Paper For Writing
Paper For Writing
Paper For Writing
Electrical Engineering
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper provides an application of the hybrid Grey Wolf Optimization and Particle Swarm
Received 2 June 2020 Optimization (GWO-PSO) method to reach a solution to the optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD)
Revised 6 July 2020 problem in the scope of electric power networks. PSO is a swarm based meta-heuristic optimization algo-
Accepted 11 July 2020
rithm whose target is to seek the best solution to a problem by moving particles in a specific exploration
Available online 6 August 2020
field. On the other hand, GWO is a meta-heuristic optimization technique which is inspired by grey
wolves. In this article, GWO is hybridized with a PSO method to improve the progress of the GWO.
There are two objectives minimized in this research study to improve the electric power network perfor-
Improvement of load buses voltage
mance. They are: 1) power losses in the transmission systems, and 2) the deviation of voltages at the load
Minimization of power losses buses. The problem of ORPD has many restrictions on the networks which must be considered during the
ORPD solution. The hybrid GWO-PSO is proven as an effective optimization technique when seeking the global
PSO best solution to an optimization problem. The success of the introduced hybrid technique is verified uti-
lizing more than one standard IEEE test system. A valuation to the introduced technique is performed by
comparing it with other optimization techniques stated through the literature. The simulation results
confirm that the usage of the hybrid GWO-PSO techniques causes an observable improvement in a wide
scale of the electric power networks behavior.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2090-4479/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
622 M.A.M. Shaheen et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 621–630
solution of the ORPD. Hybrid PSO and imperialist competitive algo- erator bus voltage, transformer tap settings, and shunt capacitor
rithms [4], wind driven optimization algorithm [5], genetic algo- output reactive powers [37]. Accordingly, the dependent variables
rithm [11], SFO [13,14], HFPSO [15], gravitational based search stated in (4) such as the active generated power at the slack bus,
optimizer [13,16], brain storm optimization algorithm (BSOA) reactive power outputs at the PV buses and voltages at the PQ
[17], TSA [18], Salp swarm optimization [19–21], Sine-Cosine algo- buses. The ORPD is explained in [34–40] as:
rithm [22], Coyote optimization algorithm [23], Seeker optimiza-
tion algorithm [24], bacteria foraging optimization (BFO) [25], 2.1. Objectives
cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) [26–28], Grasshopper optimization
algorithm [29], and firefly algorithm [30], are all examples of the There are two goals for the research. They are: 1) real power
recently used optimization techniques. Moreover in [31], the losses reduction in the network under study (case 1), and 2)
genetic algorithm (GA) is used to enhance the voltage stability. improving the voltage profile. A mathematical representation of
The dynamic PSO is also used to minimize the power losses in the first fitness function can be written as in (5):
[32]. Improved DEA method with the insertion of penalty factor X X
to reduce the power losses and to improve of voltage profiles at minPL ¼ Ploss
k ¼ Gk ðV2i þ V2j 2Vi Vj coshk Þ ð5Þ
k2Nl k2Nl
load buses is proposed in [33].
The hybrid GWO-PSO optimization technique is a newly devel- where, V i and V j are the magnitudes of the buses i and j voltages
oped technique which is introduced in [34]. It can handle both the respectively, Gk represents mutual conductance between bus i and
unconstrained as well as the constrained optimization problems. j,hk represents the difference in voltage angles between bus i and
This method targets the optimal solution by keeping the better bus j.
solutions and terminating the furthest ones. Meanwhile, the second fitness function targets the minimum
In this article, a novel technique known as hybrid GWO-PSO voltage deviation. So, the mathematical representation of the sec-
algorithm is inspected to optimize the control parameters stated ond fitness function (F2) is written as shown in (2):
in the problem of ORPD. The results of the fitness functions, their
convergence, and the control parameter selection are inspected. X
N Load
Despite the being of other optimization techniques, the hybrid min F2 ¼ VD ¼ jVi Vref j ð6Þ
GWO-PSO optimization one confirmed its simplicity, effectiveness,
and easiness as a tool to be used in the implementation and it also where, Vref is the defined reference for the voltage of the buses, and
showed competitive performance when comparing it with other NLoad represents the number of load buses in the tested network.
