• Geometric tolerance has the advantage of accurately and efficiently communicating the designer’s intended
design in a way that cannot be expressed using size tolerance alone.
Principle of
Principle of
ISO Definition
• ISO defines the relationship between size and geometric characteristics as follows:
ISO 8015-1985
By default, every GPS specification for a feature or relation between features shall be fulfilled
independent of other specifications, except when it is stated in a standard or by a special indication.
The principle of independency shown above is the international standard provided by ISO.
However, some enterprises adopt the rules of ASME, which do not apply the principle of
independency. For this reason, it is recommended that you clearly determine the standards through
prior discussion upon making deals, in particular with overseas companies
GD&T Drawing and Symbol
• Geometric tolerances are specified using symbols on a drawing. Currently, we
have 16 symbols for geometric tolerances, which are categorized according to the
tolerance they specify.
• The following is a list of symbols used for geometric tolerancing. “Single feature”
under “Feature level” means features that are independent of datums (i.e that do
not require reference datum indication).
• A datum is a theoretical, ideal feature established to determine the orientation,
location, and/or run-out. An associated feature is a feature related to a datum, and
specifies the orientation tolerance, location tolerance, and/or run-out tolerance.
True Position Theory ( Size Value in Rectangular Frame )
• True position theory is the concept of indication geometrical characteristics ( true position, profile and
angularity ) using theoretically exact dimensions TED.
• The TED are written in rectangular frames while tolerances concerning that position are written in
feature control frames.
• As shown in the drawing below, accurate positions cannot be indicated using size tolerance based
indication, because both the reference dimensions and the tolerances become the total sum of the size
tolerance ( accumulated tolerance ). On the other hand, TED based indication does not have tolerances,
which means that no accumulated tolerance is produced.
Specifying the Tolerance Zone
• To specify the tolerance zone, in true position theory, you use TED to accurately indicate the
specification at the center of the tolerance value.
If the feature is a point, the tolerance zone is a circle, (a) or sphere, centering around that point. If the
feature is a straight line, then the tolerance zone is between two parallel planes (b), each being precisely
separated from that line by half the tolerance value. Alternatively, the tolerance zone can be a cylindrical
tolerance zone (c) with that straight line as its central axis.
What are DATUMS ?
• ISO 5459 Definition : “One or more situation features of one or more features
associated with one or more real integral features selected to define the location
or orientation, or both, of a tolerance zone or an ideal feature representing for
instance a virtual condition.”
• Datums are established using datum features and simulated datum features.
Multiple datums can also be combined to make a datum system that specifies a
Types of Datums
Drawing Indications
of Datum Features
Annotating an Axis or Center Plane
• A datum feature is indicated by combining the dimension line and datum. The
center of the indicated datum feature becomes the datum axis or datum center
Annotating a Generatrix
• The dimension line of a datum feature and the datum are indicated apart from
each other. The center of the indicated datum feature becomes the datum axis
or datum center plane.
Feature Control Frame FCF
• A geometric tolerance is specified in the feature control frame. The following elements are written in the feature
control frame.
a) Geometrical characteristic symbol
Write the type of geometric tolerance.
a) Diameter symbol (when needed)
The geometric characteristics that need to be specified are as follows:
Area inside a circle on a two-dimensional plane: true position, concentricity
Area inside a cylinder in three-dimensional space:
Straightness, parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity, true position, coaxiality.
Area inside a sphere in three-dimensional space: true position
a) Geometric tolerance value
Tolerance value. The unit is the millimeter mm
a) Material requirement, common tolerance zone
Typical indications include: maximum material requirement , least material requirement Ⓛ
a) Priority datum
The designer can specify as a datum the part that they want to prioritize as a reference. To specify multiple datums, write them in
the order of priority (left to right).
Generally, designers determine the letter assigned to a datum in the order of priority—therefore, priority is generally described by
alphabetical order.
International Industrial Standard and GD&T
• Along with the globalization of corporate activities, international standardization is proceeding in the are of
technical drawing, and national standards are periodically revised to be brought in line with the international
Beginning of Standardization
The provisions for the standardization of drawings started in 1938 with the Taylor Principle, which aimed to control form
tolerance ( from deviation ) with size tolerance for screw fitting.
Subsequently, the indication of the control of form and location tolerances was discussed in the U.S., Canada, and the UK,
which was followed by further discussions on the geometric tolerance approach as a replacement for conventional descriptions.
ISO Standardization
Since 1950, research has progressed in the use of geometric tolerance symbols in drawings, datum definitions, and maximum
material requirement. In 1985, the ISO adopted the principle of independency.
Size tolerance and geometric tolerance are independent of each other.
