DNA Paternity Test Report: Statement of Results
DNA Paternity Test Report: Statement of Results
DNA Paternity Test Report: Statement of Results
This result indicates that the alleged father is NOT the biological father of the child.
Locus D3S1358 vWA D16S539 CSF1PO TPOX D8S1179 D21S11 D18S51 D2S441 D19S433 TH01 FGA D22S1045
C 15,16 15,16 9 11,12 8,10 15,16 30,30.2 17 11 14 7,9 21,25 16,17
AF 16,17 17 12,13 10 9,10 13,17 29,30 12,18 11,12 12,16.2 9 23,24 11,16
This test is for personal knowledge only. The samples were not collected under a strict Based on the samples received from the tested parties whose identities cannot be
chain of custody by a neutral third party and the Laboratory cannot verify the origin of the independently verified, I, the Laboratory Director listed below, declare the genetic data is
samples. This test result is not intended for the legal establishment of paternity or other correct as reported on 24-Jun-2024.
legally related actions.
Jessica Wagoner Ph.D, Laboratory Director
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End of Report