Application of Internal Linings - Sample - PIP

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August 2006

Process Industry Practices Coatings

PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings

PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice. This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.

PRINTING HISTORY August 2003 Issued August 2006 Technical Revision

Not printed with State funds

August 2006

Process Industry Practices Coatings

PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings

Table of Contents 1. Introduction................................. 2
1.1 Purpose............................................ 2 1.2 Scope ............................................... 2

Data Forms CTSL1000-D1 Documentation Requirements The following data forms shall be part of this practice only if indicated on the purchaser's completed Documentation Requirements Sheet. CTSL1000-D2 Selection Criteria Sheet CTSL1000-D3 Application of Internal Linings CTSL1000-F Daily Inspection Report CTSL1000-T Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet

2. References .................................. 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices .............. 2 2.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........ 2 2.3 Other References............................. 3

3. Definitions ................................... 3 4. Requirements.............................. 3

4.1 Project Scope................................... 3 4.2 Selection Requirements and Internal Lining Systems................................. 3 4.3 General ............................................ 3 4.4 Climatic Condition Control ............... 4 4.5 Surface Preparation ......................... 6 4.6 Application ....................................... 6 4.7 Inspection....................................... 10 4.8 Documentation............................... 10 4.9 Shipping, Handling, and Storage ... 10

Appendix A - Figures..................... 12

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1.1 1.2 Purpose This Practice provides requirements for contractors installing industrial linings. Scope This Practice describes the general requirements for surface preparation, environmental control, and the installation and inspection of liquid-applied internal linings to metal substrates. Sheet linings and application to piping are not included.
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Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract awards shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate. 2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP VESV1003 Fabrication Requirements for Welded Vessels and Tanks to be Lined 2.2 Industry Codes and Standards American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM D3359 Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test ASTM D4285 Standard Test Methods for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air ASTM D4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel ASTM D4541 Standard Test Methods for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers ASTM E337 Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures) Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) SSPC-AB1 Mineral and Slag Abrasives SSPC-PA2 Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages SSPC-PA Guide 3 A Guide to Safety in Paint Application SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP5/NACE No. 1 White Metal Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP7/NACE No. 4 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning SSPC-VIS 1-89 Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel (Standard Reference Photographs)
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PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings


Other References National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

NIOSH Publication No. 92-102 NIOSH Alert: Request for Assistance in
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Preventing Silicosis and Deaths from Sandblasting


CS: Carbon and low-alloy steel SS: Austenitic stainless steel contractor: The party responsible for furnishing and/or installing the lining system nonferrous: Copper, aluminum, and nickel base alloys owner: The principal end user purchaser: The owner or the owners agent inspector: The owner or the owners authorized agent


4.1 Project Scope 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 Documents required to define the scope of the work are listed on Purchasers Data Sheet PIP CTSL1000-D1. Systems requiring additional coating specifications beyond this practice and referenced data sheets shall be covered by purchasers documentation.
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Selection Requirements and Internal Lining Systems 4.2.1 4.2.2 Internal lining system selection criteria data sheet, PIP CTSL1000-D2, shall be used for selecting the appropriate coating. Internal lining system data sheet, CTSL1000-D3, shall be used to define specific requirements for each lining system.
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General 4.3.1 Condition of Surfaces to be Lined PIP VESV1003 defines the details to be followed in fabricating a vessel that is to be lined. The inspector shall verify that the vessel surfaces to be lined comply with the requirements of PIP VESV1003.

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Conflicts, Exceptions, and Deviations All conflicts between the referenced documents and this Practice shall be submitted in writing to the purchaser for clarification and resolution before proceeding with the lining application. All exceptions, deviations, and substitutions to the requirements specified herein and in referenced documents shall be approved by the purchaser.


Regulations and Material Safety Data Sheets Protective linings shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations on surface preparation, lining application, storage, handling, safety, and environmental requirements, including the recommendations of SSPC-PA Guide 3. The latest issue of the lining manufacturers product data sheets, application instructions, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) shall be available at the lining site and complied with during lining operations.


