Aintenance: Lumens vs. Candela, What Is Lumens vs. Candela, What Is The Difference? The Difference?

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The International Magazine For Maintenance Engineering Professionals

October/November2023 | Issue 118

Lumens Vs. Candela, What Is

The Difference?

Bring Fleet
Work Into Focus

Condition Monitoring | Predictive Maintenance | IR | Asset Management | Facilities | Test & Measurement - July 2022 | Page - 1
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Page - 2 | October/November 2023 -


Michael Dominguez 1 Night Stick

2 Southern Manufacturing
Steve Pheasant 3 Contents

4-19 News and Products

20-25 Compressed AIR
+44(0)207 193 1396

Msl Media Ltd 26-31 Condition monitoring and CMMS

New Stone Hill Farm,
Stone Hill Road,
32-34 Hire
TN27 9DU 35-41 Pumps and Vales
42-47 Training
Company Number
48-49 Seals , Bearings and Lubricants

09-02-2005 50/51 Buyers Guide

52 UE Systems - October/November 2023 | Page - 3

SICK Launches Industry 4.0 On-Premise

Data Intelligence Platform
ICK has launched an Industry 4.0 through powerful dashboard graphics.
on-premise data intelligence plat-
form that empowers manufacturing Data Insights for Improved Performance
and logistics organisations to opti-
mise their operating performance. Using the SICK Field Analytics software solution and a dedi-
SICK Field Analytics can be quickly cated computer, users can aggregate data from disparate ma-
and easily set up to provide mean- chines and automation systems or augment legacy automation
ingful, application-specific condi- systems to provide additional data insights. The solution is
tion monitoring and process in- highly scalable, enabling users to adopt it on a project-by-pro-
sights, independently of an organisation’s existing machinery ject basis or at a wider organisational level.
and systems.
Charlie Walker, SICK UK’s Digital Solutions Consultant, says the
SICK Field Analytics is a vendor-agnostic digitalisation plat- SICK Field Analytics platform can support users to progress to-
form that collects and aggregates data from any source, includ- wards greater Industry 4.0 digital maturity:
ing sensors, machine controllers and other IIoT devices. The
software can be configured to display real-time data, to provide “Operators who want to gain more insights across a production
timely alerts and alarms, and to visualise historical trends floor, factory or warehouse may feel quite daunted by the pros-

Page - 4 | October/November 2023 -

pect of collecting and comparing data from many different ma- as part of a dedicated Field Analytics project.
chines or applications.
Powerful Dashboards and Alerts
“Faced with a sea of information, it can be difficult to isolate the
specific factors that are affecting operating efficiency. The data SICK Field Analytics incorporates a user management mod-
could come from all sorts of sources that use different commu- ule to manage access rights. The data collected will depend
nications protocols. Information could even still be recorded on each organisation, but could range from the service status
manually, be stuck in silos, or bogged down in bottlenecks. of sensors through to key data about the health of machinery,
such as vibration, temperature, or shock. Organisations can
“Even if operators already extract some data from their existing configure their Field Analytics package to better understand
automation, they can find themselves locked out of PLCs or oth- the condition of their machinery using powerful dashboard
er systems, such as “legal for trade”. So, they cannot increase graphics and visual alerts.
the amount of diagnostic data from their legacy systems, even
when they replace switched devices with IO-Link sensors, or Operators can set up and trend Key Performance Indicators
configure edge integrations using IO-Link Masters.” both historically and in real time. Through real-time alerts, they
can react more quickly to production or process anomalies that
Interrogate Operating Efficiency might otherwise lead to machine downtime.

“Field Analytics can solve these problems easily by collect- Field Analytics can track overall operating effectiveness. The
ing data from all these disparate sources without costly and dashboard features can be also trend other measurements im-
time-consuming adaptation of existing systems. Operators can portant to an organisation’s profitability and efficiency. For ex-
extract more information about the health of their machines, ample, it could monitor compressed air usage or calculate and
while interrogating their operating efficiency in new, and track production costs, for example of energy consumption.
sometimes surprising, ways.”
SICK Field Analytics can also enhance the data already avail-
The SICK Field Analytics software platform can be used in able from legacy automated systems, including those that op-
combination with data extracted from a wide variety of ex- erate at a higher organisational level. SICK Field Analytics is
isting sources, including sensors from any vendor, PLCS, and compatible with most common communications protocols, in-
smart IIoT edge devices such as Sensor Integration Machines. cluding Rest API, OPC UA and MQTT.
Where necessary, SICK can work with a customer to add smart
sensors and edge devices to machinery or automated systems - October/November 2023 | Page - 5

Thyssenkrupp Selects Samotics To
Increase Reliability And Sustainability Of

Its Steel Manufacturing Process
amotics, a leading provider of real-time ac- time and better performance. This way equipment runs more
tionable insights to eliminate unplanned efficiently and saves energy.
downtime and energy waste, has been se-
lected by thyssenkrupp to monitor the con- Samotics’ SAM4 technology achieves this by using a technique
dition and performance of its hot rolling mill called electrical signature analysis (ESA). ESA analyzes cur-
in Duisburg. rent and voltage data of electric-driven motor systems using
sensors installed in the motor control cabinet, rather than on
thyssenkrupp Steel installed Samotics’ SAM4 Health solution the asset itself. This enables continuous monitoring of assets
as part of a proof-of-value pilot, initially monitoring 100 criti- operating in extreme temperatures, hard-to-reach places and
cal conveyor rolls at its Duisburg plant in Germany—Europe’s ATEX zones.
biggest steelmaking site. In the first few months of the pilot,
the system detected multiple critical faults at an early stage in- Christian Weiß, Lead Engineer HTM1 at thyssenkrupp Steel
cluding mechanical unbalance and bearing degradation. This said: “Industrial analytics underpin our mission to improve de-
enabled thyssenkrupp Steel to replace the affected machines livery performance and reduce energy waste. The capability of
before they failed, preventing significant unplanned downtime Samotics’ SAM4 system to operate effectively in extreme envi-
and its associated costs. After the initial success of the pilot ronments made it the obvious choice to help increase the relia-
project, thyssenkrupp extended the use of the SAM4 Health bility and efficiency of our hot rolling mills. We look forward to
system and integrated it into its maintenance process. continuing our collaboration with Samotics and continuing to
Because the rolls operate in an extreme environment, ensuring improve our service to our clients”.
reliable operation is a challenging task: the heat and cooling
water accelerate wear and tear, and performing regular inspec- Simon Jagers, Samotics’ founder said: “thyssenkrupp’s com-
tions or installing sensors directly on the equipment is nearly mitment to the digitalization and automation of the steelmak-
impossible. ing process promises environmental, safety and commercial
benefits. Our technology helps thyssenkrupp Steel address a
To overcome this challenge, thyssenkrupp Steel selected fundamental challenge by identifying and resolving develop-
Samotics’ SAM4 Health solution to monitor its hot rolling mill. ing faults before they happen. With accurate health and perfor-
SAM4 Health delivers continuous insight into the health and mance data, maintenance teams can schedule maintenance at
performance of the rolling mill. This empowers maintenance their convenience rather than reacting to an unforeseen fault.
teams to take proactive measures against developing faults We’re delighted to join them on the journey toward creating a
and prevent unexpected breakdowns. Continuous monitoring smarter, safer and more sustainable future for steel production.”
also enables teams to detect and address root causes that might
lead to future degradation, leading to extended equipment life-

Page - 6 | October/November 2023 -

North Ridge Pumps Ltd

orth Ridge Pumps are an encountering similar applications to which you may have re-

independent manufac- quirements for. We can often provide more than one solution

turer and distributor of for your process which assists during the design stage.

pumps. We work within a

variety of industries both Our pumps range from standard centrifugal and multistage

UK and internationally, pumps, to immersed and process overhung solid handling

supplying pumps to accommodate almost any fluid from vis- pumps. We also supply a wide range of positive displacement

cous grease, and aggressive chemicals to solvents, seawater, pumps enabling us to specify more than one solution for your

glues and resin. application, but also meaning the majority of applications re-

main within our reach.

Having been established since 1998, we have a vast array of

experience, having provided pumps for most processes or - October/November 2023 | Page - 7

The Work Trouser and Kneepad System To Fit Your Job
t’s said that hard-working craftsmen and women ed and certified for performance, efficiency and protection to
put more pressure on their knees than many top deliver comfort and wellbeing day in day out.
athletes. That’s why the risk of knee injuries is far
higher among trade professionals and manual Getting more information on the Snickers Workwear clothing
workers than other occupations. range is easy. You can call the Helpline on 01484 854788; check
out and download a digital cata-
One of the best ways to avoid knee problems is logue or email
to wear Snickers Workwear Trousers with their
innovative knee protection – KneeGuard™ - a
world-leading, fully certified, trademarked system.

Snickers Workwear has 86 different types of Work trousers in

multiple sizes to suit a host different trades and jobs on site
- plus 8 different types of Kneepads. Together they deliver hun-
dreds of Work Trouser and Kneepad combinations to effectively
deal with different types of knee impacts; the amount of time
working on knees; and individual needs for personal protection.

The unique design features of both the Work Trousers and Knee-
pads deliver flexibility when you walk, yet they close around
your knees when you kneel down – to prevent your knees from
sliding off the kneepad when moving around on the floor.

So, when you’re seriously considering long-lasting knee protec-

tion, look for the Snickers Workwear KneeGuard™ system - test-

Snickers Workwear’s New Hybrid Jacket
he new Hybrid multi-purpose work
jacket is a street-smart, highly ver-
satile garment. Great on site or for
leisurewear, it’s made of flexible,
wicking jersey fabric with Repreve®
fabric insulation in the shoulder and
upper body area.

The Hybrid provides great freedom of movement and elasti-

cated comfort for all types of work and warmth or ventilation
when you need it.

Whatever toplayer clothes you need – for work, play or pro-

tection against hazards – Snickers Workwear has a range of
Jackets that will work on site for both men and women, always
delivering optimal performance, comfort and good looks.

Just check out the features of Snickers Workwear Jackets,

there will be one to suit you - wherever you are, whatever you
need, whatever you’re doing.

Page - 8 | October/November 2023 -

Airbench WB Wet Filtered Downdraught Bench

he wet filtered AirBench WB range comprises 3
downdraught benches in which the primary fil-
tration mechanism is a water spray. An internal
system of baffles induces a spray action using
air movement to agitate water in the base of the
unit. WB models are suitable for combustible dusts and are
built for production level industrial use.

• Designed for extraction of titanium

and other combustible dusts.

• Heavy Duty 2mm steel fan/filter hous-


• Fully welded and powder coated

• Stainless steel main body for corrosion


• 3mm stainless steel surface, perforated

and powder coated

• 150kg surface loading; up to 500kg surface loading on request

• Secondary mist filter for final water removal.

Airbench Ltd Celebrates 30 Years!

irBench are celebrating 30 years in busi- manufacturing facilities worldwide – from mines in Austral-

ness, as of September 2023. From small ia’s Northern Territory, through power generation companies in

beginnings as a dust and fume extrac- Hong Kong, to various small manufacturers within a few miles

tion contractor named WorkPoint Envi- of the AirBench main production facility in Colchester.

ronments, through a name change, var-

ious premises changes, and steady growth in team numbers, As always, we continue to offer on-site demonstrations of our

AirBench Ltd remain the company to talk to for downdraught products across the UK including assessments of your dust or

extraction. fume extraction issues. Contact us if you have a problem we

can help you solve.

AirBench remains a family owned and run business, although

the team has grown significantly and the range has broadened

to include cross-draught systems and booths, 2 ranges of cool-

ant mist filters, and air cleaning systems.

