
warrior that her mind and body share and no longer loses her chi shield abili- PC the powers of the dragon warrior.
the same infallible staying power. The ties while raging.
dragon warrior's damage reduction Dragon's Release (Ex): At the pinnacle
increases to 2/-, and she develops spell of her development, the dragon warrior DRAGON WARRIOR
resistance equal to 10 + her Wisdom becomes an avatar of the great Dragon Class Requirements
modifier. spirit. She no longer channels its power To qualify to become a dragon warrior, a
character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Dragon's Fire (Su): At 3rd level, the when enraged, but she becomes more
Alignment; Any nonchaot'C, nonlawful.
dragon warrior learns the first outward like a direct gateway for the primal force Dragon warriors who become lawful or
means of expressing the Dragon's rage. to act upon the world. chaotic, lose all dragon warrior class abili-
Using her sword as a focus for the When the warrior uses the dragon's ties.
power, the warrior learns to make the fury ability, she gains a +8 to both Base Attack Bonus: +6 or better.
Concentration: 3 ranks.
giant blade more than a metaphorical Strength and Constitution and a +4 to
Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks.
representation of the Dragon's fiery Will saves. This increases the bonus hit Feats; Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon
breath. As a free action, the dragon points to 4 per character level. In addi- Focus (greatsword).
warrior can, once per day, imbue a tion, she can use the dragon's fury abil-
greatsword she wields with the flaming ity 4 times per day. DRAGON WARRIOR
magic weapon enhancement (see the While her dragon's fury lasts, her Class Skills
The dragon warrior's class skills (and the
DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide). As long as the sword bursts into supernatural flames,
key abilities For each) are:
weapon is held in her hands, the granting the weapon the flaming magic Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
enhancement lasts for a number of weapon enhancement, as per the Dex: Ride.
rounds equal to the dragon warrior's dragon's fire ability. If the dragon war- Con: Concentration.
level plus her Wisdom modifier. At 6th rior chooses to use her dragon's fire Int; Knowledge (religion).
level, the dragon warrior can use ability while so enraged, her weapon is
Cha: Intimidate.
dragon's fire twice per day, and at gth treated as though it also has the flaming
level, The warrior can use the ability burst magic weapon enhancement. Q Skill Points at Each Level; 2 +- Int modifier,
three times per day.
Dragon's Fury (Ex): A 4th-leve!
dragon warrior finally learns the rudi- DRAGON WARRIOR ADVANCEMENT
Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
ments of letting the Dragon flow through Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
herself. By allowing a bit of the Dragon's ist +1 +2 o +2 Body of soul
essence out of her tightly controlled 2nd +2 +3 o +3 Chi shield (deflection bonus)
heart, the dragon warrior can throw 3rd +3 +3 i +3 Dragon's fire i/day
4th +4 +4 i +4 Dragon's fury z/day
herself into a mystically induced rage.
5th +5 +4 i +4 Chi shield (damage reduction i/—)
This rage lasts a number of rounds equal 6th +6 +5 2 +5 Dragon's fire 2/day
to the dragon warrior's Wisdom bonus, 7th +7 +5 2 +5 Dragon's grip (dragon's fury 3/day)
but in all other respects it is identical to 8th +8 +6 2 +6 Chi shield (damage reduction 2/-, spell resistance)
gth +g +6 3 +6 Dragon's fire 3/day
a barbarian's rage ability. While so
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Dragon's release (dragon's fury 4/day)
enraged, the dragon warrior loses her


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