Surfaces not Lined The following surfaces shall not be lined, unless otherwise specified: a. Nonferrous metals b. Galvanized or metallized surfaces c. Nonmetallic The following surfaces shall not be lined and shall be protected from surface preparation and lining activity in the area: a. Sacrificial anodes b. Resilient seal materials


Precautions for Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Metals All SS and nonferrous metals shall be protected from blasting, overspray, and linings intended for CS, especially linings that contain zinc. Abrasives for use on SS shall comply with SSPC-AB1 and shall be free of metals. Linings and solvents for use on SS and nonferrous metals shall be free of substances such as chlorides, sulfur, halogens, or metallic pigments that can harmfully affect SS or nonferrous metals.


Climatic Condition Control 4.4.1 Factors Affecting Application Temperature

Unless otherwise specified by the lining manufacturer, linings shall not be applied if:

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PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings

a. Temperature of steel or lining material is below 50F (10C). b. Air temperature is below 50F (10C) or above 120F (49C). c. Surface temperature is expected to drop to 50F (10C) before lining has cured if low temperature will be detrimental to the lining. Moisture

a. Linings shall not be applied in rain, snow, fog, or mist. b. Linings shall not be applied if steel surface temperature is less than 5F (3C) above the dew point. c. Linings shall not be applied to surfaces that show visible traces of moisture as condensation or precipitation. Humidity
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The manufacturer's instructions shall be followed regarding acceptable humidity range for application and curing of moisturecured linings. Measure of Ambient Conditions

a. Measurements of temperature, humidity, and dew point shall be taken inside the equipment to be lined at the beginning of each workday and every 4 hours thereafter, or sooner if weather conditions appear to be changing. b. Dew point temperature shall be determined by sling psychrometer in accordance with ASTM E337, at the location where work is being performed. c. A record of these measurements shall be kept, indicating the wet- and dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and surface temperature of the metal of items lined. 4.4.2 Dehumidification Dehumidification equipment shall, as a minimum, have the capacity to: a. Depress the air dew point in the equipment being lined to 10F (6C) below ambient temperature within 20 minutes. b. Affect an air change rate of three times per hour, unless particle loading is unusually high (see SSPC-PA Guide 3 for regulation). If the selected dehumidifier can reduce air dew point by more than 10F (6C), the air change rate can be reduced. If the dehumidifier cannot reduce the dew point by at least 10F (6C), more air shall be used. The following critical measurements shall be taken on a regular basis at a frequency to be determined by the purchaser:
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a. Ambient dew point (air entering the dehumidifier) b. Dew point of air leaving the humidifier c. Dew point of air inside the tank near metal surface d. Surface temperature of the substrate 4.5 Surface Preparation 4.5.1 Precleaning Before blasting, oil, tar, grease, salt, and other contaminants shall be removed from the surfaces to be lined. Hydrocarbon removal shall be accomplished by solvent cleaning (SSPC SP1), power brush (SSPC SP2) high-pressure water, or steam cleaning using proper chemicals. Cleaning shall be followed by a freshwater rinse to ensure complete removal of soluble salts and cleaning chemicals. If the entire tank is to be lined, all rafters, supports, and superstructure shall be included in the cleaning process. A black light shall be used to locate hydrocarbon contaminants. If lining the bottom of a floating roof tank, before blasting begins, the underside of the roof and 7-feet up the tank wall shall receive a brush blast (SSPC-SP7/NACE No. 4) to remove contaminants and loose scale. 4.5.2 Abrasive Blast Cleaning Compressed air supply used for blasting shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators and traps shall be provided and kept empty. Abrasive shall be selected to produce a necessary profile or anchor pattern for lining to be applied. Abrasive shall be free of contaminants, such as water-soluble salts, dirt, clay, oil, and grease. Silica or other abrasive substances containing more than 1 percent crystalline silica shall not be used as an abrasive blasting material. Refer to NIOSH Publication No. 92-102. Blasting shall not be allowed if metal surfaces are less than 5F (3C) above the dew point. Abrasive blast cleaning shall be to a white metal finish and comply with SSPC-SP5/NACE No. 1. 4.6 Application 4.6.1 General Lining materials and thicknesses shall be as listed in PIP CTSL1000-D3, Internal Lining System.
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PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings Lining materials shall be furnished in the manufacturers unopened containers, shall be clearly marked, and shall be kept covered, clean, and protected. Blasted surfaces shall be absolutely clean and dry before the application of the first coat. Spent blast media shall either be removed or adequately covered before lining to prevent contamination of the surface to be lined. Workers shall take precautions (changing or dusting shoes and removing abrasive from pant cuffs) to ensure that cleanliness is maintained throughout the entire lining operation. If the prepared surface becomes dirty or rusty before the first prime coat is applied, the surface shall be recleaned to a degree that was initially specified. When required, welds and edges shall be striped with primer by brush application before the application of the first prime coat. Before the application of any coat, damage to the previous coat shall be repaired with a corresponding specified material. Lined surfaces, including striping and repair, shall be thoroughly dry and clean before the application of subsequent coats in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation for recoat time. Unless otherwise specified, the allowable dry-film thickness range shall be as specified by the lining manufacturer on the product data sheet. The recoat time between coats shall be that recommended by the manufacturer for any given temperature. Thinning shall not exceed the maximum allowable volatile organic compound (VOC) level for the lining involved. 4.6.2 Preparation of Lining Materials Lining materials shall be stirred or mechanically agitated to ensure that pigments, vehicles, and activators are thoroughly mixed. When required by the manufacturer, linings shall be continuously stirred by mechanical agitators. Lining materials shall be thinned only with thinner that is recommended by the manufacturer and in quantities that do not exceed the manufacturers recommendation. All mixing shall be done in clean containers that are free from traces of grease, paints, and other contaminants. After mixing, the containers shall be kept covered to prevent contamination. The mixing of partial kits is not allowed.