The extended dealer network across the EU, Asia, and Austral-

ia means AirBench products can be found in a huge range of - October/November 2023 | Page - 9

Win A Free Line Survey From
LOCTITE® At Manufacturing

OCTITE® will make its presence felt this and robotic equipment, LOCTITE offers a total assembly solu-
autumn at Newcastle’s Vertu Motors Arena tion service. All the equipment also has the capability of dis-
for Manufacturing and Engineering North- pensing and curing a vast variety of adhesives and sealants,
east (Stand 50) on 30th November. from water-thin liquids to high viscosity pastes.

Throughout both one-day exhibition, show- Regardless of the requirement: bonding, thread locking, thread
casing the very best in manufacturing in- sealing, gasketing or retaining, the LOCTITE team can help find
novation, two lucky visitors to the LOCTITE the best solution to reduce costs, improve the efficiency of the
stands will have the opportunity to win a overall manufacturing process, and enhance end-product per-
free Cost Reduction Line Survey for their company. formance.

The detailed survey explores manufacturing plants and pro- Gavin Jackson, Applications Engineering Manager at Henkel
cesses to identify potential cost-savings and improvements. said: “Our LOCTITE products and surveys are designed to assist
This involves a tour of production lines and sub-assembly ar- our clients, increase efficiency, reduce waste, and ultimately
eas to document cost reduction opportunities, as well as po- save time and costs. Visitors to our stands at both shows will
tential challenges in maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO). gain insight into how adhesives are a revolutionising the man-
Using the findings from the survey, LOCTITE can then deliver ufacturing industry and discuss their issues with our adhesive
tailored seminars at manufacturers’ sites, covering topics such experts.
as bonding, sealing, dispensing and curing equipment.
“We understand manufacturers face a multitude of challenges,
In addition, attendees can also explore the full capabilities LOC- and our team is committed to working closely with all our cli-
TITE offers manufacturers and engineers to help increase pro- ents to address their specific needs and give tailored solutions.”
ductivity, boost reliability, and simply design, offering potential
customers a full one-stop solution for their needs. For more information on Henkel, visit

With a choice of full range manual, semi-automatic, automatic

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Preventing Corrosion In Carbon Capture And Storage
Amine System Process Vessels: Upgrading Metallurgy

With High Nobility Cladding
arbon capture and storage (CCS) plays a vi- also contribute to corrosion in the amine system.
tal role in mitigating greenhouse gas emis-
sions and combating climate change. Since Upgrading Metallurgy with High Nobility Cladding
2019, the global capacity of CCS has grown
by 183%, as of September 2022, demonstrat- To combat corrosion in amine system process vessels, upgrad-
ing the popularity of this technology as a ing the vessel’s metallurgy through high nobility cladding has
method to meet environmental targets. proven to be an effective solution. High nobility cladding in-
With new technology and processes come volves the application of a protective layer of noble metals, for
new challenges, and CCS is no exception. example, an alloy of Chromium, Nickel, and Molybdenum, onto
This article aims to explore the issue of corrosion in amine sys- the surface of the vessel. This cladding provides enhanced re-
tems and how the risk can be mitigated by high nobility clad- sistance to corrosion and extends the vessel’s service life.
ding solutions.
Benefits of High Nobility Cladding
Amine-based systems capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from in-
dustrial flue gases. However, these systems present a signifi- • Corrosion Resistance
cant challenge when it comes to corrosion in process vessels High nobility cladding materials offer superior resistance to
due to the aggressive nature of the amine solutions. To address corrosion, even in aggressive amine environments. The protec-
this issue, upgrading the metallurgy of process vessels through tive layer acts as a barrier, preventing direct contact between
high nobility cladding offers an effective solution to prevent the amine solution and the base metal.
corrosion and extend the service life of the equipment.
• Improved Reliability
Understanding Corrosion in Amine Systems By upgrading the process vessel’s metallurgy, high nobility
cladding significantly reduces the occurrence of corrosion-re-
Amine systems involve the use of amines, such as monoetha- lated failures. This leads to improved operational reliability and
nolamine (MEA), as the solvent to absorb CO2 from flue gases. a decrease in unplanned downtime.
The amine solutions are highly corrosive, particularly in the
presence of oxygen and heat, leading to the degradation of pro- • Extended Service Life
cess vessel materials. Corrosion in these systems can result in The implementation of high nobility cladding enhances the
reduced operational efficiency, increased maintenance costs, durability of process vessels, resulting in extended service life.
and even potential safety risks. This allows for a more cost-effective and sustainable operation
There are several corrosion mechanisms that can occur in CCS of the CCS amine system.
amine systems:
• Installation and Maintenance Considerations
• General Corrosion The successful application of high nobility cladding in amine
It occurs uniformly across the metal surface and leads to a system process vessels requires careful planning and execu-
gradual thinning of the metal over time. tion. Key considerations include:

• Pitting Corrosion - Surface Preparation: Proper surface preparation, including

Pitting is localized corrosion that leads to the formation of cleaning and pre-treatment, is crucial to ensure optimal adhe-
small holes or pits on the metal surface. This type of corrosion sion of the cladding material.
can be particularly dangerous as it can cause sudden failures
in the equipment. - Cladding Selection: The selection of the appropriate cladding
material should consider the specific corrosion resistance re-
• Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) quirements of the amine system. Stainless steel, nickel alloys,
SCC is the cracking of metals under the combined influence or other high-nobility materials are commonly used for this
of tensile stress and a corrosive environment. Amine systems purpose.
can create conditions that promote SCC, leading to catastroph-
ic failures in stressed components. - Quality Control: Rigorous quality control measures should be
in place during the cladding process to ensure the integrity and
• Corrosion by CO2 Decomposition Products effectiveness of the protective layer. Non-destructive testing
CO2 degradation products like carbamate and bicarbonate can methods can be employed to detect any defects or discontinu-

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ities. cladding.

- Regular Inspections: Periodic inspections should be conduct- The application of HVTS involves the following steps:
ed to monitor the condition of the cladding and identify any
signs of degradation or damage. This allows for timely mainte- 1. Surface Preparation
nance and repairs to maintain the corrosion protection. The surfaces of the metal need to be properly prepared before
the application of HVTS cladding. This typically involves clean-
Introduction to HVTS ing the surfaces to remove contaminants such as rust, scale, oil,
or any other substances that could affect the adhesion of the
High Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS) is a proprietary high no- cladding. Mechanical methods like grit blasting or wire brush-
bility cladding solution developed by Integrated Global Services ing are sometimes used for surface preparation if required.
(IGS). Due to its superior corrosion protection properties, it is
referred to as a cladding, rather than a coating. HVTS involves 2. Cladding Selection
the on-site application of a high-alloy corrosion-resistant clad- The appropriate HVTS cladding material is selected based on
ding that consists of flat and tightly packed micro-sized metal- the specific requirements, such as corrosion resistance, wear
lic particles. resistance, or thermal insulation.

HVTS provides excellent value and results for protecting amine 3. HVTS Equipment Setup
systems from corrosion and improving longevity at a fraction The HVTS equipment, including the spray gun, gas supply sys-
of the cost and time of weld overlay. tem, and control unit, is set up according to stringent IGS guide-
lines and specifications. The system is calibrated to ensure ac-
The Benefits of HVTS curate and consistent application of the cladding.

A cladding solution, specifically HVTS, has many benefits for 4. Application of HVTS Cladding
carbon capture and storage plants. The benefits include: The HVTS cladding is applied using a high-velocity thermal
spray gun. The gun atomizes a proprietary wire feedstock in
• Corrosion Resistance a supersonic gas stream, producing a cladding that consists of
flat and tightly packed micro-sized particles.
HVTS cladding provides excellent protection against corrosion.
The dense and tightly bonded cladding acts as a protective bar- 5. Post-application and Quality Assurance
rier. This helps extend the lifespan of the amine system, reduc- Quality control measures, such as visual inspection, thickness
es maintenance requirements, and enhances overall reliability. measurement, and adhesion testing, are conducted to ensure
the integrity and effectiveness of the HVTS cladding. Any nec-
• No Dilution or Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) essary touch-ups or rework can be performed if required.
Unlike Weld Metal Overlay (WMO), HVTS does not generate a
Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and does not place residual stresses High Nobility Cladding Application Experience
on the base metal as the temperature of the base metal remains Integrated Global Services (IGS) has extensive experience and
low. expertise in addressing corrosion challenges in amine systems.
With a proven track record in the field of corrosion protection
• Refurbished or Replaced In-situ and metallurgical upgrades, IGS has successfully implement-
HVTS can be reliably refurbished or even replaced in situ with- ed high nobility cladding solutions in numerous amine system
out replacing the underlying component. This contrasts with process vessels over the last 30 years.
625 weld-overlaid components which must be replaced at the
end of life. A deep understanding of the corrosive nature of amine solu-
tions and the detrimental effects they can have on process ves-
• Fast Application sel metallurgy, is important. Leveraging industry knowledge
HVTS cladding can be applied relatively quickly, making the and advanced technologies, IGS has developed tailored solu-
process efficient for large-scale industrial applications. The tions to combat corrosion and enhance the performance and
high-velocity spraying technique enables fast coverage of large longevity of amine system equipment.
surface areas, reducing downtime and production interrup- Through years of research and practical application, IGS has
tions. honed their cladding techniques to ensure optimal adhesion
and corrosion resistance. Their team of highly skilled tech-
• Cost-Effective Solution nicians follows stringent quality control measures during the
HVTS and other high nobility claddings offer a cost-effective cladding process, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of
solution for extending the service life of components and the protective layer.
equipment. By providing corrosion and wear protection, the
cladding can reduce the frequency of component replacements Moreover, IGS provides comprehensive corrosion assessment
and maintenance requirements, resulting in cost savings over services, leveraging expertise to identify vulnerable areas in
time. amine systems. By conducting thorough inspections and eval-
uations, recommendations can be made and implementation
• Environmental Benefits of the most suitable cladding materials and techniques to pre-
vent corrosion and extend the service life of process vessels
HVTS cladding can contribute to achieving environmental tar- can be undertaken.
gets. By improving the durability and longevity of components,
they help reduce the consumption of resources and minimize Preventing corrosion in amine system process vessels is cru-
waste generated from frequent replacements. Additionally, cial for the successful and sustainable operation of carbon
HVTS can enhance the energy efficiency of equipment, leading capture and storage facilities. Upgrading vessel metallurgy
to reduced energy consumption and lower CO2 and NOx emis- through high nobility cladding offers an effective solution to
sions. combat corrosion, extend equipment service life, and ensure
operational reliability. By implementing high nobility clad-
HVTS Cladding Process and Application ding, CCS operators can mitigate the adverse effects of amine
corrosion, reduce maintenance costs, and contribute to the
The application of High Velocity Thermal Spray (HVTS) to long-term viability of carbon capture technologies in the fight
amine systems is always undertaken by trained IGS cladding against climate change.
technicians as training and expertise in HVTS application
techniques are crucial to achieving high-quality and reliable Find out more: - October/November 2023 | Page - 13

Lumens Vs. Candela, What Is The

hen it comes to lighting, lumens surface inside the sphere, focus all that available light onto a
and candela are the two metrics specific section. This gives you the candela rating. If you need
that are often confused. In this ar- to project light in one direction or over a long distance, then
ticle, we’ll explain the differences candela is the crucial metric for selecting the correct light.
and how this will help you select
the perfect light for the job. For example, sporting arenas use very high-lumen lights to
bathe the playing field with a complete blanket of even lighting
Lumens: Total Light Output with no focused “hot spots.” The opposite end of the spectrum
would be a police cruiser spotlight with a very high candela rat-
Lumens are the most common unit for measuring all the visible ing to pinpoint a suspect or a distant dark corner.
light from a given light source. Imagine the bare bulb or LED
from a light inside the center of a large sphere. When all the Choosing the Right Light for You
light is measured inside the sphere it gives you the total lumen
value of that light source. If the goal is to light a large area, lu- If you need even light distribution in an area, you should pri-
mens is the crucial metric for selecting the correct light. marily consider lumens. On the other hand, if you require a fo-
cused, directional light source, then candela becomes a more
Candela: Peak Beam Intensity critical factor. The ideal situation would be to combine both
lighting styles into a single product. These types of lights are
Candela is the standard unit for measuring peak beam inten- referred to as dual-light products. A spotlight features a tight,
sity. Let’s imagine the large sphere from the previous example. focused beam for distant illumination (candela) and a soft flood
Now, instead of the light being projected evenly over the entire light to illuminate the area directly around you (lumens).

