13-Jacobians and Properties-01-02-2024
13-Jacobians and Properties-01-02-2024
13-Jacobians and Properties-01-02-2024
Changing variable is something we come across very often in Integration. There are many
reasons for changing variables but the main reason for changing variables is to convert the
integrand into something simpler and also to transform the region into another region which is
easy to work with. When we convert into a new set of variables it is not always easy to find the
limits. So, before we move into changing variables with multiple integrals we first need to see
how the region may change with a change of variables. In order to change variables in an
integration we will need the Jacobian of the transformation.
If f1, f2, . . . ., fn are n differentiable functions of n variables x1, x2, . . ., xn, then the determinant
f 1 f 1 f 1
. .
x1 x 2 x n
f 2 f 2 f 2
. .
x1 x 2 x n
. . . . .
. . . . .
f n f n f n
. .
x1 x 2 x n
is defined as the Jacobian of f1, f2, . . . ., fn with respect to the n variables x1, x2, . . ., xn and is
( f 1 , f 2 ,..., f n )
denoted by .
( x1 , x 2 ,..., x n )
u u
(u, v) x y
If u and v are functions of x and y, then J(u,v)=
( x, y ) v v
x y
u u u
x y z
(u, v, w) v v v
If u, v and w are functions of x, y and z, then J(u,v,w)=
( x, y , z ) x y z
w w w
x y z
1. Chain Rule for Jacobians: If u and v are functions of independent variables r and s and
each of r and s are functions of the variables x and y, then u and v are functions of x and
(u , v) (u , v) (r , s )
y. Further the jacobians satisfy the chain rule .
( x, y ) ( r , s ) ( x, y )
2. If u and v are functions of x and y, then x and y can be solved in terms of u and v. Then
(u , v) ( x, y )
. 1.
( x, y ) (u , v)
3. If u, v and w are functions of x, y and z and if u, v, w are functionally related or
(u , v, w)
dependent then 0
( x, y , z )
u u u
x y z yz xz xy
(u, v, w) v v v
2 x 2 y 2 z 2( x y )( y z )( z x)
( x, y, z ) x y z
w w w 1 1 1
x y z
( x, y , z ) 1
(u , v, w) 2( x y )( y z )( z x)
(u , v, w)
2. If u = x + y + z, u2v = y + z, u3 w = z, show that u 5
( x, y , z )
Solution: ux = uy = uz = 1
vx =
2 ( y z ) , v u 2( y z ) , v u 2( y z )
y= z=
u3 u3 u3
3z 3z 1 3z
wx = 4
, wy= 4 , wz = 3 4
u u u u
u u u
x y z 1 1 1
(u , v, w) v v v 2( y z ) u 2( y z ) u 2( y z )
( x, y, z ) x y z u3 u3 u3
w w w 3z 3z u 3z
x y z u4 u4 u4
1 0 0
2( y z ) 1 1
c 2 c 2 c1 , c3 c3 c1
u3 u2 u2
3z 1
u4 u3
x y (u , v)
3. If u and v tan 1 x tan 1 y, show that 0
1 xy ( x, y )
Solution: Let x = tanθ and y = tanφ,
tan tan
then u = tan( )
1 tan tan
And v = θ + φ
(u , v) (u , v) ( , )
( x, y ) ( , ) ( x, y )
uθ = sec2(θ + φ) , uφ = sec2(θ + φ), vθ = vφ = 1
( x, y ) l m
l 2 m 2
(r , s) m l
u = elr+smcos(mr-sl), v = elr+smsin(mr-sl)
ur = lelr+smcos(mr-sl) - m elr+smsin(mr-sl)
us = melr+smcos(mr-sl) + l elr+smsin(mr-sl)
vr = lelr+smsin(mr-sl) + m elr+smcos(mr-sl)
vs = melr+smsin(mr-sl) - l elr+smcos(mr-sl)
(u, v) u r us (u, v) ( x, y )
e 2 x (l 2 m 2 ) .
(r , s) v r vs ( x, y ) ( r , s )
Useful Links for this topic
1. http://mathwiki.ucdavis.edu/Calculus/Vector_Calculus/Multiple_Integrals/Jacobians
2. http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~sr/lectures/multiples/Lecture5reallynew.pdf
3. http://math.oregonstate.edu/home/programs/undergrad/CalculusQuestStudyGuides/vcal
4. http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCMQFjA
5. http://math.etsu.edu/multicalc/prealpha/Chap3/Chap3-3/printversion.pdf
Taylor's Series
Statement : Let be a function of two variables which possess continuous partial
derivatives at all points Then
Maclaurin's series :
The Taylor series expansion of about the point (0, 0) is called Maclaurin's series.
+ ...
3. Expand as a Taylor series in the neighbourhood of (1, 1) upto second degree term
Taylor series expansion of in the neighbourhood of (1, 1) upto second degree
term is given by
Taylor series expansion of upto third degree term is given by
Taylor series expansion of in powers of upto fourth degree terms
A function of two variables can be written in the form z = f(x, y). A critical point is a point
z z
(a, b) such that the two partial derivatives and are zero at the point (a, b). A
x y
relative maximum or a relative minimum occurs at a critical point.