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PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings

August 2006 Inorganic zinc primers and all pigmented lining materials shall be strained before the application in accordance with the lining manufacturers written instructions. Tinting for color contrast of the primer and midcoat is not allowed. Pot life shall not exceed the limits specified by the manufacturer. Materials that have exceeded the lining manufacturers recommended shelf life shall not be used. 4.6.3 Thick Film Reinforced Systems Putty/Caulking Application

1. Application may be by spray or putty knife and shall include chine, bottom plate seams, the bottom of sumps, and along the column bases. 2. Putty used shall be compatible with the resin system as recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Large projections and lap joints on welded plates to be lined shall be filled with putty to smooth out the surface and permit complete contact with the laminate system. See Figure 1 and Figure 5 in Appendix A. 4. Chine or bottom angle shall be filled with putty and covered to a smooth 3-inch (75-mm) radius to permit contact with the laminate system. See Figure 3 in Appendix A. 5. Riveted seams, lap joints, and chine angle plates shall be filled with putty and smoothed out to obtain complete contact with the laminate system. See Figure 2 and Figure 4 in Appendix A. Columns, Support Legs, Sumps, Etc.

1. For tanks on which the column base is not fixed or attached to the bottom by welds, a striker plate and resin laminate patch shall be placed under the column base as follows: a. Plates shall be installed under fixed roof tanks one at a time. No fixed roof support shall be raised while another is on the jack. b. Tack welds and/or guides shall be removed to free the column base and to provide a smooth tank bottom. c. The column base shall be jacked up in accordance with instructions that are detailed in Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 in Appendix A. d. If a lining system is used without reinforcing, the lining system shall be inserted into Step 6 instead of reinforced laminate in Figure 5 in Appendix A. 2. Striker plate for support legs on floating roof tanks shall be placed as follows:

