FYP PROJECT Dheeraj & Kashyap

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirement for the award of the degree



Chemical Engineering
Kashyap Parmar (U20CH048)
Dheeraj Salvi (U20CH036)

Under the supervision of

(Assistant Professor)

Department of Chemical Engineering Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

Department of Chemical Engineering
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

This is to certify that the B.Tech. seminar, entitled “Production of 2-Methoxy 2-Methyl
Heptane” submitted by Kashyap Parmar (U20CH048) & Dheeraj salvi (U20CH036) in partial
fulfillment for the award of the degree of “B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering” of Sardar
Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, is a record of his own work carried out under
my supervision and guidance.

(Assistant Professor)

Date: 08/12/2023

Department of Chemical Engineering

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat
Examiner’s Certificate of Approval
This is to certify that the B.Tech. credit project, entitled “Production of 2-Methoxy 2-Methyl
Heptane” submitted by Kashyap Parmar (U20CH048) & Dheeraj salvi (U20CH036) in partial
fulfillment for the award of the degree of “B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering” of Sardar Vallabhbhai
National Institute of Technology, Surat, is hereby approved.


1. Dr. Meghal.A.desai
(Associate Professor)

2. Dr.Smita Gupta
(Associate Professor)

3. Dipesh kachhadiya
(Teaching assistant)

Date: 08/12/2023

This project report is an attempt to understand the basic principles and technicalities of
manufacturing of a product at an industrial scale. Here we have selected 2-Methoxy- 2-
Methyl Heptane as our product. This report describes about introduction of 2-
Methoxy-2-Methyl Heptane, its various properties including physical, chemical as well
as thermodynamic properties. Also, various methods of industrial production practiced
today are introduced and a comparison between them is made and the best and optimized
method of production is chosen according to the feasibility and context of the project.
For the method chosen we have presented an attempt to the material balance and energy
balance for the entire process as well as detailed balance at each stage of the process.
We have done equipment’s design as well as plant location and layout.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of the reactions are also represented. We also made a
cost estimation of 2-Methoxy-2-Methyl Heptane and safety issues and ETP of plant.
Thus, this project represents an idea of industrial production of 2-Methoxy-2-
Methyl Heptane.

Date: 8/12/2023 Kashyap Parmar Dheeraj Salvi

(U20CH048) ( U20CH036)
1 Introduction
1.1 Properties.....................................................................................................................

2 Demand, Supply and Applications

2.1 Applications.............................................................................................................
2.2 Demand Data..........................................................................................................
2.3 Production Trend....................................................................................................
2.4 Consumption Trend................................................................................................

3 Process Description
3.1 Chemistry Behind the Process...............................................................................
3.2 Process Steps................................................................................................................
3.3 Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Graphs....................................................................

4 Material Balance
4.1 Column-3......................................................................................................................
4.2 Column-2......................................................................................................................
4.3 Column-1......................................................................................................................
4.4 Reactor

5 Energy Balance
5.1 Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Column-1 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Column-2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Column-3 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Process
6.1 Thermodynamics of the Process.................................................................................
6.2 Thermodynamics of Desired Reaction...................................................................
6.2.1 Calculating Change in Enthalpy, ∆H.................................................
6.2.2 Calculating Change in Entropy, ∆S...................................................
6.2.3 Calculating Change in Gibbs Free Energy, ∆G......................................
6.3 Kinetics of the Process.................................................................................................
6.3.1 Finding the Volume of Reactor..................................................................

7 Process Equipment Selection and Design

7.1 Distillation Column Design.....................................................................................
7.1.1 Selection of Distillation Column......................................................................
7.1.2 Selection of type of Plates..............................................................................
7.1.3 Major Design Steps.....................................................................................
7.1.4 Column-2 Design.........................................................................................
7.2 Reactor Design........................................................................................................
7.2.1 Selection of Reactor........................................................................................
7.2.2 Major Design Steps.....................................................................................
7.2.3 Reactor Design............................................................................................
7.3 Heat Exchanger Design...........................................................................................
7.3.1 Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger.................................................................
7.3.2 Major Design Steps.....................................................................................

7.3.3 Heat Exchanger Design...........................................................................

8 Locating Chemical Plant

8.1 Factors Affecting Plant Location in a nutshell.................................................
8.1.1 Primary Factors affecting Plant Location............................................
8.1.2 Specific Factors affecting Plant Location.............................................
8.2 Some Important Factors in Detail....................................................................
8.3 Comparing Some of the Possible Locations for Plant Setup...........................
8.4 Ankleshwar Industrial Cluster..........................................................................
8.4.1 Current Market Scenario of Ankleshwar..............................................
8.5 SWOT Analysis of Ankleshwar........................................................................

9 Plant Layout
9.1 Factors in Planning Layout...........................................................................
9.2 Facilities to be Included in a Layout................................................................
9.3 Methods of Layout Planning................................................................................
9.4 Unit Area Diagram of the Plant Layout.......................................................

Cost Estimation
9.5 Purchased Equipment Cost..............................................................................
9.6 Estimation of Total Capital Investment...........................................................
9.6.1 Direct Costs...........................................................................................
9.6.2 Indirect Costs........................................................................................
9.7 Estimation of Manufacturing Cost...................................................................
9.7.1 Direct Production Cost.........................................................................
9.7.2 Fixed Charges........................................................................................
9.8 General Expenses..................................................................................................
9.9 Gross Earnings and Net Profit.........................................................................
9.10 Rate of Return, Payback Period and Turnover Ratio......................................

10 Bibliography
Chapter 1

2-Methoxy-2-Methylheptane (MMH) is a flammable and irritation causing
substance with a molecular weight 144.25 g/mol.

The trade name of the following chemical is Daikon Ether. The chemical 2-methoxy- 2-
methylheptane (MMH) has been proposed as a gasoline additive to replace methyl tert-
butyl ether (MTBE) in order to avoid groundwater contamination.

The applications of 2-methoxy-2-methylheptane (MMH) is generally seen in forming an-

alytical reagents and pharmaceutical intermediaries.The chemistry involves the
liquid phase reversible reaction of methanol with 2-methyl-1-heptene (MH) to form MMH.
However, methanol and MH also undergo an undesirable reaction to form Dimethyl
Ether (DME) and 2-Methyl-2-Heptanol (MHOH)

MMH Structure
Current advancements are going on in this field with different methods like reactive dis-
tillation being tested to get better and better quality MMH.

Currently not a lot of companies are involved in producing MMH. Some prominent in-
dustries like BASF, Harmacore Co. Ltd, Alfa Aesar, etc.

3-D MMH Structure


Molecular Weight 144.25

Density 875.8 Kg

Melting Point -77.4 C
Boiling Point 179◦ C
Vapour Pressure 9.48 mmHg
Water Solubility 3.49 × 10−3 mol

Hazard Flammable
Flash Point 37.1◦ C
Heat Capacity (STP) 1.87522
Viscosity (STP) 0.0004189 Pa· s
Thermal Conductivity 119 mW

Surface Tension 0.0257 N


Refraction Index 1.41

Molar Heat of Vaporisation 37.58 kJ

Property Table
Chapter 2

Demand, Supply and Applications

Nowadays there has been a growing caution to pollution levels not only in air but also
the water bodies which provide us the clean drinking water for example ground water
bodies. In last decade or so the ground water pollution levels have been increasing and
as a result of which lot of investigation and research has been going on in this sector.
Scientists in recent times have found that MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) an
octane booster is seen to be depleting the ground water bodies and as a result of which
a replacement in form of MMH (2-methoxy 2-methyl heptane) has been found.

• The major key players which drive the demand and supply of MMH are Alfa
Aesar, Harmacore Co., Hangzhou J&H Chemicals, BASF.

• The global market is classified on the basis of product type which is namely
Phar- maceutical Grade and Chemical Grade.

• If seen on the basis of use or application MMH is classified into Analytical Reagents,
Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Others.


1. Proposed use concentrations of the notified chemical in finished consumer products


• 0.001 – 0.5% in fine fragrances

• 0.0001 – 0.05% in personal care/cosmetic products (e.g. cosmetics, shower

gels, shampoos)
• 0.0001 – 0.05% in household products (e.g. laundry detergents).

2. The reformulation processes for incorporating the fragrance formulations containing

the notified chemical into end-use products will likely vary depending on the specific
type of personal care/cosmetic and household products formulated.

3. Personal care/cosmetic products – Depending on the nature of the product, appli-

cation may be done by hand, sprayed or through the use of an applicator.

Demand Data

Product Type Daily Systematic Exposure

Cosmetic Products
Body Lotion 0.0611
Face Cream 0.0120
Hand Cream 0.0169
Fine Fragrances 0.0586
Deodorant 0.0117
Shampoo 0.0008
Conditioner 0.0003
Shower Gel 0.0015
Hand Wash Soap 0.0016
Hair Styling Products 0.0031
Sub Total 0.1676
House Hold Products
Laundry Liquid 0.00170
Fabric Softener 0.0007
Dish Washing Liquid 0.0001
All Purpose Cleaner 0.0011
Sub Total 0.0036
Aerosol Exposure
Hair Spray 0.0016
Total 0.1728
Demand Data

Production Trend

Production Trend

Expected production of MMH is approx 370 tons per year.

