M.sc. SEM-1 IR Book (Reena Mam)
M.sc. SEM-1 IR Book (Reena Mam)
M.sc. SEM-1 IR Book (Reena Mam)
Department of Chemistry
Ganpat University
Dr. Reena V. Rathod
Electromagnetic Radiation:
The visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum is, by definition is radiation
visible to the human eye. Other detection systems reveal radiation beyond the
visible regions of the spectrum and these are classified as radiowave,
microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray and γ-ray.
These regions are illustrated in below together with the processes involved in
the interaction of the radiation of these regions with matter. The electromagnetic
spectrum and the varied interactions between these radiations and many forms
of matter can be considered in terms of either classical or quantum theories. The
nature of the various radiations shown in below Figure have been interpreted by
Maxwell’s classical theory of electro- and magneto-dynamics – hence, the term
electromagnetic radiation.
This is known as the velocity of light, c, and has the value 2.997× 108 m s−1. If
one complete wave travelling a fixed distance each cycle is visualized, it may
be observed that the velocity of this wave is the product of the wavelength, λ
(the distance between adjacent peaks), and the frequency, ν (the number of
cycles per second).
Therefore: c = λν
The presentation of spectral regions may be in terms of wavelength as meters
or sub-multiples of a meter. The following units are commonly encountered in
spectroscopy: 1 A˚ = 10−10 m 1 nm = 10−9 m 1 µm = 10−6 m
Another unit which is widely used in infrared spectroscopy is the wavenumber,
ν, in cm−1. This is the number of waves in a length of one centimeter and is
given by the following relationship: ν = 1/λ = ν/c; This unit has the advantage
of being linear with energy.
Work by Einstein, Planck and Bohr indicated that in many ways
electromagnetic radiation could be regarded as a stream of particles (or quanta)
for which the energy, E, is given by the Bohr equation,
ΔE = hν
ν = (E1 − E0)/h
Electrons within the O–H bond are not equally shared meaning that the electrons
are more closely attracted to the oxygen than the hydrogen. As electrons are
negatively charged, this leads to the O of the bond bearing a slight negative
charge and the H a slight positive charge.
This charge difference which enables the IR light to be absorbed by this
particular bond, giving rise to a peak within an IR spectrum. The basic principle
to get IR signal is mentioned below.
Different bonds within functional groups which possess a dipole moment will
absorb at different areas of the IR spectrum, referred to as wavenumbers.
Atoms in a molecule are not still but they vibrate. The two types (modes) of
fundamental molecular vibrations known are: (a) stretching and (b) bending
(ii) Bending Vibrations: In such vibrations, the positions of the atoms change
with respect to their original bond axes (angle). Bending vibrations are of four
(a) Scissoring: In this mode of vibration,
the movement of atoms is in the
opposite direction with change in their
bond axes as well as in the bond angle
they form with the central atom (Fig.
(b) Rocking: In this vibration, the
movement of atoms takes place in the
same direction with change in their
bond axes (Fig. 3.3(b)). Scissoring and
rocking are in-plane bendings.
Fig: IR Spectra
of Octane
Frequency of stretching and banding vibrations of octane (C-H str and banding)
Fig.: Fundamental vibrations of the linear carbon dioxide molecule (+ and – signs
indicate movements perpendicular to the plane of paper)
ῦ = 3032cm-1
C-H stretching vibrations of CH3 and CH2 groups are generally observed in the
range 2850-3000 cm-1.
The value of stretching vibrational frequency depends on the bond strength and
the reduced mass. The stretching vibrational frequency of a bond increases with
an increase in the bond strength or decrease in the reduced mass of the bonded
Due to the greater bond strength (value of f) of C=C and C=O bonds, they are
expected to absorb at higher stretching frequencies than that of C-C and C-O,
respectively. Similarly, O-H stretching absorption appears at a higher frequency
than that of C-C because of the lower value of reduced mass for O-H compared
to that for C-C. For the same reason, we would predict O-H stretching vibration
to be of higher frequency than O-D Stretching vibration.
On the basis of reduced mass, we can expect that F-H bond should absorb at a
lower Stretching frequency than the C-H bond. Actually, F-H absorbs at a
higher frequency (4138 cm-1) than the C-H group (3040 cm-1). This can be
explained because there is an increase in the force constant when we proceed
from left to right in the first two periods of the periodic table and this increase
is more effective than the mass increase which tends to lower the absorption
2) Fermi Resonance:
The coupling between fundamental vibrations and overtone or combination tone
vibrations of very similar frequency is known as Fermi resonance (after Enrico
Fermi who first observed it in the case of CO2). In Fermi resonance, a molecule
transfers its energy from fundamental vibrational level to overtone or
combination tone level and back.