Page - 14 | October/November 2023 -

The Original Dual Light

Nightstick, a provider of professional LED products for industri-

al environments, firefighting, and law enforcement worldwide,
created the original dual-light product in 2007. Often imitated
but never equaled, Nightstick dual light products are the gold
standard by which all others are measured. Visit Nightstick.
com to find the perfect dual light for your job site.



Visit or call 1-469-326-9400 for more information

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Enerpac Safet Torque Lock For
Safer Hands-Free Bolting

nerpac has introduced the SafeT Torque Lock, wrench with one push of the square drive quick-release button

an innovative and user-friendly safety tool for tightening or loosening. It works with heavy hex nuts that

that transforms Enerpac square drive torque conform to ANSI B18.2.4 and has a max torque value of 5,000

wrenches allowing hands-free bolting opera- N/m.


To find out more about Enerpac SafeT Torque Lock visit

The SafeT Torque Lock improves worker safety by minimising

exposure to pinch points and high-pressure hydraulic connec-

tions. It can also be used in any orientation including inverted

positions, thus reducing the possibility of tool slippage and op-

erator fatigue.

The SafeT Torque Lock converts Enerpac S-Series & RSQ-Series

wrenches into a hands-free operation which grips securely to

any hexagon nut in any orientation, including inverted.

No additional tooling is required or loose components such as

reaction washers needed. The SafeT assembles onto the torque

Page - 16 | October/November 2023 -

ABB And Altilium Sign Agreement To Work

On Battery Industry Recycling Projects
BB has signed a Memorandum of Un- electric vehicles. As increasing number of these batteries reach
derstanding (MoU) agreement with end-of-life, it is critical they are recycled to ensure the reliable,
UK-based clean technology group sustainable supply of critical minerals.
Altilium to jointly explore how the
integration of automation, electrifica- ABB’s technology and approach will allow Altilium to speed up
tion and digital technologies in plants its time to market, supporting the provision of scalable solu-
across Europe can support the scaling tions as the company expands its operations, and will signifi-
up of battery materials recycling. Al- cantly reduce the carbon footprint of EV batteries, aligning with
tilium is developing green processing both companies’ commitment to a greener future. It is the latest
technologies and building infrastructure at scale for the recy- example of ABB’s technology being put to good use in the recy-
cling of metals and electric vehicle (EV) battery waste, with the cling of used batteries.
aim of ensuring a domestic supply chain of low-carbon battery
materials for the automotive industry. Altilium opened its EV Battery Recycling Technology Centre in
Devon in 2022 and is currently the only company in the UK pro-
ABB will introduce the design and delivery of control systems ducing CAM recovered from EV battery waste. Its first Europe-
equipment and solutions for the distribution and manage- an plant will recycle battery waste from over 24,000 vehicles a
ment of electrical power for Altilium’s UK pilot battery recy- year, while the UK facility, to be located in Teesside, will process
cling scheme, which will produce battery-ready cathode active waste from over 150,000 EVs per year, producing 30,000 metric
material (CAM) from used EV batteries. The global technology tons of CAM.
leader will also explore the use of its ABB Manufacturing Op-
erations Management (MOM) and Manufacturing Execution ABB’s Process Automation business automates, electrifies and
System (MES) digital applications. Such integrated automation digitalizes industrial operations that address a wide range of
standardizes and optimizes processes with intuitive interfaces essential needs – from supplying energy, water and materials,
and edge data collection. to producing goods and transporting them to market. With its
~20,000 employees, leading technology and service expertise,
The two companies plan to extend their work into commercial ABB Process Automation helps customers in process, hybrid
plants. This includes the retrofit of Altilium’s European Solvent and maritime industries improve performance and safety of
Extraction-Electrowinning (SX-EW) facility in Eastern Europe, operations, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient
which will start processing battery waste in 2024; and devel- future.
opment of a planned UK plant in Teesside from 2026 that will
create 20 per cent of the country’s required CAM, making it one ABB is a technology leader in electrification and automation,
of the largest projects in the region. enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.
The company’s solutions connect engineering know-how and
“Teaming up with ABB aligns perfectly with our commitment to software to optimize how things are manufactured, moved,
redefine battery recycling for clean energy transportation,” said powered and operated. Building on more than 130 years of ex-
Dr Christian Marston of Altilium. “This is just the beginning of cellence, ABB’s ~105,000 employees are committed to driving
our journey toward closing the loop in battery manufacturing innovations that accelerate industrial transformation.
and decarbonizing automotive supply chains.”
Altilium is a UK-based clean technology group that will re-
“By combining our expertise in automated control systems, shape the UK and European automotive supply chain by offer-
electrification and digital technology with Altilium’s approach ing high volume, domestic and low carbon sources of cathode
to battery recycling, we are well positioned to drive positive and anode materials from recycling waste streams already in
change in the EV industry,” said Staffan Sodergard, Global Prod- circulation, such as lithium scrap and mine waste. In 2022, the
uct Line Manager for Battery Manufacturing, ABB. “This is an company opened its Electric Vehicle Battery Technology Cen-
important agreement in the vital and growing field of battery tre in Devon, to deepen and strengthen its competitive edge in
recycling, where ABB continues to build expertise with ambi- the recycling of lithium-ion batteries. This scale-up processing
tious battery industry customers and partners.” line will provide the company with data to make informed de-
cisions on materials handling, scalability, and product quality
World Economic Forum figures show the demand for batteries at the UK’s largest planned EV battery recycling facility, to be
is expected to increase 14-fold by 2030 due to the adoption of located in Teesside. - October/November 2023 | Page - 17

Engineering Maintenance Solutions
Interviews Ankush Malhotra, President
Of Fluke Reliability, To Discuss The
Acquisition Of Azima DLII
: How will the platform integrate with the current/ fu- good, accurate data is the key to achieving the real-time vis-
ture Fluke range of products and services? ibility and workflow analysis that maintenance management
teams crave.
A: Fluke Reliability’s mission is to help simplify our customers’
workflow and connect it in a way that will enable them to do Q: Will the existing platform be rebranded?
their job better in terms of improving efficiency, productivity
and profitability. This platform integration will be a major con- A: The Azima brand has had a very strong presence in the mar-
tributor to that mission, which is why we are so excited about ket for more than 25 years. Its technology and expert services
the acquisition and integration of Azima DLI. are highly respected. Our goal is to maintain Fluke Reliability
as the umbrella brand and Azima be the brand for AI-powered
What it does is combine our existing world-class software and analytics software as well as remote services. This tracks with
service offerings with cutting edge, AI-powered analytics that what we have done with other brands that we have acquired,
will enable our customers to do predictive rather than preven- and it has worked well for us. They retain the trust and appeal
tive or reactive maintenance. Moreover, these new remote con- they have with their long-term customers and we mutually
dition monitoring capabilities will allow them to manage many benefit from the respective strengths we all bring to Fluke Re-
more assets across a much wider range of physical location liability.
than they ever could before, which will help narrow the cur-
rent skills gap that has become a major issue across industry. Our aim is to ensure we have a solution for our customers, irre-
This approach of introducing AI analytics into the equation is a spective of what part of the journey to automation they are on.
major step-change that is taking hold across industry and will They can come to us at any stage and we will have the answer
enable Fluke Reliability to continue its central role in meeting on how to get them to the next stage – or work with them all the
our customers’ needs as well as serving the entire industrial way to their ultimate automated testing goals whenever they’re
sector in an even deeper and better way. ready.

In terms of actual implementation, it’s a case of collecting data Q: What are the benefits of AI in maintenance process?
with Fluke Reliability instruments. Once collected it is chan-
nelled through common software that provides detailed analy- A: The implementation of AI enables our customers to massive-
sis. The results of that data analysis will generate a work order ly expand their proactive asset monitoring capabilities across
for corrective action (if necessary) based on its predictions. The a wide range of assets in each plant or facility. As I’ve already
product or device can then be recalibrated to maintain or even alluded to, Azima’s AI-based system helps address the chronic
improve the workflow, again using Fluke Reliability technology. skills shortage that currently exists with its ability to process
up to 93% of machine tests with no human intervention.
It’s all connected. The easy and seamless transferability of

Page - 18 | October/November 2023 -

What the implementation of AI also does is greatly expand the A: The collection of machine types and failure modes is already
granularity of condition analysis. When you have a system like pretty robust, and the beauty of the algorithms being used is
Azima’s that has already codified more than 500 human years that they are continually improving as more and more custom-
of vibration analysis test data and human expertise, you arrive er assets and unique data types are fed into the system, the
at solutions very quickly indeed. The upshot is the almost in- ability to improve on and grow an already excellent system is
stant system visibility it provides, which in turn gives custom- virtually limitless. The current 93% automated machine test
ers an actionable – and highly accurate and reliable - diagnos- figure will likely climb much higher soon.
tic repair and workflow improvement plan, right down to the
individual component. Q: Will Fluke be offering relevant training packages to per-
spective users?
It is those detailed, highly intuitive algorithms that now enable
us to predict with a great degree of accuracy when something A: We will absolutely offer training. The skills gap in the mar-
could happen and take steps to remedy it, or say, “Based on ketplace is very apparent. Those who are coming into the in-
our analysis, there’s no need for concern for at least another dustrial marketplace, due to their influences now expect to find
six months, so the currently scheduled maintenance for next an “easy button”. They just don’t know where to find it.
month is actually unnecessary.” However, our aim has always been and will continue to be to
add value to the industry by sharing our expertise with both
And, again, customers can now look after a lot more assets, new generations as well as seasoned professionals who are
with far fewer resources, in a way that would have been unim- being exposed to new technologies that require new skills. We
aginable only a few years ago. do that through formalised training including seminars, boot
camps and other methods to share everything from the basic
Q: What are the dangers of autonomous plant operations and principles of vibration and how customers can learn about
how will Fluke mitigate these if there are any? them and do their analysis in the most effective way.

A: We provide expert-led services. The experience and exper- We’re also very conscious of instilling
tise that they have, now combined with a huge amount of re- confidence in these new technolo-
al-word, real-time data certainly drive to a bare minimum any gies. We have established train-
concerns of a malfunction. We’re proud of the fact we have, and ing centres in some regions,
will always retain, an unparalleled level of expertise and highly but ultimately we want
informed insights that are readily available to our customers. to take it directly to
We appreciate that the advent of AI may make some people our customers, ei-
slightly wary, but our aim is to alleviate those concerns by de- ther in person or
veloping a high level of trust in just how many ways can benefit via self-learning
them, and in fact actually significantly reduce the likelihood of mode depending
critical asset downtime due to unplanned stoppage. on where they are
in their journey to
Q: What are the major benefits of AI in process? automated analy-
A: Many customers are still in a reactive maintenance mode.

The transition from reactive to predictive maintenance can be

a challenge for some, but there’s no question that everyone now
wants to do it. The question is, “how?” They may not have ac-
cess to the technology that would enable them to scale their ex-
isting expertise. Their vibration analysis experts are spending
a great deal of their time looking at and analysing data when
they could be using new technology to do a lot more focussed
work with the data, but do a lot more and lot faster and a lot
broader across a workflow operation.