Therefore, the geometric tolerance (flatness) is within the indicated value
(0.1) without being affected by size tolerance.
This drawing shows a size feature that is two parallel planes, and therefore
the envelope principle is applied. The geometric tolerance (flatness) value
changes depending on the material condition. The maximum material
condition boundary (30.1) supersedes the size tolerance.
Types of Geometric Tolerances
oForm Tolerance ( Form Deviation )
Form tolerance is a basic geometric tolerance that determines the form of the target ( part ). None of the
characteristics of form tolerance require a datum – forms can be independently determined.
The straightness requirement specifies how perfectly straight a target should be. It is applied to lines and not
planes, and represents a curve in the center line or generatrix. Therefore, straightness is used to indicate the
warpage tolerance of long objects.
Explanation of drawing: If a tolerance frame is connected to the size indication the diameter of a cylinder, the
axis of that cylinder must be within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.1 mm
The flatness requirement specifies the evenness of a surface, or how accurately flat a target
plane should be. The most protruding part and the most concaved parts must be at specific
distance between two planes that are separated vertically.
Explanation of drawings: This surface bust be between two parallel planes separated by only
The roundness requirement specifies how perfectly circular a target – the circular cross –
section of a shat, bore , or cone should be.
Explanation of drawings: The target plane must be between two coaxial cylinder just 0.1 mm
oForm tolerance and Location Tolerance ( Profile Tolerance of Line and
Profile Tolerance of Plane )
The profile tolerances of lines and planes are also used in specifying location tolerance. Specification are
indicated in the feature control frame the same way for form tolerance and location tolerance.
Explanation of drawings: The target profile on any cross-section parallel to the projection plane must be
between the two envelopes created by a circle with a diameter of a 0.03 mm and a center on the line having a
theoretically exact profile.
Profile tolerance of plane
The profile of the plane requirement indicates whether the curvature ( surface ) of a designed part is made to
its design. Unlike the profile tolerance of a line, the profile tolerance of the plane involves the entire specified
Explanation of drawings: The target must be between two envelope planes created by a sphere with a
diameter of 0.1mm and a center on the plane having a theoretically exact profile
oOrientation tolerance
Orientation tolerance determines the orientation for the form in relation to a reference. A datum is always
necessary to indicate orientation tolerance; as such, it is a geometric tolerance for features related to datums.
While it appears to be similar to flatness, parallelism involves a datum ( reference plane or line ).
The parallelism requirement specifies that two lines or planes are parallel.
Explanation of drawings: The plane indicated by the indication arrow must be parallel to datum plane A and be
between two planes only 0.05 mm apart in the direction of the indication arrows.
The perpendicularity requirement specifies the accuracy of how perpendicular a target is to the datum
( reference plane or line ).
Instead of degrees, millimeters or inches are used as the unit for the value of perpendicularity indication.
Explanation of drawings: The plane indicated by the indication arrow must be within two parallel planes
perpendicular to datum plane A and with a diameter of 0.03 mm.
The angularity requirement specifies how accurate an angle is to the datum ( reference plane or line ) when
the specified line or plane is not 90 degrees.
Instead of degrees, the millimeter or inches are used to the unit for the values of angularity indication.
Explanation of drawings: The plane indicated by the indication arrow must be theoretically exactly angled
by 45 degrees to the datum plane A and between two parallel planes only 0.3 mm apart in the direction of
indication arrows
oLocation tolerance ( Location Deviation )
Orientation tolerance determines the orientation for the form in relation to a reference. A datum is always
necessary to indicate orientation tolerance; as such, it is a geometric tolerance for features related to datums.
True position
The true position requirement specifies the accuracy of the position in relation to the datum (reference plane or
Explanation of drawings: The center of the circle indicated by the indication arrow must be within a circle with
a diameter of 0.1 mm
The coaxiality requirement specifies the coaxiality of the axes of two cylinders (no deviation of the central
Explanation of drawings: The axis of the cylinder indicated by the indication arrow must be within a
cylinder with datum axis line A as the axis and a diameter of 0.03 mm.
The concentricity requirement specifies the accuracy of concentricity of the axes of two cylinders (no
deviation of the center). Unlike coaxiality, the datum is the center point (plane).
Explanation of drawings: The axis of the cylinder indicated by the indication arrow must be within a
cylinder with datum axis line A as the axis and a diameter of 0.05 mm.
The symmetry requirement specifies the accuracy of how symmetrical a target is to the datum (reference
Explanation of drawings: The center plane indicated by the indication arrow must be between two parallel
planes symmetrical to the datum center plane A and separated from each other by 0.05 mm.
oRun-out tolerance ( Run-out Deviation )
Run-out tolerance is a geometric tolerance that specifies the run-out fluctuation of a target’s feature when the
target (part) is rotated on an axis (specified straight line). A datum is always necessary to indicate run-out
tolerance; as such, it is a geometric tolerance for features related to datums.