3) Hydrogen Bonding:
Hydrogen bonding remarkably lowers the Stretching frequencies of both the
groups involved in it, and also changes the shape and intensity of the absorption
bands. Usually, absorption bands become more intense and broad on hydrogen
bonding. The stronger the hydrogen bond, lower is the O-H Stretching
frequency. Thus, the value of O-H stretching frequency is a test for hydrogen
bonding as well as a measure of the strength of hydrogen bonds.
Non-hydrogen-bonded (free) O-H group of alcohols and phenols show sharp
and strong absorption bands in the region 3590-3650 cm-1; Sharp, non-hydrogen
The strong hydrogen bonding between C=O and OH groups lowers their
Stretching frequency. Because of more polar O-H bond, carboxylic acids form
stronger hydrogen bond than alcohols.
Carboxylic acid dimers show very broad, intense O-H Stretching absorption in
the region 2500-3000 cm-1, whereas non hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acids
(monomers) show the O-H absorption near 3550 cm-1. Hydrogen bonding
weakens the C=O bond, i.e. its force constant is reduced, resulting in absorption
at a lower frequency than the monomer. Thus, C=O stretching bands of
monomers of saturated carboxylic acids appear at 1760 cm-1, whereas that of
dimers appear at about 1710 cm-1. In many cases, some O-H groups are
hydrogen bonded and some are free. Hence, bands due to both may be observed.
For example, the stretching frequency of C=O group in acetone is 1720 cm-1,
whereas aceto-phenone shows vC=O band at 1697 cm-1 due to its conjugation
with the aromatic ring. In this case, -I effect of the sp2 -carbon of the ring is
dominated by the +M effect of the ring.
IR spectrum:
There are two types of region in IR spectra from where one can obtain the
information about the molecule
1) The Functional group region: Identify the functional group with the
consequence of changing stretching vibrations. Range from 4000 to 1600cm-1
2) The fingerprint Region: identify the exact molecule with the consequences of
changing bending vibrations. Range from 1600 to 625cm-1
C-H bending: The C-H bending region …..CH2 bending ~1465 cm-1
• CH3 bending (asym) appears near the CH2 value ~ 1460 cm-1
• CH3 bending (sym) ~ 1375 cm-1
C=C Stretching:
• C=C double at 1650cm-1 is often weak or not even seen
• C=C benzene ring shows peak near 1600 and 14000 cm-1,
one or two at each value – conjugation lower the value
IR Spectra of alkene
Nitrile – propanenitrile
C-O Stretching:The C-O band appears in the range of 1300 to 1000 cm
• Ether, alcohol, ester and carboxylic acids have C-O bands
IR spectrum of Ether – Dibutyl Ether (base =1100)
N=O stretching: N=O Stretching --- 1550 and 1350cm asymmetric and
symmetric stretching. Often the 1550cm peak is stronger than other one
Combination techniques:
1) Chromatography–Infrared Spectroscopy:
Infrared spectroscopy may be combined with each of a number of possible
chromatographic techniques, with gas chromatography–infrared spectroscopy
(GC– IR) being the most widely used. GC– IR allows for the identification of
the components eluting from a gas chromatograph.
In GC, the sample in a gaseous mobile phase is passed through a column
containing a liquid or solid stationary phase. The retention of the sample
depends on the degree of interaction with the stationary phase and its volatility:
The sample is introduced into the column, housed in an oven, via injection at
one end and a detector monitors the effluent at the other end.
A common method for coupling a gas chromatograph to an FTIR spectrometer
is to use a light pipe, i.e. a heated flow cell which allows the continuous
scanning of the effluent emerging from the GC column. Below figure shows a
schematic diagram of a typical GC– IR system.
INFRARED ACTIVE BONDS: Not all covalent bonds display bands in the IR
spectrum. Only polar bonds do so. These are referred to as IR active. The intensity
of the bands depends on the magnitude of the dipole moment associated with the
• Strongly polar bonds such as carbonyl groups (C=O) produce strong bands
• Medium polarity bonds and asymmetric bonds produce medium bands.
• Weakly polar bond and symmetric bonds produce weak or non observable bands.
INFRARED BAND SHAPES: Infrared band shapes come in various forms. Two
of the most common are narrow and broad, as shown below.
(c) In 2-t-butylphenol, two bands are present at 3608 and 3643 cm-1 showing that
some molecules are intermolecularly hydrogen bonded, whereas in others
OH is not hydrogen bonded due to steric hindrance by the bulky-t-butyl
2-t-butylphenol 2,6-di-t-butylphenol