Q: How will the AI systems be upgraded and monitored? - October/November 2023 | Page - 19

Delta Hybrid Represents One Of The Most Groundbreaking
Advancements In Compressor Technology

elta Hybrid represents one of the most highly efficient screw profiles, internal flow optimisation,
groundbreaking advancements in compressor standard motors with energy efficiency class IE4, optimised
technology and stands out as an exceptionally process and cooling air flow, and a self-tensioning belt drive
efficient system within its class. These latest models are is over 98% efficiency in conjunction with a compact design,
equipped with intelligent features, enhanced functionality, substantial energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved
and remarkable energy savings of up to 30% when compared compared to traditional blowers.
to traditional positive displacement blowers.
The patented bearing ensures a service life 70,000+ hours.
AERZEN rotary lobe compressors, or screw blowers An effective sealing mechanism for the driving shaft and
combine the benefits of blower and compressor technology conveying chamber minimises natural wear, guaranteeing
into a single, versatile system, catering to a wide range oil-free operation in accordance with ISO 8573-1 class 0
of performance requirements for various industrial standards.
processes. These assemblies are primarily designed for
oil-free air conveyance and serve an extensive array of key Additionally, the patented reactive silencer, free from
industrial applications, including pneumatic conveying, absorption materials, effectively prevents process air
homogenisation, and wastewater treatment. The newly contamination and safeguards downstream systems, making
introduced models deliver energy efficiency, feature a it particularly advantageous for sustainable, safe, and long-
simplified service and maintenance concept, and smaller lasting operations in the food industry and wastewater
footprint, which contributes to minimising the Total Cost of treatment. The intelligent oil system, which functions with
Ownership (TCO). minimal oil quantities and extended change intervals of
16,000 operating hours, positively impacts longevity and
Thanks to an innovative compressor stage equipped with maintenance.



Energy savings up to 30%

compared to conventional blower technology
Reduced Lifecycle cost
100% oil-free and absorption-free

Parikshit Manjrekar, Internal Sales Engineer

E-Mail: Compressed air, gas
Web: and vacuum solutions

Page - 20 | October/November 2023 -


The original
SPEEDOR high-speed
automatic fabric
doors and shutters

Hart Storms For Caribbean


art Door Systems of Newcastle upon Tyne, has
completed the installation of four Speedor Storms
at a major international airport in the Caribbean,
bringing the number of international airports glob-
ally which have Hart door installations to over 40.

In respect of the recently completed Caribbean contract, John Loftus,

■ Speedors save energy, Hart’s Export Manager, says the high-speed Speedor Storms have been

improve efficiency installed in the baggage area of the airport.

“The doors, our best-selling Speedor version, will work together as two
■ Compliant with all safety entry doors and two exit doors. The Speedor Storm is a robust, rapid
standards roll, low maintenance door delivering exceptional wind resistance in
exposed areas, ideal for this application,” says Mr Loftus.
■ Fire and security shutter
“While its high-speed opening and closing action improve the envi-
options ronment of the baggage area, the efficiency of the ‘Storm’ will help to
control internal temperatures as well as reducing external noise.”
■ Custom to your needs,
internal and external models The Speedor Storm has been developed by Hart for challenging appli-
cations where reliability is essential. As Hart’s best-selling high speed
doors they are in operation on a daily basis throughout the World.
■ British design and
manufacture Hart Door Systems is oldest British manufacturer of industrial high
speed doors and shutters and the only British manufacturer to offer
■ Service and parts availability two years warranty as standard on all its doors.

in UK Hart’s range of specialist doors for airports is focused on baggage

management on conveyors, fire security and high speed access con-
trols for vehicles, baggage and people.

Hart’s largest order from an international airport was for 177 fire and
Design | Install | Maintain security shutters for a baggage conveyor system at King Abdulaziz
Airport, Saudi Arabia.
Get a free consultation:
Contact us on+44 (0) 191 214 0404 - October/November 2023 | Page - 21
Dental Lab Milling Machines
And 3d Printers Benefit From
Oil-Free Compressors

y releasing the new MGF X Line range of of dental restorations such as crowns, bridges and veneers.

oil-free compressors into the UK market, The new X Line can supply clean and dry compressed air con-

FPS Air Compressors is providing dental tinuously and reliably to CAD/CAM-driven milling processes,

labs running CAD/CAM-driven milling ensuring the precise, reliable and high-integrity production of

machines and 3D printers with a proven dental prosthetics.

way to utilise a continuous and highly reliable source of clean,

dry compressed air without risk of contamination. A further benefit of using innovative MGF X Line compressor

technology at dental labs is increased air capacity and, subse-

Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing quently, lower energy bills. This advantage arrives courtesy of

(CAD/CAM) systems are finding growing use in the creation a patented MGF system that reduces the air requirements of

Page - 22 | October/November 2023 -

the membrane dryer, which in turn increases the available flow ine added value to dental labs running CAD/CAM-driven mill-

of air from the compressor by 20-25% to help optimise dental ing and 3D printing processes.

lab processes such as milling.

In addition, FPS extensive range of oil-free and SCROLL com-

The X Line is also ideal for serving 3D printers, which although pressors are suitable for a myriad of applications in other

an additive rather than a subtractive process like milling, still sectors that demand high air quality. These include: product

need a compressor that provides continuous, high air quality handling and packaging at food and beverage plants; aseptic

and low vibration to support the precision and stability de- processes and cleanrooms in pharmaceutical facilities; circuit

manded by the 3D Printers industry. Notably, as 3D printing board manufacturing and chip production in the electronics

technology becomes more widespread, the importance of air market; jet looms and air splicing at textile factories; testing

quality in the printing process is gaining more and more atten- and analytical instruments at research laboratories; and sam-

tion in the process. pling and analysis devices in environmental monitoring pro-


Producing consistent air quality is a primary capability of X

Line compressors, which house a 0.01 µm filtration system and For further information on the X Line range oil-free compres-

a high-quality, high-efficiency membrane dryer. The provision sors please visit:

of clean, dry, continuous air allows dental labs everywhere to

take advantage of uninterrupted workflows. X Line compres-

sors run at a maximum pressure of 10 bar, producing constant sors-cadcam_applications.html

air flow at the capacity stated from a broad range of models

suitable for multi applications.

Offering yet another advantage, the low vibration of the cab-

inet-housed X Line air compressors contributes to quiet op-

eration. In addition to the four ‘Base’ models, a trio of ‘Silent’

versions are available providing low noise levels that do not

exceed 53-56 dB(A). Furthermore, with the robust build quality,

X Line compressors offer highly durable operation and a long

service life, helping to minimise total cost of ownership (TCO)

for dental labs.

Ultimately, the MGF X Line combines efficiency, performance

and reliability with extremely quiet operation, providing genu- - October/November 2023 | Page - 23

G-Tec Air Compressor
Workstation Is Industry

egardless of whether the busi- saves space, reduces installation and improves efficiency. It
ness is an automotive workshop, delivers outstanding performance, producing a consistent sup-
a small-to-medium sized man- ply of compressed air to power a wide range of pneumatic tools
ufacturing company or indeed and machinery. With its high-efficiency motor and innovative
any type of operation that simply design, this complete workstation also meets the growing de-
needs dry and clean compressed mand for more sustainable and cost-effective compressed air
air, the new G-TEC Air Compres- solutions.
sor from FPS provides a complete
compressed air workstation with G-TEC workstations from FPS are available with a range of
‘game-changing’ capabilities. This 6-in-1 offer comprises a 7.5 to 22kW with pressure from 8 to13 bar. The high-efficiency
high-performance compressor, refrigerated dryer, dual filtra- screw compressors ensure optimal productivity and reliability.
tion, 270/500 litre air receiver, oil-water separator and control- Importantly, the workstation comes with a 270 or 500 litre re-
ler, making the G-TEC Air Compressor the optimal and most ceiver and an integrated dryer and filters. The result? Clean, dry
convenient choice, for a whole host of applications. air for quality-assured pneumatic operations that lead to re-
duced downtime and maintenance costs and Indeed, reduced
Avoiding the need for many individual components that typi- corrosion within pipes that also means fewer product rejects,
cally form part of a complex compressed air system, the G-TEC and fewer costly air leaks, delivering yet more savings.
workstation features an integrated and modular design that

Page - 24 | October/November 2023 -

Another integral component of the G-TEC Air Compressor Purchase, lease and rental options are available.
workstation is the condensate oil-water separator, supplied
as standard by FPS to reduce environmental pollution. Fur- For detailed information on the G-TEC range of air compres-
thermore, the intuitive built-in control panel makes using the sors please visit:
G-TEC workstation easy to use for operators of all skill levels.
Among the business that can take advantage are automotive
workshops. From tyre centres to body repair shops, the task of
paint spraying and when using general garage equipment can
benefit from the fixed and variable-speed models of G-TEC Air
Compressor line-up. As a particular point of note, noise output
is exceptionally low.

Further applications include pneumatic tools on production/

assembly lines, woodworking tools such as sanders and sta-
plers, and plasma/laser cutting. In all cases the outcome is the
same: high-quality, professional compressed air delivery with
economy and sustainability in mind. When operating varia-
ble-speed models, the remarkable energy-saving capabilities
of the G-TEC Air Compressor workstation render it an envi-
ronmentally responsible choice that also reduces operational
costs by as much as 30%.

With its fully integrated components, the compact design of the

G-TEC Air Compressor makes it ideal for any customer where
space is at a premium. This, when combined with straightfor-
ward installation and maintenance, allows the G-TEC worksta-
tion user the benefit of a hassle-free and highly cost-effective
solution for businesses of all sizes.

“Users of the G-TEC Air Compressor can achieve the perfect

balance between power and efficiency, ensuring that your com-
pressed air needs are met without excessive energy wastage,”
states Moiz Palaci, Director of FPS Air Compressors. “At FPS, we
are committed to providing innovative solutions that meet the
evolving needs of customers. Our G-TEC Air Compressor is no
exception, boasting a range of features that make it the ideal
choice whenever low noise, energy efficiency, convenience and
reliability are primary demands.” - October/November 2023 | Page - 25

Freeway Widget Dashboards Bring Fleet
Maintenance Work Into Focus

Page - 26 | October/November 2023 -

reeway Fleet Systems has announced a new

fleet maintenance dashboard to provide an

instant view of workshop activity and the

status of vehicles. Ideal for display on large

wall-mounted screens in the workshop and

office, the dashboards can display user-configurable widgets.

Workshop managers can now choose the summary KPIs for dis-

play at the top of the screen. This gives at-a-glance perspective

with the detailed supporting information still visible below; use-

ful for everyone working in the workshop.

Freeway manages workshop-related operations and planning,

including allocation and management of defects and planned

maintenance events to in-house workshop resources or to ex-

ternal suppliers. All current work in progress can be viewed on a

single screen, with the added capability to drill-down to specific

details of job cards, time sheets, labour, defect, and context.

The addition of the widgets is part of ongoing development of the

Freeway dashboards which work across different formats. Man-

agers can, for example, view dashboards on their smartphones

to provide insight into metrics such as Earned Recognition KPIs,

asset availability, first-use check status, stores data and forth-

coming schedules events, as well as outstanding and overdue


Freeway provides a central repository for all data and processes

the data to display what is important and needed at any one time.

For example, the Freeway app gives engineers on the workshop

floor instant insight into all defects reported by drivers during

their first-check inspections. Managers can then make quick and

informed decisions on how and when to best rectify the defect,

helping reduce unnecessary Vehicle Off Road (VOR).

“With the wider adoption of mobile devices and the integration

of systems, there is an enormous amount of data being harvest-

ed,” says Patrick Tandy, Managing Director of Freeway Systems.

