Term 1 Week 5 2015 1425809887798
Term 1 Week 5 2015 1425809887798
Term 1 Week 5 2015 1425809887798
Forbes Street, Liverpool NSW 2170 T 9602 7979 F 9821 4068 E liverpoolb-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Mr. Saxon
Ice Bucket Challenge and Staff VS. Student Touch Football Match
On the 12th February, Year 7 went to the Megacen- Welcome to all our Year 7 families! The boys seem
tre in Liverpool for a team building and ‘getting to to be settling in well and are getting in the swing of
know you’ excursion. The students had lots of fun high school. Please feel free to contact the school if
at AMF Ten- Pin Bowling and Laser Tag. any issues arise.
Thank You,
February, 2015
Many students receive learning support from staff at our school. In order to provide the best support to all
our students, we need to collect data and include all students who receive support in the Nationally
Consistent Collection of Data, which is due in August this year.
Your son may be receiving support at school for either one, two or several reasons as listed below:
Parents will be given an opportunity to meet and discuss their son’s needs and inclusion in the data
collection soon.
Parents need to decide whether they wish to have their son included in the data collection. All data collected
is private and confidential. If you would like more information now, please contact the school. Otherwise we
will be contacting parents soon.
Kindest Regards,
Sharon Kelly
Head Teacher Student Engagement
Liverpool Boys High School
Forbes Street, Liverpool, 2170.
Ph: 9602 7979, Fax: 9821 4068.
Email: liverpoolb-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
February 2015
I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a
Department of Education and Communities initiative: the Tell Them From Me student
feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures
factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The
focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching
The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide our school with valuable and
quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and
the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the
world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at
I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to
identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will
typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours
between 9 March and 2 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary.
A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with
students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to
school by Friday 27 February. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from the website
Mr Saxon
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