Consumption Trend

Consumption Trend
Chapter 3

Process Description

Chemistry Behind the Process

The chemistry involves the liquid phase reversible reaction of methanol with 2- methyl-
1-heptene (MH) to form MMH. However, methanol and MH also undergo an un-
desirable reaction to form dimethyl ether (DME) and 2-methyl-2-heptanol (MHOH).
The activation energies of the two competing reactions favour high reactor temper-
ature, which is limited by catalyst activity to 400 K. Yield of the desired product is in-
creased by either increasing reactor size or keeping the concentration of methanol
in the reactor low by using a large excess of MH in the reactor. The latter strategy
results in a large recycle flow rate of MH, which increases separation costs. Thus, this
process demonstrates the classic design trade-off between reactor costs and separation

• Reactions Involved

1. Desired Reaction
CH3OH + C8H16 − → C9H20O R1 = k1F · xMeOH · xMH − k1R · x MMH

2. Undesired Reaction
2 CH3OH + C8H16 − → C2H6O + C8H18O R2 = k2 · (xMeOH)2
Different R1 R2 Units
Components Forward Backward
k (Overall Reaction Rate) 6.7 × 107 2.1 × 10−6 1.3 × 109 s·kgcat
E (Activation Energy) 90000 900 105900 kmol
Concentration xMeOH · xMH x MMH x2MeOH mole fraction
Kinetics Table

Process Steps

MH Recycle

C1 - DME Column

MH Feed
C2 - MH Recovery Column


MeOH Feed

C3 - MMH Column

1. Reactor:
The reactor is a 12 m3 continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operating at 400
K and 15 atm. A fresh methanol stream (MeOH) is fed at 49.98 h
. Fresh
2-methyl-1-heptene (MH) is fed to the reactor at 49.43 h
and combined with a
recycle stream from a downstream distillation column to give a total of 130.43
of MH fed to the reactor. Concentrations of components in the reactor are 0.40
mol % dimethyl ether (DME), 2.47 mol % MeOH, 58.80 mol % MH, 37.30 mol %
MMH, and 0.40 mol % MHOH. The low methanol concentration is needed to
achieve the desired 99% yield of MMH. The reactor output is 131.25 . The per-
pass conversion of methanol is 93.9%, and the per-pass conversion of MH is

2. Column 1:
The reactor effluent is fed on stage 8 of a 12-stage distillation column. The column
operates at 10 atm, which gives a reflux-drum temperature of 318 K and permits
the use of cooling water in the condenser. The distillate product is a small stream
of 0.52kmol
of 99.9 mol % DME. The separation between DME and methanol is
easy, so the reflux ratio is small (RR 0.8) and few stages are required. The base
temperature is 509 K. Most of the reboiler heat goes to increase the sensible heat
of the feed from 400 K up to the base temperature of 509 K.

3. Column 2:
The bottoms from the first column is fed to column C2 separates the product MMH
from the recycle MH. The distillate is 81
with a composition of 4.1 mol %
MeOH, and 95.82 mol % MH. The bottoms is a mixture of the product MMH and
the impurity MHOH. The bottoms stream flow rate is 49.98
and composition
of the constituents is 98 mol% MMH and 1.04 mol% MHOH. The column has 42
stages and is fed on stage 23. It operates under vacuum conditions (0.4 atm) with
a reflux-drum temperature of 358 K. A reflux ratio of 2.198 is required to achieve
the specified separation. The base temperature is 410 K, so medium-pressure
steam can be used in the reboiler (11 bar, 457 K).

4. Column 3:
The third column has 22 stages and is fed on stage 14. The distillate is the MMH
kmol kmol
product 48.944 h
with a purity of 98.9 mol % MMH. The bottoms is 0.4953 h
byproduct MHOH with a purity of 99.8 mol %. The column operates under vacuum
(0.1 atm). The reflux drum temperature is 352 K, and the base temperature is
426 K using medium-pressure steam. The reflux ratio is 0.427.
Chapter 4

Material Balance

G (MH Recycle)


C1 - DME Column

(MH Feed)

C2 - MH Recovery Column

C (MeOH Feed)

C3 - MMH Column

Material Balance Equation:

(Materialin)−(Materialout)+(Materialgenerated)−(Materialdisappearance) = Accumalation

Basis of Calculation: 48.94 based on amount of MMH i.e stream I


• Per pass conversion of MeOH at reactor = 93.9%

• Per pass conversion of MH at reactor = 39.2%

• Overall yield = 99%

• Overall conversion for MeOH = 100%


∗ Y ield MMH Formed

MH Fed
0.99 = MH Fed
MH Fed = A (Pure MH) = 49.43 h

∗ As overall conversion is 100%, all 49.43 kmol

MH will be completely consumed.

∗ 1% of MH leads to formation of MHOH because 99% leads to formation of MMH

MHOHJ = 0.01×(49.43) = 0.4943
0.998×J = 0.4943
J = 0.4953 h

∗ Overall Material Balance (Using Extent of Reaction):

⬦ For Desired Reaction (MMH Balance)

MMHout - MMHin = ϵ1
48.94 - 0 = ϵ1
ϵ1 = 48.94 h

⬦ For Undesired Reaction (MHOH Balance)

MHOHout - MHOHin = ϵ2
(0.0005)×(49.488) + 0.998×(0.4953) - 0 = ϵ2
ϵ2 = 0.519 h

⬦ MeOH Balance
MeOHout - MeOHin = -ϵ1 - 2ϵ2
MeOHin = ϵ1 + 2ϵ2 = 49.98 h
C = 49.98 h


Stream Species Fraction

H MMH 0.98
MHOH 0.0104
I MMH 0.989
MHOH 0.0005
J MMH 0.002
MHOH 0.998

Column-3 Stream Specifications

Column-3 Material Balance

∗ H = 49.488 + 0.4953
∗ H = 49.98 h


Stream Species Fraction

F MH 0.589
MMH 0.375
MeOH 0.0254
DME 0.0008
MHOH 0.004
G MeOH 0.041
MH 0.9582
H MMH 0.98
MHOH 0.0104

Column-2 Stream Specifications

Column-2 Material Balance
∗ F - G = 49.98 kmol


Stream Species Fraction
D MeOH 0.0247
MMH 0.373
MH 0.588
DME 0.004
MHOH 0.004
E DME 0.999
MeOH 0.001
F MH 0.589
MMH 0.374
MeOH 0.0254
DME 0.0008
MHOH 0.004

Column-1 Stream Specifications

Column-1 Material Balance

∗ Amount of MHOH formed = Amount of DME

formed Amount of DME = h0.519
(0.999)×E = 0.519
E = 0.52 h

∗ Through simulating we came to know % of MeOH in F =

2.54% MeOHF = (0.0254)×F = (0.041)×G
F = 1.614×G

∗ As F - G = 49.98

G = 81 & F = 130.73 kmol

h h

∗ Now D = E + F
D = 131.25 h
∗ At Mixing
Point, A + G =
49.43 + 81 = B
B = 130.43 h

∴ (MeOH)B = 3.321 kmol



Stream Species Fraction
D MeOH 0.0247
MMH 0.373
MH 0.588
DME 0.004
MHOH 0.004
B MH 0.974
MeOH 0.0254
C MeOH 1.0

Reactor Stream Specifications

Reactor Material Balance

∗ Total MeOH entering reactor = C + (MeOH)B = 53.301 kmol


∗ Per pass conversion of MeOH = 93.9%

Conversion =
= 53.301
MeOHreacted = 50.05 h

∗ (MeOH)D = MeOHin – MeOHreacted

(MeOH)D = 53.301 – 50.05 = 3.251 h

∗ (MMH)D = MMHformed = ϵ1 = 48.94 kmol

(MHOH)D = MHOHformed = ϵ2 = 0.519

∗ Per pass conversion of MH = 39.2%

MHin = A + (MH)G
MHin = 49.43 + (0.9582)×(0.81) = 127.04 h
Conversion =
= 127.04
MHreacted = 49.93 kmol

∗ MHD = MHin – MHreacted

(MH)D = 127.04 – 49.93 = 77.11 h

∗ (DME)D = DMEformed = ϵ2 = 0.519 kmol


D = 3.251 + 48.94 + 0.519 + 77.11 + 0.519

D = 131.25 kmol
MHin = 49.43 + (0.582)×(0.81) = 127.04 h
Conversion =
= 127.04
MHreacted = 49.93 kmol

∗ MHD = MHin – MHreacted

(MH)D = 127.04 – 49.93 = 77.11 h

∗ (DME)D = DMEformed = ϵ2 = 0.519 kmol


D = 3.251 + 48.94 + 0.519 + 77.11 + 0.519

D = 131.25 kmol
Chapter 5

Energy Balance
Basic Energy Balance Equation:
(Energyin) − (Energyout) + (Energygenerated) − (Energylost) = Accumalation


Every data at the reference temperature 298 K.

∗ Stream C:
393 K → 298 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆ T (K) ∆H( kJ
h kmol·K s

MeOH 49.98 94.6096 -95 -127.41

Stream C Energy

∗ Stream B:
353 K → 298 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MeOH 3.313 87.87 -55 -4.448

MH 127.04 249.49 -55 -484.156
Total -488.604

Stream B Energy

∆Hin = -488.604 -127.41 = -616.014 skJ

∗ Heat of Reaction Calculation

Species ∆Hf ( )

MeOH -7200677.4
MH -96990.3
MMH -9790.6
DME -183826.58
MHOH -0.001237

Heat of Formation Data

⬦ Desired Reaction
∆Hr1 = niHi = 287877.1
kmol · · · with respect to MeOH
(MeOH)B+(MeOH)c−(MeOH)D (MeOH)B+
Now XMeOH = (MeOH)c
∆Hr1 = (0.918)×(287877.1)×(52.3) = 3907.84 s

⬦ Undesired Reaction
∆Hr2 = niHi = 157259.26 · · · with respect to MeOH
∆Hr2 = (0.01)×(157259.26)×(52.3) = 45.8673

∆Hr = ∆Hr1 + ∆Hr2 = 3953.7073 s

∗ Stream D
298 K → 400 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MeOH 3.2418 95.854 112 8.8

MH 77.175 264.2257 112 577.76
MMH 48.956 330.6525 112 458.66
MHOH 0.525 340.08 112 5.07
Total(∆Hout) 1050.29

Stream D Energy

∗ Overall Enthalpy Change

∆Htotal = ∆Hin + ∆Hr + ∆Hout
∆Htotal = -616.014 + 3953.7073 + 1050.29 = 4387.98skJ


Every data at the reference temperature 298 K

Heat into the Column-1 = Heat out of the Reactor = 1050.29 s

∗ Energy Out of the Column-1

⬦ Stream E (Top Product)

298 K → 318 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

DME 0.519 122.36 20 0.18076

MeOH 0.00052 83.0704 20 0.00024
Total 0.18099

Stream E Energy
⬦ Stream F (Bottom Product)
298 K → 509 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MMH 48.89 360.06 211 1033.66

MeOH 3.3205 121.65 211 21.703
MH 76.74 288.28 211 1268
Total 2323.484

Stream F Energy

∗ Balance on Condenser

(Heat with V apour) = (Heat lost in Condenser) + (Heat with Distillate)

+(Heat with Reflux)

⬦ Reflux Ratio = 0.8

= 0.8
L = 0.416 h
V = L + D = 0.936 h

Where L is the flow rate of reflux stream, D the flow rate of distillate and V the
flow rate of vapour coming into the condenser.