optimization techniques. So, this article focuses on finding the best
control parameters to reduce the active power losses of the system. 2.2. System limits
Also, the article introduces how to enhance the voltage profiles at
PQ buses using the aforementioned optimization method. This 2.2.1. The equality constraints
research is applied to more than one test system. These tests are To minimize the fitness function, there are equality constraints
done on various systems to prove the competence of the intro- to be considered. These constraints are stated as shown in (7) and
duced hybrid optimization method. Single objectives cases are (8):
considered in this study. XNB
Pgi Pdi Vi j¼1
Vj ðGk coshk þ Bk sinhk Þ ¼ 0 ð7Þ
2. Problem formulation
Q gi þ Q ci Q di Vi j¼1
Vj ðGk sinhk Bk coshk Þ ¼ 0; iNpq ð8Þ
The ORPD, in general representation, aims at optimizing a non-
linear fitness function while keeping many constraints of operation where, Bk represents the susceptance between bus i and bus j, P gi
within their specified maximum and minimum limits [35]. In a and Q gi represent the active and reactive generated powers at bus
Mathematical form, it can be written as shown in (1) and (2): i, P di , Q di are the real and reactive load at bus i;Q ci is the reactive
MinFðx; uÞ ð1Þ power of the VAR supply inserted at bus i, NB is the number of
buses. Npq is the number of the PQ buses.
Subjectto : gðx; uÞ ¼ 0;
ð2Þ 2.2.2. The inequality constraints
hðx; uÞ 0
The inequality constraints, also, must be kept within their limits
where, F represents the fitness function, u and x represents the and they are explained in (9)–(14):
decision parameters and the dependent variables.
The decision parameters are defined to be the generators’ volt- Vmin
i Vi Vmax
i ; iNB ð9Þ
ages, transformers’ tap settings, and the reactive power injected
m Tm Tm ; mNt
Tmin max
into the network by the shunt capacitors. The control parameters ð10Þ
can be stated as follows:
gi Q gi Q gi ; iNpv
Q min max
uT ¼ ½VG1 VGNGen ; Q C1 Q CNCom ; T1 TNTr ð3Þ
ci ; iNc
Also, the dependent variables can be stated as follows: Q min Q ci Q max ð12Þ
3. Proposed algorithms
Table 1
Fitness function solution of case
1 for the 14-bus system.
Table 2
Control variables of ORPD for the IEEE 14-bus system in Case 1.
Control variables V1 1.0534 1.0171 1.0599 1.008
V2 1.06 0.9909 1.0545 1.06
V3 0.94 0.952 1.06 0.9411
V6 0.9525 1.0099 1.0175 0.9941
V8 0.9561 1.0279 1.0517 1.0155
Q9 0.2009 5.2264 0.5153 0.2
Q14 6.7453 6.4784 6.0592 3.3283
T4-7 0.9972 0.998 1.0599 0.9972
T4-9 0.9623 0.9867 0.9 0.963
T5-6 0.9882 0.9788 0.9807 0.9882
hunting process is directed by alpha, beta, and delta. The omegas 3.2.4. Exploring a victim and attacking
should only take the same steps and obey the wolves of higher ‘A’ is a value between [2a, 2a]. If |A| < 1, the wolves attack their
priorities. victim. Attacking the victim is the exploitation skill and finding a
victim is the exploration skill. The haphazard values of ‘A’ guide
3.2.2. Surrounding the victim: the population to go away from the victim. If |A| > 1, the wolves
The grey wolves encircle the victim while hunting. The sur- diverge from their victim.
rounding strategy, is mathematically represented as in (15) and
(16): 3.3. Elementary procedures of the hybrid GWO-PSO technique
! ! ! ! Initialization of the search agents and defining the solution area.
D ¼ C : X P ðtÞ X ðt Þ ð15Þ
Run the GWO technique.
! ! !! Generation of the lowest values for all agents.
X ðt þ 1Þ ¼ X P ðt Þ A : D ð16Þ Pass these agents to the PSO technique as initial points.
! ! ! Return the modified positions back to the GWO.
where A and C represent coefficient vectors. X P is the location of Repeat these steps until the stopping criteria is reached.
the victim. X is the location of the wolf and ‘t’ indicates the current
! ! The flowchart of the introduced optimization technique is
iteration. The determination of the vectors A and C can be
expressed as in (17) and (18): shown in Fig. 1.
Table 4
Control variables of ORPD for the IEEE 14-bus system in Case 2.
