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There are several factors that influence crop yield. Insects and weeds are one of the causative factors in crop
yield reduction. The Aphis craccivora Koch is the most devastating pest of the lablab bean, affecting the crop in
a variety of ways and reducing crop production. Though chemical pesticides have a measurable effect on lablab
bean aphid, their substantial impact on the ecosystem is notable. In this work, invasive weeds such as Parthenium
hysterophorus L. and Argemone mexicana L. were tested for insecticidal activity against lablab bean aphid using
the leaf dip and film smear methods in the laboratory. The bio-efficacy of aqueous extracts (20%) of both weeds
was compared to the effectiveness of the chemical pesticide Rogor (Dimethoate 0.02%). The results showed that
Rogor had the highest mortality, although P. hysterophorus outperformed A. mexicana in both bio-assays. The
leaf dip approach showed more positive effects than film smear method. The current study implies that chemical
pesticides can be substituted with bio-formulations obtained from these invasive weeds present in crop fields,
which have potential to manage invasive weeds in an ecofriendly manner.
Key words: Parthenium hysterophorus L., Argemone mexicana L., Phyto-insecticides, Leaf dip method, Film
smear method, Insecticidal activity.
Table 2. Insecticidal toxicity of P. hysterophorus L. and A. mexicana L. on A. craccivora Koch by leaf dip
extract at 20.1±1.73 ml/kg wheat. In a field Other than any other pests the reported application
experiment, the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi of these invasive weeds as an insecticide against
(Kaltenbach), was controlled by spraying Brassica aphids has been found to have a considerable impact.
juncea with aqueous extracts made from shade-dried Santos et al. (2015) studied that ethanol extract of A.
Parthenium leaves. After applying the extract for mexicana showed effectivity against A. craccivora.
three days, population of L. erysimi, was drastically Ali and Rizvi (2009) evaluated the bio effectiveness
reduce to 29% of the initial infestation, probably due of A. mexicana against the mustard aphid, Lipaphis
to as a result of the action of phenolic acids (Wiesner erysimi (Kalt), and found the maximum population
et al. 2007). Chickpea seeds treated with powder of decrease.
leaf and stem of Parthenium showed toxicity to Methanol extract of A. mexicana revealed 5%
Callosobruchus chinensis with significant percent repellency against A. gossyppi Glover adults (Ali et
inhibition in adult emergence with 83.33 and 52.78, al. 2017). On either side, the lifespan and productivity
respectively (Tesfu and Emana 2013). of adult Lipaphis erysimi Kalt were significantly
522 Waghmare et al.: Insecticidal toxicity of some weeds Int. J. Ecol. Env. Sci.
Figure 1. Graph representing the percent corrected mortality by aques extracts of P. hysterophorus L. and
A. mexicana L as compared to Rogor and control by film smear method. Treatment T1 to T11 are as per
the list in Table 1
Figure 2. Graph representing the percent corrected mortality by aques extracts of P. hysterophorus L. and
A. mexicana L as compared to Rogor and control by leaf dip method. Treatment T1 to T11 are as per the
list in Table 1
49 (6): 519-524 Waghmare et al.: Insecticidal toxicity of some weeds 523
reduced by a petroleum ether extract of P. of Biodiversity, MES. Abasaheb Garware College
hysterophorus leaves (Sohal et al. 2002). Similarly, for providing the facilities of this research. Also to
its leaves extract shown effective lethality against Dr. Rahul Marathe, Entomologist, Founder and
L. erysimi (Chandel et al. 2012). The extract of P. Director of Mitrakida Biosolutions Pvt. Ltd. Pune
hysterophorus on mustard greatly decreased the for his invaluable guidance.
population of mustard aphids L. erysimi
(Bhattacharyya et al. 2007). None the less, Parthenin Authors’ contributions: All authors contributed
showed more effective toxicity against A. craccivora equally
(Eswara Reddy et al. 2018). A recent research (Baig
et al. 2022) found that a congress weed leaf extract Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict
significantly reduced aphids on potato leaves. The of interest.
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