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a. Tanks normally have a stationary striker plate with a circumferential fillet weld as part of the original construction. See Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 in Appendix A. If this stationary plate is not a part of the design, Step 5 and Step 6 shall be eliminated, and reinforced laminate (or lining system) shall be applied directly to the blasted and primed steel bottom, ensuring that it extends 12 inches (300 mm) onto the floor. Steps shown in Figure 7 in Appendix A shall then be continued. b. The auxiliary striker plate shall be blasted, primed, and placed into wet laminate. Support legs shall be lowered onto the auxiliary striker plate when the resin starts to gel. c. Hollow legs shall be wrapped with plastic, secured to prevent dripping during the transfer to a temporary support, and then raised. d. Reinforced laminate (or lining system) shall extend at least 12 inches (300 mm) in all directions from the striker plate such that there is a 3-inch (75-mm) overlap when the lay-up operation is continued across the floor. 3. Sumps shall receive a reinforcement layer across the bottom, up sides, and 6 inches (150 mm) to 12 inches (300 mm) onto the floor. 4. Additional layers of laminate shall be installed onto the tank bottom as follows: a. Under the gage hatch (4-foot by 4-foot [1.2-M by 1.2-M] area). b. Fill line outlet (4-foot by 4-foot [1.2-M by 1.2-M] area). c. Swing the line arresting chain of floating roof tanks (3-foot by 12-foot [1-M by 4-M] area). 4.6.4 Repair of Linings If, after inspection, the lining thickness is deemed to be insufficient, necessary additional lining to achieve the required film thickness shall be applied. If the lining is too thick and detrimental to the integrity of the system, the excess lining shall be sanded off to the required film thickness. If abrasive or other contaminants have contaminated the lining, the lining shall be repaired in accordance with the lining manufacturers written recommendation. If improperly mixed linings (e.g., wrong catalyst or no catalyst) are applied, the lining shall be removed and the surface restored to the originally specified condition. Holidays shall be repaired in accordance with the lining manufacturers recommended procedure.

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Inspection 4.7.1 General Inspections and tests shall be performed in accordance with purchasers Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet, PIP CTSL000-T, to ensure that the surface preparation and lining application comply with the requirements of this Practice. The lining shall be holiday free unless otherwise specified on purchasers Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet, PIP CTSL1000-T. 4.7.2 Inspection Hold Points Hold Point (H)

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1. A hold point (H) is the notification that a shop process is ready for purchasers inspection and to hold any further application until inspection has occurred. 2. Hold points shall be provided in accordance with purchasers Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet, PIP CTSL1000-T. Witness Point (W)

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1. A witness point (W) is an observation by purchasers inspector(s) of the actual test as it is being performed. Application may proceed if purchasers inspector(s) is not present and was given proper notification. 2. Witness points shall be provided in accordance with purchasers Inspection and Testing Requirements Sheet, PIP CTSL1000-T. 4.8 Documentation 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.9 A Daily Inspection Report, PIP CTSL1000-F, shall be completed for each work shift. The contractors forms may be used with prior approval from the purchaser. A log shall be maintained of all reports, inspections, and tests (including date, time, and results of instrument calibrations).

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Shipping, Handling, and Storage 4.9.1 4.9.2 Lined items shall not be handled or moved until all linings have been properly dried or cured as required in the lining manufacturers instructions. Lined items shall be handled with equipment such as wide belt slings, web belts, and wide padded skids that are selected to prevent damage to the lining. Handling equipment that is likely to cause damage to the lining shall not be used. Items such as chains, cables, hooks, tongs, metal bars, and narrow skids shall not be permitted to come in contact with the lining. Lined items shall be loaded, padded, and secured for transport in a manner such that the lining will not be damaged in transit.

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HDPE flange protectors shall be used to protect lined flange faces. The protectors shall be attached by bolts.

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Appendix A - Figures

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PIP CTSL1000 Application of Internal Linings

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