Circular Run-out
Circular run-out specifies the run-out of any part of a circumference when a part is rotated.
To meet the circular run-out requirement, the run-out of the measured value when the part is rotated must be
within the specified range.
Explanation of drawings: The run-out of the cylindrical surface in the radial direction, indicated by the
indication arrow, must not surpass 0.03 mm on any measurement plane perpendicular to the datum axis line
when the target is rotated once on the datum axis line.
Total Run-out
Total run-out specifies the run-out of the entire surface of a part when it is rotated.
To meet the total run-out requirement, the run-out of the measured value of the entire cylinder surface must be
within the specified range.
Explanation of drawings: The total run-out of the cylindrical surface in the radial direction, indicated by the
indication arrow, must not surpass 0.03 mm at any point on the cylindrical surface when the cylinder part is
rotated on the datum axi line.
Maximum Material Condition MMC and Least Material
Condition LMC
• Maximum material condition (MMC) is used to indicate tolerance for mating parts such as a shaft and its
housing. Least material condition (LMC) is used to indicate the strength of holes near edges as well as the
thickness of pipes.
• To apply the maximum material requirement to a certain dimension, you write after the geometric tolerance
value, or, in some cases, after the datum symbol in the feature control frame. For the least material condition,
you write Ⓛ .
ASME Y14.5-2009: The plane of a datum feature simulator established from the datum
Major type of datums
Datum Plane
A datum plane is a datum established on
an external surface of a target. To use a
flat surface as a datum, the following
indication symbol is used.
ASME Y14.5-2009: The axis of a datum feature simulator established from the datum feature.
Major type of datums
Datum axis ( cylinder bores )
The following shows a sample indication that specifies that “the dia. 28 mm shaft center in the virtual space
must be inside a dia. 0.5 mm cylinder throughout the entire length of the 30 mm protrusion of the dia. 28
mm cylinder whose axis is located 40 mm from datum B and perpendicular to datum A.” The protrusion is
indicated by a dashed-two dotted line.
This indication enables the manufacture of parts that are guaranteed to fit, provided that their specifications
are within tolerance.
GD&T Techniques
GD&T of Non-Rigid Parts
Parts like those made of rubber or resin, where deformation beyond what is specified in the drawing is
presumed to occur due to a release of internal stress generated during the manufacturing process, are called
non-rigid parts.
For non-rigid parts, you will indicate the geometric tolerance in a free state (a state where only the force of
gravity is applied). You will also need to indicate that the part is non-rigid and the conditions under which
the geometric tolerance under free state is ensured (such as direction of gravity).
Annotation of Non-Rigid Parts
Generally, geometric tolerance applies to rigid parts. For parts that deform beyond size tolerance or
geometric tolerance in a free state, you will write Ⓕ after the geometric tolerance in the feature control
frame to indicate that the part is a non-rigid target.
“F” stands for “free state,” and means to apply the tolerance under a free state.
GD&T Techniques
Non-Rigid Parts Specification Example
The sample indication below specifies that “in any orientation, datum B must have a roundness within 5.0
mm, and the circular run-out on the left side is applied under restrained condition.”
• Least Material Virtual Condition LMVC
A state where the volume made by size tolerance and geometric tolerance becomes the smallest.
• Nominal Value
Mean value of actual measurement data obtained from measuring machines.
• Perfect Form
A form with absolutely no geometrical deviation.
• Spot Facing
Cutting the entry point of a bore by a larger diameter for the purpose of making the surface smooth in order to prevent the heads of bolts and screws from
protruding or to reinforce tightening.
• Taylor Principle
The maximum material size of a workpiece must be inspected using a GO gauge accurately made to the workpiece’s maximum material size. The least
material size of a workpiece must be inspected using a NO-GO gauge made to the same least material size of that workpiece and designed to individually
inspect each element of the workpiece.
• Tolerance Classes
Tolerance values in the 0.01 mm to 0.09 mm or 0.001 mm to 0.009 mm ranges make it difficult to read indications. This standard is used to avoid this and
write tolerance indications concisely. Tolerances are divided into classes by deviation from the reference dimension (specified size), and each class is given
an upper-case or lower-case letter as a symbol.
• Virtual Size
The dimension that defines the virtual condition of a feature. For external features:
Maximum allowable size + Orientation tolerance or Location tolerance
For internal features:
Minimum allowable size - Orientation tolerance or Location tolerance