“It can be hard to see the ‘wood for the trees’ so Freeway’s soft-

ware developers are very focussed on providing tools, such as the

dashboards, that provide exactly what’s needed in an easy, visual

way enabling manager to make better and quicker decisions.” - October/November 2023 | Page - 27

“Reliability services, technologies, support & training For more
than 20 years RMS have provided a comprehensive range of re-
liability and condition-based maintenance (CBM) products, ser-
vices, support, and professional training solutions. Our expertise

encompasses: Vibration Analysis.

otion Amplification, Thermography, Oil, Balancing,

Laser Alignment, Ultrasonic and Motor Analysis.

Our partnership with industry OEM’s highlights the

commitment we make to showcasing innovative

technologies. One such example is RDI Technologies. Their revolutionary

technology, Motion Amplification, is a video-processing product and

software package that detects subtle motion and amplifies it to a level visible

with the naked eye. RMS is also a UK approved distributor of Emerson/CSi

Machinery Health Manager products and solutions.

The Reliability Training Institute is a UK & Ireland accredited Training

Organisation for both Mobius Institute (MIBoC) and The British Institute

of Non-destructive Testing (BINDT). Professional training courses in

Vibration Analysis, Ultrasound and Asset Reliability prepare students to

take the ISO certified examination. We use the very latest computer-based

simulations and animations to help make even the most complex subjects

understandable. Study options include Onsite, Hotelbased, Hybrid, Virtual

Instructor-led and Self-paced courses.”

Maximize asset value,

improve safety and
boost productivity
IFS Ultimo is a SaaS EAM solution from IFS, focused
on maintenance & safety and well known for its rapid
deployment, ease of use, and an unparalleled time
to value.

We empower teamwork

Page - 28 | October/November 2023 -

Emerson’s Control System Update
Helps Optimize Operations
with Enhanced Flexibility and

lobal technology and software leader Em- tegration of PROFINET, further enhancing the wide variety of
erson is building upon the innovative applications and system sizes addressed by the PK Controller
technologies and solutions in the DeltaV™ line. With PROFINET capability, the PK Controller is now ready
distributed control system (DCS) with the to integrate advanced physical layer (APL) devices, acceler-
release of DeltaV Version 15 Feature Pack ating the adoption of high-speed devices in process environ-
1. This feature pack release includes new ments. Additionally, the DeltaV PK Flex Controller is the newest
technology and enhancements to current addition to the line, adding flexible, software-defined control
capabilities that not only improve control system situational capacity that can scale and adjust as engineering or operation-
awareness and performance, but also help ensure more effi- al requirements change. Delivered as a subscription, the DeltaV
cient, sustainable operations. PK Flex Controller reduces upfront cost, eliminates complexity
associated with control engineering tasks and allows custom-
Hybrid and process industry business drivers are continually ers to easily adjust control capacity throughout the lifecycle of
changing as market dynamics shift product demand and costs. a facility.
A modern, flexible control system is critical to help manufac-
turing sites and operations personnel adapt and drive pro- The extensive suite of software applications that are core to the
ductivity through seamless data connectivity and intuitive DeltaV system have also been enhanced in this feature pack,
decision support applications. The latest release of the DeltaV delivering more operational insights through robust analyt-
control system continues the regular cadence between major ics and intuitive operator environments. The newest version
DeltaV releases to help users more quickly realize the project of DeltaV advanced control applications—Neural, Predict, and
savings and operational efficiencies that come with new fea- Predict Pro—are now available in 1-, 3-, or 5-year term-based li-
tures for their control system software. censes improving flexibility and reducing upfront investment
supporting a quicker return on investment.
“In an era of market volatility, increased focus on sustainability
and few spare personnel, organizations are exploring automa- In addition, improved integration of web applications further
tion projects that will expand their flexibility to help them stay establishes DeltaV Live as the center of a robust operational
nimble, making it easier to quickly deliver quantifiable value,” intelligence ecosystem providing a single, cohesive view of op-
said Claudio Fayad, vice president of technology for Emerson’s erations by securely integrating data, video streams, enterprise
process systems and solutions business. “Expanded connectiv- analytics and other decision support applications. This new
ity and subscription options provide organizations the flexibil- capability adds to the existing set of high-performance tools in
ity they need to design projects with very specific outcomes, DeltaV Live to maximize situational awareness and deliver the
measure the success quickly, and then make changes they ultimate operator experience.
need to rapidly bring return on investment in line with expec-
tations.” Learn more. Visi:
The DeltaV PK Controller line now includes built-in, native in- deltav-v15/deltav-v15-fp1 - October/November 2023 | Page - 29

Test Products International Inc.
Are you throwing money down the drain on unscheduled
and costly repairs to your Pumps, Fans or Motors?

Then let TPI’s range of Vibration Analysis Systems HELP!!!

Starting from: -

£ 575

2/10hz to 1Khz ISO standard for

assessing Unbalance, Powerful trending
Misalignment or Looseness software to help see the
issue before it becomes an
1Khz to 10Khz range for Easily Create Routes for issue
Operatives to follow &
identification of Bearing Condition set up Alarms &
Email Notifications

For technical information, solution range, applications, prices and

where to buy - Contact TPI Europe on: -
01293 530196 w w
Remote Working Made Easy Via The Cloud
ll of us are likely to be accused some- FREE, subscription FREE, mobile App works in conjunction
times of having our “head in the with the subscription FREE, C-Trend II PC Software, to easily
clouds”. But with the tremendous allow multiple routes to be sent to multiple, remote users, any-
advances in Cloud computing and where in the world and receive the readings back for detailed
mobile communications, perhaps the analysis.
advice should be “get ahead in the
Cloud!” The versatility of the TPI Cloud-Bridge App also allows it to be
used with virtually ANY version of CMMS software.
Imagine a scenario where a condition based maintenance TPI manufactures a complete range of low-cost, high-perfor-
(CBM) team is responsible for a number of remote sites. This mance vibration analysers from the £575, one-button-to-press
could be where a central ‘control’ site has a number of remote TPI 9070 Smart Vibration Meter, to devices that include ad-
‘satellite’ locations that have equipment that needs to be moni- vanced diagnostics and machine balancing.
tored. The measurements could be done by personnel based at
the remote site, or the sites could be visited from time to time The TPI 9080 Smart Trend
by CBM engineers. Another similar scenario is where a service Meter from £1,100 comes
company has multiple customers that are visited by a ‘fleet’ of complete with PC based
CBM engineers. trending and reporting soft-
ware that includes automatic
In each of these scenarios, the central facility will most likely report generation and email
be running computerised maintenance management system notification of alarms, to im-
(CMMS) software that is being used to monitor, trend and report plement a full CBM solution.
on the equipment as part of the CBM strategy. The whole pro- The TPI 9080 features colour
cess can be greatly facilitated by the ability to remotely down- coded alarm levels and zo-
load lists of the measurements (Routes) that are required at the omable on-screen vibration
remote locations, and automatically upload the subsequent frequency plots together
readings into the CMMS software. with on-meter analysis for
the detection of machine
faults such as unbalance,
misalignment, looseness and
bearing wear.

The TPI 9080 can store Routes of up to 1000 machines, each

with up to 10 measurement points, all with full vibration wave-
form and frequency spectrum (FFT) capture. Routes and read-
ings can easily be transferred to/from the TPI 9080 in a variety
of different ways. Locally, via the included USB docking cradle
or wirelessly via Bluetooth, or remotely, via a Bluetooth link
with a smart phone or tablet running the TPI Cloud-Bridge App.
This allows service personnel to receive and return routes and
readings, wherever they may be.

The Ex certified TPI 9080Ex is IECEx/ATEX certified for Zone 1

For example, supervisors can send out Routes that can be re- and has North American approval for Class 1, Zone 1 and hence
motely downloaded via the Cloud onto mobile devices (e.g. is certified for use in hazardous locations anywhere in the
smart phones or tablets). Using a mobile App, users can then world. In-line with TPI’s philosophy of being the value leader,
locally transfer the Routes to measurement devices, such as the TPI 9080Ex is available at a list price of £3,500.
vibration meters, via Bluetooth. The readings then go in the
opposite direction, via Bluetooth from vibration meter to mo- For more information please contact TPI Europe’s head office
bile device, and via the Cloud from mobile device to the CMMS
on +44 1293 530196 or take a look on the website at

Test Products International (TPI) has now made this process or email
very easy with the release of the TPI Cloud-Bridge App. This - October/November 2023 | Page - 31

News & Products

Page - 32 | October/November 2023 -

32 EMS Magazine | Oct/Nov 2021
Byworth Hire: Modern Technology

Reducing Fuel Costs, Lowering Emissions
educing CO2 emissions together with er available in the UK: Yorkshireman2 Boiler. Developed with
considerably lower running costs are rising fuel costs in mind it is the best option for the truly en-
two good reasons to embrace boiler ergy conscious incorporating a number of energy saving fea-
technology and improve its efficien- tures including Byworth’s use of patented X-ID tubes making it
cy. The capital costs of installing new a most cost effective route to choose. Five years is a long time
industrial boilers or retrofitting exist- in the manufacturing cycle so to commit today to purchasing
ing ones are, however, significant and a boiler that is expected to deliver the goods for a potential in-
can be technically challenging. At the crease in demand in five years’ time makes hiring a more at-
same time navigating the complex regulatory processes and tractive option as in five years it can be sized up or down to suit
ensuring ongoing compliance is both time-consuming and re- the business needs.
Short term hire is the solution for when there are emergency
Compliance with boiler inspections and maintenance proce- repairs to cover existing boiler breakdowns, annual inspections
dures is critical and potentially demanding for those industries and maintenance as well as peak seasonal loading which en-
that are already operating under intense pressure or with lim- sures stability and security. This is particularly pertinent for
ited resources. such as food and drink manufacturing.
Hiring provides the latest technology and automation together
Burning less fuel in the boiler to both save money and reduce with full servicing and maintenance plus the knowledge that
emissions without making the process more efficient is inef- the boiler being used is doing its bit to keep carbon emissions
fective as the fuel usage and its equivalent CO2 output is bal- to a minimum.
anced to production. Without on-site expertise it’s advisable to
call in the professionals who will carry out a full audit, survey- Whichever solution Byworth’s expert project management
ing the system in place to identify the best route to facilitate team will visit the site and work with the client to specify and
efficient production capacity with lower fuel usage delivering conceive purpose-built boiler plant rooms incorporating all the
lower emissions. Boiler hire is the credible solution to the chal- ancillary feed, fuel and blow down tanks including water sof-
lenge of the enormous capital investment of replacing an inef- tening equipment. These plant rooms can be containerised or
ficient boiler. in purpose built pre-fabricated boiler houses providing a ded-
icated turnkey project with minimal site work. By hiring the
Increasingly businesses and institutions such as food manu- heavy capital outlay of purchasing new is avoided.
facturing and healthcare are turning to hire. Long term hire is As Byworth Hire Sales Director, Michael Rutter emphasised: ‘In
increasingly the preferred choice when ageing plant needs to a rapidly changing and challenging environment, we need to
be replaced or when expansion requires additional capacity. It keep up to speed to deliver the latest advances in technology
comes with the obvious cash flow advantages whilst offering with reliability to our customers. Our fleet of award-winning
the latest fuel efficient boilers. At Byworth Hire this includes modern boilers together with a comprehensive back up service
the multi award-winning and most energy efficient steam boil- enables us to do just that.’ - October/November 2023 | Page - 33

First Ever European Rental Week
Launched with HAE’s Backing

eading trade association for tool, plant and equip- and strengthening the wider industry for the benefit of all.
ment hire, Hire Association Europe (HAE) was de- With the end of the year approaching and companies begin-
lighted to play a key role in the first ever European ning to consider plans for 2024, HAE is encouraging hire firms
Rental Week, hosted by the European Rental Asso- to take advantage of European Rental Week as a key point in
ciation in Brussels earlier this month. their calendars going forward. HAE has offered some practical
suggestions as to how hire firms could take part in European
The idea for an international week of events devoted to the Rental Week next year:
hire industry was conceptualised by the board of the European
Rental Association (ERA) including HAE’s CEO Paul Gaze and • Consider hosting an open day in a depot to reach out to job-
Ann Harrison, Marketing and Communications Manager. seekers, schools, students and customers.