⬦ Heat with Vapour

298 K → 413.5 K

Stream Flow Rate ( kmol ) Latent Heat of Vapourisation ( kJ ) Sensible Heat ( kJ ) ∆H ( kJ

h mol s s

DME 0.935 19.3 3.88 8.892

MeOH 0.000936 37.43 0.00286 0.0126
Total 8.904

Heat with vapour in Column-1 Condenser

⬦ Heat with Reflux
298 K → 318 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

DME 0.4155 122.36 20 0.2715

MeOH 0.000416 83.0704 20 0.0001926
Total 0.2716

Heat with reflux in Column-1

∴ Heat lost in Condenser = 8.904 - 0.2716 - 0.18099 = 8.4514 kJ


∗ Balance on Reboiler

(Heat into Reboiler) = (Heat with reflux) + (Heat with residue)

+(Heat Lostin Condenser) − (Heat with feed)

Heat into Reboiler = 0.2716 + 2323.484 + 8.4514 - 1050.29 = 1281.917skJ

∗ Overall Energy Balance

Energy Stream Energy In ( kJ ) Energy Out ( kJ )

s s

Feed 1050.29 -
Distillate - 0.18099
Condenser - 8.4514
Reboiler 1281.97 -
Residue - 2323.484
Total 2332.207 2332.116

Overal Energy Balance Column-1

Energy Loss = Energy In - Energy Out = 0.091 s

Percentage Loss = Energy Loss ×

100 ≈ 0 %
Energy In


Every data at the reference temperature 298 K

Heat into the Column-2 = Heat out of the Column-1 = 2323.484 s

∗ Energy Out of the Column-2

⬦ Stream G (Recycle)
298 K → 358 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MeOH 3.321 94.592 60 5.235

MH 77.614 250.5664 60 324.7
Total 329.935

Stream G Energy 42
⬦ Stream H (Bottom Product)
298 K → 410 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MMH 48.98 332.686 112 507.85

MHOH 0.5198 342.1015 112 5.53
Total 513.38

Stream H Energy

∗ Balance on Condenser

(Heat with V apour) = (Heat lost in Condenser) + (Heat with Distillate)

+(Heat with Reflux)

⬦ Reflux Ratio = 2.198

= 2.198
L = 178.04 h
V = L + D = 259.04 h

Where L is the flow rate of reflux stream, D the flow rate of distillate and V the
flow rate of vapour coming into the condenser.

⬦ Heat with Vapour

298 K → 384 K

Stream Flow Rate ( kmol ) Latent Heat of Vapourisation ( kJ ) Sensible Heat ( kJ ) ∆H ( kJ

h mol s s

MH 248.12 39.8 1544.1 4298.2

MeOH 10.620 34.12 23.918 124.572
Total 4422.7

Heat with vapour in Column-2 Condenser

⬦ Heat with Reflux
298 K → 358 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MH 170.6 290.836 60 712.44

MeOH 7.442 94.592 60 11.732
Total 724.175

Heat with reflux in Column-2

∴ Heat lost in Condenser = 4422.7 - 329.935 - 724.175 = 3368.59 kJ


∗ Balance on Reboiler

(Heat into Reboiler) = (Heat with reflux) + (Heat with residue)

+(Heat Lostin Condenser) − (Heat with feed)

Heat into Reboiler = 724.175 + 513.38 + 3368.59 - 2323.484 = 2282.661s kJ

∗ Overall Energy Balance

Energy Stream Energy In ( kJ ) Energy Out ( kJ )

s s

Feed 2323.484 -
Distillate - 329.935
Condenser - 3368.59
Reboiler 2282.661 -
Residue - 724.175
Total 4606.145 4422.7

Overal Energy Balance Column-2

Energy Loss = Energy In - Energy Out = 183.445 s

Percentage Loss = Energy Loss ×

100 ≈ 4 %
Energy In


Every data at the reference temperature 298 K

Heat into the Column-3 = Heat out of the Column-2 = 843.317 s

∗ Energy Out of the Column-3

⬦ Stream I (Top Product)

298 K → 352 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MHOH 0.025 330.694 54 0.124

MMH 48.970 317.52 54 233.23
Total 233.354

Stream I Energy
⬦ Stream J (Bottom Product)
298 K → 426 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MMH 0.00099 304.59 128 0.0115

MHOH 0.49431 382.896 128 6.0753
Total 6.0868

Stream J Energy

∗ Balance on Condenser

(Heat with V apour) = (Heat lost in Condenser) + (Heat with Distillate)

+(Heat with Reflux)

⬦ Reflux Ratio = 0.427

= 0.427
L = 20.93 h
V = L + D = 69.95 h

Where L is the flow rate of reflux stream, D the flow rate of distillate and V the
flow rate of vapour coming into the condenser.

⬦ Heat with Vapour

298 K → 389 K

Stream Flow Rate ( kmol ) Latent Heat of Vapourisation ( kJ ) Sensible Heat ( kJ ) ∆H ( kJ

h mol s s

MHOH 0.06994 48.4 0.5974 1.5378

MMH 69.98 37.58 561.86 1291.33
Total 1292.86

Heat with vapour in Column-3 Condenser

⬦ Heat with Reflux
298 K → 352 K
Species Flow Rate ( kmol ) Specific Heat ( ) ∆T (K) ∆H ( kJ
h kmol·K s

MHOH 0.02 330.694 54 0.099

MMH 20.91 317.52 54 96.823
Total 96.922

Heat with reflux in Column-3

∴ Heat lost in Condenser = 1292.86 - 233.354 - 96.922 = 962.584 kJ


∗ Balance on Reboiler

(Heat into Reboiler) = (Heat with reflux) + (Heat with residue)

+(Heat Lostin Condenser) − (Heat with feed)

Heat into Reboiler = 96.922 + 6.0868 + 962 - 843.317 = 221.692 skJ

∗ Overall Energy Balance Column

Energy Stream Energy In ( kJ ) Energy Out ( kJ )

s s

Feed 843.317 -
Distillate - 233.354
Condenser - 962.584
Reboiler 221.692 -
Residue - 6.0868
Total 1065.01 1202.0248

Overall Energy Balance Column-3

Energy Loss = Energy In - Energy Out = -137.015 s

Percentage Loss = Energy Loss

× 100 ≈ -13 %
Energy In
Chapter 6

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Process

Thermodynamics of the Process

Thermodynamics of the reaction tells us whether the proposed route or reaction is pos-
sible or not.
It also tells us if the reaction is possible and is reversible what can be done in order to
favour a forward reaction (Le Chatelier’s Principle)
Now there are three important thermodynamic properties;

• Change in Enthalpy, ∆H

• Change in Entropy, ∆S

• Change in Gibbs Free Energy, ∆G

The change in Enthalpy, ∆H tells us about the nature of reaction i.e whether it is
exothermic or endothermic (∆H < 0 or ∆H > 0) which becomes very important
in order to guide the reaction in correct direction.
The change in Entropy, ∆S tells us regarding spontaneity as well as reversibility
of a reaction. For a completely reversible process ∆S = 0.
The change in Gibbs Free Energy, ∆G tells us whether reaction is possible or
not at given conditions or not. If ∆G < 0 means the reaction is possible.
Thermodynamics of Desired Reaction

Our Desired Reaction;

CH3OH + C8H16 − → C9H20O

Calculating Change in Enthalpy, ∆H

The general formula to calculate ∆H for a reaction is:-

∆H = ∆HP − ∆HR

∆HP = Enthalpy Change of Product w.r.t ref temperature
∆HR = Enthalpy Change of Reactant w.r.t ref temperature
In order to calculate ∆H we need the values of change of enthalpy of products and
reactants which we can get from table below;

Component kJ
∆H mol
MeOH -228.3
MH -108
MMH -20

∆HP & ∆HR Table

The properties in the above table are at reaction temperature i.e 400 K w.r.t reference
temperature i.e 298.15 K
∆H = ∆HMMH − ∆HMeOH − ∆HMH
∆H = -20 + 108 + 228.3 = 316.3 mo
As we see ∆H is positive as a result our reaction is endothermic in nature and ∴
we have provided a steam jacket for our CSTR so that the reaction can proceed in
forward direction.
Calculating Change in Entropy, ∆S

The general formula to calculate ∆S for a reaction is:-

∆S = ∆SP − ∆SR

∆SP = Entropy Change of Product w.r.t ref temperature
∆SR = Entropy Change of Reactant w.r.t ref temperature
In order to calculate ∆S we need the values of change of entropy of products and reactants
which we can get from table below;

Component kJ
∆S molK
MeOH -0.215
MH -0.66
MMH 0.025

Table 6.2: ∆SP & ∆SR Table

The properties in the above table are at reaction temperature i.e 400 K w.r.t reference
temperature i.e 298.15 K
∆S = ∆SMMH − ∆SMeOH − ∆SMH
∆S = -0.025 + 0.66 + 0.215 = 0.85mol

Calculating Change in Gibbs Free Energy, ∆G

The general formula to calculate ∆G for a reaction is:-

∆G = ∆GP − ∆GR

∆GP = Gibbs Free Energy Change of Product w.r.t ref temperature
∆GR = Gibbs Free Energy Change of Reactant w.r.t ref temperature
In order to calculate ∆G we need the values of change of gibbs free energy of products
and reactants which we can get from table below;

Component kJ
∆G mol
MeOH -143
MH 156
MMH -10

∆GP & ∆GR Table

The properties in the above table are at reaction temperature i.e 400 K w.r.t reference
temperature i.e 298.15 K
∆G = ∆GMMH − ∆GMeOH − ∆GMH
∆G = -10 + 143 - 156 = -23 mo
Now we can also find ∆G by using the formula;

∆G = ∆H − T × ∆S

∆G = 316.3 - (400 × 0.85) = -23.7 mo


Either ways we are getting the same values of ∆G which is negative and that means
that the reaction is feasible thermodynamically.

