Fundamental of Remote Sensing Class
Fundamental of Remote Sensing Class
Fundamental of Remote Sensing Class
Saroj Kumar Sahu,
UGC-Assistant Professor
P.G. Environmental Science,
Department of Botany, Utkal University,
Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-4, Odisha
What is Principles of Remote Sensing (RS)?
“Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring
information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact
with it.”
!!! Do you know that we have been using RS technology in our day to day life?
Reading Hearing
Book!! Sound!!
(B) Radiation and the Atmosphere - as the energy travels from its
source to the target, its interaction with the intervening atmosphere
and one more time during its travel from target to sensor.
(D) Recording of Energy by the Sensor - after the energy has been
reflected/scattered by, or emitted from the target, we require a
remote sensor to collect and record the electromagnetic radiation.
(E) Transmission, Reception, and Processing - the energy recorded by
the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronic form, to a
receiving and processing station where the data are processed into
an image (hardcopy and/or digital).
(F) Interpretation and Analysis - the processed image is
interpreted, visually and/or digitally or electronically, to extract
information about the target which was illuminated.
(G) Application - the final element of the remote sensing process
is achieved when we apply the information for better understand it,
reveal some new information, or assist in solving a particular
Remote Sensing of 2 types
(Based on energy source used)
• Natural Satellites
(such as the moon orbiting the Earth)
• Artificial satellites: are man-made robots that
are purposely placed into orbit around Earth to
perform numerous tasks in communication
industry, military intelligence and scientific
studies both Earth and space.
• India's first satellite is Aryabhatta (1975)
• First experimental remote sensing satellite is BHASKAR-1 in 1979 (
Carried TV and microwave cameras).
• Indian National Satellite (INSAT) series, IRS series, Kalpana-1
(meteorological satellite), RESOURCESAT (IRS-P6), EDUSAT in 2004,
CARTOSAT-1 in 2005, OCEANSAT-2 (IRS-P4) in 2009, etc.
• INSAT-3DR is a meteorological satellite lunched in Sept. 2016
India’s own navigational system is called
Navigation Indian Constellation (NAVIC)
(set of 7 satellites)
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System or IRNSS with an operational name of NAVIC
• NAVIC system will be similar to the Global Positioning System
(GPS) operated by the United States with 24 satellites and the
Glonass by Russia, Galileo by Europe and BeiDou of China etc.
• Mathematical technique of trilateration to determine user
position, speed and elevation.
Satellite Name Year Application
GSAT-31, 2019 Telecommunication Satellite
Microsat-R 2019 Earth observation, Student Satellite
GSAT-7A 2018 Military Satellite
GSAT-11 2018 Communication
GSAT-29 2018 Communication
IRNSS-11 2018 Navigation/Global Positioning
INS-1C 2018 Technology Applications
CartoSat-2E,2F 2017 Earth Sciences
ResourceSat-2A 2016 Earth Sciences
Astrosat 2015 Space Sciences
Oceansat 2 2009 Earth Sciences (Ocean)
Kalpana-1 (MetSat-1) 2002 Earth Sciences
Many More…..
Geostationary satellite Sun-synchronous satellite
1. Satellites at very high altitudes, which view the 1. Placed at an altitude of 700-800 km
same portion of the Earth's surface at all times. 2. Satellite combines altitude and
2. Altitude of approximately 36,000 kms directly inclination in such a way that satellite can
over the equator, that revolves in the same cover each area of the world at a constant
direction the earth rotates (west to east). local time of day called local sun time.
3. The satellite rotates at exactly the same speed as 3. It therefore has an inclination of (or very
the Earth. close to) 90 degrees to the equator.
4. Do not provide complete global coverage. It 4. A satellite in a polar orbit will pass over
cover approximately 42% of the Earth's surface the equator at a different longitude on
5. Satellite orbits can only be above the equator each of its orbits.
and therefore polar regions cannot be covered. 5. Cover more areas and widely used in
6. Example: Weather/cloud satellite, military applications, natural resource
communication satellite, GPS, TV satellite etc. satellite etc.
Also Called Near Polar orbit satellite
Geostationary satellite
Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR)
• A black body is one that absorbs all the EM radiation (light) that
strikes it.
• To stay in thermal equilibrium, it must emit radiation at the same rate
as it absorbs it so a black body also radiates well.
• All objects with a temperature above absolute zero (0 K, -273.15 oC)
emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
The sun act as a blackbody has effective temperature of 6000 K
“showers” enormous quantity of electromagnetic energy.
• Scattering depends on several factors including the wavelength of the radiation, the
abundance of particles or gases and it size, and the distance the radiation travels
through the atmosphere. There are three types of scattering happens i.e.
• 1. Rayleigh Scatterings
• 2. Mie Scattering
• 3. Nonselective Scattering
• Rayleigh scattering occurs when particles are very small compared to
the wavelength of the radiation.
• Example: small specks of dust or nitrogen and oxygen molecules.
• Shorter wavelengths of energy to be scattered much more than longer
• Dominant scattering mechanism in the upper atmosphere.
The fact that the sky appears "blue" during the day is because of this phenomenon. As
sunlight passes through the atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths (i.e. blue) of the visible
spectrum are scattered more than the other (longer) visible wavelengths.
• Mie scattering occurs when the particles
are just about the same size as the wavelength
of the radiation. Effect longer wavelengths than
those affected by Rayleigh scattering.
• Occurs mostly in the lower portions of the
atmosphere where larger particles are more
abundant, and dominates when cloud
conditions are overcast.
• Ex: Dust, pollen, smoke and water vapor etc.
The choice or number of spectral bands required will depend upon the
application of use.
Revisit times for satellites and how often can you acquire the
same area.
False Colour Composite
• A very common False Color Composite (FCC) scheme for displaying
satellite data is
• Actually Plants reflect near infrared and green light, while absorbing red.
Since they reflect more near infrared than green, In order to take the
advantage of this.
• Near infrared light as RED
• Red light as GREEN
• Green light as BLUE.
• So plant-covered land appears deep red. The signal from plants is so
strong that red dominates the false-color view
• Denser plant growth is darker red. This band combination is valuable for
gauging plant health.
• Clear water appears dark-bluish (higher green band reflectance), while
turbid water appears cyan (higher red reflectance due to sediments)
compared to clear water. Bare soils, roads and buildings may appear in
various shades of blue, yellow or grey, depending on their composition.
Application of Remote Sensing!!
Oceans & Coastal Monitoring
Land Cover & Land Use
Sea Ice
Hazard/Disaster monitoring
Air Pollution
Volcano monitoring
Urban Planning
Climate Change
Urban Planning
Disaster Management
Atmospheric Research
Thank You