Paul, Ann and the wider team at HAE have worked tirelessly to • Invite a local politician to a depot to highlight its contribution
promote the hire industry, raising awareness of the attractive- to the local economy.
ness of the sector to people considering future career options,
as well as promoting the cost-effective benefits of rental for the • Invite the media along to your event to raise awareness of it as
wider construction industry. By co-ordinating its efforts with well as the sector in general.
other rental companies across Europe, HAE is helping to put
the hire industry firmly on the radar of public consciousness. • Organise a workshop, demonstration, or interactive session
and share the information with local media and on social me-
The theme for 2023 was ‘Investing in People’ with several dia in the run up to the event.
events showcasing the human side of the hire industry. A video
shared by the ERA included participants in the launch explain- Paul Gaze commented: “There are many people who are po-
ing just what it is that they love about working in this diverse tentially missing out on fulfilling careers within the industry
and varied industry. Contributors commented, “I love the fact simply because of a lack of awareness, leaving hire companies
that I can contribute to building something” the sector is “full of with skills shortages or struggling to expand. Similarly, hire
entrepreneurs” and “I enjoy working in what is an essential part firms are missing out on potential business as people are not
of the modern economy.” aware of the benefits that can be gained by working with them.
The importance of promotions like this cannot be underesti-
It is anticipated that going forward, an annual European Rental mated, as they ultimately feed into increased revenue, recruit-
Week will provide a framework for the rental industry across ment and growth.”
Europe to have a bigger impact by acting in unison. It also offers
hire companies from the across the continent the opportunity For more information please visit: or
to share examples of best practice, learning from each other tel: 0121 380 4605.

Page - 34 | October/November 2023 -

Atlas Copco Introduces The Dzs A Series –

Next-Generation Dry Claw Vacuum Pumps
tlas Copco, a leading provider of inno- when running at ultimate vacuum. This innovation, which re-
vative vacuum technology solutions places the traditional vacuum relief valve, results in better effi-
announces its next generation of ciency and suction flow.
dry claw vacuum pumps – the DZS A
series. This new series sets a bench- Simplified Maintenance
mark for performance, efficiency, and
reliability. Atlas Copco’s commitment to customer convenience is evident
in the DZS 065-300A Series with an emphasis on ease of service
Designed with the evolving needs of and on-site maintenance. “Our team of engineers have worked
manufacturing industries in mind, diligently to develop a pump that meets the evolving needs of
the DZS A series offers significant advantages. Leveraging our customers, while also addressing the global demand for
the latest in German engineering and cutting edge machin- energy efficiency and sustainability. The DZS A series is a sig-
ing, these dry claw vacuum pumps deliver exceptional perfor- nificant advancement in dry claw vacuum pump technology.”,
mance, energy efficiency, and superior product quality. said Ahmed Elshaffie, Product Manager Dry Pumps West, Atlas
Copco Vacuum. “The versatility of these pumps makes it suit-
Available in fixed and variable speed variants able for a wide range of industries including packaging, food
processing, woodworking, printing and plastics.”, continued
The DZS 065-300A series is engineered to deliver superior vacu- Ahmed.
um performance, with high pumping speeds and deep ultimate
vacuum levels. These dry claw vacuum pumps offer substan- In addition to key engineering advancements, the DZS 065-
tial energy savings, resulting in reduced operating costs and a 300A series offers numerous benefits to customers, including:
smaller carbon footprint.
• Cost savings – reduced energy consumption, resulting in low-
The DZS 100-400 VSD+A series are equipped with a Variable er operating costs and improved cost-effectiveness.
Speed Drive helping achieve increased productivity due to • Reliable operation – robust design for consistent performance
the pressure set point control. These compact machines with even in challenging conditions.
a small footprint deliver high reliability through a rugged and • Ease of integration – compact and space-saving design for
robust design. easy installation and integration into existing systems.
• Contaminant handling capability – efficient handling of con-
Pamela Cateland, Marketing Manager Atlas Copco Vacuum taminants, ensuring reliable and clean vacuum processes.
West, commented, “We are thrilled to present the DZS 065-300A DZS 300 A - Next-generation Fixed Speed Dry Claw Vacuum
and DZS 100-400 VSD+A series, the next step in the evolution of Pump DZS 400 VSD+A - Variable Speed Dry Claw Vacuum Pump
our dry mono claw vacuum pumps. With our focus on providing
value, this second-generation series showcases our dedication For more information please contact:
to continuous improvement. With the improved performance,
reliability, and lower noise levels, this series brings tremendous
value to our customers.” With a focus on continuous improve-
ment, the DZS A series incorporates design enhancements that
improve its capabilities. Key improvements include:

Enhanced Performance

The DZS 065-300A series delivers higher pumping speeds, ena-

bling faster processes and increased productivity. With its im-
proved performance, customers can expect to achieve higher
throughput and meet demanding production requirements.

Lower Noise Levels

Understanding the importance of a quiet working environ-

ment, this latest range of pumps
features a redesigned silencer. The result is significantly re-
duced noise levels, creating a
more comfortable workplace for operators while maintaining
vacuum performance.

Improved Reliability

By lowering the internal temperature of the pump, this series

improves on durability by
increasing the pump’s lifespan, reducing downtime and main-
tenance costs, and providing
customers with peace of mind.

Smart Kit

The Smart Kit prevents the vacuum pump from overheating - October/November 2023 | Page - 35

Landia Biogas
Total Cost of Ownership
Digester Systems

set for Indonesia
or pre-treatment tanks at a wastewater
facility in Indonesia, Landia is supply-
ing 12 of its digester mixing systems.

Part of a major Bio Production Plant in

Java, the facility converts grass mate-
rials into biodegradable bags, with the
excess matter utilised to produce biogas in six 4,000m3
rectangular concrete tanks.

To accelerate the installation, Landia is sending the pipe-

work of its externally-mounted systems in self-assembly
sets, with an appointed engineer to supervise the set-up.
At the heart of the system is the Chopper Pump (invented
by Landia in 1950), plus venturi nozzles, which will pro-
vide comprehensive mixing of the tanks, so that no crust
forms on the surface of
the liquid.

Fergus Clark, who heads

up the Asia-Pacific region
for Landia, said:

“This is a very important

new order, which under-
lines the effectiveness of
our digester mixing sys-
tem and the unrivalled
reputation it has for max-
imising biogas yields.
Operators also like the
fact that it is so reliable,
and that everything is
easily accessible on the
outside of the tank - with
no working at height. Un-
like some systems, there

Tel. 01948 661 200

is no downtime or very
costly emptying of the
tank for servicing or re-

Page - 36 | October/November 2023 -

Pump And Valve Innovator Finds A Test Rig Technology
That Talks The Torque

o analyse the long term performance and relia- been used on many test rigs over the years and I was delighted
bility of hard working valves and pumps, serial to hear the Bifold engineers say how easy it is to use and how
innovators Manchester-based Bifold Group has robust the software is.”
adopted digital torque transducers from Sensor
Technology Ltd for two of its specialist test rigs. In fact Bifold has since bought a second TorqSense which is
being fitted to a new test rig used to assess the performance of
An inter-generational commitment to advancing science and mission critical chemical injection pumps, as used at oil and
engineering has seen Bifold transform from a 19th century gas wellheads and on process pipelines.
mining lamp maker into a leading manufacturer of instrument
valves and accessories, piping valves and pumps for the oil, gas “This project is proceeding well,” says Laverick, “and is allowing
and wider industrial markets. us to further develop our abilities to quickly provide bespoke
equipment for ultra demanding applications, safe in the knowl-
By using the power of computer aided design many of Bifold’s edge that it will perform faultlessly over a long working life.”
products are built to custom designs, yet they are produced to
very short lead times thanks to the efficiency of internet com-
munications. To maintain this standard, sample products and
components are comprehensively tested so that their reliabili-
ty and capabilities are never in doubt.

Bifold is as innovative in developing its test regimes as it is in

advancing its product technologies and business systems. So
when it wanted to assess the effects of wear on its long-life
valves it set about designing a special test rig. Engineer Andrew
Laverick recalls: “We wanted to measure the power required to
operate the valve to see how it changed over time and with long
term use. It was clear that the best way to do this was to meas-
ure the torque input over an extended period.”

“We were open to any design concept for the test rig, but soon
found ourselves gravitating towards a TorqSense solution be-
cause the Sensor Technology engineers were so helpful and
really knowledgeable about test rigs.”

Sensor Technology’s Mark Ingham explains: “TorqSense has

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Dual Pumps 186x121 Oct.indd 1 17/10/2023 16:01:40 - October/November 2023 | Page - 37

E2S From Edwards Vacuum – The
New Series Of Oil-Sealed Rotary

Vane Vacuum Pumps
dwards Vacuum, one of the advantage: the higher throughput is achieved without

world’s leading designers and additional energy requirements, so the ecological footprint

manufacturers of vacuum pumps, is not increased,” assures Edwards Product Manager Jessie

has launched a new oil-sealed rotary Huang. According to Product Manager Jessie Huang, the

vane vacuum pump. The company pumping speed of the E2S is 90 m3 /h and enables an

offers a reliable product in the form ultimate vacuum of 3 x 10-3 mbar. At ultimate pressure, the

of the powerful, robust E2S series for low and medium vacuum performance of the E2S thus meets the requirements of

in industry and research. The E2S has a simple design and is industrial applications.

suitable for various standard applications.

For special performances, Edwards offers optional standard

“It pumps quickly, handles any vapours that arise and, combinations of two-stage E2S pumps including a mechanical

with its quiet operation, helps to reduce the noise level booster.

in working environments,” says Product Manager Jessie

Huang, summarising the advantages of the vacuum pump.

Shorter cycle times, higher throughput Thanks to the modern

technical design, users increase the economic efficiency

of their processes with

the rotary vane pump.

This is based not least

on the high pumping

speed of the E2S.

This shortens

cycle times

and increases

production capacity

in standard processes.



Page - 38 | October/November 2023 - engineeringmaintenance.