Kinetics of the Process

The chemistry involves the liquid phase reversible reaction of methanol with 2- methyl-
1-heptene (MH) to form MMH. However, methanol and MH also undergo an un-
desirable reaction to form dimethyl ether (DME) and 2-methyl-2-heptanol (MHOH).
The activation energies of the two competing reactions favour high reactor temper-
ature, which is limited by catalyst activity to 400 K. Yield of the desired product is in-
creased by either increasing reactor size or keeping the concentration of methanol
in the reactor low by using a large excess of MH in the reactor. The latter strategy
results in a large recycle flow rate of MH, which increases separation costs. Thus, this
process demonstrates the classic design trade-off between reactor costs and separation

• Reactions Involved

1. Desired Reaction
CH3OH + C8H16 − → C9H20O R1 = k1F · xMeOH · xMH − k1R · x MMH
2. Undesired Reaction
2 CH3OH + C8H16 − → C2H6O + C8H18O R2 = k2 · (xMeOH)2

Different R1 R2 Units
Components Forward Backward
k (Overall Reaction Rate) 6.7 × 107 2.1 × 10−6 1.3 × 109 s·kgcat
E (Activation Energy) 90000 900 105900 kmol
Concentration xMeOH · xMH x MMH x2MeOH mole fraction
Kinetics Table

Finding the Volume of Reactor

Design Equation for a CSTR ;

W XA 1
= = × )exit
FA −rA −r
exi (XA
o t t
W = Catalyst Loading (kg)
XA = Conversion of A
FAo = Molar Flow Rate of A ( s
rA = Net Rate of Reaction of A (kgkmol )

Graphical Representation of Design Equation 55

R1 = 1.1826 × 10−4 · xMeOH · xMH − 1.6 × 10−6 · x MMH
R2 = 1.924 × 10−5 · (xMeOH)2 (At T = 400K)
R1|exit = 1.132 × 10−6 kgkmols

R2|exit = 1.193 × 10−7 kgkmols


∴ RMeOH |exit = 1.2513 × 10−6 kg


XMeOH = 0.939
FMeOH = 53.24 h

∴ W = 10422.57 kg
Density of the catalyst = 900 mkg3
So, the volume of the catalyst = 3
900 = 11.58 m 11.58
Assuming Void fraction to be 0.45, the volume of fluidised bed will be = = 20.91m3
Considering Volume of reactor = 1.1 × Volume of bed = 23 m 3
Chapter 7

Process Equipment Selection and Design

Basic steps in flow sheet synthesis that helps us design a process are:

1. Gathering the Information

Various sources like textbooks, reference books, encyclopaedias, handbooks, jour-
nals, various different software.

2. Representing the alternative

• Simplification of Representation

• Representation in terms of Task

3. Criteria for accessing the Preliminary Design

some criterias for this are;

• Economic Evaluation

• Environmental Concerns

• Controlability Analysis

• Safety Analysis

• Flexibility

4. Generating and Researching among the Alternatives

Distillation Column Design

Distillation is the process of purification of compounds based on their relative volatility.

Selection of Distillation Column

Sr. No. Plate Column Packed Column

1 Plate column brings the two Provides continuous contact between
phases into contact on stage wise basis. vapour and liquid phases.
2 Additional friction generated as the Relatively low pressure drop in packed
vapour passes through the liquid on each tray column as compared to plate column.
3 For corrosive fluids, plate column For corrosive liquids, cheaper
is usually avoided. a packed column will usually be cheaper
than the equivalent plate column.
4 Relatively large in size and expensive. Small space requirement.

Selection of Distillation Column

Based on process requirement and above factors the best suited column type here will
be Plate Column.

Selection of type of Plates

Different types of plate configuration are available, they are:

1. Sieve Trays

2. Bubble Cap Trays

3. Valve Trays
Here we would be following Fenske, Underwood, Gilliland Method for calculations

4. Determine Process Operation Variables

5. Determine minimum number of plates using Fenske equation

6. Determine the Minimum Reflux Ratio, Underwood Equation

7. Choose Theoretical Reflux Ratio

8. Determine Number of Trays Gilliland Co-relation

9. Determine Feed-Stage Location using Kirkbride Empirical Equation

10. Principal Dimensions of the Column (Diameter/Height).

11. Internal Design.

Column-2 Design

• Identification of Key Components

Relative volatility of all components is calculated by using Antoine data
calculations. Relative volatilities of components are calculated at both bubble point
and dew point of feed then geometric mean is calculated which is used in further

Components α at 358 K α at 410 K αmean

MH 5.541 3.2371 4.235
MMH 1 1 1
MeOH 30.376 19.71 24.47
MHOH 0.909 0.474 0.656

Relative Volatility Table 1

In the above table αmean = 2
α1 × α2
Now on the basis of relative volatility calculated;

∗ Lighter than Light Key (LLK) = MeOH

∗ Light Key (LK) = MH

∗ Heavy Key (HK) = MMH

∗ Heavier than Heavy Key (HHK) = MHOH

• Calculation of Number of Minimum Stages (Nmin)

Number of ideal stages required is given by Fenske Equation;
loge xxi,D i xxj,B
j,D i,B
Nmin =
log (αi,j)
xi,D = mole fraction of LK in distillate = 0.9577
xj,D = mole fraction of HK in distillate = 0.001
xi,B = mole fraction of LK in bottom product = 0.0005
xj,B = mole fraction of HK in bottom product = 0.9891
αi,j = relative volatility of LK w.r.t HK = 4.235

Nmin = 10 trays

• Calculation of Minimum Reflux Ratio (Rmin)

Minimum Reflux Ratio can be calculated by using Underwood’s Equation
λ + Cp(Tb − Tf
) = q (7.1)
Σ4 α
i,HK × zi,F = 1 − q (7.2)
αi,HK − θ
Σ αi,HK ×
xi,D = 1+ mi (7.3)
αi,HK − θ R n


λ = Latent Heat of Vaporisation of
Feed. Tb = Bubble Point of Feed.
Tf = Feed Temperature.
q = fraction of feed in liquid phase.
zi,F = mole fraction of ith component in feed.
xi,D = mole fraction of ith component in distillate.
αi,HK = relative volatility of ith component w.r.t HK
q = 1.1 (Through latent heat and sensible heat calculations)
From equation 6.1, θ = 2.792
From equation 6.2, Rmin = 1.809

Calculation of Ract and Nact…. Now considering Ract = 1.2 × Rmi

Ract = 1.2 × Rmi Ract = 2.1713

Erbar-Maddox Correlation

R Rmin
Now from above graph, as = 0.68 and = 0.645
R+ Rmin + 1
= 0.24 ∴N = 41.666 ≈ 42 trays
• Feed Tray Location
Feed tray location can be calculated using Kirkbride empirical equation
" x
B xf,HK × # b,LK
log10 = 0.206 × log10 xd,HK
Ns D × xf,LK

Nr = number of stages above the feed
Ns = number of stages below the feed.
B = flow rate of bottom product.
D = flow rate of distillate.
xf,HK = mole fraction of HK in feed.
xf,LK = mole fraction of LK in feed.
xd,HK = mole fraction of HK in
xb,LK = mole fraction of LK in bottom product.
= 0.621 (7.4)
Nr + Ns = 42 (7.5)

From above two equations Ns ≈ 18 ∴ feed tray location will be the 24th tray

• Calculation of Column Diameter

Column Position T (K) ρv ( kg ) ρl ( kg )

m3 m3

Top 358 1.38 665.247

Bottom 410 1.43 682.94

Vapour, Liquid Physical Properties 1

∗ Liquid-Vapour flow factor at top and bottom

Lw ρv
F = ×
Vw ρl
For Top of the Column;
Lw R
Vw R + = 0.68
FLV = 0.031289
For Bottom of the Column;
Lw B+1
= = 1.632
where B is boil up ratio.
FLV = 0.0746

∗ Calculating flooding velocity at top and bottom

uf = K1 r ρl − ρv
× ρv
For calculating K1 we need a graph of K1 vs FLV

K1 vs FLV

Considering tray spacing as 0.6 m;

For Top of the Column - K1 = 9 × 10−2 & uf = 1.87ms
For Bottom of the Column - K1 = 9 × 10−2 & uf = 1.965ms
∗ Calculating Vapour Volumetric flow rate at top and bottom
For Top of the Column:

V = L + 2.4916 (7.6)
= 0.687 (7.7)
From above two equations V = 7.9606 s = 5.76 ms
For Bottom of the Column:

L = V + 1.98 (7.8)
= 1.632 (7.9)
From above two equations V = 3.133 kg 3

s = 2.191 ms
∗ Calculating Diameter at top and bottom
V olumetric Flow Rate
Net Area =
V elocity
We will be designing the column at 85% of flooding velocity.
For Top of the Column:
= 1.589m ∴
Net Area = 4.03 m2(Considering 10% downcomer area) & D = 2.26 m
For Bottom of the Column:
= 1.67m ∴
Net Area = 1.457 m2(Considering 10% downcomer area) & D = 1.3624 m

∗ Provisional Plate Design

Dc = 2298.7 mm (As per standards)
Ac = 4150060.931 mm2
Ad = 0.1×Ac = 415006.0931 mm2
Aa = Ac - 2Ad = 3320048.745 m
An = Ac - Ad = 3735054.838 mm2
Ah = 0.1×Aa = 332004.8745 mm2
lw = 0.75 × Dc = 1724.025 mm
hw = 50 mm
Dh = 5 mm
Plate Thickness = 5 mm
Dc = Column Diameter
Ac = Column Area
Ad = Downcomer Area
Aa = Active Area
An = Net Area
Ah = Hole Area
lw = Weir Length
hw = Weir Height
Dh = Hole Diameter

• Weeping Check for the Proposed Design

Weeping is a disturbance caused in the smooth functioning of a distillation column.
Here if vapour rate is low the liquid instead of coming down through the downcomer
comes through the sieves on the plate.