Control variables V1 1.06 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.06
V2 0.982 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.027
V3 1.0331 1.06 0.94 0.94 1.06
V6 1.0167 0.94 0.94 1.06 0.94
V8 1.0225 1.06 0.94 1.06 1.0098
Q9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Q14 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
T4-7 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
T4-9 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
T5-6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
systems. The main target from selecting these test systems is the
investigation of the ability of the introduced hybrid GWO-PSO
optimization technique to compete other existing optimization
techniques when dealing with the ORPD. The research study begins
with the standard IEEE 14-bus test system. It includes five PV
buses, eleven loads, twenty transmission lines, three tap changers,
and two inserted VAR sources which are shunt capacitors. Regard-
ing the next tested system, it is the IEEE 30- bus standard test sys-
tem. It includes six PV buses, twenty-one loads, forty-one
transmission lines, four tap changers, and three shunt capacitors.
Meanwhile the last standard system tested during this study is
the IEEE 118-bus test system. It includes fifty-four PV buses,
ninety-nine loads, one hundred eighty-six transmission lines, nine
tap changers, and finally, fourteen shunt capacitors. The introduced
hybrid GWO-PSO optimization technique is tested on the above
mentioned test networks for understanding the ORPD Problem.
Every test system is investigated from two aspects, named here
as case1 and case 2. The first case is to minimize reactive power
loss, and the second one is to minimize the voltage deviation. Pen-
alty functions are added with highly valued integers as penalty fac- Fig. 4. Convergence curves for Case 2 of IEEE 14-bus test system.
Table 5
Fitness function solution of
case 1 for the 30-bus system.
Table 6
Control variables of ORPD of the IEEE 30-bus system in Case 1.
Control variables V1 0.9615 0.9983 0.986 1.0228 0.94
V2 1.0020 0.9798 0.94 1.0181 1.06
V5 0.9437 0.9887 0.94 0.9859 1.06
V8 0.9623 1.0199 0.9649 0.9858 0.9873
V11 0.9476 0.9801 0.94 0.9859 1.06
V13 1.0464 1.0038 0.94 0.9815 0.9904
Q10 0.4032 2.7144 4.7898 2.0124 0
Q12 5.8091 12.2275 0 6.1953 0
Q15 3.4241 2.8415 2.7553 3.4021 2.5088
Q17 2.7263 2.0519 0 1.6718 3.0836
Q20 0.1675 3.0805 0.2897 2.4060 2.0175
Q21 7.2091 3.7349 4.4506 4.0786 0
Q23 3.4740 0.5728 2.7215 2.9779 1.3776
Q24 1.1119 5.9756 0 1.0617 0
Q29 1.5752 1.0771 1.4104 3.1220 1.1811
T11 0.9746 0.9916 0.9526 0.9996 0.9762
T12 1.0105 0.9939 1.0723 0.9715 0.9888
T15 0.9776 0.9961 1.0017 0.9794 0.9693
T36 0.9392 0.9396 0.9504 0.9477 0.9399
Table 7
Fitness function solution of
the IEEE 14-bus test system is efficient and competitive. The
case 2 for the 30-bus system. value of power losses in case 1 besides the value of voltage devi-
ation obtained by the GWO-PSO optimization technique are the
Method VD (p.u)
best through all over the other studied methods.
PSOGWO 0.27800
PSO 0.2816
GA 0.3732
SFO 0.3983 4.2.2. Results of the IEEE 30-Bus System:
GSA 0.4672 The 30-bus system includes six generators, forty-one branches,
four load tap changing transformers, and nine shunt capacitors.
This data of the test system can be found in [48]. At 100 MVA base,
the active power demand is 2.834p.u [51]. In this test system, there
are nineteen control variables. They are: generating units’ voltages
summarized in Tables 3 and 4. This comparative illustration of at buses 1, 2, 5, 8, 11 and 13; transformers between the buses 6–9,
the results assures that the hybrid GWO-PSO can get the best 6–10, 4–12, and 28–27; in addition to the reactive power from the
solution for the objectives to be optimized. The convergence shunt connected capacitors at buses 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24
curves of the introduced technique and the PSO algorithm for and 29. Table 5 summarizes the values of the fitness function for
case 1 and case 2 through 2000 iterations applied to the 14- the IEEE 30-bus system in case 1 using the hybrid GWO-PSO opti-
bus system are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. It can be observed that mization technique compared with other optimization techniques.
the performance of the introduced technique when applied to Also, Table 6 obtains the values of the adjusted control variables of
Table 8
Control variables of ORPD of the IEEE 30-bus system in Case 2.