A critical point is a maximum if the value of f at that point is greater than its value at all its
sufficiently close neighboring points.
A critical point is a minimum if the value of f at that point is less than its value at all its
sufficiently close neighboring points.
A critical point is a saddle point if the value of f at that point is greater than its value at
some neighboring point and if the value of f at that point is less than its value at some
other neighboring point. Saddle point is a point which is neither a maximum nor a
Working rule for identifying critical points of the function z = f(x,y) and to classify
z z z z
Step 1: Find the partial derivatives and . Solving 0 and 0 gives the
x y x y
critical points (a,b) at which a maxima or minima may exist.
Step 3:
i. If r < 0 and rt – s2 > 0 the f(x,y) has a maximum point at (a,b) and the
corresponding maximum value is f(a,b).
ii. If r > 0 and rt – s2 > 0 the f(x,y) has a minimum point at (a,b) and the
corresponding minimum value is f(a,b).
iii. If rt – s2 < 0 the f(x,y) has neither a maximum nor a minimum point at (a,b)
and the point is called a saddle point.
iv. If rt – s2 = 0 the further investigation is required to classify the point
1. Find the maxima and minima of the function, if any, for the function
f(x,y) = y2 + 4xy +3x2 +x3
4y + 6x + 3x2= 0 ……(1)
2y + 4x = 0 ……(2)
Solving equations (1) and (2) we get the critical points (0,0) and (2/3,-4/3)
r = fxx = 6 + 6x, t = fyy = 2, s = fxy = 4
Critical Point r rt – s2 Classification
(0,0) 6 -4 Saddle point
The point (2/3, -4/3) is a minimum point of the function and the minimum value
F(2/3,-4/3) = -4/27
(a/3, a/3) is the only point which could be either be a maximum or a minimum.
r depends on the value of ‘a’.
r = -2a/3 < 0 if ‘a’ is positive
r = -2a/3 > 0 if ‘a’ is negative
Hence f(x,y) has a maximum at (a/3, a/3) if ‘a’ is positive and has a minimum at
(a/3, a/3) if ‘a’ is negative.
The value is f(a/3, a/3) =
3. Examine the function f(x,y) = x3 + 3xy2 -15x2 +72x -15y2 for extreme values
Solution: fx = 3x2 +3y2 -30x +72, fy = 6xy – 30y. Equate fx and fy to zero
3x2 +3y2 -30x +72 = 0 ……(1)
6xy – 30y = 0 ……(2)
Solving equations (1) and (2) we get the critical points (5,1), (5,-1), (4,0) and
From (1) we get x …….(3).
2 y 2 10
Substitute this in (2)
8y 8y
2 2 y 8 2 10 y 0 …….(4)
2 y 10 2 y 10
Solving (4) we get y = 3, -3, 1, -1 Substitute these values in (3) we get the critical
points (0, 0), (1,-1), (-1,1), (3,3), (-3,-3).
u x 3ax 2 y 2 4 x 3 y 2 3 x 2 y 3 .........1
u y 2ax 3 y 2 x 4 y 3 x 3 y 2 .............2
Put x = a/2 and y =a/3 in both equations (1) and (2)
Since both ux and uy are zero at ( a/2,a/3), it is a critical point.
u xx 6axy 2 12 x 2 y 2 6 xy 3
u yy 2ax 3 2 x 4 6 x 3 y
u xy 6ax 2 y 8 x 3 y 9 x 2 y 2
r at (a/2, a/3) = which is negative for any value of ‘a’.
t at (a/2, a/3) =
s at (a/2, a/3) =
2 a8
rt – s at (a/2, a/3) = which is positive for any value of ‘a’.
Since r is negative and rt – s2 is positive the point (a/2, a/3) is a maximum point
Useful Links for this topic
1. http://personal.maths.surrey.ac.uk/st/S.Zelik/teach/calculus/max_min_2var.pdf
2. http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~mheil/Lectures/2M1/Material/Chapter2.pdf
3. http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcIII/RelativeExtrema.aspx
4. http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/courses/algorithms/cs4800/f10/lectures/11.4.
5. http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~ngray/MATH19662/Section%204%20-
Solving the four equations (1), (2), (3) and (4) we get the values of x, y, z, λ which give
the extreme values of
1. Prove that the stationary values of where occur at
and =
implies ⇒
implies ⇒
implies ⇒
consider = ⇒
consider = ⇒
consider = ⇒
2. Find three positive constants such that their sum is a constant and their product is
Let the three positive constants be such that .
and (1)
We have to maximize subject to the constraint
Let =
implies ⇒
implies ⇒x
implies ⇒
3. Split 24 into three parts such that continued product of the first , square of the second
and cube of the third may be minimum.
Let the three parts be such that .
Let (1)
We have to minimize subject to the constraint
Let =
implies ⇒
implies ⇒
implies ⇒
implies ⇒ (3)
implies ⇒
⇒ i.e., and
r = t=