∗ Maximum Liquid Flow Rate = Top Liquid Rate = 5.4689 k

∗ Minimum Liquid Flow Rate = 0.7 × Maximum Liquid Rate = 3.8282 s
∗ Weir Crest Height, how

how = 750 × L w

Lw = Liquid Flow
lw = Weir Length
ρL = Density of

⬦ Maximum Weir Crest Height

Here in the above formula we put Lw = 5.4689 kg
, = 665.247 kg
lw = 1.725m s

howmax = 21.24mm

⬦ Minimum Weir Crest Height

Here in the above formula we put Lw = 665.247 kg
= 3.8282 ,
lw = 1.725m s
howmin = 16.74mm

∗ Minimum Design Vapour Velocity

At minimum rate hw + how = 50 + 16.74 = 66.74mm

[K2 − 0.9(25.4 − dh)]

uh =
ρ v0.5
K2 = Constant
dh = Hole Diameter = 5mm
ρv = Density of Vapour = 1.38 mkg3
Now from graph below we get the value of a constant K2

Weep Point Correlation

K2 = 30.5 (from the graph)

∴ uh = 10.33 m

∗ Actual Minimum Vapour Velocity

Minimum V apour Rate

u′ = Ah
Minimum Vapour Rate = 0.7 × Vapour Flow Rate = 0.7 × 5.76 = 4 m

Ah = Hole Area = 0.33 m2

∴ u′ = 12.12 m

If we see the actual minimum vapour velocity is greater than minimum vapour
velocity (12.12 > 10.33) ∴ our design of column is verified.
• Calculating Column Wall Thickness
Using Carbon Steel as MOC for our column ;
ρMOC kg
= 7850
ft = 6.2 ×107 N

Operating Pressure P = 0.4 atm
External Pressure Pext = 1 atm
Assuming design pressure 10 % more than the operating pressure (IS2825)

PD i
t= + C.A
2ftJ − P
P is design pressure (External or Internal)
J = Joint Efficiency
ft = Permissible Tensile Stress
C.A = Corrosion Allowance
J assumed to be 0.85 assuming spot radiography and C.A as 2mm
Based on Internal Pressure : t = 2.973
mm Based on External Pressure : t =
6.1 mm
Considering thickness based on external pressure as it is greater in magnitude.

∗ Axial Stress Due to Pressure

PD i
fa =
4t c
where tc is corroded thickness
fa = 15.62 m 2
∗ Compressive Stress Due to Weight of Shell upto height H

Weight of shell
f1 =
Cross Section of shell
f1 = ρshell × H × g
f1 = 0.077H m 2
∗ Compressive Stress Due to Liquid, Tray etc

Liquid Weight Per Unit Height × H
f2 = π Dm t c
where Dm is mean diameter of shell = 2302.77 mm

f2 = H × Ac × Liquid Hold Up
Tray Spacing πD t
m c

Total Liquid Hold Up (in m) = 0.2 × Height of Column

Height of Column = Bottom Chamber Height + Top Chamber Height + ((No.
of trays - 2) × (Tray Spacing + Thickness)) = 28.2 m
Total Liquid Hold Up = 5.64 m
Liquid Hold Up Per Tray = 0.14 m = 94.37 mkg2
f2 = 0.216H m 2
∗ Compressive Stress Due to Attachments

Weight of Attachments Per Unit Height × H
f3 = π Dm t c
Weight of Attachments per unit height = 100mkg
f3 = 0.033H m 2
∗ Stress Due to Wind

Mw 1.4PwH2
f4 = = πDotc
Where Pw = Wind Pressure = 1300 N

f4 = 0.06136H2
To Find the Height H;
ft = f1 + f4 − f2 − f3

0.06136H2 − 0.326H − 46.38 = 0

H = 30.27 m
The Original Height of the Column is 28.2 m < 30.27 m
∴ t = 6.1 mm satisfies our calculations.
As per Standards for a column with 2.2987 m diameter the minimum wall
thick- ness should be 19.7 mm which would definitely satisfy the above
calculations as 6.1 mm satisfies all the calculations.

∗ Column Head Design

As the internal pressure is 0.4 atm and external 1 atm we select torrispherical
head for our head calculations.
For Torrispherical Head;
PR c W !
th = 2f Jr
1 Rc
W = × 3+
4 Rk
Rc = Crown Radius = ID of Column = 2.2987 m
Rk = Knuckle Radius = 0.06 × ID of Column = 0.137922 m
W = 1.77
Based on Internal Pressure : th = 1.4633
mm Based on External Pressure : th = 6.11
mm As per Market Availability th = 8 mm

• Inlet Nozzle Design

Diameter of Nozzle, dn = 229.87mm (10% of column diameter)
Thickness of shell, ts (Designed) = 19.7mm
Thickness of shell, th′ (Theoretical) = 4.1mm
To calculate thickness of nozzle;

P = Nozzle design pressure

J = Joint Efficiency = 1

Pd n 2ftJ − P

t =
ft = Permissible Tensile Stress = 62 2
tn′ =m0.34mm
Based on market availability tn = 4mm
Now applying area for area method in order to see if any compensation is required
or not;
Reinforcing Pad Limits for Nozzle

Maximum horizontal distance, AB = 4r = 2dn =

459.74mm Maximum vertical distance, AD = 3.5ts + 2.5tn
= 74.8mm H1 = H2 = 2.5ts (If compensation is only
through nozzle) H1 = 2.5tn (If compensation pad to be
Initially H1 = H2 = 49.25mm
Area indirectly provided for compensation

∗ Compensation due to head thickness

As = d(ts − ts′ − CA)
As = 2988.31 mm2

∗ Compensation due to nozzle thickness

Ao = 2H1(tn − tn′ − CA)
Ao = 163.51 mm2

∗ Compensation due to nozzle (inside the shell)

Ai = 2H2(tn − 2CA)
Here as our nozzle dosen’t extend inwards Ai = 0

A′ = Ah + Ao + Ai = 3151.82 mm2
Now the area for which the compensation is required is;
A = dn × ts′ = 1402.207 mm2
As A < A′ no compensation is required.

• Bolt Loading and Flange Thickness Calculations

Effective Gasket Seating Width

Inner Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, Gi = 2298mm

Outer Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, Go =
2338mm Mean Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, G =
2318mm N = Gasket Width = 20mm
Gasket Seating Stress, Ya = 11.2 m 2
Nominal Gasket Seating Width, bo Go −
Gi = 10mm

Effective Gasket Seating Width, b = 2.5 bo (As bo > 6.3)=
7.905mm Gasket Factor, m = 2
Permissible Tensile Stress under Atmospheric Condition, fatm = 54 mN 2
Permissible Tensile Stress under Operating Condition, fatm = 58 m 2
Watm = π × b × G × Ya = 644330.1 N
h i
Wo π
p = [π × (2b) × G × m × P ] + × G2 × P = 496003.665 N
Aat 2
m Watm = 11932 mm = Amax

Ao 2
p Wop = 8551.787 mm
2 π × Ya × G ×
A =
N = 60415.38 mm2 (Ab > & Aatm)
b fatm Aop
G(in cm)
Number of Bolts, n = = 92 bolts
Further using M16 bolts the area per bolt, Y = 0.51(X)2.09 = 167.56 mm2
In the above equation X = Nominal Diameter in mm = 16mm
Total Bolt Area, A = n × Y = 15415.89 mm2

Here if we see Aop < A < Ab and ∴ it meets the design norms.
Bolt Circle Diameter, B = Go + 2X + 12 = 2382mm
Bolt Pitch, P =
B = 80 mm

Outer Diameter of Flange = B + 2X = 2414mm
Flange Plate Thickness Calculation;

tf = G
where; ×

G = Mean Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction = 2318mm

where, 0.3 + 1.5WmaxhG

Wmax = Watm = 644330.1 N

h = Radial Distance from Gasket Load Reaction to Bolt Circle = = 32mm
π 2
H = Total Hydrostatic End Force = G P = 470355.3002 N
K = 3.13
Now after finding K we will find tf ;
tf = 55.55mm
Based on market availability 60 mm should be used.

• Design of Support
We will be using Skirt Support for the column.
In order to find the skirt thickness

∗ Stress due to Dead Weight

fd =
π × Do × tsk
W = Dead Weight of Vessel Contents and Attachments = 359450.25 kg
Do = Outside Diameter of Skirt = 2337.4 mm
tsk = Skirt Thickness
fd = N
tsk mm2

∗ Stress due to Wind Load

Skirt Height = 4500 mm
Total Height, H = 28200 + 4500 = 32700 mm
Bending moment upto base of the Column, Mw = flw ×
flw = 0.7 × p × H × Do = 69554.012 N
In the above formula p is wind pressure = 1300m2N
∴ Mw = 1.1372 ×109 N mm
Stress, = 4M w = 265.023
f M
= w
2 N
wb π × × tsk mm2
Do tsk
As seismic load and wind load cannot occur at the same time we design only
for the wind load

∗ Finding Skirt Thickness, tsk

Now maximum compressive stress = permissible compressive stress
489.5036 265.023
∴ tsk + tsk = 27.46
∴ tsk = 27.48 mm
Now as per market availability and rigidity purpose we take tsk as 30 mm

• Column Specifications in a Nutshell

Type of Column Tray Column

Column MOC Carbon Steel
Type of Trays Sieve
Number of Trays 42
Reflux Ratio 2.1713
Feed Tray Location 24
Tray Spacing 0.6 m
Column Diameter 2.2987 m
Column Height 28.2 m
Column Wall Thickness 19.7 mm
Type of Head Torrispherical Head
Head Thickness 8 mm

Column Specs
Reactor Design
Reactor becomes an important part of our process as it is the equipment where chemical
reaction will take place.