Vertical Turbine Pump Reliability
Dependent On Bearing Selection, Says

earing selection plays a critical role make pump components more chemical and abrasion resistant
in vertical turbine pump (VTP) perfor- by isolating the pump’s oil-lubricated bearings and shafts from
mance, but application, medium and process water. “But the biggest drawback to this approach is the
bearing material should also be consid- additional cost,” he said.
ered during pump manufacturing or re-
furbishment, according to polymer bear- Going on to explore the different types of water-lubricated/
ings pioneer, Thordon Bearings. grease-free polymer bearings available from the Thordon port-
folio, Brand explained that Thordon has a range of products to
“The selection of the most appropriate meet the demands and challenges of many types of operating
material for bearings is one of the most mediums and applications.
important factors affecting pump reliability,” Thordon Bearings’
Strategic Account Manager, Keith Brand explains in a technical For example, the company’s Composite bearing material, an
paper Selecting the Right Bearings to Improve Vertical Turbine elastomeric polymer alloy, is specially designed for use in
Pump Reliability. highly abrasive operating environments. The SXL material on
the other hand balances the operational requirement between
Presented at an industry conference in the United Sates re- abrasion resistance, low friction and good dry start up perfor-
cently, Brand informed industry leaders that “…the nature, par- mance.
ticularly the abrasiveness, of the pumped media, is a key varia-
ble affecting optimal pump bearing selection and lifespan.” The Meanwhile, Thordon’s ThorPlas-Blue, an engineered thermo-
other key variable, he said, is application. “Abrasive wear and plastic, has excellent chemical resistance and can also handle
dry starts are the most common causes of bearing failure.” dry starts and operate at higher temperatures. ThorPlas-White
has the same great qualities as ThorPlas-Blue, but it is designed
Taking a deep dive into common oil and water-lubricated specifically for food equipment, drinking and potable water ap-
bearing materials, such as bronze, carbon graphite, thermoset plications and has NSF/ANSI 51/61 and WRAS approval.
laminates, Teflon®, thermoplastics and elastomers, Brand ex-
plained that they all have their pros and cons. Some bearings The paper goes into much more detail with a useful and inform-
have better dry-running capability but poor abrasion or chem- ative Thordon material selection guide, showing the grades
ical resistance, while others may be better suited to high-tem- recommended for VTPs, with direct comparable reference to
perature environments but fall short on mechanical strength. the key variables such as temperature limits, abrasion resist-
All tend to be more costly in terms of OPEX. ance, shaft material compatibility, pumping media limitations,
dry start capabilities and more.
“In some applications the upper bearings are not lubricated
upon start up. This could mean thirty seconds or more of high- Summing up, Brand told conference delegates that while there
speed dry bearing operation, completely ruling out certain ma- is no single correct answer to bearing selection, understanding
terials, such as rubber,” continued Brand. pumped mediums and dry startup requirements will narrow
down the options. “Ultimately, understanding bearing material
“Rubber bearings can burn up from frictional heat created with selection will keep pumps pumping longer, reduce downtime
little to no lubricant and most phenolic bearings cannot handle and maintenance costs, and prevent catastrophic failure,” he
running dry for more than sixty seconds. Here, oil-lubrication said.
or a water flush is required to lubricate the bearings until pro-
cess water can lubricate the shaft, but this also adds to the cost To learn more about Thordon Bearings’ proven options for ver-
and can be detrimental to the environment,” he said. tical turbine pumps, download Brand’s whitepaper in full at

Brand furthered that some manufacturers have attempted to - October/November 2023 | Page - 39

Derby College Saves 790,000kwh In
Energy And 160 Tonnes In Co2 Emissions
With Trane Heat Pumps

rane®, a leading global provider of indoor emission reduction.
comfort solutions and services and a brand
of Trane Technologies, announced today “This award-winning project represents a best practice exam-
the collaboration with Derby College in ple of Trane thermal systems that reduce operating costs and
Morley, UK resulting with the installation carbon emissions while improving indoor air quality,” said Lou-
of a low-carbon heating system replacing is Rompre, portfolio manager at Trane in Europe, Middle East
the existing fossil-fuelled boilers at the Broomfield Hall Cam- and Africa. “Our high-efficiency heat pump technologies pro-
pus. The new high efficiency thermal system features Trane vide a renewable energy alternative to fossil-fuelled boilers,
Conquest CXAX and Trane CITY™ RTSF heat pumps combined connecting heating and cooling demands, and playing a crucial
in a cascade configuration delivering 600kW of heating. The role in decarbonising buildings and cities.”
new system improved the Total Efficiency Ratio by 400% when
compared to the incumbent boiler system and will annually “We are delighted with the support and service from Trane and
generate 790,000 kWh of energy savings and 160 tonnes in CO2 proud of the positive impact and recognition this project has

Page - 40 | October/November 2023 -

achieved,” said Iain Baldwin, Director of Estates at Derby Col- R-454B offers the lowest GWP among the refrigerants available
lege. “Relying on a carbon-based fossil fuel heating system was today for scroll compressor technology, answering customers’
outdated and unacceptable in today’s society. This installation need to future proof their investment by mitigating the increas-
is a step in the right direction for the college and is a great ex- ing tax rates put on refrigerants across Europe.
ample of how green, clean energy provision can be utilized on a
greenfield site. We will see immediate benefits and longer-term This project was highlighted in the UK government’s decar-
impacts, and we look forward to building on this work for wider bonization summary report of January 2022 and was awarded
benefits across the college estate.” the People’s Choice Award at the European Heat Pump Awards
(EHPA) 2022 Forum. The installation was part of a larger project
The 600kW heating system installed at the Derby College cam- supported by £3.6 million through the Public Sector Decarbon-
pus is based on Trane CITY™ RTSF water-to-water and Trane isation Scheme, which also included the installation of solar
Conquest CXAX air-to-water heat pumps, both featuring low panels and new LED lights at the college.
global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants.
Providing sustainable cooling and heating solutions is part of
Trane CITY™ RTSF can deliver heating capacity up to 80°C and Trane’s and Trane Technologies’ overall approach to reducing
has been originally designed for applications like high temper- carbon emissions in the industries and markets they serve. It
ature heating, sanitary hot water supplies, district heating and helps advance the 2030 Sustainability Commitments, includ-
heat recovery cascades. The heat pump sources energy from ing the Gigaton Challenge to reduce customer greenhouse gas
waste-water or geothermal systems at 5°C to 30°C and is ideal emissions by 1 billion metric tons.
for small commercial buildings, industrial facilities and indus-
trial processes. It matches with (existing) conventional heating For more details of on the complete Trane portfolio of solu-
system requirements, delivering safe cooling and heating solu- tions, please visit
tion thanks to the low GWP R1234Ze refrigerant.

Trane Conquest CXAX air-to-water scroll heat pump offer re-

versible cooling and heating at wide operating maps reaching
down to -15°C ambient air and offering up to 60°C leaving hot
water temperature. The units feature low GWP R-454B refrig-
erant offered by Trane across its entire portfolio of scroll com-
pressor chillers, heat pumps, multi-pipe units and rooftops. - October/November 2023 | Page - 41

Why Thermographers
Need Training

voiding common mistakesWe often get the 2. Incorrect Object Parameters

question why proper training is necessary Object parameters play a crucial role in how an IR camera in-

for all thermal camera operators. As cam- terprets heat radiation. Correctly setting these parameters

era quality increases, prices decrease, and requires a knowledgeable operator to evaluate target compo-

devices become more friendly to operate, sition, condition, and how the environment may challenge

thermal imaging technology has become more accessible than readings. Which image is correct?

ever before. While these are all positive advancements, wheth-

er your camera cost $250 or $40,000 the price paid is not in-

dicative of the level of training needed to correctly operate the

device and collect accurate or useful information.

More and more thermographers are becoming susceptible

to these common mistakes which can be avoided by proper

training. Correctly applying thermal imaging requires a skilled

operator knowledgeable of IR physics, camera operation, and

measurement techniques. All topics discussed in our certifica-

tion courses.

1. Image Quality

Out of focus images will affect temperature readings. Observe 3. Misunderstanding Radiation Science

the difference in this example. Once an image has been cap- Are you seeing a true thermal anomaly? Or is it merely a reflec-

tured, image quality cannot be improved. Thermal images must tion or misinterpretation of how heat behaves? Learning a nec-

always be in focus or risk having to recollect data which may essary level of heat transfer theory and thermal fundamentals

not always be possible. will help you to avoid making a false diagnosis which can be

costly and detrimental to credibility.

4. Dismissing Small Temperature Differences

Page - 42 | October/November 2023 -

Shiny metallic surfaces, such as the copper used in electrical certification organization in the world capable of training on all

busbar, can be difficult to measure. Misleading thermographers makes/models of IR cameras.

on how they interpret the severity of a target and its criticality

for repair. What may appear insignificant, could be a risk to the Let us show you how certification training can benefit your or-

safety of employees or production uptime. ganization today.

5. Improper Camera Choice About Teledyne FLIR Teledyne FLIR, a Teledyne Technologies

company, is a world leader in intelligent sensing solutions for

defense and industrial applications with approximately 4,000

employees worldwide. Founded in 1978, the company creates

advanced technologies to help professionals make better, fast-

er decisions that save lives and livelihoods.

For more information, please visit or fol-

Not all thermal cameras are created equal. Resolution, optics, low @flir.

and sensitivity are all important considerations when imple-

menting thermal imaging as a diagnostic tool. We can see how

higher resolution extends better image quality. Allowing oper-

ators to discern more precise detail to identify anomalies that

would have otherwise been missed.Wide angle and telephoto

lenses also have their necessary purpose in ensuring survey

success. Do you have enough pixels on target to effectively

measure your target? Don’t get caught with a camera that un-

derperforms for its intended application.

The Bottom Line

Attending a class with the Infrared Training Center is designed

to guide students in these essential areas and beyond to ensure

students are confident entering the field and have the required

knowledge to be successful. Students will learn the ability to

trust the accuracy of their measurements, perform inspections

in a safe and efficient manner, increase their credibility, and

maximize program ROI.

The Infrared Training Center is the largest infrared training and - October/November 2023 | Page - 43

Accurate Moisture
Measurement Improves
Plastics Processes

Page - 44 | October/November 2023 -

njection moulding companies are utilising more accu- of this, the move away from oil-based materials means that we
rate humidity sensors to meet customers’ increasing need to expand our knowledge about new material bases and
demands for greater precision, consistency and sus- additives that have the right qualities.”
Matti already knew some of Vaisala’s technical experts, so he
Based in southwest Finland, Camteam Oy designs and contacted them in 2022 to learn more about his best options
produces high quality plastic products and moulds, regarding high-accuracy moisture measurements. As it hap-
serving a range of industry and consumer needs around the pened, Vaisala was just then completing pre-launch testing of
globe. As one of the Nordic region’s leading multi-component their Indigo80 portable moisture measuring instrument, and
plastic moulding companies, Camteam attributes much of invited Camteam to play an important testing role in the final
its success to listening closely to customers. This allows the development stages.
company to consistently meet evolving market requirements
through precise selection of the right materials and processes. Reporting on his experience with the new instrument, Majava
says: “The Indigo80 is designed to check the dew point at differ-
As the pace of innovation in the plastic moulding sector contin- ent stages of the mould injection process, and we really liked
ues to increase, Camteam knows that meeting their customers’ how simple it was to use, and that it had all the features we
needs is more challenging than ever. For example, a growing need, including portability and easy handling during measure-
number of polymer combinations are being developed in re- ments.” In addition to spot-checks Majava also has a require-
sponse to customer demands for greater precision, consistency ment to log data for a longer time. “We particularly appreciated
and sustainability. This increasingly calls for multi-component the option to hang the Indigo80 near the drying machines and
injection moulding (combining different types of plastic in one to leave it logging measurements, for review at a later time,” he
part) with each production batch requiring the same high-qual- explains.
ity standards, with minimal variation.
Typically, Matti checks various process conditions with the In-
Camteam’s experts know from experience that to get this right digo80 on a daily basis, and this data is used to inform his deci-
requires continuous and highly accurate measurement data. sions. For example, certain drying processes can be shut down
Hygroscopic materials require the right moisture level from sooner when – thanks to the Indigo80’s accuracy – optimal
the start; some materials as low as under 0.02% RH, and sea- dryness has been reached, which saves both time and energy.
sonal changes in humidity cannot be allowed to influence the
moisture level of the moulded material. For example, polyam- During this pre-launch evaluation, Majava suggested useful
ides and polycarbonate filled with glass fibers absorb moisture improvements to the product’s cable design as well as the pos-
easily, and excessive moisture can break the molecular chains sibility to save not only numerical data but also the device’s
of the material. graphical visualisations. Expressing his pleasure with the suc-
cessful partnership between Camteam and Vaisala, Majava
Of course, product quality variations are not always visible, says: “We were especially pleased that Vaisala encouraged our
which means that careful testing of final products is also im- opinions and really took our input seriously. Consequently, we
portant. However, it is also necessary to carefully monitor are very open to further co-operation and process development
moisture levels during the production process, through con- with Vaisala.”
tinuous measuring, monitoring, and analysis. This is especial-
ly significant in multicomponent moulding, where successful In summary, market demand for higher quality and improved
drying is very important in the optimisation of bonding with sustainability is driving the requirement for more knowledge
components. For example, some elastomers which normally do about materials and their behaviour characteristics when se-
not need to be dried, have to be dried during certain property lecting raw materials for different products and processes. This
modifications. in turn increases the need for advanced moisture measure-
ment technology such as that provided by the Vaisala Indigo80.
One of the challenges is that not all of the drying equipment
used by plastic moulding companies, including Camteam, is
factory-fitted with proper moisture measurement technology.
This means that it is each manufacturer’s responsibility to en-
sure that they maintain the right level of dryness without using
excess energy. In addition, even drying units that include inte-
grated moisture measurement sensors regularly require manu-
al checking and calibration.