Control variables V1 1.0379 1.0131 0.94 1.06
V2 1.0167 1.0117 1.06 0.94
V5 1.0577 0.9932 1.06 0.9948
V8 0.9675 0.94 1.06 1.0443
V11 1.0324 0.9876 0.9784 0.9415
V13 0.9936 0.94 0.9557 1.06
Q10 1.7404 0 0 0
Q12 0.4043 0 7.3591 0
Q15 1.3995 0 6 0
Q17 1.3873 2.7875 0 0
Q20 1.3738 2.3701 1.1450 0
Q21 1.7700 10 0 0
Q23 3.4364 2.4401 0.8939 0
Q24 0.7805 0 0 0
Q29 2.9774 6 3.7102 1.5779
T11 1.0093 1.0084 1.0509 1.1
T12 1.1 1.1 0.9553 0.9
T15 1.0999 1.0422 1.1 1.1
T36 0.9900 1.0211 1.0029 0.9893
M.A.M. Shaheen et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 621–630 627
method VD (p.u) This article has introduced a novel application of the hybrid
PSOGWO 1.26654835 GWO-PSO optimization method to solve the ORPD problem in
PSO 1.2738 the field of electric power networks. The introduced optimiza-
HHO 1.3592
tion method is applied to three standard test networks. They
are IEEE 14-, 30-, and 118-bus test networks. The fitness of
the introduced optimization method is verified in case of mini-
the 30-bus system in the first case when tuned by the hybrid mization of the real power loss and the voltage level. A compar-
GWO-PSO. These adjusted control variables are compared with ison between the GWO-PSO and other famous optimization
those obtained by other ones stated in literature such as FA, algorithms is also included in this article. The application of
628 M.A.M. Shaheen et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 621–630
Table 11
Control variables of ORPD of the IEEE 118-bus system in Case 1.
Method Method
Control variables V1 0.9735 0.94 1.06 V87 1.0583 0.94 0.9642
V4 0.9697 0.94 0.94 V89 0.9594 0.94 1.0026
V6 0.9584 0.94 0.9514 V90 1.0181 0.94 0.9905
V8 0.9817 0.94 0.9820 V91 0.94 0.94 1.0015
V10 1.0412 0.94 0.9522 V92 1.0203 0.94 1.06
V12 0.9539 0.94 1.0564 V99 0.9575 0.94 0.9938
V15 0.9491 0.94 0.9560 V100 1.0336 0.94 1.0264
V18 1.0030 0.94 0.94 V103 1.06 0.94 0.94
V19 1.0109 0.94 0.94 V104 1.0246 0.94 1.06
V24 0.9408 0.94 0.94 V105 0.9754 0.94 1.06
V25 1.0252 0.94 0.9884 V107 0.94 0.94 1.0086
V26 1.0168 0.94 0.9930 V110 0.9441 0.94 0.9914
V27 1.06 0.94 0.9670 V111 0.9896 0.94 0.9430
V31 0.9472 0.94 0.94 V112 1.0313 0.94 0.9741
V32 0.9573 0.94 1.0030 V113 0.94 0.94 0.9615
V34 1.0431 0.94 0.94 V116 0.9941 0.94 0.94
V36 0.94 0.94 1.0078 QC5 0.5050 0.9986 20
V40 0.9899 0.94 0.9739 QC34 18.6293 1.0144 9.4939
V42 0.9414 0.94 0.9450 QC37 19.5920 1.0061 20
V46 1.0071 0.94 1.0392 QC44 11.8643 1.0152 9.0616
V49 1.0521 0.94 0.9806 QC45 19.9199 0.9995 20
V54 0.9690 0.94 1.06 QC46 0.8703 1.0148 19.9984
V55 0.9609 0.94 0.9736 QC48 2.0485 1.0083 3.2423
V56 0.9503 0.94 0.9715 QC74 4.3115 0.9945 17.1856
V59 0.9675 0.94 1.0600 QC79 5.5856 1.0017 3.9148
V61 0.94 0.94 0.9482 QC82 6.8463 0.9931 19.9982
V62 0.9492 0.94 1.06 QC83 0.6722 1.0020 20
V65 1.06 0.94 0.9953 QC105 8.7964 1.0153 18.9893
V66 0.9664 0.94 0.94 QC107 8.7415 1.0141 20
V69 0.9763 0.94 1.0330 QC110 10.5917 1.0010 20
V70 1.0310 0.94 0.9952 T8 0.9952 0.9 1.0059
V72 0.9469 0.94 0.9498 T32 1.1 0.9 1.1
V73 0.9401 0.94 0.94 T36 1.0100 0.9 1.0110
V74 1.0311 0.94 0.94 T51 1.0056 0.9 1.0110
V76 0.9436 0.94 0.94 T93 1.0004 0.9 1.0001
V77 0.9825 0.94 0.9935 T95 1.0153 0.9 1.0155
V80 0.9489 0.94 0.94 T102 1.0003 0.9 1.1
V85 1.0364 0.94 0.9887 T107 0.9212 0.9 0.9243
T127 0.9593 0.9 0.9589
Table 12
control variables of ORPD of IEEE 118-bus system in Case 2.