Major Design Steps

The major steps involved in designing a reactor are;

12. Specify flow rates and operating condition.

13. Select suitable catalyst and particle size.

14. Select a suitable reactor configuration.

15. Calculate rate of reaction using experimental data

16. Calculate weight of catalyst using design equation for Continuous Stirred
Tank Re- actor.

17. Calculate volume of catalyst.

18. Calculate the Volume of shell.

19. Calculate the Diameter and length of Reactor using L/D Ratio.

20. Mechanical design of shell of the Reactor.

Reactor Design

Here we are using CSTR as our reactor for the process.

• Determining the Weight of Catalyst Required

The catalyst that we will be using is Industrial Grade Amberlyst - 35 Wet.
Reaction Equations;

21. Desired Reaction

CH3OH + C8H16 − → C9H20O R1 = k1F · xMeOH · xMH − k1R · x MMH

22. Undesired Reaction

2 CH3OH + C8H16 − → C2H6O + C8H18O R2 = k2 · (xMeOH)2

Different R1 R2 Units
Components Forward Backward
k (Overall Reaction Rate) 6.7 × 107 2.1 × 10−6 1.3 × 109 s·kgcat
E (Activation Energy) 90000 900 105900 kmol
Concentration xMeOH · xMH x MMH x2MeOH mole fraction
Kinetics Table

Design Equation for a CSTR ;

W XA 1
= = × )exit
FAo −rA −r
exi (XA
t t
W = Catalyst Loading (kg)
XA = Conversion of A
FAo = Molar Flow Rate of A ( s
rA = Net Rate of Reaction of A (kgkmol )

Graphical Representation of Design Equation

R1 = 1.1826 × 10−4 · xMeOH · xMH − 1.6 × 10−6 · x MMH

R2 = 1.924 × 10−5 · (xMeOH)2 (At T = 400K)
R1|exit = 1.132 × 10−6 kgkmols

R2|exit = 1.193 × 10−7 kgkmols


∴ RMeOH |exit = 1.2513 × 10−6 kg


XMeOH = 0.939
FMeOH = 53.24 h

∴ W = 10422.57 kg
Density of the catalyst = 900 mkg3
So, the volume of the catalyst =
900 = 11.58 m3
Assuming Void fraction to be 0.45
The volume of fluidised bed = = 20.91m3
Considering Volume of reactor = 1.1 × Volume of bed = 23 m3
• Mechanical Design of the Reactor Shell
H π
Assuming = 3 & through equation, V = × D2 × H ⇒ H = 6.5 m and
D 4
Here we will be using Carbon Steel as our MOC
∴ ρMOC kg
= 7500
ft = 100 2
Density of different components involved in the process;

Components Density ( kg )

MMH 877.392
MH 717.899
MeOH 789.219
DME 657.674
MHOH 866.67

Density Table

Thickness of shell;
PD i
t= + C.A
2ftJ − P
P is design pressure (External or Internal)
J = Joint Efficiency
ft = Permissible Tensile Stress
C.A = Corrosion Allowance
Assuming design pressure 10 % more than the operating pressure (IS2825)
Operating Pressure = 15 atm
J assumed to be 0.85 assuming spot radiography and C.A as 2mmt = 21.86
mm ⇒ 25 mm (Based on Market Availability)
tc = Corroded Thickness = 23 mm

Combined Loading Calculations;

∗ Circumferential Stress (Tensile)

This is the stress exerted due to the internal pressure in the Reactor;

P (Di + tc)
f c= 2tc
fc = 73.525 m 2
∗ Axial Stresses Calculation

⬦ Tensile Stress Due to internal pressure

PD i
f 1 = 4tc
f1 = 36.345 m 2
⬦ Compressive Stress Due to Self Weight and Contents Weight

f2 = W
πt (D + t )
c i c

Where W includes weight of all the things in the reactor along with the self
weight of the reactor.
π 2 2
W1 = ρMOC × Vshell & Vshell = 4
× (do − di )

where W1 is self weight of the reactor

∴ W1 = 7753.352 kg
W2 = 0.15 × W1
where W2 is the weight of attachments and head (Assumed to be 15% of
weight of shell)
∴ W2 = 1163.003 kg
W3 = Wcat + Wfluid
Where W3 is the weight of reactor contents
Wfluid is the weight of fluid with highest density as we design for worst case
scenario.(Here we assume reactor shell to be completely filled with the fluid)

Wfluid = W MMH = ρ MMH × V

W MMH = 17916.6537 kg & Wcat = 10422.57 kg

∴ W3 = 17916.6537 + 10422.57 = 28339.22 kg
Now W = W1 + W2 + W3
∴ W = 7753.352 + 1163 + 28339.22 = 37255.57 kg
∴ f2 = 2.49 m
⬦ Stress due to Wind Load
As we consider the reactor to be kept indoor the wind load acting on the
reactor will be negligible
∴ f3 = 0 N
m 2

Now fa = f1 − f2 + f3
fa = 36.345 - 2.49 = 33.847 m 2
∗ Offset Piping Stress
As compared to other stresses involved this stress becomes negligible ∴ we are
neglecting it. fs = 0 m

Now after calculating all the stresses
q we calculate the resultant stress.

fr = fc2 − fcfa + fa2 + 3fs2

fr = 63.74 m 2
Conditions to be checked;

1. fc < ft → (73.525 m
2 < 100 m
2 )
m m
2. fa < ft → (33.847 N
m 2 < 100 m
2 )
m m
3. f2 < fcper → (2.49 N
m 2 < 39.74 m
2 )
m m

For the last condition we need to find fcper which is given by;
1 √ E t
fcper = × ×
12 3(1 − µ2) 2

fcper = Permissible Compressive Stress
E = Modulus of Elasticity = 35 GPa
µ = Poissons Ratio = 0.31
fcper = 39.744 m 2
∴ The thickness of 25mm is ideal for this reactor shell.

• Mechanical Design of Reactor Head

As the internal pressure is quiet high (15 atm) we select Semi-ellipsoidal head for
our reactor.
Now for Semi-ellipsoidal Head;
PD i v
th =
2ft J
where v = 61 × (2 + k2)
where k is the ratio of length of major axis to length of minor axis (k = 2).
th = 16.72 mm
Now based on market availability we take either 18mm or 20mm Head

• Mechanical Design of Reactor Jacket

Using same material for jacket too.
Assuming jacket width as 100mm and the pressure of fluid flowing inside jacket
(steam) as 2atm.

tj =
2ftJ − Pj
Pj = Jacket fluid Pressure(Considering 10% extra as per IS2825)
di = Inside diameter of jacket = 2.25m
J = Joint efficiency = 0.85 (Assuming spot radiography)
tj = 2.95mm
As theoretically jacket thickness comes out to be 2.95mm we will take a jacket with
thickness of 4mm depending on market availability.

• Inlet and Outlet Nozzle Design

Diameter of Nozzle, dn = 200mm (10% of reactor diameter)
Thickness of head, th (Designed) = 20mm
Thickness of head, th′ (Theoretical) = 16.72mm
To calculate thickness of nozzle;

Pd n
tn ′ = 2ftJ − P

P = Nozzle design
J = Joint Efficiency = 1
ft = Permissible Tensile Stress = 100 2
tn′ = 1.686mm

Based on market availability tn = 4mm

Now applying area for area method in order to see if any compensation is required
or not;
Reinforcing Pad Limits for Nozzle

Maximum horizontal distance, AB = 4r = 2dn = 400mm

Maximum vertical distance, AD = 3.5th + 2.5tn = 80mm
H1 = H2 = 2.5th (If compensation is only through nozzle)
H1 = 2.5tn (If compensation pad to be given)
Initially H1 = H2 = 50mm
Area indirectly provided for compensation

∗ Compensation due to head thickness

Ah = d(th − th′ − CA)
Ah = 656 mm2

∗ Compensation due to nozzle thickness

Ao = 2H1(tn − tn′ − CA)
Ao = 231.4 mm2

∗ Compensation due to nozzle (inside the shell)

Ai = 2H2(tn − 2CA)
Here as our nozzle dosen’t extend inwards Ai = 0

A′ = Ah + Ao + Ai = 887.4 mm2
Now the area for which the compensation is required is;
A = dn × th′ = 3344 mm2
As A > A′ ∴ compensation is required;
∴ now H1 = 2.5tn = 10mm
As a result now Ao = 46.28 mm2 and A′ = 702.28 mm2
As a result compensation to be given = A − A′ = 2641.72 mm2

• Bolt Loading and Flange Thickness Calculations

Figure 7.8: Effective Gasket Seating Width

Inner Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, Gi = 2000mm

Outer Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, Go =
2040mm Mean Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction, G =
2020mm N = Gasket Width = 20mm
Gasket Seating Stress, Ya = 26 m 2
Nominal Gasket Seating Width, bo Go −
G = 10mm

Effective Gasket Seating Width, b = 2.5 bo (As bo > 6.3)=
7.905mm Gasket Factor, m = 2
Permissible Tensile Stress under Atmospheric Condition, fatm = 54 mN 2
Permissible Tensile Stress under Operating Condition, fatm = 58 m 2
Watm = π × b × G × Ya = 1303471.925
h N i
Wo = [π × (2b) × G × m × P ] + × G2 × P = 5692958.6

Aat 2
m Watm = 24138.368 mm

Ao 2
p Wop = 98154.4 mm = A max
2 π × Ya × G ×
N = = 122219.58 mm2 (Ab > & Aatm)
b fatm Aop
G(in cm)
Number of Bolts, n = = 80 bolts
Now keeping in mind all the factors we take 124 bolts in order to satisfy all the
design conditions
Further using M34 bolts the area per bolt, Y = 0.51(X)2.09 = 809.77 mm2
In the above equation X = Nominal Diameter in mm = 34mm
Total Bolt Area, A = n × Y = 100411.348 mm2

Here if we see Aop < A < Ab and ∴ it meets the design norms.
Bolt Circle Diameter, B = Go + 2X + 12 = 2120mm
Bolt Pitch, P =
B = 53.71 mm

Outer Diameter of Flange = B + 2X = 2188mm
G = Mean Diameter of Gasket Load Reaction = 2020mm
P = Design Pressure = 1.67 mN 2
f = Permissible Tensile Stress = 100mN 2

K= 1.5WmaxhG
0.3 + HG
Wmax = Wop = 5692958.6 N
h = Radial Distance from Gasket Load Reaction to Bolt Circle = = 50mm
π 2
H = Total Hydrostatic End Force = G P = 5357882.398 N
K = 2.946
Now after finding K we will find tf ;
tf = 152mm
Based on market availability 160 mm should be used.