In addition to increasing demand for higher quality, the plastics

industry is also seeking to improve sustainability. For example,
products are required to be longer-lasting, and electric vehicles
need more plastic parts than fossil fuel vehicles to operate ef-

With many of Camteam’s customers ordering products that re-

quire more accurate production monitoring and control, injec-
tion moulding specialist Matti Majava was keen to investigate
the best ways to optimise drying processes. “The way forward is
to enhance the plastics injection process and by understanding
more about material characteristics,” Majava explains. “On top - October/November 2023 | Page - 45

ICML 55® Standard For Lubricated Asset
Management Now Includes Expansive

Overview And Guideline Documents
he International Council for Ma- been a part of it and congratulate the ICML and all those who
chinery Lubrication (ICML) is played a role, large or small, for their efforts.”
pleased to announce completion
of the ICML 55 Standard for Lu- “ICML 55 is a fantastic way to merge best practices globally
bricated Asset Management with into one readable document,” says Rendela Wenzel, Associate
the addition of two new docu- Senior Consultant Engineer at Eli Lilly who serves as chair of
ments: ICML 55.0: Optimized Lu- ICML’s board of directors. “This standard provides a ‘how to’
brication of Mechanical Physical guide for lubrication excellence and represents best practices
Assets Overview and ICML 55.2: by subject matter experts from all over the world.”
Guideline for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Phys-
ical Assets. These documents augment the ICML 55.1:2019: Re- ICML has contracted with River Publishers to publish and dis-
quirements for the Optimized Lubrication of Mechanical Phys- tribute the new ICML 55 Standard Series in print and digital
ical Assets. formats.
“This important release not only builds upon the global pres-
“The completion of ICML 55 advances our authoritative mis- ence of ICML’s thought leadership but also marks the beginning
sion in support of lubrication practitioners, managers, and pro- of key technological and practical collections for the industry
grams around the world,” notes ICML Executive Director Leslie in collaboration with River Publishers,” notes Rajeev Prasad,
Fish. “With the ICML 55.2 Guideline now in place, this standard Founder and CEO, hinting at future collaborations with ICML.
enables them and their departments to systematically support
broader, company-wide asset management goals, all while ICML 55 Origin
impacting their work environments in positive ways that can
help them achieve their personal career goals, as well.” Development of the ICML 55 Standard began years ago in re-
sponse to market needs.
Collectively known as ICML 55, these three standards are stra-
tegically aligned to the ISO 55000 Asset Management Stand- “It was roughly ten years ago when the idea of a global lubri-
ard. By providing a structured framework for developing lubri- cation asset management standard emerged at an ICML board
cation management system (LMS) plans that can be audited meeting,” recalls Fitch. “I think it immediately struck a chord
and certified, ICML 55 is intended to support an organization’s with everyone who was around the table that day. The thought
broader physical asset management plans. of it was unprecedented, yet necessary and overdue.”

“Simply put, ICML 55 signifies the birth of a new era for indus- ICML’s commitment was bolstered with the 2014 release of In-
trial lubrication,” says Ken Bannister, ICML 55 Program Director, ternational Organization for Standardization’s all-encompass-
best-selling author and Managing Partner at ENGTECH Indus- ing ISO 55000 Asset Management Standard. ICML’s leaders
tries Inc. were confident that a highly tactical, lubrication-specific docu-
ment would help make holistic concepts accessible, adaptable,
ICML Marketing Manager Paul Hiller concurs, saying, “The and applicable to lubrication practitioners and managers of
completion of this world standard is definitely an industrial machinery assets—that is, to ICML’s primary audience.
game-changer, opening a new door of opportunity for all par-
ticipating companies and lubrication professionals who want Fitch continues: “We realized it would be a tall order to assem-
to gain a demonstrable advantage in the marketplace.” ble experts in all facets of lubrication on a global scale, and
then to harness their time and focus to create such a docu-
“This occasion sets ICML on a new trajectory to lead the world ment. Getting experts to agree on anything is a monumental
in lubrication asset management,” says Jim Fitch, ICML Found- task in itself.”
ing Director and CEO of Noria Corporation. “ICML 55 is rock sol-
id, a crowning achievement. I personally am thrilled to have ICML 55 Structure and Purpose

Page - 46 | October/November 2023 -

Eventually, any participating organization will be able to ar-
The resulting ICML 55.1 Requirements Standard would eventu- range for a qualified ICML 55 auditor to certify its compliance
ally be written by a consensus of 45 subject matter experts and across all twelve areas. Such certification will publicly validate
thought leaders from all over the world. Their contributions that a company’s lubricated asset management program has
were organized into twelve interrelated areas that describe been set up for success, to achieve optimum performance at
and define requirements to be considered when developing the highest levels of machinery reliability. ICML expects to roll
any successful, sustainable lubrication program plan. To be out this auditing component (to be dubbed “ICML 55.3”) in 2025.
clear, ICML 55.1 does not replace, compete with, or technically
conflict with ISO 55001 requirements. Rather, it is an enabling Even if program certification is not the goal of a participating
standard, so users will find that sections of ICML 55.1 align with company, the ICML 55 Standard can still be used as a series of
the ISO 55001 structure: practical go-to manuals for implementing a world-class LMS
1. SKILLS: Job Task, Training, and Competency that will benefit the company’s management and employees.
2. MACHINE: Machine Lubrication and Condition Monitoring
Readiness Ordering ICML 55
3. LUBRICANT: Lubricant System Design and Selection
4. LUBRICATION: Planned and Corrective Maintenance Tasks The complete, English-language ICML 55 Standard is currently
5. TOOLS: Lubrication Support Facilities and Tools available in hardcover or PDF formats through the River Pub-
6. INSPECTION: Machine and Lubricant Inspection lishers website. Additional points of purchase will be estab-
7. LUBRICANT ANALYSIS: Condition Monitoring and Lubrica- lished in coming months. Translation to other languages will
tion Analysis proceed based on market demand.
8. TROUBLESHOOT: Fault/Failure Troubleshooting and RCA
9. WASTE: Lubricant Waste Handling and Management Read more about ICML 55 at ICML’s website here.
10. ENERGY: Energy Conservation and Environmental Impact
11. RECLAIM: Oil Reclamation and System Decontamination Please direct further inquiries about ICML 55 to
12. MANAGEMENT: Program Management and Metrics

ICML self-published the requirements standard in 2019 and

then proceeded to develop the ICML 55.0 Overview and ICML
55.2 Guideline. These are the two documents that brought the
ICML 55 Standard to fulfillment this year.

“Essentially, the Overview establishes why a LMS plan is neces-

sary and relevant,” explains Hiller, “and then the Requirements
document defines what to do to build that LMS plan. Finally,
the Guideline shows how to implement the requirements and
bring that plan into reality.”

The ICML 55.0 Overview lays groundwork that connects ICML

55 to matters of asset reliability, maintainability, throughput
(work), quality, safety, energy reduction, carbon footprint re-
duction, and cost/profits. As an executive summary, it can help
an organization’s stakeholders to understand the relevance
of lubrication management, and about how ICML 55 dovetails
into and aligns with numerous other corporate, asset, and work
management systems.

The ICML 55.2 Guideline goes in-depth as a blueprint for imple-

menting and maintaining ICML 55.1 requirements in all twelve
interrelated areas. Its content demonstrates value with exam-
ples that are relevant to implementation, including punch lists
of typical requirements that an auditor would look for. - October/November 2023 | Page - 47

Trelleborg Launches Orkot®
C620 High-Load Composite

relleborg Sealing Solutions pushes lations with a unique compound where the properties of the

the boundaries of composite tech- different layers increase load capacity and strength. It does

nology with the launch of Orkot® this without compromising weight while reducing friction and

C620, an innovative ultra-low eliminating maintenance to maximize efficiency and service

friction bearing material with five life. This is critical in industries like aerospace where every kilo

times the compressive strength of counts as manufacturers focus on ‘lightweighting’ to reduce

other Orkot materials. fuel requirements and improve the sustainability of flying.”

A high-specification thermoset composite, Orkot® C620 meets Because of its unique characteristics, Orkot® C620 is an attrac-

the requirements of the most demanding high-load applica- tive solution across a wide variety of sectors with demanding

tions across all market sectors including energy, off-highway high-load applications. In aerospace it is ideal for landing gear

and industrial. Though strong and light, it withstands high applications, providing the required strength of a comparable

loads and stresses over a long service life. metal bearing with significant weight reduction, increasing

fuel efficiency and allowing for more passenger and luggage

Mark Hampton, Product and Innovations Manager, says: capacity. Its ultra-low friction makes flying smoother for pas-

“Orkot® C620’s optimized properties provide customers with a sengers and its durability reduces airlines’ lost revenue from

step change in composite bearings, offering a unique combi- downtime.

nation of ultra-low friction and a compressive strength of 470

MPa, five times the strength of standard Orkot® materials. It Orkot® C620 also delivers outstanding performance in offshore

is both stronger and has better friction characteristics than and marine applications. For offshore wind turbines, it reduces

competitor composite materials, and can even challenge many maintenance requirements for deep-sea mooring connections

metallic bearings for strength, offering industries such as aer- and provides electrical isolation, enhancing corrosion resist-

ospace the lighter, lower-friction solutions they increasingly ance while resisting high loads from rough ocean currents. In

demand. wind turbine pitch cylinders it provides a very low coefficient

of friction, allowing smooth operation at high loads and low

“Featuring a strong glass fiber backing with a low-friction speeds.

Orkot® lining, it builds upon regular Orkot® composite formu-

Page - 48 | October/November 2023 -

A number of applications for cranes also benefit from the prop- cavators. It withstands high loads in boom pivots when exca-

erties of Orkot® C620. The material’s inherent degree of flex- vating large volumes of material. Its low stick-slip means that

ibility allows it to compensate for shaft misalignments and hydraulic cylinder pivots bearing heavy and valuable loads can

be customizable to the design envelope of the application. In be more efficient and operate more smoothly, while its durabil-

slewing bearings it provides excellent stick-slip properties to ity extends the service life of track rollers and undercarriages

ensure smooth movement of the boom and load. in dynamic applications by reducing wear. In bucket linkages

it resists impacts of up to 200 KJ/m², demonstrating resilience

For floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) moor- in applications that experience shocks and vibration. Orkot®

ing infrastructure, Orkot® C620’s advantages include low wear C620 Wear Rings in hydraulic cylinder rod guides reduce stick-

rates in fairhead and tensioner applications, and low friction slip to manage an excavator’s sharp and repetitive movements.

and minimal stick-slip, making it ideal for slow movements

in FPSO turrets and swivel stacks. In mid-water arches, it is Orkot® C620 has been extensively tested for its mechanical

strong enough to withstand high loads on supporting risers, properties, thermal expansion and fluid compatibility, and

cables and umbilicals. meets standards including AS 9100, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO

45001. Bespoke customer testing for specific customer require-

Orkot® C620 also excels in off-highway applications like ex- ments is also available. - October/November 2023 | Page - 49

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Each OnTrak is capable
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