Method Method
Control variables V1 0.9400 0.94 0.9658 V87 1.0562 0.94 1.0594
V4 0.9514 0.94 0.9875 V89 1.0273 0.94 0.9476
V6 0.9526 0.94 1.0490 V90 1.0527 0.94 1.0533
V8 1.0575 0.94 1.0592 V91 1.06 0.94 0.9400
V10 0.9830 0.94 1.0084 V92 1.0599 0.94 0.9704
V12 1.0166 0.94 1.0336 V99 0.9770 0.94 0.9818
V15 0.9580 0.94 0.9730 V100 0.9400 0.94 0.9811
V18 0.9400 0.94 1.0159 V103 1.01611 0.94 0.9611
V19 0.9776 0.94 1.0024 V104 0.9594 0.94 1.0403
V24 1.0458 0.94 1.0092 V105 0.9400 0.94 0.9713
V25 0.9400 0.94 1.0549 V107 1.01358 0.94 1.0599
V26 1.0589 0.94 0.9400 V110 1.0600 0.94 0.9983
V27 0.96975 0.94 0.9924 V111 1.0112 0.94 0.9806
V31 0.9412 0.94 0.953 V112 1.0175 0.94 1.0008
V32 0.9993 0.94 1.0600 V113 1.02404 0.94 1.0379
V34 0.9444 0.94 1.0323 V116 0.9817 0.94 0.9903
V36 1.04346 0.94 0.9965 QC5 14.4362 4.1622 20
V40 0.9580 0.94 0.9726 QC34 1.0805 1.9006 2.6951
V42 1.0386 0.94 1.0600 QC37 19.9290 1.3771 5.0154
V46 1.0600 0.94 1.0236 QC44 5.8244 0.8092 3.2958
V49 0.9877 0.94 0.9578 QC45 15.0217 1.7274 6.9563
V54 1.0600 0.94 1.0229 QC46 6.8349 0.9128 17.9187
V55 0.9400 0.94 0.9924 QC48 19.9776 2.5031 19.7170
V56 1.0600 0.94 0.9400 QC74 13.4657 0.7128 17.9834
V59 0.9400 0.94 1.0306 QC79 19.6471 4.7328 13.9687
V61 0.96494 0.94 1.0508 QC82 0.1907 0.9426 8.1431
V62 1.0600 0.94 0.9812 QC83 18.8268 1.0836 0.5242
V65 0.94241 0.94 1.0417 QC105 16.6707 0.9987 5.1734
V66 0.9624 0.94 0.981 QC107 17.5799 0.9977 18.2017
V69 0.9507 0.94 1.0552 QC110 19.8260 1.0799 5.8121
V70 1.0600 0.94 1.0199 T8 0.9959 0.9 0.9840
V72 1.0579 0.94 0.9939 T32 1.1 0.9 1.0284
V73 0.9467 0.94 0.9863 T36 0.9739 0.9 0.9738
V74 1.0509 0.94 0.9731 T51 1.0028 0.9 1.0037
V76 1.0188 0.94 1.0083 T93 1.0166 0.9 1.0187
V77 1.0182 0.94 1.0477 T95 0.9998 0.9 0.9956
V80 0.9405 0.94 0.9905 T102 1.1000 0.9 1.039
V85 1.0600 0.94 1.0011 T107 0.9004 0.9 1.0998
T127 0.9463 0.9 0.9259
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