• Design of Support
We will be using Bracket Support for the reactor;
The material of construction will be structural steel IS-800
Permissible Stresses for Structural Steel IS-800:-
Tension = 140 mN 2
Compression = 123.3 mN 2
Bending = 157.5 m 2
Number of Brackets, n = 8
Figure 7.9: Vessel Support on Brackets

Wind Pressure = 1300 mN2

Clearance from bottom and foundation = 1000mm
Diameter of Vessel = 2000mm
For finding Base Plate Thickness;

B2 4
a4 4
a +B
where; 1
fb = 0.7 × Pav × 2
fb = Permissible Bending Stress
a, B = Base Plate Dimensions
T1 = Thickness of Base Plate
Now, PFT
Pav a×B
For finding Pavg we need PFT ;
4 × fw × (H − F ) W
PF = n × Db + n
PFT = Total Force
F = Bottom Clearance = 1000mm
H = Height of Vessel above the Foundation = 7500mm
Db = Diameter of Bolt Circle = 1650mm
W = Weight of Vessel with its Contents = 37255.57 kg
n = Number of Brackets = 8
fw = Force due to Wind Load = 0.7 × p × h × Do = 12125.75 N
PFT = 70453.5 N
Now for finding base plate thickness we consider base plate dimensions as
a = 140 mm & B = 150 mm

∴ 140907.0311
= = 3.355 mN 2
Pav 140 × 150 m
Now as fb = 157.5 and other information known, T1 = 12.02 mm
As per standards and market availability we should use 14 mm thick base plate.

• Reactor Specifications in a Nutshell

Type of Reactor Jacketed CSTR

Reactor MOC Carbon Steel
Type of Catalyst used Industrial Grade Amberlyst - 35 Wet
Amount of Catalyst used 10422.57 kg
Reactor Volume 23 m3
Reactor Diameter 2m
Reactor Height 6.5 m
Reactor Wall Thickness 25 mm
Type of Head Semiellipsoidal Head
Head Thickness 20 mm
Chapter 9

Cost Estimation
A plant design must present a process that is capable of operating under conditions
which will yield a profit. Since net profit equals income minus all expenditure,
it is essential that chemical engineers should be aware of various costs involved in the
manufacturing process. Capital must be allocated for direct plant expenses, such as
those for raw materials, labour, and equipment. Besides direct expenses, many other
indirect expenses are incurred, and these must be included if a complete analysis of the
total cost is to be obtained. Some examples of these indirect expenses are administra-
tive salaries, product-distribution costs, and costs for inter-plant communications.

A capital investment is required for any industrial process, and determination of the
necessary investment is an important part of a plant-design project. The total
investment for any process consists of fixed-capital investment for physical equipment
and facili- ties in the plant plus working capital which must be available to pay salaries,
keep raw materials and products on hand, and handle other special items requiring a
direct cash outlay. Thus, in an analysis of costs in industrial processes, capital-
investment costs, manufacturing costs, and general expenses including income taxes
must be taken into consideration.

Purchased Equipment Cost

Purchased Equipment Cost consists of the cost of all the major and minor equip-
ments that are needed for the smooth functioning of the plant like reactor, distil-
lation column, heat exchanger, pumps etc.
1. Cost of Reactor
In 1987 the cost of a similar reactor of capacity 2000 gallons was 32000$ Capacity
of Reactor to be purchased in 2023 is 3170 gallons.
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5

Reactor Cost = Cost in 1987 × Capacity in 2023 Cost Index in 2023
Capacity in 1987 Cost Index in 1987
Reactor Cost = 77546$ = 59,38,666 Rs

2. Cost of Column-1

• Tower Cost
In 1987 the cost of distillation tower of 6 ft diameter was 900 $f
Diameter of Column-1 = 3.54 ft
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5

Tower Cost = Cost in 1987× Diameter in 2023 × Cost Index in 2023
Diameter in 1987 Cost Index in 1987
Tower Cost = 1132.14 f$
Height of Tower = 10.05
∴ Tower Cost = 37328.94 $

• Tray Cost
In 1987 the cost of sieve trays with column diameter 3.54 ft was 450 tra
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5
Number of trays in Column-1, n = 12

Cost Index in 2023

Tray Cost = Cost in 1987 n
Cost Index in 1987
Tray Cost = 10251.56 $

• Reboiler and Condenser Cost

∗ Condenser Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.852 m 2K

Differential Temperature = 8 K
Duty = 4.4 kW
∴ Area = 0.6455 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 606.3 $

∗ Reboiler Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.568 kW
m 2K

Differential Temperature = 34.8 K

Duty = 1.438 MW
∴ Area = 72.7 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 13074.7 $

Total Reboiler and Condenser Cost = 13681.83 $

Total Capital Cost of Column-1 = 37328.94 $ + 10251.56 $ + 13681.83 $ = 61262.33

Total Capital Cost of Column-1 = 46,37,282 Rs
1. Cost of Column-2

• Tower Cost
In 1987 the cost of distillation tower of 6 ft diameter was 900 $f
Diameter of Column-2 = 7.54 ft
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5

Tower Cost = Cost in 1987× Diameter in 2023 × Cost Index in 2023

Diameter in 1987 Cost Index in 1987
Tower Cost = 2041.88 f$
Height of Tower = 28.2 m
∴ Tower Cost = 188911.744 $

• Tray Cost
In 1987 the cost of sieve trays with column diameter 7.54 ft was 900 tra
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5
Number of trays in Column-2, n = 42

Cost Index in 2023

Tray Cost = Cost in 1987 n
Cost Index in 1987
Tray Cost = 71760.93 $

• Reboiler and Condenser Cost

∗ Condenser Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.852 m 2K

Differential Temperature = 48 K Duty = 2.558 MW

∴ Area = 62.55 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 11852.53 $

∗ Reboiler Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.568 m 2K

Differential Temperature = 34.8 K Duty = 0.915 MW

∴ Area = 46.3 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 12180.47 $

Total Reboiler and Condenser Cost = 24033 $

Total Capital Cost of Column-2 = 188911.744 $ + 71760.93 $ + 24033 $ = 284705.6

Total Capital Cost of Column-2 = 2,15,50,932 Rs

4. Cost of Column-3

• Tower Cost
In 1987 the cost of distillation tower of 6 ft diameter was 900 $f
Diameter of Column-3 = 5.21 ft
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023= 607.5

Tower Cost = Cost in 1987× Diameter in 2023 × Cost Index in 2023
Diameter in 1987 Cost Index in 1987
Tower Cost = 1530.43 f$
Height of Tower = 16.1 m
∴ Tower Cost = 80838.66 $

• Tray Cost
In 1987 the cost of sieve trays with column diameter 5.21 ft was 700 tra
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023= 607.5
Number of trays in Column-3, n = 22

Cost Index in 2023

Tray Cost = Cost in 1987 n
Cost Index in 1987
Tray Cost = 29,236 $

• Reboiler and Condenser Cost

∗ Condenser Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.852 m 2K

Differential Temperature = 42 K Duty = 0.808 MW

∴ Area = 22.58 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 6112.065 $
∗ Reboiler Cost
Heat Transfer Coefficient = 0.568 m 2K

Differential Temperature = 34.8 K Duty = 0.541 MW

∴ Area = 27.37 m2
Cost Index in 2023
Capital Cost = 729.6 A0.65
Cost Index in 2010
× ×
Capital Cost = 5797.835 $
Total Reboiler and Condenser Cost = 11909.98 $

Total Capital Cost of Column-3 = 80838.66 $ + 29236 $ + 11909.98 $ = 121984.64

Total Capital Cost of Column-3 = 92,33,688 Rs

5. Cost of Heat Exchanger

In 1987 the cost of Heat Exchanger with area 200 ft 2 was 7500 $
Area of Heat Exchanger to be purchased = 161.46 ft 2
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 1987 = 320
Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index in 2023 = 607.5
HE Cost = Cost in 1987 × Area in 2023 Cost Index in 2023
Area in 1987 Cost Index in 1987
HE Cost = 12309.5 $ = 9,42,692 Rs

Purchased Equipment Costs in a Nutshell

Equipment Quantity Cost in 2020

Reactor 1 59,38,666
Column-1 1 46,37,282
Column-2 1 2,15,50,932
Column-3 1 92,33,688
Heat Exchanger 2 18,85,384
Pumps/Compressors/Blowers/Fans 18 1,77,25,957
Storage Tank 6 5,90,86,525
Total 11,81,73,051

Purchased Cost of Equipments in 2020

Estimation of Total Capital Investment

Here we assume that Purchased Equipment Cost is 30% of Fixed Capital Invest-
∴ Fixed Capital Investment = 40 Crores.
Now Fixed Capital Investment comprises of Direct Cost and Indirect Cost.
Also here we consider Working Capital Investment as 15% of Total Capital
All the below calculations will be on annual basis.

Direct Costs

Direct Costs are the cost of all the materials and labour involved in actual installation
of complete facility.
Breakdown of the Direct Costs is as follows;

Item % of Fixed Capital Investment Cost (in Crores)

Purchased Equipment Cost 30 12
Equipment Installation 7 2.8
Instrumentation and Control 2 0.8
Piping 5 2
Electrical 3 1.2
Yard Improvement 2 0.8
Service Facilities 18 7.2
Land 2 0.8
Building 10 4
Total 31.6

Breakdown of Direct Cost

Indirect Costs
Indirect Costs are the expenses that are not directly involved with material and labour
of actual installation of complete facility.
Breakdown of the Indirect costs is as follows;

Item % of Fixed Capital Investment Cost (in Crores)

Engineering and Supervision 5 2
Construction 6 2.4
Contractor’s Fee 2 0.8
Contingency 8 3.2
Total 8.4

Breakdown of Indirect Cost

Now if we see;
Fixed Capital Investment = Direct Cost + Indirect Cost
Fixed Capital Investment = 31.6 + 8.4 = 40 Crores
Total Capital Investment = Fixed Capital Investment + Working Capital Investment
Total Capital Investment = 47 Crores

Estimation of Manufacturing Cost

Manufacturing Cost = Direct Production Cost + Fixed Charges

+ Plant Overhead Cost
Direct Production Cost

Direct Production Costs are the expenses directly associated with the manufacturing
operation. This type of cost involves expenditures for raw materials (including trans-
portation, unloading, etc.,); direct operating labor; supervisory and clerical labor directly
connected with the manufacturing operation; plant maintenance and repairs; operating
supplies; power; utilities; royalties; and catalysts.
Here we assume that the Total Product Cost = x Crores

1. Raw Material Cost

We assume the cost of Raw Materials as 20% of the Total Product Cost.
∴ Raw Material Cost = 0.2x Crores

2. Operating Labour Cost

We assume the Operating Labour Cost to be 13% of the Total Product Cost.
∴ Operating Labour Cost = 0.13x Crores

3. Maintenance Cost
We assume the Maintenance Cost to be 6% of the Fixed Capital Investment.
As Fixed Capital Investment = 40 Crores
∴ Maintenance Cost = 2.4 Crores

4. Operating Supplies Cost

We assume the Operating Supplies Cost to be 15% of the Maintenance Cost.
As Maintenance Cost = 2.4 Crores
∴ Operating Supplies Cost = 0.36 Crores

5. Utility Cost
We assume the Utility Cost to be 10% of the Total Product Cost
∴ Utility Cost = 0.1x Crores
6. Direct Supervision Cost
We assume the Direct Supervision Cost to be 17% of Operating Labour Cost.
As Operating Labour Cost = 0.13x Crores
∴ Direct Supervision Cost = 0.0221x Crores

7. Laboratory Charges
We assume the Laboratory Charges to be 15% of the Operating Labour Cost.
As Operating Labour Cost = 0.13x Crores
∴ Laboratory Charges = 0.0195x Crores

8. Patent and Royalty Charges

We assume the Patent and Royalty Charges to be 3% of the Total Product Cost.
∴ Patent and Royalty Charges = 0.03x Crores

Direct Production Cost in a Nutshell

Sr No. Item Cost (in Crores)

1 Raw Materials 0.2x
2 Operating Labour 0.13x
3 Maintenance 2.4
4 Operating Supplies 0.36
5 Utility 0.1x
6 Direct Supervision 0.0221x
7 Laboratory Charges 0.0195x
8 Patent and Royalty 0.03x
Total 0.5016x + 2.76

Breakdown of Direct Production Cost

Fixed Charges

Certain expenses are always present in an industrial plant whether or not the manufac-
turing process is in operation. Costs that are invariant with the amount of production
are designated as fixed costs or fixed charges. These include costs for depreciation, local
property taxes, insurance, and rent.

1. Depreciation Charges
We assume the Depreciation Charges to be 10% of the Fixed Capital Investment.
As Fixed Capital Investment = 40 Crores
∴ Depreciation Charges = 4 Crores

2. Local Taxes
We assume the Local Taxes to be 2.5% of the Fixed Capital Investment
Fixed Capital Investment = 40 Crores
∴ Local Taxes = 1 Crore

3. Insurance Charges
We assume the Insurance Charges to be the 0.7% of the Fixed Capital Investment
Fixed Capital Investment = 40 Crores
∴ Insurance Charges = 0.28 Crores

Fixed Charges in a Nutshell

Sr No. Item Cost (in Crores)

1 Depreciation Charges 4
2 Local Taxes 1
3 Insurance Charges 0.28
Total 5.28

Breakdown of fixed Charges

Plant Overhead Charges

The expenditures required for routine plant services are included in plant overhead
costs. Non-manufacturing machinery, equipment, and buildings are necessary for many
of the general plant services, and the fixed charges and direct costs for these items are
part of the plant-overhead costs. Expenses connected with the following comprise the
bulk of the charges for plant overhead:

• Hospital and medical services

• Safety services

• Payroll overhead including employee benefits

• Control laboratories

• Distribution of utilities

• Warehouses

• Lighting

For Plant Overhead Charges we assume the charges to be 60% of the sum of the
Operating Labour Charges, Direct Supervision Charges and Maintenance Charges
Operating Labour Charges = 0.13x Crores
Direct Supervision Charges= 0.0221x Crores
Maintenance Charges = 2.4 Crores
∴ Plant Overhead Charges = 0.09126x + 1.44 Crores

As a result;
Total Manufacturing Cost = 0.59286x + 9.48 Crores
General Expenses

In addition to the manufacturing costs, other general expenses are involved in any com-
pany’s operations. These general expenses may be classified as administrative
expenses, distribution and marketing expenses, research and development expenses,
financing ex- penses.

1. Administrative Expenses
We assume the Administrative Expenses to be 15% of the sum of the Operating
Labour Charges, Direct Supervision Charges and Maintenance Charges
Operating Labour Charges = 0.13x Crores
Direct Supervision Charges= 0.0221x Crores
Maintenance Charges = 2.4 Crores
∴ Administrative Expenses = 0.022815x + 0.36 Crores

2. Research and Development Charges

We assume Research and Development Charges to be 5% of the Total Product
∴ Research and Development Charges = 0.05x Crores

3. Distribution and Marketing Expenses

We assume Distribution and Marketing Expenses to be 5% of the Total Prod-
uct Cost
∴ Distribution and Marketing Expenses = 0.05x Crores

4. Financing Charges
We assume Financing Charges to be 5% of the Total Product Cost
∴ Financing Charges = 0.05x Crores
General Expenses in a Nutshell

Sr No. Item Cost (in Crores)

1 Administrative Charges 0.022815x + 0.36
2 Research and Development Charges 0.05x
3 Distribution and Marketing Charges 0.05x
4 Financing Charges 0.05x
Total 0.17281x + 0.36

Breakdown of General Expenses


Total Product Cost = Manufacturing Cost + General Expenses

Total Product Cost = x = 42 Crores

Gross Earnings and Net Profit

The total income minus the total production cost gives the gross earnings
made by the particular production operation, which can then be treated mathematically
by any of several methods to measure the profitably of the proposed venture or project.
Because of income-tax demands, the final net-profit is often much less than the gross
earnings. Income-tax rates are based on the gross earnings received from all the company
interests. Consequently, the magnitude of these costs varies widely from one company
to another.
The Price of MMH = 11235 kRs
The Annual Production of MMH = 51000 year
∴ Total Income = 58 Crores
Gross Earning = Total Income − Total Product Cost

Gross Earning = 58 − 42 = 16 Crores

Now we assume 34% Income Tax on the Gross Earnings

As a result,
Cost to Income Tax = 5.44 Crores

Net Profit = Gross Earning − Income Tax

Charges Net Profit = 16 − 5.44 = 10.56


Rate of Return, Payback Period and Turnover Ratio

These 3 factors help us know how profitable our plant can be and in how much time
can we recover our capital invested back. These factors help us measure whether our
investment would prove to be good or not.

Turnover Ratio

Turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of gross annual sales to the fixed-capital in-
vestment, where the product of the annual production rate and the average selling
price of the commodities is the gross annual sales figures. The reciprocal of the
turnover ratio is sometimes defined as the capital ratio or the investment ratio.
Turnover ratios of up to 5 are common for some business establishments and some are
as low as 0.2.

Turnover Ratio = Gross Annual Sales

Fixed Capital Investment
Turnover Ratio = 58
= 1.45

Rate of Return

Net Profit
Rate of Return = 100
Fixed Capital Investment

40 × 100 = 26.4%
Rate of Return =

Payback Period

Payback Period = Total Capital Investment

Net Profit + Depreciation
Chapter 1 0

1. William L. Luyben
Design and Control of the Methoxy-Methyl-Heptane Process; American Chemical
Society, 2010

2. Arif Hussain, Moonyong Lee

Optimum Design of Intensified Column with Side Reactor Configuration for the 2-
Methoxy 2-Methylheptane Process; Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018

3. Public Report on 2-Methoxy 2-Methylheptane

National Industrial Chemicals Notifications And Assessment Scheme, 2019

4. https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/global-2-methoxy-2-methylheptane-cas-

5. http://m.molbase.com/moldata/2132090.html

6. http://www.molbase.com/en/synthesis 76589-16-7-moldata-2132090.html

7. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/2-Methoxy-2-methylheptane

8. https://m.sigmaaldrich.com/IN/en/search?term=methoxy+heptane

9. http://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.28698534.html

10. http://www.astonchem.com/pro result/267586/

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